View Full Version : A truly pathetic end (Jade Regent spoilers)

2017-11-26, 08:31 PM
Warning, this entire post contains spoilers for the Jade Regent adventure path.

A summary of things that happened before today:
So my players have been spelunking into a rather large fortress designed to trap powerful Oni. Most of those Oni escaped, leaving one behind to force the Kami to stay and be unable to interfere.

During this spelunking, at one point the PCs have one of their members get disarmed. Not a big deal normally, but they were wielding a powerful plot device artifact sword known as Suishen. The guy who disarmed him managed to escape with the artifact.
The one who escaped with the sword had a pretty good will save and managed to avoid domination.

The PCs had run into massive problems with the fortress defenses and needed to teleport elsewhere, leaving their caravan behind with several fairly strong npc's (plus numerous Kami) to guard against the enemies getting the sword out by sending hobgoblin minions. The last three sessions have been spent role playing in town.

So today, I rolled to see what happened during the week they spent recruiting and...
Suishen utterly dominated the boss. While the person who picked up Suishen only held it briefly and had a +14 will save, the boss only had a +7 Against an ego of 26.

The boss only really cared for 2 other creatures in her entire fortress, and when I rolled her saves she rolled crap. 15 saves later and she had wiped out her own fortress and stood around waiting for the PCs to return.

This hilarious development had my players and I laughing our asses off for a good 15 minutes. Thought I would share.

2017-11-26, 10:13 PM
An excellent solution to the problem you were having. Seems pretty true to form as well, intelligent items capable of dominating their wielders basically always win in the end- the designers just made the mistake of having one be on the PC's side apparently without noticing this would let the trope crush their own adventure.