View Full Version : Pathfinder Need help with my choice

2017-11-28, 01:08 PM
I have a new game coming up, and I have no idea what the other players are going to be running. They are all apparently newbies wanting to get into the game (YAY!), and I want to be able to fill in with whatever they don't have, while still able to guide them along in the game. I had plenty of time to prepare, and I made four different characters. I am curious which would be best to help out a group of newbies the best.

1. Paladin of Iomedae (Vanilla, no archetype).
2. Draconic (Green) Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer Archetype)
3. Investigator (awaiting approval for empiricist archetype)
4. Swashbuckler (Again no archetype)

From my ten years of gaming experience, I have noticed that newbies like to go for mages, thieves, and other niche builds. I have only met a handful that like the priest or warrior roles. Given these expectations, which of these classes would work best in your opinions?

The Mystic
2017-11-28, 03:56 PM
If you're only looking at those four options... hmm.

The first thing that comes to mind is what support can each character offer the other players, to possibly shore up any of their weaker points.

Mechanically the Sorcerer (Crowd control and buffing) and the Investigator (Buffing with infusions [Which has the advantage of letting the new players decide when to use your buffs] and assorted skill niches) strike me as the most directly able to support the other players.

A Paladin of Iomedae (Played well) as the party's leader could help guide the party from a roleplaying perspective (played poorly it would serve to limit their options and generally be insufferable, as Iomedaens can trend more towards stick-in-the-mud style than many). They possess some healing abilities which could also be useful if the party otherwise turns out to be bereft.

The swashbuckler tends towards a more self serving build I think, though I haven't seen them in action, and it's always possible to build a martial for other things.


If I knew the other players, and felt confident that their characters would not clash with a paladin (I've seen groups of newbies that trended more towards murder-hobo than any other) I would probably play that, because I tend to find that a party needs at least one lynch pin solid martial combatant, but doesn't usually suffer too much for having a second (If the party is more likely to be chaotic, this may be. Multiple arcane casters or skill monkeys, unless they are planned in coordination with each other, tend to be more likely to steal each other's thunder. Also while missing one can make certain challenges a lot more challenging, it's usually in a way that requires creativity to solve, rather than a player getting killed and deciding to build a party frontliner.

At least in my experience.

2017-11-28, 04:07 PM
If you have all four ready, I’d say ‘wait and see what they build, fill in the gap’ but - barring that - I agree with The Mystic in principle: a tanky-support type is always going to support whatever the rest of the group is trying to do; just make sure that the rest of the party is ok with the code of conduct you’re dealing with if you go Paladin.

I’d particularly avoid the Sorcerer unless no one else picks up a dedicated caster; it’s the most focus-pull-ish of the listed options by default and that’s something you want to avoid.

2017-11-28, 08:25 PM
Investigator, on account that they're the most flexible out of the bunch. Just dump that charisma (and give it Clever Wordplay), and give it 16 CON for a more solid bulk.

2017-11-29, 07:50 AM
So the party make up ended up being on guy starting as a fighter and will be alternating levels of wizard and fighter, eventually going eldritch knight. The second one went straight rogue. The third didn't make it, but I talked to the DM and she is leaning towards druid. So I went with the paladin.

I have seen paladins role played as real mood killers (in and out of character), and I understand they can be a real pain in the a$$. So I am playing him in such a way that he understands that his faith is HIS and not his party's. He still frowns on things like torture and overtly evil acts, but otherwise doesn't interfere with someone else's individuality. So I don't think we will run into many RP issues there.

Mechanically, we do lack some healing power. We are most of the way to second level already. Likely that the fourth player will just come in at that level. I think that the paladin will offer emergency healing with LOH when he gets it.

With that in mind, I wanted to discuss the build I had. I went the THF route, and my feat choices at first level (human) were Power Attack and Fey Foundling. I was thinking of taking the Vital Strike Feats to help out on those rounds that I move into position, or maybe cleave, but I am a bit rusty on PF game rulings. I think I read somewhere that VS can't be used on a charge?? What about Cleave? Are there any other feats that would be beneficial to this build concept?

