View Full Version : Help Me Make a Druid Who Hits Things With A Stick

2017-11-27, 01:27 PM
I've had this drive to build a mostly-Druid PC who, in addition to slinging powerful spells, beats the tar out of enemies with a stick. I don't know why. I did the same thing in 3.X, too. Just a thing I have, I guess. And I do recognize that a lot of what I'll be doing with this PC is just throwing Druid spells around, which is fine by me. (Also, this isn't built with any specific adventure in mind, so I'd hope not to have a build that takes until high levels to come online.)

So here's the easy part: Take VHuman with probably 10/14/15/10/16/8 array post-stat-boosts (I think that adds up with point buy). Use Shillelagh and Polearm Mastery. Maybe use a shield; I usually hate 1H quarterstaves, but with Shillelagh involved, maybe I can justify it fluff-wise. We'll also want proficiency in Constitution saves at some point, and/or War Caster since so much of Druids' spellcasting power is in concentration spells, and we're going to be on the front lines. Plus synergy with Polearm Master.

So at level 1, we have 1d8+3 + 1d4+3 (skipping the second attack on the first round if you don't pre-buff with Shillelagh). We get an opportunity attack just from someone walking up to us. We have 14 AC with Hide Armor, with potential +2 bonuses from a shield and/or non-metal Spiked Armor if we can swing that. With those features, we're probably set for a while to run up Druid levels, getting better spells. We won't be melee gods or anything, but that isn't really the idea.

Circle of the Land would be my first choice, since I'm not big on summoning and Natural Recovery plus Circle spells are a huge deal. But Circle of Dreams could also be really strong with extra HP to pass around and the teleportation feature if we think we can make it to Druid 10. If we do go land, we have good defensive option sin Coast (Mirror Image and Misty Step), or Desert (Blur). But the best option seems like Grassland - Haste alone is phenomenal for us, and Invisibility is no slouch either. The problem with Desert and Grassland, however, is how precious our concentration is. Haste is probably worth it; Blur probably not so much unless we need to full tank, in which case something is probably really wrong.

Of course we have lots of cool spells to throw around in combat. The thing I'd really like, for flavor purposes and also for trying out the spell, is to get Druid 7 for Guardian of Nature (Tree). We get 10 Temp HP, 15-foot radius difficulty terrain (for enemies only!), advantage on all Constitution saves, and advantage on all of our attacks since we're using Shillelagh. It's short-duration and takes Concentration, but damned if that doesn't sound amazing. And along the way, we're a perfectly serviceable Druid, with slightly above-average sustained DPR while in the thick of things.

So the big question is: What classes do we dip? Monk makes sense flavor-wise for beating people with sticks, but we don't actually get much from Martial Arts since our bonus actions are in use anyways with PAM (plus our Ki pool and unarmed attacks will kind of suck). We could start Fighter for the Con save (if we swap Dex and Con scores, we can then take Resilient: Dex to bring it to 16) and fighting style (Duelist if we're doing 1-H staves; Defense otherwise), then later get 2 for Action Surge, or 3 for an Archetype - probably Battlemaster. Or we can Paladin-2 for the style and Divine Smite, because channeling nature's wrath through a magical stick seems appropriate. Ranger-3 (Hunter) could get us Horde Breaker for even more attacks. And of course Martial-5 gets Extra Attack. A dark-horse candidate would be War Wizard, for some extra magic and alternately +2 AC or +4 to maintain our critical Concentration spells. (We're concentrating and whapping people anyways; we don't care about not casting a spell next turn.)

Other feats to think about would be Magic Adept for maybe Shield to help us avoid damage and maintain concentration, and Sentinel, because reasons.

What would you recommend doing with this PC? Any obvious features I'm overlooking? Any dip that jumps out at you?

2017-11-27, 02:21 PM
Well first druid gives prof in med armor. So you can wear half plate. It doesn't have to be made of metal. You could talk with your DM. About getting it made out of wood, monster hides (like a bullalt, dragon ,ect) you could ask if you can enchant a wooden armor with protecting magic.

