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2017-12-01, 09:07 PM
Getting into original 5e homebrewing for the first time... this guy is aimed at being a sort of Wizard/healer replacement for lower-magic games (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?543153-5e-Low-Magic-Overhaul-%28Two-new-classes-and-one-new-subclasses-included!%29). So... help me find all the problems that crept in?

The Scholar
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Scholar level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Scholar level

Armor: Light
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: Calligrapher’s supplies, one of your choice
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, and Religion

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

(a) a light crossbow or (b) any simple weapon
(a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
One set of artisan's tools.
Leather armor, any simple weapon, and two daggers

Proficiency Bonus

Scholarly Aid, Healing Hands 1d6

Grand Thesis

Studied Combat

Ability Score Improvement

Thesis Feature, Healing Hands 2d6

Double Major

Empirical Reasoning

Ability Score Improvement

Thesis Feature, Healing Hands 3d6


Thesis Feature

Ability Score Improvement,

Practiced Study, Healing Hands 4d6

Lasting Aid

Didactic Lecture

Ability Score Improvement

Thesis Feature

Healing Hands 5d6

Ability Score Improvement

Perfect Lecture

Scholarly Aid: Your history of scholarship gives you great insight into even mundane activities. You may use the Help action as a bonus action, affecting on any creature within 30ft.

Healing Hands: You may provide long-term medicine to up to six creatures during a Short Rest. At the end of the rest, they regain 1d6 hit points. This healing increases to 2d6at 5th level, 3d6 at 9th level, 4d6 at 13th level, and 5d6 at 18th level.

Grand Thesis: All Scholars must eventually focus their studies in a single field. At 2nd level, pick one of five specialties for your thesis: Alchemy, Archeology, Artifice, Binding, the Occult, or Surgery. Your choice grants you class features at 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, and 17th levels.

Studied Combat: Beginning at 3rd level, as a bonus action you may pick a creature you can see and attempt a DC 10 Intelligence check to identify them. You have Advantage on attempts to identify Beasts and Humanoids, and Disadvantage on attempts to identify Aberrations and any creatures not native to the material plane (such as a demon).

If you succeed, you learn the creature’s major powers and weaknesses, and you may use your Intelligence modifier in place of Dexterity when making attack and damage rolls against it, or any other creatures of the same type. Additionally, if a creature of that type hits you with an attack, you may use your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier to your AC for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you.

If you fail, you cannot attempt to use Studied Combat again against that type of creature for the remainder of the encounter.

Ability Score Increase: When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Double Major: Over time, your studies have broadened far beyond their initial scope. At 6th level, you may choose a second Thesis, and gain the benefits it normally grants at second level.

Alternately, if you so choose, you may gain an ASI instead.

Empirical Reasoning: Beginning at 7th level, allies within 30ft (including yourself) have Advantage on Intelligence saves.

Lecture: Beginning at 10th level, you may target up to 2 creatures when you take the Help action.

Practiced Study: Beginning at 13th level, when using your Studied Combat ability you no longer have Disadvantage on attempts to identify Aberrations and any creatures not native to the material plane. In addition, if you fail to identify a creature, you may make a second attempt in the same encounter.

Lasting Aid: Beginning at 14th level, targets affected by your Help action may gain the effect anytime in the next two rounds.

Didactic Lecture: Beginning at 15th level, you may target yourself when you take the Help action.

Perfect Lecture: Beginning at 20th level, you may affect all allies within 30ft when taking the Help action.


Grand Thesis


Alchemical Mastery: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain Proficiency in Alchemist’s Supplies and Poisoner's Supplies, if you did not already have it, and may add twice your Proficiency bonus to such checks. You also learn three of the following formulas. As long as you have a set of Alchemist’s Supplies on hand, you can use any formula you know as an action. Your casting stat is Intelligence.

At 5th level, you learn a fourth formula.