2017-11-29, 09:40 AM
Iomidae is a bit of a stick in the mud deity if you play her wrong, being all zealous Joan of Arc and all. However, so long as your party is not capital E evil no issues should come up. The things that would make a paladin get in the face of another PC is not a paladin problem, but something almost any good character would do(and even some neutrals) when they see evil. For most heroic campaigns this is not an issue.

2 Handed weapon is always a good choice for paladin. Considering the fighter is going to be more of a caster, you are on frontline duty. The druid might be a shifter/animal companion type, but if they go caster all you have is the rogue to run frontline. Druids can provide some topping off healing out of combat; hopefully things are just wailing on you and you are soaking it with LoH and fey founding. You are correct that cleave and vital strike cannot be used on a charge, and in heavy armor you might need to charge to make an enemy early in combat. If your initiative is not particularly high, you can simply stand in front and let the monsters come to you.

For other feats, a lot depends if you are using a reach weapon or not. Combat reflexes and some decent dex is in order if so, otherwise you can pass. Power attack is your big feat, and furious focus(does work on a charge) should be taken as soon as you can. Your rogue probably has face duties, but if you have a trait to get intimidate as a class skill consider it as well as the cornagun smash feat. Iomidae has a solid channeling feat, if your game gets to a high enough level to qualify for it. You probably don't want to waste feats on it, but consider a bow for switch hitting, or in the instances something is flying-it also gives you an option to rough up a big hulking monster before it gets to you, so you can stand in front and tank for your friends.

2017-11-29, 10:19 AM
Mechanically, we do lack some healing power. We are most of the way to second level already. Likely that the fourth player will just come in at that level. I think that the paladin will offer emergency healing with LOH when he gets it.

With that in mind, I wanted to discuss the build I had. I went the THF route, and my feat choices at first level (human) were Power Attack and Fey Foundling. I was thinking of taking the Vital Strike Feats to help out on those rounds that I move into position, or maybe cleave, but I am a bit rusty on PF game rulings. I think I read somewhere that VS can't be used on a charge?? What about Cleave? Are there any other feats that would be beneficial to this build concept?

Keep in mind that LoH is a swift action when the Paladin uses it on himself, making it a very durable frontliner class. Later on, the "Injured" mercy also adds fast healing to it.

Feats should be an even mix of melee combat and healing, meaning Power Attack, Furious Focus, Strike Back and Improved Critical, as well as Fey Foundling, Extra LoH, Greater Mercy and Ultimate Mercy. Get yourself a high crit. 2H weapon (Falchion, Nodachi) and have fun with Smite Evil. On a related note: Oath of Vengeance is great.

RP: Always remember, a Paladin is human, has human failures, joys and hobbies, he just thrives for some higher ideals and wants to be a shining beacon of hope. Comedians are simple to play, as you "just" have to try and be a good and chivalrous knight.

Paladin Codex:
The paladins of Iomedae are just and strong, crusaders who live for the joy of righteous battle. Their mission is to right wrongs and eliminate evil at its root. They serve as examples to others, and their code demands they protect the weak and innocent by eliminating sources of oppression, rather than merely the symptoms. They may back down or withdraw from a fight if they are overmatched, but if their lives will buy time for others to escape, they must give them. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
- I will learn the weight of my sword. Without my heart to guide it, it is worthless—my strength is not in my sword, but in my heart. If I lose my sword, I have lost a tool. If I betray my heart, I have died.
- I will have faith in the Inheritor. I will channel her strength through my body. I will shine in her legion, and I will not tarnish her glory through base actions.
- I am the first into battle, and the last to leave it.
- I will not be taken prisoner by my free will. I will not surrender those under my command.
- I will never abandon a companion, though I will honor sacrifice freely given.
- I will guard the honor of my fellows, both in thought and deed, and I will have faith in them.
When in doubt, I may force my enemies to surrender, but I am responsible for their lives.
- I will never refuse a challenge from an equal. I will give honor to worthy enemies, and contempt to the rest.
- I will suffer death before dishonor.
- I will be temperate in my actions and moderate in my behavior. I will strive to emulate Iomedae’s perfection.

