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2017-11-23, 03:26 PM
A Second Chance

This is the IC thread of A Second Chance.
You can find the OOC Thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?542523-OOC-A-Second-Chance)

All you know is darkness. Darkness and cold. It surrounds you, it envelopes you. It is you. Past, present future, all doesn't matter, all is one. There is no love nor hate, emotions and feelings don't exist.

A voice. You hear a voice. It forms a strange melody and even stranger words. Like a claw it grabs a part of you and rips it out.
For a brief moment it stutters. This gives you the opportunity to hold onto the voice. To follow it. It leads you out of the darkness into the light. Yet the cold still remains. Then the feelings start to flush over you like a flood. Love and hate, joy and pain, all at once. All feels a little dull and distant, but it feels good to feel again.
You start to be yourself once more. Only the memories of your time before the darkness are still missing.
The light gets bright, very bright. Your eyes hurt. Slowly, very slowly they adjust themselves.

You are laying in a room. It seems to be a cellar of some sort, the walls are made of large stone bricks and the ceiling is made of some rough looking wood. The interiour is a weird looking collection of morbid things. Skulls and black candles are all over the place, from the ceiling hangs a large chandelier made from human skulls. In one corner is a table next to a chest. On the table is a mess of old rags and rusty weapons. A set of stairs lead to a trapdoor above. The floor is covered in magic symbols, circles and eyes.

In front of you stands a young man, dressed in expensive black robes with silver clasps and buttons. He wears a necklace with a large silver skull and holds an old tome in his hands. A tiny rat sits on his shoulder. He has stopped chanting and looks at you.

Next to you are four skeletons lying on the floor. Each of them has its left eye socked filled with a ball of onyx, the other one has a tiny dot of green light in it. Just like you do.

The man in front of you starts to cheer when when he sees you move. "We have done it Sir Rendoman, we have done it!", he says to his rat. He then coughs and puts on a straigh face.
"Rise my minions! We have things to do! Hear my first command: Stand up!
And then go to the table and dress and arm yourself!"
He then turns around and points at the table. He clearly doesn't seem to realize that you are not mindless.

2017-11-24, 12:26 AM
A human set of bones does rise up. Confusion fills its mind, but without a brain where do those thoughts come from? It looks around the room without proper eyeballs in its sockets. The room seems to bounce uncontrollably at first between full color to black and white. Magic symbols on the floor, what are they? Weapons are mentioned. Yes, being able to protect itself is a good idea. It goes to the table. Short of there being a spear laying up against the wall it takes a couple of rusty daggers. It then pretends to study the daggers but has turned in a way to face the room and is actually studying the situation.

2017-11-24, 02:48 AM
Another skeleton rises. This one does not move to the table immediately. It clacks its jaw. Why was the stupid young man giving it commands? It... it did not feel right, it was not an it but it could not yet say what it was. What it had been. Certainly not a minion. So it stood and studied the young man, until it decided that its questions might be answered more quickly if it had a weapon in hand. It studies the weapons on the table, looking for one it might prefer.

2017-11-24, 05:41 AM
Another skeleton rises to a sitting posture, its empty socket traces along the wall until they fall upon the man... Speaking to his rat. He attempted to show a look of disdain, not yet realizing his state made the attempt a futile one. He would look to one side, a slight twitch running through his skeletal form as his gaze fell upon one of the other skeletons? "Undead? Where am I?" Still, they showed no immediate hostility, perhaps they were under the control of the wizard. At least he assumed the man was a wizard, probably a mentally unstable one at that.

He would plant one of his bony hands upon the ground, and pushed himself up. In doing so realized that felt... wrong. The hand he had used to push himself up would raise up in front of him, only for he skeleton to suddenly freeze in place as its "eyes" caught the first glimpse of the limb. After a moment of shock, the other his other hand, a right hand with the bones from the fingertips all the way to the wrist stained a deep black. His gaze would shift from one hand to the other. What is this?

2017-11-24, 06:06 AM
Images. Hazy and indistinct. Sun. Sand. Blood. Fragmenting and spinning away well before they could be focused on. Fading into darkness

But then, something bright. Something burning. Something to focus on. If there was focus, there was SELF.

And something was calling it.

It opened its eyes.

That wasn't right, was it? It had no eyes. It? No, it had a self. He. Yes, it was a he once.


He was indifferent. Why not? Standing was as good as lying there. At least it was something. Yes, there was a world around him. Distance. Objects. Sound. Color.


He remembered that, it only in fragments. Motion and fluidity. Jerkily he rose to his feet, rattling towards the table. There-- twin short swords, faintly curved. And old bow. Fingers twitch over them, rattling on the wood.

He focused on that. That made things far more clear. Fingers shouldn't look like that. Ah, he must be dead. But where was the fire, surely hell could not be so... small and tawdry?

Baby Gary
2017-11-24, 08:28 AM
The last skeleton slowly rises to its feet in a shaky way. He was not used to being... well a skeleton. He did not being given orders, for in his previous live he remembered being free, with no obligations or bonds. However he also knew that he shouldn't just ignore the order, until he was more powerful. There was a possibility that this person would destroy him if he did not listen.

He walked over to the table, and looked at the extensive pile of weapons and armor. Looking through he remembered that before death he liked leather armor, more specifically the one reinforced with studs. For a weapon he chose a scimitar, one of the weapons that he had trained with.

After getting himself armed he turned to the man that had brought him to life. I have one question for you, are you a wizard or some sort of arcane spell caster, or a cleric or some wort of divine caster?

2017-11-24, 10:19 AM
In the mess of weapons and cloathing you find a few daggers, two twin shortswords, a short bow and a scimitar.
There are others laying around, two light crossbows and a couple of bolts, a morningstar, a battle axe, a sickle and a warhammer. Against the wall leans a scythe. The only other two handed weapons you can spot are two crossed halberds behind a heavy shield that's been used as decoration.
The weapons all look very old, rusty and tarnished.

The bundle of cloathing you see is mostly made of black robes and cloaks with large hoods, but you manage to find some leather and studded leather, as well as a hide armor. Almost hidden underneath the hide you spot some scales. They are old and very rusty, almost falling appart. The hide and the leather look very old aswell, tarnished and with parts where patches are missing. But they will do the job.

After getting himself armed he turned to the man that had brought him to life. I have one question for you, are you a wizard or some sort of arcane spell caster, or a cleric or some wort of divine caster?
Your voice sounds like the lid of a coffin being shut, you havn't spoken in a very long time.
The man looks at you in shock, his eyes wide open. He then emits a high pitched scream and jumps back. Then he starts to chuckle nervously. "You almost got me there Sir Rendoman, I know that Skeletons can't speak." The Rat squeeks and hides in his collar.
He then turns arround, not without giving you a last nervous look.
"So now dress my minions, and hide your face underneath a hood, so noone shall see your face and see that you are no living men." he says with a shaky voice. He calms himself quickliy.
"And hurry, we have work do and not much time"

2017-11-24, 11:15 AM
The skeleton shakes it's head. Stupid and delusional. She would have to...! She, that was it. And with it, the realization that few of the weapons were suited to her. Robes, yes, but weapon and armor? A dagger, a crossbow, the morningstar if none of the other skeletons picked it up... Of course, she couldn't be sure they were all intelligent. One had spoken, with the voice of a man. If she could distinguish him, he would be the one she stayed near for now.

2017-11-24, 12:00 PM
Delusion. that is what he heard in those words. One of the skeletons had spoken, that should be impossible. THIS should be impossible. A sense of panic was welling within him, a yearning for answers to... A lot. But he kept it in check, for now. Instead slowly dragging over to the table. Among them, his skeletal phalangeshands would pick up a dagger, as well as the morningstar, also pulling on one of the suits of studded leather. His blackened right hand would grasp the crossbow, hollow sockets staring intently, before relinquishing grasp of it. Finally he would don the robes on top of this, best to just play along for now.

2017-11-24, 12:14 PM
"Good my minions, very good indeed! You have a task waiting for you!
Tonight is the perfect night.
You shall go to the laboratory of my arch-rival and destroy everything inside! But do not kill him if you see him. No no, Not yet. But I think he will be occupied with other things anyway ahahaha!
You know your task Sir Rendoman? Show them the way.
Minions! Follow the Rat and destroy all that's in the Laboratory!
No one will know it was me ahahaha!"
He laughs manically, but it sounds a little fake.

The Rat squeeks eagerly and hushes towards the trapdoor.

2017-11-24, 12:55 PM
Assess. Plan. Execute. Never catch them when they are on their guard...

The sorcerer thought them mindless. At least some of the others were not. But best to keep that silent for now. Not to let the sorcerer know.

Where had that come from? More fragments. His hands acted with practiced ease, outside his focus. A layer of black robes, then some rusted chain shirt.. then bindings to catch the slack, to hide its rasp and rustle. Another robe over that. Some tested movements. There, as close to silent as he could.

Boots. Something to hid the rattle of bone on stone. He started tearing some of the tattered robes into strips, wrapping his bones. When it's enough to muffle his movements he stops and stands silent and unmoving, awaiting orders. When they come he silently drifts after the rat.

Given that there's scale in there, would I be right in assuming a chain shirt is a safe bet?

2017-11-24, 02:08 PM
As you are looking through the mess of cloth you find some interlocked metal rings.
You pull a chain shirt out of the pile, together with a cloud of rust. It is badly corroded and many rings are missing. This thing hasn't seen oil in a very long time, but it will do its job.

2017-11-24, 04:04 PM
he would pause for a a moment, the most minute glimmer of azure momentarily lighting within the shadows of his eye sockets. He would swept his gaze briefly across the room. "Interesting."Still, best keep up this charade. the caster might be delusional, if not outright insane, but could very well hold considerable might.

Clutching the morningstar tighter in his cold, dead grip, the skeleton slowly took steps to follow the rodent.

2017-11-24, 04:35 PM
She follows the rat, almost letting out a sigh (how does one sigh as a skeleton?) at the laughter of their summoner. Perhaps his rival was better suited to answering questions and wouldn't be so... annoying. The robes and boots on, with a dagger strapped to her waist and the crossbow and its bolts readied, she made her way after the rodent, being sure to keep near the skeleton who had spoken earlier.

Baby Gary
2017-11-24, 05:21 PM
With determination one of the skeletons put on one of the pairs of the studded leather armor, and one of the scimitars at his belt. Finding a cloak with a deep cowl and a pair of old, but still whole, boots. When he had finished getting equipped he turned to the man commanding him I asked you once already, you did not answer. Are you an arcane spell caster or not. This information is vital for knowing what will happen in this... attempted sabotage.

2017-11-24, 07:00 PM
The skeleton that had rose first turned back to the table to better equip from the table now that there was no immediate threat. He took the other crossbow and some bolts to the side for himself the went to the clothing pile. He was lucky to find another metal pile of rings that would give some protection. A chain shirt over a bare skeleton made a strange non-fit but apparently there wasn't much time. Comfort not being an issue the skeleton then grabbed and donned a black cloak with hood. All that clothing was one thing, but putting rotten and rat-chewed boots on skeleton feet with skeleton fingers was another level. He needed to stay focused on the moment to make sure there was time later to figure out what was going on. While working on the boots he realized he knew about skeletons being animated, but that he and the others were thinking and acting on their own was beyond what he had learned, somewhere. That this living human had animated several skeletons meant he had some significant skill with magic.

Picking the crossbow back up he tried prepping it. The rusty parts made it tough but he finally broke through the rust. The daggers went into the cloak's pockets.

Clothed and armed, he turned his gaze to each other skeleton in turn. Without skin or eyebrows there was no emotion to read. Finally ready to go the departure is interrupted by the skeleton with the scimitar. This would be interesting, and the time to start figuring out what was going on and who the living one was.

2017-11-25, 02:20 AM
I asked you once already, you did not answer. Are you an arcane spell caster or not. This information is vital for knowing what will happen in this... attempted sabotage.

The man stares at you blankly. After a few seconds of just stairing he says "The skeleton speaks, the skeleton really speaks. How is that possible, they don't have lungs! They don't have brains!"
He then gives you a nervous look
"I... I am no priest of some sorts, I am... more of an Arcanist."
He tries to calm himself.
"Now go and do my bidding"
He starts to flick through the tomb in his hands to find some kind of answer to the mistery, mumbling things under his breath.

The Rat squeeks eagerly and points towards the door with it's nose.

2017-11-25, 04:07 PM
The skeleton followed the lead of the rat, before pausing, bare phalanges grinding against the worm-chewed handle of the morninstar, before taking a few steps of it previous path to lean over and yank free the shield that had been serving as decoration, knocking over the halberds in the process. It felt strange, heavy. With no flesh upon his bones, his body felt lighter, his center of balance shifted that much more easily by the weight of the shield. This would take getting used to.

was it a heavy steel shield?

2017-11-26, 03:17 PM
You yank the shield free, feeling the cold and heavy steel against your cold bones. It's a weird feeling.
Once there was a decal or something alike painted on the shield, but the colors have faded and you are not able to recognize what it once was.

