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2017-11-27, 09:00 PM
So im playing in a chult campaign as a human cleric of pelor in a party of a drow ranger duegar barbarian, some rogue fire elemental, snake guy disguised as an elf ( the bane of morality) and a pyromaniac dwarf sorcerer.

So my cleric wasnt suspicious of anyone at the start. He was just doing the lords work for the less fortunate. Until it was he found out the elf wizard was a evil snake person from the wise Naga we met. They also met tibus Kimber which he entrusted us his location within a specific date. So being suspicious of the snake guy , the cleric decides to follow him changing his appearance with a cloak while still wearing his chainmail. Succeded with disadvantage in following him to a zytherian tavern and sitting at the table next to them without being detected (very lucky rolls) he over hears them giving their contact tibus kimbers location for 200 gold. Casted send to tibus kimber informing of who betrayed him. He convinces me to stay in said party.

Forwarding a session or two later i find out the snake has a voice talking to him and he made it obvious that has a necklace that he refuses to show me. Right now we are in a raiding a pirate cove situation which has prevented me from casting spells since im the only healer.

Question is, what should i do about this snake guy? Sorry for the long post.

2017-11-27, 09:03 PM
Have you told the rest of the party?

2017-11-27, 09:09 PM
I have the leader of the party about the betrayal and he wants us to stick together due to our effectiveness and apparently other party members knew of this "voice" before i did but in their favor they informed in coversation with snake person. Right now everyone is more concerned about the pirate situation. My character can only assume its a cursed item. ( out of game the necklace is a lich phylactery thats taken the snake guy as a apprentice).

2017-11-27, 09:14 PM
Confer with your party one by one and plan a time to pin him down for questioning. If it's a concern they all share then it should be easy to convince them to do something about it now, before it becomes a threat. Murphy's law pretty much guarantees that whatever is happening will come up at the worst possible moment for the party, like say for example when they're in a heated battle with pirates.

2017-11-27, 09:20 PM
Confer with your party one by one and plan a time to pin him down for questioning. If it's a concern they all share then it should be easy to convince them to do something about it now, before it becomes a threat. Murphy's law pretty much guarantees that whatever is happening will come up at the worst possible moment for the party, like say for example when they're in a heated battle with pirates.

Have you told the rest of the party?

Thats a fine idea. Will keep that in mind. Hopefully it works out. No one has raised my clerics suspicion except for the rogue that was apparently a pirate.

2017-11-27, 09:33 PM
Well so far your PC should plan contingencies for when the snake guy betrays you, and when you're in a civilized area find NPCs who would be interested in knowing what snake guy is doing in exchange for help or rewards.

Also tell your leader your PC is only going to tolerate so much from snake guy -effective or not, if the guy starts pulling out evil stunts you're not going to just let him do it, and if they're smart the leader won't allow it either.

2017-11-27, 11:51 PM
Thats a fine idea. Will keep that in mind. Hopefully it works out. No one has rised my clerics suspicion except for the rogue that was apparently a pirate.

And make sure you've got Zone of Truth prepared when you're ready to interrogate him.

2017-11-28, 12:05 AM
And make sure you've got Zone of Truth prepared when you're ready to interrogate him.

Zone of Truth isn't worth the effort of casting I'm afraid. One, it allows a save, and keeps giving one till they pass. Two, it informs the "beneficiary" that they are in one, and so can hedge responses. And three, they can still lie under it's effects if they believe it to be true. Or the DM can rule that to be wrong, in which case if they was given false information they can't speak of it. And that's not getting into the fact that it's a charm, and there are low tier 1 cheap rings that can defeat it as well.

2017-11-28, 12:09 AM
Indeed, better to make a Suggestion that they just tell the truth.

2017-11-28, 09:26 AM
Excellent information gentlemen! Will keep all of this in mind for thursday and update you on the results.

2017-11-28, 02:09 PM
Could it be possible that Pelor is not really interested in healing and buffing someone that is actively working as the apprentice to a Lich?

2017-11-28, 09:56 PM
Could it be possible that Pelor is not really interested in healing and buffing someone that is actively working as the apprentice to a Lich?
I dont know what the necklace consist of or what has occurred with the snake guy. My PC assumes its a cursed item.

2017-11-29, 12:20 AM
Does this warrant an advance OOC conversation with the other players about how intraparty conflict is handled?

2017-11-29, 12:31 AM
Kill the goody goody human cleric & find another walking band aid... oh wait.

Idk after reading the brief description of your party I kinda feel like you're the odd man out. Be prepared for utter party apathy & shrugs in response to your suspicions.

2017-11-29, 08:27 PM
Does this warrant an advance OOC conversation with the other players about how intraparty conflict is handled?

i believe the players can handle it and we have a decent DM.

2017-11-29, 08:32 PM
Kill the goody goody human cleric & find another walking band aid... oh wait.

Idk after reading the brief description of your party I kinda feel like you're the odd man out. Be prepared for utter party apathy & shrugs in response to your suspicions.

I can see that which i guess would lead me to making another character. Thinking of a death cleric.