Acid Flask: Up to two adjacent creatures within 30ft must make Dexterity saves or take 1d6+Int acid damage. This damage increases by 1d6 at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.
Alchemist’s Fire: Make a ranged spell attack against one creature within 30ft. If you hit, they take 1d10+Int fire damage. This damage increases by 1d10 at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.
Healing Infusion: You or one adjacent creature regains 1d10+Int health. This healing increases by 1d10 at 5th, 11th, and 17th level. Once a creature receives a Healing Infusion, they cannot benefit from another until they’ve taken a Long or Short Rest.
Poison Syringe: Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d8+Int poison damage, and must make a Con save or be Poisoned for 1 round. This damage increases by 1d8 at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.
Smokestick: You produce a stick that emits a steady cloud of noxious black smoke. You may either hold onto it or throw it up to 30ft away. Once drawn, the stick fills the air in a 10ft radius with smoke, blocking all vision for 1 minute. A strong wind will clear the smoke in 1 round. At 5th level, you may optionally cause who being their turn in the smoke to make a Constitution save or be Poisoned for as long as they remain in the cloud.
Sunrod: You produce a gold-bound rod that glows with a steady light, twice as bright as a torch, for as long as you desire. At 5th level, this light counts as true sunlight. You may only have one Sunrod active at a time.
Tanglefoot Bag: Make a ranged spell attack against one creature within 30ft. If you hit, the target is restrained for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, it may make a Strength saving throw to escape.
Thunderstone: Pick a point within 30ft. All creatures in a 5ft burst must make a Constitution save or take 1d6 thunder damage and be deafened for 1 round. This damage increases by 1d6 at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.

Brew Potion: Once per Short Rest, by taking an hour with a set of Alchemist’s Supplies, you may create up to a number of potions of Common rarity equal to your Intelligence Modifier. Potions created this way last for 24 hours, or until you attempt to brew potions again. Common Potions include:

Potion of Climbing
Potion of Healing
Perfume of Bewitching (XGtE; close enough)

Improved Brew Potion: Beginning at 5th level, you may also create Uncommon potions with your Brew Potion ability, though you can still only brew two at once. Uncommon Potions Include:

Oil of Slipperiness
Philter of Love
Potion of Animal Friendship
Potion of Fire Breath
Potion of Greater Healing
Potion of Growth
Potion of Hill Giant Strength
Potion of Poison
Potion of Resistance
Potion of Water Breathing

Greater Brew Potion: Beginning at 9th level, you may also create Rare potions with your Brew Potion ability. Rate Potions include:

Elixer of Health
Oil of Etherealness
Potion of Clairvoyance
Potion of Diminution
Potion of Fire Giant Strength
Potion of Gaseous Form
Potion of Heroism
Potion of Invulnerability
Potion of Mind Reading
Potion of Superior Healing

Master Brew Potion: Beginning at 11th level, you may also create Very Rare potions with your Brew Potion ability. Very Rare potions include:

Oil of Sharpness
Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
Potion of Flying
Potion of Invisibility
Potion of Longevity
Potion of Speed
Potion of Supreme Healing
Potion of Vitality

Legendary Brew Potion: Beginning at 17th level, you may also create Legendary potions with your Brew Potion ability. You may also create a three potions when you use the ability, rather than two.

Potion of Storm Giant Strength

This...was silly. At best a Fighter subclass.

Historical Scholar: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in History and Investigation, if you did not already have it, and may add twice your Proficiency bonus to such checks.

Vigorous Health: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in medium armor, all simple weapons, and with hand crossbows, longbows, longswords, shortswords, rapiers, and whips. In addition, you gain +1 hit point per Scholar level.

Gentleman Adventurer: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain a set of abilities that are fueled by special dice called superiority dice. You have four superiority dice, which are d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short of long rest. You gain another superiority die at 7th level and one more at 15th. You also learn two of the following Battle Master maneuvers, and learn one more at 7th and 15th level: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Evasive Footwork, Feinting Attack, Goading Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Riposte, Trip Attack.

