View Full Version : Tips on playing a hedonistic character?

2017-11-29, 12:09 PM
So I decided to create a certain character whom is rather hedonistic.

The basic gist is that she is a person gifted with great beauty... and decides to forgive gracing people with charity and just do some carousing or some crap. Basically something like that hard drinking girl at those college parties; she's in it to feel great, maybe due to all that stress you'd normally get from being a PC in a fantasy world.

So here is what I had planned so far...

This character is a Cleric of sorts in 5e. It does seem strange, but I thought it'd be interesting to try justifying why she is a channeler of divine power and just seems to go to parties to get drunk. I haven't decided on race yet, although I thought she'd be a Half-Elf or Human; but any race will do.

Could someone aid me with roleplaying tips for this kind of character, or mechanical advice?

2017-11-29, 12:18 PM
Mechanical advice: Oath of Ancients Paladin is a great fit for this concept.

RP advice: find something to appreciate about every situation. Sometimes it'll be a stretch, but find something.


You're sweltering in a volcanic caldera. => "We should bring fresh meat next time, this would be a fantastic place to roast it! And such pungent smoke!"

You've just left the volcanic caldera. => "Ah, sweet cool air! I didn't truly appreciate the simple pleasure of breathing until it was made arduous by heat and toxic vapor."

You're freezing your butt off in an ice cavern. => "This ice cave is beautiful during the day. The way the sunlight illuminates the pillars is breath-taking. Also, it's wonderful to have such refreshing ice whenever I want a nice glass of whiskey!"

That kind of thing.

Also, try to pack ridiculous quantities of luxuries like whiskey, and share them with NPCs. If you have magical containers (like a bag of holding, or portable hole wine-cellar) this becomes easier.

2017-11-29, 01:12 PM
Could someone aid me with roleplaying tips for this kind of character, or mechanical advice?

What kind of mechanical advice are you looking for?

There's a drunken fist monk in Xanathars but even that doesn't really have anything mechanically to do with being drunk I believe.

I'm playing in a game where our fighter took his (and several other peoples) portions of a windfall of gold on platemail, making him much tougher. I spent mine on the latest fashion of clothes to replace my previous good quality fashionable clothes. Search out frivolities.

2017-11-29, 02:59 PM
If it were my game, I'd ask you to keep it classy. No lurid descriptions of salacious behaviour or sex, and if the character decides to bed someone it's always a fade to black thing. Not that I'm saying you'd be creepy, but don't be creepy.

That said, try also to appreciate art and beauty. My halfling OotA pally Ander was pansexual and his purpose was to find and spread joy and beauty. He praised the dwarves murals in Wave Echo Mines and gave charity to artists and had relationships with a female halfling and her child and a male dwarf. He'd sing while he fought and laugh like a carefree child. He was quite fun to play.

2017-11-29, 03:56 PM
Adapt the Noble background to "Party Girl". Maybe tweak the skills a little.

Add some role playing traits so you can earn back your inspiration point. Maybe "has to be life of party" or "does things to excess".

2017-11-29, 04:02 PM
I'm playing a woman who is a descendant of Sune, and is a Divine Soul sorcerer. Charsima caster with divine magic access, too. So there's that.

It's been a lot of fun so far.

2017-11-29, 04:08 PM
Hedonism is easy. Just do whatever your character thinks will bring the quickest and easiest pleasure at the time. Prince is cute? Tag him and bag him. His wife gets upset? Seduce her too. Bar had the best spirits? How much gold have you got. Hedonists usually have a live for today attitude and most that I've known want everyone to have as much fun, and as few inhibitions as they do. They don't generally look to cause harm though.

2017-11-29, 05:08 PM
So I decided to create a certain character whom is rather hedonistic.

The basic gist is that she is a person gifted with great beauty... and decides to forgive gracing people with charity and just do some carousing or some crap. Basically something like that hard drinking girl at those college parties; she's in it to feel great, maybe due to all that stress you'd normally get from being a PC in a fantasy world.

So here is what I had planned so far...

This character is a Cleric of sorts in 5e. It does seem strange, but I thought it'd be interesting to try justifying why she is a channeler of divine power and just seems to go to parties to get drunk. I haven't decided on race yet, although I thought she'd be a Half-Elf or Human; but any race will do.

Could someone aid me with roleplaying tips for this kind of character, or mechanical advice?

Well if you do want to play a cleric, the best fitting domain is probably Life.

Life is more than the medical necessity of keeping your current HP above 0 after all. It's about the thrill of possibilities and the feeling of warm blood pumping through your chest. Life is mean to be filled with joy and good times. The life not fully lived is arguably not worth saving, so fill every minute with joy and music and wine and passion.