2017-11-29, 10:54 AM
Keep in mind that LoH is a swift action when the Paladin uses it on himself, making it a very durable frontliner class. Later on, the "Injured" mercy also adds fast healing to it.

Feats should be an even mix of melee combat and healing, meaning Power Attack, Furious Focus, Strike Back and Improved Critical, as well as Fey Foundling, Extra LoH, Greater Mercy and Ultimate Mercy. Get yourself a high crit. 2H weapon (Falchion, Nodachi) and have fun with Smite Evil. On a related note: Oath of Vengeance is great.

RP: Always remember, a Paladin is human, has human failures, joys and hobbies, he just thrives for some higher ideals and wants to be a shining beacon of hope. Comedians are simple to play, as you "just" have to try and be a good and chivalrous knight.

Paladin Codex:
The paladins of Iomedae are just and strong, crusaders who live for the joy of righteous battle. Their mission is to right wrongs and eliminate evil at its root. They serve as examples to others, and their code demands they protect the weak and innocent by eliminating sources of oppression, rather than merely the symptoms. They may back down or withdraw from a fight if they are overmatched, but if their lives will buy time for others to escape, they must give them. Their tenets include the following affirmations.
- I will learn the weight of my sword. Without my heart to guide it, it is worthless—my strength is not in my sword, but in my heart. If I lose my sword, I have lost a tool. If I betray my heart, I have died.
- I will have faith in the Inheritor. I will channel her strength through my body. I will shine in her legion, and I will not tarnish her glory through base actions.
- I am the first into battle, and the last to leave it.
- I will not be taken prisoner by my free will. I will not surrender those under my command.
- I will never abandon a companion, though I will honor sacrifice freely given.
- I will guard the honor of my fellows, both in thought and deed, and I will have faith in them.
When in doubt, I may force my enemies to surrender, but I am responsible for their lives.
- I will never refuse a challenge from an equal. I will give honor to worthy enemies, and contempt to the rest.
- I will suffer death before dishonor.
- I will be temperate in my actions and moderate in my behavior. I will strive to emulate Iomedae’s perfection.

Solid advice Florian! You just gave the me basis for my feat chain. I'm gonna specialize in melee on boosting my LoH as much as I can. The mercy feats are pretty sweet, and I might end up having to take extra mercy once or twice depending on the campaign. I appreciate the paladin codex info. That will definitely help to flesh the character out!

As for the RP side of the house, he has already been a bit of comedy relief in conjunction with the fighter. We got told by a treant that the person we were looking for had been spotted by a lily flower nearby. We found a valley full of them, and so I told the fighter to ask around. He literally bent over to a flower and said, "Excuse me.." Freaking hilarious!

EDIT: What other feats would be useful aside from Power Attack, Fey Foundling, Furious Focus, Extra LoH, Extra Mercy, Greater Mercy, and Ultimate Mercy?

The Mystic
2017-11-29, 11:22 AM
If you're looking for more material for roleplaying a paladin of Iomedae, I happen to have recently written up a perspective I created. I'm about to GM Wrath of the Righteous, so figuring out her perspective and motivations was something I considered vital (particularly as she didn't really interest me before hand)

The Inheritor

As a mortal Iomedae was a paladin in service to Aroden, perhaps the greatest of them. When Iomedae gained a spark of the divine by completing the trial of the starstone she became the herald of Aroden. For nearly 700 years she served in this role, protecting the human world from the many entities that have tried to consume them.

This ended almost exactly 100 years ago upon the death of Aroden. Where Iomedae did what she has always done. She fought chaos and the evils it brings by ascending, taking charge and leading the way. It is in this way that Iomedae is the godess of leadership and of setting an example for others to follow.

