View Full Version : Pathfinder Kingmaker - How do you keep track of enemy armies?

2017-12-01, 10:35 AM
Hello all, I'm running a Kingmaker campaign. It takes place in an abandoned post-calamity Europe-analogue. My party are starting to make contact with the local kingdoms.

I can't find any rules for how far their "sight" extends. How far would their Spymaster's help get them in, say, keeping track of foreign armies?

I don't want them to just *know* where everything is, but I don't want them to have armies suddenly appear in their kingdom, wrecking up the place and unclaiming their territory.

Currently I'm saying they can "see" armies within a number of hexes from their kingdom equal to their Spymaster's Int bonus, assuming that spy and scout reports would fall under the Spymasters' Kindom work.

I'm using the Warhammer campaign hex-grid with single minis representing armies, Total War style.

What do you think?

2017-12-01, 11:12 AM
good question, I can't find any such rules either.

I've heard about a 3rd party product made to expand/improve the kingdom rules, but I haven't read it myself, not sure if it woudl have anything on that. The name of that product is Ultimate Rulership.

I'd say spotting armies might be as much the Marshal's job as the Spymaster's. (depending on where kingdom borders are, and how much land doesn't really belong to anyone and is just wild).
I'd imagine the marshal does more to keep tabs on the general army movement, whereas the spymaster would be more about knowing what the armies/knigdoms are planning to do.

sight distance would also depend on how many scouting patrols you send out (scouting patrols cost money to run after all, and may involve occasional losses depending on how dangerous the area is)