View Full Version : Arcanocracy - IC

2017-11-24, 04:23 PM
The town was everything the rumors said, and more. The natives truly reclaimed the town from time, albeit the construction was ever present, even as you pass through the city gates, men stationed on the classical wall, and a wooden scaffolding as artisans recreate the rest of the wall. As you traverse the town, you note the grand skyline, noting the heraldry of several gods, some of which you do not recognize. The smell of baked goods attract you to Main Street, and you’re attracted to the sights of food and sweets being prepared, namely a Pastry shop run by a pleasantly plump old gnome a butcher’s shop apparently run by Lizardfolk and the odd reagents shop. Approaching the square you spot an extension of your church, set up in an ancient, reclaimed house of knowledge,a stony skinned man working red hot metal while a number of armed men look over his wares, and a number of adventurers checking their gear, as they stare down a dark, foreboding stairwell, with an arch that seems to become the abyss, rather than a gateway to anywhere sane. Nearby, a missing person’s bulletin is posted, many faces lovingly crafted, and names posted in hopes of their return, a stone’s throw away was a board of requests, a number of other adventurers talking amongst themselves as they pick out a job.

2017-11-24, 04:29 PM
Wow... Sasha says to herself as she wanders the city. She dips into her coinpurse to buy a small sweetroll from the gnomish woman, to better savor the city.

When she arrives at the gateway, missing people's board, and job board, she heads to the job board, but makes a note to write down the names of the lost before she goes in. She looks over the job board, a small distance from the group of other adventurers talking to themselves.

2017-11-24, 08:41 PM
As she wrote down the names, quickly discovering that it was an impossible feat as the wind russles, showing just how many delved in and just disappeared, she overheard the a party discussing...
“I thought I told ye that ye cannae camp in the depths! Haven’t ye ‘eard? It makes ye go mad!”
“That sounds far more like madness than anything I’ve experienced while in the depths. Anyways, we’ll be fine, so long as we don’t lose our packs... and if these crystals really work as sold...”
Sound effects would interrupt the woman as she responded to her companion, her parties’s Kenku clearly displeased about the whole affair.

2017-11-24, 08:43 PM
Hm? Sasha says, giving up on the fruitless task. What sort of crystals? Because, trust me, she adds, chances are you were scammed. I've seen enough fake magic gizmos and whatsits that I'd be flabbergasted to see a real one.

2017-11-24, 10:31 PM
The woman would smile warmly, her own sharp ears denoting the fact that she shares a trait with Sasha. “I’m guessing you’re a newcomer, then, because selling fake magic items is guaranteed to get you killed, and not even that senile halfling’s idiotic enough to try that... however, there’s no punishment for failing to mention curses, especially if you’ve marked the item down... which this stone was.” Shrugging, and pocketing a glowing blue smooth stone, she would smile, continuing, “I’m more than willing to bet that you’re here to tackle the dungeon, and I have to say, besides always get your meat at Vultha’s store, is never enter the dungeon without knowing how you’ll get out, and having a backup plan just in case.”

2017-11-24, 10:33 PM
Different experiences, I suppose. But yes, newcomer here, she says. I'm Sasha-nice to meet you guys.

What can you tell me about what lies below, if you don't mind me asking?

2017-11-25, 05:36 PM
“Charmed, Sasha. She would say warmly, continuing, “They prefer to call me Meryl.”
“An’ I’m Vlad. One of many cartographers sent in tah the dungeon. Pleased ta meet ye. Howeve’ if yer lookin’ fer a map of the first few floors, you’re out’ve luck. By my count, includin’ the other maps I’ve seen, there’s about two hundred different rooms. Probably more. However, ye got aboot ten before you reach the grace area... a sort of lodestone of the dungeon. And the only way inta the next rung o’ challenges.”

2017-11-25, 08:28 PM
So the initial layout changes, but there's consistency afterwards? Hm... she muses. Well, I suppose there's no time like the present-I'll be going in. Best of luck to you guys as well!

