View Full Version : Ranma/One Piece crossover

2017-11-25, 04:52 PM
I just wanted to share this and discuss theories on where it could be going if anyone is interested. The story is called Stallion of the Line (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12696961/1/Stallion-of-the-Line) And as the headline says, its a ranma crossover with one piece. I wont go into details but the geenral gist is, ranmas life sucks, he gets offered the chance to travel to different universes where his talents are needed. His first new universe is one piece where he becomes luffy. He pops up as a 2 year old and due to a prank, still has his turning female with water curse. The biggest change right off the bat is he gets more training from garp and starts learning the rokushiki (the moves we see from cp9 at enis lobby) and does NOT take the gum gum fruit from shanks. I only included that to show how the entire power set of the story will be altered in case that interests readers. The rest will be in spoilers so if you want to read the story, come back to it later. I love how this luffy acts. He is helping his crew get stronger, and is constantly training himself, even though he is well aware that he is pretty much the biggest fish in the east blue by far. None of this running in face first and trusting to luck and plot armor to win. I also love the alteration to canon like not meeting ussop yet and the different way he is earning crew loyalty. Im very curious to see how he gets the crew together, or if he ever even will. I mean, maybe his different personality will change say, robin from wanting to join, or not inspire chopper the same way. I dont think in the long run the final crew lineup will be different, but its still possible. What im speculating on right now is his eventual meeting with smoker. He CAN use haki but doesnt want to, so I was actually thinking this luffy would disarm smoker and use his seastone capped weapon against him should a fight break out. It seems the sort of thing he would do in this sort of scenario at least.

Its also interesting that the author isnt ruling out him getting some sort of devil fruit in the future. Perhaps he will get the flame flame fruit after ace dies? Maybe create his own unique fruit to work with? Ideally I dont think the type of fruit he gets should be something that will drastically alter his fighting style, so the gum gum fruit wouldnt be a good fit for example. But the flame flame fruit would add extra long range attacks, add an extra punch to his regular hits, and give him that extra damage resistance of being a logia which would be terrifying on someone as hard to hit as this luffy already is. For all we know he could get a zoan fruit that turns him into a feline of some sort just for the irony.

2018-02-07, 04:56 PM
Heh, felt like bumping this since it got a lot of updates. Again, if you like any of the two fandoms, give the story a read. Just for reference, they are past alabasta now and the confrontation with crocodile is over.

I find it hilarious that i guessed the outcome of the smoker confrontation so well. I didnt guess the number of confrontations of course, but yeah. Dude is out of his league. I like hina being a somewhat bigger part of the story. Her abilities are interesting. Honestly, right now im curious about long term. Will there be a time skip? If so, what will it be for? I mean, for the most part, they are already learning everything they need from luffy. So it might be good to get teaching from someone more knowledgeable than a guy who has basically admitted to figuring it out as he goes along, but even so, unlike in canon where, for example, luffy comes back with a host of new abilities and far better skill, this luffy can only really polish the ones he already has. Im sure it would be nice if rayliegh gives him the tips he needs to really master his various forms of haki but other than that, unless he gets a devil fruit of some kind he has to master (im now leaning towards him getting luccis fruit after killing him in a fight. Accidentally eating it or on purpose I dunno) what will he learn? I mean, zoro could still get training from mihawk. After all, while luffy can give him the basic skills he needs, like geppo soru and haki, he isnt a swordsman so improving his skills is still a real issue. But eh, I suppose just coming back after a 2 year timeskip and being that much faster/stronger/tougher/skilled would be enough. Its not like they all need to learn gear 4 style abilities, just to master the ones they are already starting on.

2018-02-08, 01:35 AM
Hm.. I didn't notice this last time you posted. I'm intrigued but still kind of busy with other things. But unless I forget about it I'll see about giving the story a chance. There certainly is potential from the setup, it comes down to execution, I guess.

2018-02-08, 09:46 AM
Read it until the msot recent chapter.

Aside from the authors remorseless killing of just about anything (unless the characters say "Oh no we cant kill these marines, they are just doing their job!!") in Ranffy`s way which is neither Ranma- nor Ruffy-esk, and the fact I think he overdoes it a wee bit with the powercreep, its a very fun fic.

2018-02-08, 11:23 AM
I would also like to give my thumbs up for this story, as well as the author's Ranma/Game of Thrones crossover...heck most of the stories this guy writes have been pretty good.