The Rat is waiting in front of the trapdoor, waiting for someone to open it.

Baby Gary
2017-11-26, 03:35 PM
Hmm... Interesting the skeleton replied to the necromancer. Very Interesting

He then turned and walked towards the trapdoor that the rat was by, but made no attempt to open it.

2017-11-26, 04:20 PM
When the arcanist buries his head into the tome, the dagger and crossbow skeleton shakes his head in disbelief then heads up the stairs. As he passes the rat he flicks the rat at the wall with his foot. Without looking back he pushes the trapdoor open and climbs through. Covered from head to toe he studies the new surroundings while waiting on the rat to catch up.

2017-11-27, 12:05 AM
When you open the door, as if you flicked a switch, sound from outside washes over you.
You can hear the sound of seagulls screeching and waves washing on the shore. And then shouting and screaming. There must be a battle going on somewhere.
As you step through the door, you realize that you are standing in a back ally of a larger city. The air smells of salt, smoke and too many humans living in tight space. The wind is cold and the sun has just set.
The ally comes to a dead end on your left hand side and leads onward to your right. The sound of battle must be coming from somewhere behind you, but there are buildings in the way, so you can not see from where.

The rat comes through the door limping, trying to avoid your feet as good as it can. Once it is outside it looks at you angry, or at least you think so, holding one of its tiny paws close to its body. Then it moves a few feet to the right and seems to be waiting for the others.

2017-11-29, 12:48 PM
The skeleton who decided to stay near the speaking skeleton, now in robes and with a crossbow in hand, decides to follow the rat outside. She pauses at the sight and sounds of battle. Strange. Is it wise to pursue a petty rivalry in the middle of a battle?

2017-11-29, 01:24 PM
As you walk outside you notice a small booklet, bound in uninteresting looking brown leather, laying on a shelf next to the stairs.

2017-11-29, 01:26 PM
She picks up the tome and flits through a few pages. Perhaps it was their summoner's journal. It could provide insight on what was happening

2017-11-29, 01:44 PM
It is empty, except for the first page.
It contains a few words and a drawing of a movement, written in dark ink. The whole page is covered with side notes and scribbles on how to correctly pronounce the words and how to concentrate. Much of it is incomprehensible but you are sure it must be a spell of some sorts, written by a Person trying to learn it but who had clearly no Idea of the practical use of magic.
It contains the 0 level spell mage hand

2017-11-29, 01:57 PM
Away from the wizard but aware the rat may be able to communicate at some level to its master, the rat-abusing skeleton finally speaks after a small cough to test his voice. . "A distraction makes the perfect time. Since he isn't coming along, did he assume this is a one way trip for some mindless undead? With who the target is there are probably magical protections, but also items of note for us to keep instead of destroying. The sooner we get there the more time we have before the battle ends. What is in the book?"

2017-11-29, 02:00 PM
The skeleton closes the book, but keeps it close. A spellbook would prove useful and holding it felt natural. A novice spell for moving small objects. The writing is amateur, but there can be no mistake.

2017-11-29, 02:41 PM
Taking a moment to secure to strap of the shield as far as it would go, it still rattled slightly against the bones of his forearm. It would have to do. The skeletal creature would follow up the trapdoor both the rat and the other skeletons. Somethign had seemed off about them, but he found himself still surprised when they spoke as well. He would humm for a bit. OR try to at least, wht cam out was more of a coarse noise, like a pair of granite slabs being rubbed together. "I suppose I might as well drop the charade." He would speak, pulling up his hood slightly so as to see a little better. "It sounds as though a battle of some size is going on. Perhaps our arcanist "friend" is using the ensuing chaos to eliminate a competitor. What a fool." There was a certain air of class to the voice, of which it was mostly robbed by the slight hollow echo it carried.

Baby Gary
2017-11-29, 06:00 PM
After letting the others go out before him the last skeleton stood right in front of the trap door. He looked over his shoulder and the necromancer and smiled. This was no regular smile, this was one of those ones that imply something bad, or some fiendish trick is going to happen. Then he turned away and finished walking up the steps.

When he entered into the room he looked around. Finally! I can smell the sea, feel the warm summer air, see bird flying above, and know nature is still with me. So what have you guys found? the Skeleton asks his comrades. And most importantly what are we going to do?

2017-11-30, 11:14 PM
Look at yourself. I wouldn't say nature was still with you. Let's see where this rat takes us. Could be beneficial for all of us. None of us are mindless like he expected, or as I would expect assuming I'm correct on what spell he tried casting on us. Regardless of his lack of knowledge he is still our best source of information for now. He expected five mindless skeletons to create destruction. We should be handle to handle that easily and come out ahead. Do any of you have memories of what you were or can do now? I feel the power of a variety of spells at my command.

Baby Gary
2017-12-01, 12:22 AM
I'm sorry, where have my manners gone. I am Wyn, the former protecter of nature and some what of a vigilantly. I can remember some things alright. I remember living in a lush grove deep in the forest, surrounded by nature and peace. I lived a joyous live, living with nature and defending it on some few occasions. But then one day... I don't want to talk about it... its hurts too much... lets just say thats when I started to hate wizards.

2017-12-01, 01:24 AM
She shrugs My memories are vague. I am a woman. And the sigils and magic writing are all familiar to me... but the only clear image I have before we were raised isn't useful. I agree, though. This necromancer could provide useful information. I suppose we should introduce ourselves, but I have no memory of my name.

2017-12-01, 01:56 AM
That answered on question. The others were also sapient. No point to continuing this charade.

'Then I see little point to continuing this farce... we are all manifestly self aware, and since I feel no particular compulsion to act, I assume we have our own wills as well,' the silent figure speaks for the first time, his voice soft and accented. 'And our reason. Here's one-- we obey the sorcerer because we fear his power over us. Yet if he were so potent, why not deal with his rival himself? Does he fear this rival? Is the rival more powerful? Do we head now towards our own destruction? I remember little outside of the howling darkness, but I have no desire to return to it.'

He pauses. 'As to who I am? I think I was called Rashid once. But what meaning that has is long lost on me.'

As they progress, Rashid makes an effort to slip into the background and be as unnoticeable as possible by anyone who might be in the streets, keeping to the shadow of walls and allowing the city detritus and clutter to break lines of sight.

[roll0] hide, add whatever the bonus for having concealment is (child of shadows stance)

2017-12-01, 04:29 AM
Your skeleton "eyes" (one of which was a ball of onyx and the other a dot of green light you remember) could pierce the shadows nearly as easily as light, yet the skeleton named Rashid seemed to almost disappear. He was blurry, as if the shadows were clinging on him like a cloak.

The rat limped onward down the alley, ever so often it stopped to sniff the air.
You could hear now less shouting and fighting, but the screams of the wounded still filled the air.

2017-12-01, 07:38 AM
So they all were like this. Remarkable. "We'd best tread lightly in trying to gauge the potency of might this arcanist holds. He managed to create not one but four skeletons who retain individuality and sentience, even if most likely by accident." He would speak, before pausing for a brief period. He would switch the morningstar in his hand over to his other, raising his now freed hand, the one stained black, so he might look at it. "My memories are... Fleeting. Who I am, or rather, who I was, I feel as though I understand it, yet the details lie just beyond my grasp." The hand would clench into a bony fist, his jaw grinding slightly. "Yet I recall two things. A name, or at least part of one. J-J-Ja?" He continued, trying the word in his mouth, trying hard to recall it. "Jack... I believe it was Jack... And the other thing..." He would trail off, before opening his palm, minute wisps of blue light floating around his hand. "Is this."

2017-12-01, 10:27 AM
Treading lightly with our maker is smart. The spell he used for us holds more spell power than I can summon yet. But treading quickly here is also smart- sounds like the battle is dying or moving elsewhere. The fewer we come across out here the better. We have our own wills but I feel this raid could be useful for us. He walks behind the rat, encouraging it to hurry its little feet.

What is that blue light, holy power? Mine is a darker source. His hand radiates a sickly brown briefly. He comes to a mental thought and conclusion. Interesting, this may be more useful than initial thought. Wyn, Rashid, Jack... call me Zoran.

2017-12-02, 02:55 AM
You follow the rat into the alley.
It moves swiftly from one shadow to another. Sometimes it changes directions at crossroads or moves around corners, allways staying in dark alleys.
The streets are all empty, as most the people are hiding in their homes.
After while the shouting starts again, but no sound of battle.
The rat suddenly stops in front of a crossroad, letting a group of eight or so armored guards pass, bevore cautiously proceeding onwards.
What little you can see of the city, mostly large, dirty and old wooden buildings, slowly starts to change, as you move towards a richer part. The buildings are still large and wooden, but there are less dark alleys and dirt now and more open spaces.
Eventually, the rodent stops in frot of an unremarkable door on the backside of a smaller building.

2017-12-02, 02:11 PM
"Indeed, I cannot imagine the citizens would think well of skeletons, intelligent or not." He replied, pausing to close his hand, the motes of light vanishing. "I wish I could speak of the source, but I cannot recall. All I can say is that it seems to from within but also from without. Yet I cannot seem to draw upon it with this noise, I might need some time."

That said, Jack would follow with the rat, honestly surpised that they did not get caught. The fact that the presence of general filth decreased as they went did not escape his notice, but for now, he said nothing. Finally, they stood before a door. Was this is it? "Well that was... Anti-climactic." He noted in a dry tone... Well, as dry a tone as he could achieve with his unnatural voice.

2017-12-04, 09:42 AM
Rashid, you are quite stealthy. Do your skills include locks and traps?

2017-12-05, 01:00 AM
'I was trained in the art of the Hashshashin, not the common thief. Perhaps those would have served me better,' the hooded figure says. 'I suppose burning it down fulfills the contract?'

2017-12-05, 01:21 AM
She lets out a sound like a sigh and rolls her neck. The bones make an unnerving snapping sound and she raises a hand. Let us see if it is even locked She summons up the power she feels within, that which rose in her when she recognized the spellbook.

Using Unseen Servant from Night Haunt feat and sending it to try to open the door.

2017-12-05, 02:33 AM
The door handle moves down on its own, but but the door doesn't open. It seems to be locked.

From the shadows you notice a large stray dog watching you.

Baby Gary
2017-12-05, 03:04 AM
Ok time to show you what I am really about. You guys have your things, get into the building. I can handle this dog. Wyn says to his friends. He approches the dog, stops about 30ft away from it, and starts talking. Some of what he is saying is in the common tongue, some more is in a speech that sounds similar to elvish, an educated person would know this as sylvan, and finally the last bit is in a tongue that no one had any idea what it was. It sounded oddly connected to nature, the chirps of the birds in the trees, the splash of the water in the river, the whitening of the wind in the trees...

Wild Empathy, can I get a buff on this for my awesome fluff? lol

2017-12-05, 03:32 AM
The dog first moves away from you, deeper into the the shadows. Its fur is the the darkest shade of brown, so it seems to almost disappear in the darkness. But then it stops when it hears your voice and looks at you.
It sure has seen some rough days. There are spots of fur missing and it is horribly thin, like it hasn't eaten in days. A big scar runs down its snout and its left eye seems to be blind. The other eye has the color of amber.
The dog sniffs, and for a brief moment you think it might attack you, as you are sure it smells your bones.
But then it moves closer and touches your hand with it's snout.

Say hi to your animal companion.
The blind eye has no consequences, it's just fluff.

2017-12-06, 07:20 AM
Hashshashin... nope never heard of it. Burning it down should help make the point, but first let's take what's good inside then burn it down. The fire will cover out escape too." He looks to see if there are any windows on this side of the building, peering into them.

2017-12-06, 08:12 AM
There is one window on your side of the building, a few feet to the right of the door.

You peek through the window. Between the door and the window must be some kind of wall, almost cutting the room in half.
On the opposite side of the room you can make out some shelfs, filled with round glasses of all sizes and books. On the right side you can see a large beast with four legs, a long tail and scales, its mouth wide open, showing huge teeth. It is completely inert. Right next to it stands a skeleton, also inert.

2017-12-06, 11:36 AM
Hmm. Take a look in. Looks like his rival could have guardians. Zoran pauses in thought. If the skeleton is more than decoration, I should be able to take control of it to do my bidding, though it may take a few tries.

If we break the window I could try it from here but it will make noise. Anyone good at forcing doors?

2017-12-06, 04:55 PM
She peers into the window, attempting to see what awaits them

Spot: [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]

2017-12-06, 05:49 PM
You can't see anything more than your comrade. You must have heard or read about the creature on the left hand side of the room, but you are sure you've never seen one before.
The legs spreading away from the trunk like body, the long snout, the tail, the tiny scales that create a beautiful pattern. No doubt, this must be a crocodile or alligator.
It still doesn't move, its huge mouth open.