(also Lesser Restoration will fix most symptoms of over-indulgence)

2017-11-29, 05:09 PM
I personally have an Anciens Paladin planned. Probably one for Sune or something.
The kind that the party Barbarian asks where to find the brothel, and he's showing them exactly where it is, and which girls are good for easing into the place.

Or that will offer to console the poor woman they had to inform that she is now a widow.
And meets up with the party the following morning with bedhead.

They won't go out of their way to enjoy their life, but they aren't going to turn down a good opportunity to keep their inner Light burning brightly, either.

As for in general.. I suppose taking advantage of the situation of traveling a lot and meeting lots of new people gives them the chance to experience all kinds of lovely things.
Just don't play them as stupid, overly naive, and/or an adrenalin junkie. You've got the Barbarian for that sort of thing.

2017-11-29, 05:22 PM
I feel like any cleric could be hedonistic, it's more of a philosophical approach to life than a religion. Instead of Discipline/Denial/Ahimsa you explore the Divine through empirical experience.

Though as far as domain matching I think Life, Nature, War, & Tempest could work just fine. Life & Nature are self explanatory. War could lean towards hedonism because life is fleeting and should be enjoyed before your honorable death in battle. Tempest is basically Sky Gods, on earth a lot of Sky Gods are themselves hedonistic.

Edit: Ohh Death could work too. Voodoo Death Loa are always up for a party.

2017-11-29, 05:23 PM
Prelude: I agree with Mjolnir, don't get creepy or too crass. Shouting obscenities and referencing genitalia is fun in moderation but it shouldn't be your character's defining characteristic.

This idea actually made me think of something a bit different. Rather than a young impressionable "party-girl" perhaps this PC is an older woman, not old but middle aged say. She's always lived a relatively boring life but something has happened that all of her boring routines were no longer necessary. You could go tragic with a small twist on the lost family trope with her having lost her husband/wife and/or their children rather than being an orphan. You could also go positive that some generous donor or unexpected event led to her receiving a great sum of wealth that allowed her to retire from whatever she was doing. Now with the freedom granted by her changed circumstances she feels she's only been leading half a life. To escape the pain and/or the emptiness of having no direction she joins an adventuring party and basically becomes the over-indulgent aunt of the group, sneaking sips from her wine flask in the middle of meeting with important figures and enthusiastically signing up for anything that sounds fun or easy.

I could see an interesting character arc as she grew from hedonistic escapism to truly learning to appreciate the beauty and nuance of life and settling into a more relaxed roll. Basically, have your adventurer be going through a midlife crisis.

Blacky the Blackball
2017-11-29, 06:19 PM
Make her a warlock.

She doesn't know who her patron is. She just got really drunk one night and woke up with magic powers. And a tattoo.

2017-11-29, 06:20 PM
Make her a warlock.

She doesn't know who her patron is. She just got really drunk one night and woke up with magic powers. And a tattoo.


I love it.

2017-11-29, 06:48 PM
Note that being an hedonist doesn't mean you have to be it destructive degree or to be unwise about it.

You seek pleasure, sure, and perhaps immediate gratification over long term one, but it doesn't mean you're going to do things like try seduce both of the King's twin sons at the same time or that you're doing to do drugs that'll leave you incapacitated when you're going on a mission the next day.

Hedonism Bot from Futurama is a good exemple of (most of the time) nice hedonist. I'm planning to make an Empyrean based on him, one of those days:

2017-11-29, 08:31 PM
#1 problem with an idea like this is spotlight time. If you're constantly creating tangents in the session people are going to get tired of it, FAST. You need to figure out ways to express your character's personality that either don't slow down everything else very much, or do things that will get other players involved in fun ways. Just because your character is self absorbed doesn't mean you should be.

2017-11-30, 02:07 AM
Sounds like something that will get old fast.

If you ask me, think less "going to parties" and more "entertaining guests". Find or create a place where people (you decide what type of people) come to blow off steam, use it as your base of operations, and through it create social opportunities that affect the campaign.

For example, when the party needs to speak to the highest authority of the area/city/whatever, you could create an event for your friends in high places, and extend an invitation or ask some acquaintance to help you as a favor. You could also use your charms or sex appeal.

Keep a positive and active attitude but don't indulge too much in stuff that doesn't advance the campaign, unless you know that the rest of the players like it.

Most of us had that friend that played a fighter dwarf who liked beer too much. Don't be that guy.. :p
You should also have a small talk with the DM about your concept. Perhaps he wants to run a very gritty "dung ages" type of campaign. Where your character may have problems.

2017-11-30, 04:19 AM
Mechanical advice: Oath of Ancients Paladin is a great fit for this concept.

RP advice: find something to appreciate about every situation. Sometimes it'll be a stretch, but find something.


