View Full Version : Need some input on a character idea!

The Fallen Hero
2017-11-26, 01:10 AM
Hey guys, my buddy is about to start running a new dnd game, the concept the height of the roman empire ruled by a Red Dragon Emperor. The Empire is separated into 5 provinces each ruled over a Governor who is a different chromatic dragon known as a Head of Tiamat, so White, Black, Green, Blue, and the Emperor is Red. Tiamat is the state religion but the Empire overall acts as though it is Lawful Neutral until you get to any of the province capitals were it devolves into thinly veiled evil, good gods can still be worshiped but the worship of Bahumut is outright banned, and Metallic Dragons must be hunted whenever seen.

I had a couple ideas for what to play but what I've decided on is Krynn Minotaur, expy of Attila the Hun. Fits theme and also seemed like a good idea and my buddy loves it. We've made some good lore for the minotaurs a mostly peaceful people who when slighted quickly turns to force of arms, we made some deities and culture for them which is mostly about nature and living with the land. The Minotaurs are capable of great brutality though they do have a war god, and again they will quickly turned to force of arms even if insulted.

My character is on a goal to destroy the empire for desecrating the burial grounds of my ancestors and my character's lost love who was a childhood friend who died before reaching maturity when they could be wed. I had an idea of being a fighter/barbarian going into Berserk and Frenzied Berserker, focusing on using a Bastard Sword as my primary weapon since I felt that was the best weapon to emulate the sword of mars that Attila was rumored to wield. Mounted combat would also be done on this character at least of the melee variety.

Any other things I should consider? Or any other ideas?

The Mystic
2017-11-26, 01:20 AM
I suppose the main question that comes to mind is "What is the goal for the campaign, and for other players, if any?"

It's all well and good if you want to burn down Rome (indeed, it sounds like a great campaign) but is a character driven sandbox what your GM has in mind, or does he have his own plot. If it's a sandbox, is it compatible with other characters in the party?

Short of all that, I think it sounds like a cool concept, but if you want I can bring up some pro-, anti- or roman neutral character concepts to see if any pique your interest.

The Fallen Hero
2017-11-26, 01:38 AM
My buddy is speculating we're going to be anti-empire, one of our players has been playing the generally good hero type character. The other two generally are flexible although one of them could be evil trying to take control of the chaos when the empire begins falling. If we can of course succeed in overthrowing the Emperor or any of his 4 governors, each an adult dragon at the very least.

If the rest of party were to be pro empire I had another concept in mind, it was a force missile mage my buddy also loves this one because the idea was playing essentially a giant laser cannon.

The Mystic
2017-11-26, 01:57 AM
I mean, a laser mage is always fun. But if I were creating a pro-empire character in this setting, I'd definitely be looking straight at the Red Dragon Disciple.