2017-11-26, 02:14 AM
"Na, that lass. There's just points in the dungeon, that always are there. No matter how many different rooms you've been 'n, once you go down ten levels, ye reach the lodestone. And I dunnae recommend delvin' without a Recall stone. If ye short on funds, the churches're accommodatin' fer rookies, even if they haf ye doing some job." Vlad would say, as his party started down the stairs, the Kenku giving him a tug to let him know. "And one last thing, dunnae trust nothin' in the dungeon. The damned thing's malevolent. And always either reach a lodestone, or get the seven hells out of the dungeon when things start seemin' screwy." Vlad declared, quick to dash after his companions, the Kenku holding the door to what seemed like a lush green paradise, the sounds of waterfalls invaded the square, before promptly disappearing as the door shut with a thud.

2017-11-26, 11:02 AM
Thank you! Sasha calls out after them. She starts looking for the church, to find out more about these "recall stones" they mentioned, and possibly getting one for herself. If need be, she asks people passing by for directions, thanking them if they at least try to help her out.

Once she arrives at the church, she takes a moment to see what gods appear to be worshiped here. While not particularly devoted to any one god, she does remember some of the rituals from her old home, and will attempt to remember the customs to avoid offending anyone.

Religion check: [roll0]

With possible advantage, because she spent a lot of time around temples as a kid and young adult: [roll1]

Ignore the second roll if I don't get advantage.

2017-11-26, 02:33 PM
Luckily, the more obscure heraldry is atleast of religions you recognize, and as you step inside, your preparations seem to fail, as the interior of the church is just an extension of the throngs outside, with notably more orinimental gear. However, you approach the ever familiar heraldry of the God from your youth, and find a woman lyind upon the altar, dressed in robes, as she runs her hands over what seems to be scripture, staring off into space.

2017-11-26, 02:49 PM
Ma'am? Is everything okay? Sasha asks, a touch concerned.

2017-11-26, 04:00 PM
"Very much so. Are you new to the town or just a recent convert, I ask because I have not heard your voice before, miss." The woman would ask, setting aside the weighty scripture, revealing to Sasha that the book lacked text entirely, using instead an intricate pattern of bumps.

2017-11-26, 04:06 PM
Ah, no-I'm not a convert. I'm just a person who likes to help others, and I find that temples are usually a place where I can find like-minded souls, Sasha says, realizing that she's talking to someone who's blind, but deciding not to comment on it. Specifically, I was looking to go into the undercity, but I heard about something called "Recall Stones" that seemed important.

2017-11-26, 09:52 PM
"Ah, so a newcomer. Well I'm glad to make your acquaintance, my name is Irene. As for the recall stone, I can indeed assist you in procuring a few to assist you on your path. However, despite its virtues, charity is unsustainable without assistance, so I have a condition." Irene would declare, righting herself to speak on level with Sasha, the glint of iron spikes... imbedded into her seemingly useless legs coming into focus, as she swung them down in front of the altar.

2017-11-26, 09:56 PM
I won't agree without hearing it first, but I have the feeling I won't have an issue anyway, she says. If it's money, I can work hard outside my time spent in the undercity to help pay you guys back.

2017-11-26, 10:24 PM
"It's simple, really. I've been craving a foray into the dungeon, so I've been looking for somebody willing to assist me!" She would say, smiling seemingly vacantly at the open air. "It's been so long since my last venture, too."

2017-11-26, 10:26 PM
I... Ma'am-I mean, Irene-should I call you Irene?-I mean, just... Sasha kind of stammers out. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you'd have to prove you're capable of looking after yourself. I'd do my best to keep us both safe, but I cannot and will not bring someone who can't hold their own into someplace as dangerous as that.

2017-11-26, 10:59 PM
"I'll have you know that I'm quite the accomplished wizard! However, I do tend to specialize in abjurations, with a few utilities." Irene would say, continuing to smile vacantly. "Namely, I can cast Invisibility, and Misty step. Oh! And part of the agreement would be that I'm the one holding onto the recall stone."

2017-11-26, 11:08 PM
I'm... Are you sure? Sasha says. I don't want you to be hurt.

