View Full Version : Ashourina: Reloaded (IC)

2017-11-23, 10:00 PM
OOC: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?543276-Ashourina-Reloaded-(OOC)&p=22610606#post22610606

2017-11-23, 11:20 PM
Ailde makes short work of the fleeing crossbowmen. The passageway they were trying to escape through quickly branches off in several directions. Some are still only rough-cut stone, as though the work of transforming the area is still in progress.

Sir Grave
2017-11-24, 12:03 AM
The Lady of the Black Rose came for one thing. She would not be slowed by indecision.

She approached one of the fallen constructs, seemingly there was still “life” within. Kneeling down, she placed a hand on it’s chest, and sought to awaken it.

OOC: Lay on hands, just enough to give him 1 hp.

She was sure to wait until the warforged refocused it’s senses, just to see the gravity of his situation as her gaze met his.

“You live. Your comrades do not.

“Refuse cooperation, and you will join them in whatever oblivion awaits your kind.”

OOC: intimidate [roll0]

2017-11-24, 12:41 AM
The ironforged gives Cordelia a hard stare. "Who are you?"

Sir Grave
2017-11-24, 10:55 AM
The warforged gives Cordelia a hard stare. "Who are you?"

“I am the Lady of the Black Rose. An agent of the Immortal Queen.

”But more importantly, I am the one who decides whether you live or die.

“Your leader possesses an artifact that I want. You may direct me to his location. Or you may refuse, and slow us down. The latter would be the last thing you ever choose.

“However, if you choose to aid us, there may be great reward and opportunity in it for you.”

OOC: Diplomacy [roll0]

2017-11-24, 12:28 PM
If the ironforged could grin, it would. "You and dozens of others. Yet it is still his."

He pauses for a moment.

"What sort of reward?"

Sir Grave
2017-11-24, 12:54 PM
“You, and others who choose to follow you, will be contracted to Grimmfell, on behalf of Queen Ashourina. You will fight for me. You will help to topple great kingdoms, ripe for your plunder. No other could provide you with a grander career opportunity.

“All it will take is the death of your leader, and for the gauntlet to rest in more...

”...imaginative hands.”

Bad Wolf
2017-11-24, 02:15 PM
For once, it seemed like she was relying on diplomacy. Ailde left Cordelia to her devices, searching over the rest of the constructs for anything with magical power.

OOC: Wand of Detect Magic, one charge.

2017-11-24, 08:26 PM
"If you can wrest it from him, then you deserve to wield it. I will fight for whomever the Gauntlet chooses."

The constructs register as magical (in particular, the center of their chests), but nothing else about them does.

Sir Grave
2017-11-24, 08:38 PM
“Then take me to him, and we will see who is truly worthy.”

She healed the ironforged further, and allowed him to stand.

OOC: More Lay on Hands... lets say 15 more hp. Don’t quite trust him yet.

2017-11-25, 02:01 AM
The ironforged points towards the double door in the South wall of the room.

"Through there."

Sir Grave
2017-11-25, 09:24 AM
OOC: let’s see... am I forgetting anything? Intimidate... diplomacy...

Oh yes.

Insight to see if he’s lying. [roll0]

2017-11-25, 12:37 PM
Cordelia is unsure if he is lying.

Sir Grave
2017-11-25, 01:11 PM
OOC: Ah well. I guess we’ll live dangerously.

Unsure of whether or not to trust her former enemy, she rationalized that worst case scenario she was about to spring a trap. If the resistance was anything like what she had just dealt with, she would prevail. She had survived far worse.

She beckoned Ailde over. “We have a path. Let us proceed.”

Bad Wolf
2017-11-25, 06:57 PM
As much as it sounded like a delight, Ailde didn't really have time to dig around in the chests of the Ironforged. Taking up his staff in one hand, he gestured for Cordelia and her prisoner to take the lead.

"Ladies first."

Sir Grave
2017-11-25, 07:07 PM
Without further banter, the Lady of the Black Rose proceeded for the door.

OOC: she opens it, and...

2017-11-26, 01:30 AM
The door opens, leading to a passageway that continues at a slight downward slope into the darkness.

Bad Wolf
2017-11-26, 08:04 PM
"Let there be light...

Ailde's staff started to glow, bathing the walls in a soft, pure white light.

"And there was light. Shall we proceed, Lady Cordelia?"

Sir Grave
2017-11-26, 08:07 PM
Nodding, Cordelia enters and descends the sloped corridor.

2017-11-27, 01:35 AM
The corridor extends for several hundred feet before finally opening into a cavern, your light fading into the darkness beyond. The floor is rough stone and appears to drop away about 20 feet to either side of you, though it seems to continue on ahead.

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 08:23 AM
“Ah. Finally.”

Lucius had finished jotting down the last name on the list of new candidates for the Knights of the Black Rose. More would continue to come, but it was always good to see a completed squad in writing.

He had ideas for specialized knights that he just had to share with Aldik. Imagine the versatility Grimmfell’s army could bring with a unit of Knight Assassins, or Knight Mages.

Perhaps now, his genius might be appreciated.

He made his way to the platform of eternal jaunting, porting to Aldik’s massive study. Once he saw the archmage, he stood at attention.

”My Lord.”

2017-11-27, 10:33 AM
The Archwizard Aldik Adath

Aldik is sitting in his usual chair when Lucius arrives. There are twelve different tomes open before him, more than his usual five. Aldik's attention rapidly shifting from book to book as pages flip back and forth, until he hears Lucius' armored footstep behind him. Aldik's head snaps around at an unnatural angle, turning to face Lucius while his body faces forward towards the hovering books.

"What now?! Can you not see that the powers once again toy with us?! The universe has changed, AGAIN. The rules have changed, AGAIN! Something is very wrong with reality, and even my reference material has changed, as if the change has perpetuated backward, as well as forward, in time."

Aldik noticed the game change. The 'Again' he's referring to is the reality-change that happened from 2e to 3e during 'Die, Vecna Die!' :D

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 11:49 AM

Lucius cocked his head to the side.


”Pardon me, My Lord. But I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.”

2017-11-27, 12:05 PM
The Archwizard Aldik Adath

Aldik takes in a deep breath and sighs, coming to the realization that someone not psychically attuned to reality such as himself would not notice a thing.

"I should not have expected you to notice, nor anyone else among the court. Part of my unique skill set is that I am attuned to the fabric of space and time, as well as thought patterns."

He taps his finger upon his staff

"What is it I can help you with, Lucius?"

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 01:19 PM
A bit caught off guard, it takes Lucius a moment to remember what he had come there for.


"I was listing our new candidates for reconditioning and... I believe I have a way of improving upon this idea. As capable as the Knights of the Black Rose are, I believe there is room for more versatility.

As he spoke, he became more emphatic, inspired by his idea. "We could also rewrite their skills, creating more specialized Knights. We could have squads specializing in infiltration, or assassination. We could have Knights more in tune with Magic. We could have engineers, interrogators, trackers...

"Truly options are limitless. Wouldn't you agree, My Lord?"

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 03:19 PM
The corridor extends for several hundred feet before finally opening into a cavern, your light fading into the darkness beyond. The floor is rough stone and appears to drop away about 20 feet to either side of you, though it seems to continue on ahead.

Cordelia’s soft but audible clanking echoed within the cavern as she walked, Ailde followed behind.

“So tell me, Ailde.”

”How do you believe the next phase in our campaign should unfold?

”Do you see an era of peace?

”Or war?”

Bad Wolf
2017-11-27, 04:56 PM
Cordelia’s soft but audible clanking echoed within the cavern as she walked, Ailde followed behind.

“So tell me, Ailde.”

”How do you believe the next phase in our campaign should unfold?

”Do you see an era of peace?

”Or war?”

"The peoples of this world have an almost instinctive rejection of undeath. It is a moral issue to them, not political. I see no other option than war. Afterwards we should remake the nation as a self-governing state, and give them minor concessions such as electing their own rulers."

"Though on a long-term basis..."

Ailde looked towards their prisoner, trying to see how closely he was following their conversation.

"This may come as a shock to you but given a choice, I would rather not have to do what I do. Interrogations, disposals, inquisitions, it gets awfully tedious at times. Not that I do not relish the gift of serving the Queen."

"Hopefully one day this cycle of violence will end, and Ashourina will finally consolidate her rule on this world. No war, no struggle, just Her embrace. Maybe then I can take a breather, as you humans say. Who knows? One day I might even be able to return home."

He turned to Cordelia. What motivated her to fight for Ashourina so fiercely? He heard the stories, how she had betrayed her home for the Queen, but why? And after all she had lost...

"Cordelia. You may be a paragon among mortals, but one day even you will succumb to the ravages of time. How will you spend your remaining days, when you can no longer raise your sword in Her name?"

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 05:07 PM
“The day I am no longer able to raise a sword in my Queen’s name will be the day I take my own life.

”For as long as Ashourina sees use in me, I will serve. In life, or beyond death if need be.”

She questioned whether this was an exact truth anymore. She was loyal. She loved her Queen. But she deserves so much more than a simple servant.

2017-11-27, 05:23 PM
The room full of corpses of metal men was a good sign that Phlox was on the right path. She had heard Cordelia was in this area, and so was Ailde. Of all the council members, those two were the most fun, so Phlox has decided to track them down. Luckily, tracking things down was one of her better skills.

When she spotted Cordelia walking down a hallway, she fell into a low crouch and swiftly advanced on the knight, grinning like a child about to surprise their mother.

Such unpleasant talk between the two of them. Phlox froze in place when the other fey turned, fading into the darkness slightly. He didn't seem to notice her, but she wasn't going to be able to keep creeping up on them like this. Instead she broke into a sprint.

With a loud "Boo!", Phlox jumped on Cordelia, hugging her from behind.

"Black Rose~" She said, her voice as smooth and rich as cream. "I've found you!"

She squeezed tightly for a second, and then let go and jumped a few paces back.

"Hey, hey, Ciaran, you're here too, just like I thought! What are you guys doing? Hunting for some gauntlet? Can I come? I'm so bored~" The tone was soft and sweet, but the last bit came out with a bit of a whine.

Noticing Cordelia's stance, Phlox holds up her hand and waves slightly. "No, no, no, don't get too excited, Black Rose, we're on the same team. Sort of."

Phlox cocked her head to the side, and slowly drew her longsword.

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 05:35 PM
The room full of corpses of metal men was a good sign that Phlox was on the right path. She had heard Cordelia was in this area, and so was Ailde. Of all the council members, those two were the most fun, so Phlox has decided to track them down. Luckily, tracking things down was one of her better skills.

When she spotted Cordelia walking down a hallway, she fell into a low crouch and swiftly advanced on the knight, grinning like a child about to surprise their mother.

Such unpleasant talk between the two of them. Phlox froze in place when the other fey turned, fading into the darkness slightly. He didn't seem to notice her, but she wasn't going to be able to keep creeping up on them like this. Instead she broke into a sprint.

With a loud "Boo!", Phlox jumped on Cordelia, hugging her from behind.

"Black Rose~" She said, her voice as smooth and rich as cream. "I've found you!"

She squeezed tightly for a second, and then let go and jumped a few paces back.

"Hey, hey, Ciaran, you're here too, just like I thought! What are you guys doing? Hunting for some gauntlet? Can I come? I'm so bored~" The tone was soft and sweet, but the last bit came out with a bit of a whine.

Noticing Cordelia's stance, Phlox holds up her hand and waves slightly. "No, no, no, don't get too excited, Black Rose, we're on the same team. Sort of."

Phlox cocked her head to the side, and slowly drew her longsword.

As Cordelia had finished speaking, she was grappled from behind. Immediately she attempted to break free, to no avail. This new foe was strong. A voice spoke... a woman's voice. Cordelia didn't recognize it.

Then the gripped loosened. An error that would cost this new adversary dearly. Her wings unfurled as she spun around, drawing her sword. Her muscles tensed, her grip tightened. The enemy's stance was off. This was her opportunity to...


The stranger wasn't in an attack stance.

Nevertheless, she maintained her form. "Explain yourself, stranger."

2017-11-27, 05:55 PM
Phlox exhaled with relief.

"Whew, I thought you were going to attack me. Wait, stranger? Or do you mean that as an..." Phlox's smile flickered away and then back. "Black Rose, you hurt me! You don't remember? I've met you on three occasions! Velduvian brought me to meet you once, we drank wine together. We met again in Glorypine, where I served you food. And finally, we spoke briefly after your friend was captured under my subordinate's watch. Don't you recognize m-- Oh, right, all fey look the same to you humans, don't we? Silly."

Phlox crossed her arms. "Well, I remember you, Black Rose. And you, Ciaran. The Unseelie Queen wants your head, you know. She told me to find you, and I did. She didn't tell me to do anything after I found you, so I didn't. And now I have stolen control of that monster's sway over our people."

"Want to meet my dog? Kiba!" Phlox whistled low, and a wolf bounded down the hallway. His appearance flickered back and forth as his location seemed to shift around a bit. The red cloak on his back fluttering slightly.

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 06:11 PM
Phlox exhaled with relief.

"Whew, I thought you were going to attack me. Wait, stranger? Or do you mean that as an..." Phlox's smile flickered away and then back. "Black Rose, you hurt me! You don't remember? I've met you on three occasions! Velduvian brought me to meet you once, we drank wine together. We met again in Glorypine, where I served you food. And finally, we spoke briefly after your friend was captured under my subordinate's watch. Don't you recognize m-- Oh, right, all fey look the same to you humans, don't we? Silly."

Phlox crossed her arms. "Well, I remember you, Black Rose. And you, Ciaran. The Unseelie Queen wants your head, you know. She told me to find you, and I did. She didn't tell me to do anything after I found you, so I didn't. And now I have stolen control of that monster's sway over our people."

