View Full Version : +2 Weapon as implement + Spiritual Weapon question...

2017-12-01, 10:52 AM
So I have a hexblade/Divine Soul hybrid with a +2 longsword and want to attach a Ruby of the War Mage to it that will allow me to use the sword as an implement for spellcasting. Spiritual Weapon says: "make a melee spell attack against a creature w/I 5' of the weapon. On a hit, target takes force dmg. equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.

IF I have 18 charisma for a +4 to hit and damage, how would I calculate the to-hit bonus? With +3 proficiency bonus and being able to use the +2 sword to attack, would that be +8 to hit and 1d8 + 4 force damage?

2017-12-01, 10:55 AM
Just proficiency and charisma, your +2 longsword is only +2 for the longsword.

2017-12-01, 11:02 AM
Just proficiency and charisma, your +2 longsword is only +2 for the longsword.

Meaning? If the sword counts as an implement for spellcasting, wouldn't that allow you to add the +2 to attack rolls? I ask because the War Wizard's wand (+1 to +3) is a spellcasting focus that adds its bonus to attack rolls. Wouldn't the ruby allow the sword to work the same way?

2017-12-01, 11:03 AM
Meaning? If the sword counts as an implement for spellcasting, wouldn't that allow you to add the +2 to attack rolls?

No, it allows you to count it as a spell focus, but it offers you no benefit to your spellcasting modifier or spell save DCs.

2017-12-01, 11:18 AM
It is not an implement. That was 4e, and in that case it did allow you to add it. But that's not what this is.
It allows you to use it as a focus (not an implement), and all a focus basically does is remove the need for components that don't have a cost associated.

In order to cast Fireball you need bat poop, sulfur, and a free hand. If you have a focus in hand you don't need any of those three.

Meaning? If the sword counts as an implement for spellcasting, wouldn't that allow you to add the +2 to attack rolls? I ask because the War Wizard's wand (+1 to +3) is a spellcasting focus that adds its bonus to attack rolls. Wouldn't the ruby allow the sword to work the same way?

That's a specific power/ability of that specific magic item. Not all magic foci are the same. It only adds if it says it does.

2017-12-01, 01:03 PM
It is not an implement. That was 4e, and in that case it did allow you to add it. But that's not what this is.
It allows you to use it as a focus (not an implement), and all a focus basically does is remove the need for components that don't have a cost associated.

In order to cast Fireball you need bat poop, sulfur, and a free hand. If you have a focus in hand you don't need any of those three.

That's a specific power/ability of that specific magic item. Not all magic foci are the same. It only adds if it says it does.

So the War Wizard's Wand is the only way to increase accuracy with a spell focus item for attacking with spells?

2017-12-01, 01:47 PM
Also the Rod of the Pact Keeper, iirc.

2017-12-01, 02:52 PM
So the War Wizard's Wand is the only way to increase accuracy with a spell focus item for attacking with spells?

It's not the only one (as mentioned, the Rod of the Pact Keeper does as well) but they are few and far between, and they always explicitly state when they do so.
If it doesn't state so, then it doesn't do it.