View Full Version : 3.5 gestalt gish build

2017-11-28, 05:46 PM
tl:dr i need input on an undead arcane warrior. Details below. Thanks.

Heyo Giantitp-ers. I will be involved in a gestalt game soon-ish and am looking at a way to be a fairly self sufficient arcane-gish. Currently i am looking at the following race and class structure (note that we can have 1 LA for free, but anything else is banned. We have all 3.5 books by WotC such as Complete set, as well as setting specific stuff like faerun or dragonlance. 3rd party publishers like green ronin are not allowed. EDIT: we can have a maximum of 4 different classes, including prestige classes.)

My concept is to be some sort of ancient eldritch knight that was locked away for some holy purpose, like an ancestral guardian order. the call to arms never came (because the civilization was destroyed or taken over or something, not sure what, was gonna let the dm decide) and now after centuries of slumber must now figure out what went wrong. He is a good person and focused on using his arcane powers to help other people, but he is fairly arrogant due to his position previously in his society and thinks he knows whats good for people before they do.

Race: Lesser tiefling evolved necropolitan (if there is a rule that bans lesser tiefling and necropolitan anywhere that i dont know of, then ill replace tiefling with gray elf) for +dex, int, str, undead immunities and fast healing, giving me out of combat recovery.

Class: some wizard (domain, focused specialist, etc)/ultimate magus (maybe)//Duskblade.
Im looking at the wizard because of the pure number of spells they can know, their versatility, and their int. synergy with duskblade. Im looking at the duskblade for their melee prowess and ability to cast spontaneously. If i can get the ultimate magus approved, then this will allow me to put some of my wizard spells on my duskblade list, give me the ability to use some duskblade spell slots to apply metamagic to my wizard spells, and increase my caster level. My plan is that the UM, if put into a gestalt build, won't technically advance either spellcasting class more than the other, since neither is of a lower level. Therefore, i can just take it on the wizard side and it will function as advancing that class, where the duskblade will advance by itself. the negatives to this are that this might be a bit cheesy(?) but as the power level for the game is going to be a bit on the higher side, i think this doesn't abuse the system that much.

Some of my questions are the following:
Im conflicted on what wizard to be. On the one hand, i want a bunch of the conjuration and transmutation powers, and duskblade will probably give me enough damage on its own. So that would put me on the side of focused specialist or something. On the other hand, I want to be able to have a bunch of spell flexibility, so a domain wizard would be great for that. That limits the spells i can cast per day though, so i don't want to not be able to cast throughout the day.

My questions on gear. According to the armored casting portion of duskblade, that feature doesn't extend to other classes. There are other guides though that talk about how a duskblade dip would be the greatest thing since sliced bread, since it does apply to other classes. is there some errata or something that they are going by, or are they just wrong? In any case, my question is what is the best physical armor for a wizard to have? Im currently thinking that it would be something like mithral twilight fey/githcraft breastplate with the thistledown suit stuff, that would reduce the Arcane spell failure to 0%. not cheap, but ok. Im hesitant to rely on buffs like mage armor since they can be dispelled. What other armor enchantments would be good for an in your face melee caster?

For weaponry im probably going to go with something two handed like a greatsword, but is there anything else that would be great for me? I don't think i would need a spell storing weapon, since i can channel spells, but what other enhancements would work? I had seen something about a weapon that stops dispel magic, but i don't know where it's from.

Feats: we will have access to feats in the following manor: up to 2 flaws, 1 feat at 1st level and then every even level after in addition to anything given by class. I know i want collegiate wizard (more spells known), power attack (for...power attacking) arcane strike (stacking all the damage every now and then) and maybe improved turn resistance (so i don't get...turned). Im also thinking of some crafting feats, such as wondrous item or arms and armor. some of my other ideas were to be a sort of holy-undead arcanist, so i would get some stuff from BoED like ancestral relic and use spell focus good on a bunch of my spells with consecrate spell and... that one feat that reduces the metamagic cost by 1 for a school. You know, that one. Additionally, i thought that Faerie Mysteries initiate would be good to get more hp even as an undead, but that is approaching the limits of what im comfortable optimizing. almost. is there anything else that might make for a more balanced and interesting combination of feats?

Spells wise, i know that spells like disguise undead are a must (some people just aren't as open minded about what constitutes a living being, you know?) but im wondering about the interaction that i would have with other spells, in particular polymorph. Now don't worry, unless i'm in dire straits i wont be abusing it, but as an undead, what can i theoretically turn myself into with it? Also, couldn't i simply polymorph myself into an exact copy of me and heal myself back up? if so, thats probably going to be what i use it for...oh, thats probably what lots of people use it for, thus the abuse. dang.

So if you have held out for this long people i greatly appreciate your attention, and eagerly await your input on this manner.

2017-11-28, 06:12 PM
Hmmm, Duskblade Wizard has the usual problem of active Sides.

I would combine the Wizard with a Warblade for maximum Gishness (unarmored is a problem there too, workarounds include spells persissted that increase armor), or a Crusader for Durability.

Wizard is, of course, always powerful, but going Gish you might be better off with other classes on the caster side. Just saying, a Cleric/Crusader is almost surely better at Gishing, due to DMM, no Armor problems and such.
Or if its really a classical Gish (ergo Blasting, some BFC) that you are aiming for, why not use a Warmage as the caster side? Sure, its not really flexible, but it Gishes well alone, and with a Wablade on the other half....:)

As for the Polimorph Question; exact copies dont work, as polimorph turns you into a "Member of Race X", not a person, but Alter Self does the trick of hiding your nature from nonmagical things well enough.