"Want to meet my dog? Kiba!" Phlox whistled low, and a wolf bounded down the hallway. His appearance flickered back and forth as his location seemed to shift around a bit. The red cloak on his back fluttering slightly.


Her grip relaxed slightly as she tried to recall events. The first time that was mentioned Cordelia was Velduvian’s guest, Where she was offered what must have been rivers full of wine. Not enough for him to get what he wanted, of course.

The second time... to be honest there were plenty of occasions where Cordelia was entertained in the Glorypine.

The third...


No. She simply didn’t recall.

She looked in Ailde’s direction. “Do you know her?”

Bad Wolf
2017-11-27, 06:18 PM
An answer of absolute devotion. Ailde expected no less from the loyal knight...

Who was then grappled from behind by an unseen assailant, struggling briefly before the attacker released their hold. Ailde whirled around ready to unleash a maelstrom of arcane energy, before they revealed themselves to be an ally. Sort of.

Ailde was centuries old. He had seen kings rise to power with bloody fists, and witnessed empires burn to the ground. He had been to all corners of the world, and even beyond it. There was little he was afraid of.

Except one. The Queen of Air and Darkness. Even after so many years, she still had such a good on him.

Ailde's face turned white and his staff dropped to the ground with a clatter, conjuring an abstract mix of shadows over all surfaces. When he spoke, it was quiet and deathly serious.

"How much does she know about my current location?"

He ignored Cordelia's query for now. It would do do her no good if the Queen's agents descended upon them.

2017-11-27, 06:58 PM
Phlox could barely hold back her laughter. Her bare toes curled, and he made a face of almost painful joy. She trembled. She couldn't hold it in.

She fell backwards in a cascade of laughter. Her eyes watered as her butt hit the ground, her sword clattering against the stone. "Oh my dear Queen, your face! Your face!!"

Phlox wiped her eyes and stood back up, sniffing sharply. She picked her sword back up and sheathed it. "She doesn't know, in fact she thinks you're somewhere else. If I don't report back in two years, she'll come here, but we'll see how the next two years go. For now she suspects you're hiding somewhere else; another scout got a false tip from someone."

Phlox looked intentionally guilty playing innocent. "What are you doing out here, anyway, Ciaran?"

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 07:05 PM
Phlox could barely hold back her laughter. Her bare toes curled, and he made a face of almost painful joy. She couldn't hold it in. She fell backwards in a cascade of laughter. Her eyes watered as her butt hit the ground, her sword clattering against the stone.

"Oh my dear Queen, your face! Your face!!"

Phlox wiped her eyes and stood back up, sniffing sharply. She picked her sword back up and sheathed it. "She doesn't know, in fact she thinks you're somewhere else. If I don't report back in two years, she'll come here, but we'll see how the next two years go. For now she suspects you're hiding somewhere else; another scout got a false tip from someone."

Phlox looked intentionally guilty playing innocent. "What are you doing out here, anyway?"

She wasn’t exactly sure what they were talking about, but it did seem Ailde knew the woman.

“Ailde is assisting me in the acquisition of the Gauntlet of War.”

2017-11-27, 07:08 PM
Phlox sniffed again. "Who? Oh, Ciaran? Going by a fake name now? No wonder! You changed your actual name, and that's why the divinations aren't working! Ha. Clever, clever Cia-- Aidle. What is this Gauntlet of War anyway?"

Phlox glanced at Cordelia, but she was focused on Aidle.

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 07:15 PM
“I know not of it’s true power. I only know of what legend speaks of it... a weapon fit for a true conqueror. There has been no battle too great, no campaign too large in scope, for whoever wore it.

”Such a weapon should not rest in the hand of some mercenary construct in the Wastes. I will claim it in Ashourina’s name.”

Bad Wolf
2017-11-27, 07:16 PM
For a single fleeting moment, Ailde had an overwhelming urge to strangle the insolent fey. Only two things were stopping him from completing the deed.

One, she was a being of unknown power who had managed to restrain Cordelia as a joke, at least temporarily. For all he knew, she could eviscerate him with a whistle.

Two, she was serving the Queen of Air and Darkness, at least only in name. If he killed her, Mab would end him, if she was feeling particularly merciful that day.

Ailde picked up his staff, focusing on dustinf it off while he regained his composure.

"How amusing. I don't recall catching your name though, maiden." Something the hunter had said had just caught up to him.

"By the monster, I assume you mean Velduvian? What exactly do you plan on doing with them?"

2017-11-27, 07:37 PM
Phlox's eyes darted to Cordelia and she dipped her head as if to placate her response. "OK. Sounds like fun."

She looked back to Aidle. "Since we are insisting to use the common tongue, you can call me Phlox."

With a gesture, a flower appeared in her hand; those who knew much about such things would recognize it as a member of the phlox family. It was dark purple, and it burst into similarly dark purple flames and vanished. She gestured again and another flower appeared. "Shouldn't I call you Aida? Aidle is a rather poor name for a fey."

She offered the flower to Aidle, but it was clearly an illusion, and not a real flower.

At the mention of her much despised enemy's name, she dropped the illusion and snarled. Sensing his master's anger, Kiba crouched low and snarled as well. "Velduvian is an abomination, surely you know. Forcing fey to adhere to strict laws? The fey follow the law of whatever whim has caught them, obeying only the terrifying power of a queen. Surely something even this human can understand; queens who are to be feared are to be obeyed. Isn't that right Black Rose? What I am going to do with him is destroy him and undo every piece of work he has ever done. I'll kill every child he sired, every rule he made up, every friend that holds him true. I will wipe his memory from existence. He is a monster that does not deserve to be remembered in song."

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 07:50 PM
Phlox's eyes darted to Cordelia and she dipped her head as if to placate her response and looked back to Aidle. "Since we are insisting to use the common tongue, you can call me Phlox."

With a gesture, a flower appeared in her hand; those who knew much about such things would recognize it as a member of the phlox family. It was dark purple, and it burst into similarly dark purple flames and vanished. She gestured again and another flower appeared. "Shouldn't I call you Aida? Aidle is a rather poor name for a fey."

She offered the flower to Aidle, but it was clearly an illusion, and not a real flower.

At the mention of her much despised enemy's name, she dropped the illusion and snarled. Sensing his master's anger, Kiba crouched low and snarled as well. "Velduvian is an abomination, surely you know. Forcing fey to adhere to strict laws? The fey follow the law of whatever whim has caught them, obeying only the terrifying power of a queen. Surely something even this human can understand; queens who are to be feared are to be obeyed. Isn't that right Black Rose? What I am going to do with him is destroy him and undo every piece of work he has ever done. I'll kill every child he sired, every rule he made up, every friend that holds him true. I will wipe his memory from existence. He is a monster that does not deserve to be remembered in song."

“You conspire so openly. Perhaps you think I am deaf?”

Cordelia glared. “King Velduvian has done great things by Ashourina’s will. We have fought side by side in battle. He has saved my life on two occasions.

“So is your plan to kill me as well? ‘Every friend he holds dear?’”

Bad Wolf
2017-11-27, 08:01 PM
As much as he wanted Velduvian dead, the self-styled Fey King was technically in the service of Ashourina. To move against him would be to move against the Queen.

"While I have no reason to doubt your...noble intentions concerning the fate of our people, Velduvian is a trusted ally of the Queen.
It would be our duty to defend him, should any harm come to him."

"Unless you have any reason to doubt Velduvian's loyalty to Ashourina, we cannot be allies."

2017-11-27, 08:41 PM
Phlox clicked her tongue at Cordelia. "Maybe you are deaf. I said people who hold him true, not people he holds dear. The difference is subtle, but huge. You won't hold him true for much longer; I know where your loyalties lie, and I know where his do and they are not the same. You understand what it means to serve under a terrifying queen, he only knows how to make others submit to his will. He chafes under the queen, he plots, he connives, he moves his pieces around the board. Pieces like me."

Phlox tapped herself. "But I know who to fear, the Queen. Always the Queen. Back home, here, anywhere I go, the Queen is to be feared and obeyed and only she. Velduvian killed his queen once and he will try to do it again."

Phlox shot Aidle a wink. "I know handsome is rarely also intelligent, but who knew you would be here? And why would they send an assassin to meet with you? Aida. Silly headed Aida. Silly headed, handsome Aida. Twice now I have been ordered to find you, and once I was ordered to kill you. But I'm not going to kill you, because I only kill for my Queen. Or for fun. Or because I'm bored. Or if the thing is ugly. Or it has something I want. Or... OK. Well, I don't want to kill you and since no Queen ordered it, I won't."

"You, on the other hand," Phlox said point at Cordelia, "I really don't want to kill. You're scary, beautiful and merciless. Just my type. And you understand to never betray your Queen."

Phlox looked at Aidle pointedly. "Unlike some men."

"So, if you want, we can fight to the death and you can serve a traitor king's will and not your Queen's will." Phlox said with a mocking tone. "Silly Aida. Scary Black Rose. How blind mortals and men can be. As if Velduvian would ever truly submit to another. Silly, silly."

Phlox giggled. "Come on, let's go get that glove. I won't mention how slow-witted you two are to Ashourina, if you don't drop any hints to that monster that I chose our Queen over him."

In Sylvan she adds, "Mab will know if I die, so I know that I have your loyalty, even if you don't want to give it. And that makes us friends."

Phlox giggled again and moved beside them.

Phlox takes the dodge action.

Sir Grave
2017-11-27, 08:58 PM
Cordelia did not trust Phlox. But what she said about Velduvian was disturbing. It couldn’t be true.

...could it?

”...Once I have the Gauntlet we will see about this. I will need more than the words of someone I know nothing about.”

Sheathing her sword she coldly walked past Phlox, proceeding through the tunnel.

Bad Wolf
2017-11-27, 09:56 PM
Ailde casted another illumination spell on Cordelia's sword, turning back to Phlox. Smart, strong and knew just how to get under Cordelia's skin. If it wasn't for her association with the Unseelie Queen, he was sure they'd get along like air and Darkness.

"I'm not walking away right now, so you've aroused my curiosities at the very least. You claim to be subverting Mab's orders to find me, but you clearly hold her in high regard. Suppose Velduvian's a traitor. Suppose we kill him. What happens then? Do you drag me back to her, in iron chains? She does not suffer failure lightly."

Even though Cordelia was probably out of earshot, he made sure to speak in Sylvan. One wrong word around the Black Rose and heads could roll.

2017-11-27, 11:03 PM
"I have 11 daughters and 11 sons. Now you know something about me, so you can trust me. Besides, why would I lie? There would be no comedic effect to it. Mortals are so funny, never knowing the right time to play a trick and the right time to tell the truth." Phlox said to Cordelia.

"Anyway, let's go get your toy." She said, following behind the lady knight.

Turning around to walk backwards, she eyed Ailde up and down. Putting a mischievous hand over her face to hide her grin she cackled.

"I didn't fail, silly. I was told to find you. I found you. She never said to catch you. If she wanted me to bring you back, or tell you I had found her, she should have said so. I always do what I'm told by my Queen. To the letter. Besides, if we kill Velduvian, and then tell her all about it, maybe she'll only kill you once. You can come back once, right?"

"Although if the idea of me dragging you in iron chains is appealing, I'd be more than happy to oblige you. We don't even have to wait until Velduvian dies for that." She said in Sylvan.

Switching back to common she added, "I don't think now is the time to proposition me, Aida, though it really is a good place for it. Chains and all. It would fit the atmosphere."

Bad Wolf
2017-11-27, 11:19 PM
That was interesting. Ailde had spent his entire life growing up among the fey, but had never met someone as...unique as Phlox.

"Very well. Business before...more business."

Ailde gave a short of derision, but said no more about Phlox's advances. Cordelia had more than her fair share of skeletons in that particular closet. Besides, he was six hundred, not six.

2017-11-27, 11:39 PM
Phlox gave him an amused nod. "I know all about what sort of business you do, Grand Inquisitor. I don't think I want to play business with you, I've got secrets I don't want to tell you just yet, and you're much too likely to ask just the right way."

"Black Rose, are we almost there? I wonder what I can learn about this gauntlet..."

OOC: Casting Legend Lore. It has a 10 minute cast time though. I suppose she knew she was coming here, so maybe she cast it before.

Sir Grave
2017-11-28, 12:01 AM
Cordelia sighed. She wasn’t one to easily make friends. The same could be said here, but Phlox seemed persistent nonetheless.

”How should I know?”

2017-11-28, 01:41 AM
The corridor opens into a cavern, your light fading into the darkness beyond. The floor is rough stone and appears to drop away about 20 feet to either side of you, though it seems to continue on ahead.

A dim reddish light glimmers in the darkness beyond. The eerie silence of the cavern is suddenly broken by a sonorous voice that echoes off the cavern walls.

"Intruders. There are only two explanations for your presence. Either you are here to hire the Iron Legion, or you are here to die. And I don't see any chests of gold with you."

The voice comes from outside the range of your light spell, probably around 80-100 feet away. The dim reddish light is about the same distance, and about 20-30 feet higher up than you.

Sir Grave
2017-11-28, 07:30 AM
The corridor opens into a cavern, your light fading into the darkness beyond. The floor is rough stone and appears to drop away about 20 feet to either side of you, though it seems to continue on ahead.

A dim reddish light glimmers in the darkness beyond. The eerie silence of the cavern is suddenly broken by a sonorous voice that echoes off the cavern walls.

"Intruders. There are only two explanations for your presence. Either you are here to hire the Iron Legion, or you are here to die. And I don't see any chests of gold with you."

The voice comes from outside the range of your light spell, probably around 80-100 feet away. The dim reddish light is about the same distance, and about 20-30 feet higher up than you.

Cordela stands calmly and looks in the direction of the voice.

”I am here to relieve you of the Gauntlet of War, Ironlord.

