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2017-11-28, 01:07 AM
"Blood comes first."
-Common Astroyan Adage.

The tiny rowboat, barely large enough to fit the five of you, rolls with the waves, splashing you with icy water. The rising sun is barely visible behind dark clouds, leaving the world in twilight. A sharp wind cuts into you, penetrating your sopping clothes. The cold is unbearable. Then, the boat's hull scrapes against something. Stones. A rocky beach stretches into the horizon on either side of you, choppy grey water behind you, the dissipating fog hanging over it in twisting strands. A belt of low mountains looms over your little party, rubbed smooth by millennia of inclement weather. A few gnarled trees have dug their roots into the stone, but the mountains almost seem to have a life of their own, compensating for the sparse vegetation. Their stubby peaks reach toward the sky, caves and crevices honeycombing the mountainside. A person could retreat to those gloomy confines and reasonably expect to never be found. The only other sounds are gulls and the crashing waves.

The events of last night come back to you - the storm, the mast hurling itself into the ocean like a dying beast, the panicking crewmen, your escape on the lifeboat. Your last sight of the ship was its prow dipping beneath the raging waters. You spent the night aimlessly paddling, bailing water that seemed to come quicker than it could be removed, wishing for warm and safety. Occasionally you would see the outline of another lifeboat, shrouded in the thick fog. Whatever their final fate, it has not led them to this barren shore.

Ahead of you, a valley worms its way between the mountains, perhaps a half mile wide. Pale grass clings to the shallow earth, and a dirt path winds its way up to the valley's end, where around thirty, small stone houses are clustered together in a tight knot. No smokes rises from the chimneys, despite the frigid morning, and the village is utterly still. No one to be seen. Another, similar path leads directly into the mountains, its destination unclear, while yet one more path follows the beach east. Perhaps a minute's walk from your location, a narrow crevice delves into the mountainside, barely wide enough to allow a full-grown human passage. It seems deep. From somewhere in the mountains, to the village's west, a thin line of smoke rises. It could just be your imagination, but you think you see a tiny flicker of light. The boat shakes beneath you.

You have arrived in Astroya.

2017-11-28, 01:39 AM
Yalia steps from the boat, wringing out her hair then checking her sword. She stays silent, not having said a word since she had boarded the ship. While some may have head for the village right away she didn't, as rushing was what got one killed. She eyes the group she had been stranded with distaste, making a mental inventory of them, from their physique to their arms and armor. She crosses her arms 'I've gone from an army to this rabble...' She silently thinks to herself, although she is still silent, a tall pale, brooding shadow. She moved a good distance away ((~7')) from them, giving her time to react if anyone tries anything... idiotic.

2017-11-28, 02:54 AM
Dhaun takes note of his fellow passengers. A soldier, A Wildman, a Minstrel, a priest and a kobold. He felt like he could trust the soldier and the kobold. He shakes off the water from himself and checks if he still has his purse. Dhaun looks around for any possible signs of human habitation. He notes the village and the light from the crevice. The village was the most likely area for there to be people. But he could almost feel the bad vibes from that place. His instincts got him this far and he wasn't going to question them now. He turns back to the group " Hello friends! My name is Tyror SkIark of house Skylark. Seeing as we are marooned here together I would suggest a temporary truce until suitable habitation/a way to leave is found. For those who accept my offer we shall be making our way to that crevice over there. And also can anyone have anything that cures splitting headaches?" Dhaun figures that if worst comes to worst he could use them as a sacrifice. For some reason he didn't feel like letting them all get killed.
[Spoiler] So many questions. So few answers. But for now these will suffice.
Did they leave our weapons?
Has it been atleast 8 hours? (For spell purposes)

2017-11-28, 07:30 AM
A male human Barbarian named Mauler Masher got out of the boat and makes his appearance.

"I hope this will be a very challenging adventure because I don't like easy adventures." :smile:

2017-11-28, 09:58 AM
The Kobold looks around, in search of an advanced civilization, seemingly worries that he might be stuck here and not be able to continue his studies, he brushes himself off and thanks Wee Jas for being a Spellhoarding kobold due to his bloodline and not having or needing a spellbook that would've been destroyed in last nights storm. He cleans himself up and wipes his runes and clothes off to clean them up real quick.

He then looks around and silently whispers to himself, "Pathetic, someone from a basically noble family like my own shouldn't be in a place like this. Seems like I will have to fix this on my own. Damn family curse getting me into problems like this."

He then remarks out loud "Well, so what can we do. As far as we know that town could be killed off by some force or could be cannibals, I would recommend setting up camp somewhere else and then sending someone to scout over there to see if there is anything, then flee. Also, we should get to know each other, we have been stuck for so long in that boat without speaking that we should get to know each others abilities in case we need to fight together." He wonders to himself whether there will be anything useful to learn in this island that could help him master the ability of his bloodline or some arcane lore at least.

2017-11-28, 10:07 AM
Yalia takes a step forward, ((within 5' !!!)) and everyone can feel their body's ability to fight off natural effects weaken ((-5 fort)), their mind fog ((-5 will)), and their reflexes slow ((-5 ref)). She stands there for a minute, then deciding that she's made her point steps back to where she was, and whatever was affecting everyone seems to suddenly go away. She folds her arms, having (in her opinion) answered the question of abilities.

2017-11-28, 10:14 AM
Dhaun says to Yalia
"i'd like it if you would avoid doing whatever it is you just did"

He then turns to the Kobold
Why don't we scout now? Those building look like they were built by a surface race. Now unless they are Orcs they are probably all sleeping. I volunteer to go along with one other person. As for your question of skills, I prefer to keep mine secret. Today's friend is tommorows enemy and all that.

2017-11-28, 10:38 AM
Mauler seems to be distrusting the kobold and the drow. But the human not so much. He thought to himself that the drow and the kobold might be some trouble. But he's keeps his thoughts to himself.

2017-11-28, 10:47 AM
Dhaun eyes the barbarian deciding in a second.
You, Wildman! how about this? You like smashing things right? Up there by the village there are many people and things which you can smash. But they only let you smash if you help me!

Basically I'm trying to convince you to come with me as my meat shield while scouting

2017-11-28, 11:22 AM
The bard, who remained silently assessing his potential foes up to this point, begins to head off to the village on his own,
"I'm going to see if there's anyone up there" he remarks after getting about halfway up the beach, he then proceeds to skip along whilst humming a jaunty tune.

2017-11-28, 11:28 AM
Dhaun says to the others I am glad that someone in this motley group has the guts to go confront a group of peasents armed with nothing but sticks and stones!"

He goes off to scout along with the bard.

2017-11-28, 12:05 PM
"I'm coming with you guys. I hope there's Gnolls in this village to fight. Mauler joins the group.

2017-11-28, 12:11 PM
Yalia looks at the kobold, an eyebrow raised, waiting to see if he intends to follow, as barging in on what appears to be a stranded village seems a rather poor idea.

2017-11-28, 12:12 PM
"Fine, it's not safe to be alone but we also don't know each other so it's also not safe to be together,
I guess it's safer if we all go together."

Tuk-Kui joins the party

2017-11-28, 12:27 PM
Yalia follows after, her face amused. Of course she moves off to the side, using any cover possible, after all, it'd be a shame to be hit with an arrow from someone they'd failed to spot.

((Hide: [roll0]; Move Silently: [roll1]))

2017-11-28, 12:46 PM
"Ok. Everyone I'm going to be very straight and clear with you. I'm not hear to argue with you, I'm not here to hear your complaining. I'm not here for your whining. I'm definitely not here for your drama. If anyone has a problem with that. You can say it with my greatsword. Furthermore I'm going to lead the group. Is seems like nobody is leading anywhere. So I called the shots. :mad:

2017-11-28, 01:07 PM
Tuk-Kui steps out of his silence and says Why should you of all people be leader, you are a barbarian and likely all you do is crush things. Why not have someone from a pseudo-noble caster family lead you instead.

2017-11-28, 01:12 PM
Yalia steps out of the wood, I agree with the kobold on the matter of you being leader, why should you be? Her voice is... Well, take the color of a light blue almost invisible ice and turn it into a voice. It seems if anything that we're already fallowing someone else's lead anyhow.

2017-11-28, 01:40 PM
Mauler responsed to Tui-Kui and Yalia. "I didn't hear you kobold or anyone else in this party called dibs of being leader. So therefore, "Finder Keepers." of me calling dibs on leader." :annoyed:

2017-11-28, 01:53 PM
You make your way up the muddy path, into the valley. Soon, the mountains are rising alongside you, a steep slope nearly impassable on foot, offering some degree of shelter from the raging wind. The dim morning light is lessened even further here, the sun blocked by the cliffs, allowing only a few strands of pale light to illuminate the canyon. As you travel steadily uphill, the valley floor is dotted with tangled thorn bushes, thicker grass, and wiry arbutus trees. A handful of crows perch on branches or hop merrily along the path, taking to the air when your party draws near. The cold does not let up.

Before long, you have arrived at the valley's end, where the village is clustered tight against the mountainside. There is little order to its construction, the houses clearly built one at a time, over the course of decades, mostly with rough stones that look to have been salvaged from the beach, sealed together with wattle, daub, and thatch. Most have a single level, the only exception being a large two-storey building near the centre of town. It has several windows made of foggy glass, and a wooden sign hangs above the door, depicting a squirming fish. "The Lucky Catch," as the sign proclaims it. A number of other businesses are clustered nearby - a blacksmith, a weaver, an apothecary. Scattered around the village are number of small fishing boats, and racks that would normally be reserved for drying fish - but all are empty. There is no sign of life.

Right at the valley's tip, perhaps 20 metres from the village, there appears to be some sort of mineshaft carved into the cliff face. It sits open like a ravenous maw, dark and foreboding. A number of discarded planks lie around the entrance.

2017-11-28, 01:59 PM
"I vote we put the "leader" through everything first." Yaliasays, with a nasty grin. "That way he can stop any "accidents" from happening."

2017-11-28, 02:02 PM
having skipped near tirelessly the whole way, the minstrel began to whistle as he made his way toward the tavern, perhaps there was money left from customers of the past.

2017-11-28, 02:12 PM
Tuk responds, "Ok, leader. If you want to be our leader, then so be it, lead in front of us to be able to captain the best and show the world that you are leader."

2017-11-28, 02:16 PM
Yalia grins at the kobold's remark, It seems he's more then content to let the whistling fop do all the checking. Such a pity...

2017-11-28, 02:23 PM
Tuk-Kui then remarks "So leader, shall we go and search for anything of interest? Also I would recommend we setup camp here, we don't know how long we will be here so we should prepare for worst case scenario."

2017-11-28, 02:26 PM
Tuk-Kui then remarks "So leader, shall we go and search for anything of interest? Also I would recommend we setup camp here, we don't know how long we will be here so we should prepare for worst case scenario."

"Sure second in-command. We should set camp here. This place have to some interested otherwise we moved on."

2017-11-28, 02:31 PM
Yalia shakes her head, then heads into the village, slipping from building to building, 'You ought to cover that hole...' She shakes her head, ignoring the voice. She is taking an inventory of everything, from how sturdy each building appears to what is inside them.

2017-11-28, 02:38 PM
Yalia shakes her head, then heads into the village, slipping from building to building, 'You ought to cover that hole...' She shakes her head, ignoring the voice. She is taking an inventory of everything, from how sturdy each building appears to what is inside them.

Good eye number 3. We should really cover that hole. I'm sorry but I don't think we didn't introduce each other. My name is Mauler Masher.