Iomedae is not Aroden. Her church is not his church, of advancement and culture. Hers is a church of protection and preservation, for that was always her role as Herald. To create a space for these things to flourish.

Iomedae is unique among the greater gods for her youth, at about 800 years old there are surviving mortals that are older than her, and for the rapidity of her rise to the status of greater god, as she had only a small following prior to stepping in to protect the followers of Aroden. For these reasons, though Iomedae herself is clear in her intent, the religion of those who follow her is, even now, finding it's feet in the world in which it finds itself.

2017-11-29, 11:32 AM
Sounds like you wont have a problem fitting in!

As far as extra lay on hands, I find that in most games you don't run out of LoH, and with fey founding you should be healed plenty. Remember of of combat you can heal more by channeling if the entire party needs topping off. If one person is badly hurt, LoH, but if the party took a fireball in the opening round, channel. That said, it can help you use ultimate mercy, which blows 10 uses...

As far as mercies, some of them are pretty bad so make sure you are not taking extra mercy at levels where you get real stinkers.Mercies you cannot use on yourself if affected by said condition are far less valuable than mercies that you can use should you be affected. Fatigued is probably the best 3rd level mercy, mainly for the out of combat aspect. Sleep in full plate, march for days without sleep, etc. Sickened comes up a lot though and never bad. Shaken and the fear mercies are worthless as you are immune by the time you get mercies, and your +4 aura is benefit enough against fear for your allies.

At 6th, daze is bad because it only lasts a round(usually) and you can't use it on yourself. Disease is worthless as you are immune, plus the fact diseases are mostly a joke at higher levels. With a druid in the party that can prepare remove disease should it happen, pass. Haunted is good, particularly at higher levels against magic jar and the like. Staggered is incredible, as it can get you or another character from a standard action to a full round.

9th level can remove exhaustion and nauseated, both very nasty. No need for frightened, cursed, or poisoned. Paladins can prepare remove curse at level 10, and poisons are rarely dangerous. The injured one can allow you to really soak damage. The confusion one is okay because a confused party member is bad, but since you only have a 25% chance of removing it yourself I would pass. Of the conditions, nausea probably comes up most often.

Of the 12th, blindness is probably the best. You can prepare remove blindness/deafness as a spell by this level, but in combat curing blindness is big. Paralyzed and stunned are bad conditions but again, you can't remove them from yourself. The Ensorcelled one is a nice choice if you are under a debuff spell and it can remove several other conditions all in one(but as a dispel check it is not assured success).

So overall, you probably only want the extra mercy feat a few times tops, and only at higher levels when you have access to several tiers of choice.

2017-11-29, 12:29 PM
If you're looking for more material for roleplaying a paladin of Iomedae, I happen to have recently written up a perspective I created. I'm about to GM Wrath of the Righteous, so figuring out her perspective and motivations was something I considered vital (particularly as she didn't really interest me before hand)

The Inheritor

As a mortal Iomedae was a paladin in service to Aroden, perhaps the greatest of them. When Iomedae gained a spark of the divine by completing the trial of the starstone she became the herald of Aroden. For nearly 700 years she served in this role, protecting the human world from the many entities that have tried to consume them.

This ended almost exactly 100 years ago upon the death of Aroden. Where Iomedae did what she has always done. She fought chaos and the evils it brings by ascending, taking charge and leading the way. It is in this way that Iomedae is the godess of leadership and of setting an example for others to follow.

Iomedae is not Aroden. Her church is not his church, of advancement and culture. Hers is a church of protection and preservation, for that was always her role as Herald. To create a space for these things to flourish.

Iomedae is unique among the greater gods for her youth, at about 800 years old there are surviving mortals that are older than her, and for the rapidity of her rise to the status of greater god, as she had only a small following prior to stepping in to protect the followers of Aroden. For these reasons, though Iomedae herself is clear in her intent, the religion of those who follow her is, even now, finding it's feet in the world in which it finds itself.

I've been reading up on her a bit. She seems to me be more of a protector type like you are saying. I think that to roleplay this, I should always be in the front of the group in dungeons, and in the back when leaving. Also need to make sure I defend my allies more than myself. Good info to have!