Extra Attack: Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Signature Duelist: Beginning at 5th level, pick one weapon you are proficient in as your signature weapon. Once per round while wielding your signature weapon, you may use a maneuver without expending a superiority die. For the purposes of the effect, you are considered to have rolled a "zero" one the die.

Improved Superiority: At 9th level, your superiority dice turn into d10s. At 17th level, they become d12s. In addition, once per Short Rest as an action you may gain the effects of the Legend Lore spell.

Lethal Study: Beginning at 13th level, you do an additional 1d8 damage when attacking your studied target.

Inspired Combatant: Beginning at 17th level, you when you roll initiative and have no superiority dice remaining, you regain 1 superiority die.

Yes, it's Indiana Jones. No, I have no shame. I wanted another strictly-mundane option, and possibly a more martial one, and what says "adventurer-scholar" like Indiana Jones?


Smith-Warrior: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain Proficiency in martial weapons, medium armor and shields. In addition, you gain Proficiency with Smith’s Tools and Tinker’s Tools, if you did not already have it, and may add twice your Proficiency bonus to such checks

Master Artificer: Your long study of magical artifacts has taught you certain tricks for getting them most out of them. If a magic item you are activating has a saving throw, you may substitute 8+Proficiency+Int, if higher; if it has an attack roll, you may substitute your Proficiency+Int. If an item you are attuned to regains charges, it gains a minimum number of charges equal to your Intelligence modifier. Finally, if you handle an unknown item for 1 minute, you may cast Identify on it, without requiring any components.

Craft Minor Wonder: At 2nd level, you begin to master the arts of forging magical items. During a long rest, you may create a single item from the list of Least Wonders below. If creating a magic weapon or armor, you must provide the base item to be enchanted. At any one time, you may have a maximum number of magic items in existence equal to your Int modifier; however, you can remove the magic from an item you’ve already enchanted as part of the process of crafting another.

Once created, your Wonders follow all the normal rules for magic items, and others may use and attune to them normally. You have two special abilities with the items you make, however. You may ignore race and class requirements when attuning to them, and you may break someone else's attunement to one of your Wonders as an action, so long as you can see the item.

Craft Lesser Wonder: At 5th level, you may also create items from the list of Lesser Wonders. Minor Wonders only count as half a magic item for determining how many items you may have simultaneously enchanted-- for example, if you have an Intelligence bonus of +3, you could craft six Minor Wonders, four Minor Wonders and one Lesser Wonder, two Lesser Wonders and two Minor, or three Lesser Wonders.

Craft Greater Wonder: At 9th level, you may also create items from the list of Greater Wonders. You may also attune to a fourth magic item, which must be one you created.

Craft Grand Wonder: At 11th level, you may also create items from the list of Grand Wonders. Lesser Wonders only count as half a magic item for determining how many items you may have simultaneously enchanted.

Craft Legendary Wonder: At 17th level, you may forge a single Legendary Wonder. This does not count towards your normal limit on how many items you may create at once, but nor can you change it. If your Legendary Wonder is lost or destroyed, you may create a replacement during a long rest, but the previous version loses any powers it once had. You may also attune to a fifth magic item, which must be one you created.