You're sweltering in a volcanic caldera. => "We should bring fresh meat next time, this would be a fantastic place to roast it! And such pungent smoke!"

You've just left the volcanic caldera. => "Ah, sweet cool air! I didn't truly appreciate the simple pleasure of breathing until it was made arduous by heat and toxic vapor."

You're freezing your butt off in an ice cavern. => "This ice cave is beautiful during the day. The way the sunlight illuminates the pillars is breath-taking. Also, it's wonderful to have such refreshing ice whenever I want a nice glass of whiskey!"

That kind of thing.

Also, try to pack ridiculous quantities of luxuries like whiskey, and share them with NPCs. If you have magical containers (like a bag of holding, or portable hole wine-cellar) this becomes easier.

This, I second.

Note that being an hedonist doesn't mean you have to be it destructive degree or to be unwise about it.

You seek pleasure, sure, and perhaps immediate gratification over long term one, but it doesn't mean you're going to do things like try seduce both of the King's twin sons at the same time or that you're doing to do drugs that'll leave you incapacitated when you're going on a mission the next day.

Hedonism Bot from Futurama is a good exemple of (most of the time) nice hedonist. I'm planning to make an Empyrean based on him, one of those days:

This too.

Hedonism is easy. Just do whatever your character thinks will bring the quickest and easiest pleasure at the time. Prince is cute? Tag him and bag him. His wife gets upset? Seduce her too. Bar had the best spirits? How much gold have you got. Hedonists usually have a live for today attitude and most that I've known want everyone to have as much fun, and as few inhibitions as they do. They don't generally look to cause harm though.

This I don't. Hedonism isn't necessarily spontaneous or short-sighted. A wealthy businessman that only goes to the best restaurants could be a hedonist; hard-working, foresighted, not a spontaneous bone in him, but a hedonist nonetheless. Hedonists don't "live for today", they "live for pleasure", so make that your mantra and do the things that bring your character pleasure. For a good man, that might well include giving to charity or helping the helpless, because "giving is its own reward" and all that, but for the OP I don't get the impression that's the direction she wants to go. The advice I will give the OP is to decide what things bring this character pleasure; is it recreational substances (drink, drugs, food)? Is it carnal activities (sex, violence, physical exertion)? Is it more moral or ephemeral in nature (helping others, art, literature, education)? Nail down the source of your hedonism and build the rest of the character around that; make it the central theme of your character, rather than create a character and tack on the hedonism afterwards, because the latter isn't a hedonist, that's just someone that likes doing fun things.

Iden Elric
2017-11-30, 09:05 PM

I love it.

Surprize, it's the Party God from Adventure time

2017-11-30, 10:14 PM
Surprize, it's the Party God from Adventure time

Little known fact... All party gods are actually just Charlie Sheen on different drugs. True story.

2017-11-30, 10:14 PM
An important facet of hedonism is that hedonists operate with a pain/pleasure dichotomy. Avoid pain, seek pleasure. Because these things are often intermingled in real life, this tends to lead toward the hedonist going after the low hanging fruit. Go for fool proof sources of pleasure like drugs and alcohol, easy conquests, avoid suffering for some future pleasure, and tend toward cowardice without any actual fear. For a hedonist walking into an ancient sunken temple full of undead isn't terrifying, but a source of concern regarding suffering from disease or discomfort.

I highly recommend ritual caster (wizard) to grab unseen servant and find familiar, later you can grab tenser's floating disc and have the full set of lazy person magic. Guild Artisan with the Guild Merchant variant is a good way to go. You get a mule and cart to start with so you can carry more pleasures, buying and selling fun stuff and trying your own supply. Insight and Persuasion will also be nice for getting what you want with minimal effort. Pick up a bow as well so you don't need to get your hands dirty as often.

2017-12-01, 09:49 AM
Make her a warlock.

She doesn't know who her patron is. She just got really drunk one night and woke up with magic powers. And a tattoo.

highly I recommend ritual caster (wizard) to grab unseen servant and find familiar, later you can grab tenser's floating disc and have the full set of lazy person magic. Guild Artisan with the Guild Merchant variant is a good way to go. You get a mule and cart to start with so you can carry more pleasures, buying and selling fun stuff and trying your own supply. Insight and Persuasion will also be nice for getting what you want with minimal effort. Pick up a bow as well so you don't need to get your hands dirty as often.

A tomelock! You luxuriate in casting, and wear gloves that you throw away if you ever have to actually touch anything. Since you can learn all cantrips and rituals, mage hand, unseen servant and the like will mean you rarely have to interact with the physical world. Make magic your drug of choice!

2017-12-01, 11:30 AM
Little known fact... All party gods are actually just Charlie Sheen on different drugs. True story.

Charlie Sheen isn't a real person, that's Slaanesh in an ape suit.