View Full Version : Pathfinder Words of power.

2017-12-01, 05:41 AM
What would happen if all the spells were added as words of power effect words?
(Possibly with a one level upward shifting due to spells often being more powerful than regular effects)
I guess the main change is that people would abuse the Borrow Future effect together with regular spell effects for basically having one extra spell per turn.

2017-12-01, 01:26 PM
I wrote a guide to WoP in the Long Long Ago, if you check-a my sig.

Really, Borrow Future abuse is not very likely. A combination word lasts only as long as the shortest component, and Borrow Future is instantaneous. Since you would want to be casting it on yourself or an ally, you would want to pair it with a buff (none of which are really instantaneous, at least none come to mind) or else a healing spell (unlikely for a wizard). That combined with the fact that the minimum spell level of a combination word with a 4th level effect like Borrow Future is a 5th level spell (for a 4/2), and you wouldn't even see it until the mid-levels.

Really, trying to convert all spells into effect words sounds like a massive undertaking that is more trouble than it's worth.

2017-12-01, 01:26 PM
Bad, bad things would happen. You might be able to get away with using the chart for determining effective spell level if you want to combine lower level spells into a higher level slot (in normal spell casting), but existing spells are already a combination of target, effect, and meta words.

If you want to combine them, only allow the inclusion of effect words to existing spells and use your WoP chart to determine the spell slot of the combined spell. Maybe allow meta words as well, since they are effectively metamagic for WoP.

2017-12-01, 02:14 PM
Well there is already a bunch of effect who restrain most things:
Corrosive bolt(an effect) for example already have a fixed targeting in fact the only thing needed for corrosive bolt to be a spell is to add the following lines: effect(which did not have an in game effect in the first place) casting time and components.
In fact for converting a spell in an effect word you need no change apart from removing the casting time, the component line and the effect line.
I guess that this modification does not needs to be listed for people to guess how to do it on the fly.
Also there is a lot of spells you can not duplicate with the default effects so spells are not all combinations of effect,target and meta words.