2017-11-28, 02:43 PM
Good eye number 3. We should really cover that hole. I'm sorry but I don't think we didn't introduce each other. My name is Mauler Masher.

OOC: she did not say that out loud, otherwise it'd be in green :smalltongue: and "X" not 'X' :smallwink:

2017-11-28, 02:44 PM
"Well since we are on introduction time, I am Tuk from the great Sorcerer Clan Kui. Or Tuk-Kui."

2017-11-28, 02:48 PM
"Well since we are on introduction time, I am Tuk from the great Sorcerer Clan Kui. Or Tuk-Kui."

"Nice to meet you Tuk-Kui."

2017-11-28, 03:39 PM
Don't have a search skill on pregen sheet, so i rolled a d20, becuase i assume ut is still possoble for me to search for stuff.

Didn't work for me, though i'm certain i did it right, so we'll just use the 14.

Jonathan searched around the obviously located tavern in the center of the village, and began to search for the coin stash and some food to cook.

2017-11-28, 04:44 PM
Dhaun tazyr of House Tazyr. Its a pleasure.

Now "leader" I would suggest against any of going to sleep until we have done a full recon of this village. Judging by the size and location of that shaft I think that some creature came from it killed all the villlagers and took them back. Or all the villagers moved underground. I dont want whatever killed these folk to come back and kill me.

After saying this Dhaun goes off to the town hall to search for background on the village and cash.

I get +4 to search and I rolled a 12

2017-11-28, 05:17 PM
"You know. I just thought of something. I don't think we shouldn't set camp off near the village. We're be caught off guard when a monster or crature attacks us. I saw we search the village around. Say I think the bard was going somewhere. We should follow him."

2017-11-28, 05:33 PM
"I believe the same, maybe a layer underground, I could help build one myself. Due to my racial affinity to mine I should be able to make one. That or we could go in the village and make a secret layer system below the ground although that would take longer."

2017-11-28, 05:58 PM
"I believe the same, maybe a layer underground, I could help build one myself. Due to my racial affinity to mine I should be able to make one. That or we could go in the village and make a secret layer system below the ground although that would take longer."

"I'm ok with that. Do what you have to do. I'm going to the village." Mauler when to the village.

2017-11-28, 07:39 PM
Edit: I didn't notice there was a cave. Just ignore that

2017-11-29, 02:34 PM
Tuk works to set up a rudimentary camp at the edge of town, using what meagre supplies you have, while the others search through the village. There is no wood to make a campfire, and only Jonathan seems to have brought any food. Will he share it with the other party members?

The village itself is completely desolate - but curiously undamaged. Within the houses, which are all furnished simply and sparsely, there is no sign of struggle or a hasty departure - but there is no loot to be had. Indeed, every building seems to have been systematically stripped of all its useful possessions - tools, food, clothes, money. As if the entire village packed and left at once. The houses are fairly clean, showing the signs of recent fairly habitation - ashes in the hearth, footprints at the door, toys and games left sitting around. Furthermore, the townspeople seem to have taken even their pets with them - there are empty chicken coops behind several houses, and in one instance you encounter muddy prints that would suggest a dog. You attempt to search the apothecary's shop, but find both doors locked, and the solitary window too high to reach.

When Jonathan arrives at the tavern, he finds a different story. It is a small, but cozy place, containing only a handful of tables, a large fireplace with a fish longer than Tuk-Kui displayed on the mantle. The backroom, a hybrid of kitchen and storage room, is almost completely bare, all the foot and cooking implements taken in the villager's exodus. The four guest rooms upstairs are much the same, holding nothing other than beds and a couple stools. While it has still been stripped of most useful possessions, there are three full barrels of dark ale behind the counter. But all that is comparatively uninteresting to what lies at the centre of the common room. A girl, no older than 16, wearing a simple cloth dress, tightly bound to a chair with many lengths of rope. Her head is slumped to one side, her eyes open unblinkingly, body cold. There is no sign of external damage or illness.

There does not seem to be a town hall of any sort - the closest thing to a hub would be The Lucky Catch, the local tavern.

Then, just as your search of the village is concluding, you hear loud voices, the clatter of hooves, echoing down the valley towards you. In the dim light, you can just see a large party of riders making their way up from the beach, bearing torches. You estimate they will arrive in five minutes or less.

2017-11-29, 02:42 PM
Yalia heads to the Inn where she saw the first of their party whistle off to. She steps in then stops when she sees the body, her eyes going to the bard then back again, jaw tightening ever so slightly. She reaches forward feeling for a pulse, then notices the cold. She has been dead a while now... I suggest hiding in the Mine, whatever or whoever these men are they have horse and clearly outnumber us. Rather take m chances with whatever's in there, and if worse comes to worse and they find us the tunnel should only allow entrance to one of them, possibly two at he same time. Let us hope the self proclaimed "leader" knows how to use the tools of his trade. With that she steps out, not bothering to see if the bard is following, and strides towards the mine.

2017-11-29, 03:32 PM
Tuk thinks and then says to the party calling out "Either the mineshaft is trap infested or with monsters, or it is a trap. I believe those to be the most likely possibilities. I doubt it is safe, I would reccomend we go to the mountains and hide there."
Regardless, he goes where the majority of the party goes since it will be safer to travel in big numbers.

2017-11-29, 03:57 PM
Jonathan follows Yalia out of the tavern, with a rucksack filled with a small amount of food taken from the village, and makes his way to the tavern. the image of that girl burned itself into his mind,
"i do not want to be framed for that,"
are his thoughts as he makes his way toward the cave, at a steady jog.

2017-11-29, 05:42 PM
"Hello! Is anybody there?!" Mauler yells for someone.

2017-11-29, 05:50 PM
"Come with me Mauler, we have to flee. Follow me. Hide in the mineshaft but we cannot split up." He says that as he pulls Mauler over to the mineshaft.

2017-11-29, 06:17 PM
"Come with me Mauler, we have to flee. Follow me. Hide in the mineshaft but we cannot split up." He says that as he pulls Mauler over to the mineshaft.

Ok. Nice mineshaft." Mauler went to the mineshaft.

2017-11-29, 07:25 PM
Jonathan pulls out a torch and his flint+steel and lights a torch, illuminating the passage ahead.
"this will keep us from tripping as we flee" he stated calmly as he made his way to the head of the group to lead the way.:smallcool:

2017-11-29, 07:35 PM
"Is there any monster we should know about?"

2017-11-29, 07:43 PM
"how would i know?" Jonathan replied as he turned briefly back at Mauler the wild-man.

2017-11-29, 07:48 PM
"Monsters or not we should be ready for anything that rears its ugly head. Especially Gnolls."

2017-11-29, 07:58 PM
You with the torch, put it out. Anyone looking down will see it. I'll go first, the dark doesn't bother me, Kobold, keep an eye out. With that said she carefully steps into the mineshaft, her eyes quickly adjusting, one hand drawing her blade.

2017-11-29, 08:09 PM
"Your sight does not effect mine," Jonathan replied icily "I'll keep my torch unlit for a bit, if it suits your interest so well, but i will not bruise my knee for your preferences"
Jonathan proceeded to pull out a cap to put out the fire in order to douse it.

2017-11-29, 08:13 PM
"We have a group of unknown riders coming to a village that has mostly emptied. Don't forget that something killed that girl. I suggest you remember that." She heads into the tunnels, blade held at the ready. "Unless you intend to try talking with someone who may have been responsible for her death I suggest we get a move on."

2017-11-29, 08:18 PM
"Will you two stop aruging? The only thing that I can't stand is a big headache which made I've to remind you that I do have a serious anger problem. Geez one whiner after another." :mad:

2017-11-29, 08:30 PM
Yalia rolls her eyes "Tough guy huh?"

((Keep in mind you are at a -5 on saves :smallbiggrin::smallwink::smalltongue:))

2017-11-29, 08:47 PM
Dhaun takes out his crossbow and nocks a bolt. He then tells the others. The barbarian should lead in the tunnel with torch. THe leader should go first. I have lowlight vision so I should be fine without the torch so I will flank with my crossbow. We can put the soldier in the back too so she can do that....thing that she did. The bard should be in the middle since he doesn't look like he would survive many attacks. and the sorcerer can be in the behind the barbarian. Unless anyone has any better ideas for a formation?
This was the best formation I could think of incase we get attacked.

2017-11-29, 08:51 PM
"Is there anyone that can heal other people?"

2017-11-29, 08:55 PM
"We should make the escape plan, I do not know the invisibility spell although I do have the Silent Image spell prepared which could cloak us somewhat decently if needed"

I cannot heal unfortunately as a wizardic sorcerer, although maybe I could if I mastered the ability of my family like my old uncle Quid-Kui did

2017-11-29, 08:58 PM
I believe that minstrels and sorcerers have healing abilities. The shrine maiden was our main healer but it looks like she quit.

2017-11-29, 08:59 PM
Could you make a silent image of people leaving into the mountains?
If u can then cast it to cover our retreat.

2017-11-29, 09:06 PM
OOC: Edited the previous post due to missing a paragraph, didn't think a reply would come so soon.

"I should be able to make that and also make it look like it fights back with a bow and arrow. I could make it convincing that the 'creature' dies although it could be more convincing to make the illusion a demon which would likely be thought of as the murderer and since when they die their bodies dissipate it would be perfect"

2017-11-29, 09:06 PM
"We should make the escape plan, I do not know the invisibility spell although I do have the Silent Image spell prepared which could cloak us somewhat decently if needed"

I cannot heal unfortunately as a wizardic sorcerer, although maybe I could if I mastered the ability of my family like my old uncle Quid-Kui did

"Well it's sad that you can't heal. :frown:

2017-11-29, 09:14 PM
I believe that they since we are running away we can assume that they are the killers. If they saw a demon then we would have paladins and excorsists all over the place. Then one of them will find our hiding area.

2017-11-29, 09:22 PM
"Demons huh? Well I eat demons for breakfast, lunch and dinner." :biggrin:

2017-11-29, 10:18 PM
I laugh at Maulers boast. I challenge Mauler
If you're so tough why don't you go and meet with those riders instead of hiding with us? if you can beat a demon you should be able to beat a couple of horse riders easy!

2017-11-29, 10:21 PM
I laugh at Maulers boast. I challenge Mauler
If you're so tough why don't you go and meet with those riders instead of hiding with us? if you can beat a demon you should be able to beat a couple of horse riders easy!

"A challenge huh? I accepted your challenge." :amused:

2017-11-29, 10:46 PM
"ugh, after all that you just want us to go back and fight that large group of people? I know i would rather take my chances in this cave, you do what you want, but I'm not honna die for your silly challenge." Jonathan stated with a snear visible upon his face.

2017-11-29, 10:49 PM
Dhaun balances the benefits and drawbacks of letting the barbarian talk to the horsemen. On one side they could be peaceful and if they weren't it would be funny to see the Wildman fight them before he gets skewered. But on the other hand the barbarian could be useful as a meatshield and the riders might discover that they were here. Dhaun decides. Ok go then. But don't give the rest of us away. Out of the earshot of the barbarian he says to the rest of the groupHis gold is mine

2017-11-29, 11:38 PM
"Guys, if he takes on the riders there are two possibilities. One, he miraculously wins and our problems are solved. Two, he loses and we are exposed and intensive searching is started since the island was discovered. We either all hide or all fight. Those are our best chances to survive. Mauler, you are truly stupid and unfit to leadership if you truly accept this challenge and I will stop you. So what will you do, fight me and then go against the riders, convince all of us to go against the riders, or escape with us."