Note: Items marked with (A) require attunement

Boots of Elvenkind: Advantage on moving silently.
Boots of Striding and Springing (A): +30ft move speed and jump three times as far
Bracers of Archery (A): Grants proficiency and +2 damage with bows.
Brooch of Shielding (A): Grants resistance to force damage and immunity to Magic Missile.
Cap of Water Breathing: Breathe and speak underwater.
Chime of Opening: Open ten unlocked objects at a distance.
Cloak of Elvenkind (A): Advantage on stealth.
Deck of Illusions: Randomly produces illusions when cards are thrown.
Driftglobe: Floating light
Everysmoking Bottle: Continually produces a cloud of smoke.
Eyes of Charming (A): Cast Charm Person up to 3/day
Eyes of Minute Seeing: Grants advantage on Investigation checks.
Eyes of the Eagle (A): Grants advantage on Perception checks and lets you see far away
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Silver Raven): Turns into a raven once every 3 days.
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing: Move at full speed and +5 to checks while doing so.
Goggles of Night: Gain or improve Darkvision.
Hat of Disguise (A): Cast Disguise Self at will.
Helm of Comprehend Languages: Understand all languages.
Horseshoes of Speed: Increases a mount’s speed by 30ft
Ioun Stone of Protection (A): +1 AC
Ioun Stone of Sustenance (A): You don’t need to eat or drink
Iron Bands of Bilarro: 1/day, restrain target creature.
Javelin of Lightning: 1/day, turns into 4d6 lightning bolt.
Lantern of Revealing: While burning, reveals invisible things.
Mariner’s Armor: Grants you swim speed equal to your land speed, and bouys you to the surface if dying.
Medallion of Thoughts (A): Cast Detect Thoughts up to 3/day
Necklace of Adaptation (A): Breathe in any environment, and Advantage against harmful gas attacks.
Periapt of Health: Grants immunity to disease.
Periapt of Proof Against Poison: Gants immunity to poison
Periapt of Wound Closure (A): Stabilize while dying, and regain more hit points from Hit Dice.
Pipes of the Sewers (A): Summons or controls swarms of rats up to 3/day, if there are enough around.
Quaal’s Feather Token (Anchor, Fan, Swan Boat, Tree)
Quiver of Ehlonna: Holds a large number of arrows, javelins, spears, etc.
Ring of Animal Influence: Cast Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals, or Fear (only against animals) up to 3/day.
Ring of Feather Falling (A): Always fall safely.
Ring of Free Action (A): Ignore difficult terrain and restraining magic.
Ring of Jumping: Cast Jump on yourself at will.
Ring of Mind Shielding (A): Confers immunity against telepathy and lie-detecting magic.
Ring of Swimming: Grants a 40ft swim speed.
Ring of the Ram (A): 3/day, shove a target for 2d10 force damage or try to break an object.
Ring of Water Walking: Walk on water
Robe of Useful Items: Contains a number of random patches that transform into real creatures or objects. (Note: Cannot produce patches of money, healing potions, or spell scrolls)
Rope of Climbing: Rope ties itself around an object
Rope of Entanglement: Rope knots itself around enemies.
Saddle of the Cavalier: Keeps you on your mount and imposes Disadvantage on attacks against it.
Sending Stones: Send a message to the bearer of the other stone 1/day
Sentinel Shield: Grants Advantage on initiative and Perception
Slippers of Spider Climbing (A): Walk on walls and ceilings.
Trident of Fish Command: Cast Dominate Beast on swimming creatures up to 3/day.
Vicious Weapon: Deals an extra 7 damage on a crit.
Wand of Enemy Detection: Detect the nearest foe up to 7/day.
Wand of Magic Detection: Cast Detect Magic up to 3/day
Wand of Secrets: Detects traps and secret doors 3/day
Wind Fan: Cast Gust of Wind 1/day

