View Full Version : Pathfinder The Ball of Faces- encounter

2017-11-26, 11:00 PM
I'm working on a sort of sandbox-ish fey-heavy game at the moment, and this is one of the encounters I've come up with. This encounter is intended as a way for the players to gain information and possibly other help in their fey adventures, however, it could easily be inserted into any adventure.

For whatever reason the heroes need something from the Lady of Beasts, ruler of one of the many Fey Courts. However, only those worthy of her attention may ask for her boons. Ensue The Ball of Faces, a baffling and deadly encounter.

Initially, this ball appears to be nothing more than a magnificent masquerade ball held in a large forest clearing. At the entrance to the clearing, the players are offered a selection of masks of incredible craftsmanship, each depicting a different fantastical beast. Upon entering the clearing, everything changes. The dancers, previously indistinct humanoid shapes, now take on the appearance of beasts. Some fly through the air, others slither, still others leap through the trees. To become worthy, the players must discover– by cunning, diplomacy, and lightfootedness– which of the dancers is the Lady of Beasts. However, there is a twist. Fey games are deadly, and no reward is without risk. Assassins lurk among the revellers and the heroes must avoid them or fend them off without disrupting the ball.

Mechanics-wise, this is basically a very complex skill and roleplay encounter, perhaps with some stealthy combat. Each round, the participants must make a perform check (DC as appropriate for their level). Too many failures and the players disrupt the ball, make fools of themselves, and have no chance of impressing the Lady of Beasts until the next full moon when another ball will be held. However, it doesn't all boil down to one skill. Each mask provides special bonuses and some provide other skills that can be used in place of perform (dance). For example, a veela mask might simply provide a bonus to perform (dance), while a dryad mask might allow knowledge (nature) to be substituted. Meanwhile, a cockatrice mask might allow the wearer to momentarily trip up another dancer but provide no skill bonuses. Any aggressive action like an attack roll requires a stealth or sleight of hand roll. A failure counts as two failures for the purposes of disrupting the ball. Meanwhile, the players must engage in conversation to deduce who is the Lady of Beasts (using bluff, diplomacy, and sense motive, or skills that replace those skills as the result of a mask). A natural one on a diplomacy or bluff might result in a faux pas so bad as to count towards disrupting the ball. Perception can also be a useful skill, as it can be used to identify which dancers are actually assassins and deny the assassins the advantage of surprise.

The encounter ends when the players either fail enough checks to be thrown out for disrupting the ball, get taken down to 0 hit points by the assassins, or correctly identify the Lady of Beasts. In the first case, the heroes merely wake up lost in the woods. In the second, they wake up in the woods with only 1HD of hit points and an inconvenient Geas placed upon them. Finally, if they succeed, they can ask a boon of the Lady of Beasts. Any reasonable boon is granted, but more substantial boons require negotiation and possibly even a side quest.

2017-11-27, 12:06 AM
A couple of players in my group are big into the fey realms. Permission to steal and use>

My 2 coppers:

Initially, this ball appears to be nothing more than a magnificent masquerade ball held in a large forest clearing. At the entrance to the clearing, the players are offered a selection of masks of incredible craftsmanship, each depicting a different fantastical beast. If almost anything is possible, I worry the players will think of the three mythical monsters I am unfamiliar with, as well as bonuses.

Mechanics-wise, this is basically a very complex skill and roleplay encounter, perhaps with some stealthy combat. Each round, the participants must make a perform check (DC as appropriate for their level). Too many failures and the players disrupt the ball, make fools of themselves, and have no chance of impressing the Lady of Beasts until the next full moon when another ball will be held. I like this so long as they could take 10 just to blend in, and then do their other shtick.

However, it doesn't all boil down to one skill. Each mask provides special bonuses and some provide other skills that can be used in place of perform (dance). For example, a veela mask might simply provide a bonus to perform (dance), while a dryad mask might allow knowledge (nature) to be substituted. Meanwhile, a cockatrice mask might allow the wearer to momentarily trip up another dancer but provide no skill bonuses. Might be worth it to keep this secret till they try, or at minimum till they put on the mask. Maybe once the mask is on, they are stuck, so as they can't shop for skill bonuses.

Any aggressive action like an attack roll requires a stealth or sleight of hand roll. A failure counts as two failures for the purposes of disrupting the ball. Attacking somebody that does not kill them probably elicits a response enough where you can't stealth or SoH it away. Certainly to disguise yourself as the attacker, but not disguise the attack(or a scream). Maybe have a ritualized duel or combat aspect where players can fight. They are animals after all... perhaps even challenged duels to the death.

2017-11-28, 05:28 PM
A couple of players in my group are big into the fey realms. Permission to steal and use>

My 2 coppers:
If almost anything is possible, I worry the players will think of the three mythical monsters I am unfamiliar with, as well as bonuses.

I like this so long as they could take 10 just to blend in, and then do their other shtick.

Might be worth it to keep this secret till they try, or at minimum till they put on the mask. Maybe once the mask is on, they are stuck, so as they can't shop for skill bonuses.

Attacking somebody that does not kill them probably elicits a response enough where you can't stealth or SoH it away. Certainly to disguise yourself as the attacker, but not disguise the attack(or a scream). Maybe have a ritualized duel or combat aspect where players can fight. They are animals after all... perhaps even challenged duels to the death.

On your first point, I was thinking the DM could say "this is the list of masks available"

On your second point, letting them take ten seems like a good idea.

On your third point, I had intended that but I guess I didn't say it.

On your final point, I really like this suggestion. Thanks!

Also feel free to steal this!

2017-11-28, 10:35 PM
I was hoping this was an encounter with a literal ball of faces

2017-11-28, 11:54 PM
I was hoping this was an encounter with a literal ball of faces

You're going to need a SNES (or Gameboy) (https://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/588319-faceball-2000/images/147085) for that

2017-11-29, 01:36 PM
When I read the title of the thread my mind went to this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvfYcZ8GAVM