Tuk-Kui takes a 5ft step back and readies an action to cast if Mauler acts offensively against him

2017-11-30, 12:16 AM
i stand with tu-kui on this one, and you'll have to take me out too.
Jonathan readies his crossbow and moves by tu-kui's side.

2017-11-30, 12:50 AM
While I am always ready for a good throwdown I have a better idea. The wild man can attack. Once he is finished we attack the weakened forces. Do either of you know any good strengthening spells or an alignment check spell? Or we could talk to the horsemen first before slaughtering them. They might be normal people coming back from a hunt.

While saying this Dhaun moves a little away from all three. As far as he could tell the only real threat was the Kobold. He didn't know its capabilities so he remained cautious around it.

2017-11-30, 07:35 AM
"Guys, if he takes on the riders there are two possibilities. One, he miraculously wins and our problems are solved. Two, he loses and we are exposed and intensive searching is started since the island was discovered. We either all hide or all fight. Those are our best chances to survive. Mauler, you are truly stupid and unfit to leadership if you truly accept this challenge and I will stop you. So what will you do, fight me and then go against the riders, convince all of us to go against the riders, or escape with us."

Tuk-Kui takes a 5ft step back and readies an action to cast if Mauler acts offensively against him

"You know what this challenge isn't worth for beans so I'll escape with you guys."

2017-11-30, 07:47 AM
"Good, then let's keep going"

2017-11-30, 08:11 AM
Dhaun laughs at the barbarian. The great demon killer is scared of a kobold and a singer? Hah! oh well may as well continue down the shaft.

Dhaun pauses before entering to snicker at the barbarian for another second before disappearing down the hole.

2017-11-30, 08:27 AM
Yalia stares from the bottom of the shaft "Was starting to worry I'd have to go up and drag you down here myself." She looks around, trying to get a good grasp of the area and a rough idea of what they layout would be. "Kobold, don't your kind mine and thus have problems with dwarves and others who inhabit the underground?"

2017-11-30, 08:36 AM
Yalia stares from the bottom of the shaft "Was starting to worry I'd have to go up and drag you down here myself." She looks around, trying to get a good grasp of the area and a rough idea of what they layout would be. "Kobold, don't your kind mine and thus have problems with dwarves and others who inhabit the underground?"
Dhaun is confused
Forgive me if I appear unenlightened in the ways of the but I'm pretty sure Dwarves mine too. That's how they get those mountain lairs. So why would they have a problem with Kobolds mining?

2017-11-30, 08:36 AM
Dhaun laughs at the barbarian. The great demon killer is scared of a kobold and a singer? Hah! oh well may as well continue down the shaft.

Dhaun pauses before entering to snicker at the barbarian for another second before disappearing down the hole.

Bluff: [roll0]

"Shut up! I could fight these guys anywhere at anytime. I even fought the great demon lord barbarian, Flubba Jubba and KO him one slash with my greatsword." :mad:

2017-11-30, 08:42 AM
Yalia smiles, "Well, kobolds and dwarves... think drow and elves... They just don't get along very well that's all." She leaves any further explaining to the Kobold. "I still suggest you extinguish the torch, asanyone looking into the dark from up there will be able to see us... I mean you are literally lighting a fire in the dark and expecting no one to notice..."

2017-11-30, 08:50 AM
Well anyway we are wasting valuable time and I suggest we make a move on. Make sure to close the shaft after you come in.
Dhaun takes the lead with his crossbow and walks further into tunnel. He makes sure to keep an eye out for any creature or villagers lurking down here.

2017-11-30, 09:06 AM
Bluff: [roll0]

"Shut up! I could fight these guys anywhere at anytime. I even fought the great demon lord barbarian, Flubba Jubba and KO him one slash with my greatsword." :mad:
Hah! If u Killed a demon lord than I'm a flying dwarf. I bet you couldn't kill a squirrel. But we will continue this conversation later. COme down the hole fast.

2017-11-30, 09:19 AM
Yalia looks up at the mention of closing the shaft. "No, leave it exactly as it was. Whoever these men are were probably here before, and thus may know the contents of the area."

2017-11-30, 09:24 AM
Good catch. Keep it open but smudge our tracks.

2017-11-30, 10:23 AM
"I think we will have to deal with those riders later, but for now, i say we stay near the entrance to this shaft, it would just be stupid to move further into an unknown area." Jonathan proclaimed as he sat down next to the wall of the shafts bottom.

:smallsigh: hoping we get a monster chase out of this:smallsigh:

2017-11-30, 10:28 AM
"I think we will have to deal with those riders later, but for now, i say we stay near the entrance to this shaft, it would just be stupid to move further into an unknown area." Jonathan proclaimed as he sat down next to the wall of the shafts bottom.

:smallsigh: hoping we get a monster chase out of this:smallsigh:

Let's consider the fact that this might be their home village. As soon as they come down here they will notice you sitting here. If we move a bit further on then we will be safe. Besides doesn't it make you curious where this leads? Come if You want but I'm leaving.

2017-11-30, 11:05 AM
I tear a strip of cloth off of my shirt and wind it around my crossbow bolt. I light it with The bards torch and send it flying down the corridor in order to atleast give me a partial idea of what lies ahead.
[roll0] Just incase I have to make a spot check

2017-11-30, 11:05 AM
Jonathan understand reason in the thief's statement, and hops up as he begins to follow.

2017-11-30, 12:37 PM
Yalia shifts ever so slightly, making the one behind her within her reach but not exposing her backside to him, after all one can never be too careful. With that she continues down the tunnel, every so often making a mark upon the wall.

2017-11-30, 12:45 PM
I tear a strip of cloth off of my shirt and wind it around my crossbow bolt. I light it with The bards torch and send it flying down the corridor in order to atleast give me a partial idea of what lies ahead.
[roll0] Just incase I have to make a spot check

yalia made me put my torch out, but we'll assume i relit it when we closed the shaft:smallwink:

2017-11-30, 12:48 PM
Jonathan glances at the walls, in order to look for anything strange
Don't have anything to roll w/ so someone do that for me *cough*DM*cough*

2017-11-30, 02:04 PM
You all vacate the tavern - unfortunately, Jonathan cannot find any food to take - and make your way towards the mineshaft. When Mauler shouts, his voice echoing down the valley, the riders noticeably speed up, breaking into a canter, but you reach the shelter of the cavern long before they can ride into the village. The brief light of the torch illuminates a narrow passage, barely wide enough for two to walk abreast, travelling gradually downwards into the earth. The ceiling is supported by rotted planks of wood, and the floor is hard-packed dirt. A fiery bolt from Dhaun shoots down the shaft, showing you more of the same, until it collides with a solid wall and goes out. There seems to be no immediate threat. When the torch is stifled, you are plunged into absolute darkness, the humans left stumbling around like children, only able to find their way by following the wall. After perhaps five minutes of tenebrous passage, you lose sight of the entryway and deem it safe to relight the torch. The oiled cloth bursts into flame, casting your shadowed faces in flickering light.

While you were walking, the passage seems to have leveled out, leaving you before a crossroads. The ground beneath your feet has shifted to dark bedrock. To the right, a smaller passage shifts sharply downwards, leading to the mountain's roots, while to the left is a wider passage that descends more gently. A brown dog's corpse lies at its entrance, killed by a slice to the neck. You would guess it's been dead for no more than three days, though the smell is nonetheless unpleasant. By the marks of tools on the wall, you can tell these passages were excavated by hand. Indeed, a handful of rusted mattocks and picks are scattered around the floor. Dhaun's bolt is among them.

Mauler and Dhaun in the lead, followed by Tuk, then Jonathan, then Yalia.

Here's a map of the mineshaft so far, I'll make adjustments as you continue to explore. The red dot indicates where the party is.


Very faintly, you can hear rushing water from down the right passage.

2017-11-30, 02:28 PM
"It's quiet. A bit too quiet to be exact.

2017-11-30, 03:06 PM
"i believe we found the dog from earlier" Jonathan explains as he punts the dog softly with his boot, havimg referred to the muddy prints from before.

2017-11-30, 03:12 PM
Yalia tilts her head, trying to discern where the sound of water's coming from. "Shut up for a minute."

2017-11-30, 03:27 PM
"i believe we found the dog from earlier" Jonathan explains as he punts the dog softly with his boot, havimg referred to the muddy prints from before.

"Must be a stray dog then."

2017-11-30, 05:30 PM
"pipe down a second mauler, i think Yalia's heard something."

2017-11-30, 08:00 PM
Dhauns hears the rushing water and says to him party
Water on the right. Water's usually a good thing. I suggest that we follow it. Worst possibility is that we find a couple beasts and the villagers dead bodies. Plus I need water. Any other opinions?

2017-11-30, 08:03 PM
Dhauns hears the rushing water and says to him party
Water on the right. Water's usually a good thing. I suggest that we follow it. Worst possibility is that we find a couple beasts and the villagers dead bodies. Plus I need water. Any other opinions?

"No. I'll take your word for it."

2017-11-30, 08:20 PM
Great. You take the lead.
He lets mauler take the lead into the right while he goes back to discuss possible enemies with Yalia and the Kobold. They seemed to be the most intelligent (after him of course) in the group. While we are walking I would like to hear your ideas fro what beast or person did all this. Whether it was an army or a singular Monster.
He then looks at TukI also need to know what spells you have. I have access to dancing lights. I also need to know what spell is causing that aura that yalia has.

2017-11-30, 08:34 PM
Mauler take the lead.

2017-11-30, 08:49 PM
Tuk looks at Dhaun going out of his silence. "2 Glitterdust, Shatter, 1 Silent Image, 1 Mage Armor, 1 Nerveskitter and if I'm not mistaken 1 Grease. How about you? If we are to fight together against the riders and a monster then we must know how to work together and each others abilities. As for what I believe what this monster could be, a Choker could be a reasonable choice, their claws could have made the slice in the dog but that seems unlikely since it seems un eaten. Most monsters hunt to eat, the girl we found and the dog are dead but are intact and have been so for days. I believe this to be out of pure malice, sport or just plain enjoyment which narrows out any big bad stupid monsters. Considering that we need to find 4 criteria. First would be smart, I would consider average Orc levels intelligence a minimum for the parameter, second the ability of controlling themselves enough to organize a plan and not destroy as the houses stand without traces of struggle, third the ability to use a slashing weapon or having a natural weapon that could cut and fourth, the ability to kill without attacking with brute force, likely poison. Considering this and the dog paw marks, a were, likely a wolf could be a possibility as it sufficiently fullfills these criteria due to malice in their nature, claw natural weapons or manufactured weapons, intelligent enough, subtle enough and could kill without brute force using poison. Also, we should make sure all the bodies we find from now on are dead, for example that dog should be dismembered."

2017-11-30, 09:06 PM
I have access to a few minor cantrips. Daze, touch of fatigue and Dancing lights. I think that the main culprit is a humanoid. I think it might be gnolls. They have tracks like those of a wolf and they are smart enough to poison their blades. It might also be wolf-weres.

2017-11-30, 09:14 PM
I have access to a few minor cantrips. Daze, touch of fatigue and Dancing lights. I think that the main culprit is a humanoid. I think it might be gnolls. They have tracks like those of a wolf and they are smart enough to poison their blades. It might also be wolf-weres.

"Gnolls are usually accompanied by hyenas. So Gnolls are related to the hyenas family.