Sounds like you wont have a problem fitting in!

As far as extra lay on hands, I find that in most games you don't run out of LoH, and with fey founding you should be healed plenty. Remember of of combat you can heal more by channeling if the entire party needs topping off. If one person is badly hurt, LoH, but if the party took a fireball in the opening round, channel. That said, it can help you use ultimate mercy, which blows 10 uses...

As far as mercies, some of them are pretty bad so make sure you are not taking extra mercy at levels where you get real stinkers.Mercies you cannot use on yourself if affected by said condition are far less valuable than mercies that you can use should you be affected. Fatigued is probably the best 3rd level mercy, mainly for the out of combat aspect. Sleep in full plate, march for days without sleep, etc. Sickened comes up a lot though and never bad. Shaken and the fear mercies are worthless as you are immune by the time you get mercies, and your +4 aura is benefit enough against fear for your allies.

At 6th, daze is bad because it only lasts a round(usually) and you can't use it on yourself. Disease is worthless as you are immune, plus the fact diseases are mostly a joke at higher levels. With a druid in the party that can prepare remove disease should it happen, pass. Haunted is good, particularly at higher levels against magic jar and the like. Staggered is incredible, as it can get you or another character from a standard action to a full round.

9th level can remove exhaustion and nauseated, both very nasty. No need for frightened, cursed, or poisoned. Paladins can prepare remove curse at level 10, and poisons are rarely dangerous. The injured one can allow you to really soak damage. The confusion one is okay because a confused party member is bad, but since you only have a 25% chance of removing it yourself I would pass. Of the conditions, nausea probably comes up most often.

Of the 12th, blindness is probably the best. You can prepare remove blindness/deafness as a spell by this level, but in combat curing blindness is big. Paralyzed and stunned are bad conditions but again, you can't remove them from yourself. The Ensorcelled one is a nice choice if you are under a debuff spell and it can remove several other conditions all in one(but as a dispel check it is not assured success).

So overall, you probably only want the extra mercy feat a few times tops, and only at higher levels when you have access to several tiers of choice.

This is what I am planning to have by 20th. This way, the druid can focus on being more useful than just a healbot. I am not sure whether or not I can take Greater Mercy at 3rd or not. Depends on how you read feats prerequisites really. Extra LoH IS to enable Ultimate Mercy, as it would leave me with only 4 uses otherwise. I figured that by 15th level, I will have figured out what the DM is throwing at us so I can prepare appropriately. Your thoughts?

HB: Power Attack
1st: Fey Foundling
3rd: Greater Mercy
6th: Extra Lay on Hands
9th: Improved Critical
12th: Ultimate Mercy
15th: Extra Mercy
18th: Extra Lay on Hands

2017-11-29, 01:03 PM
This is what I am planning to have by 20th. This way, the druid can focus on being more useful than just a healbot. I am not sure whether or not I can take Greater Mercy at 3rd or not. Depends on how you read feats prerequisites really. Extra LoH IS to enable Ultimate Mercy, as it would leave me with only 4 uses otherwise. I figured that by 15th level, I will have figured out what the DM is throwing at us so I can prepare appropriately. Your thoughts?

We should talk about some things first, like how your gm handles WBL and shopping, what kind of campaign you´re into and also a bit about style.

Personally, I use Extra LoH to power Oath of Vengeance and make heavy use of spells when playing a Paladin, with feats like Step Up and Step Up and Strike as early as possible for tanking duty, depending on the campaign, also Smite Evil Magic when I have to plow thru a lot of defensive spells to get to the target. Greater Mercy and Ultimate Mercy are actually late-game choices,

2017-11-29, 01:52 PM
We should talk about some things first, like how your gm handles WBL and shopping, what kind of campaign you´re into and also a bit about style.

