View Full Version : Help remembering a feat based around deflecting mind effects or something

2017-11-25, 08:43 AM
Hi gang, I'm a derp.

I'm not thinking of Residual Rebound, but I recall some form of feat that lets you redirect/reflect certain magical effects applied to you. It might have been within a 30ft range or something (in terms of who you can redirect it to), and there might be some kind of roll involved but I can't remember.

Can someone please point me to the right path for this feat? By name, or even just by source book if that's all you can remember, I have every relevant book and most of the dragon mags

I might be thinking of something that doesn't exist, but I'm 85% sure that there's a legit feat behind this, so I'd really appreciate any help =) If not, anything similar would be cool too

Thanks all!

2017-11-25, 10:42 AM
What element of Residual Rebound makes you so sure that it was something else? Because Residual Rebound sounds kind of exactly like what you're talking about.

The spell Friendly Fire seems relevant, but it's obviously a spell and not a feat.

Are you perhaps thinking of Insane Defiance, from pg. 13 of Elder Evils?

2017-11-25, 04:47 PM
Insane defiance =D That's the one!

Residual Rebound is all well and good, but the thing I liked about Insane Defiance is that it was specifically mental-themed, and allowed you to direct it to other targets.

I'm allowing certain feats to substitute prereqs to help retain lots of flavour in my campaign, so Insane Defiance is going to replace the Iron Will prereq for Forsaker (since it's still thematically fitting to training yourself in anti-mage combat). Residual Rebound was just a bit broad to cover the Iron Will replacement, I felt

2017-11-25, 08:51 PM
There's a neat trick that a character with easy access to stat-regeneration (*cough* Naberius *cough*) can pull with the Insane Defiance feat: you can target yourself with a mind-affecting spell, then immediately bounce it off to your intended target, who will take a -4 penalty on their save against the spell.

Also, you do know that Insane Defiance is a [Vile] feat(,) and thus requires those that take it to be Evil, right?