View Full Version : What god would oppose Nerull?

2017-11-26, 11:32 PM
So I'm looking for background on Nerull, stuff like who his enemies are and such. I know that gods like Pelor would want him gone, but I'm wondering if there is anyone specifically out to get him. Would anyone want him just replaced? Is a God of death even needed? If so, would gods like Pelor be happy with a neutral god in his place, instead of an evil one?

2017-11-27, 12:51 AM
Beory has two husbands: Pelor and Nerull.

Nerull has natural, cyclical duties like sacrificing the year-king Obad-Hai on the appointed day.

Pelor and most of the other Good gods do tend to oppose Nerull, but it's not reasonable to say that anyone particularly wants Nerull gone.

... well, except Iuz, who took over the Horned Lands and put in a puppet priestess. Maybe that's Iuz's master plan: take over the Death portfolio. That would explain the Road of Skulls and such.

2017-11-27, 02:17 AM
Rao (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rao_(Greyhawk)) seems to be have been an adversary of Nerull at least once.

He is a dedicated foe of Iuz, an ally of Zilchus, and is otherwise friendly with all other beings. He can cause any aggressive being to relax into an agreeable calmness with a glance, having thwarted even Nerull with this power in the past.

2017-11-27, 05:04 PM
Our campaign looks to be heading in the direction of us going after Nerull. Was hoping there might have been a specific deity that would be up for helping us, even if it was in the background.

2017-11-27, 05:14 PM
Our campaign looks to be heading in the direction of us going after Nerull. Was hoping there might have been a specific deity that would be up for helping us, even if it was in the background.

If Nerull is trying something naughty, then any of the Good gods (including Pelor of course) would be up for stopping the plot.

But Nerull is part of the natural order, and the existence of a "competing" LN death god (Wee Jas of the Suel pantheon) hasn't caused anyone to say RIGHT, TIME TO END THAT NERULL JERK.

2017-11-27, 05:19 PM
Wee Jas.

Death as opposed to rampant murder.

2017-11-27, 05:23 PM
So I'm looking for background on Nerull, stuff like who his enemies are and such. I know that gods like Pelor would want him gone, but I'm wondering if there is anyone specifically out to get him. Would anyone want him just replaced? Is a God of death even needed? If so, would gods like Pelor be happy with a neutral god in his place, instead of an evil one?
One of my favourites: Mellifleur the Lich Lord (minor god of luck, magic, and undeath) - he ascended to divinity through stealing part of divinity of Nerull, and they are waging war on each ever since.

He is better defined in 2e, but was mentioned in 3e (Manual of the Planes, as Melif) and in a bit more detail in the last issue of Dragon (#359).

2017-11-27, 05:54 PM
Kyuss might want to replace him altogether...assuming he survives The Age of Worms (like he did when I ran it). ;)

2017-11-27, 06:03 PM
Greyhawk's Old Faith seems to be set up as seeing existence as a struggle between the eternal forces of death embodied in Nerull and life embodied by Pelor with Beory/the Oerth mother as the prize, mediator, or balancing factor depending upon what spin you want to put on it.

Based on that, I would say that Pelor is the go to choice if you want your campaign to embody mythic themes. The other suggestions (Rao, Wee Jas, et Al have merit-- particularly if your PCs are primarily Suel or Oeridian rather than Flan) but would bring different themes to the campaign.

One that has not been suggested is Pholtus. As the Oeridian good of natural order (and order in general), you could portray his interest as in slapping down Nerull for trying to step beyond the boundaries that the natural order places on death. I don't think there's a lot of cannon to back that up but if you want an Oeridian pantheon for, I think he may be the best pick.

2017-11-27, 09:20 PM
One of my favourites: Mellifleur the Lich Lord (minor god of luck, magic, and undeath) - he ascended to divinity through stealing part of divinity of Nerull, and they are waging war on each ever since.

He is better defined in 2e, but was mentioned in 3e (Manual of the Planes, as Melif) and in a bit more detail in the last issue of Dragon (#359).
Oh, hey, Mellifleur! One of my favorite bad guy gods in 2ED. Lovingly detailed in Monster Mythology.

I didn't know he got a 3ED update!

2017-11-27, 09:39 PM
I read something about melifluer but couldn't find much about him, I shall go look in 2nd edition and melif! Other than that I am liking the ones who just would want to get rid of an evil deity and replace him with one at least just nuetral.