View Full Version : 5e Death Domain Cleric

2017-11-28, 12:23 AM
I am looking to create a character for an upcoming game of "Way of the Wicked." Converted to 5E.
NO SPOILERS PLEASE, though general advice is welcome.

I have always wanted to play this module and a 5e version is perfect. At first I was going to make a Paladin or War Cleric, but then I noticed the death domain and wondered. So I'm now looking at more of a caster/witch type character.
the problem I see with the domain is it has both melee and caster advancement.
We do get One Free Feat so...

I could take Heavily Armored, grab a longsword and be the Shining Deathknight I originally envisioned.

I was thinking Magical Aptitude Druid. get Frostbite, Shillelagh and Entangle.
Use Wis to AC from the DMG
grab a staff and be a necromancer type.
This is a bit less optimized and im not used to playing full casters but for some reason I really like the Emo Witch I am now envisioning.

Longshot-maybe I can convince the GM to allow me to tweak the domain to more castery (i.e. Potent Spellcasting)

2017-11-28, 12:29 AM
Yea potent spellcasting would be great or creating a necromatic necrotic dealing weapon cantrip.

2017-11-28, 02:31 AM
Wood elf makes a pretty good choice, as you can use the new Xanathars feat giving them two free spells (Longstrider, PWT) and a Druid Cantrip, while maintaining an okay Dex and Wis, along with potential 45ft movement, or even 55ft if you later take Mobile.

Either of your options alreasy sounds good. Perhaps just ask your DM if you can trade a benefit for Heavy Armour Prof if that's what you really want. Say it's a benefit from your background.

2017-11-28, 09:22 AM
Perhaps I wasn't clear about what I needed advice about. (Also I was wrong, we DO NOT get a free feat, I was assuming I would go human, and still am.)

Death-Knight: This is a build I am well versed in having built plenty of paladins and the like, I don't need advice here. It was mainly included to show my thought process and as a way out of the other build if it can't be made to work.

Necromancer/Caster: This is where I need advice. first off a bit about the character. She is a Lizzy Borden type that was caught trying to reanimate her families corpses. She is dark brooding and adownright B****.

Magic Initiate (Druid): Does the build need this if I plan to dump STR. Meaning do I even need Shillelagh or will I so rarely attack in melee that its not necessary. Even so Frostbite and Entangle seems useful.
If I do not take magic initiate I assume Warcaster or Resilient Con would be the other choices.
If I am not attacking in melee do I still have a use for "Touch of Death." I am aware I can use a Rapier or Simitar but honestly the only weapons I see her using are a staff or a scythe.
Any other spell combinations or gems I should think about. For example, I have heard spiritual Weapon may work with "Divine Stike" or was it "Touch of Death."
Lastly any help developing her personality is always welcome. I can chose any god or make up my own. I am pretty sure I want her to be obsessed with finding the secrets of immortality. That's why she killed her parents...to save them from death. Also something along the lines of trading souls of others to save her own is interesting.

2017-11-28, 09:40 AM
I could take Heavily Armored, grab a longsword and be the Shining Deathknight I originally envisioned.

"originally envisioned." When I see something like this I always so go for it, trust your first instinct! Plus shining deathknight sounds amazing

2017-11-28, 11:03 AM
I've played all the way through Way of the Wicked. I will keep it spoiler free, but just keep that in mind when reading my suggestion.

If your idea was to originally play a "Death Knight," there are definitely ways in which you can do so. Playing a Death Cleric is something that's feasible in other games. Playing a "Death Knight" in really other game isn't possible. Go with the option that you'll never have another chance to play in a campaign again.

In regards to your "Death Knight," do you envision it as a Paladin or a Fighter? Either way, both will work. What I'd like to make sure you know though, is that a crusader type approach to the campaign isn't what's recommended. You should build the personality in a way that makes it so the character is ok with using subtlety when the time calls for it. There are more then a handful of times where if you barge right into a situation, you're going to be outmatched and outnumbered. And that simply wouldn't bode well for a group in Way of the Wicked. ;)

If you decide to stick with the Death Cleric, try using a Whip. It's a reach weapon (10') that you can use Dexterity or Strength with. It might not necessarily fit the flavor of your character, but it does allow you to stay out of range of bads. If you throw one of the SCAG cantrips on top of a Whip, your level 8 damage bonus, and a Spiritual Weapon, you're able to dish out some ok damage.

2017-11-28, 12:48 PM
I suppose I could Play the Death Knight angle. It's merits are true (even I recognize that)
What I want to know about is whether or not the Necromancer/Caster is a viable option (I am a bit dedicated to this now)

MY Cleric Write-Up (https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?p=7775871#post7775871)

2017-11-28, 10:39 PM
You can use Channel Divinity: Touch of Death with spiritual weapon.

I'm playing a death cleric right now. It's a multiclassed character, variant human, and started off with the Mobile feat. I started it with one level of Dex-based fighter (medium armor, rapier, shield), followed by 5 levels of cleric. That's where I am now. My next few levels will be fighter 2 through 4 to get eldritch knight and an ASI. After that, it's all death cleric.

The first few levels, my offense was almost all rapier with Touch of Death, chill touch if I had to fight from range. At cleric 4, I took Resilient - Wisdom. At that point I had 16s in Dex, Con and Wis, and my game started to switch over to less rapier and more inflict wounds, spiritual weapon, and, at this point, vampiric touch. At level 6, the rapier never comes out anymore.

So the character is primarily melee and, notionally, his signature spell will be vampiric touch. He's a priest who specializes in inappropriate touching.