2017-11-30, 11:09 PM
What I don't get is why the gnolls would be this far north. In my travels I have never encountered gnolls anywhere this cold. They seem to like more arid and hot regions. Lets just hope its not a group of Flinds that like the cold.

2017-11-30, 11:34 PM
What I don't get is why the gnolls would be this far north. In my travels I have never encountered gnolls anywhere this cold. They seem to like more arid and hot regions. Lets just hope its not a group of Flinds that like the cold.

"Wait, you mean to tell me there's more than one type of Gnolls?! I even hate them even more!" :furious:

2017-12-01, 12:56 AM
Flinds are to gnolls what a dwarf is to humans. They are stronger and more durable than normal gnolls and they use nunchucks. If u think that's bad you should see what winged gnolls or aquatic gnolls or gnollamentals from the plane of gnolls can do.

2017-12-01, 01:02 AM
Flinds are to gnolls what a dwarf is to humans. They are stronger and more durable than normal gnolls and they use nunchucks. If u think that's bad you should see what winged gnolls or aquatic gnolls or gnollamentals from the plane of gnolls can do.

"I'll kill every single Gnolls in their gnollkind. I don't care how many types are there. I'll kill them all!" :furious:

2017-12-01, 01:27 AM
What about the human-gnoll.
the only way to tell them apart from people is to beat them with something hard. about 1 in 5 people are actually a gnoll. so someone in this group islikely to be a gnoll.

2017-12-01, 10:38 AM
"wait a second." Jonathan ducks down to avoid potential blows as it dawns on him that the drow said "human" knolls, and also that one of them was likely human, considering the rage-like state the barbarian had been reduced to at the mention and discussion of knolls, this was probably a smart idea."What the hell, why would you try to get me killed like that" Jonathan yells angrily.:smallmad:

2017-12-01, 10:40 AM
Yalia shakes her head, "Curb it." She says to the barbarian. She shakes her head then looks at the kobold, "Why did I get stuck with this lot?"

2017-12-01, 10:43 AM
Dhaun smiles For the fun of it! also how do u know People-Gnolls don't exist? They might be a completely real threat that hide amongst us. Do u know what lurks in the darkest caves or the deepest oceans? Imagine a Gnoll with a natural polymorph self ability. People-Gnoll! Of course I could be lying. Or I could be trying to make you think that I'm lying in order to confuse you and let them kill you in the night

2017-12-01, 10:46 AM
Yalia shakes her head, "Curb it." She says to the barbarian. She shakes her head then looks at the kobold, "Why did I get stuck with this lot?"Well you boarded the same lifeboat...
I basically recant everything that happened so far in the game
And now you are stuck here with me.

2017-12-01, 10:51 AM
Yalia sighs, "You all go find the water, I'll go scout out the other way. That way we should have our flanks covered."

2017-12-01, 10:55 AM
Actually ill come with you. The bards torch hurts my eyes. Dhaun has decided to latch himself onto the soldier. She seemed capable enough. If worst comes to worst he could throw her to the monsters while she used that aura thing. While she was being eaten He could get some shots off.

2017-12-01, 10:57 AM
Yalia looks at you, her face hardening, "I said that I'd take that route, no plan on having any luggage, and if you can sneak at all the rest of them will need you to be their scout."

((She doesn't trust him, obviously. She's also used to giving orders... since she was a commander and all :smalltongue:.))

2017-12-01, 11:05 AM
Yalia looks at you, her face hardening, "I said that I'd take that route, no plan on having any luggage, and if you can sneak at all the rest of them will need you to be their scout."

((She doesn't trust him, obviously. She's also used to giving orders... since she was a commander and all :smalltongue:.))
I make sure to say this as quiet as possible so that the others don't hear.Me? Scout? I'm as stealthy as dwarves are tall. Besides we both know that none of these people except for you me and the kobold are going to make it. look at them relying on that one torch. as soon as some beastie knocks it down they will all die. You Me and the kobold? we can see perfectly. And you seem to know what you are doing so its safer near you!

2017-12-01, 11:13 AM
Yalia surveys the group, a smirk crossing her face. "Oh? You should go then to keep the kobold some company. Since they are going to die..."

2017-12-01, 11:38 AM
Yalia surveys the group, a smirk crossing her face. "Oh? You should go then to keep the kobold some company. Since they are going to die..."

He seems strong too. Might be a she though. Never could tell the two apart! By the way..... His voice goes serious while he speaks of looting his comrades corpses.
Their gear is mine. You can have what I leave.

2017-12-01, 11:43 AM
"If you go with them I care not what you loot of the corpses."

2017-12-01, 11:48 AM
As long as its clearly established. You seem fun so i'd rather not kill you over a bauble.

2017-12-01, 11:49 AM
A wicked smile, although it doesn't reach her eyes, "Yes it'd be a shame to kill over something shiny. So you'll stay with them?"

2017-12-01, 12:18 PM
Dhaum notices that she managed to move the conversation to make it seem good for him to stay. She's Fun just like the barbarian, Dhaum thought.

ill stay with them until the Kobold leaves. Or I manage to convince the barbarian that the bard is secretly a Man-Gnoll. Or they all die.....

Dhaum merrily walks back up to the front of the group with the barbarian and tells him
I had a meeting with the soldier and she said that the bard seems to be a man-gnoll.

2017-12-01, 12:23 PM
Before he can leave Yalia replies, "Have fun with that, and relay that I'll be scouting down the other way." She disappears down the tunnel, drawing her falchion as she goes.

((Poor Jonathan :smalltongue:))

2017-12-01, 12:42 PM
i am currently giving myself a wide berth to the barbarian, and keeping an eye out for any trouble, i should be good considering my spells. berth=30'
WTF Xenopax:smallmad:

2017-12-01, 01:26 PM
OOC: Until the party has reunited, I'll be running the game in two different spoiler tags to preserve in-character knowledge. Only look at the one that applies to you!

You separate yourself from the party and take the wider left passage, walking in the darkness without concern. For perhaps two minutes, you continue down the winding passage,
the only sound being your boots lightly tapping on the stone. Even in this roomier tunnel, the air is stale, a lack of circulation leaving the smells of decomposition and other waste hanging on the tepid breeze. Occasionally, you pass more discarded items - broken tools, rotting food, shattered lanterns, and burnt out torches. Once, something cracks beneath your feet, but when you look down it is only the skeleton of rat. The wooden supports seem even older here, several having collapsed entirely. Still, the ceiling looks mostly sound.

Then, perhaps thirty feet ahead of you, the passageway splits. To the right, an exceptionally narrow tunnel, barely wide enough to permit a human, continues the gentle descent. The air down that passage is much worse, the stench of decay and death overpowering. To left is a shaft that shoots directly downwards, leading to some unseen depth. A rickety, wooden lift hang there, controlled with a system of pulleys and built onto an ancient scaffold. You start forward, then notice something on the ground just in front of the lift - a small glass vial sealed with wax, seemingly empty.

Leaving Yalia behind, you start down the narrow, right hand tunnel. It is barely wide enough to accommodate one person at a time, so you must travel in single file - Mauler at the front, followed by Dhaun, then Tuk Kui, then Jonthan, lurking about thirty feet behind. You walk in this manner for two or three minutes, clambering over rocks and sliding down slopes as you work your way steadily downwards. At times, the torch flickers or is almost dropped, but Jonathan manages to keep a firm grip on it, and soon the passage has leveled out. You find yourselves in a low-ceilinged cavern, a natural formation judging by the lack of wooden supports or human litter, that stretches into the darkness in both directions. You are standing on broad causeway of sorts, with a gurgling, thigh-high stream to your right and a solid wall to your left. Lying on the ground before you is a human skeleton, stripped bare of any flesh and covered in a light coating of strange, sky blue slime. The smell is terrible, a mixture of rotting meat and an unfamiliar, sickly sweet stench that vaguely reminds you of vomit. The only movement, other than yourselves, is the dark water of the stream and the dancing torchlight.


2017-12-01, 01:32 PM
Yalia pulls out a rag then gently grabs the bottle, "What do we have here?" She shakes her head, "I'm actually not sure..."

((Yes, she's talking to herself :smalltongue:))

2017-12-01, 02:10 PM
"I think whatever did this is in the nearby, keep an eye on the stream, as it's the closest large space." Jonathan yells up to the group as he notices the slimy blue coated skeleton.

2017-12-01, 02:34 PM
"I have a bad feeling about this."

2017-12-01, 06:58 PM
"Everybody be careful, I think it could be a Gelatinous Cube or the like. Be careful when you move, slash in front of you with weapon or natural weapon whenever you move. I'll throw some pebbles across the room to see if I can find it."

Tuk-Kui looks carefully and grabs small pebbles from the ground and throws them to see if he can find the gelatinous cube he suspects there is.

2017-12-01, 08:05 PM
Jonathan begins to slash in a wide arc with his dagger as he walks.

2017-12-01, 08:59 PM
Dhaun scans the room for where the monster could be. He throws a rock at the wall to see if it goes in.

2017-12-02, 02:31 PM
You approach the vial and bend to pick it up, using a rag to avoid making direct contact. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be filled with swirling, nearly-transparent gas, though the cannot guess the nature of the substance. The wax looks fresh, still soft and untouched by dust and grime.

Then, you feel something move behind you and start to turn, only to have a sharp claw clamp down around your throat.
Another grasping, clawed, tentacle contracts around your stomach, holding you tightly in place - you try to fight back,
but the rubbery creature's grip is incredibly strong, you cannot even turn your head to see the vicious assailant. A cry for help tries to force its way out of your throat, but the monster's claw tightens even further, blocking your windpipe.
The creature cackles excitedly.

You take 8 lethal damage and are grappled. You also cannot speak.

You walk cautiously forward, slashing with knives and throwing rocks. For perhaps half a minute you continue in this fashion, the little stones clattering off the walls and sploshing into the river. Then, Tuk-Kui throws a particularly large handful of pebbles. They soar through the air, into the darkness, and vanish. No sound. Then,
out of the shadows, there comes a strange squelching noise as a transparent, light blue cube oozes into the torchlight, perhaps eight feet in each direction. It is coming for you surprisingly fast, leaving a trail of the same blue slime behind it. Suspended within its quivering depths is a human skull and what lurks disturbingly like a half-digested spider the size of a house cat. The monster is perhaps forty feet away.

2017-12-02, 04:48 PM
"We can use this to our advantage, it's mindless so it has no memory and a Silent Illusion would fool it. We can take it outside to the riders or town and I cast the Silent illusion to conceal us from it while it takes down riders. The illusion would allow our escape, the cube creates a diversion and kills some riders."

Edit: The illusion thing is backed up by RAW since mindless creatures can't see through illusions. Also talking is a free action and takes no time. I will wait for the others to post what I do during combat, you can assume I say this while it closes in

2017-12-02, 08:49 PM
Dhaun goes as close to the exit he can. He thinks to himself "Can't slice it, Can't shoot it, Can't punch it. What to do?" He has an idea. He casts dancing lights focused on one area right infront of the slime hopefully blinding or distracting it. He then yells at the barbarian Don't be stupid and try to hit it! it's literally made of acid!
He looks at the koboldCast it and let's go. I don't think any of us have any weapons or spells that can do any real damage to it.

2017-12-02, 08:58 PM
"I told you already, we are faster than it is, let's lure it out."

2017-12-02, 09:02 PM
May I point out the fact that no one except maybe you and yalia have any spells that can damage this thing? Two plans: You distract it while one of us grabs her or we all run back after distracting it

Is there a way to go further down the tunnel?