Personally, I use Extra LoH to power Oath of Vengeance and make heavy use of spells when playing a Paladin, with feats like Step Up and Step Up and Strike as early as possible for tanking duty, depending on the campaign, also Smite Evil Magic when I have to plow thru a lot of defensive spells to get to the target. Greater Mercy and Ultimate Mercy are actually late-game choices,

Greater Mercy seems like it would be more useful being front loaded. Ultimate Mercy is definitely later down the road. Why do you put Greater on the back end? Just curious here.

Additionally, I am not sure about whether or not the DM will allow oaths. I will ask him next game. I still have 3 levels to get through until Oath of Vengeance comes online anyways.

What feats (and in what order) would you suggest for this character? I am definitely open to suggestion.

2017-11-29, 02:34 PM
HB: Power Attack
1st: Fey Foundling
3rd: Greater Mercy
6th: Extra Lay on Hands
9th: Improved Critical
12th: Ultimate Mercy
15th: Extra Mercy
18th: Extra Lay on Hands

This is Pathfinder correct? You should have feats at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 ,13, 15 ,17 and 19.

2017-11-29, 02:50 PM
Hmm. I think I might have gotten my wires crossed on that one and had been thinking 3.5. I'll double check.

2017-11-29, 02:53 PM
You can get 1.5x LoH progression by taking Variant Multiclass Cavalier (Order of the Stars). I'm not sure if losing half of your feats is worth it, though.

Oath of the Seeker looks pretty nice.

2017-11-29, 05:45 PM
Greater Mercy seems like it would be more useful being front loaded. Ultimate Mercy is definitely later down the road. Why do you put Greater on the back end? Just curious here.

LoH / Channel Energy are stop-gap in-combat healing that you have to use to keep a character actively participating in that combat. Not to heal someone up, not to keep someone in an overall good shape, just keep them in combat and effective. Same holds true for mercy, just remove the status effects that hinder someone in combat.

Rest of the time, use wands and scrolls to do the job out of combat.

Now lower levels, AC is pretty much king and the best defense, but a crit will be pretty deadly, while higher levels, getting hit is a more common occurrence and regular enemies pack quite a punch, so it´s here that you need an edge to keep the same effectiveness going.

2017-11-30, 07:29 AM
So here is my reworked feat tree:

HB: Power Attack
1st: Fey Foundling
3rd: Furious Focus
5th: Extra Lay on Hands
7th: Greater Mercy
9th: Unsanctioned Knowledge
11th: Extra Lay on Hands
13th: Ultimate Mercy
15th: Extra Mercy

What am I missing? And is this a good order to take them in? I had some trouble placing Ultimate Mercy and Unsanctioned Knowledge.

2017-11-30, 09:41 AM
So here is my reworked feat tree:

HB: Power Attack
1st: Fey Foundling
3rd: Furious Focus
5th: Extra Lay on Hands
7th: Greater Mercy
9th: Unsanctioned Knowledge
11th: Extra Lay on Hands
13th: Ultimate Mercy
15th: Extra Mercy
What am I missing? And is this a good order to take them in? I had some trouble placing Ultimate Mercy and Unsanctioned Knowledge.

I wish you could take furious focus at level 3, shame it requires +6 BAB, making it your 7th level feat. Also, I just remembered there is zero reason to take extra lay on hands-take extra channel instead. It gives you 4 extra uses of LoH instead of 2, making extra lay on hands worthless and getting you a free feat. I would probably move unsanctioned knowledge a bit lower, maybe 5th when you have access to spells. Depending on how high your charisma is, I would have ultimate mercy avaliable as soon as you qualify and have 10 uses of LoH. At 5th level with 20 charisma(easily doable by this level) you have 10 uses a day. Remember, raise dead can work on creatures dead for days/level, so if you have exactly 10 uses of LoH you can just rest that night and bring back your party member then. Your feats really depend on how much charisma you are packing.

So I would probably go
1: power attack, fey foundling
3: greater mercy
5: unsanctioned knowledge/ultimate mercy if CHA 20+
7: furious focus
9: ultimate mercy/unsanctioned knowledge
11: extra mercy or extra channel
13 on-whatever you want

If you can't swing the uses of LoH, then just wait a bit on ultimate mercy, but I hesitate taking extra channel just to power it.

