View Full Version : Pathfinder How to Make an Oozemorph Shifter Dip Not Suck

2017-11-24, 11:05 PM

At first glance oozemorph seems like a bad archetype to take for shifter, but it's actually really great for 1 level dips.

Lets look it over

With a 1 level dip into oozemorph Shifter you gain
*A slime body (SU)
*Compression, AKA fit through keyholes (EX)
*Ability to create natural weapons from anywhere on your body (EX)
*Speak with oozes (EX)

with a second level you get
*DR 4/slashing (EX)
*A +1 to survival checks to track

At first glance this seems like it sucks, because ooze form limits you, but here's how you break it.

You teach someone druidic, that's it.

By doing so you lose all your (SU) abilities, which consist solely of you ooze form, meaning you're in your normal human form.

However you still retain the ability to fit through keyholes, make natural weapon (more attacks on a full attack), and gain DR (along with ooze empathy and bonuses to tracking), also it's full bab, d10 HD, and good Ref and Fort saves.

If intentionally falling is too cheesy for you, a Kitsune might also help negate the Oozemorph Shifter's drawback.