2017-12-02, 09:29 PM
"Are you dense, my plan is flawless, not like a seemingly inferior mind like your own would understand. I will explain in a method you can understand. We lure out, I use Illusion, Ooze no longer sees us, Ooze attacks riders, we escape"

You see as his voice changes, to a more serpentine like sound and becomes slightly more high pitched.

Basically ego is getting in the way of him changing his mind, although what he says is true. There is no reason to change the plan since the plan helps us and screws the riders. If you guys really want to I'll just go ahead and go with the other plan.

Also, his voice becomes more serpentine like and high pitched when he gets mad or annoyed.

2017-12-02, 09:48 PM
This time i'll forgive you for the insults. Next time I cut out your tongue.
Dhaun stares down the little reptile and thinks about how great it would be to impale him. But the moment passes and He is back to his normal jovial mood.
Do your plan. I will evacuate the room along with the others. But if this goes wrong my next plan will involve using you as bait.
Dhaun leaves the room and walks down the side that Yalia went to inform her of what The kobold was going to do.

I actually like that plan but I didn't understand what you meant.

2017-12-02, 10:41 PM
"I'll delay it for an exact amount of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, (25 rounds) make those count. After that I will get on the move. I will create an illusion that displaces the mineshaft and mountain wall 5ft in the opposite direction of where they are, take the path cleared towards the place I suggested for the mountain base before we came here. That will be the meetpoint. The ooze might be in the path so surround it and get over 60ft away from it and it will be harmless. I will keep the illusion up for a 10 minute window so you better hurry along the path. Create a small flash of light from the direction of the mineshaft to the path I will take along the cliff, one per person there. I will move one cube per person at a time sticking 2ft against the cliff and moving then towards the direction, I will have the illusion follow the cliff at a speed that stays at a constant 20ft every 6 seconds at that rate. In total you guys can cover 520ft like this. Don't forget the flashes of light, I will be looking."

Tuk-Kui starts to walk at 30ft per round with a move action and 30 with another every round. Basically just making the gelatinous cube go in loops for 2 minutes and 42 seconds (27 rounds). He was bluffing when saying 2 minutes 30 to make them hurry up. He then follows the plan. He gets the gelatinous cube to go to the border of the edge of the mineshaft and stays 35ft away from it, he casts a silent image spell that covers the mineshaft entrance and mountain wall and creates exact duplicates but 5ft displaced to the opposite direction. He stays 59ft away from it constantly, then when outside and the mineshaft is outside the oozes 60ft view he goes 61ft away, just out of it's blindsight and continues the path towards the meetpoint. He maintains concentration for 10 minutes and moves at only a move action at a time since concentration consumes his standard action. He takes one of the 10ft cubes and presses the illusion further than 5ft into the mountain and makes it 2ft, he moves it along with him for the distance. He observes in the direction of the mineshaft during the way, walking sideways against the cliff to be able to move across without risking having a body part out and to be able to see the flash when it comes and the road ahead.

2017-12-03, 12:14 AM
"would setting it on fire help at all?" Jonathan inquires motioning towards the torch he is holding.

2017-12-03, 05:07 AM
"Just go! Follow Dhaun everyone.
He then proceeds as previously stated

2017-12-03, 05:35 AM
Dhaun tells The bard to give the signal when he thinks the time is right. He then yells You and the barbarian take the torch and run. i'll tell Yalia to come too.
Ill be right behind you!

2017-12-03, 08:37 AM
Yalia sighs slightly, as he silently wrests control of her inherent powers, a black curse enveloping the creature grappling her ((Swift, DC 17, Will). She then attempts to slip out of the creature's grip, ((Escape Artist: +6; enemy'd grapple at -2)) and take off down the tunnel, "Well, we have a bit of trouble!" She plans to yell... If she gets away from her assailant that is...

2017-12-03, 09:07 AM
"I hope Yalia is ok?"

2017-12-03, 09:19 AM
Dhaun tells yalia while runningGiant SLime cube. Kobold holding it off. Meeting with others at the mineshaft. Kobold waiting for signal that we there. This is said short so not much time is wasted understanding him.

Dhaun notices the monster and tries to cut yalia free with his rapier. WHile attacking he tells her Come on! Escape fast! Theres a giant slime cube thing and the kobolds holding it off! we are going to the mineshaft we saw earlier and I came back to tell you. The barbarian and Bard are already there. they will give the signal and if we are not our by then we are screwed! I sneak attack it for 1d6 dmg for my rapier along with 1d6 for sneak attack damage.

Dhaun yells at the top of his voiceYalia! Where are you! We have maybe 15 minutes to escape before the horsemen or the cube gets us! The Kobold is holding it off and we need to go NOW!

2017-12-03, 07:54 PM
Instead of leaving with mauler, Jonathan goes with Dhaun, "I'm not gonna leave anyone behind!" he says to mauler as he chases dhaun down the other tunnel.

2017-12-03, 08:18 PM
We are not leaving anyone behind though! You are a vital part of this mission if you go and give the signal. It only takes one person to alert one other! Dhaun yells at the bard
I actually would like the help but incharacter my guy would not.

2017-12-03, 08:33 PM
"would we not all need to be there before the signal is sent anyways? I'm coming with you no mater what.
logic should help your character out though :smallwink:

2017-12-03, 08:36 PM
"would we not all need to be there before the signal is sent anyways? I'm coming with you no mater what.
logic should help your character out though :smallwink:

Fine do what you wish. Also if she is dead I get first pick of her gear.

Yes the logic helped.

2017-12-03, 09:23 PM
agreed confirms Jonathan.

2017-12-04, 01:43 PM
Rather than futilely struggling to overpower the creature's superior strength, Yalia slips out of its grasp like a well-oiled acrobat, muttering a curse against her assailant. It gasps in surprise, a shrill sound, as she takes off down the tunnel, shouting for her companions. She glances back to see a squat, grey-skinned humanoid with clawed tentacles crouching sullenly on the floor,
denied a juicy meal. It does not pursue her, and soon Yalia is emerging from the tunnel, into the intersection where she split up from the other survivors, just in time to see the other survivors, sans the kobold Tuk-Kui, burst from the narrow passage.

The Gelatinous cube oozes forward, not even noticing Dhaun's dancing lights, growing steadily closer. Leaving Tuk-Kui to delay the menace, you begin to sprint back up the way you came, scrambling over rocks and up ledges. With the departure of the torch, Tuk the Kobold is left in complete blackness, his only company being the mindless, devouring cube. The swaying, flickering light of Jonathan's torch casts your anxious faces in shadow. Soon, you emerge from the narrow tunnel into the intersection, just in time to see a bruised and haggard Yalia stumble out of the other passage.

Reunited, Dhaun explains the situation, but there is little time. Only seconds later, six heavily-armed humans come clattering down the surface mineshaft. Each wears a dark, travel-stained cloak and tunic over chainmail. Their faces are obscured by bascinet helms, and each clutches a longsword. For a few seconds they stare at you, apparently taken aback, before the leader draws a metal rosette from the folds of her coat, displaying it proudly. "Halt," she says, high voice touched heavily by the lilting accents of the distant south. "We are agents of the Ehish Empire. We wish to question you regarding the events in this village. Surrender, and we will promise fair treatment." The threat of what they intend should you refuse remains unsaid. Another draws a plain metal rod from their belt and points it at each of you in turn, before shaking their head.

While the others hurry up the passage, you remain below, unaffected by the light's disappearance, patiently drawing the gelatinous cube out. Nevertheless, even when you disappear from its view, it still seems able to sense you, and begins to squeeze through narrow tunnel, intent on feeding.

2017-12-04, 01:56 PM
Yalia holds a hand out, showing she'll take it from here ((she was a military officer after all)). "We'll surrender, under the terms that we keep our arms and armor, and that you help us deal with the beast down that tunnel. Then we go peacefully, who knows the monster may even be of interest to you..." She gestures back the way she'd come, revealing a bloody bit of chain where her hand had hidden it, and twisting just enough to shoot the others a warning look (without our new "friends" seeing), that says 'let's not try our luck' although she doesn't say it aloud.

[roll0] to see what she knows of this empire
[roll1] Arcana to see what the creature is, if it was dungeonneering to see subtract 7 from roll.

2017-12-04, 02:02 PM
Tui continues with the plan, he goes further and outside baits it to go to one side then goes as planned. Towards the meet point.

2017-12-04, 03:33 PM
Jonathan sheathes his dagger then walks toward the riders, offering his right hand. "good day to you, in the matter of questions we know not, for we were recently washed ashore here after we were washed ashore. In the matter of what happened, we were ourselves wondering, and had been investigating until we saw your approach, as we were in a crime scene, we were not eager to be apprrhended for a crime we did not commit, my name's Jonathan by the way. he says, with a slight tip of his hat.

i have a +7 diplomacy

2017-12-04, 08:28 PM
My name is Tyron of house Blasmuth. I am the leader of this little band. Yalia is the sorcerer. I am a wizard. Jonathon is our thief and Mauler is our Fighter.
Dhaun sizes up the soldiers and walks up to the youngest weakest one. Being an elf he towers over most humans. He looks him straight in the eye and says I am the lord of Drakon Hollow. I have Sorcerous powers beyond comprehension. The last person to try to arrest me was incinerated. Do you wish to be the second?
He then turns to the leader We will come along willingly as long as you don't put us in chains or when you get to the city put us to the torture. I am also going to say this right now. We don't know what happened in the village. We just washed up here. We have a theory that the creature on the side you saw my friend come out of did it. Now if you will excuse me? HE turns down the corridor and yells to TUk Turk Kui! Some guardsmen are here! We are leaving! Come Fast! Bring the "treasure"
[SPOILER=OOC] I have 1 rank in intimidate, 5 ranks in diplomacy and 5 ranks in bluff. I am going to fill them full of misinformation so they don't know our capabilities.

2017-12-04, 08:34 PM
Yalia glares at the elf, "Excuse him, he;s not exactly right in the head, took a rather nasty tumble down here." She keeps her hands in plain sight, showing that she's more then willing to be reasonable. "You." [speaking to Dhaun] "Stand down you idiot, and who's this Kui person?" She asks, trying to recover any strategical superiority they may have had.

2017-12-04, 08:55 PM
Tuk kui is my unseen servant. I told him to search the nearby rooms for treasure. OOC: I wanted tuk to bring out the slime so we could escape. He was still waiting for the signal

2017-12-04, 09:44 PM
i'm gonna say this right now, why the hell wouldn't we want to get their help fighting these things? And dhaun, why are you trying to alienate them, to be honest, i was half attempting to hit on their leader
Excuse Dhaun, he likes to think more of himself than he should Jonathan flips the bird behind him towards dhaun. you really shouldn't think anything of him, anyways, as i was saying bedore i was rudely interrupted, we are being chased by two monsters converging on us from two directions, and it would be helpful if you could help us, after all, i wouldn't want anything to happen to one such as you Jonathan finishes with a wink.
again 7 bonus on diplomacy

2017-12-04, 11:16 PM
Dhaun flips it back but takes the hint. He pretends to be insane. U fool! Do not underestimate the power of Lyric Dragger! I shall incinerate you in the name of Song! Dhaun casts Dancing lights again. He then starts talking about the finer parts of goblin anatomy The thing u see is that goblins have weak sterums..........

