View Full Version : Class suggestions for awakened undead cohorts

2017-11-26, 08:53 PM
Per some DM houseruling (subject to tweaks as the game progresses) it's been decided that any animated, awakened undead under my LE cleric's control can gain experience and levels like cohorts. (We've nixed the leadership/undead leadership perks for the purpose of the campaign, but felt the cohort structure still worked well for our purposes.)

That said, using only animate dead & awaken undead comes with its share of restrictions. As we're sticking with templates from the 3.5e sourcebooks (magazines on a case by case basis), most mindless undead will have limited access to certain ability scores, namely:

- Constitution = -- (not applicable)
- Intelligence = 1d6+4 (5-10)
- Wisdom = 10 (average)
- Charisma = 1 (unless using dragonomicon templates*)

*using said templates means it could be a while before my PC is high enough level for his cohorts to gain exp (dragons tend to have a lot of hit dice)

Strength, dex, and hp per hd will all be fairly well to do thanks to corpsecrafter feats, desecrate, & a few other raising tricks my PC has up his sleeve.

Given these sorts of stats, what kind of class levels do you all think would be appropriate for awakened undead cohorts? My preference at this point is to be awakening creatures that can lead about discreetly (medium/small size, probably humanoids with 1-3 RHD), though I am open to other ideas as well.

Martial classes, I imagine, will probably be the most fitting, though I might be able to squeak by with caster classes based on wisdom after a level or two. (Should I manage to roll a 10 on an awakened, INT casting might be somewhat viable as well.)

2017-11-26, 09:00 PM
Note that the CON scores of your undead should be "--", not "0".

Taking a level of Targetteer Fighter (because the ability to trades attacks for an increased crit range isn't exclusive to ranged attacks) and taking the Eviscerator feat line might be an interesting thing for some of your undead minions to do.

2017-11-26, 09:04 PM
Note that the CON scores of your undead should be "--", not "0".

Nice catch, thanks.