Baby Gary
2017-12-09, 11:11 PM
So what do we do now? Do we do in there and do the bidding of the necromancer who brought us to life. Do we go in there and talk with this person and turn against the man who brought us back into this cruel world. Do we just go on and do our own thing. Or do we do something else? I personally am for going in there and depending on the person we find do option A or B.

Another question we must ask our selfs is why does the necromancer want to kill this person? What has this person done to warent being killed? I am against taking a human life or one of nature unless it is necessary.

2017-12-10, 12:23 AM
He didn't say to kill, just to destroy the lab. Our necromancer had the power to raise us. This one is his arch-rival so we don't want to face him yet. I do want whatever is useful in there then we can burn or smash the rest. No time to waste, help me with the door unless you have another way in. Zoran shoulders into the door, but it's obvious he's not used to doing such work.

STR check [roll0]

Baby Gary
2017-12-10, 12:54 AM
My bad. I don't have the best memory, I can be distracted by little things sometimes. I think I know a way to get through that door. I am not that strong but my friend here is. Wyn says as he gestures to his dog to try to break in the door.

str check[roll0]

2017-12-10, 07:39 AM
You throw yourself against the door with a loud bang. The door doesn't brake, but the dog follows you after a quick moment, and with joined forces you finally break the hinges.
With a second loud bang the door alls on the floor.
The Room before you is not very big. On the right side there is the wall you could see from the window, but from the other side. It splits the building almost in half, with only a tiny passgae tho the other part at the back side. Two crossed tribal looking spears hang on it.
The room is messy. On the right wall is a table, with books, notes and drawings on it. A window is just above the table, next to it are large anatomacal drawings of humans and animals on the wall. On the far wall you can see shelfs, filled with books and and round glasses.

2017-12-10, 04:48 PM
She takes a look around the room, paying special attention to the books and attempting to find anything unusual

Search [roll0]

We should see what we can find out before destroying this place. I'd like to know where we are, for instance.

2017-12-10, 05:03 PM
Rashid prowls into the room, listening carefully for possible danger and trying his best to stay unnoticed from that possibility while he performs his search. Pillage, then burn.

[roll0] Listen-- anything moving around in here?
[roll1] Hide in case I need to do it again
[roll2] Search, do I find anything that looks important?

2017-12-10, 06:44 PM
The only thing useful there you see are the two spears on the wall. There is a mortar lying around, a bonesaw and a set of files. The glasses at the back wall are filled with different things, most of them body parts or small animals. Hearts, brains, eyes, paws and ears, just to name a few. Some are filled with insects and snakes and other small creatures. Yet most of it doesn't look human.
The books are mostly anatomical books, some are books about wildlife or different humanoid cultures.

A curtain is covering the gap in the right wall that leads to the other side of the room, where you saw the skeleton and the crocodile through the window.

Rashid prowls into the room, listening carefully for possible danger and trying his best to stay unnoticed from that possibility while he performs his search. Pillage, then burn.
You can't hear anything special in the room. The only noises come from your undead brethren.
But outside the shouting gets louder. After a short while you can hear a loud bursting sound and more screaming.

Baby Gary
2017-12-10, 11:31 PM
Once the door was broken in Wyn stayed back. Better to not be in the line of fire. He sent his dog in in front of him, and signaled him to try to find anything of interest in this room. While the dog was off doing his thing Wyn went up to the bookshelf and took down a book about wildlife and started to page through it. After he finished he looked around the room for anything that might be a journal, something that would give a clue about the owner of this establishment, or anything else of interest.

Dog spot [roll0]
if the dog finds tracks then following them with scent + track (survival roll) [roll1]

Wyn spot [roll2]

2017-12-11, 12:42 AM
Disappointed the hinges gave before the lock, Zoran moves in with the others who begin to search with mundane means. Zoran heads to the back by the curtain. He sticks his head through, ready to pull back quickly.

Spot [roll0]

2017-12-11, 05:32 AM
You can't find a jurnal or anything here. Only books about anatomy, biology and culture.
The dog sniffs on the floor and in all the corners, but he doesn't seem to find much. He finally sints in front of Wyn, barking and with large eyes. He seems hungry.

Disappointed the hinges gave before the lock, Zoran moves in with the others who begin to search with mundane means. Zoran heads to the back by the curtain. He sticks his head through, ready to pull back quickly.
You stare directly into the hollow eye sockets of the skeleton you saw before.

Baby Gary
2017-12-11, 10:59 PM
There seem to be nothing of interest in here. Want to try the other room?

2017-12-12, 11:21 PM
Surprising. There should be more if he went through all this effort to make this attack.

Zoran notices the empty eye sockets of the skeleton in the next room. Not animated it seems. He steps into the room watching the four legged creature.

Baby Gary
2017-12-12, 11:27 PM
I don't like this. I feel as if we are walking into a trap, this just ins't right. I wonder if there is any magical auras around here. Can anyone here cast Detect Magic? I could but I would like to save it for later

2017-12-13, 12:02 AM
Yes yes I can too, but i didn't want something attacking us over here in the middle of my spell.

2017-12-13, 01:24 AM
Looking through the books herself and realizing they are useless, she tosses one aside. Whatever invisible force she summoned earlier begins idly tearing pages from the books. I don't know why there would be a trap. The city seems quite preoccupied with either riots or invasion.

2017-12-13, 05:12 AM
Zoran notices the empty eye sockets of the skeleton in the next room. Not animated it seems. He steps into the room watching the four legged creature.
As you look closer you can see that the skeleton is held up by wire and a wooden pole and the crocodile, it's mouth still wide open, is clearly stuffed.
on this side of the curtain the room doesn't look much different, but underneath the window you saw through earlier is a table, and on that table is an open book. Next to the table is an old vase standing on the floor.
The walls arefull with drawings of animals and humanoids, sometimes without skin, sometimes just their bones.

You slowly begin to realize that this is no place for necromancy, but a place to study anatomy.

Baby Gary
2017-12-13, 01:37 PM
This is... well anticlimactic. I expected this to be more necromancy, and less mediciney

2017-12-13, 02:29 PM
Jack would stay back, trying to think while his companions worked on the door. He would follow inside, if only to get off the street, lest the be discovered. He would internally admit, this was not what he had been expecting. Not that he'd really had much expectation to go off of, but this certainly did not match what little where was.

"Well, I was not expecting this. Are we sure this over-qualified rodent even brought us to right place. Or if there was even a right place to find to begin with?" He would ask in a rather accusatory tone, pointing toward the rat, or at least toward where he'd last seen it. Gods know if the stupid thing had already scurried off and eaten something toxic.

He'd let out a low groan, or tried to. what came out was instead a rather annoying grating noise. "Still, this only fuels my suspicion that our creator may well and truly not be of sound mind.
What motivation would he have to see this place razed?"

Baby Gary
2017-12-13, 11:32 PM
This doesn't seem right, something here seems off. I don't know why but I think that there is more to this place than meets to eye.

I have two questions for you all that might open up some ideas to what is going on here. First why does the necromancer want us to raid this place? I can only think of a few reasons. One would be the inhabitant of this place is another necromancer and they have some sort of disagreement of feud. Another thing could be that the person is really just someone who studies anatomy, maybe the didn't get something for the necromancer in time.

The other question is what if the owner of this place is a necromancer? I assume that Necromancy is considered taboo in this culture and that is caught practicing it one would be in serious danger. Assuming this is the case then something has to be hidden somewhere around here. I mean this is a great cover business for a necromancer. They would have a good supply of what every body parts they needed for magic and they would have knowledge about anatomy and how the body works.

So if my guesses, which may be far fetched, are correct then lets try to find a secret passage or something like that around here that would be the entrance to the necromancer lair

2017-12-13, 11:50 PM
Something hidden is my thought too. Let's see if magic will give away the secret. If any of you are good at searching then get to it.

Zoran casts a spell. Starting in the room with the skeleton he starts to slowly scan around the room. He'll focus on anything of note, then scan the original room.

Cast Detect Magic

Hmm. No spell pouch. Will have to watch which spells can still be cast.

2017-12-14, 05:44 AM
You detect a very faint Aura from behind the backside wall and a faint aura from inside the vase.

As you open the lid of the vase, there are three sheets of paper rolled up inside.

2017-12-14, 04:40 PM
"I wouldn't waste time in trying to find a method within the madness. Maybe he doesn't even have an arch-nemesis, and the rat just got distracted by the smell of... I don't know, fruit?" He would say, before shrugging in a slightly exaggarated manner. But not just wanting to do his own thing, he'd offer his hand, or his eye... sockets in the task at hand.


2017-12-14, 10:06 PM
Yes... faint magic behind that wall. He points and focuses on the wall for a few seconds, reporting to the group what type of magic it is. He opens the vase and pulls out three rolled sheets of paper then studies their aura for a while.

Detect Magic spellcraft checks on each item. Looks like this check doesn't have the "no retry" restriction. Each rery takes an extra round and I only get 10 rounds on the spell. I'm adding a couple of extra rolls for retries.
Wall: [roll0]
Scroll 1: [roll1]
Scroll 2: [roll2]
Scroll 3: [roll3]

Extra 1: [roll4]
Extra 2: [roll5]

Group can assume I say what type of magic is behind the wall, so save on time.

2017-12-14, 11:47 PM
But not just wanting to do his own thing, he'd offer his hand, or his eye... sockets in the task at hand.
You don't find much else, but you look at the book on the table.
This could be interesting. It's about preparing skeletons. It describes how to replace broken bones and making these bones fit even if they are too large, fill cracks (which is accomplished with "bone powder". You basically need to make powder from bones and then mix it with hot water), fill larger holes (by cutting out a piece of bone and treating it with files to make it fit, then "glue" it together with bone powder) and other useful information.

This enables you to heal naturally, as long as you have at least one skeleton of roughly the same size per person per night and the right tools.
The repairing of your body takes about the same amount of time as natural healing, so about eight hours per night, and restores the same amount of HP.

He points and focuses on the wall for a few seconds, reporting to the group what type of magic it is. He opens the vase and pulls out three rolled sheets of paper then studies their aura for a while.
You concentrate, trying to find out what those colorful auras mean.
The wall shows very faint illusion magic.
But you are not sure if it is in fact the wall or something behind it.
The scrolls are
1 enchantment
2 evocation
3 evocation

2017-12-15, 11:05 PM
The wall shows illusion magic, or maybe it's behind the wall. Zoran returns his focus to the scrolls.

Anyone good with scrolls? This one is enchantment, these other two are evocation.

Trying to ID the scrolls without read magic. Spellcraft DC 20 + spell level. Need Nat20's for even a 1st level scroll.
1 enchantment [roll0]
2 evocation [roll1]
3 evocation [roll2]

2017-12-15, 11:09 PM
She walks over to Zoran. Let me have a look She takes a look at the scrolls as well, hoping to identify any he didn't understand


2017-12-16, 02:16 AM
While Zoran has a hard time figuring out what the weird lines and cryptic writings on the scrolls mean, Czara only has to study them for a brief moment to understand what they are.

Echantment Scroll: 0 level Spell 'Daze'
Evocation Scroll 1: 0 level Spell 'Ray of Frost'
Evocation Scroll 2: 1st level Spell 'Fiery Eyes'

The screaming and shouting outside gets louder.

2017-12-16, 12:28 PM
Hmm... I recognize these spells. I can make use of these, particularly if I can record them in this spellbook. She holds her hand out for the scrolls, but tilts her head at the sound If we're not done here soon, I fear we'll be caught up in this battle.

2017-12-17, 12:31 PM
"Found something here. This might prove useful." He would say, in a flat tone, lifting the book off the table, and offering it to the others should they wish to have a look. The sounds were getting closer. Worrying. "Indeed, staying here will most likely see us thrust into needless conflict. There must be something else here. Some other path."

Baby Gary
2017-12-17, 12:40 PM
I think we should get out of here or hide soon, like really soon

2017-12-17, 04:20 PM
Zoran hands off the scrolls. Yes we need to hurry. What's special about the book? Someone help me find the last magic here. The rest start smashing stuff. Can anyone start a fire?

He heads to the wall where he detected the magic from and starts trying to figure it out by tapping and pushing on the walls.

Search [roll0]

2017-12-17, 07:20 PM
She helps Zoran search, reasoning that smashing isn't in her area of expertise, but not before taking one of the spears they had seen earlier. It would be good to have something to drive the enemy back, if need be


2017-12-17, 08:15 PM
Zoran has not much luck in finding anything, as he is stressed by the sound of screaming and shouting people coming closer. You can now hear the sound of glass and other things breaking every now and then. The whole truble seems to be only a few streets away as it seems.

Czara has much more luck, a random book she pulled out of the sehlf seems to be a decoy, and with a faint 'click' the shelf moves back a few inches.

2017-12-18, 02:47 PM
"The book details processes for restoring skeletons, I'd wager a guess that we could apply these same methods to ourselves should that become necessary."

