View Full Version : Optimization Sor-Lock revamp...

2017-12-01, 02:39 PM
I've got a Sor-Lock I played a little while back, and I'm (potentially) about to return to that game once again.

When last we saw him, he was a Warlock of the Undying Light 3 / Favored Soul Sorcerer (war) 8

Since playing him, Zanathar's is out, and both my subclasses were severely hit with the nerf bat, and they no longer have the traits in the right places to give the subclass abilities the synergy they had.

So now the game is on, and in my absence, they have advanced to 14th level. I'm told I can update him to 14th level and I'm at a bit of a loss.

I could probably get away with using my original subclasses, but I'm also toying with the idea of sending him to the dark side. (hexblade/Shadow sorc)

He was a Tomelock when last we met him, but that was primarily for Shillelagh... Unneeded for a Hexblade of course...

V-Human - Warcaster (originally)
Starting scores: STR 13 DEX 16 CON 16 WIS 13 INT 9 CHA 18 and I could flip some scores around if I want to...

Any suggestions? How would you handle it? Would you guys try and slip some Paladin in there?

2017-12-01, 04:36 PM
Thematically, I love Hexblade/Shadow Sorc. Someone for whom shadows are friends and servants, casually shaping weapons from shadowstuff.

One reskin I like is taking the Hexblade's level 6 ability and tweaking it to enslave the opponent's shadow, not his soul; the necromancy aspect doesn't quite seem to fit with the general flavor of the class, and making it his shadow also gets around the "I ask the enslaved soul to tell me its secrets/Oh, gee, for some reason it doesn't remember them" issue.