+1 Armor, Shield, Weapon, Wand of the War Mage (A), or Rod of the Pact Keeper (A)
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location (A): You can’t be seen by divinations.
Armor of Resistance (A): Armor grants resistance to one type of damage.
Arrow of Slaying: Arrow deals +6d10 damage to a specific creature type.
Bag of Holding: Large extradimensional holding space
Bag of Tricks: Summons random animals up to 3/day.
Bead of Force: Explodes for 5d4 damage and traps enemies inside an orb.
Boots of Levitation (A): Cast Levitate on yourself at will.
Boots of Speed (A): +30ft move speed, and opponents have Disadvantage on opportunity attacks, for 10 min/day.
Boots of the Wintelands (A): Resist cold and walk on ice.
Bracers of Study (A): Gain Extra Attack against Studied Combat targets (New item, see below)
Circle of Blasting: Cast Scorching Ray 1/day
Cloak of Arachnida (A): Resist poison, stick to walls, ignore webs and cast Web 1/day.
Cloak of Protection (A): +1 AC and saves
Cloak of the Bat (A): Fly for as long as you flap it, and turn into a bat 1/day.
Cloak of the Manta Ray: Breathe underwater and swim at 60ft/round.
Dagger of Venom: +1 dagger deals 2d10 poison 1/day.
Dancing Sword (A): Sword attacks up to four times by itself, using your stats.
Decanter of Endless Water: Continually produces water in up to geyser strength.
Dimensional Shackles: Chains are almost impossible to remove and prevent planar travel.
Dragon Slayer: +1 sword deals 3d6 bonus damage to dragons.
Elven Chain: +1 chain shirt can be used without proficiency.
Folding Boat: Small cube unfolds into 10ft or 24ft boat.
Frost Brand (A): Sword deals +1d6 cold damage and grants resistance to cold.
Gem of Brightness: Glowing gem can blind enemies.
Giant Slayer: +1 weapon deals bonus damage to giants.
Glamoured Studded Leather: +1 armor can change its appearance.
Gloves of Missile Snaring (A): Use reaction to weaken or catch ranged weapons.
Gloves of Thievery: +5 to slight of hand and lockpicking
Helm of Telepathy (A): Cast Detect Thoughts at will, and Suggestion 1/day.
Heward’s Handy Haversack: Small extradimensional storage space, but what you want is always on top.
Horn of Blasting: Deals 5d6 sonic damage, but 20% chance of breaking with each use. (Special: just breaks, doesn’t explode)
Horseshoues of a Zephyr: Lets a mount hover.
Immovable Rod: Hangs in place and is almost impossible to move
Ioun Stone of Agility/Fortitude/ Insight/Intellect/Leadership/ Strength (A): +2 to a stat, up to 20
Ioun Stone of Awareness (A): You can’t be surprised.
Ioun Stone of Reserve (A): Stores up to 3 levels of spells to be released later
Mace of Smiting: +1 mace is +3 against constructs.
Mace of Terror: Cause fear in nearby creatures up to 3/day.
Pipes of Haunting: Cause fear in nearby enemies up to 3/day.
Quaal’s Feather Token (Bird or Whip)
Ring of Resistance (A): Resist one type of energy.
Ring of Evasion (A): Succeed on a failed Dex save up to 3/day.
Ring of Protection (A): +1 AC and saves
Ring of Shooting Stars: Cast Fairie Fire, summon spheres of lightning, or shoot small fireballs a few times/day.
Ring of Spell Storing (A): Store up to 5 levels of spells to be released later.
Ring of Telekinesis: Move unattended heavy objects
Ring of X-Ray Vision (A): See through matter ~1/day
Robe of Eyes (A): See in all directions, see invisible creatures, and Advantage on perception.
Rod of Alertness (A): Grants Advantage on perception, casts a few Detect spells, and produces an aura of +1 AC 1/day.
Scroll of Protection: Wards off creatures of a certain type.
Staff of Charming: Cast Charm Person, Command, or Comprehend Languages up to 10/day, and resist enchantments.
Staff of the Adder (A): Tip becomes a snake head which you can attack with for poison damage.
Staff of Healing (A): Casts Cure Wounds, Lesser Restoration, and Mass Cure Wounds up to ~10/day.
Staff of the Python (A): Turns into a giant constrictor snake under your control.
Staff of Withering (A): Magic quarterstaff deals necrotic damage and weakens foe up to 3/day.
Stone of Good Luck/Luckstone (A): +1 to ability checks and saves.
Sword of Life Stealing (A): Steals 10 hp on a crit.
Sword of Wounding (A): Creatures struck continue to bleed
Tentacle Rod (A): Three tentacles make melee attacks, and slow anyone hit by all three.
Wand of Binding (A): Cast Hold Person or Hold Monster several times/day, or gain advantage to resist being restrained.
Wand of Fear (A): Cast Command up to 7/day, or project a cone of fear.
Wand of Magic Missiles: Cast up to 7 levels of Magic Missile/day
Wand of Web: Cast Web up to 7/day
Wand of Wonder: Causes random effects
Weapon of Warning: While bearing, you’re immune to surprise and have Advantage on initiative.


