View Full Version : Help me please my character is now undead

2017-11-25, 10:11 AM
We started a new campaign. I built a decent scout. During the campaign i found a stone knife with unknown properties. I had a bunch of terrible rolls and didn't get to see what these properties were during combat. So i stabbed myself in the leg with said knife. My DM then informed me the knife creates undead and the one wielding the knife is in control of those whom he's made. Undead. Being that i forced myself into being undead i am under my own will. I sent another character to get gentle repose. I like the undead benefits. Please help me optimize this character.

2017-11-25, 10:26 AM
So, not to put too fine a point on it, but what exactly is the problem? So you're undead now. First off, what does that mean? Are you treated as being your original race, but now you have the Undead type (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#undeadType) (and everything else is the same)? Do you have any LA or RHD that you have to put up with now? Do you have any new undead powers or weaknesses (like, say, daylight powerlessness or anything like that) that you have to deal with?

You said that you're a "decent scout." Does that mean that you were the Scout class from Complete Adventurer? I don't think that being undead should interfere with much of what you care about as a Scout. You presumably have no CON score anymore, but Scouts don't have anything other than HP that's directly based on their CON, and I don't think that they care about too many feats with CON as a prereq, so you should honestly just be about as good a Scout now as you were earlier, unless there's some kind of penalties you didn't tell us about (and in that case, we kind of need to know about that before we can discuss how to deal with them, you know?). Having d12 + 0 HP per HD usually ends up in fewer HP in the long run than d8 + X, where X is your CON bonus (and you'll likely get it at or above +3 by mid-levels), but a Scout is usually just as concerned with not getting hit as they are with soaking hits, so your skirmisher playstyle should be about the same.

Basically, what's the issue? You're under your own control, you didn't tell us about any new problems that you have, and your new type doesn't directly interfere with your class abilities. What problem are you asking us to solve for you?

2017-11-25, 11:12 AM
First, what Zaq said.

Second, an undead scout should take Lifesense (Libris Mortis).

The Viscount
2017-11-25, 12:56 PM
Your biggest problem will be healing. If you're getting your healing from vigor or other sources of fast healing that works just fine. If not, creatures like the Necrosis Carnex and Undead Martyr can provide small amounts of bottomless negative energy for healing.

2017-11-25, 02:56 PM
Going to echo: What type of Udnead exactly? LA? RHD? Nifty abilities aside from Undead tType? or are you simply a necropolitan (the only undead that changes nothing but the Type iirc)?

2017-11-25, 04:30 PM
One of the benefits a scout would like from being undead is you never get fatigued or exhausted. You can just keep running and running and running.

2017-11-25, 05:46 PM
The character is human. We arent afding any reductions that im aware of. Not really kren on the terms LA and RHD. Could y'all gill me in here

2017-11-25, 06:06 PM
The character is human. We arent afding any reductions that im aware of. Not really kren on the terms LA and RHD. Could y'all gill me in here
So you're just exactly the same as you were before, but with the Undead type? Cool. That's... not really much of a problem.

Also, this handbook explains what LA (level adjustment) and RHD (racial hit dice) are, among other things: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?207928-Urpriest-s-Monstrous-Monster-Handbook

2017-11-25, 06:09 PM
The character is human. We arent afding any reductions that im aware of. Not really kren on the terms LA and RHD. Could y'all gill me in here

LA is 'Level Adjustment'. Races that have more power than a regular human or other base player character race might be treated as being a higher level when it comes to leveling up, in order to balance the power level with respect to other players.

RHD is 'Racial Hit Dice'. Monsters can have multiple hit dice to start off with to reflect their toughness and abilities.

A monster might have both RHD and LA, on top of class levels. Their character level or number of hit dice would be equal to their class levels plus their racial hit dice, and and for leveling up would be treated as having a number of levels equal to all three added together (class levels, RHD, and LA).

So, you've been turned undead, and your player character is a monster now. People are asking how far your DM went with that. Were you turned into a particular kind of undead? If so, you might have both RHD or LA now.