2017-11-28, 06:14 PM
Duskblade 20 // Abjurer 3 / Master Specialist 10 / Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7

Highly defensive foundation, so you can attack with confidence. There's synergy between Master Specialist (abjuration) and Iot7V.

Duskblade 20 // Enchanter 5 / Mindbender 1 / Malconvoker 9 / Enchanter 6-10

Use the Social Proficiency ACF for Enchanter to qualify for Mindbender, and to have the Bluff ranks to make Malconvoker pay off. If you can get a 5th class in -- or if it's 4 classes "per side" of the Gestalt instead of 4 total -- then do something else for levels 16-20, maybe Dread Witch or Nightmare Spinner.

Duskblade 20 // Conjurer 5 / Incantatrix 10 / Archmage 5

It's a classic. That said, there are plenty of other good PrCs for levels 16-20.

2017-11-28, 07:03 PM
My favorite build that can do everything looks as follows:

Wizard 5/Swiftblade 1/Spelldancer 1/Swiftblade +9/X 5
Factotum 6/Wizard +1/Factotum +2/Wizard +1

Your race is fine, although I would also consider Primordial Giant Half Giant for that tasty +4 int. Powerful build is nice on a gish too. You can't be undead as easily (outside of human heritage feat), but an ancient race of magical giants awoken from a magical slumber works too....

You have amazing skills, can eventually take three standard actions each round, add Int to everything. Have an ability to persist all your spells.

2017-11-28, 07:17 PM
Get a Hat of Disguise, that should solve all your interaction issues, or use Changeling for your base race, or dip Psion (Egoist) 1 for Change Shape (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070314a).

Get a Ring of Enduring Arcana in CM, it adds +4 DC to dispel any of your spells. I'd use (Greater) Luminous Armor if you'll be good aligned, as an undead you should be immune to the Str damage that occurs when it ends, if not get a Rod of Bodily Restoration in MIC.

Take the feat Versatile Spellcaster in RotD, it allows you to spend two spontaneous spell slots of the same level to cast any spell you know of one level higher. This allows you to spend two 2nd level Duskblade slots to cast any 3rd level Wizard spell you've learned and added to your spellbook. Your DM may require you to have the spellbook open to that one and read it as you cast it if you don't currently have it prepared, but this adds a huge level of versatility and utility.

If you do switch your race to Elf, you can combine the Elf Generalist substitution levels with Domain Wizard. This adds even more spells known at every level, along with an extra spell slot each day of your highest spell level.

There are tons of ways to improve your HP as an undead creature, depending on how far you want to go. Say you were created in the area of a Desecrate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/desecrate.htm) spell with an evil alter present for +2 hp/level. Say that Desecrate spell was affected by the Fell Energy metamagic feat in Dragon Compendium, the +1 hp/level printed becomes +3 hp/level, and the evil altar doubles that to +6 hp/level.

Additionally, you can say the person who performed the ritual to make you an undead creature had the Corpsecrafter feat in LM, preferably along with all the feats with that as a prerequisite. That gives a permanent +4 enhancement bonus to Str and another +2 hp/level. The other feats give you +2 turn resistance, +10 ft. land speed, +4 initiative, +1d6 cold damage on natural attacks, +2 natural armor, all of which requires zero investment on your part.

You can take it further and say the person who created you was a Dread Necromancer 8+ for another +2 hp/level and a permanent +4 enhancement bonus to Dex (and to Str, redundant), and you can say he also had a dip in Wizard (Necromancer) with Enhance Undead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#necromancerVariants) for yet another +2 hp/level and more redundant enhancement bonuses.

That potentially gets you a total of +12 hp/level, along with a bunch of other permanent benefits, again this requires zero investment from your character, just write it into your backstory. Of course if one person was in charge of making all the necropolitans he would learn how to make them as strong as possible.

For your weapon, if you have a spare feat to spend on EWP, I'd use either a Greathorn Minotaur Greathammer in MMIV, or a Kaorti Resin (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031014a) Falchion. The Greathammer does 1d12 base damage with a natural 19-20/x4, it gets +2 to sunder weapons and shields, and you can cast Greater Mighty Wallop on it every day. The Resin Falchion is the standard 2d4 and 18-20, but with a x4 multiplier. I'd go with the Greathammer due to Greater Mighty Wallop potentially increasing the base damage to 8d6 and it would look cooler, but the Falchion with Keen goes to 15-20/x4, which is potentially better considering Power Attack.

Persistent Thunderlance (SC) is a suitable weapon if your Int is high enough, you can Greater Magic Weapon that and it's much better for AoOs considering it hits anything out to 20 ft.

For any gestalt gish that gets access to the Sorcerer/Wizard list, I'd be sure to include two or six Fighter levels to get the Dungeoncrasher ACF. Combine that with Melf's Unicorn Arrow in PH2, the spell doesn't say which direction the bull rush comes from so it can be from overhead and push them into the ground if needed. It's not extremely powerful, but it's definitely one of the cooler tricks.

You could also pick up Spellsword 4 or 5 for their channel spell ability, which can turn an area effect into a single-target spell. That can be used with Cloudkill to deal 1d4 Con/round for ten rounds per caster level to whatever you hit. Again, not game breaking but definitely worth looking into, especially if you want to wear physical armor.