2017-12-05, 08:21 AM
Yalia looks at them, one being... She didn't have a word to describe it and the other trying to hit on the leader of the group... Hopefully she didn't lead the same way, otherwise she'd have beaten the **** out of both of these idiots... "Well, If you have any questions feel free to ask, but can we deal with the monster over my shoulder or at least get out of these damned mines first?" She scowls at the others, "Being in a cramped area like this is not conductive when you're stuck with certain people." She shakes her head, then "Well, here's what I'll do, you can have my weapon, and deal with them as you wish, but let's not have a fight, yes?" The last pat is more aimed at those she's currently traveling with. Slowly, making it clear that she isn't going to try anything funny. She holds the falchion out, blade held between both hands, a sign of surrender, as the enemy commander could easily slash her hands if she wished to.

2017-12-05, 08:30 AM
Whats that you say Tuk? if I give my crossbow to the man he will become my friend? OK! Dhaun takes out his crossbow (it still has a bolt in it) and gives it to the soldier Shooting side first.

2017-12-05, 08:46 AM
Jonathan sees what the others are doing and gracefully drops his weapons to the ground, sheath and all.

2017-12-05, 09:35 AM
"Cube incoming, part 2 of escape the mines safely without being framed beginning" Tuk goes baiting the cube and sees everyone surrendering, looking confused as they look unscathed except for Yalia."Everyone we have a situation here, I have no idea who the **** these knights are or if they are enemies or allies but we should deal with the cube behind me and have a temporary ceasefire if necessary. Before you ask, my name is Teorhx Ermspue"

2017-12-05, 09:48 AM
I Like cube. Cube is tasty with fruit! I send Tuk a pleading look.

2017-12-05, 02:39 PM
Your explanations fall on deaf ears. The agents remain a comfortable distance from you, regarding you dispassionately, emotionless behind their visors. When Dhaun approaches them, rambling, they simply step back, not meeting his eyes. They seem to be have caught on to his back pedaling. The captain pulls off her helmet, revealing a dark face with sharp features, and tied-back brown hair. "You fool no one, drow," she says contemptuously. Turning to Jonathan, blushing ever so slightly, she speaks in a more businesslike, but nonetheless commanding tone. "You may be telling the truth, but..." she looks questioningly at the soldier with the rod, who shakes their head, then gestures her lackeys forward to collect your weapons. They do so, dropping each one in a large, burlap sack. "We cannot be too careful. First, what is this monster is? And please quiet down that elf."

Her question is answered as Tuk-Kui races from the tunnel, followed soon after by the quivering gelatinous cube. The soldiers begin to draw their weapons, but the captain holds up a hand. "Too dangerous, I have more agents above, they can destroy it from range. With me." And with that, the band of soldiers starts up the passage to the surface. Will you follow?

Yalia has heard mention of this Empire before, but knows almost nothing of it. As for the bottle, she would guess it to be alchemical in nature, but has no specifics. The aggressive creature was entirely unknown to her.

2017-12-05, 02:46 PM
"To be honest I'm not entirely sure what kind of monster we're dealing with."

2017-12-05, 02:47 PM
Yalia ponders for but a moment, then heads up, as after all, they have her weapon... That and she wouldn't have anything to fight an ooze with. She pockets the bottle, sliding it in with several other glass bottles. "So, how large of a squadron do you usually travel with?"

2017-12-05, 03:25 PM
Jonathan swoops down to grab his weapons without letting his eyes leave the leaders as he smirks.
EDIT: since our weapons were taken, i rush forward to help the captain out of the tunnel, ever the gentleman, i ask, "and what would your name be? he asks.

2017-12-05, 08:01 PM
Maybe I'm not fooling anyone because you are fooling yourself into believing that im trying to fool people even though im not. Dhaun continues blabbering while getting his rapier out. I want to bluff her into believing I am insane. I get +5

2017-12-07, 01:48 AM
You hurry up the tunnel, closely following the captain and her henchmen. They make no effort to accommodate you, but the soldiers are weighed down by heavy armour and before long you are keeping pace. Puffing slightly, the captain shoots your party a brief glance, snorts, and continues climbing. "It is an ooze. Dangerous enough, but easily outmaneuvered." She nearly slips on a patch of loose rock, but Jonathan grabs her arm. A brief nod is the only thanks he receives before your flight continues. "My name is Conservator Myrn." Yalia's question is pointedly ignored, and Dhaun's rambling only earns him a look of disgust. The drow cannot tell whether his tactic has been successful.

Soon, you burst from the mineshaft, even the dim, morning light dazzling you after your time in the darkness. Perhaps a dozen more soldiers in the same uniform are gathered around the mine's entrance, some consulting papers while others mill in and out of the houses, peering at seemingly random objects taken from the village. Most look up when you arrive, and a few start to draw weapons, before being put at ease by a gesture from the captain, Myrn. Giving you a look that clearly says "stay put," she jogs over to where her henchmen are standing. While you cannot hear exactly what she says, soon the soldiers are gathering bows and arrows, taking up position in a neat line near the village's border. It has taken the gelatinous cube some time to catch up, but what it lacks in speed, it certainly makes up for in determination. As you watch, it oozes forth from the tunnel's mouth, ignoring the barrage of arrows that starts to pepper it.

Conservator Myrn and her lackeys seem more than occupied by the cube's advance, and no one has been left to watch you.

2017-12-07, 03:45 AM
After making sure that no one is watching the group Dhaun says Here’s my 2 coppers. I doubt we could kill a group this big without any fatalities on our side and whoever sent them will be suspicious, but they will be weakened by fighting the ooze and If we succeed then all of their gear is ours for the selling. If we run, we couldn’t fight properly because I don’t have my crossbow and neither Jon or Yalia have their weapons. We also don’t know where to go. Plus, the captain seems fun to be around! If we stay we are safe until we reach their base. If all goes well then, we will get our weapons back and we can leave but if it doesn’t then we are completely in their power. We’re strangers and no one will care if they execute us. Except maybe the captain and even then, just for Jon. So, what’s the plan? Do we Run, Kill or Stay?

2017-12-07, 08:40 AM
I say we stay, it would be the most logical tactical plan considering we run but leave our weapons behind, or "kill" without weapons, and i must say that i don't know any of you enough to care one way or the other whether or not you're executed.

2017-12-07, 08:44 AM
"That's sounds like one of the best plan I hear so far."

2017-12-07, 08:50 AM
Yalia shakes her head, "Run? we're on an island or so it seems, and they are part of a military unit. Kill? Even if we get our weapons she has even more men. Thus the best idea is to wait and go along."

2017-12-07, 09:13 AM
I say we stay, it would be the most logical tactical plan considering we run but leave our weapons behind, or "kill" without weapons, and i must say that i don't know any of you enough to care one way or the other whether or not you're executed.
Dhaun feigns being hurt I thought we were becoming good friends! Here I was thinking that we were comrades when you decided to choose a Woman over your fellows just because you fancy her and she fancies you! I am hurt and astonished at your behavior! Dhaun cracks a grin.Anyway back to tactics. I agree with Jon. As much as I hate to submit, the best option is to wait it out. We should keep a backup escape plan ready though. I suggest a basic drugging or distraction . Tuk do you have any spells that can summon a monster or some sort of liquid that makes people light headed or fall asleep? I suggest Yalia to formulate the actual plan seeing as she has proven to be the most level headed. I am going to go ingratiate myself with the soldiers by....well I don't know the specifics. Any other plans?

2017-12-07, 09:18 AM
"I'd suggest Leaving the soldiers as they are, as I know from a tactical group that someone worming in on them would be something to watch for, and if you get them in trouble they'll at odds with us. If anyone should learn more about them I'd suggest Jon, as it appears the enemy commander likes him, however slightly." She shakes her head, a commander should keep her emotions distant, and definitely not reveal them...

((The italics is her thinking btw, so don't act like she said them :smallwink:))

2017-12-07, 09:23 AM
"I do have the sleep spell prepared once, shatter once and glitterdust twice which could work for us."

2017-12-07, 09:38 AM
Yalia shakes her head, "If we are going to break out, which I don't suggest, we need to wait and watch, because you may have those, and that might take care of those with us at the moment, but we do not know how disciplined her troops are, they may wait and try to help her out, giving us time to escape, or they may come straight at us. Patience is an ally."

2017-12-07, 09:55 AM
So we have a consensus? Me, You and mauler will play the good prisoners while Tuk gets his spells ready and Jon attempts to seduce the captain into revealing what is intended for us. If it is bad Me and Yalia will keep watch until most of the soldiers are asleep and the sentries are drowsy. Then we bolt away, After grabbing our weapons if possible. If it is good then we will stay until we reach the destination. Now I am going to go off and make sure that everyone believes that I am insane.
Before he goes off Dhaun gives his rapier to Yalia. It will be more use in your hands then mine. He then runs off yelling at the top of his lungs things likeBirds taste Purple! and Doomsday approaches on a flutterby! and Fear the Great DM, God of all that exists!

2017-12-07, 10:05 AM
"I have an idea for a plan, we can bolt out and go to the mountains, there reasonably we would not be found but anyways we dig a small layer and I could cast a Silent image to cover it up. I could concentrate on it to basically keep it cloaked all day and I sleep at night. Of course we would need to eventually need to get a mundane covering for it or some permanent illusion."

Edit: "A personal favorite of mine being a trapdoor hidden as a rock or bush in a hidden area if we go mundane hiding spots."

2017-12-07, 11:27 AM
what is it with you and holes, tuk? I say we go with plan A.
Jonathan waits patiently like the captain told them to.

2017-12-07, 01:46 PM
"It's in my nature, I am a kobold and a Dragon which by nature makes me want a lair to keep a hoard in. Of course my hoard would be magic but that's beside the point."

2017-12-07, 05:33 PM
your a pretty weird guy. Jonathan responds to tuks comment.

2017-12-07, 05:40 PM
"I think all of us are very weird which what makes this team great." :biggrin:

2017-12-07, 09:06 PM
You wait patiently, watching the soldier's battle against the gelatinous cube. If it can even be described as that; following the captain's commands, they remain in a neat line, firing a salvo of arrows and then retreating. The soldiers are able to easily outpace it, and soon the ooze's mass has been thoroughly dispersed, leaving dozens of little, blue puddles dotting the pale grass. Muttering a few compliments, Myrn leads six of her lackeys over to where you stand, looking stern. The soldiers stand tall behind her, the threat of violence tangible despite their sheathed weapons. The captain looks over each one of you, lingering on Yalia and Tuk. "Take them," she orders, then whispers something to a helmeted soldier, who nods. With that, the lackeys start towards you, drawing heavy, metal manacles from a sack. Another begins the process of blindfolding you. It is hard to tell with their faces obscured by helmets, but the soldiers seem to be enjoying your captivity.

Will you comply?

2017-12-07, 09:34 PM
Tuk says in the calmest voice you would ever expect "Go on with the manacles, but can I at least have the ability to see and speak? If I was to do anything I would've done so already, there is no point to stop someone from doing something they don't want to do, will not do and is not gaining anything from doing."

How do they know to do that to me and Yalia? We have not used a single spell or hinted at it when they were listening, the only mentions were in whispers. I don't even have a spell component pouch or spell book to give it away.

2017-12-07, 10:56 PM
"myrn... I'm hurt, why are you holding us as captives, i thought we had something." Jonathan says, a tone of hurt evident in his voice.
Ed'ted for errors

2017-12-07, 11:11 PM
I smile while they shackle me.Let us say a werewolf comes along tiptoeing into the camp looking for food and decides we look tasty. It could kidnap me and kill me. Then you would get the Drow Embassy on your asses. Are you sure you want a whole race hunting you down? and before you ask yes they do know who you are. My servants are in the hills.
I am going to bluff. The -5 for this being unlikely and my +5 should cancel each other out.