He didn't let it show, but a sense of desperation did begin welling up within him, his grip on the morning star braced, and he raised the weapon in preparation to break something, only for a small click to catch his attention. The morningstar remained raised, but his movement halted. "Did I just imagine that click?"

2017-12-19, 02:29 AM
Hardly. I believe we've found a secret room. She pushes the bookcase, attempting to move it and uncover the way into the room.

2017-12-19, 02:36 AM
'It seems the man's pursuits may have been more than simply academic,' Rashid remarks, listening to the shadows for danger in the hidden lab, and beyond to determine what might be approaching.

[roll0] Listen

2017-12-19, 03:36 AM
He didn't let it show, but a sense of desperation did begin welling up within him, his grip on the morning star braced, and he raised the weapon in preparation to break something, only for a small click to catch his attention.
The Glasses filled with bodyparts look very tempting to smash.

'It seems the man's pursuits may have been more than simply academic,' Rashid remarks, listening to the shadows for danger in the hidden lab, and beyond to determine what might be approaching.
Behind the shelf it is silent. Very silent.
But you can hear the sounds from outside. There is less fighting now and more screaming. The screaming of people in panic.

She pushes the bookcase, attempting to move it and uncover the way into the room.
You push the Shelf a foot or so further back and roll it to the left.
The first thing you notice is the smell. It smells of old smoke, somehow sweet and heavy.
You are standing in front of a small Room without any windows, which might also be the reason the smell lingeres for so long.
In the center of the Room is a Table, littered with papers. You can see an old pipe and something that looks like dried plants above these papers.
A small Lamp would provide a little light if it was lit.
The walls here are again filled with books, except for a space on the far end wall, where a small sofa stands.
The furniture looks old an very used.

2017-12-20, 10:15 PM
Zoran heads towards where the illusion magic was detected from. Someone light the lantern, we can use it to burn this place once we are leaving.

Not sure if I could have kept the Detect Magic going. I would if I could. If it is still active, use it to narrow down where the illusion is. Otherwise use my hand to try to figure out may not really be there.
Search [roll0]

edit: continuing my inability to search :smallfrown:

2017-12-21, 04:35 PM
Rather than smash something, Jack instead makes his way into the room hidden behind the bookshelf (assuming he can it), before turning his attention to the papers. "I would, but I've neither flint nor any of them fancy alchemical firetwigs on hand." He speaks, in response to the request for lightning the lantern

2017-12-27, 02:34 AM
She shakes her head Neither do I. And I can't seem to find the magic to light it either. There must be something to light it around here She begins searching, even in the newly discovered room, but takes care to examine things before touching them


2017-12-27, 04:53 AM
Rashid shrugs and whispers in a foreign tongue, before an ember flares in the lamps.

Using 'Distracting ember' to try to ignite the lamp. Not sure if it works that way, but it does summon a tiny fire elemental for a round, so it should be able to. Then making use of Adaptive Style to reset maneuvers.

2017-12-27, 06:09 AM
Zoran heads towards where the illusion magic was detected from. Someone light the lantern, we can use it to burn this place once we are leaving.

Not sure if I could have kept the Detect Magic going. I would if I could. If it is still active, use it to narrow down where the illusion is. Otherwise use my hand to try to figure out may not really be there.

I'll allow it. It works for a minute and you found the secret door very fast.
All four walls emit a aura of illusion magic. you can even spot a fine line of runes close to the ceiling where it all comes from.
And you can find some more faint auras from a vase similar to the one in the other room. Three to be exact. The first is faint Illusion, the second faint Necromancy and last Abjuration.
You don't see much that is intersting from where you stand. Books on the walls, herbs and papers on the desk.

Rather than smash something, Jack instead makes his way into the room hidden behind the bookshelf (assuming he can it), before turning his attention to the papers. "I would, but I've neither flint nor any of them fancy alchemical firetwigs on hand." He speaks, in response to the request for lightning the lantern
As soon as you walk inside, all the sound from outside is cut off. The screams and shouting stops, and you can't even hear your comrades oudside, even though you can see them normally.
The others can clearly see you move your jaw, but no sound comes through to them. You hear yourself just fine.
The papers are bizarre. Each of them contains the same questions about anatomy, but are answered differently and with a different writing. Most of them have small marks on them, depending on the answers. They must be some kind of test or something alike.

She shakes her head Neither do I. And I can't seem to find the magic to light it either. There must be something to light it around here She begins searching, even in the newly discovered room, but takes care to examine things before touching them

Once you are inside the room you realise the same thing as Jack.The sounds from outside the room are cut off, but you can now hear the sounds from inside the room.
You look at the books (mostly anatomy books, but you are not quite sure what you expectet) and the desk, where you find some flints and steel inside a drawer. And you find other things inside the desk. Dried herbs, a brownish looking powder and some blackish goo. You are qutie sure these are drugs. You even recognize some of the herbs. Slaafkrut, which gives you very lucid dreams and makes you very tired, Zirbelkrut, which dulls pain and makes you feel at home, Oorekrut, which makes you fell happy for a short while and Gomipilz, a dottet mushroom that gives strange halluzinations.
You just want to light the wick when a small fire appears in the lamp that grins at you and waives. Then it disappears, leaving a tiny flame.

Rashid shrugs and whispers in a foreign tongue, before an ember flares in the lamps.
You can't hear what you comrade wants from you, but you see him pointing at the lamp and you understand. You summon a tiny fire elemental directly onto the wick. It smiles and waives before it disappears. It manages to lite the lamp. The room is now filled with warm golden light.

Baby Gary
2017-12-28, 12:25 AM
when Wyn walks into the room he is very surprised by the silence that was forced upon him. He looks around the room and if he finds a quill and ink he writes "I think the silence aura is for protection against mages, we need to talk to cast most spells after all." , then he shows the parchment to his companions

Search [roll0]

2017-12-28, 07:14 AM
Zoran retrieves more scrolls from this vase, and hands them off to Czara. A book on healing ourselves?! He ensures that someone has taken the book, otherwise he takes it himself. Only other magic is the silence for this room. Grab anything that might be useful or valuable and I'll use the lamp to set the books and papers on fire. That should take care of the whole building. Quickly! He takes some of the papers and is about to light them to use for getting the books on the wall burning.

2017-12-28, 09:14 AM
when Wyn walks into the room he is very surprised by the silence that was forced upon him.

Search [roll0]
Please take a quick look at the OOC Thread :)
There is not much else that you find.

He takes some of the papers and is about to light them to use for getting the books on the wall burning.
The papers catch flames with a fwoosh. They burn fast and the books look old. It will be easy to burn this place down.

2018-01-05, 06:21 PM
With no one suggesting another plan, Zoran grabs more papers and the lamp. He proceeds to light a book on each shelf on the ends away from the exit.

Better get going! Smash the stuff in the other room on the way out. Someone grab the posed skeleton out there.

With the flames started he heads to the outer room and looks for the rat to lead them back.

Baby Gary
2018-01-05, 11:05 PM
I got the skeleton, also grab anything else of interest, if there is anything. Wyn said while readily smashing a porcelain vase. I have to say, this is rather fun. He continued while destroying more of the room. Let's just hope that we don't get caught in any conflicts on the way out, knowing my luck though... Anyway lets get out!

2018-01-06, 12:12 PM
She follows Wyn and Zoran from the room, idly smashing things as they flee. Whatever force she had summoned pushes things over as they make their way out.

2018-01-06, 05:50 PM
You run out of the now burning room and noises start to flush back to you. Screaming and fighting, louder than ever before. You can now also smell burning things.

As you run outside, you grab the skeleton and the files, the mortar and the small saw you have seen earlier on the table. They might be useful together with the book.
It is a little hard to carry the skeleton because it's quite big, standing almost 6ft tall. But you manage to do it.

Back outside you can see people running past the alley you are in.
You try to look for the rat, but you can't find it anywhere. Instead a very hungry dog looks now a little less hungry.

2018-01-08, 10:15 AM
When the others come out they see Zoran stopped in his tracks. His head turns as he looks around but is mostly staring at the dog. His voice is full of anger.

Wyn... I thought you said you could handle the dog. It ate our way home! Anyone know the way?

Is there a system to see if we remember the way back?

Baby Gary
2018-01-08, 10:41 AM
No no no, that was not my dog. For one mine has been by my side the whole time, look my dog is right behind me, not the one we all are staring at. Also my dog looks different, he is a different breed of dog. He is a husky, not that mongrel that ate the rat. Why does everyone always jump to conclusions? Anyway I might be able to remember our way back.

Wis check, wis is for remembering stuff [roll0]

2018-01-08, 03:16 PM
When the others come out they see Zoran stopped in his tracks. His head turns as he looks around but is mostly staring at the dog.

Also my dog looks different, he is a different breed of dog. He is a husky, not that mongrel that ate the rat. Why does everyone always jump to conclusions?

Now that Wyn says it you can see the difference. For your defence, it is very hard to destiguish colors in this darkness, even for you and you knew the dog only for a very short time. But this dog is a little larger and it's fur is of a very dark grey color.
As it sees the other dog coming out of the door it starts to growl. Its ember eyes reflect the light of the fire that slowly starts to grow brigher. Wyns dog takes its tail between its legs and looks on the floor.
But as the other skeletons come out of the building and the rat eater realises that it is heavily outnumberd, it slowly starts moving backwards towards the shadows.

Anyway I might be able to remember our way back.
You remember the way back, but it involves crossing the street where you can see people fleeing.

Baby Gary
2018-01-08, 05:09 PM
I have good news and bad news. Good news I remember the way home, well back to where we came from. The bad news is that to we have to go across that street. Wyn says, pointing to the street with the people fleeing. Want to just go for it, or try to make our way around it, somehow.

2018-01-08, 06:09 PM
As you take a closer look you can clearly make out that these people are fleeing from something. They are all running away in the same direction, most of them are children, women and elderly people. Some of them ride on horses, some of them have carts, but most just run by foot and the only possession they bring along are their clothes. They are more than just a few, but not enaugh to block the road or cause any harm.

2018-01-08, 08:39 PM
Zoran was about to give the rat-eating dog a taste of dark magic when it backed away. He looks at the street they need to cross. They're too busy with fear. Make sure your bones are covered, avoid bumping into them, and use our numbers to conceal the prize we're bringing back. If anyone bothers us they'll have to follow us into the next alley where they'll pay for bothering us.

Zoran will take lead crossing the street, timing with the other traffic and also holding back enough to help conceal the lab skeleton by surrounding it.

Baby Gary
2018-01-08, 10:04 PM
I think a big fearsome dog will help keep people away as well. Lets go! Wyn says as goes to the right side, to help conceal the skeleton from that direction.

2018-01-10, 04:34 PM
She falls in on the left, making sure the hood is drawn to conceal her skeletal features Perhaps it's best the rat is dead. I have questions for our summoner and it would be nice if he had nothing to delude himself with when I asked them.

2018-01-13, 07:47 AM
You hurry across the street, concealing the skeleton as good as possible.
A woman runs past you. "Flee! There is no safe place within the city!" she screams at you with panic in her eyes and without stopping.
As you look left, down the street where the people are fleeing from, you can see buildings on fire. A few humans that are running around look different somehow. They don't run away, but after the other people, trying to attack them with their bare hands. They also wear torn rags and their eyes are torn wide open. They seem to behave more like animals than people.
After a few moments you are on the other side of the Street, once more in the concealing shadows.

So far you have only seen humans in this city, a fact which doesn't seem weird to you.

Baby Gary
2018-01-13, 12:23 PM
Lets get to the necromancer, ASAP. Then once we get rid of this skeleton lets be on our way, go somewhere else. Those things down the street that are attacking people don't look like a good sign. Come on, hurry! Wyn says as he starts into the shadows on the way to the necromancers lair

2018-01-14, 07:23 PM
Zoran takes note of the attackers down the road. Yes, back to where we started, but it might be the safest place to hold out until we have more answers.

2018-01-18, 09:48 AM
Wyn leads the way back, it is indeed not too hard to find, even without the rat. Ever so often you meet fleeing people on the road. Some are packed with all goods they could save, others are just running in panic. Once you could even see a group of people taking advantage of the chaos to break into a store.
No one seems to notice you. Maybe they just didn't care.

As you reach the trapdoor you find it open, warm light shining out of it.

2018-01-18, 12:10 PM
Zoran takes a knee at the edge of the trapdoor and pokes his head in, looking to see what they're walking into.

2018-01-18, 12:53 PM
The room looks more or less like you left it, the warm light comes from many candles that are placed on the rune covered floor.
Just down the stairs lies a person clad in rags face down on the floor, arms streched out in front. The person doesn't move, but it's hard to tell from where you are if he/she is alive or dead.
In the center of the room lies the large tome, open, face up.
Your creator cowers in a far end corner and tries to hide, but he does so very poorly.

2018-01-18, 01:47 PM
Zoran curtly calls down below. It's us. We're back. Don't blast us.