”You do still have it, don’t you?”

2017-11-28, 07:42 AM
"Black Rose! You should have said something about there being a third explanation! Something like, 'Seems like you don't know about option three, why don't you let your subordinates back there explain it to you.'" Phlox spoke the line in a deeper, colder voice that resembled Cordelia's, but was noticably fake.

"No, but seriously, can you give us that Gauntlet?" Phlox asked.

Sir Grave
2017-11-28, 08:04 AM
"Hammerglass? That's a dumb name. You sound like a dwarven burglar that isn't smart enough to pick locks." Phlox said with a titter.

"Black Rose! You should have said something about there being a third explanation! Something like, 'Seems like you don't know about option three, why don't you let your subordinates back there explain it to you.'" Phlox spoke the line in a deeper, colder voice that resembled Cordelia's, but was noticably fake.

"No, but seriously, can you give us that Gauntlet?" Phlox asked.


Cordelia addressed the Ironlord again. “Since your welcoming party provided us with such entertainment, I’m going to offer you a choice.

“Surrender the Gauntlet, and choose to serve the Immortal Queen willingly...”

”...or be destroyed.”

2017-11-28, 10:33 AM
"So serious. Honestly. How drab."

Knowing that such talk rarely ended with peace, Phlox drew her longsword and shield, and changed her mental focus to that of the chameleon.

She started humming to herself as well, balancing on the balls of her feet, eagerly awaiting the impeding violence.

2017-11-28, 11:36 AM
You hear the sound of many weapons being drawn in the darkness.

"Kill them."

2017-11-28, 11:50 AM
A bit caught off guard, it takes Lucius a moment to remember what he had come there for.


"I was listing our new candidates for reconditioning and... I believe I have a way of improving upon this idea. As capable as the Knights of the Black Rose are, I believe there is room for more versatility.

As he spoke, he became more emphatic, inspired by his idea. "We could also rewrite their skills, creating more specialized Knights. We could have squads specializing in infiltration, or assassination. We could have Knights more in tune with Magic. We could have engineers, interrogators, trackers...

"Truly options are limitless. Wouldn't you agree, My Lord?"

The Archwizard Aldik Adath

Aldik's face contorts, his nose and brows scrunching up for just a moment as his frustration builds

"We will not be able to continue with this plan. The powers toy with us, as there is now no way to complete such a task. If it were possible, the methods by which to complete such personality revisions would need to be rediscovered."

The way this was done in 3.5e is no longer possible in 5e =\

Sir Grave
2017-11-28, 12:28 PM
Lucius was stopped dead in his tracks.


”With respect, archmage, what in the Nine Hell’s do you mean? You did it last time. I’ve seen you do it. The Knights exist as evidence.”

2017-11-28, 01:01 PM
Lucius was stopped dead in his tracks.


”With respect, archmage, what in the Nine Hell’s do you mean? You did it last time. I’ve seen you do it. The Knights exist as evidence.”

The Archwizard Aldik Adath

"The rules have changed, Lucius. What was once possible, is now not. Magic cannot currently solve this issue for us. The only way to move forward with this plan is to brainwash and retrain them in the conventional manner. This will take months, not days. The scale has changed as well. What tools I had, I no longer have the ability to wield to their full effect. I must continue to study these changes, and alter my methodologies. A setback to be sure, but only a temporary one."

Sir Grave
2017-11-28, 04:20 PM
The Archwizard Aldik Adath

"The rules have changed, Lucius. What was once possible, is now not. Magic cannot currently solve this issue for us. The only way to move forward with this plan is to brainwash and retrain them in the conventional manner. This will take months, not days. The scale has changed as well. What tools I had, I no longer have the ability to wield to their full effect. I must continue to study these changes, and alter my methodologies. A setback to be sure, but only a temporary one."

”I- you’re not making sense, My Lord. I know it would take you months. It took months the last time... oh, never mind.”

”Then the idea is still viable. Yes?”

2017-11-29, 10:31 AM
Throwing her weight forward, Phlox ran to the edge of the ledge. Seeing water, so caught herself and cast a spell. Before dashing towards the source of the voice, Phlox tossed her longsword into the water to deceive the unseen enemies.

Bonus action: dash and move diagonally to the edge of the ledge.
Action: cast Greater Invisibility.
Non-Action: drop my sword into the water.
Free Object Interaction Action: Draw my rapier.
Move Action: Move along the edge silently; trying to stealthy as I go.

24 Stealth to go undetected along the edge of the ledge.

Kiba blinked and looked over at Cordelia. Likely much to her surprise the wolf whispered to her. "I'll follow your lead."

Ready to follow Cordelia.

2017-11-29, 05:42 PM
”I- you’re not making sense, My Lord. I know it would take you months. It took months the last time... oh, never mind.”

”Then the idea is still viable. Yes?”

The Archwizard Aldik Adath

Aldik stops for a moment, breathing in deeply and flushing his emotional imbalance with his exhale

"Yes, this is still a viable plan. We will need to keep the imprisoned traitors for a longer term than planned, but otherwise your input is under consideration."

Aldik takes his staff from the nook carved for it in the stone chair, and stands to face Lucius' skeletal visage

"Where is your lady? I have been distracted by this conundrum long enough. It is time for action, and there is a Staff of the Magi I may need their help to retrieve."

Sir Grave
2017-11-29, 05:56 PM
The Archwizard Aldik Adath

Aldik stops for a moment, breathing in deeply and flushing his emotional imbalance with his exhale

"Yes, this is still a viable plan. We will need to keep the imprisoned traitors for a longer term than planned, but otherwise your input is under consideration."

Aldik takes his staff from the nook carved for it in the stone chair, and stands to face Lucius' skeletal visage

"Where is your lady? I have been distracted by this conundrum long enough. It is time for action, and there is a Staff of the Magi I may need their help to retrieve."

”She quests for the Gauntlet of War.”

Sir Grave
2017-11-29, 07:34 PM
Cordelia smiled. “They never choose to submit.

“All the same...”

Her sword gleamed as she summoned Ashourina’s power, fueling her allies with the ferocity that would win this day. She then fearlessly walked forward.

OOC: casting bless on Ailde and Kiba. Walking forward 30 feet or until I see an enemy.

Bad Wolf
2017-11-29, 07:49 PM
Ailde had been around long enough that a dark room wasn't going to stop him from turning some robots into scrap piles.

He quickly summoned his armor to himself with but a word, sending out a roaring fireball from his staff that lit up the cavern like the sun. He then moved closer towards his targets, intent on engaging them in melee combat.

OOC: quickened Mage Armor, and then using five charges from my staff to cast fireball as fifth level. He then moves to the closest enemy.

DC 17, damage: [roll0]

2017-11-30, 01:36 AM
The ironforged cry out as the massive ball of flame engulfs them, but respond in kind with a hail of crossbow bolts from auto-launchers attached to their arms. Afterwards, the first line advances with melee weapons in-hand.

Attacking Ailde:
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] (1d10)[4]

[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]

[roll9] [roll10]
[roll11] [roll12] [roll13]

[roll14] [roll15]
[roll16] [roll17] [roll18]

Attacking Cordelia:
[roll19] [roll20]
[roll21] [roll22] [roll23]

[roll24] [roll25]
[roll26] [roll27] [roll28]

[roll29] [roll30]
[roll31] [roll32] [roll33]

[roll34] [roll35]
[roll36] [roll37] [roll38]

Cordelia and Ailde feel the tendrils of a magic spell attempting to hold them in place.

Wisdom save DC 18 or paralyzed.

2017-11-30, 08:08 AM
A voice called out from nowhere, "They are too powerful! Everyone, jump into the water and wait the fight out. We'll follow whomever wins this fight."

The last two sentences were laced with a thick, sweet magic; sound logic to those who could be swayed by the charming voice of the fey they could not see.

"Our lady of Grimmfell, of dark and despair
Will shake off this spell, so you best beware
Her wrath will be frightful, nasty and cruel
And after she will say 'Phlox is so cool.'"

Action: Ready to cast Mass Suggestion DC 18 or jump into the water and wait until the fight is over and follow whomever wins the fight for 24 hours. Target is everyone I can see that didn't come into the room with me, except the boss. Trigger is both Ailde and Cordelia complete their turns.

Bonus action to give bardic inspiration to Cordelia (d12)

Kiba lunges forward and snaps his jaws onto the metal man furthest from the lady knight, hoping to keep him at bay.

Move to move
Action to bite, 17 to hit for 15 damage
DC 16 Strength save or get pull prone.

Sir Grave
2017-11-30, 08:39 AM
All but one bolt failed to land on the the Lady of the Black Rose, as they glance off of the plates of her armor. The fourth manage to sink just behind her shoulder plate, but she advances all the same.



She freezes in place.


She can't move. She can't speak.

No, no, no...

She was helpless. And alive.

Fear seized her heart. Not this...

She felt as she did that day, where she was among many fallen yet the only one alive... broken. Arm severed from her body. Starved. Abandoned.


I am alone...

Ashourina, save me...

Let me know death, but not this...

2017-11-30, 12:25 PM
An ear-splitting, thunderous boom explodes outward from behind Ailde, Kiba, and Cordelia, rattling them to their bones.

Cordelia, Kiba, Ailde:
[roll0] thunder damage and deafened. DC 15 Con save negates.

As Phlox approaches, she observes a man dressed in a noble's uniform, seated on a throne made of the same stone as the rest of the cavern. The throne is about 20 feet higher than the precipice "floor", and is reached by a steep stone staircase carved out of the rock.

On the man's right hand is a black, metal gauntlet. The gaps in the gauntlet where the joints are positioned glow with a faint, hellish light.

The man appears to be intently watching the battle below him.

Bad Wolf
2017-11-30, 02:12 PM
That hurt. A lot. He wasn't really sure why Cordelia always wanted to be in the thick of it. Effortlessly shaking off the two spells sent his way he withdrew from the battle and from sight entirely, but not before sending another roaring fireball at the Ironforged.

Fireball again as they didn't seem to like that, and then Greater Invisibility. Then stepping the hell back.

Damage: [roll0]

Sir Grave
2017-11-30, 03:05 PM
The Black Rose still could not move.

The days are cold and gray. Snow falls gently upon the pine, north in the mountainous border of Grimmfell. Upon the white ground are spatterings of blood. Armored men, women, and horses, brutally cut down. It is all but lifeless. But one fleeting candle remains lit...

The young Captain Cordelia Sorenshield. Well renowned, well respected by her peers. The best fighter Grimmfell had to offer...

The horse that had fallen upon her saw to her broken back. She had taken a spear from behind, skeletal claws cut at her face. The scimitar had taken her arm, leaving a bloody stub. Yet by some miracle... or perhaps, by sheer misfortune... she was alive. Alive, and in pain.

She could not scream. She could barely let out a whisper. And even if she could scream, there was no one for miles. No one to come for her. No one to save her.

Hours went by. Hunger took to her. Hunger, and thirst. All she had was the snow. It’s icy, subtle bite as each and every one fell upon her was agony.

Then the carrion birds. She watched as her comrades were picked apart, pieces of their flesh ripped off and gobbled up. They eventually sized her up for a meal... nibbling at the stub of her arm.

Days of this continuous agony went on, till it seemed dull and commonplace. Worse than the pain we’re her thoughts. What she once had. Family... Friends...A home...


She said she would return.

She said she would return to her. That they would marry. Start a life.

That hope was gone. It was all gone.

She was alone. Waiting to die.


Sir Grave
2017-11-30, 04:07 PM
A figure approached. She could not see. Her vision was blurred... But it was imposing as it stood over her. She refocused...

"M-my Queen..."

"You've come for me..."

But it was not Queen Ashourina.

The figure, clad in black armor, spread her dark, feathery wings. A pall of darkness was all there was from beneath her hood. Until a pair of crimson stars burned, staring back at the confused Cordelia.

The Lady of the Black Rose drew her Khopesh.

"You are not worthy."

Mercilessly she brought her sword down on Cordelia.

A song had broken her cloud. Her still body trembled. Anger broiled within. "Nnnoo..."

The spell's effect began to weaken. "NOOOO!!!"

The spell was broken.

She bent a knee. Gasping for air.

Then seethed. Her gaze lifted to see her enemy.


2017-12-01, 12:24 PM
Ailde's second fireball once again causes the ironforged to cry out in pain, and as the magical flames fade, several ironforged look to be in pretty bad shape. Kiba grabs one of the heavily injured ironforged in his powerful jaws and wrenches the construct to the ground.

As Phlox's suggestion takes effect, all but one of the ironforged carefully withdraw to the edges of the precipice and leap off into the darkness beyond.

2017-12-01, 01:47 PM
The lone standing ironguard warrior slashes at Cordelia with his blade, connecting once.

(1d8)[7] (1d10)[1] slashing damage.

The Ironlord casts another spell and the area around Cordelia, Kiba, and Phlox is suddenly filled with a swarm of biting, stinging insects, while another thunderous boom rattles Ailde, Cordelia, and Kiba.

Insect plague damage:
[roll0] piercing damage; DC 18 Con save for 1/2. The area is lightly obscured and becomes difficult terrain.

Thunder damage:
(1d10)[4] thunder damage and deafened; DC 15 Con save negates.

Sir Grave
2017-12-01, 02:24 PM
The insects swarmed around her, the thick of it made it difficult to see. But she knew where her enemy was.

From the cloud she launched into the air with her wings. Fire in her eyes. Sword blazing with the might of Ashourina's power, combined with the anger that had erupted within.


She landed before him, bringing her blade down upon him and attacking recklessly, relentlessly and without mercy. There was no honor. There was no fairness. Only the worthy... and the weak.

OOC: Okay here it comes! Hulking out wit rage, dash action with my wings to cover the distance and using Action Surge to deliver three Relentless Smite Attacks!! As they say, "IT'S SMITIN' TIME!"