2017-11-26, 11:26 PM
"I'll be fine, but I'd worry more about your mindset. The depths can get into those... kill or be killed situations, because sometimes, you just can't reason with them." Irene would say, her smile fading as she spoke. "But! I'm eager to stretch my legs, so to speak, so could I hear your decision?"

2017-11-27, 10:52 AM
I would like a quick demonstration of your magic, if you could. But, unless your powers have suddenly faded, I think yes, Sasha says.

2017-11-27, 12:43 PM
Irene would smile, choosing a particularly easy spell for the demonstration, a spectral hand appearing to grab her bag, hidden behind the altar.

2017-11-27, 05:40 PM
Sasha nods. Alright-let's get going, if you're ready. We should talk tactics on the way, though.

2017-11-27, 10:38 PM
"Of course!" Irene would say smiling as she stood up on reinforced legs, the dull thunk of iron resonating through the crowded hall. "Please, lead the way."

2017-11-29, 12:05 PM
Sasha begins to head back to the entrance to the dungeon, talking along the way. I've got a fair hand with my fists. I punch stuff, really hard, am hard to hit in return, can lock down an area pretty well if I have to, and can empower my fists and my staff with holy energy to hit even harder.

2017-11-29, 12:38 PM
"Well, I'm more prepared for enemy evasion, and utility. Oh yes, and healing." Irene stated plainly, easily following the sound of Sasha's voice.

2017-11-29, 12:59 PM
Oh! I can heal a little too. Nothing too much, but enough to help you if you go down, Sasha adds.

Once the tactics talk is over, assuming she has time, Sasha will also ask a few questions about Irene-how does she like the temple, does she have a family, little things like that.

2017-11-29, 03:53 PM
Irene would skirt the question of her family, but would shrug about the church, “They’ve given me bed, board and scripture, I’m thankful. Anyways, what about you? Everybody comes here looking for something! I came here to fix my legs and eyes, but what about you?”

2017-11-29, 05:36 PM
Power. Specifically, Sasha says, the power to help others. I've done some good in my old home, but it only goes so far. I'm just one woman. But if I can get some artifact, or just a lot of money or whatever from this place, I can do so much more.

2017-11-29, 07:39 PM
"Well, that's lofty goal!" Irene exclaimed, beaming at Sasha, "And you'll be helping loads of people just by diving into the depths! Heavens, you're helping me right now."

2017-11-29, 10:24 PM
Sasha smiles at the other woman. I'm glad. Anyway, looks like we're about here. Are you ready, Irene?

2017-11-30, 12:18 AM
"Been ready for weeks, Sasha!" She would say, beaming.

2017-11-30, 12:25 AM
As the onyx door looms before you, and your new companion, time itself seeming to slow to a crawl as you approach the door, the noise from the crowds falling away.

2017-11-30, 10:38 AM
Sasha takes a deep breath and looks to Irene. She smiles, trying to project confidence, and strides through the door.

2017-11-30, 12:00 PM
Once inside, dark light overtakes you, as Irene follows behind you, shutting the door behind her. The environment of this dungeon is cool, tight hallways of grey stone brick, just a few feet across. Just from the narrow vision granted to you by a torch floating overhead you can spot three different paths. It seems you've been dropped into a maze.

2017-11-30, 12:05 PM
Glad I can see in the dark... Sasha mutters. Do you know the right-hand rule, Irene?

2017-11-30, 01:00 PM
"I don't really get what this has to do with magnets, as compasses go all wonky in the depths." Irene stated, simply, "But, feel free to lead the way."

2017-11-30, 01:11 PM
No, I mean, when you always turn right whenever possible. I think it helps with mazes-though I'm not totally sure, Sasha says.

2017-11-30, 01:29 PM
"Ah, so a method of narrowing down a path. Lead on, then." Irene would say, slightly embarrassed.

2017-11-30, 01:41 PM
Sasha starts to go, listening closely for any potential threats.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-11-30, 03:26 PM
The corridors are cast in the black and white of your colorless dark vision, you can only hear your own breathing, and the breathing of your companion. However, it seems you're not the first one into this room, and can see the telltale signs of travel, but none help with choosing a direction, as tracks cover over eachother. However, the smell of rust is indeed in the air.