He turns to the group. Something happened down there. Lock the door behind us. The crossbow wielding skeleton moves down the stairs, weapon pointed at the body on the floor.

2018-01-18, 03:40 PM
Your creator shrieks when he hears something, but seems to calm down very quickly when he realises it was you.
"D d don't come down here" he sais with a shaky voice.

2018-01-18, 04:14 PM
Zoran stops a few steps down the stairs, bending his knees until he sits on a stair so he can see better while keeping the crossbow aimed at the body. He has little patience for the wizard but was also wary of the wizard being more powerful. Mission complete. We need to come down to avoid others seeing us. What is the problem?

2018-01-19, 08:05 AM
"Y.. you are m.. m.. my creation, its creation, and I.. I am not sure how it will react. It has gone mad."

2018-01-19, 10:51 AM
Zoran turns to the others. Seems he couldn't handle reality. Anyone want to try handling him? He shifts to the side so there is room to pass.

2018-01-19, 11:44 AM
She peers inside, trying to assess what their creator may be talking about. What has happened here? What did you do? Her voice is sharp and commanding and her eyes scan the room.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Know Arcana [roll1]
Know Religion [roll2]
Spot [roll3]

Baby Gary
2018-01-19, 02:56 PM
while his companions were interrogating the mad necromancer Wyn walked around the room, trying to find any clues to what might have happened. He motioned to his dog to guard the door and let everyone know if someone was coming by barking.

Spot [roll0]

2018-01-21, 01:45 AM
She peers inside, trying to assess what their creator may be talking about. What has happened here? What did you do? Her voice is sharp and commanding and her eyes scan the room.

diplomacy: [roll0]
"T.. they broke the door and came in. It.. it just went mad."

while his companions were interrogating the mad necromancer Wyn walked around the room, trying to find any clues to what might have happened.
You walk down the stairs to look at the body first. It is a clearly dead young man and hes cloths look very similar to those of the attackers you saw earlier.
As you walk further into the room, the tome suddelny starts to move and somehow to snarl at you.

"No, not again" the cowering man sais.

2018-01-22, 09:36 PM
Zoran looks at the wizard. You are afraid of your own book? You have arcane power, take control! He turns to the book and points at it with authority. And you! You settle down!

Intimidate [roll0]

2018-01-24, 08:43 AM
Wyn: You don't seem to know anything about books like this.

Zoran looks at the wizard. You are afraid of your own book? You have arcane power, take control! He turns to the book and points at it with authority. And you! You settle down!

The book only seems to become aggressive and slowly starts to levitate, until it reaches about 5ft in height. It starts to flick through its pages, so you can't exactly see it's content. Then it starts to move slowly towards you, it's pages crackling with magical energies.

"You.. you don't understand, I hold no real magical power. But the book does."

Wyn [roll0]
Czara [roll1]
Zoran [roll2]
Jaques [roll3]
Rashid [roll4]
Book [roll5]
I keep Rashid and Jaques in the initiative, in case want to keep playing :)

So Initiative order is:

We will wait 24 hours for replies

2018-01-26, 07:03 AM
If Zoran had eyebrows one would have been raised in active curiosity. He wasn't afraid but was still ready to unleash negative energies if the book came close. The "wizard" was already ignored.

Really? You are the one with power? Interesting! Forget that fool over there, he's useless to you. Work with us, we actually have power and skills. What do you say?

Readied action to attack if the book comes to attack.

2018-01-30, 12:51 PM
Czara readies her crossbow, but keeps to the back of the room. If the book seems to make any hostile action, she's prepared to fire I suggest we leave. It's clear our summoner has no real power and I don't like taking a chance against a magic entity I don't understand.

Holding an action. If the book attempts any spellcasting, Czara will fire on it.

2018-01-30, 02:33 PM
The book seems to growl at you and flicks through its pages even faster. Magical energies arc between them. It is clear that if you don't back up very fast it will attack you.

"N.. No, don't l.. leave me here together with that thing!"

Baby Gary
2018-01-30, 04:49 PM
I don't like the look of this, from my previous experience this stuff rarely ends up going well. I have some really bad feeling about this.

reading an action to summon an wolf (forfeiting wall of smoke), that will attack the book. this wolf lasts for 2 rounds, thanks to ashbound summoning, it also gets +3 luck bonus on attacks

2018-01-30, 07:04 PM
Zoran takes a step back, giving the book more space. He calmed his voice, trying reason. Alright, alright. Let's talk. You created us. We destroyed that lab as requested. What do you want now?

He directs his voice to the would-be wizard. You don't want to be left alone with it? Help us. How do you talk to it?

2018-01-31, 01:39 PM
Czara notes her companions hesitance to leave and sighs. She crosses the floor to the "necromancer" and grabs him by the collar You want to survive? I have magical power and knowledge and there must be something going on in there if you managed to use this thing. Help. Us. We can contain it or whatever needs to be done, but you need to stop sniveling and tell us everything.

Fingers crossed, I suck at this


2018-01-31, 02:08 PM
"It.. it was a gift! I thought it was a normal book, I.. I"
Then everything happens at once.

Czara moves past the book, and the color of the magical arcs on its pages turn purple and grow brighter. Then, a beam of purple energy shoots towards Czara.
[roll0] against Czaras touch AC
When Zoran sees the books attack, he fires his crossbow (you still have your readied action, don't you?)
And a large grey wolf appears next to the book.

2018-01-31, 02:10 PM
Czara is hit on her shoulder and suffers [roll0] damage.

2018-01-31, 02:35 PM
The book attacks and Zoran fires his crossbow. It's a book. Help me close it. He darts in to grab/close the book.

Crossbow: [roll0] crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Crit: [roll3]

Move in and grapple the book with the wolf flanking.

Grapple attack. Assuming the book can't AoO but in case it does here's the base roll: [roll4]
If no AoO damage: touch attack to initiate: [roll5] (with flanking)
If touch successful: grapple check.
Me: [roll6] (+0 mods)
Book: [roll7] (minus a lot for size?)

If I win, it's grappled and Charnel Touch damage: [roll8]

2018-01-31, 03:05 PM
Unfortunately you miss the book by a few inches. It is small and not so easy to hit with a crossbow.
You walk closer to it without the book trying to attack you.
It is not hard to grapple the book. But its magical energies burn your fingers and deal [roll0] damage.
The necrotic damage from your touch withers some of the pages.

2018-02-03, 10:07 PM
Czara hisses at the sudden strike from the book, but pulls the would-be mage towards the exit. Let's get him out, then we can figure out how to handle the book

Gonna do my best to move the guy to the exit. Get him outside if I can manage it. In case it's neccesary

Strength check [roll0]

2018-02-04, 12:14 AM
What do you mean outside? Remember what's outside? Zoran nods to the body on the floor as he grimaces from the book's sting. Help with the book here. It can either stop fighting or die.

Baby Gary
2018-02-04, 03:42 PM
The wolf that Wyn summoned leaped on the book, in an attempt to tear it up.

Wolf attack, it attacks once with a bite [roll0] and does [roll1] damage

Outside is dangerous, we don't want that necromancer to die... yet

2018-02-05, 03:02 AM
Dark red ink pours out of the hole the wolf just left in the book.
The magical energies hit its snout, dealing [roll0] dmg.
The book tries to concentrate to summon its powers, but it is grappled, so it might not succeed. [roll1]
Zoran somehow manages to disturb the spell of the book.

2018-02-05, 08:37 AM
All power no brains? Then you must die. Zoran keeps his grip on the book and pours more black energy into it.

Grapple check:
Me: [roll0]
Book: [roll1] base, plus size modifiers
Charnel Touch: [roll2]

2018-02-05, 10:20 AM
The book tries to move in your hands, but you have a good grip on it.
Your charnel touch withers more pages, leaves them blank and useless.
The magical energies of the book deals [roll0] dmg to you.

The mage prefers to sit in the corner. [roll1] But you manage to drag him through about half of the room.

2018-02-08, 01:37 AM
Czara lets go of the mage and grabs her spear Fine, let's take care of this first. She moves in to strike, stabbing down as the book leaves the wolf's jaws

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2018-02-09, 12:29 PM
You manage to just hit the book, but only because Zoran holds it.
Your spear thrusts through the book and more red ink pours out of the hole. Magical energies crawl up your spear and zap your hand. You suffer [roll0] dmg.

Most of the books pages are now either withered or full of ink and no longer usable, but there are still some pages left.

The mage takes the chance and crawls under the nect table.

2018-02-14, 06:14 PM
Zoran pours black energy into the but the book is pouring magical energy right back. The skeleton feels the force holding him together start to falter and it lets go. He backs up a bit while pulling out a dagger. Black energies swarm around his arm, making him feel a little safer. A shame we have to destroy you since you won't back down. Secrets lost. The skeletal voice is filled with disappointment.

Healing 1 pt. At 4hp.

2018-02-15, 02:09 PM
Czara lashes out with the spear once more. It's hard to say a skeleton can look tired, but it's clear she has suffered injury and her shoulders are slumped

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2018-02-15, 02:13 PM
Unfortunately you miss the book by far.
Now that Zoran no longer holds it it is hard to hit it.

2018-02-16, 12:46 PM
The wolf maneuvers to the side while its summoner moves toward the opposite site with a scimitar. They strike in unison at the book.

Wolf attack: [roll0] Crit [roll1] (with +2 for flanking)
Damage: [roll2] Crit [roll3]

Wyn [roll4] Crit [roll5] (with +2 for flanking)
Damage: [roll6] Crit [roll7]

2018-02-16, 02:21 PM
After the wolf bites the book, Wyn has an easy time to stab it with the scimitar.
Red ink pours out of its wounds, a lot of red ink. Then it starts to emit a high pitched scream. It starts to turns around itself, slow at first but soon quicker and quicker until it explodes. A burst of dirty reddish energy washes over you and leaves a lingering, foul smelling mist. The energy tears the skin and flesh of the two corpses, and seems to get absorbed by the skeleton underneath. Also your bones absorb some of the energy. It seems to fill your bones with strength but you feel very dirty after it.

You are fully healed and get 5 temp HP that last until used or you level up
We are ready for the new players

2018-02-21, 01:51 PM
Czara pauses just before striking again. I think it is... destroyed. Are you alright? She turns to Zoran, but then seems to think a moment I believe I've just remembered my name Turning back to the necromancer, she strides forward, placing the butt of the spear against his chest to keep him from rising It appears we are solely under our own power. I have questions for you. You will answer them.

2018-02-22, 10:11 PM
Zoran looks over the scene. That was close. Whatever happened, I'm better now. Better lock up this place so no more get in.

He heads through the door to get a layout of the place, looking for a front door to secure.

2018-02-28, 04:02 AM
Zoran, the only door you see is the trapdoor you came in through. You are able to close it, but the lock is broken.
From outside you can still hear screaming, fighting and dying. You smell smoke in the air.

Czara, the Necromancer is just a bare skeleton now and looks very dead. His whole skin, flesh and everything was flayed from his bones during the explosion of the book.

2018-02-28, 01:37 PM
Damn. Zoran, it sounds like things aren't going well in the city. Shall we wait or make a break for it? She does a quick scan of the room for anything useful.


2018-02-28, 07:34 PM
Seeing that the trapdoor was the only way in or out, Zoran shook his head. Where do we go if we leave now? What city is this is? Can't follow the crowd, we're undead. Head the other direction? The living are fleeing something. If only we had gotten the book to tell us anything. There's got to be something of use in here.

Take 20 for a Search result of 20. Any remains of the book? Secret stashes? Journal?

2018-02-28, 07:39 PM
With our summoner dead and the book destroyed, we no longer have obligations or something to fear. Our clothes have disguised us well enough before and the people are distracted. I am confident in our abilities, but it is likely we're out numbered. I do not favor our chances if the city is overrun by whatever it is these people flee from. I believe fleeing with them and going off on our own when we get out of the city may be our best option. She does not seem to be in too much of a hurry however, assisting Zoran further in searching the room.

2018-03-07, 10:13 AM
All you know is darkness. Darkness and cold. It surrounds you, it envelopes you. It is you. Past, present future, all doesn't matter, all is one. There is no love nor hate, emotions and feelings don't exist.

A light. You see a light. It is only a tiny dot of red, impure light, but it is easy to follow. You follow it through the endless darkness, out of the abyss. Slowly the light grows brighter. Yet the cold still remains. Then the feelings start to flush over you like a flood. Love and hate, joy and pain, all at once. All feels a little dull and distant, but it feels good to feel again.
You start to be yourself once more. Only the memories of your time before the darkness are still missing.
The light gets bright, very bright. Your eyes hurt.