Bracers of Studied Combat
Wonderous Item, Rare (requires Attunement by an Artificer Scholar)
This pair of lightweight metal bracers are decorated with a single staring eye on each forearm. When worn, a Scholar with the Artificer thesis gains additional benefits against any creature they've identified with their Studied Combat ability-- they take 2 less damage from all of its attacks and special abilities, and when they take the Attack action against it, they may attack twice instead of once.

+2 Armor, Shield, Weapon, Wand of the War Mage (A), or Rod of the Pact Keeper (A)
Animated Shield (A): Shield can be wielded without hands.
Arrow-Catching Shield (A): +2 AC vs ranged attacks, and can become the target of attacks against adjacent allies.
Belt of Dwarvenkind (A): +2 Con, advantage on Persuasion checks with dwarves, resistance to poison, darkvision, and a beard.
Cape of the Mountebank: Cast Dimension Door 1/day
Cloak of Displacement (A): Attacks have Disadvantage to hit you, but turns off for a turn every time you’re damaged.
Elemental Gem: Conjure a single elemental (Staff of Swarming Insects)
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Golden Lions): Two statues, each of which turns into a lion 1/week.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Onyx Dog): Turns into a mastiff 1/week.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Serpentine Owl): Turns into a giant owl once every 3 days.
Flame Tongue (A): Sword deals +2d6 fire damage.
Gem of Seeing: Cast True Seeing up to 3/day
Ioun Stone of Regeneration (A): Heal slowly over time.
Mace of Disruption (A): Deals 2d6 radiant damage to undead and fiends, and can potentially instant-kill weakened ones.
Mantle of Spell Resistance (A): Grants advantage on saves against spells.
Necklace of Fireballs: Toss up to nine Fireball spells, or use more charges for more powerful booms.
Portable Hole: Unfolds into 6ft by 10ft extradimensional hole.
Ring of Invisibility (A): Turn invisible at will
Ring of Regeneration (A): Heal slowly over time and regrow body parts.
Robe of Scintillating Colors (A): Brilliant colors disorient and stun 3/day, imposes Disadvantage on attackers and stuns anyone who can see you.
Scarab of Protection (A): Grants Advantage on saves against spells, and nullifies necromancy up to 12 times.
Scimitar of Speed (A): +2 sword lets you attack as a bonus action.
Spellguard Shield: Shield grants Advantage against magic.
Staff of Fire (A): Casts Fireball ~3/day, or a few other fire spells.
Staff of Frost (A): Casts Cone of Cold ~2/day, or a few other ice spells.
Staff of Swarming Insects: Can cast Giant Insect or Insect Plauge ~2/day, or summon a cloud of insects to obscure you.
Staff of Thunder and Lightning (A): +2 quarterstaff produces stunning thunder and lightning bolts.
Sunblade: +2 finesse longsword deals +1d8 radiant damage to undead.
Sword of Sharpness (A): Deals 14 bonus damage on a crit, and has a slight chance to cut off a limb.
Wand of Fireballs (A): Cast Fireball up to 7/day, or spend more charges to empower.
Wand of Lightning Bolts (A): Cast Lightning Bolt up to 7/day, or spend more charges to empower.
Wand of Paralysis (A): Paralyze a target up to 7/day
Winged Boots (A): Fly at 60ft/round for 4 hours/day