2018-02-08, 05:33 PM
I would also like to give my thumbs up for this story, as well as the author's Ranma/Game of Thrones crossover...heck most of the stories this guy writes have been pretty good.

Yeah the game of thrones story is great. And Gray, yeah, the power creep is a bit much, its why im curious about the potential future timeskip. As for the killing thing, im not sure, i think its more being "realistic" than any real attempt to change a character. I mean, lets face it. Everyone zorro fights is probably going to bleed to death. Thats just what happens when a guy swinging a sword around really fast hits you. Trying to pretend "Oh yeah totally, all those marines? They are lying there groaning in pain, they survived three swords hitting them at high speed just fine." And now most of luffys abilities tend to be equally lethal as he isnt a rubber man punching things. And in most of the fights they are just so much stronger that they have to really hold back to not kill and that puts THEM in more danger when dealing with a vast swarm of enemies.

I get that its against the personality of ranma, but too be fair, ranma didnt often face small armies of people who both can and WANT to kill him. In his world its all about fist fighting till someone wins, fighting to the death is pretty rare. One piece he is dealing with murderous pirates marines and sea life. They all want him dead so that would change how he treats them when he has to. Plus the stakes are a bit higher. "If I win surely Akane will want to date me!" versus "I destroyed your friends life, murdered her mother figure, and forced her to slave away for me turning her dream into a nightmare while cruelly pretending that she had a way to escape just so I could laugh at her and break her utterly" Or, you know, "Im going to kill everyone your friend cares about in my bid for power and control over the kingdom." One is a high school drama with martial arts, the other is a deadly serious setting with lives on the line win or lose.

2018-02-09, 04:46 PM
Yeah, if one looked "realistically" at onee Piece. However itself never does, so I would ahve been less put off if he had put up a preface ala "I am trying for realistic wounds/results in this fic", and also applied it to the Main Characters.
But that would be something else altogether, no? ^^

2018-02-09, 05:52 PM
Yeah, if one looked "realistically" at onee Piece. However itself never does, so I would ahve been less put off if he had put up a preface ala "I am trying for realistic wounds/results in this fic", and also applied it to the Main Characters.
But that would be something else altogether, no? ^^

Maybe, but its more realistic than ranma was. They get bloody, they get wrecked, they even get killed. Ranma was more "cartoony" in its violence iirc. Take this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV5TpD42774) as an example. Then compare it to this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOQRTsFw1Eo) The violence in one piece is more vicious and has consequences. So while yeah I agree its a bit of a stretch, I can accept it in this case because I think it fits the setting fairly well. About the only difference is they arent pretending the generic mooks are totally fine after getting swept up in a tornado created by zorro swinging his swords and sent flying.

But speaking of jarring things. Was I the only one kinda unhappy with how the luffy crew reacted to bon clay and his crew? It just seemed a bit excessive. I admit to not seeing the original anime all the way through so I really only know about how luffy looks on bon during the impel down arc, so maybe they acted that way in canon?

2018-02-10, 12:03 PM
After reading the first chapter, or rather skimming it, I'm interested but I'm seriously annoyed by the fact the author has no idea how long to make a chapter.. OK, I guess it's personal preference but this could have easily been cut into two to four single chapters making it way easier to read with pauses in between..
Apart from that I guess I'll try to catch up if I can.

2018-02-10, 05:05 PM
I agree with you about the chapter length. I think the Ranma/Game of Thrones crossover is the worst offender. It's pretty good, but it has sometimes taken me 3-4 hours to read one chapter. He could cut each chapter down into four chapters and they would still be long.

2018-02-10, 05:07 PM
After reading the first chapter, or rather skimming it, I'm interested but I'm seriously annoyed by the fact the author has no idea how long to make a chapter.. OK, I guess it's personal preference but this could have easily been cut into two to four single chapters making it way easier to read with pauses in between..
Apart from that I guess I'll try to catch up if I can.

Heh, I can understand that. I honestly prefer long chapters to short ones, but everyone has their own preference on that sort of thing. I admit it might be nice, if it means by splitting up the chapters he updates more often. Dude has like 10 stories on a slow boil right now, he updates like 3 a month. But they all get the long chapter treatment so maybe if he cut them into thirds he could update most of his fics every month, or update a few several times a month.