Attack[roll0] or Attack[roll1]
Crit Chance[roll2]
Damage[roll3] plus SMITE 4th level slot [roll4]
Crit Damage[roll5] plus SMITE 4th level slot [roll6]


Attack[roll7] or Attack[roll8]
Crit Chance[roll9]
Damage[roll10] plus SMITE 4th level slot [roll11]
Crit Damage[roll12] plus SMITE 4th level slot [roll13]


Attack[roll14] or Attack[roll15]
Crit Chance[roll16]
Damage[roll17] plus SMITE 3rd level slot [roll18]
Crit Damage[roll19] plus SMITE 3rd level slot [roll20]

2017-12-01, 04:52 PM
"You shall BURN." Came the vicious retort from the fey bard. As her words lashed out, so did the hateful blue flames of the Wolf Lord's wrath.

Suddenly visible, Phlox charged towards the man with a rapier glowing with the same blue flame. With a rapid spinning flurry, she jabbed twice at the man as her blade continued to dance a weave of magic around her. "Flames of the Wolf Lord's hunt consume you!"

Reaction: HellishRebuke as Third Level Warlock Slot (20 Fire Damage, DC 18 DEX halves)
Bonus Action: Searing Smite as Third Level Warlock Slot
Attack: Blade Flourish, Two Attacks, Defensive Flourish, Sneak Attack (Only one attack hits)
* Both attack hit for 12 Fire, 28 Piercing damage and then 18 damage.
* He must have a DC 18 Con save every round or take 3d6 fire damage until he passes or spends an action to put it out.
* I get +7 AC for this round
Action Surge: Attack
If 18 hits: 12 damage
CRIT: 22 damage
Move: Move into range

Dex 18 or 20 fire, 10 if he saves
28 piercing and 12 fire
18 piercing
If 18 hits, 12 piercing
If not immune to crits, 22 piercing, if he is 17 piercing
CON save on the start of his turn or 3d6 fire damage

Kiba likewise charged forward, but arrived later then either of his two companions.

Bad Wolf
2017-12-01, 06:50 PM
Seeing as how the majority of the ironforged had now been neutralised, Ailde drew closer, careful to avoid the stinging bite of the insects. He muttered a word and a ray of pure sunlight sprang from his hand, striking the Ironlord.

OOC: Sunbeam, dc 17. Damage: [roll0] con save for half and avoid blindness

2017-12-02, 01:49 AM
Cordelia hacks into her enemy before he has a chance to react. With her final downward stroke, his body crumples lifeless into the throne he had just risen from, his blood flowing down the steep steps at the precipice's edge.

Sir Grave
2017-12-02, 09:55 AM
It was difficult to describe the feeling. For a moment, all there was was her, and the Ironlord. The noise of her surroundings fell away. Everything went red. And with each swing came faces of those long gone... people who had died... people who she had slain... Titus. Highrock. Talion. Caliban. Leon. Ralidar. Anna.


She continued to mutilate his body long after he had passed. The final swing embedded itself into the cobbled stone and she let out a blood curdling scream.


Her breathing was heavy, the adrenaline began to lessen. Her surroundings became more clear. By the end of it she seemed to have been bathed in the Ironlord’s blood.

”huff... huff... huff... huff...”

She drew a long breath, and stood upright. She removed her blood tainted mask. She was calm again. With the flick of her wrist she attempted to shake the blade clean, only to look down to see it needed an extra shake. Then she sheathed it.


It was a sigh of relief. She genuinely seemed happy.

“...that was fun.”

She turned around to see Phlox.

”You have my thanks. Were it not for you, I would not have been able to take my revenge.


She bent down to collect the Gauntlet. “I believe this belongs to me...”

2017-12-02, 05:11 PM
Phlox watched Cordelia hack away at a corpse with some disgust and annoyance. It wasn't fun for her to watch such a tedious display of pointless violence. Phlox walked to the edge of the edge of the strange protuberance and looked over at the Ironforged swimming. "Can you come up here please? The fight is over. The lady knight is just taking out her bad mood on a corpse. Oh, and can one of you find my sword?"

Cordelia's thrashing seemed to slow, so Phlox walked back over to her.

"That was fun." She agreed.

Phlox moved in close. "I didn't do anything, really, I just sung about what I knew was going to happen. The Lady of the Black Rose could never be so easily defeated. No, not Black Rose."

Phlox moved in even closer and put her hand on Cordelia's shoulder. "But, this wasn't much for revenge. Real revenge will come later. Have fun with your glove."

Phlox walked away and then looked around. "Aida? Where are you? Hiding, still? Come on out and I will look at your wounds. If you want, I will sing while we rest too; fey magic always makes you feel better."

Bad Wolf
2017-12-02, 05:59 PM
"I would disagree with your asssment Lady Phlox." Ailde appeard next to the fey, boody but unbowed. He pulled out a bolt from his shoulder, wincing slightly.

"But we retrieved what we came for. The Gauntlet of War." He looked over at Cordelia, who was holding the eponymous gauntlet. Not for the first time in the last couple of days, he questioned her mental state. She was still exemplary as the Queen's Sword, but Ailde wondered if she would be able to remain as the commander of Grimfell.

Ailde raised his voice slightly. "Lady Cordelia. There appears to be quite a bit more to this structure, but we have accomplished our goal. Do you wish to proceed further?"

Sir Grave
2017-12-02, 06:13 PM
"I would disagree with your asssment Lady Phlox." Ailde appeard next to the fey, boody but unbowed. He pulled out a bolt from his shoulder, wincing slightly.

"But we retrieved what we came for. The Gauntlet of War." He looked over at Cordelia, who was holding the eponymous gauntlet. Not for the first time in the last couple of days, he questioned her mental state. She was still exemplary as the Queen's Sword, but Ailde wondered if she would be able to remain as the commander of Grimfell.

Ailde raised his voice slightly. "Lady Cordelia. There appears to be quite a bit more to this structure, but we have accomplished our goal. Do you wish to proceed further?"

“Why not?”

She removed her right gauntlet. “With this artifact, the Iron Legion will serve us. It would be a shame if they did not show us around our new Nalakan Wastes Headquarters... with what priceless gems it holds.”

Casually she slipped her new gauntlet on. “In the meantime... I would like to understand this Gauntlet’s properties.

“Hm. It suits me, doesn't it?”

2017-12-02, 06:39 PM
Phlox hummed a little and a handful of berries appeared in her hands. Her humming hit a higher note and Ailde's wounds suddenly mended. She ate one of the berries, put another into her other hand and handed the others to Aida.

"Black Rose, would you like a tasty berry?" Phlox asked, handing the berry over.

"If you want the gauntlet to really work, you're going to need to mull over it. I can help you look over it, if you want. Looks good on you, I suppose. It could look better with some help... We'll do that later." Phlox suggested.

Phlox heals 1, Cordelia heals 1, Ailde heals 24. Healing word isn't very strong after all. But if we rest, every can heal 1d10 extra if they spent hit dice to heal.

Bad Wolf
2017-12-02, 07:09 PM
"As you wish." Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to hand over the guntlet to her at this moment. Though if the gauntlet was worth anything, it would take time to attune to it. In any case, his thoughts were interrupted by Phlox.

He gave her a nod of respect as he took it, saying nothing more on the issue (he had been trapped in bargains before after nothing more than a little "gift"). "How long will that enchantment of yours endure for?"

2017-12-02, 08:28 PM
Phlox raised an eyebrow. "Depends. They will obey without question for a day due to the enchantment, and after that they will obey without question due to fear. So, really, it's how you choose to look at it."

Phlox noticed a longsword on the ground, the weapon of the dead iron legion and picked it up. With a shrug, she stowed it.

Bad Wolf
2017-12-02, 09:15 PM
"Hmm. I prefer the loyalty of allies not to be extracted by force or by magic. When you're up against a wall, your hold might break at the most inopportune moment. Humans and the like can be fickle, true, but give them a reason to fight for you and they can be quite useful."

Sir Grave
2017-12-02, 11:46 PM
"Hmm. I prefer the loyalty of allies not to be extracted by force or by magic. When you're up against a wall, your hold might break at the most inopportune moment. Humans and the like can be fickle, true, but give them a reason to fight for you and they can be quite useful."


She walked toward Ailde. Her serious expression didn’t change. But perhaps Ailde knew by now how bottled up her emotions could be. “Because humans are meant to be used.

“Is that your point, Ailde?”

”Or is it Ciaran? I can’t tell anymore.”

Bad Wolf
2017-12-03, 12:03 AM

She walked toward Ailde. Her serious expression didn’t change. But perhaps Ailde knew by now how bottled up her emotions could be. “Because humans are meant to be used.

“Is that your point, Ailde?”

”Or is it Ciaran? I can’t tell anymore.”

Ailde looked up in polite surprise as Cordelia approached. He didn't expect her to to take his words to heart, though he could see how that might happen.

"Ciaran Lightflower, actually. But I abandoned it and everything it held a long time ago, fleeing the Queen of Air and Darkness."

"True, maybe I should have shared that with you. Out of all the members of Ashourina's court, you re the one I have interacted with the most. My Inquisition resides within Grimfell's walls."

"But I did not. We all have our secrets, trinkets and stories we like to keep close to our hearts. I chose to keep this one from you. I imagine there's a lot you have hid from me."

Ailde glanced over his staff. It was getting low on charges. He slung it over his back.

"As for your first question, I meant no offense. Ashourina was human once, and I suspect not many would say she is being 'used' as you refer to it. Those without power are used bu those who possess it. It rings true among all races."

"Is that a sufficient answer?"

2017-12-03, 12:09 AM
Phlox tsked, and shoot her head. Strumming her lute, she spoke with a hint of magic in her tone, her lute softly humming along with her words. "Black Rose, everyone is useful to some extent; people should be used, because if they aren't they have no purpose. You used us to help you get an angry magic glove, didn't you? Willingly we let ourselves be used, but you still used us. It's fine as long as use doesn't become abuse. Something that isn't useful doesn't have a reason to exist. I'm sure poor, clumsy worded Aida didn't mean anything by it."

Come here Black Rose, let's just look at that glove of yours and see what it does." Phlox strummed her lute again. "Leave poor Aida alone. He's loyal now, why do you ever care about a past that doesn't affect you?"

"Come here, come here, Black Rose. Come here~" Phlox sang along with her lute strumming.

Sir Grave
2017-12-03, 12:36 AM
“Oh, spare me. Ciaran is anything but clumsy with his words. He uses venomous, passive aggressive nuances and disguises it as ‘politeness.’ But I see right through him.”

She addresses Ailde again. “You really do think all humans are lower than you, don’t you? Say it to me directly then. Don’t hide behind your politeness. At least then I’d respect you more. But no, that simply isn’t your way. You like hiding. Masking your words. Perhaps you think I’m dull enough to fall for your tricks.”

At this point she was baiting him. “Go on, then. Say what’s on your mind. Bring it out into the open. I’m very curious about what you think of me. Or what secrets you think I might be keeping.”

Bad Wolf
2017-12-03, 12:57 AM
This had been simmering for some time now. He would've been a fool to suspect that their conversation after Anna's death would be the end of it.

"...Very well then."

"Yes, i think humans ar beneath me. They are vain and impetuous, squabbling among themselves over only minor differences. True, their is a certain degree of treachery in the Fey Courts, but treason is swiftly punished."

"Over the time of my life I have witnessed the rise of several kingdoms, none of which latsed for more than two centuries. Why? Because humans are short-sighted fools who can't see anything further then their next scoop of slop."

He realized that this could result in battle very shortly, but he didn't care.

"You however, have risen beyond the stench of humanity. I said that before, and I will say that again. It is not a compliment, it is a result of attaining power."

"Though I must admit, you have your flaws. You have been slipping ever since you killed your beloved Anna for reasons you barely elaborated on. I've heard from my inquisitors that you even had her family executed. And let's not forget how you executed a man before the entire city, proclaiming yourself a tyrant and their enemy. And all for what?"

"Perhaps you are simply insane. It would explain your frenzied execution of the Ironlord? Why else would a once-stalwart defender of Grimfell betray everyone she had ever known? I wonder, did you have a family before Ashourina?
Perhaps brothers and sisters? A husband? Children, even? What could make someone give up everything in life?"

Sir Grave
2017-12-03, 01:11 AM
This had been simmering for some time now. He would've been a fool to suspect that their conversation after Anna's death would be the end of it.

"...Very well then."

"Yes, i think humans ar beneath me. They are vain and impetuous, squabbling among themselves over only minor differences. True, their is a certain degree of treachery in the Fey Courts, but treason is swiftly punished."

"Over the time of my life I have witnessed the rise of several kingdoms, none of which latsed for more than two centuries. Why? Because humans are short-sighted fools who can't see anything further then their next scoop of slop."

He realized that this could result in battle very shortly, but he didn't care.

"You however, have risen beyond the stench of humanity. I said that before, and I will say that again. It is not a compliment, it is a result of attaining power."

"Though I must admit, you have your flaws. You have been slipping ever since you killed your beloved Anna for reasons you barely elaborated on. I've heard from my inquisitors that you even had her family executed. And let's not forget how you executed a man before the entire city, proclaiming yourself a tyrant and their enemy. And all for what?"

"Perhaps you are simply insane. It would explain your frenzied execution of the Ironlord? Why else would a once-stalwart defender of Grimfell betray everyone she had ever known? I wonder, did you have a family before Ashourina?
Perhaps brothers and sisters? A husband? Children, even? What could make someone give up everything in life?"


Perhaps it surprised Ailde that her hands weren’t around his throat. But her demeanor was less aggressive. Much less so.

”...haven’t you ever been in love, you stupid man?”

