View Full Version : Strongest Round in Combat per Level - Rogue

2017-12-01, 03:01 PM
This is a class I am not very familiar with so I need help to be precise.

Unless inspiration of some kind strikes him in combat I think our party's Level 6 Rogue should:

Movement - Go 15 feet into Melee preferably with a creature he would have advantage against
Action - Attack with his slightly cursed magical sword
Bonus Action - Disengage
Movement - Move out of melee using disengage and his remaining movement
Reaction - Use uncanny dodge to limit damage / or on the rare occasion make an opportunity attack

2017-12-01, 03:16 PM
This is a class I am not very familiar with so I need help to be precise.

Unless inspiration of some kind strikes him in combat I think our party's Level 6 Rogue should:

Movement - Go 15 feet into Melee preferably with a creature he would have advantage against
Action - Attack with his slightly cursed magical sword
Reaction - Disengage
Movement - Move out of melee using disengage and his remaining movement
Reaction - Use uncanny dodge to limit damage / or on the rare occasion make an opportunity attack

That first reaction should say "bonus action"

Also, all of this rigamarole can be avoided through the use of ranged weapons.

2017-12-01, 03:30 PM
That first reaction should say "bonus action"

Also, all of this rigamarole can be avoided through the use of ranged weapons.

I fixed the typo. Or I should say "that" typo lol, thank you.

Do Rogues have any advantage using melee weapons vs ranged? Maybe I'm used to our Rogue always using his cursed sword and hating his cross bow.

2017-12-01, 03:33 PM
This is a class I am not very familiar with so I need help to be precise.

Unless inspiration of some kind strikes him in combat I think our party's Level 6 Rogue should:

Movement - Go 15 feet into Melee preferably with a creature he would have advantage against
Action - Attack with his slightly cursed magical sword
Bonus Action - Disengage
Movement - Move out of melee using disengage and his remaining movement
Reaction - Use uncanny dodge to limit damage / or on the rare occasion make an opportunity attack

I am not really sure what you are asking here.

If he was a swashbuckler he would not even need to waste the bonus action.
If he was an arcane trickster he could booming blade with the attack to punish them if they follow.
If he was an assassin, well assassin is kind of a 1 trick pony and not even an amazing trick at that so not much there.

If you are asking what would be the best thing for him to do it is completely dependent on what his build is.

2017-12-01, 03:41 PM
Do Rogues have any advantage using melee weapons vs ranged? Maybe I'm used to our Rogue always using his cursed sword and hating his cross bow.

The advantage that using a melee weapon provides a Rogue is that he can choose to use his bonus action to attack again while dual wielding, and have a chance to land sneak attack if his first attack misses.
That advantage is negated if (as soon as) he takes the Crossbow Expert feat.

Also, on a slightly lesser note, it's easier to gain advantage (and therefore sneak attack) in melee, and sometimes these situations don't get sneak attack with ranged weapons (like prone enemies).

So advantages of melee: both easier to attain and more opportunities to attain SA
Advantages of ranged: .... um.... range.