Also, most undead have the 'undead type', which includes everything listed here:

2017-11-25, 07:52 PM
Is this knife a homebrew knife or one in a book? Because if the knife uses the animate dread spell it has to be used on a corpse, same as the create undead spell. That means just stabbing yourself wouldn't turn you undead.

If this is a homebrew item find a way if any to lower people's saving rolls against it, or increase it's DC. Cause an item that can turn creatures into undead just by them failing a roll seems pretty overpowered to me.

2017-11-25, 07:57 PM
Is this knife a homebrew knife or one in a book? Because if the knife uses the animate dread spell it has to be used on a corpse, same as the create undead spell. That means just stabbing yourself wouldn't turn you undead.

If this is a homebrew item find a way if any to lower people's saving rolls against it, or increase it's DC. Cause an item that can turn creatures into undead just by them failing a roll seems pretty overpowered to me.

Especially as it gives control to the person who stabbed them. That's... crazy-good, depending on the type of undead. Even if they stay nearly exactly the same, it's STILL crazy-good.

2017-11-25, 08:32 PM
Especially as it gives control to the person who stabbed them. That's... crazy-good, depending on the type of undead. Even if they stay nearly exactly the same, it's STILL crazy-good.
I'd wager that it only works once every month or so or once period/ever.

2017-11-25, 08:59 PM
I'd wager that it only works once every month or so or once period/ever.
I would not gamble that the DM thought that far ahead. However, I also avoid gambling in general.

2017-11-26, 02:58 AM
Good clerics and paladins would have a serious problem with this . You are an abomination to the gods of good . :smallbiggrin:

Thats a cool magic weapon idea . I am gonna stick that in my DM to do list .

2017-11-26, 03:15 AM
Get yourself an item of once/day desecrate. It will give you some pretty big bonuses to attack and damage.

Libris Mortis has some cool feats for undead. I'm partial to Eviscerator. It makes the victims of your critical hits flee with no save when combined with it's prerequisite feat.

2017-11-26, 03:26 AM
In one of the Eberron Books, I think either campaign setting or Players Guide, there's a thing called The Ritual of Blood. It let's you add your CHA mod to HP total. Far as I know nothing about it keeps you from doing it, say, once for every level you have or gain. If you can have a good Cha score, it's a means of keeping your HP from lagging behind.

As for healing, put traps in your main weapon and armor so that anyone who uses them triggers them. Make them auto resetting so they go off every round.

For 500GP a pop, make them traps of Inflict Light Wounds, level 1. Every round you get 2d8+2 HP back, and anyone taking your weapon or armor who's not undead could well be in for a nasty surprise.

2017-11-26, 05:23 AM
You should ask your DM to what extent you are under your own control. If you are an undead who is forced to act according to its controller's will, then to some extent you may unable to restrain yourself from certain actions.
For example, a living creature may think, "This NPC needs to learn his place. I really want to punch him in the face to shut him up, but the rest of my party will certainly frown upon that."
By comparison, as an undead bound to your own will, you may instead say, "I really want to punch this guy in the face to shut him up, but-- wait, what was that? A psychic compulsion from myself to punch this guy in the face? Welp, can't disobey orders from the boss!"

2017-11-26, 07:41 AM
Ask your GM what the consequences will be. He may spontaneously decide to give you a periodic hunger for human flesh or something, or make you vulnerable to sunlight...

If you get the Undead type, you lose hit points because you no longer have a Constitution score, so you no longer have a bonus to add to your hit points. You get extra immunities from the Undead type (undead can't get tired for example), and healing will require some effort (most healing effects like Cure spells are based on positive energy, so they deal damage to undead). Get yourself something that deals Negative Energy damage, and that should heal you. Black Sand from the Sandstorm book would be useful for example.

You may face in-game problems. For example, most Good Gods oppose undead. Their clerics may attack you or refuse to help you. Ask your GM about this.

2017-11-26, 09:58 AM
In one of the Eberron Books, I think either campaign setting or Players Guide, there's a thing called The Ritual of Blood. It let's you add your CHA mod to HP total. Far as I know nothing about it keeps you from doing it, say, once for every level you have or gain. If you can have a good Cha score, it's a means of keeping your HP from lagging behind.