Bad Wolf
2017-12-03, 01:15 AM

Perhaps it surprised Ailde that her hands weren’t around his throat. But her demeanor was less aggressive. Much more so.

”...haven’t you ever been in love, you stupid man?”

"No. Love is for children and half-wit bards. It's a waste of time."

2017-12-03, 01:19 AM
"Your words hurt me, Aida. Love is the most beautiful thing in the world."

"You're not even half a man to say such a thing in front of a grieving woman, and less than that to say something in front of two of the most gorgeous women alive today. If you're going to treat people like this, maybe I should tell our mutual friend where you are." Phlox words continued to come out with the strumming of her lute. But the tone was suddenly sweetly venomous.

Sir Grave
2017-12-03, 01:28 AM
“In his defense, I did ask for his honesty.”

Bad Wolf
2017-12-03, 01:29 AM
"Your words hurt me, Aida. Love is the most beautiful thing in the world."

"You're not even half a man to say such a thing in front of a grieving woman, and less than that to say something in front of two of the most gorgeous women alive today. If you're going to treat people like this, maybe I should tell our mutual friend where you are." Phlox words continued to come out with the strumming of her lute. But the tone was suddenly sweetly venomous.

"...I mean no lack of respect. Could you allow us a moment of privacy Lady Phlox? This is a conversation long overdue between the two of us."

2017-12-03, 01:30 AM
"Maybe you did, but I didn't. I'm a bard that is frequently in love. I do not appreciate the implication." Phlox said to Cordelia.

"If you want privacy, maybe don't talk in the middle of a cave, surrounded by charmed soldiers? I'm not going out there alone just because you want to argue. Despite your recent assertion, I'm not as foolish as you." Phlox said to Ailde.

"Besides, Lady Phlox would be wrong. You would say 'Lady Moonseeker.'" Phlox added as an after thought, taking a couple of steps away. "If you want privacy, get a room at the inn, and don't talk in the middle of just behind enemy lines. So rude. Honestly."

Sir Grave
2017-12-03, 01:40 AM
“Perhaps I am insane.

”I’ve never been sure myself. I’ve done evil things. Terrible things. I’ve inflicted pain on others, and myself. There are times where I wish I’d die to end the haunts that torment my sleep. I’ve killed many people, even before Ashourina. I always knew deep down I was no hero knight... just another murderer dressed as one.

”All I’ve done, it has been for one purpose. Ashourina is everything to me.

“She deserves the world. I want to give this to her.

“She is all I could ever desire.”

Bad Wolf
2017-12-03, 01:55 AM
“Perhaps I am insane.

”I’ve never been sure myself. I’ve done evil things. Terrible things. I’ve inflicted pain on others, and myself. There are times where I wish I’d die to end the haunts that torment my sleep. I’ve killed many people, even before Ashourina. I always knew deep down I was no hero knight... just another murderer dressed as one.

”All I’ve done, it has been for one purpose. Ashourina is everything to me.

“She deserves the world. I want to give this to her.

“She is all I could ever desire.”

"That's it? A disillusioned citizen of Grimfell, who decided to stop all of a sudden and serve Ashourina out of the blue. Forgive me, but that seems a bit of a stretch. When exactly did you begin to serve Her Grace?"

2017-12-03, 03:27 PM
“Hm. It suits me, doesn't it?”

A deep chuckle resonates in the cavern, seemingly coming from everywhere at once, as the water below the precipice begins to glow in scattered places with a soft light. Looking over the edge of the precipice, you see that the luminescence ebbs and flows with the movement of the water.

"It does. A false gauntlet for a false knight", the deep voice utters mockingly. Only this voice emanates from a distinct location -- the cavern entrance.

2017-12-03, 03:42 PM
Phlox burst into a giggle and flicked her rapier towards the voice. "Oh, you got us! A fake leader to test the mettle of would be thieves? That's clever."

"He got us." Phlox said to Cordelia and giggled again.

Sir Grave
2017-12-03, 04:51 PM
“A clever man would know to run.”

She locked eyes with the true Ironlord

“All a cheap parlor trick is good for is to run. Yet here the fool is, gloating over his small victory.”

She drew her sword. “But tricks won’t save you this time.”

2017-12-03, 05:43 PM
A thunderous boom explodes amidst the Champions as a hail of arrows rain down from the darkness. Simultaneously, a mass of writhing black tentacles emerge from the ground, attempting to grasp the Champions in their crushing embrace. Finally, another spell causes the air to shimmer as the magic pulls at the threads of time.

[roll0] thunder damage and deafened; DC 15 Con save negates.

At start of your turn, DC 15 Dex save or [roll1] damage and restrained. Marked area is difficult terrain.

DC 18 Wis save or affected by slow spell.

Attacking Cordelia:
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5] [roll6]

[roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

[roll12] [roll13]
[roll14] [roll15] [roll16]

Attacking Ailde:
[roll17] [roll18]
[roll19] [roll20] [roll21]

[roll22] [roll23]
[roll24] [roll25] [roll26]

Attacking Kiba:
[roll27] [roll28]
[roll29] [roll30] [roll31]

Sir Grave
2017-12-03, 06:54 PM
A thunderous boom explodes amidst the Champions as a hail of arrows rain down from the darkness. Simultaneously, a mass of writhing black tentacles emerge from the ground, attempting to grasp the Champions in their crushing embrace. Finally, another spell causes the air to shimmer as the magic pulls at the threads of time.

[roll0] thunder damage and deafened; DC 15 Con save negates.

At start of your turn, DC 15 Dex save or [roll1] damage and restrained. Marked area is difficult terrain.

DC 18 Wis save or affected by slow spell.

Attacking Cordelia:
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5] [roll6]

[roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

[roll12] [roll13]
[roll14] [roll15] [roll16]

Attacking Ailde:
[roll17] [roll18]
[roll19] [roll20] [roll21]

[roll22] [roll23]
[roll24] [roll25] [roll26]

Attacking Kiba:
[roll27] [roll28]
[roll29] [roll30] [roll31]


Both caught in a temporal field and in the clutches of an Evard’s Black Tentacle spell... quite annoying.

She called the power Ashourina bestowed upon her to break free from the tentacle’s effect, allowing her to land on her feet, albeit in slow motion.

Ooc: using a spell slot to use cleansing touch to end a spell’s effect on me. Flying 30ft forward.

Save vs slow effect [roll0]

2017-12-04, 11:41 AM
Phlox notes the enemies are few, but she knows her allies are badly wounded. Thinking quickly she ran a finger across the lute on her hip, and a little hum echoed through the room.

My allies are injured, they're wounded and bleed;
The stone hears my call in our hour of need~

Phlox felt the tremble of her lute as the magic vibrated the air. Suddenly the stone rose high into the air; a massive wall measured 10 feet high, 50 feet wide and 1 foot thick materialized from the earth.

My allies are injured, they're wounded and bleed
"Save us, oh save us, we need you, Phlox" they plead~

Phlox snapped her fingers and pointed her rapier at Ailde.

Wall of Stone and Healing Word

Ailde heals 15, and I drew the wall of stone.

Bad Wolf
2017-12-04, 01:59 PM
Before Ailde could react, another flurry of bolts were launched at him. He was really starting to regret this. He felt a warm wave of healing magic wash over him, but he was still hurting from the last scrap.

He summoned three mirror-shadows to his side, perfectly mimicking his actions. As a sort of repayment for the healing he casted a quickening spell on Phlox.

"You should find yourself as light as air with that. I must warn you, you will feel some slight lethargy when the spell ends in a minute."

OOC: Mirror Image on himself, quickened Haste on Phlox

2017-12-04, 03:52 PM
The Archwizard Aldik Adath

Aldik taps his staff upon the ground thrice, taking a moment to think.

"Ahhh. The Iron Gauntlet of War is what she seeks. I fear she does not know that particular bit of ancient magic will render her less than she was before. Its cursed, you see. Should she succumb to its influence, she will no longer be a flexible, malleable instrument able to pragmatically approach situations. She will be forced to only consider violent means. Even if she is able to utilize its magic to enhance her already formidable capabilities, she will be lesser for it; metaphorically a hammer, when you need a pen, or sword."

Sir Grave
2017-12-04, 04:11 PM
The Archwizard Aldik Adath

Aldik taps his staff upon the ground thrice, taking a moment to think.

"Ahhh. The Iron Gauntlet of War is what she seeks. I fear she does not know that particular bit of ancient magic will render her less than she was before. Its cursed, you see. Should she succumb to its influence, she will no longer be a flexible, malleable instrument able to pragmatically approach situations. She will be forced to only consider violent means. Even if she is able to utilize its magic to enhance her already formidable capabilities, she will be lesser for it; metaphorically a hammer, when you need a pen, or sword."


Lucius considered Aldik’s words. “She would certainly be less complient to a peaceful approach, if what you say is true.

“But in my observation, the Lady has always been violent, always she has used the hammer. She’s been pushing for the warpath for some time.

“Perhaps this will only compound her behavior.”

2017-12-04, 04:18 PM

Lucius considered Aldik’s words. “She would certainly be less complient to a peaceful approach, if what you say is true.

“But in my observation, the Lady has always been violent, always she has used the hammer. She’s been pushing for the warpath for some time.

“Perhaps this will only compound her behavior.”
The Archwizard Aldik Adath

"Precisely my point. Currently, her propensity towards violence is merely predilection. That means that, on occasion, she can be reasoned with and provided with alternative ideas that may be more successful than mere violence. The Iron Gauntlet of War will override mere predilection with outright compulsion. I do not have any particular distaste for violence, I merely acknowledge that it is but one tool amongst the miscellany, rather than the only. And even if it tends to be a rather ubiquitous method, there will always be those that are more suited to task."

Sir Grave
2017-12-04, 04:23 PM
The Archwizard Aldik Adath

"Precisely my point. Currently, her propensity towards violence is merely predilection. That means that, on occasion, she can be reasoned with and provided with alternative ideas that may be more successful than mere violence. The Iron Gauntlet of War will override mere predilection with outright compulsion. I do not have any particular distaste for violence, I merely acknowledge that it is but one tool amongst the miscellany, rather than the only. And even if it tends to be a rather ubiquitous method, there will always be those that are more suited to task."

”Shouldn’t she be advised not to wield it, then? Or perhaps we should tell the Queen...

”...or, specifically you. Tell the Queen. Since you know more about it than me.”

2017-12-04, 04:28 PM
”Shouldn’t she be advised not to wield it, then? Or perhaps we should tell the Queen...

”...or, specifically you. Tell the Queen. Since you know more about it than me.”

The Archwizard Aldik Adath

Aldik ***** his head to the side, considering that for only a quick moment.

"Cordelia and myself stand currently as equals in The Queen's court. I can only make recommendation to Lady Cordelia, and it is up to her to listen, or not. To expect her to do what I say would be arrogance on my part, and to simply inform The Queen is not only arrogance on my part for the same reason, but also shows a lack of confidence in Lady Cordelia. A lack of confidence that I do not have, even should she choose to turn herself into such a blunt instrument of violence."

Sir Grave
2017-12-04, 04:32 PM
The Archwizard Aldik Adath

Aldik ***** his head to the side, considering that for only a quick moment.

"Cordelia and myself stand currently as equals in The Queen's court. I can only make recommendation to Lady Cordelia, and it is up to her to listen, or not. To expect her to do what I say would be arrogance on my part, and to simply inform The Queen is not only arrogance on my part for the same reason, but also shows a lack of confidence in Lady Cordelia. A lack of confidence that I do not have, even should she choose to turn herself into such a blunt instrument of violence."

”I see.

”I only ask, because...


Lucius hesitated. It wasn’t like him to hesitate.

”...see, the Queen doesn’t actually know she’s seeking it.”

2017-12-04, 04:43 PM
”I see.

”I only ask, because...


Lucius hesitated. It wasn’t like him to hesitate.

”...see, the Queen doesn’t actually know she’s seeking it.”

The Archwizard Aldik Adath
"You are Cordelia's servant, so I understand your lack of faith and understanding in The Queen. Consider that if The Queen had to exert such control over any of us that we would not be the members of the court that she needs. Micromanagement is something that one does for stupid or incapable minions, not trustworthy and capable members of The Queen's very court. Lady Cordelia most assuredly does not tell Queen Ashourina of every action she takes, and nor does any other member of Her court, including myself. Instead, The Queen trusts each of us to act in her interests within the roles she has defined for us. Cordelia might become such a poor instrument, if she takes up The Iron Gauntlet of War, and that may actually be the angle I need to convince her not to use it."

Sir Grave
2017-12-04, 04:51 PM
The Archwizard Aldik Adath
You are Cordelia's servant, so I understand your lack of faith and understanding in The Queen. Consider that if The Queen had to exert such control over any of us that we would not be the members of the court that she needs. Micromanagement is something that one does for stupid or incapable minions, not trustworthy and capable members of The Queen's very court. Lady Cordelia most assuredly does not tell Queen Ashourina of every action she takes, and nor does any other member of Her court, including myself. Instead, The Queen trusts each of us to act in her interests within the roles she has defined for us. Cordelia might become such a poor instrument, if she takes up The Iron Gauntlet of War, and that may actually be the angle I need to convince her not to use it.


”I suppose there is more to it than I can comprehend, My Lord.

“Anyway... I should get on with the rest of my tasks.

He bowed. “Hail the Immortal Queen.”

He made sure he was through the platform of ethereal jaunting and back in Grimmfell before he allowed a thought to himself. When he crossed over he let out a sigh.

“Oh well. Nobody listens to Lucius the Unfortunate...

”What do I know. I’m only the one who wrote the book on strategic warfare...”

He continued to mutter to himself until he reached his office.

2017-12-05, 02:13 AM
Phlox sees an ironforged suddenly appear atop one of the walls. Unlike the others, this ironforged is dressed in a military uniform and wears no armor.