Slowly, very slowly your eyes adjust themselves. You are laying on the floor of a room, next to a set of stairs.
It seems to be a cellar of some sort, the walls are made of large stone bricks and the ceiling is made of some rough looking wood. The interiour is a weird looking collection of morbid things. Skulls and black candles are all over the place, but scattered, as if something exploded in the room. From the ceiling hangs a large chandelier made from human skulls. In one corner is a table next to a chest. On the table is a mess of old rags and rusty weapons. The set of stairs next to you lead to a trapdoor above. The floor is covered in magic symbols, circles and eyes. You hear a sound, as if something was hitting a piece of hollow wood. Two Skeltons in old rags are searching the room, and another skeleton is laying on the floor under the table. It slowly begins to move, tiny dots of green light in its eye holes.

Slowly, very slowly your eyes adjust themselves. You are laying on the floor of a room, underneath a table.
It seems to be a cellar of some sort, the walls are made of large stone bricks and the ceiling is made of some rough looking wood. The interiour is a weird looking collection of morbid things. Skulls and black candles are all over the place, but scattered, as if something exploded in the room. From the ceiling hangs a large chandelier made from human skulls. In one corner is a table next to a chest. On the table is a mess of old rags and rusty weapons. A set of stairs lead to a trapdoor above. The floor is covered in magic symbols, circles and eyes. You hear a sound, as if something was hitting a piece of hollow wood. Two Skeltons in old rags are searching the room, and another skeleton is laying on the floor as well, next to the stairs upstaris. It slowly begins to move, tiny dots of green light in its eye holes.

The light suddenly disappears. Yet you can still see. There is a piece of wood directly in front of your face. You try to move your arms, but they after a few centimeters they hit something solid in every direction. You can't move your head. You seem to be trapped a wooden box. The only thing you can do is hitting your prison, maybe someone will hear you.

The light suddenly disappears. Yet you can still see. There is a piece of wood directly in front of your face. You try to move your arms, but they after a few centimeters they hit something solid in every direction. You can't move your head. You seem to be trapped a wooden box. The only thing you can do is hitting your prison, maybe someone will hear you.

The light suddenly disappears. Yet you can still see. There is a piece of wood directly in front of your face. You try to move your arms, but they after a few centimeters they hit something solid in every direction. You can't move your head. You seem to be trapped a wooden box. The only thing you can do is hitting your prison, maybe someone will hear you.

You search the room without finding anything useful. Then you hear a noise, as if something was hitting a piece of hollow wood. It comes from underneath the wooden floor. The hitting sound from under the floor soon gets louder.

You search the room without finding anything useful. Then you notice the two skeletons (the one that once was your summoner and the other who used to be the intruder) on the floor moving, tiny dots of green lights in their eye sockets. Unlike you, they don't have one of their eye sockets filled with an onyx.
Suddenly you hear a sound, as if something something was hitting a piece of hollow wood. It comes from underneath the wooden floor. The hitting sound from under the floor soon gets louder.

2018-03-07, 11:04 AM
Nero Drayce

He breathed, or at least tried to as panic gripped him. He was trapped, unable to move. He remembered darkness... Did he collapse? Did he get kidnapped? What happened.
He kept hitting the walls, trying to get out, trying to get anyone to let him out. Anyone.

Book Wombat
2018-03-07, 12:17 PM
Confused, he looks around. He looks around again, on a idea he looks at himself. He is a skeleton like the other ones moving about and the one lying on the ground next to the wall. While trying to access his memories he finds he has none, except for a feeling of popping his joints. He looks at them doubting they will do that again. Thinking that the other skeletons might know why they were here he asks, "Douowyire?", after that attempt he tries again, "Do you know why I'm here?".

2018-03-07, 12:22 PM
Czara had noticed the yelling and banging, as if from under the floor. Zoran, do you here- At the other skeleton's sudden speech, she quickly turns with her spear pointed out, but sees it means no harm I could make a guess as to how you've been reanimated. I'm not entirely sure why any of use are here, however.

2018-03-07, 01:08 PM
Erito put is hand on his for head as if you blocksome of the light, but yet. the hand he feels on this forhead is not his own. Looking upon the hand, it's bone, just like the resot of him. Pure bones, without flesh and no clothes, not even sandals on his feat. As he hears other talk he makes a step back as if trying to go back to the darnkness "reanimated!? this is wrong. One should not be among living afters ones death"

2018-03-07, 01:12 PM
You seem to be trapped in some kind of wooden box and are not able to move, yet you can hear the others talk

2018-03-07, 01:13 PM

Light. Light where there was darkness. Or wasn't there? Was the darkness real or imagined? This is real, wherever this is. A hand is lifted. Only bones, no flesh or blood. It might have been startling once, not now. Now, it is simply fact. He looks around. Or does she? Distinctions of gender feel like they mattered once. But, looking down, they don't anymore. Others speak. Words, he remembers words. Words are important, they have power.

"Why are we here? Now that is truly a question for the ages. Death did not provide an answer, but did our instance involve mages?"

2018-03-07, 01:16 PM
Some fool would-be necromancer used a cursed book to reanimate us. When we returned from his errand, it had gotten out of his control. We destroyed it and it let out some kind of energy. I assume that's what reanimated you all She turns back to the yelling I'll explain more, but it seems some of you newcomers are trapped. Help me here. She starts looking for a way to dig out who ever is trying to get out.

2018-03-07, 01:20 PM
face with chose of being unnoticed and staying in the box unable to do anything and joining the other same as him Erito start hitting the box, looking for a weak spot.

2018-03-07, 01:41 PM
With our summoner dead and the book destroyed, we no longer have obligations or something to fear.
Who said anything about fear? It's more about being smart to... He stops and listens. Yes, I hear it too. A new voice pops up in the room. Zoran turns his head to face it. Interesting. Seems the book had a bit more magic left in itself, if that really is.. was.. the source. He addresses both of the newcomers. So, remember anything? I'd guess no. Seems we have more under the floor. Grab daggers from the table and let's see who or what is underneath.

Book Wombat
2018-03-07, 01:44 PM
Standing up slowly while creaking, James goes and helps try to get to the source of the noise.

2018-03-07, 02:01 PM
The floor is made of heavy wooden planks. You are sure you'll have to force your way through to get to the spurce of the sound.
After a while and a lot of brute force you manage it to loosen the planks. Underneath you see three wooden coffins. The sound is clearly coming out of them.

2018-03-07, 03:36 PM
"I remember naught but a flower and mayhap some words of power."

He moves to the table and grabs a weapon, then helps the others to remove the planks from the floor. Looking at what they uncover, the green dots in his eye sockets grow momentarily dimmer. Would that skeletons had eyebrows, so he could frown properly.

"I do not know if something is amiss, but it seems we have found three times a coffin." He turns to the two skeletons that were already moving when he, for lack of a better word, woke up. "Were you expecting something like this? Have you found such often?"

2018-03-07, 05:59 PM
We've only been around for a few extra hours. Czara can tell you the details. First let's get these open first so things don't have to get repeated.

Zoran banged on each of the coffins to get their attention. Hey! We're opening. Don't attack or you'll be in a world of hurt.

2018-03-07, 06:50 PM
Mlotek flinches and flails to dodge an attack that came ages ago... the one that felled him. He tries to scream a dying prayer to his gods, but no lungs remain to spew air through his wilted and decomposed vocal cords... instead a nightmarish shriek both ethereal and horrifying emanates from the place his mouth used to be... now a grisly filth stained smile of jaw bone and cracked teeth.

The sight of his hands and the sounds of his scream terrify him even more! He kicks and rolls, punching and shoving, trying to escape whatever bony grasp has him, until finally he realizes those bones are his.

"Wha- what has happened? What is this?" he rasps in that same awful voice that he doesn't recognize, yet knows is his. He redoubles his efforts to escape his wooden prison, punching and kicking with all the might he can muster from bare bone and decaying sinew.

2018-03-08, 12:09 PM
Zoran will wait for one of the coffins to settle down, or at least for its resident to settle down. He'll then unlatch the coffin and open it. He'll open the others too once the occupant settles down. Any that continue to be rambunctious will get an admonishing stomp on its lid. Zoran has no interest in loosing a wild animal.

2018-03-08, 02:08 PM
Nero Drayce

He could hear movement outside, could hear them getting closer. It seemed he will be freed soon, so he started calming down slowly, trying to just figure out where he was, especially after that darkness...

As the coffin was opened, he saw human skeletons, remains that shouldn't move actually doing so, he was about to scream, pushing with his back against the coffin as if to leave, but he saw his own hand grasping the wooden wall... it was just bones, just like the other skeletons. He was an undead, something that shouldn't be. But most importantly, he was still thinking, aware.

"W-who are you? Where are we? ...What happened?"

2018-03-08, 02:20 PM
Mlotek, startled by the loud *whump* on his prison door, holds still, trying to determine if it is the sound of friend or foe.

When the door opens at last, he lunges up to a sitting position, gasping for air that would never come. He looks about the room, seeing nothing but unnatural life.

Rising from his vessel, he stands, transfixed by the sight before him. Did they do this to him? Were they victims of this curse as well? Why was he brought back in this form? Who would do such a thing? Questions flooded his mind and wracked him with fear, anger, and shame.

He goes to rest his head in his palms, only to see bony phalanges and just looks at them blankly, though if a face were there instead of a skull, one would see a look of disgust.

"I..." he says hesitantly. "I was a man," he rasps in that same horrid voice. "What hell is this?" He never takes his eye sockets off what remains of his hands, but it's clear from the insistence in his tone, that he is talking to those who freed him.

Book Wombat
2018-03-09, 12:19 PM
As far as I've heard, they don't know either, by they I mean the skeletons before us. James replies.

2018-03-09, 12:23 PM
Erito gives up on braking out as wood seems srong and he far from strogn

2018-03-09, 12:34 PM
There used to be a few more of us She points to the door that leads out They collapsed into dust as we came back. Their equipment might still be out there. Czara turns to Zoran We still have the problem that the city is in chaos. She moves to help open the other caskets.

2018-03-09, 03:44 PM
Silently he helps to open the coffins, though inside burns the need to ask a multitude of questions. When all are opened, he looks straight at the skeleton referred to as Czara.
"And now we are joined by those trapped under the floor. You speak of a city. And chaos. Pray, tell us more."

2018-03-09, 08:17 PM
The coffins were easy to open, the wood was old already and the nails rusty.
It didn't take much time to open all three of them.

2018-03-09, 11:12 PM
A weapon. Mlotek focuses on the promise of a hilt to hold. Nothing else makes sense to him... maybe a sword, axe, or hammer will.

He heads to the piles of dust and rubble and searches for the biggest weapon he can find. He's not being picky.

2018-03-10, 12:39 AM
Erito slowly walks out. Using a newly found freedom to inspect his body.

2018-03-10, 01:50 AM
Silently he helps to open the coffins, though inside burns the need to ask a multitude of questions. When all are opened, he looks straight at the skeleton referred to as Czara.
"And now we are joined by those trapped under the floor. You speak of a city. And chaos. Pray, tell us more."

When we went outside, there were fires, screaming, and the sounds of battle. People were fleeing; it seemed to be some kind of siege or raid. She looks to Mlotek You're the first to react that way. Does you god abhor the undead?

2018-03-10, 07:59 AM
Mlotken stops rustling through the debris to look back at Czara. "I care nothing for a god that would leave me to this fate." His tone is defiant and caustic with bitter anger. "But whoever I was in life, I do not believe my death was dishonorable. Behold!"

He stands and wheels around, clacking a phalange against his 3rd and 4th ribs, where a deep scar, the wound of a fairly large blade, drew gaping V's into the bone. "These are the wounds of a sword. I died a warriors death. I deserved my peace." He looks to his left hand, now holding a halberd, and feeling just a bit more like himself.

He looks back to the group of undeath that he would now call siblings. "Now... shall we see to what chaos lies beyond these doors? I'd like to test what strength may remain in this bones."

2018-03-10, 10:56 AM
Nero Drayce

He was coming to terms with himself, his body, so he decided to just observe and, when pointed towards piles of equipment, moved towards those, inspecting what was available. A city in chaos? People being ressurected? Just what was happening out there, why were they back...

No, he was back and he had his wits with him. He could either lament his current state as an undead, or try to make most of it. True, it is... different. But right now, he needed answers.

"Are we planning on sticking together? Do we know for what reason have we all been animated?"

2018-03-10, 02:58 PM
For what reason and how? No one here knows. We may never know, dammit. If only that book offered more than just a fight. I can't recall anything about spells bringing forth self aware skeletons. I wish I knew more of the how. For now, if we aren't going to just battle it out here among ourselves we need to get going and find a better place to hole up. The chaos above should help. Put some rags on to hide what we are. The skeleton scanned over the other 6 animated skeletons to see if any were going to be of immediate concern.

2018-03-10, 03:34 PM
Mlotek attempts to growl, but the sound comes out more like a hellish hiss. "You would have us hide like babes or the infirm in shadows and cloaks? Shall we perhaps simper in fear as well? How will your tears fall when you have no eyes to make them?"

He looks to the group, incapable of making a stern face with no flesh to draw taught. His skull swivels with a gritty grind, examining the reactions of each in the room with a blank, hollow expression.

