View Full Version : Control Weather Options

2017-11-29, 09:36 AM
I am looking into ways to control or change the weather of certain regions in the FR North. Specifically the Evermoors but I want to be able to do this wherever so its not region specific.

Control Weather, the obvious first step, only seems to direct averages, maybe control extremes. But you cannot seem to say I want it 70 and sunny, light breeze.

I am open to ANY resource/book/version/game...

Also, possibly ways to clear a swamp, say Mere of Dead Men, would be nice...

2017-11-29, 10:31 AM
Any resource/version/game?

Pathfinder third party magic system, spheres of power, specifically the weather sphere (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/weather). Gives pretty good control of the weather. The climate advanced talent (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/advanced-talents) kicks the radius up to 2 miles.

If you need region-wide control...don't know. Ars magica (completely different system) muto aurum with crazy skills?

Draining a swamp would need ways to alter terrain to create drainage systems. Or kick the temperature up to boil the water off (see weather above). Nature sphere has an advanced talent to create forest/jungle, doesn't go in the other direction.

Permanently changing the topography and climate of a significant region is pretty epic, magic-wise.

2017-11-29, 10:37 AM
Find a way to spam the spell Raise Volcano (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20031017a) throughout the target area.

A sufficient quantity of volcanoes will change the biome.

I guarantee it.

2017-11-29, 10:50 AM
Looking to cause wide-scale terrain changes in the Forgotten Realms, you say. Have you consulted with the phaerimm?

2017-11-29, 12:35 PM
Ooo, one more, again very expensive unless you figure out a way to spam it: Raise Hummock (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20030706a).

It's only a level 5 spell with a 1kgp material component, so spamming it is much more viable -- especially if you use one of the SLA-conversion tricks.

2017-11-29, 01:08 PM
I'm going to second the Weather Sphere from Spheres of Power. It takes some investment, but there are ways for Vancian casters to get access to sphere things if you're willing to spend some gold (and less investment if you just play a Weather-focused Incanter or something from level 1 on.)

Also, it won't give you full control of all forms of weather, but the Frostburn book gives some pretty solid methods of controlling snow. So if you specifically don't want lots of snow, or even more specifically want lots and lots of snow, then you should check that book. Stormwrack is mostly about water, but I think there's a few nautical weather control things there as well. Sadly, there isn't a nice tropical spell list that lets you cover the fjords with white sand and fire.

Meanwhile, when it comes to clearing a swamp... I'm not familiar with the Mere of Dead Men, but you could always 1) Be or Hire a bard capable of making a DC 18 Perform (Stringed Instruments) check, and then give said bard 2) a Lyre of Building. Every 30 minutes that this lyre is used does an amount of general construction work (including things like digging ditches or other things useful for draining swamp water away) equivalent to 100 humans laboring for 3 days. Every hour you or your bard play the instrument, another DC 18 Perform check must be made, and once a single check fails the magical work stops and you've gotta wait a week to do it again. Having said that, if you could get, say, four hours of expert lyre-playing, you'd have the equivalent of 100 humans laboring for two dozen days, if my math is right (I suppose it might also be the equivalent of 800 humans working for 3 days, but I feel like the length of time worked is what actually gets modified by extended play.) There is, shockingly, very little written about the full effects of a number of people working for an amount of days, but I think most reasonable DMs would allow this to work "eventually" barring supernatural forces that try to mess with the procedure (or just hiring an assassin to kill the bard midway through the work.)

2017-11-29, 01:52 PM
Raise Hummock is a great option, I was thinking of something along the line of that Netherese spell to cut off a mountain just a smaller scale. Your option works much better.

I had also thought maybe just using disintegrate or something to dig a lake or bay that leads out to the sea. Would be a good place for another new town and give the water a central place to collect, eventually draining the swamp. No pun intended there...

I need to spend some time on the Sphere of Power stuff, looks like alot of cool things there.

We have a Firre Eladrin Bard in the group so they can play the Lyre unlimited so that is a good option, we use it for our construction quite alot.

2017-11-29, 02:45 PM
If you can tie Raise Volcano to a (un)Hallow spell you'll get a solid year of continuous volcanic erruption. In case a volcanic wasteland alongside a minor ice-age was what you had in mind.

2017-11-29, 03:04 PM
Fimbulwinter is the strongest weather-based spell I know of, assuming you want things to be cooler.

2017-11-30, 12:45 PM
Actually the Evermoors in particular are cold already, i want them warmer and sunier.

2017-11-30, 01:03 PM
Does global warming via massive CO2 and Methane emissions work in Faerun?