The ironforged quickly looks about, observing everyone's position and the layout of the walls. "Bolts on the elf!", it commands to the two unobstructed ironforged soldiers, immediately thereafter proceeding to mutter an incantation. A thick cloud of yellow-green fog boils up from the stone below Phlox, the poisonous, choking gas soon obscuring her vision completely.

Attacking Phlox:
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] [roll4] piercing damage

[roll5] [roll6]
[roll7] [roll8] [roll9] piercing damage

Spell affecting Phlox and Kiba:
[roll10] poison damage at the beginning of your turn; DC 15 Con save for 1/2. Area is heavily obscured.

2017-12-05, 01:00 PM
Phlox actions

Phlox noted the position of the iron man who had teleported up. As was always the case, the casters were the most dangerous. Phlox was ready to act when suddenly a bolt singing towards her; the others merely lazily hummed, but one was going to hit her. Wincing with pain, she stepped into the darkness and disappeared entirely.

When the caster finished his spell, Phlox sneered at him as she reappeared, twirling her blade violently as she attempted to ruin his day. She cuts into him hard, pushing him back with a series of angry jabs and feints, pushing him closer and closer to the edge.

Too close, even closer and... Phlox pushed the man off the edge of the ledge. Backing up a few steps, she jumped down to meet the two trapped soldiers head on, summoning a phantom wolf head to snap its jaws at the man.

As if on cue, Kiba arrived and snapped his own jaws on the same soldier. With a mighty tug, he attempted to rip the man from his feet.

Reaction to the bolt to use Misty Escape (Warlock) to turn invisible and teleport 60ft; right next to the caster.
Action: Attack with Blade Flourish: Mobile 14ft of push, and 32 piercing damage
Move: Move and jump down next to the solider.
Bonus Action: Spiritual Weapon attacks the soldier next to me. 12 Force Damage

Move: Move to the soldier.
Attack: Bite the soilder for 16 piercing damage. DC 16 STR save or get tripped

2017-12-05, 04:50 PM
At the foot of the Ziggurat, the home of the Archwizard Aldrik Adath, stood a small force of people. Genasi of each of the four elements spoke with each other, and laughed. The Earth Genasi grabbed a Firbolg and pulled him into a headlock followed by more laughter. An Aasimar and a Tiefling were discussing the finer points of magic with a Hobgolin, each talking about the pros and cons of their specific path to magic. They seemed to be enjoying the debate with smiles and nods with the occasional "That's a fair point." being thrown out.

An elf held a sword out, standing next to a human woman in chains. Beside the elf was gnome and a merfolk keeping a look-out while they spoke with the elf. The woman in chains looked frightened, and was staring up at the Ziggurat.

At the top of the Ziggurat a human male was standing just inside. A warning had told him to stop, and so he stood there.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He called out desperately. He couldn't leave, not without telling someone inside that a group of people were waiting down there to speak with the people inside. They had his wife hostage, and promised to release both of them once the message was passed, and they promised to release her if the man died. They also promised to kill both of them if he refused.

What do a Yuan-ti Pureblood, a Triton, a Kenku, a Shifter, a Tabaxi, a Dragonborn, a Halfling, a Dwarf, a Goliath, a Changeling and a Minotaur have in common? Their shared mother told them to go to Grimmfell Castle, drop Cordelia's name, claim to be the children of one of her friends, and ask to stay there.

The dragonborn had taken the lead to speak with the people at the gate, but the Tabaxi kept moving nearby and singing her bawdy rhythms at the guards.

"Hush, Zinnia." The Dragonborn said to her half-sibling. "As I was saying, we were instructed to come here by a subordinate of Velduvian's and a close friend of Cordelia's. Have you never heard of Phlox? She has been here on two occasions. It's cold, could you please just let us in, and point us to the nearest hearth to warm our weary bones?"

Sir Grave
2017-12-05, 11:44 PM
Cordelia fought the temporal field just enough to channel Ashourina's power once again, cleansing herself of it's effect and freeing herself.

Cordelia sighed. "I can't wait to kill this man..."

Her speed restored, she flew across the room and up the wall, cutting the flight once she was just over it to land. She lifted her head to glare upon her foes.

“There is no escape.”

OOC: Using Cleansing Touch to cancel the slowness. Flying + falling in style to I9.

oh. Also rage.

[SPOILER=Outside of Grimmfell: We're friends of Cordelia's, so let us in.]
What do a Yuan-ti Pureblood, a Triton, a Kenku, a Shifter, a Tabaxi, a Dragonborn, a Halfling, a Dwarf, a Goliath, a Changeling and a Minotaur have in common? Their shared mother told them to go to Grimmfell Castle, drop Cordelia's name, claim to be the children of one of her friends, and ask to stay there.

The dragonborn had taken the lead to speak with the people at the gate, but the Tabaxi kept moving nearby and singing her bawdy rhythms at the guards.

"Hush, Zinnia." The Dragonborn said to her half-sibling. "As I was saying, we were instructed to come here by a subordinate of Velduvian's and a close friend of Cordelia's. Have you never heard of Phlox? She has been here on two occasions. It's cold, could you please just let us in, and point us to the nearest hearth to warm our weary bones?"

It was Roland and Gregor's shift at the gates. Both had been drinking, despite the rules, not that anyone was there to catch them.

Roland, a bearded, bald man was shaking. "'Is bloody freezing out 'ere."

Gregor was fatter, working on the mug of ale he took with him. "Wot, yeh jus' figgerin' this out for yerself? It's Grimmfell. 'Is always bloody freezin'."

"When's this shift over? Any longer and my nuts will snap off."

"We've only been 'ere for fifteen minutes, yeh idget."

"Well, I think there's nothin' coming. Maybe we should call it early."

Gregor glared. "Do yeh want Skullhead catchin' us and hangin' us by our toes?"

"Wot, I'm just saying...?"

They both stopped when a strange assortment of creatures approached. Most they had never even heard of.

Roland rubbed his eyes. "Gregor, you seein' this?"

"Either that, or this is some damn good ale."

"Wot do yeh reckon? Maybe some of the fairy prince's lot?"

"I thought 'e was a King."

"No, 'e was a prince.

"Roland, I'd wager 10 silver pieces 'e was a King."

"Oh, wot do you know, yeh fat fool."

"And they don't call 'em fairies. They're called fey."

"Shut up."


"As I was saying, we were instructed to come here by a subordinate of Velduvian's and a close friend of Cordelia's. Have you never heard of Phlox? She has been here on two occasions. It's cold, could you please just let us in, and point us to the nearest hearth to warm our weary bones?"

Roland spoke. "We ain't ever heard of no 'Faux'"

Gregor. "He said 'Phlox.'"

"Anyway, we hadn't heard of her, an' we hadn't heard you was coming.

"Er... Roland. What if we were at the tavern during a--"

"Wot? We wern't at th' bar! Shut up Gregor yeh fool."

"But what if they did tell someone they was coming, and we were..."

"Anyway, you can't come in, because we hadn't heard you were coming."


2017-12-05, 11:53 PM
When Phlox teleports to the top of the wall, she sees another man in a military uniform, similar to that of the recently slain “Ironlord” albeit more grandiose, standing in the passageway leading out of the cavern.

If he is surprised at Phlox's sudden appearance, he does not show it -- and he quickly fires off a spell that causes her eyes to tingle painfully.

DC 18 Con save or blinded

2017-12-06, 09:09 AM
Azalea's gaze darkened. The men at the gates needed to learn how to whisper better, but their failure would be her success. "Zinnia, do you recognize these guys from that tavern?"

The Tabaxi continued to play, and swirled between Azalea and the pair of men, lazily singing her response. "Yes~, yes~, the men from the bar; who stink of drunken blunder; I recognize that one's scar; will they scream with pain, I wonder; when they are punished with feathers and tar; and then torn asunder."

Heather, the Kenku tilted her head. "Maybe some of the fairy prince's lot." she said in Roland's voice, mimicking it flawlessly.

The Triton, Indigo, frowned gravely. "Fairy Prince? Do these fools know nothing? The Fey King Velduvian would likely cut them down where they stood if he had heard that."

Heather chirped and then spoke in Roland's voice again. "No, 'e was a prince."

"You know, if we cut you down in the name of King Velduvian for disgracing his name like this, they wouldn't even bury your corpses. They would ship your frozen bodies to Velduvian as tribute, and he would have you fed to the ghouls. It's cold, and I'm angry, get out of my way." Indigo said.

The massive female Goliath, Lotus, stepped forward and let her equally massive hammer fall to the earth with a thud before she hefted it to her shoulder. "Other than fire, there's another way to get warm. You want I should crack skulls, Indigo?"

"Yes, Lotus, I think that would be best; I do not want King Velduvian to hear we allowed such a transgression." Indigo said.

"Now hold on, I really do not want to handle all the bull**** that goes with reporting that kind of thing." The dragonborn said. "Cool it."

The Goliath frowned. "Make up your minds."

Azalea and Indigo turned to Roland and Gregor.

"Sort of up to them now, I guess." Azalea said.

"This is some damn good ale." Heather said in Gregor's voice. "Damn good ale."

Sir Grave
2017-12-06, 09:36 AM
Azalea's gaze darkened. The men at the gates needed to learn how to whisper better, but their failure would be her success. "Zinnia, do you recognize these guys from that tavern?"

The Tabaxi continued to play, and swirled between Azalea and the pair of men, lazily singing her response. "Yes~, yes~, the men from the bar; who stink of drunken blunder; I recognize that one's scar; will they scream with pain, I wonder; when they are punished with feathers and tar; and then torn asunder."

Heather, the Kenku tilted her head. "Maybe some of the fairy prince's lot." she said in Roland's voice, mimicking it flawlessly.

The Triton, Indigo, frowned gravely. "Fairy Prince? Do these fools know nothing? The Fey King Velduvian would likely cut them down where they stood if he had heard that."

Heather chirped and then spoke in Roland's voice again. "No, 'e was a prince."

"You know, if we cut you down in the name of King Velduvian for disgracing his name like this, they wouldn't even bury your corpses. They would ship your frozen bodies to Velduvian as tribute, and he would have you fed to the ghouls. It's cold, and I'm angry, get out of my way." Indigo said.

The massive female Goliath, Lotus, stepped forward and let her equally massive hammer fall to the earth with a thud before she hefted it to her shoulder. "Other than fire, there's another way to get warm. You want I should crack skulls, Indigo?"

"Yes, Lotus, I think that would be best; I do not want King Velduvian to hear we allowed such a transgression." Indigo said.

"Now hold on, I really do not want to handle all the bull**** that goes with reporting that kind of thing." The dragonborn said. "Cool it."

The Goliath frowned. "Make up your minds."

Azalea and Indigo turned to Roland and Gregor.

"Sort of up to them now, I guess." Azalea said.

"This is some damn good ale." Heather said in Gregor's voice. "Damn good ale."

Roland was shock white. “Wot?”

Gregor was also shock white, but he managed to nudge Roland. “Told yeh. Fey King. “

The gate behind them creaked open.

Roland. “Now wait a minute. There’s obviously some missunnerstanding- -

“What is the meaning of this?”

If it were possible to become even more shock white, the two guards managed not only that, but to stiffen like a board.

For behind them was a looming tower of an armored man, hooded and masked, a great sword strapped to his back.

“C-c-cCaptain Falkiir, we were jus-“

His voice was calm but imposing. “You were informed to receive eleven of the Moonseeker’s scions, were you not?”

”W-we eh...Er ... uh...”

Falkiir stepped closer to the guards. “You smell like local tavern.

“Disrespect of regulation is nothing short of insubordination.”

He placed a hand on the handle of his great sword. “But perhaps I might save you face if no one saw you executed...”

Gregor began kneeling. “SirIwastryingtoadviseRolandbuthewouldntlistenplea se

Roland couldn’t move, he was a white statue.

Falkiir let the suspense hang for a bit. “...”

He let go of the handle. “Relax. I wouldn’t make such a scene in front of honored guests.

”Back to your posts. I might forget this slip up by the time I make my report.”

The captain addresses The Dragonborn. “The High Priest divined your coming. I was instructed to invite you in. I am Captain Falkiir Wolfkin, of the Black Rose Legion. I bid you welcome.

”Please. Follow me, and I will see to it you are accommodated.”

He walks through the gate, leaving the gate open for the scions to enter as the two guards remain speechless.

2017-12-06, 11:45 AM
Azalea gestured for her siblings to follow her and she entered. Indigo quickly moved up beside her, walking half a step behind.

"Well met, Captain Falkiir Wolfkin of the Black Rose Legion, I am Azalea Moonseeker. Paladin of the Shield, loyal servant of my lady Phlox, and in turn the Black Rose and, of course, Ashourina. Hail Ashourina." Azalea said, tapping her fist to her heart and giving a slight bow.

"With me I have brought ten of my siblings. Indigo is the Triton beside me, Herald of the Coming Storm. There is Clover, the Yuan-ti. She is known as the Cursed Blade, and weilds the Silvered Hexaxe. The Kenku is Heather, a cleric of Death. The Shifter is Basil of the Moon Circle. Zinnia is our Tabaxi bard, a student of the College of Glamour; much to the annoyance of Phlox who would have seen her join the College of Swords. Antonio is the Halfling with the scales and the constant grin; the blood of dragons runs in his veins. The Hill Dwarf is Ren, Bastion of Nature, Heather's opposite as a Cleric of Life. The big one is Lotus of the Wolf Tribe, best known as The Raging Wolf. Ivy is... Where is Ivy? Oh, over there. Ivy is the Speaker of The Old One, and despite her current appearance, she is a Changeling, not an elf. And last is Cypress, the Minotaur, a Monk of the Open Palm." Azalea said, indicating each one in turn.