He moves in and out of contact with the enemy via Mobile. And once he gets to fighter 3, he'll have shield, absorb elements and expeditious retreat. Shield and absorb elements will help him keep concentration spells going in melee. Expeditious retreat, synergizing with Mobile, will allow him to traverse the entire battlegrid in round 1, should that seem appealing. Action Surge gives him something to do once he gets there.

Shield of faith and protection from evil have been very useful so far.

I'll bump Wisdom to 18 at fighter 4 (character 9) and I'll pick up Warcaster at cleric 8 (character 12).

So that's one way to go with a death cleric.

2017-11-29, 01:07 AM
You can use Channel Divinity: Touch of Death with spiritual weapon.

I'm playing a death cleric right now. It's a multiclassed character, variant human, and started off with the Mobile feat. I started it with one level of Dex-based fighter (medium armor, rapier, shield), followed by 5 levels of cleric. That's where I am now. My next few levels will be fighter 2 through 4 to get eldritch knight and an ASI. After that, it's all death cleric.

The first few levels, my offense was almost all rapier with Touch of Death, chill touch if I had to fight from range. At cleric 4, I took Resilient - Wisdom. At that point I had 16s in Dex, Con and Wis, and my game started to switch over to less rapier and more inflict wounds, spiritual weapon, and, at this point, vampiric touch. At level 6, the rapier never comes out anymore.

So the character is primarily melee and, notionally, his signature spell will be vampiric touch. He's a priest who specializes in inappropriate touching.

He moves in and out of contact with the enemy via Mobile. And once he gets to fighter 3, he'll have shield, absorb elements and expeditious retreat. Shield and absorb elements will help him keep concentration spells going in melee. Expeditious retreat, synergizing with Mobile, will allow him to traverse the entire battlegrid in round 1, should that seem appealing. Action Surge gives him something to do once he gets there.

Shield of faith and protection from evil have been very useful so far.

I'll bump Wisdom to 18 at fighter 4 (character 9) and I'll pick up Warcaster at cleric 8 (character 12).

So that's one way to go with a death cleric.

I built a Death Cleric in a similar way. Started Fighter, went for Str and Halberd(refluffed to scythe), then 2 levels of Cleric so far. I plan on going the rest in Cleric.
Pick up Resilient (Wisdom) to both get proficiency in the Save and even it out. We rolled stats, and I kinda had to put a 13 in there. Not optimal, but I'll work with that for now.

It's been fun so far, being kind of a hunter of Undead of sorts. I got to exchange Animate Dead for Crusader's Mantle as a Domain Spell, since raising Undead goes against what he's doing.

2017-11-29, 02:21 AM
It's been fun so far, being kind of a hunter of Undead of sorts.

Ha, I went for the same kind of storyline. My guy was recruited by the Raven Queen to combat undead. She's the goddess of death and considers the creation of undead to be a intolerable usurpation of her domain. A tragedy in my guy's backstory made him a good candidate for such a calling.

Ironically, many undead are immune to necrotic damage, so keep guiding bolt handy if you can, or at least sacred flame.

I got to exchange Animate Dead for Crusader's Mantle as a Domain Spell, since raising Undead goes against what he's doing.

I substituted bestow curse. I may even use it someday.

2017-11-29, 03:12 AM
I suppose I could Play the Death Knight angle. It's merits are true (even I recognize that)
What I want to know about is whether or not the Necromancer/Caster is a viable option (I am a bit dedicated to this now)

MY Cleric Write-Up (https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthread.php?p=7775871#post7775871)

So I read your write-up. Did your character actually commit the crime of killing her parents or not? It isn't made clear in the story, and while that might work out for a regular campaign, it doesn't for Way of the Wicked. The fact that you indeed, most definitely, committed the crime you're being executed for is what unites everyone in the party. There is none of this supposition that someone else did it, or that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, you WITHOUT A DOUBT COMMITTED THE CRIME YOU'RE BEING EXECUTED FOR. If you take this part of the story away from the character, the potential bond built up between the party members isn't the same.

To be honest, she feels more like a Wizard then a Cleric. Nothing about her makes me think she's anything like a Cleric, even a Death domain Cleric. If you were going for the creepy Necromancer vibe, you've definitely achieved it with this character's story/description.

This feels like a character who gets no joy out of anything in life. There must have been something to her before all this negativity. She grew up seemingly as a Noble, meaning she probably wanted for very little. Was there something that turned her to be the EDGIEST OF NECROMANCERS?! Did something bad happen that caused this turn, or was her family life one that put it on her?

I'd include something that makes her a little more relatable, because in the reading of the character's traits, there is nothing about her that anyone can appreciate (except perhaps the coldness of her "heart"). Personally, adding in a trait like, "Enjoys a fine drink in the evening to relax after having mutilated the bodies of my enemies and bathing in their blood," or "Will never let an orphan go hungry, as adults make better undead minions." Another option is a flaw that might be a bit silly, but brings a humanizing bit to your character, like "I don't do Spiders. I had a bad experience," or "I swim as well as a Dwarven ship floats. Meaning I don't."

I understand it's a capital-E-Evil campaign, but that doesn't mean every single bit of your character has to consist of unappealing features that those in normal society shun. Basically, I see your Personality traits, your Ideal, and your Flaw as all pretty much saying the same stuff. "I don't care about anyone. Death is coming for us all." That's really all I got from your character.

I did enjoy the description of getting picked up after the crime was committed. I especially like the Bond you had listed, as Sir Balin is definitely someone worth being interested in. :)