Jay R
2017-11-30, 11:28 AM
... I have no idea what the other players are going to be running.

Then ask them. This is the only information you need to make your decision. Go get it.

2017-11-30, 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by cardrivesyou
So the party make up ended up being on[e] guy starting as a fighter and will be alternating levels of wizard and fighter, eventually going eldritch knight. The second one went straight rogue. The third didn't make it, but I talked to the DM and she is leaning towards druid. So I went with the paladin.

Fifth post.

2017-11-30, 08:06 PM
Also, I just remembered there is zero reason to take extra lay on hands-take extra channel instead. It gives you 4 extra uses of LoH instead of 2, making extra lay on hands worthless and getting you a free feat.

Extra Channel gives you +4 uses of Lay on Hands "but only to channel positive energy." So it effectively gives you +2 Channeling and +0 Lay on Hands.

The main benefit of Extra Lay on Hands would be flexibility. Channel only heals (as a standard), whereas Lay on Hands can cure status effects, heal self as a Swift, and/or be converted into more Smite Evil (Oath of Vengeance archetype).

2017-12-01, 03:04 AM
What am I missing? And is this a good order to take them in? I had some trouble placing Ultimate Mercy and Unsanctioned Knowledge.

Again, it´s hard to give concrete tips when not knowing what kind of game you´re getting into, you know, like knowing how tactical combats will be, if certain enemy types like demons, devils or undead are very common, if you´re more in typical dungeons or in a wide open range and whether you have enough downtime to craft stuff/your gm is using WBL by the book so you can get the type of equipment that supports your build.

My assumptions: Basic dungeon-crawl, mixed enemies, you take Oath of Vengeance for more smiting and to get Wrath on your spell list, giving you Improved Critical at 12th. CHA/STR > CON, dump rest.

Traits: Fate´s Favored.
H: Fey Foundling
1: Power Attack
3: Extra Lay on Hands
5: Step Up
7: Following Step
9: Step Up and Strike
11: Strike Back
13: Greater Mercy
15: Ultimate Mercy

This makes a very "sticky" Paladin, able to full attack most of the time, which is fun when you have Wrath and Divine Favor up. Litany of Righteousness and Powerful Justice are fantastic when you have a Fighter and Druid along.

2017-12-01, 12:19 PM
Again, it´s hard to give concrete tips when not knowing what kind of game you´re getting into, you know, like knowing how tactical combats will be, if certain enemy types like demons, devils or undead are very common, if you´re more in typical dungeons or in a wide open range and whether you have enough downtime to craft stuff/your gm is using WBL by the book so you can get the type of equipment that supports your build.

My assumptions: Basic dungeon-crawl, mixed enemies, you take Oath of Vengeance for more smiting and to get Wrath on your spell list, giving you Improved Critical at 12th. CHA/STR > CON, dump rest.

Traits: Fate´s Favored.
H: Fey Foundling
1: Power Attack
3: Extra Lay on Hands
5: Step Up
7: Following Step
9: Step Up and Strike
11: Strike Back
13: Greater Mercy
15: Ultimate Mercy

This makes a very "sticky" Paladin, able to full attack most of the time, which is fun when you have Wrath and Divine Favor up. Litany of Righteousness and Powerful Justice are fantastic when you have a Fighter and Druid along.

I can't really speak to what we will be facing in the future, but I do expect lots of orcs and other monstrous races. So for the moment, I just plan on general damage feats and making the best of my LoH mileage. This is my new list after reading up on the Step Up feat tree:

HB: Power Attack
1st: Fey Foundling
3rd: Furious Focus
5th: Greater Mercy
7th: Unsanctioned Knowledge
9th: Step Up
11th: Following Step
13th: Ultimate Mercy
15th: Step Up and Strike
17th: Extra Lay on Hands
19th: Extra Lay on Hands