"I say we cut a swath. Surely our deathly facade will strike terror into those who would square with us. And even if we should meet our second end, at least we will die with honor, instead of waiting out an eternity in some dark corner with nothing but the rattling of our bones to accompany the melody of our mournful cries."

2018-03-10, 03:43 PM
Czara chuckles at Mlotek's words Yes, I'm sure a half dozen skeletons with rusted weapons will do well against a raiding party or invasion force. I've no intention of meeting my end again any time soon. Besides which, I need to properly copy these spells into my book.
I'm not a warrior. She nods to Zoran We should find somewhere better to hole up, then. They've already broken in before.

2018-03-10, 05:57 PM
Zoran stares at the upstart. I said nothing about hiding forever. If all you seek is another death then go ahead, pick a direction, and keep going until you taken down after your rusty weapon breaks.

Something broke the city and it was more than a handful of skeletons. We need to find out what is going on and find ourselves better gear before an army comes to counter attack. The people are fleeing, we can take what we want.

I know enough about skeletons that we don't heal like the living. We did find this book that has secrets on how to use materials to repair ourselves. We need a place to learn and if need be, use it.

Zoran looks to the other skeletons, ready to go.

2018-03-10, 10:28 PM
Erito is impressed by the Zorans solid grasp of the moment. Even in this new body they seem able to focus what to do. so, we will have to fight an army to stay if the false life we been given?

2018-03-10, 11:18 PM
I don't know, but I don't intend to walk head first into one.

Book Wombat
2018-03-11, 03:04 AM
I don't know what to do anymore so I'll follow you thoughts. James adds.

2018-03-11, 10:10 AM
Mlotek hesitates, but accepts the verdict. He can't remember exactly why, but something inside him makes him want to yield to the wisdom of mystics and healers. He snatches up some hide armor, (thinking the thick furs will fill out his shape some), a linen tunic, some leather leggings, a fur lined cloak, and the sturdiest boots he can find.

After struggling to complete the look, which is dangling weirdly from his bony body, he heads back to the pile to find a girdle to strap everything in. He cinches everything as tightly as he can so it will stay on.

"I look ridiculous." He rasps, now looking the part of a gangly squire trying on his father's wardrobe.

He twists his cloak around him and snaps the hood over his skull, only the weird glow from his eye socket remains visible from its shadowy depths.

Equipping Hide Armor and the closest thing he can find to a Cold Weather Outfit, or Explorer's Outfit.

Book Wombat
2018-03-11, 10:34 AM
Also taking a few articles of clothing from the assortment. James puts on a cloak with a hood and a few other items attempting to hide his bones from view.

2018-03-11, 10:50 AM
Good. There's many who will want us dead. No reason to help them by fighting each other. 'Zoran' comes easily to my inexplicable mind, so call me that.

Zoran's head tilts briefly then looks at the pile of rags left. He takes some of them and forms a satchel for the book and inanimate skeleton. As long as he didn't break the bones he figured the form could be folded up enough to fit and not give itself away by shape.

Last one out close the trapdoor but hopefully we'll never see this spot again. Zoran climbs the stairs and lifts the door slightly, peering out.

2018-03-11, 11:00 AM
"Call me Mlotek... it is a word that resonates with me, though I cannot remember why."

He follows the group out the trap door, staying towards the front of the group in case/in hopes of a challenger arrives.

Book Wombat
2018-03-11, 11:11 AM
Mine is James I think for I don't know what I know and what I don't James answers.

2018-03-11, 11:59 AM
All the weapons and clothing you find are very rusty, ragged and old.

Zoran climbs the stairs and lifts the door slightly, peering out.

As soon as you open the trapdoor the sound washes over you like a wave on the shore. It seems to be less the sound of battle by now, but the sound of dying and fleeing.
You can hear people screaming and shouting, and you smell smoke. What little of the night sky you can see between the buildings looks like it's on fire.
The remains of your former colleagues are not far from the trapdoor. The destruction of the book seems to have utterly destroyed them. They didn't carry much, two twin short swords, a scimitar, a longbow and a morningstar. You can also see a heavy steel shield within the remains.

2018-03-11, 12:02 PM
Erito warms some clothes covering as much of is bone as possiable putting on layers gwtting it to human like thickness. After that he puts on ahavyes armor aviable, so a scale mail

Disguise to look like a human [roll0]

2018-03-11, 12:46 PM
Zoran looks at the pile outside, realizing what happened to the rest but confused why they were hit by the blast but he wasn't. First out the hole, he takes the longbow and drops a crossbow. Take what you want here and push the rest down the hole. While the others look Zoran looks around and tries to take note of the surroundings. Try to remember where this is in case we need to come back.

How many arrows with the bow?

2018-03-11, 12:49 PM
Lookin a the ramin Erito serches them looking for a water skins the might had. (Search [roll0]) At the same time looking a the sheeld is anyone lese want it

2018-03-11, 01:28 PM
Zoran looks at the pile outside, realizing what happened to the rest but confused why they were hit by the blast but he wasn't. First out the hole, he takes the longbow and drops a crossbow.
As you are looking through the remains you find a few arrows (20) in a quiver. You remember you were indeed hit by the blast, maybe the doom of others was that they weren't.

Lookin a the ramin Erito serches them looking for a water skins the might had.
You don't find a waterskin but there are pieces of leather that would provide good material to build some waterskins (about two you guess) yourself.

2018-03-11, 01:34 PM
I take them putting them in eaither a backpack or warping them on a pice of clouth depanding on that I;m able to find [roll0]

2018-03-11, 02:28 PM
Unfortunately no backpacks are laying around.
But you can put it into one of the many pockets of your coats.

2018-03-11, 03:35 PM
Nero Drayce

He took a few pieces of clothing and covered his body at least somewhat first, before putting a chain shirt on that, and finally putting on the rest of clothing such as pants, gloves, boots, even using some to cover his face as if it was a bandana face mask, another covering his head, before finally on top of it all putting on a robe with a hood. Perhaps this will suffice to hide what he looks like...

"So are we going to just... go out there and hope for the best?"

2018-03-11, 10:16 PM
Zoran moves up to the intersection, stopping just short of it and merging in with the shadows on the right side. Those fleeing would be going from his right to left making it less likely for someone rushing by, whether fleeing or giving chase, to see him. He then waited for the others to finish their business back there and catch up.

2018-03-11, 10:46 PM
Mlotek follows Zoran closely, trying his best to remain inconspicuous.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

He blends into the shadows better than he originally had hoped, and would smile in spite of himself if he only could.

Book Wombat
2018-03-12, 12:22 PM
Making sure no bones are sticking out James follows the others outside trying to make himself inconspicuous.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2018-03-14, 03:58 AM
During the introductions he piped up as well. "As for me, I remember no name, just a smell, a sight and a feeling. Call me Rancul, it's all the same. I may remember more when my mind has stopped reeling. As for our plan, to me it is sound. I have no desire to be back underground." He looks at Zoran. "Knowledge is power, in this we are of one mind. So let us go look and see what we may find."

He equips the leather armour and the disappointing cloak and follows the others silently into the streets.

hide: [roll0]
move silently : [roll1]

2018-03-14, 11:03 AM
I assume everyone will just follow
You are standing at the crossroad where the ally meets a larger street.
There are way less people fleeing now than before, but those who pass you either don't seem to notice you or don't care about you.
As you look to your left, you can see the street curve and disappear behind a few buildings, but it clearly leads towards large city walls.
On you right the street goes straight for a while and then stops at a bigger building, a temple of some sort. The temple is burning, along with many building in this area. You can see groups of ragged humans hunting the fleeing folks, almost like wolves in a pack. Whenever they catch one they seem to attack with hands and teeth.
After a few moments you can see a group of four or five tall people with high crested, visored helmets emerge from behind a building near the temple. Their armor seems to be a mixture of long white robes and bronze chest- and shoulder plates, and they hold long spears. It's hard to see any details, they are quite far away, but it is clear that the ragged people don't attack them.

2018-03-14, 12:19 PM
Erito stop, he would rather to engage in combat as if fight was to go down there isn't much he could do what is this, some form of sacrifice?

2018-03-15, 08:15 AM
Mlotek shifts back and forth on his feet, his gloved hands wringing at his halberd as he watches the battle from the sidelines like a benched athlete.

His head creaks and swivels toward Erito as he speaks, and raises a finger to where his mouth is, as if to suggest silence.

In a low, raspy whisper, he offers a suggestion. "I think they are being... hunted."

Knowledge Local (Untrained): [roll0]
(legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws, customs, traditions, humanoids)
To make sense of what the tall men in breastplate armor are doing. DC10 if this can be considered common knowledge. Otherwise, fail

Sense Motive: [roll1]
(Assess and Opponent as stated on Complete Adventurer, page 102)
To determine the CR of the tall people in breastplate armor DC = vs. Bluff Check

Sense Motive: [roll2]
(Assess and Opponent as stated on Complete Adventurer, page 102)
To determine the CR of the feral people attacking the fleeing people. DC = vs. Bluff Check, +2 Circumstance Bonus for seeing them in combat.

2018-03-15, 10:26 AM
You take a few seconds to look at the people you see.
The tall people with their armor look like they are very well trained in combat, and you are sure each of them would be at least a tough challenge.
The feral people are much harder to predict, but a single one of them should be fairly easy to deal with.

Unfortunately you don't know anything about this place, you don't even know the name of this city.
But the tall people don't look like they live here either.

2018-03-15, 11:03 AM
Like Mlotec, Rancul looks at the groups. He tries to gather his thoughts, hoping that amid the torrent of disparate memories some information will surface that twice survived the crossing of the barrier between life and death.

Bardic knowledge check : [roll0]
(+1 because level; +4 because of obscure knowledge feat)
(basically checking if he has random chunks of information that might yield some insight into what he is seeing.

btw: for those who are still playing 'guess what class', this is more than a dead giveaway. It's a dead,
buried, dug up, resurrected, killed again and cremated giveaway. :smallsmile:

2018-03-15, 12:14 PM
Mlotek sighs, a bit frustrated. "We are no match for these foes in open combat," he whispers to the group. "I don't trust my luck to stealth for much longer, though, and I think we will be discovered if we remain here."

2018-03-15, 02:36 PM
Something about those armored people looks very noble, they walk proud and with their head held high, but at the same time they look and move faintly alien, the pattern of their armor does not match in any way the people dress on the islands.. Islands. You are supposed to be on the bigger one. How many were there? Two? Three? You can't remember.

2018-03-16, 10:32 AM
Rancul looks at the two skeletons that claimed to have awakened before him. "He speaks true, we cannot turn the tide. Continue our plan to run and hide. You have the knowledge of where and how, so lead us there. Go, now!"

2018-03-16, 10:26 PM
I suggest we head in an opposite direction to these marauders. I do not like the look of their armored friends either Czara glances at Zoran It isn't too late to flee the city. Our numbers are larger; even if we're harassed before we can split off from the townsfolk we should be able to defend ourselves.

2018-03-16, 11:09 PM
Hearing a plan in formation, Mlotek does what he can to be helpful. He begins looking around for feasible escape routes, and signs of a suitable route to lead them out of town.

Spot: [roll0]
To find an effective means of escape for the group.
Survival: [roll1]
To keep from getting lost in confusing streets in which I am not familiar (as noted in Races of Destiny, pg 149. DC 15)

2018-03-17, 03:39 AM
The best way seems to just follow the way to your left.
You can already see the city walls and bigger streets like this ususally lead towards a gate.
Also you honestly think that the fleeing townfolk won't cause any trouble for you, because they just simply don't seem to care about you.

2018-03-17, 03:56 AM
Erito follows the path sigaling other to follow.

2018-03-17, 07:01 AM
"This way. Quickly."

Mlotek darts off to the left, heading for the best likely route out of town.

2018-03-17, 04:20 PM
Nero Drayce (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1515987)

Nero follows the others, at the same time however pondering the ragged men. Did they have any evidence of disease, or perhaps even decay? If they were ressurected as skeletons, then couldn't it be possible that those people also were a form of undead?

Knowledge religion, untrained [roll0]

2018-03-18, 06:41 AM
Nero, it is impossible for you to tell from this distance.

Mlotek, you lead the others through the streets. The town folk clearly doesn't seem to care about you.
Every so often you find feral people in small groups, but they are all occupied attacking weak or wounded individuals.

After a short while you can see the city gates, open wide in fron of you. Beyond them the night seems very dark, but nothing happens when you pass them.

As you look back you can see the city in flames.
You came throgh the west gate, in the south is a black ocean, in the north a large forest and west of you is a long street, following along grassy hills. On the night sky you can see two moons, one very large and pale, the other a little smaller and purple. Both moons are full.
The white moon is Nyx, Goddess of the beauty of the night, the purple is Noxa, the Goddess of the dangers of the night. They are sisters, but as much as they love eachother they constantly fight for the mysteries of the night.
Most nights both Godess roam the skies, but sometimes it's only one. A socalled dread night, when only Noxa is up and a love night whenever only Nyx is in the sky.