2017-11-27, 02:42 PM
My suggestion: dragonscale half plate + shield, PM, and I'd put five in Gloom Stalker Ranger for extra attack and an extra attack each fight. Revised Ranger is better than regular, obviously.

2017-11-27, 02:53 PM
You can dip Monk INSTEAD of taking Polearm Master, since both are giving you a 1d4 bonus-action attack.

Without Extra Attack (meaning a LOT of lost spell progression), your best bet is probably Magic Initiate (or a dip) for Booming Blade.

2017-11-27, 02:58 PM
I've had this drive to build a mostly-Druid PC who, in addition to slinging powerful spells, beats the tar out of enemies with a stick. I don't know why. I did the same thing in 3.X, too. Just a thing I have, I guess. And I do recognize that a lot of what I'll be doing with this PC is just throwing Druid spells around, which is fine by me. (Also, this isn't built with any specific adventure in mind, so I'd hope not to have a build that takes until high levels to come online.)

So here's the easy part: Take VHuman with probably 10/14/15/10/16/8 array post-stat-boosts (I think that adds up with point buy). Use Shillelagh and Polearm Mastery. Maybe use a shield; I usually hate 1H quarterstaves, but with Shillelagh involved, maybe I can justify it fluff-wise. We'll also want proficiency in Constitution saves at some point, and/or War Caster since so much of Druids' spellcasting power is in concentration spells, and we're going to be on the front lines. Plus synergy with Polearm Master.

So at level 1, we have 1d8+3 + 1d4+3 (skipping the second attack on the first round if you don't pre-buff with Shillelagh). We get an opportunity attack just from someone walking up to us. We have 14 AC with Hide Armor, with potential +2 bonuses from a shield and/or non-metal Spiked Armor if we can swing that. With those features, we're probably set for a while to run up Druid levels, getting better spells. We won't be melee gods or anything, but that isn't really the idea.

Circle of the Land would be my first choice, since I'm not big on summoning and Natural Recovery plus Circle spells are a huge deal. But Circle of Dreams could also be really strong with extra HP to pass around and the teleportation feature if we think we can make it to Druid 10. If we do go land, we have good defensive option sin Coast (Mirror Image and Misty Step), or Desert (Blur). But the best option seems like Grassland - Haste alone is phenomenal for us, and Invisibility is no slouch either. The problem with Desert and Grassland, however, is how precious our concentration is. Haste is probably worth it; Blur probably not so much unless we need to full tank, in which case something is probably really wrong.

Of course we have lots of cool spells to throw around in combat. The thing I'd really like, for flavor purposes and also for trying out the spell, is to get Druid 7 for Guardian of Nature (Tree). We get 10 Temp HP, 15-foot radius difficulty terrain (for enemies only!), advantage on all Constitution saves, and advantage on all of our attacks since we're using Shillelagh. It's short-duration and takes Concentration, but damned if that doesn't sound amazing. And along the way, we're a perfectly serviceable Druid, with slightly above-average sustained DPR while in the thick of things.

So the big question is: What classes do we dip? Monk makes sense flavor-wise for beating people with sticks, but we don't actually get much from Martial Arts since our bonus actions are in use anyways with PAM (plus our Ki pool and unarmed attacks will kind of suck). We could start Fighter for the Con save (if we swap Dex and Con scores, we can then take Resilient: Dex to bring it to 16) and fighting style (Duelist if we're doing 1-H staves; Defense otherwise), then later get 2 for Action Surge, or 3 for an Archetype - probably Battlemaster. Or we can Paladin-2 for the style and Divine Smite, because channeling nature's wrath through a magical stick seems appropriate. Ranger-3 (Hunter) could get us Horde Breaker for even more attacks. And of course Martial-5 gets Extra Attack. A dark-horse candidate would be War Wizard, for some extra magic and alternately +2 AC or +4 to maintain our critical Concentration spells. (We're concentrating and whapping people anyways; we don't care about not casting a spell next turn.)

Other feats to think about would be Magic Adept for maybe Shield to help us avoid damage and maintain concentration, and Sentinel, because reasons.

What would you recommend doing with this PC? Any obvious features I'm overlooking? Any dip that jumps out at you?