2017-12-08, 08:07 AM
Yalia shakes her head slightly, yet allows the blindfold to be placed with a sigh. "Well, I must admit, for saying that you just want some information you guys sure get along splendidly. How long have you been a commander?"

2017-12-08, 08:12 AM
Dhaun snickers at Yalia's question. 2 Gold that she paid for it. whether in gold or in....other more physical ways. Isn't that right captain? Dhaun wishes that he could see the look on the captains face.

2017-12-08, 08:14 AM
Yalia's mouth turns down, "Whether she is of a hostile force or not, insulting a commander in such a way is rude, uncouth and not befitting of anyone. I ask you apologize, otherwise I'll..." She was going to threaten to gut him, but in front of the current company that may not be a good idea. "...Deal with you."

2017-12-08, 08:22 AM
Dhaun laughs
You'll deal with me? Hah! I don't give a damn whether she is just a commander or a queen. Do you know for certain that what i said is untrue? You never know. She seems inexperienced too. Captain if i was you i would take off these blindfolds. If something attacks we can't see anything. It could slaughter us. Do you really want some beastie eating poor little Jonathon here?

2017-12-08, 08:26 AM
Yalia scowls, attempting to slip out of her manacles with no help she settles for a seething, "Shut up you insolent fool." She shakes her head, "From commander to dealing with lunatics... I must say that life is the flick of a damn coin or something." She mutters to herself.

2017-12-08, 08:29 AM
I would be quaking in my boots but it appears that you are tied up just like me. Whether life is a flip of a coin or a roll of the dice it still stuck you here with me. Nothing you can do about it. Now if you will excuse me I will go back to insulting the soldiers. Dhaun proceeds to flip the bird while badmouthing the soldiers parentage and masculinity.

2017-12-08, 08:38 AM
Yalia carefully slides over just a bit, when the soldiers finally lose their temper... She doesn't want to be in on it. "Well, I might be tied up... for now." She shakes her head, then patiently steeples her fingers, waiting.

2017-12-08, 08:43 AM
Dhaun thinks to himself "Damn girl gives too much respect to these soldiers. Got the taint of Law all over her. When we make our escape we should make sure that she doesn't sell us out in the name of honor or some other malarkey. Seems like only Tuk can be trusted."

2017-12-08, 01:36 PM
Captain Myrn flushes, anger and guilt threatening to overcome her cool demeanour. She takes a deep, calming breath, then address you in a loud, commanding voice. "Your claim of innocence is plausible and, for now, I will believe you. But what emptied this village cannot be allowed any chance to spread. My subordinates will conduct a thorough evaluation of your mental condition, and if they find you untainted, you will be set free." She pauses for a moment. "Comply with their tests, it is for your own good. The sooner we can confirm you are yourselves, the sooner you can return to your lives." Your complaints are ignored, and Dhaun's rambling and insults earn him a foul-tasting leather gag. The last thing you see before the rough cloth of the blindfold covers your eyes is Myrn striding purposefully towards the mineshaft, soldiers in tow.

For a few moments you are left standing awkwardly, conscious of your vulnerability, the sea breeze chilling you once again. Then a pair of firm hands grabs each one of you by the wrists, and a rope is fastened around your neck and to the manacles binding you. You seem to have been strung together in a line like common criminals, lead down the path to the beach. It is hard going, while Mauler and Jonathan are mostly able to keep up, Tuk's tiny legs cannot hope to keep pace with the freakishly tall Yalia and Dhaun. Whoever is leading you - presumably more of Myrn's lackeys - is making no allowances for your comfort, and soon the poor kobold is almost being dragged along the rocky ground. The twisting, uneven path does not help either, and on several occasions you trip over rocks or roots. Judging by the sound of hooves, a low neigh, you are surrounded by riders.

Hours pass, and the ground has leveled out, though the wind is no less fierce. Your fingers start to go numb. Crashing waves, an occasional smatter of talk in an unfamiliar language, the horse's hooves, your own laboured breath: these are the only sounds. Then, your torturous march comes to a halt. More voices, the sound of creaking wood, then someone grabs you by the shoulders and shoves you roughly into the bottom of a boat. The rope is removed from your neck and hands, and the boat starts to move, oars working hard to propel you out to sea, ocean spray splashing your already frozen face. At the very least, you are allowed to sit still, though there is little room in the cramped boat.

Finally, after another hour, just as you were starting to get sore, more hands seize your own, and place them on what feels like a metal ladder. After a sharp jab to the back, you get the message and start climbing, all too aware that in your impaired state, it would be all to easy to slip and plunge down into the uncaring ocean. But you reach the top safely, only to be yanked along by the collar, wooden planks groaning beneath you. The wind is stronger, colder, here, and you are relieved when your captors lead you through a doorway, and down several sets of stairs. Soon, it has leveled out and you are stumbling along a straight passage of some variety, water lapping at your feet. The blindfold obscures nearly all your eyesight, but even so you can tell that there is very little light.

Then, miraculously, there is the clicking of keys as someone removes your manacles. You are given no time to enjoy the regained freedom before someone shoves you hard, and you go stumbling forward. A door slams behind you, then locks. When you remove the blindfold, you find yourself in a dark, 15-by-15 foot room made of wood, completely unfurnished, save for a bucket in the corner. The only light is a dim orange glow, coming from under the heavy door, which has a flap at roughly a human's eye line. Your companions, the only other inhabitants of the room, are in a similar state.

2017-12-08, 01:43 PM
Yalia scowls then looks at Dhaun, one hand holding her side, holding the wound that she didn't even have a chance to clot with something. "Alright, I might agree to killing them all now."

2017-12-08, 02:47 PM
See? Even you want to kill them all. If we do end up killing them I call the captain. I wish to see the light go out from her eyes when I impale her. Unless Jon still believes that he has a shot with her.
Dhaun relaxes in the corner and says Nothing we can do now. We'll just have to wait it out. I don't trust these guards to keep us safe so we should take turns keeping watch. I'll go first.
We still have my rapier right? I never gave it and they never took it.

2017-12-08, 03:04 PM
"No, we should make jon kill her." She replies, a sadistic smile on her face, "Her face would be priceless."

((I doubt it. It was probably taken somewhere between manacles and the long march or something))

2017-12-08, 03:08 PM
Amazing idea! Also instead of impaling her he should strangle her. Makes the dying long and painful. What say you Jon?

2017-12-08, 03:10 PM
Yalia shakes her head, "Gives to many opportunities to get away, besides Jon might go soft." She tears off a one of her sleeves, holding it to her wound to stop the bleeding. "Impatient bastards aren't they?"

2017-12-08, 03:10 PM
"Are you guys dense, they do this out of need in case we are possessed or something, also stating what you will do outloud is not helping our case since they are likely observing us to see what we do on the meanwhile as part of the psychological evaluation. Do I have to spell out the obvious for all of you people? You don't just threaten a captain while in her jurisdiction as a prisoner while likely being observed, also it would just result in more loss on our side since they are part of an empire. I would say we just let this go and when we are out we peace the scene and part ways if we no longer need each other." The kobold then whispers to itself at a nearly audible level "Damn family curse, getting me stuck with the likes of these creatures...... Harmad...Suikaban....Jurikan..... Silence then envelops the kobold

2017-12-08, 03:14 PM
I agree. They think we are infected with something that killed the villagers. Speaking of which whats your theory on that? We didn't see any Gnolls so I don't know.Remember I didn't see the thing that attacked you.

2017-12-08, 03:16 PM
Yalia smiles, "Not dense, just a bit pissed, and yes we probably are being observed. In which case they should review their prisoner procedure." She shakes her head, "If I intended on a fight I would have had it earlier, where I wasn't disarmed, the caves would have been more advantageous then an enemy base, so, a little jest shouldn't be taken seriously..." She shrugs, trying to clean out the wound best as she can, a small wince being the only sign that yes, getting clawed does in fact hurt. Finished she leaves the rag there, and begins to try to clean her blood off her armor.

2017-12-08, 03:17 PM
"This is ridiculous. How did I reduced myself as a prisoner?" :mad:

2017-12-08, 03:18 PM
Dhaun offers his help with the cloth as a sign of truce. You want some help with that? I have a tiny bit of medical training.

2017-12-08, 03:21 PM
She looks at him for a moment, "Alright, but I warn you, you try anything fancy and I'll rip your eyes out." With that she moves her hand, letting him access the wound.

2017-12-08, 08:08 PM
Don't worry. Its just like operating on my own wound except in reverse.
Dhaun uses the piece of cloth and tries to sanitize and clean the wound so it can heal. He then binds a new fresh strip of cloth there. Change it once a week at minimum. Don't but too much pressure on it or the clot will open up.

2017-12-08, 08:16 PM
Yalia looks at him, her anger with him badmouthing the other commander subsiding a bit, "Thanks."

2017-12-08, 08:20 PM
"Weapons or no weapons, I can still knock them off with my fist. And this is no challenge. I really mean it." :mad:

2017-12-08, 08:29 PM
"Nah, as Tuk pointed out, lets not be dense, I merely got a bit... Hotheaded I guess." SHe leans back against the wall, closing her eyes slightly, patiently waiting.

2017-12-08, 10:17 PM
"So does anybody got a plan to get out of this mess?"

2017-12-08, 10:24 PM
"Patience is a virtue, I agree with Tuk, and plan to see what it is they want at least." She rests against the cell wall, half resting, half dwelling in darker memories...

2017-12-08, 10:30 PM
"I'm not a big fan of patience. I'm a impatient type of person." :annoyed:

2017-12-08, 10:39 PM
"And therein lies the mistake. You want to free a city, patience has its uses. Your so lofty angel commander says a city has to burn? Patience as always. Now I'm not saying acting is a bad thing, but everything has its place and time... or so they tell me." He voice is bitter, more dwelling on something in her past then the present...

2017-12-08, 10:40 PM
Tuk speaks up once more "There is nothing to do but wait, and maybe eventually get a good lawyer and sue them for capturing us with no evidence of us being even remotely involved. We could get a fortune.

2017-12-08, 10:42 PM
Tuk speaks up once more "There is nothing to do but wait, and maybe eventually get a good lawyer and sue them for capturing us with no evidence of us being even remotely involved. We could get a fortune.

"How much gold pieces are we talking about?"

2017-12-08, 10:49 PM
"This is their place, a lawyer may be hard to come by that'd go against the state... As far as evidence, we were in the town, if there are any dead (She purposely doesn't mention the girl in the tavern) they can speak of that, and the fact that we hid doesn't help our case." She shakes her head and leans back, beginning to doze, mentally preparing herself for the nightmares... Of course she looks perfectly serene to those looking at her, besides a slight tightening of her hands, ut then... the memories haven;t begun her assault yet.

2017-12-08, 10:55 PM
"I was being sarcastic about the lawyer, not about the patience part. All we can do is wait now. I would reccomend sleeping since chances are we won't be able to rest when they come back for us"

Tuk starts to go to sleep.

2017-12-08, 10:58 PM
"Night y'all."

Mauler start praying to his deity Kord and go to sleep as well.

2017-12-09, 04:52 AM
Dhaun had stayed quiet through the conversation. He decided to keep watch for the next 2 hours and then wake Yalia up to take the next watch. He asks Jon to take watch with him. “We should make sure that no one tries to kill us in the night.”