You suddenly hear a cry.
An oxcart seems to be stuck not far from the gate, two feral people trying to attack a woman and a boy on top of it.
"Heeeeelp", the woman shouts, "someone help us please"
They boy, he must be no older than fourteen, is trying to defend themselves with a wooden pole but he has a hard time doing so, and it won't take long untill the two attackers reach them.

2018-03-18, 07:50 AM
Mlotek cares nothing for the people being attacked. The weak are hunted by the strong. It is the way of life. But he was tired of running, and he needed something to hit. The feral humans seemed the more worthy targets, and the woman and child may be able to speak and provide some answers about these strange current events.

Almost on instinct, his bony jaw stretches open, wide enough to pop in the socket. He let's out a strange ethereal shriek that he intended to be a gutteral roar. Leaning in to his gait, he charges forward holding his halberd out in front of him like mighty tusks, blasting his way toward the nearest feral human!

Rage (7 rounds): STR/CON +4, AC reduced to 14
Charge: +2 Attack, AC reduced to 12
Attack (Trip): [roll0] vs Touch AC

Using Halberd, so no AoO
If Fail, drop Halberd
Initiative: [roll1]

*Posting more when I know results of attack

2018-03-18, 08:27 AM
Erito charges right after. His attacks aren't, they aren't even good, but he knows the value of life. He's is fake. They have real ones, he should strive to help them stety this way. He hits the man and Channels a negative energy.

Attack: [roll0] touch.
DMG [roll1]
Incative [roll2]

2018-03-18, 09:58 AM
Rancul was looking at the moons when the attack began. Even if nothing that mattered in life matters now in death, he still had to admit the moons were beautiful. His pondering the possibility of objective beauty gave Mlotek and Erito a chance to attack before he could help them. He was determined not to let his companions fall. After all, they might be the only other sentient skeletons in the world. Remembering ancient words, he begins to chant words of power to give them strength and courage.

Too late to help the first attacks, but here's hoping they help for the rest of the fight.

Inspire courage: everyone gets +1 vs fear and +1 to attack and damage.

2018-03-18, 10:32 AM
Nero Drayce (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1515987)

If it was just the feral people, they'd avoid them, but because they were attacking others a boy and a... woman.

His temper flared and his bones twisted, his fingers elongating, becoming sharper, piercing the hand coverings he had, as he let out a growl.

Standard Action: Claws of the Beast power(1 pp)

2018-03-18, 08:23 PM
Zoran wanted to know what these beasts were and joined in on the attack, charging in before the figures could turn to defend. Black energy forms around his hand as he aims to impart it.

If one is tripped, going after the other one. Charnel Touch attack.
Charnel Touch [roll0] crit: [roll1] (with Charge bonus) -> Add +1
Damage: Charnel: [roll2] Crit: [roll3] --> Add +1

EDIT: I forgot the +1 attack/damage from Rancul.

Book Wombat
2018-03-23, 02:09 AM
James casts a spell, shooting a bolt of force from his finger to one of the feral people.

Initiative: [roll0]
Magic Missile damage: [roll1]
EDIT: +1 to damage: 5 dmg.

2018-03-27, 12:58 AM
Czara grits her teeth as the others rush to aid the living folk There is no time. she murmurs, but readies her crossbow regardless and fires at the closer of the two assailants.

To Hit: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Nat 20!

2018-03-27, 04:24 PM
Before any of the feral people have the opportunity to do anything, Mlotek charges the first of the attackers and throws him of his feet with the helbard.
Erito comes right after, he has an easy time hitting the target that is lying on the floor. Black energy pours out of his hands into the human, withering his skin.
Then you all hear a strange rhytmic sound when Rancul starts to speak. His words fill you with strange courage and the air seems to pulse with power. It feels almost like your weapons want to hit something.
With the sound of breaking bones Neros fingers suddenly break through his gloves, growing longer and and sharp as razorblades. It is a terrible sight to watch.
Zoran moves up to the other feral, touching it with black energy. It lets out a terrifying cry, its yellow eyes torn wide open. Then a bolt of white energy hits it in the neck. The cry turns into a screech.
Czara fires her Crossbow and impales the body that is lying on the floor. It is still alive, but has a hard time moving.

James: 20
Erito: 13
Mlotek: 7
Nero: [roll0]
Rancul: [roll1]
Czara: [roll2]
Zoran: [roll3]
feral 1: [roll4]
feral 2: [roll5]

2018-03-28, 08:15 PM
Nero Drayce (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1515987)

Wasting no time he rushed towards one of the feral humans that were standing, moving quickly and slashing it with the claws that his fingers became

Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]

2018-03-28, 11:24 PM
You try to hit the humanoid creatures, but there is much going on with so many skeletons attacking only two foes and you miss both your attacks.

2018-03-28, 11:51 PM
Erito having sued his supernatrual atack now truens to spell enery, quickly form a loss energy into a spell and attacing with it [roll0]

he is casting inflict light wounds

2018-03-29, 12:18 AM
Unfortunately Erito too misses his attack in the ongoing chaos

2018-03-29, 08:28 AM
Hmm not undead. Shut up! Zoran tries to silence the screech with more negative energy.

Charnel Touch [roll0] crit: [roll1] (Inspire Courage)
Damage: Charnel: [roll2] Crit: [roll3] (Inspire Courage)

2018-04-02, 02:19 AM
You manage to grab him by his throat and dark energy pours out of your hand. It looks almost like you are trying to choke him to death. You can feel his voice chord wither and the screech turns into a burbling sound. He looks very hurt, but is still standing.

Book Wombat
2018-04-02, 02:11 PM
Casting again, James twiddles his finger bones and mutters a few sounds and shoots another bolt of force at a feral.

Damage for Feral 2: [roll0]

2018-04-03, 06:08 AM
You see Zoran choking the feral person and shoot a bolt of white energy chest.
The body goes limp and falls to the ground.

The second feral that is pinned on the floor with the crossbow bolt behaves much different. It doesn't scream and it's yellow eyes are constantly torn open as if in total amazement.
Slowly and with much effort it pulls the bolt out of his body and, while still laying on the ground, it tries to hit Eritos foot with it, as he is the closest target available.

attack: [roll0]

The crossbow bolt buries itself deep through the foot and into the ground underneath.

2018-04-03, 06:20 AM
Much surprise Erito does not react quickly enough. Seeing how a second blow might be a enough to render him unable and his companions already have way more offensive power he back up ready to heal them as needed (20ft withdraw behind front line charactrs)

2018-04-03, 07:41 PM
Zoran turns and helps the other feral creature meet its afterlife.

Charnel Touch [roll0] crit: [roll1] (Inspire Courage)
Damage: Charnel: [roll2] Crit: [roll3] (Inspire Courage)

2018-04-03, 11:53 PM
Even though the creature is laying on the ground, Zoran misses it as he walks by accident into the path of Erito. It takes a quick moment to move past one another.

2018-04-04, 12:59 AM
A hollow shriek of bloodlust erupts from Mlotek's open mouth as he hoists his halberd high above his head and thrusts it down like an executioner's axe toward the feral's head.

Attack (with Rage): [roll0]
Damage (with Rage): [roll1]
Rage DEX Boost: AC 14

2018-04-04, 02:29 AM
Not being much of a fighter, Rancul moves towards the threatened humans. He tries to put them at ease vis-à-vis the sudden appearance of undead helping them out.
"Fear not, for both goddesses are full in the sky. And so rejoice, for now your rescue is nigh. It may look strange but it is true. The bones and spirits of your ancestors fight for you."

A bluff to put them at ease, or maybe not. Who knows? We could have been related in life...
So bluff or diplomacy, it matters little as Rancul's bonuses are the same.

2018-04-04, 04:45 AM
The target that is lying on the floor is very easy to hit and in his rage Mlotek chops off its head with a single strike of his helbard.

The woman on the cart looks at you with her eyes torn wide open her hand over the eyes of the boy.
You are pretty sure they didn't notice you are no humans, it is very dark after all and you are hidden underneath large hoods.
From the look in the womans eyes you can't really say if she understood the words Rancul said, but she seems to calm a little bit.
"Y.. You saved our lives", she sais, "Thank you so much!
We.. We wantet to flee, but our cart got stuck in the mud and.. and then these things came!"
Her voice is very shaky but she seems to grow more confident as she speaks.
"We are leaving this horrible place to go somewhere save and we could use your help! There is a well defended City only a week of travel from here and we have relatives there, but I am scared that we wouldn't survive the way by ourselves. We have a little money we can pay you now and my brother surely can give you more once we arrive."
She looks at you anxious, awaiting some kind of answer. She is clearly scared of you after the show you just put on, but you seem to be her last hope.

While the Woman speaks you notice another Person watching you from the shadows. Its a beautiful, tall woman with almost white skin and white long hair. She wearing a white robe with red symbols on it and a chestplate and shoulderplates of a metal that looks like bronze. Under her right arm she holds a high crested helmet of the same metal. She doesn't hold any weapons and looks at you with great interest. Then she smiles at you.

2018-04-04, 05:47 AM
Erito makes any note of what he noticed but dosn't react right away. He focuses energy into a spell to repair his body. Then turns towards the woman. "it is in my believe that savings a live should take priority over a coin. Having said that aside from stolen weapons and clothing we don't have much ourselves so any sort of payment would be appreciated. Furthermore I have to worn that have meet under usually circumstance you might have considered us more dangerous then thugs that we just defeated. But fear not as I do not seek to harm you are any other living being"

Healing: [roll0]
Diplomacy to counter act any bases women may have against undead [roll1]

2018-04-04, 10:57 AM
Mlotek shrinks away at the unwanted attention from the mysterious woman in white, and pulls his hood lower to hide his face.

To the woman with the cart, he only offers a terse grunt. Mlotek has no immediate desire to enter another city, and his shame at his new form makes him doubly wary of travelling with those who still have their flesh. Still, he saved the woman's life and has compunctions against letting her die at the hands of some other unknown threat before making it safely to city walls.

Instead of providing any helpful information, he tears cloth from the body of the feral human and uses it to wipe the blood from his halberd. Best to leave the thinking to better thinkers, he concludes.

2018-04-04, 07:35 PM
Nero Drayce (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1515987)

Breathing, simply from being so used to having to do it than from doing it because he actually needed to, Nero took a step back and examine remains of fight. He didn't hit, but he and others have saved those people. He brought up his hand... and his claws... to his sight, watching them slowly retract into the sleeves as they returned to being normal bone hands that he quickly hid from sight.

Noticing the woman observing them, he decided to say nothing except meet her gaze for a bit and nod, before looking back towards those they saved.

"Helping you on this journey will not be too much trouble, but... can you tell us what exactly happened around here, to the city nearby? We are a bit out of loop..."

2018-04-05, 03:24 AM
The woman looks confused, how could anybody not have seen what happend to the city?
"I don't know exactly. Nobody knows exactly. The army came out of the northern forest, they just appeared. Tall people with high crested helmets and white robes. They just stood there and waited, for days! They never slept and never spoke a word to anyone. When the lord sent a party to investigate that party got slaughterd. Our army was not strong enaugh to attack them in the open field, so we hid behind the city walls.
Then others came to join the enemy. Most of them humans, but with strange behaviour, like the ones that just attacked us.
Finally, yesterday, strange and large siegeweapons came through the forest. I never saw them but my neighbour works.. worked for the guard. When I heard that I packed the cart with everything I could from the smithy of my husband. He.. he stayed to defend the City and.."
She tries to stay calm, but fails and starts to cry.

2018-04-05, 01:28 PM
Czara recovers her bolt and glances around I'm sorry for your loss, but it is best to get moving. I don't fancy another fight against more of them.

2018-04-05, 01:40 PM
Nero Drayce (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1515987)

He wasn't exactly sure what to do, but he knew that the woman needed to be comforted in some way. He placed his hand, through the sleeve, on her shoulder

"As much as I could tell you that he sacrificed himself so you could live and he wouldn't want to see you sad, there is still the chance, no matter how small, that he survived and made it out. Nevertheless... As I said, I believe if he did this much for you, he wouldn't want to see you grieve, not now. So smile."

2018-04-05, 01:55 PM
"well said. We should focus to making it out alive so what he did don't go to visit and grief afterwards" Erito adds

2018-04-05, 04:06 PM
Seeing that the group had made a decision, he inspects his handiwork polishing the rusty old halberd, then looks to the wagon. "I suppose we should start by getting your cart unstuck," Mlotek states flatly.

He walks over to the cart and sets his halberd down in it, gets as much of his shoulder under the cart as he can. "I may need a little help," he grunts as he begins pushing.

Push/Drag Limit: 1000 lbs

2018-04-05, 04:26 PM
Czara moves to aid him. There's some strength in her bones, it seems, enough so that it makes the work a bit lighter

750 lbs