As for healing, put traps in your main weapon and armor so that anyone who uses them triggers them. Make them auto resetting so they go off every round.

For 500GP a pop, make them traps of Inflict Light Wounds, level 1. Every round you get 2d8+2 HP back, and anyone taking your weapon or armor who's not undead could well be in for a nasty surprise.

Player's Guide to Eberron, page 23; it's called "the Bloodtouched rite", but here's a problem: "A creature without a constitution score gains no benefit from the Bloodtouched rite" - doesn't help undead.

2017-11-26, 01:45 PM
Player's Guide to Eberron, page 23; it's called "the Bloodtouched rite", but here's a problem: "A creature without a constitution score gains no benefit from the Bloodtouched rite" - doesn't help undead.

I think I remember a feat or something that let Undead to use Cha ot HP.

I will search for it but I don't really have the time so someone will probably find it first.

2017-11-26, 02:41 PM
I think I remember a feat or something that let Undead to use Cha ot HP.

I will search for it but I don't really have the time so someone will probably find it first.

Mind Over Body, from Player's Guide to Faerun, is the closest feat I can find. It lets you use intelligence or charisma to determine your max health at first level, but for second level and up it reverts to using constitution as normal. It also has racial requirements that may be lost when you become undead.
Psionic Body requires that you be a psion, and allows you to use your primary discipline's key ability modifier instead of constitution at first level. But, like Mind Over Body, it reverts to constitution for second level and up.

There is, however, an extraordianry ability - not a feat, mind you - called Unholy Toughness, which is found on a few undead creatures in MM3, which uses charisma in place of constitution. You may be able to convince your DM to allow you to take it as a feat. But, considering this whole situation was an unfortunate accident befalling the character that wasn't built around the intention of becoming undead, there's a good chance he may have dumped charisma, so its usefulness on this particular occasion is questionable...

2017-11-26, 03:01 PM
There's Faerie Mysteries Initiate from Dragon #319. One of the options (the only one most people know about, in fact...) lets you use Int in place of Con for HP. However, it's a regional feat....

2017-11-26, 06:25 PM
So hi there. We played a game. It is an item of homebrew origins lol. We try and use tables when looting or at stores but the DM likes to add his own stuff. I definitely used charisma as a dump stat. I need to do something to gain a spell that would allow me to do negative damage. Or something to that affect to heal myself. It's already starting to become a problem and gold is kind of scarce in this campaign. Thanks for all y'alls help.

2017-11-26, 06:30 PM
I actually found a table for monsters a progression if you will. We didn't do a level adjustment. Im not very new to the game buy ive only been playing for about a year. I dont know everyrhjng and other than the gained abilities and defects of being undead i was very much looking for advice on how to optimize him being undead. Im a level 6 scout. I think ive gained what i need from this class. Any interesting multi class options? With ranged weapons and stacked feats im almost guranteed to hit most enemies. So id like to diversify.

2017-11-26, 07:45 PM
If you just want at-will self-healing, a one-level dip into the Dread Necromancer class should do the trick.

Why didn't you plan your build out ahead of time (at character creation)? I'm just curious.

The Swift Hunter and Swift Ambusher feats might be of interest to you.

Here, have some handbooks:

2017-11-26, 07:53 PM
What's your total bonus to UMD? If it's high enough, you might be able to use a Sparring Dummy of the Master without needing to be a Monk, which would permanently give you the ability to make 10 ft. steps instead of 5 ft. steps (which means that you can 10 ft. step and full-attack to get Skirmish damage on all of your attacks every round).

Alternatively, a Cloistered Cleric dip would let you pick up the Travel Devotion feat without spending a feat slot (you can trade your access to the Travel Domain for the Travel Devotion feat) and give you the Turn Undead attempts to power it with.

2017-11-26, 08:16 PM
I'd wager that it only works once every month or so or once period/ever.

and/or possibly is subject to max hd of undead controlled restrictions