"We have come to better serve the Immortal Queen, and seek shelter from a danger that brews in the near future. Our Lady Phlox has commanded us to serve Cordelia, and thus to join with you and yours." Azalea said.

Pausing to catch her breath, she gave room for Indigo to speak. "Clearly we are no common foot soldiers, and we have our own goals to seek out, but consider us an asset to your cause to be called upon should any need arise. Our loyalty to Lady Phlox, our mother, is unquestionable, and her loyalty to Queen Ashourina is absolute; thereby solidifying our strong desire to serve the Immortal Queen and bring glory to the Moonseeker name."

Azalea nodded once. "So, what happens now, Captain?"

"Room usss together, if you pleasssse." Clover said with a slightly friendly hiss.

Basil grunted. "Yeah, we like to try to stay in shouting distance of each other when we're not otherwise occupied, in case our mother Sends one of us, or appears to speak with us. Not all the time, but, you know, when possible."

Azalea watched her siblings speak and nodded again. "Yes, when we get to that, it would be nice to stay close to each other."

Sir Grave
2017-12-06, 02:58 PM
Azalea gestured for her siblings to follow her and she entered. Indigo quickly moved up beside her, walking half a step behind.

"Well met, Captain Falkiir Wolfkin of the Black Rose Legion, I am Azalea Moonseeker. Paladin of the Shield, loyal servant of my lady Phlox, and in turn the Black Rose and, of course, Ashourina. Hail Ashourina." Azalea said, tapping her fist to her heart and giving a slight bow.

"With me I have brought ten of my siblings. Indigo is the Triton beside me, Herald of the Coming Storm. There is Clover, the Yuan-ti. She is known as the Cursed Blade, and weilds the Silvered Hexaxe. The Kenku is Heather, a cleric of Death. The Shifter is Basil of the Moon Circle. Zinnia is our Tabaxi bard, a student of the College of Glamour; much to the annoyance of Phlox who would have seen her join the College of Swords. Antonio is the Halfling with the scales and the constant grin; the blood of dragons runs in his veins. The Hill Dwarf is Ren, Bastion of Nature, Heather's opposite as a Cleric of Life. The big one is Lotus of the Wolf Tribe, best known as The Raging Wolf. Ivy is... Where is Ivy? Oh, over there. Ivy is the Speaker of The Old One, and despite her current appearance, she is a Changeling, not an elf. And last is Cypress, the Minotaur, a Monk of the Open Palm." Azalea said, indicating each one in turn.

"We have come to better serve the Immortal Queen, and seek shelter from a danger that brews in the near future. Our Lady Phlox has commanded us to serve Cordelia, and thus to join with you and yours." Azalea said.

Pausing to catch her breath, she gave room for Indigo to speak. "Clearly we are no common foot soldiers, and we have our own goals to seek out, but consider us an asset to your cause to be called upon should any need arise. Our loyalty to Lady Phlox, our mother, is unquestionable, and her loyalty to Queen Ashourina is absolute; thereby solidifying our strong desire to serve the Immortal Queen and bring glory to the Moonseeker name."

Azalea nodded once. "So, what happens now, Captain?"

"Room usss together, if you pleasssse." Clover said with a slightly friendly hiss.

Basil grunted. "Yeah, we like to try to stay in shouting distance of each other when we're not otherwise occupied, in case our mother Sends one of us, or appears to speak with us. Not all the time, but, you know, when possible."

Azalea watched her siblings speak and nodded again. "Yes, when we get to that, it would be nice to stay close to each other."

“We’ve made preparations for all of you within the palace. High Preist Cyril was very specific about your needs. However, should you find the atmosphere dull, the City is open to you. Our most renowned taverns and brothels have been informed should you seek them out. And that’s the least of it.

As the group walks, each of the scions notice preparations being made... and many more foreign and exotic mixes of races and ethnicities than one would expect in a place like Grimmfell.

"The Festival of Ascension begins in two days. The Queen herself has invited performers and entertainers from many corners of the world. Tournaments featuring our most skilled knights will also be held, and the victors will have the honor of being provided land and high esteem. I myself will be among these contestants.

"First however, is business. The High Preist would speak with you all, within the solitude of the Temple, in private."

He falls silent to allow the scions to look at their surroundings as they walk, leading them to the palace. The doors opened welcoming them in, and he continued to lead them down a few corridors till they reached a higher level.

The air was warmer as the walls seemed lit by torchlight as they proceeded forward. Each step, every word uttered, seemed to echo throughout the halls.

Finally they reached a set of great doors. On either side of which stood a pair of armored, seemingly lifeless skeletal figures resembling the ceremonial armor worn in an ancient empire. Falkiir turned to address the scions.

"The High Preist awaits you inside," he said, gesturing. "He asked that you pay no mind to his appearance... he is old. Very old."

The doors opened to a long room, lit by fires from bases from each side. Tapestries depicting a history spanning for many milennia were draped along the walls. Ahead were a set of stairs, upon that a fountain, and upon that, an ancient idol which depicted Ashourina.

There was only one who resided here before the scions entered. He was small, feeble looking. Hunched over a crooked cane. And indeed, he seemed old. So old, it seemed his skin might fall off of his bones with a mere shift of the wind. His smile from beneath his hooded robes was that of a beloved grandfather... or perhaps great grandfather, unless that, too, was an understatement.But perhaps his most capturing feature was his eyes which seemed to carry with them the wisdom of the ancients.

His voice trembles. "Azalea. Indigo. Clover. Heather. Basil. Zinnia. Antonio. Ren. Lotus. Ivy. Cypress.

"Sons and Daughters of Phlox Moonspeaker. I have forseen your coming and bid you welcome.

"Close the doors behind you, so we may be concealed from scrying eyes... and we may speak of the matter at hand."

Sir Grave
2017-12-06, 03:39 PM
Each one enters, the last being Lotus who quietly closes the doors.

The old man is slow to walk, allowing the scions to close most of the distance. He gazes upon and studies each and every single face, as each one is significant in their own way. Each one holds a place in Ashourina's vision of the world.

"You have each come with a purpose," he says, doing his best to enunciate his words. "Some of that purpose is known. Some of it is not. But that purpose has driven you here.

"I have seen part of this. I knew you would be here, and I know that one among the High Court of the Immortal Queen would rise to betray her.

"I know that fellowships will be torn asunder. An uprising would take place. And that this world would lose something it has known for thousands of years.

"My children... What can you tell me of this?"

2017-12-06, 06:28 PM
Instinctively, the scions of Moonseeker all glanced at Azalea. Feeling the gaze of everyone in the room, she met Cyril's eyes. "If we knew anythings, it would not be our place to say it. And if you were to ask me directly if our Lady Phlox had us moved here to protect us from the wrath of a powerful king whose betrayal she was about to reveal to the council, I would likewise be unable to answer. It is not our place to question the motives of our mother or the king she fears. You understand, right?"

Azalea gave her sibling a stern look, followed by a playful wink. "Don't any of you tell him anything out our Fey King."

Indigo nodded. "I wouldn't dare reveal that I have a parchment with some troop movement that, while a two weeks old, should give some insight nevertheless."

Indigo pulled a parchment from his bag and held it up, making a shower of dropping it. Basil snatched it up.

"Who dropped this?" He asked, looking around.

"I'm quiet sure the priest did." Ren said flatly. "But I wasn't really looking."

"Oh, here you are sir." Basil said, handing the paper to the old man.

"Well, I've lost it, wherever it went." Indigo said with a heavy sigh.

Zinnia snicked and strummed her lute again.

Cypress grabbed his chin and made a growling "Hmm." before shaking his head. "Might not be good to mention mother has already gone ahead and told Cordelia either, huh?"

Basil nodded. "Or that she sent the other to warn Councilor Aldik Adath."

Clover looked a bit concerned. "But should we warn him that even now, Velduvian looks for diviners who might reveal his plans?"

"Certainly not, Clover." Ivy said.

Azalea nodded. "Good. We'll say nothing."

Turning back to Cyril she shrugged. "Sorry, I'm afraid we really can't help you any. Maybe your divination magic will turn up more information."

Sir Grave
2017-12-06, 08:30 PM
Instinctively, the scions of Moonseeker all glanced at Azalea. Feeling the gaze of everyone in the room, she met Cyril's eyes. "If we knew anythings, it would not be our place to say it. And if you were to ask me directly if our Lady Phlox had us moved here to protect us from the wrath of a powerful king whose betrayal she was about to reveal to the council, I would likewise be unable to answer. It is not our place to question the motives of our mother or the king she fears. You understand, right?"

Azalea gave her sibling a stern look, followed by a playful wink. "Don't any of you tell him anything out our Fey King."

Indigo nodded. "I wouldn't dare reveal that I have a parchment with some troop movement that, while a two weeks old, should give some insight nevertheless."

Indigo pulled a parchment from his bag and held it up, making a shower of dropping it. Basil snatched it up.

"Who dropped this?" He asked, looking around.

"I'm quiet sure the priest did." Ren said flatly. "But I wasn't really looking."

"Oh, here you are sir." Basil said, handing the paper to the old man.

"Well, I've lost it, wherever it went." Indigo said with a heavy sigh.

Zinnia snicked and strummed her lute again.

Cypress grabbed his chin and made a growling "Hmm." before shaking his head. "Might not be good to mention mother has already gone ahead and told Cordelia either, huh?"

Basil nodded. "Or that she sent the other to warn Councilor Aldik Adath."

Clover looked a bit concerned. "But should we warn him that even now, Velduvian looks for diviners who might reveal his plans?"

"Certainly not, Clover." Ivy said.

Azalea nodded. "Good. We'll say nothing."

Turning back to Cyril she shrugged. "Sorry, I'm afraid we really can't help you any. Maybe your divination magic will turn up more information."

The old man chuckled, which brought about a bit of coughing, as he witnessed the display.

"Hurr hurr... Such brilliant scions. Your mother should be proud.

"Continue such cleverness, and you might live to my age... hurr hurr hurr..."

One might imagine his laugh sounded what an old turtle's laugh would sound like.

His trembling hands open the letter. He reads, deciphering it carefully before folding it again. A raven swoops down and snatched it from his hand, fluttering into the pall of darkness above.

He looks at the scions again. "I certainly hope Grimmfell will give you what you seek. Know that while you are here, you are home. Your mother has seen to it you have more than friends here."

His warm smile is endearing. "Here, you have family.

"Captain Falkiir owes the Moonseeker his life, and would gladly give it to protect any of you.

"The Lady of the Black Rose, while she does not know it yet, will go to great lengths to shelter you under her wing, with all she has at her disposal.

"And the Grand Inquisitor will also grow to be good friends with your mother, and thus would seek to help you should you require it."

"We are all the people of Queen Ashourina. One day, all be family to one another. Such is her dream."

There is a sad look in his eyes. "My vision dims, as of late. I know not what outcome the future holds..."

"...only that I place my faith in you, and all within the Kingdom of the Immortal Queen...

"...aaah... I ramble... surely you've better things to do than to hear the ramblings of an old fart like me... hurr hurr...

"Be adventurous, 'till the time comes when you are needed. Falkiir will see to any need you may have.


2017-12-06, 11:48 PM
Kiba yanks the ironforged off his feet and he lands with a hard **thud** on the ground, while Phlox's flashy rapier-work drives the ironguard caster right off the edge of the wall and into the water below with a satisfying **sploosh**. The greenish-yellow fog fades away as the caster's spell is broken.

2017-12-07, 11:49 AM
"If we have better things to do than to listen to the wisdom of our elders, they are few and limited." Azalea said. "But we do have matters to attend to if you are done with us."

Azalea gave a short bow. "Thank you for the warm welcome into the family; it truly means a lot to us."

Azalea gave her siblings a look to see if anyone had anything else to add, but their silent acknowledgement prompted her to slowly back away from the old man. "Again, thank you, and good luck dealing with your duties involving a certain king."

Lotus opened the door, and led the group out. Azalea's long strides brought her to the front of the group and she led them down to the fair.

Azalea looked around and then noticed Falkiir. She approached him quickly and then caught his attention. "Is there a place we can get something to eat, and a place to stow some of our things? I noticed you have quite a festival brewing. Are you aware that all of Phlox's children have musical talent of some level? It might be fun for us to participate, and entertaining your guardsmen would be a good first step towards earning our keep here."\

Bad Wolf
2017-12-07, 10:19 PM
Learning from the last time he had attempted to skirmish with the Ironforged, Ailde decided to hang back. Instead he casted a quickening spell on Cordelia, who seemed to have been struggling with the spell cast earlier. She would be much more apt to deal with the soldiers.

OOC: Haste on Cordelia.

2017-12-09, 03:20 AM
A thick layer of fog creeps over the top of the stone wall, cascading down the other side in waves.

The two ironforged near Cordelia draw blades and attack her.

Attacking Cordelia:
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] slashing damage

[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] slashing damage

One of the ironforged fighting Phlox and Kiba climbs the stone wall and from his new vantage point tosses a vial of alchemist's fire at the wolf. The other ironforged attempts to stab Kiba with his blade.

Attacking Kiba:
[roll8] [roll9] (disadvantage)
[roll10] fire damage

[roll11] [roll12] (disadvantage) [roll13] [roll14] (disadvantage)
[roll15] [roll16] slashing damage

Phlox sees several ironforged climb over the edge of the precipice...

...and a section of the stone wall behind Cordelia melts away, a river of thick fog billowing through the newly formed opening.

"Face me if you dare, false knight", taunts a voice from within the fog.

Sir Grave
2017-12-09, 05:08 PM
A thick layer of fog creeps over the top of the stone wall, cascading down the other side in waves.

The two ironforged near Cordelia draw blades and attack her.