Well, if you are set on Variant Human and Polearm Mastery, I'd agree that Monk value would be diminishing. You would best be just grabbing Resilient: Constitution and staying pure Druid since you still want to be slinging spells like a true caster.

The main deal with this is that your damage will comparatively fall down as you level up since all you will ever have is 2 attacks, and only provided you didn't spend an action casting a spell. And your armor will be pretty low for someone that has to get close and personal. Fighter starting dip would help a bit, but not enough to really make it relevant considering the trade-off (one spell level behind the whole game, you won't ever have a chance to get the great capstone).

Another way to go at this could be to be a Wood Elf that dips one level Monk early to at least get a respectable 16 AC (and later 18 AC) and then another level later if you feel you could have a use for two Dodge/Dash as bonus action per short rest. But you would ultimately meet the same problem: your max potential damage will cap early. On the plus side, you have better stats overall, plus perks (darkvision, longbow), in addition to the better AC and permanent bonus action damage.

I guess I try to find a way to say: Polearm Mastery on a Druid is either too much (you want to be a caster) or too little (you want to be a tanky martial or a damaging martial).
Either you want to use a focus as a weapon occasionally, and Shillelagh by itself will be enough. For mundane turns, Thorns Whip will ultimately end much better as you level up.
Either you want to be a tank, then you should make a multiclass with Druid and Monk (using Dodge as bonus action while combining Polearm Master and Sentinel, or using Stunning Strike on reaction attack) or Druid and Cleric (with same feat combo and Spirit Guardians) or Druid and Ancients Paladin (smiting fury).

Hope that does not disappoint you too much (plus it's only a single opinion from an optimizer's point of view, so really discard it if you go for the concept).

2017-11-27, 03:07 PM
You want to hit things with a stick, that's fine. In the early levels. In the later levels, you have to choose. Do you want to keep getting better at hitting things with a stick, or do you want to keep getting better at being a Druid?

Dex/Wis build Monk 1 / Moon Druid X gets about as close as you can come for staying mostly Druid.
1d8+Wis (or 1d6+Dex) plus 1d4+Dex in the early levels
Wildshape in the later levels

If that isn't good enough for you, then you need to multiclass into something with Extra Attack. Ranger is preferred here for synergy and early subclass damage features. But that comes at the cost of your highest level spells.
My money stays on Monk 1.

If you don't want to do either of those, then Magic Initiate (or a different caster multiclass) for Booming Blade is the next item on the table. It won't be as good as Monk 1 in the very early levels, but it will get better than that in the mid and high levels.

In any case, PM isn't the best option for a Druid unless you really really want that reaction attack.

2017-11-27, 03:08 PM
A sweet dip for this could be Arcana Cleric. You can pick up 2 wizard cantrips beyond the cleric ones, so you can grab either both Greenflame Blade and Booming Blade or (more likely) you can take one of those and a ranged damage option. Plus, you get Magic Missile as a free prepared spell, which is never a bad option to have in your pocket. Note that this is relatively incompatible with going Ranger or Monk (those rely on using the Attack action), but it means you make your melee quite effective with nothing but a one-level dip, and you even cover for a prominent weakness of the build.

2017-11-27, 03:12 PM
Arcana Cleric.

I played an Arcana Cleric with a Monk dip, and it was a ridiculous ton of fun. Kind of like 5e's version of the Sacred and Enlightened Fists combined.

2017-11-27, 03:29 PM
Nature Cleric with shillelagh as your one Druid cantrip.

High Elf for booming blade as your one Wizard cantrip.

At level 8 you get +1d8 fire/cold/lightning damage; that increases to +2d8 at level 14.

Tell everyone you're a Wood Elf Druid.

2017-11-27, 08:40 PM
I had a druid that beat things with a stick not long ago, was a blast. I went Lizardfolk and grabbed Warcaster at lvl 4 to go stick and board. As a Grasslands druid he could haste himself to get his AC to 20 without wearing any armor, and could attack twice, or attack, cast a spell, and use a BA for a bite or something else if available. With shillelagh he used Wis for spells and melee, Dex just was to boost AC.