OOC: as soon as dhaun feels like it has been two he is going to wake up Yalia and Mauler, talk for a bit then go trance

2017-12-09, 08:24 AM
A slight shudder runs down Yalia's frame and she sits up, a hand going to her sword belt, (which is empty) and then looking around, "Where are ye you bastards!" She yells in sylvan, eyes wide, yet no seeing her current surroundings.

((PTSD Time!))

2017-12-09, 08:28 AM
Mauler wakes up

"What the heck going on here." :eek:

2017-12-09, 11:42 AM
Tuk seemingly remains asleep but slightly opens an eye to the point where he can somewhat see but it is not noticeable that he is observing. He seems to be asleep for all purposes. You then hear a couple snores coming from Tuk. - is a long snore . is a short one. A / signifies a small period of silence. .- .-. . / .-- . / .. -. / -.. .- -. --. . .-. ..--..

2017-12-09, 12:04 PM
I want to roll to see whether I notice Tuk doing the fake sleeping.

2017-12-09, 09:58 PM
Dhaun shakes Yalia awake You alright? You were yelling something and reaching for you sword.

2017-12-09, 10:06 PM
Yalia blinks, her body shuddering several times before she takes a deep breath, "Yeah I'm fine." With that she turns to the side, watching the door intently, slowing her breathing and wrapping her icy cool demeanor as a shield around herself.

2017-12-09, 10:08 PM
"That was some scary ****. I thought that we were under attack or something." :eek:

2017-12-09, 10:13 PM
Just go back to sleep. We will need our energy in the morning. Dhaun wishes that he could tell Yalia to take watch but he realizes that even though she is unarmed, she could probably still find a way to hurt him badly. Dhaun decides to trance the night away and leave the room unguarded.
Adventurer rule 2: Never let the whole party sleep without setting up someone to keep watch.

2017-12-09, 10:15 PM
Mauler when back to sleep.

2017-12-10, 01:53 PM
Hours pass, as you gradually grow hungrier and thirstier. There is no peep from your captors.

Then, after almost eight hours, the door flies open to admit a tall figure in red robes, with a single, staring eye on the chest. Clutched in their hands is a long, oval-shaped object made of smooth, sleek metal. A tiny red light glitters on its tip. The figure says nothing, only steps forward into the room, surveying your party from the depths of a hood. Beyond the door, you can see two soldiers in the same uniform as Captain Myrn's goons: chainmail under a dark tunic and a bascinet helm. Their hands rest on the hilts of their swords, but have not yet drawn.

Suddenly, the red light on the oval burns brighter, and you begin to feel confused, disorientated, as if a bank of thick fog has drifted into your brain. Despite your prison's darkness, everything - the glowing light, the torches, - seems downright dazzling.

2017-12-10, 02:27 PM
"What is this shiny &@#!]£! TURN IT OFF."
Dhaun curses in undercommon. He hated bright lights of any kind.
Dhaun steels his will to try to clear his mind.
"Filthy Shraks! Let us be!"

OOC: I wish to make another will save to resist the shiny.

2017-12-10, 02:45 PM
The kobold gets mad from this, his voice gets squeaky and snake-like to the point that it is nearly incomprehensible from this, he starts screaming at the dude with the light in that voice. "Lizn heah' yi fk, tn jo rd glw uf bfr y pet eet ip yer ssz"*What is written here is about what one would understand if hearing the kobold, I will give a translation below

Translation: "Listen here you ****, turn your rod glow off before I put it up your ass"

2017-12-10, 02:49 PM
'Dude! I'm starting to go blind with this light. Turn it off or I'll do it for you." :mad:

2017-12-10, 04:25 PM
Yalia looks at the man, her eyes red, she had not gone back to sleep since she got up and silently stumbles to her feet, the fog might be obscuring her mind but something was off putting about this, and while her mind may be fogged, she didn't need much but instinct to control her power. She didn't do anything yet, simple stood against the wall then looked at each of her companions, a look that basically told them if they wanted to deal with this bastard she was game. Her eyes lingered longest on Tuk, as the little kobold may very well end up their ace of they did intend on escape. She glared at the man again, "I'm going to ask once, put that away." He voice is annoyed, and it really isn't a command, more of an order.

((Oh, by the way her -5 save thing is still in effect :belkar:))

2017-12-11, 12:21 PM
The robed figure takes another slow step forward, ignoring your requests and threats, the rod pulsating like a red star. Beyond the doorway, the two guards adopt an aggressive stance, ready to draw should your party make a break for it. The mind-fog gets worse, your thoughts becoming sluggish, confused, and only with considerable effort are you able to wrangle them into something approaching coherency. What is more, you realize that memories of the last few hours are starting to slip away - you can no longer quite recall how you arrived in this prison, and the identity of your captors is vague at best.

Tuk-Kui: [roll0]
Yalia: [roll1]
Mauler: [roll2]
Dhaun: [roll3]
Jonathan: [roll4]

2017-12-11, 01:28 PM
Her eyes widening, Yalia smiles, ferally, a smile too wide to be anywhere near pleasant. She shudders, it seems that memory alteration is not a good thing for her, then launches forward, laying a curse as she goes.

((Actions:Curse, Will save 17, Attack: ([roll0]), Damage ([roll1]) Second Save DC 11 or be cursed (doesn't stack with earlier). Curse Effects: -2 penalty all dice rolls he makes, and all non-opposed dice rolls (such as attacks and saving throws) made against him gain a +2 bonus. -2 penalty to caster level. If this penalty would reduce the target's caster level below the minimum to cast spells of a certain level, he cannot cast those spells until the curse ends. Thus if they fail a save, ac down two points, and add two to the attack rolls above))

2017-12-11, 01:54 PM
Dhaun is getting extremely mad. As soon as he can he gets up and head butts the memory stealer.

2017-12-11, 01:56 PM
"What the heck happened? :mad:

2017-12-11, 02:14 PM
Dhaun lets out the war cry of his people as he runs toward the mindbender and Attempts to headbutt him

2017-12-11, 02:34 PM
sorry ive been gone for a while, i suppose thismind fog of forgetfullness may be at a perfect time for me in that case though :smalltongue:, but am i able to cast a spell right now?, if so I'm gonna use grease to trip this D*** caster.

Jonathan looks up from where he's sitting suddenly, smiling and witha mad light in his eyes as he points his finger at the caster, in an attempt to cast flare, in order to create the mad chaos he desires.

:smallsmile::smallsmile::smallsmile::smallsmile::s mallsmile::smallsmile::smallsmile::smallsmile::sma llsmile: mhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah aha

edit'd for errors:smallsmile:

2017-12-11, 03:20 PM
"I don't know who the **** you are but **** you!" Tuk claws at the guy

2017-12-11, 03:29 PM
Mauler fight the unknown person with his fist unarmed.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-12-12, 03:14 PM
The robed figure shrugs off Yalia curse, but not her punch. Grunting in pain, they stumble backwards - right into Dhaun's headbutt, and are nearly bowled over. Only a hasty retreat allows them to avoid Mauler and Tuk's blows, duck under Jonathan's flare, and make way for the guards to move in. Shouting for help in a foreign language, they lay into you with long, metal batons, whacking at anyone who moves. While one misses, Yalia is too slow and takes a blow directly to the face.

In the chamber beyond the door, the robed figure continues operating the strange rod, apparently causing the light to grow brighter and brighter. While for most of you, the confusion and fading memory gets worse - how, exactly, did you arrive in this prison cell? - for Yalia the spell is broken, and the events of the preceding hours come crashing back with startling clarity.

Yalia takes 3 nonlethal damage. You didn't get attacks of opportunity because you are unarmed.

Another round of will saves:
Tuk: [roll0]
Yalia: [roll1]
Mauler: [roll2]
Dhaun: [roll3]
Jonathan: [roll4]

Since Yalia entered melee, but Jon didn't, he doesn't get the penalty to saves.

2017-12-12, 07:40 PM
Dhaun does a quick mental recap. "That guy is trying to steal my memories. Best to get in the fray now."
He starts Stabbing the guard who hit Yalia with his hidden crossbow bolt. "Yalie begin cursing! Smasher give me a hand here! Kut if you have anything cast it. Fight lads or they'll screw us all over."
Dhaun then uses his innate drow powers to cast touch of fatigue while stabbing the guy with his crossbow bolt.

messed up their names to reflect how his memory is fuzzy

2017-12-12, 07:58 PM
"It's time to take down the trash!"" :furious:

Mauler continues to fight the unknown person with his fist.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-12-12, 08:15 PM
Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]
edit: A maximum damage roll and a critical fail. I'm pretty sure this will end with either me stabbing mauler or myself.

2017-12-13, 02:45 PM
i wish that D&D had pyrotechnics bard spell
Jonathan casts flare again, targeting the open cell door, or the walls, maybe we can burn them down.
did you forget the dazzle effect of flare?:smallconfused: the enemies should have made saves or just stand there for a bit looking at the pretty fire:smalltongue:

2017-12-14, 01:13 PM
Yalia goes to tumble past, with no success. She curses one of the guards, then launches another punch growling in fiendish pain, blood flowing from her nostril.

((Actions:Curse, Will save 17, Attack: ([roll0]), Damage (([roll1])) Second Save DC 11 or be cursed (doesn't stack with earlier). Curse Effects: -2 penalty all dice rolls he makes, and all non-opposed dice rolls (such as attacks and saving throws) made against him gain a +2 bonus. -2 penalty to caster level. If this penalty would reduce the target's caster level below the minimum to cast spells of a certain level, he cannot cast those spells until the curse ends. Thus if they fail a save, ac down two points, and add two to the attack rolls above))

2017-12-14, 02:19 PM
Your party falls on the guards with fury, trying to overwhelm with numbers and surprise, if nothing else. Dhaun jabs his concealed crossbow bolt at a soldier's eye, but it bounces off their helmet, while Mauler goes in for a brutal punch - unfortunately, his target the robed figure is beyond reach in the corridor, forcing him to fight the guards instead. He does not hit. Jonathan, still standing in the back, launches another flare, this time at the wall, to no effect. Yalia throws a punch at the same time as she casts another curse, but the soldier shrugs both off with only a grunt. She is able to dodge a counterattack, but Jonathan is not so quick and receives a crushing blow to stomach.

Tuk, Dhaun, Mauler - time seems to slow, as the strength leaves your limbs and the rod's light grows brighter. And brighter. And brighter, until it consumes everything, and you find yourself floating in oblivion, aware only of the blinding white light. All else has been forgotten.

To your companions, Yalia and Jonathan, who are still valiantly fighting, you suddenly slump to the ground, all fight gone, and do not get back up.

Jonathan takes 4 nonlethal damage.

Tuk: [roll0]
Yalia: [roll1]
Mauler: [roll2]
Dhaun: [roll3]
Jonathan: [roll4]

2017-12-14, 02:43 PM
Mauler continues to punch the unknown person with his fist.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-12-14, 03:48 PM
the light burned through his mind. He felt discombobulated. He grabs the wall and scans his surroundings. A large man was beating a man in armor with his fists. There was a priest? His staff was lit and gave him a headache. A woman was sprawled on the floor. There were a few other people. His intuition told him that he was in trouble again. He did the only sane thing he could do in the circumstances. Dhaun looked the robed man in the eye and started cussing. "You ${^]€|. why don't you let me out of here so I can %££{*|! You so ${>|£|€{£{. You won't even be able to $|*]£{| you \£{*]+|£$|. I'll slaughter your ^|^]£]$ family and make you *\$|$£| watch as I $&)/" so bad that they won't even &)!?&@ be able to $|~£{ move!" He just keeps going on and on and on about what he will do.