Attacking Cordelia:
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] slashing damage

[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] slashing damage

One of the ironforged fighting Phlox and Kiba climbs the stone wall and from his new vantage point tosses a vial of alchemist's fire at the wolf. The other ironforged attempts to stab Kiba with his blade.

Attacking Kiba:
[roll8] [roll9] (disadvantage)
[roll10] fire damage

[roll11] [roll12] (disadvantage) [roll13] [roll14] (disadvantage)
[roll15] [roll16] slashing damage

Phlox sees several ironforged climb over the edge of the precipice...

...and a section of the stone wall behind Cordelia melts away, a river of thick fog billowing through the newly formed opening.

"Face me if you dare, false knight", taunts a voice from within the fog.

"You keep calling me a knight."

She moved like a whirlwind of steel and death as she attacked the two ironforged beside her.

"You know nothing."

OOC: 1 action to attack three times, haste to make an extra attack. Focusing on one until he's down, then moving on to the next. Menacing attack on the last attack in case either of them remain standing. (DC 17 wisdom save or become frightened, Aura of Conquest gives them disadvantage to the roll.)
Attack 1

A [roll0]

Attack 2

A [roll3]

Attack 3

A [roll6]

Attack 4

A [roll9]

"If we have better things to do than to listen to the wisdom of our elders, they are few and limited." Azalea said. "But we do have matters to attend to if you are done with us."

Azalea gave a short bow. "Thank you for the warm welcome into the family; it truly means a lot to us."

Azalea gave her siblings a look to see if anyone had anything else to add, but their silent acknowledgement prompted her to slowly back away from the old man. "Again, thank you, and good luck dealing with your duties involving a certain king."

Lotus opened the door, and led the group out. Azalea's long strides brought her to the front of the group and she led them down to the fair.

Azalea looked around and then noticed Falkiir. She approached him quickly and then caught his attention. "Is there a place we can get something to eat, and a place to stow some of our things? I noticed you have quite a festival brewing. Are you aware that all of Phlox's children have musical talent of some level? It might be fun for us to participate, and entertaining your guardsmen would be a good first step towards earning our keep here."\

Falkiir nodded. "As I said, the High Priest made specific note of each of your needs, as requested by your mother. The kitchen staff has been informed of your meal preferences, as well as the city's most reputable establishments should you prefer to eat beyond the palace walls.

"Any help you wish to provide for the Festival is welcome. The Queen has not only intended this for the guards, however, but for the citezens as well. They too, will need proper entertainment to help them adjust.

"I'll show you all to your room. Right this way."

He leads the scions to another level of the palace, which led to a series of guest quarters. He passed them all to reach a set of larger doors.

"This room was rearranged slightly for the eleven of you. I hope it is to your liking."

He opened the doors, which revealed a large space that also housed a fair amount of plantlife, and three sizeable pools of water. Within were 16 beds, a fireplace with a wooden mantle and a large rock in front of it, a wicker box filled with pillows, a standing harp, and a piano.

He pointed at the ceiling. "As you can see we've also begun decorating the ceiling, but it isnt finished yet."

Sure enough, there seems to be the beginning of a very elaborate painting of the sky. "Our most talented painters are hard at work on it."

He pointed at the far wall. "I was personally instructed to add a rainbow myself."

The scions look to see a painting vaugely resembling a rainbow, as in he took the right colors and just swiped some streaks in an arcing pattern.

He shrugged. "Best I could do. What can I say, I'm not an artist."

"And if there is anything else, just holler."

2017-12-10, 12:24 PM
Kiba whines as the ironforged man cuts into him, but bites the man's leg and yanks hard, attempting to drag him back down to the ground.

With a snarl, the floating wolf head also bears down on the man, biting his shoulder.

Seeing all of the new enemies and knowing Ailde's condition, Phlox bolted from her current engagement. Heading south, she quickly pushed one of the ironforged off of the edge and then circled around and stabbed at the second one.

Kiba: Bite 24 to hit for 15 damage. DC 16 Strength Check or Prone
Bonus Action: Spiritual Weapon Attack 27 to hit for 9 damage (might need to have advantage if prone, so it might still crit)
Part of Move: Move 15ft down
Part of Action: Blade Flurry: +10ft Movement && Mobile Flurry: 16 damage and Pushed 5ft (Off the edge)
Rest of Move: Moving SE 5ft, E 5ft, SE 5ft, S 5ft
Rest of Action: Finish attack: Attack the other guy for 16 damage.

2017-12-10, 12:50 PM
The ironforged reels from Cordelia's assault, but does not fall. He is frightened, however.

Phlox and Kiba:
Kiba wrests the ironforged back to the ground and the ghostly wolf head takes a piece out of him. Meanwhile, Phlox slashes another ironforged with her blade and rams a shoulder into him, pushing him off the edge of the precipice. She continues to move forward and plants her blade into yet another ironforged.

2017-12-11, 01:51 PM
At the foot of the Ziggurat, the home of the Archwizard Aldrik Adath, stood a small force of people. Genasi of each of the four elements spoke with each other, and laughed. The Earth Genasi grabbed a Firbolg and pulled him into a headlock followed by more laughter. An Aasimar and a Tiefling were discussing the finer points of magic with a Hobgolin, each talking about the pros and cons of their specific path to magic. They seemed to be enjoying the debate with smiles and nods with the occasional "That's a fair point." being thrown out.

An elf held a sword out, standing next to a human woman in chains. Beside the elf was gnome and a merfolk keeping a look-out while they spoke with the elf. The woman in chains looked frightened, and was staring up at the Ziggurat.

At the top of the Ziggurat a human male was standing just inside. A warning had told him to stop, and so he stood there.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He called out desperately. He couldn't leave, not without telling someone inside that a group of people were waiting down there to speak with the people inside. They had his wife hostage, and promised to release both of them once the message was passed, and they promised to release her if the man died. They also promised to kill both of them if he refused.

The Archwizard Aldik Adath
Aldik's staff rang with a metal-on-stone 'click' with each of his regular steps, as he slowly came into view from the darkness within The Queen's ziggurat. He stopped, just short of the rays of sunlight entering through the open stone archway. He eyed each of them, studying their features and auras until he spoke.

"Not your typical lot of adventurers. You were intelligent enough to heed warnings before you were immolated by radiant fire. What is it, that you want here, the home of Queen Ashourina herself?"

Bonus Action: Psychic Focus on Aura Sight (Advantage on Insight rolls)

Bad Wolf
2017-12-12, 01:44 PM
Ailde jumped back, seeing the corrosive mist billow from beyond the cave entrance. No one seemed to be focusing on him, so he quietly casted an abjuration spell, attempting to dispel the fog.

OOC: Dispel magic, check is [roll0]

2017-12-14, 10:53 PM
As the fog dissipates, Cordelia catches a glimpse of the Ironlord at the cavern entrance, but a moment later another cloud of fog boils up from the ground, obscuring her view of him.

The two ironforged near Cordelia continue to attack her with their blades.

Attacking Cordelia:
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3] slashing damage

[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] slashing damage

The prone ironforged stabs at Kiba, while the ironforged on the wall fires off a couple of bolts.

Attacking Kiba:
[roll8] [roll9] (disadvantage) [roll10] [roll11] (disadvantage if first attack misses)
[roll12] [roll13] slashing damage

[roll14] [roll15] (disadvantage) [roll16] [roll17] (disadvantage if first attack misses)
[roll18] [roll19] piercing damage

An ironforged lights a torch, draws its blade, and warily approaches the battle with Phlox, while the ironforged nearest Phlox draw blades and attack.

Attacking Phlox:
[roll20] [roll21]
[roll22] [roll23] slashing damage

[roll24] [roll25]
[roll26] [roll27] slashing damage

One of the ironforged on the East side of the precipice manages to scramble over one of the walls.

2017-12-14, 10:59 PM
"Meal preferences?" Indigo asked. "Do you get many fish up in the bitter cold north?"

"Fish?" Zinnia asked, wide eyed.

"Fish?" Zinnia's voice repeated out of Heater's mouth.

"Fish?" Basil asked, licking his lips.

Azalea stiffled a laugh.

"Fish seems like a hit. I know most of us are pescatarian, but some of us are just fine with some red meat." Azalea said, flashing her teeth.

"And some of us are vegetarian." Cypress said.

"No, you are. Not some of us, one of us." Clover said.

Azalea gave them a stern look, and Clover hissed quietly. "I'm sure if you bring us fish, fruit, nuts and just a little red meat, we'll be happy."

Heather buzzed like a bee.

Azalea nodded. "And honey, if there is any up here? It's not that big of a deal."

All the while, Lotus had moved over to the rainbow, examining it carefully. "This rainbow... it's simple, crude... hints of a savage but passionate appreciation. By far, it is the most emotionally charged rainbow that I've ever seen."

Ivy stood next to her, nodding sagely. Antonio stood just behind them, listening and looking.

"Heavy undertones of a sort of acceptance of one's self, but a desire to do your best; a triumph of beauty and love overcoming a lack of finesse." Ivy said.

"Like a man who knows who he is, and knows that he is good, even if others are better; a sort of confidence in adequateness here and knowledge of skill in other fields." Lotus said.

"Or a woman who knows she is plain, but is a kind, loving mother and an excellent cook." Ivy said.

Lotus made a noise of acquiesce. "I can see that. There is definately a masculine edge to it."

"Yes, that's certainly true, but there is an air of feminity in it." Ivy said.

"I think not, it looks more like the colors and design were chosen by a woman, but the undertaking was entirely by a man who knew that he could do it ably, even if not well." Lotus said.

"That might be right." Ivy said.

"Did you not hear that Captain Falkiir painted it?" Antonio asked.

"Hm?" Lotus looked at Antonio with a frown. "How do you know?"

"He... he said as much. Just a moment ago." Antonio replied.

"Oh." Lotus said. She gave Ivy a look, but Ivy shrugged.

As the group fell silent, Ren gestured to get Falkiir's attention. "Have you ever seen a performance that included a Kenku adding ambient noises? If you set up a piano somewhere, I'm sure we can put on quite a performance."

The group agreed with a series of wordless acknowledgments.

"Lotus is an impressive and frightening drummer." Ren said.

Lotus blushed slightly. "I just look frigthening because I have to focus. I'm not as talented as the rest of you."

"LIAR!" Heather screamed with an old lady's voice.

Lotus jumped in surprise and then laughed. "Maybe I am almost as talented as you then?"

Heather chirped in agreement, and then made drumming noises, followed by a violin and then applause. She gestured at the standing harp and then gestured as if playing the trumpet. She paused before making the sound of marching troops.

Ren nodded. "We could play that, sure."

The elf sheathed his blade while the gnome unlocked the shackles on the woman. She quickly ran away, and the elevan paid her no heed.

The firbolg stepped forward, shrugging off the jovial embrace of his kin to speak. "Archmage Aldik Adath, we are the scions of the fey Phlox, a subordinate of Velduvian. We come bearing a secret missive to give you, and to seek asylum in exchange for this information as we were instructed to do by our Lady Phlox. Tangentially, many of us also seek to aid your endeavors here for the betterment of all still loyal to Queen Ashourina. We will gladly submit to any divinations you wish to employ to garuntee the truth of our words."

The rest of the group stared up at Aldik, motionless and wordless.

2017-12-15, 02:32 PM
Out numbered, surrounded and injured, Phlox began to feel the effects of her wounds. Despite this, she pushed on. When the Ironforged slashed at her, her blood flew out, catching fire as it splashed toward him. Stabbing into the Ironforged she had been fighting, she dug the blade in deep. Shifting her weight and spinning, she twirled her blade, slashing the other nearby mechanical men. As her spinning ended, she plunged the blade back into her first target again.

Meanwhile, Kiba and the floating wolf head both sank their teeth into the downed Ironforge, tearing into him viciously.

Reaction to taking damage: DC 18 DEX save or 9 damage, 4 on a save.
Bonus Action: Command Spiritual Weapon: 13 Damage
Action: Slashing Flourish: 26 Damage to one Ironfirged and 8 damage to the others followed by 18 more damage to the first one, unless 26 damage finishes him off, then 18 damage to a different one.

Action: Attack: 18 Damage.
Movement: If target dies, moves to L 16

Sir Grave
2017-12-20, 05:18 PM
The mist parted, and Cordelia only briefly caught a glimpse of the Ironlord before the mist returned again. Unsurprising. It was his only advantage. Only a fool would throw it away so recklessly.

Both of her companions were on the defensive. Phlox fended off three attackers at once. Ailde was at a distance, and rightfully so as his wounds seemed dire. Left to continue they might not last.

Which left her with two options. On one hand, she could pursue the master, fighting him in his chosen field and possibly leaving her companions to die. On the other, she could go to their aid, allowing the Ironlord unchecked to deal great damage as his minions distracted them. She would have to thank the Ironlord later for providing her with such a distasteful choice.

Nevertheless, there is always strength in support. And no matter the Ironlord's cunning, he was nothing without his pawns and his mists.

She launched herself in the air and came down upon Phlox's attackers. "Failure is not an option."

OOC: Using my 1st level slots to smite with the first three attacks. No more smiting until I get to pound the Ironlord, though. Focus on 1 mook first before targeting the other.

Damage[roll1] SMITE [roll2]
Crit[roll3] plus SMITE [roll4]

Damage[roll6] SMITE [roll7]
Crit[roll8] plus SMITE [roll9]

Damage[roll11] SMITE [roll12]
Crit[roll13] plus SMITE [roll14]


2017-12-23, 06:47 PM
Phlox, Kiba, and Cordelia's combined attacks kill all of the ironforged engaged in melee combat with them.

Bad Wolf
2017-12-29, 11:09 PM
Ailde's moment of victory was short-lived, as the fog seemed to creep back into existence again. Feeling only slightly vexed, he casted an abjuration again.