+3 Armor, Shield, Weapon, Wand of the War Mage (A), or Rod of the Pact Keeper (A)
Amulet of the Planes (A): 60% chance to travel to a random point on a desired plane, and a 40% chance to wind up on another.
Broom of Flying: Broomstick flies at 50ft/round.
Carpet of Flying: Carpet flies at 30ft/round
Crystal Ball (A): Cast Srying at will
Cube of Force (A): Produces force-fields of various strengths.
Defender: +3 sword can transfer bonuses to AC instead.
Dwarven Plate: +2 platemail reduces the distance you can be forcibly moved.
Dwarven Thrower (A): +3 warhammer can be thrown for bonus damage.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Bronze Griffon): Turns into a griffon ~1/week.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ebon Fly): Turns into a flying mount every third day
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ivory Goats): Become a variety of magic goats, include giant ones and one which radiates terror and whose horns turn into magic weapons.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Marble Elephant): Turns into an elephant 1/week.
Helm of Teleportation (A): Teleport up to 3/day
Ioun Stone of Mastery (A): +1 Proficiency
Oathbow (A): Swear vengeance on one enemy at a time, ignoring cover and doing 3d6 bonus damage to them.
Plate Armor of Etherealness (A): Turn ethereal for up to 10 min/day.
Ring of Spell Storing (A): Advantage on saves against spells targeting you, and redirect them on natural 20s.
Robe of Stars: Shoots up to six 5th level Magic Missiles, grants +1 saves, and lets you step into the astral plane.
Robe of the Archmagi (A): Boosts AC, save DC and attack bonus by 2, and grants advantage on saves against magic.
Rod of Lordly Might (A): Transforms into a variety of ~+3 magic weapons, and can drains, paralyze, or terrify on a hit once/day.
Rod of Resurrection (A): Casts Heal up to 5/day, or Resurrection once.
Rod of Rulership (A): Charms all nearby creatures 1/day
Rod of Security: Creates an extradimensional sanctuary.
Staff of Striking (A): +3 quarterstaff can smite for up to 3d6 bonus damage.
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals: Summon an elemental 1/day.
Wand of Polymorph (A): Cast Polymorph up to 7/day

Apparatus of Kwalish: Ride around in a mecha-lobster.
Armor of Invulnerability (A): Grants resistance to nonmagical damage, and immunity for 10 min/day.
Cloak of Invisibility (A): Be invisible for up to 2 hours/day, and still attack.
Crystal Ball of Mind Reading/ Telepathy /True Seeing: Cast scrying and the appropriate spell at will.
Cubic Gate: Opens gates to up to six planes, up to 3/day.
Efreeti Chain (A): +3 chainmail grants immunity to fire and the ability to walk across lava.
Ioun Stone of Greater Absorption (A): Absorbs up to 50 levels of spells of 8th level or less.
Rod of Absorption (A): Absorbs up to 50 levels of spells, which a caster can use to cast their own spells.
Sphere of Annhiliation: Mobile black hole destroys matter.
Well of Many Worlds: Opens a portal to a random plane


Occult Scholar: At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in Arcana and Religion, if you did not already possess it, and may add twice your Proficiency bonus to such checks.

Bound Servant: At 2nd level, you learn how to bind extraplanar creatures and breath life into inanimate objects. With eight hours of work and the expenditure of 50 gold worth of magical equipment, you can call forth a being from the outer planes to serve you, or create a construct to do your bidding. At the end of the eight hours, your servant appears and gains all the benefits of the Servant’s Bond ability.

You can only have one servant at a time. However, you may dismiss your servant and summon a replacement, or replace a slain servant, by repeating the ritual.

At 2nd level, your potential servants include:

Blink Dog
Duodrone (Note: Axiomatic Mind does not apply to Command Checks)
Flying Sword
Mephit (any)

As an action, you may command your servant, allowing it to take a second action of any type.

Servant’s Bond: Your servant’s powers are altered by its bond with you. It loses its Multiattack and Innate Spellcasting actions, if it has them; however, it may use your Proficiency bonus in place of your own.

Your servant also gains Proficiency in two skills and all saving throws. It adds its Proficiency bonus to its AC and damage rolls. It gains additional hit dice such that its total equals your Scholar level, and it gains the benefit of an Ability Score Increase whenever you do.

Your servant acts on your initiative during combat, but gains its own set of actions distinct from your own.

The terms of its service compel it to protect you and obey your commands. However, if your orders drastically violate its natural inclinations (such as ordering a Dretch to administer a healing potion to an orphan, or a Duodrone to disobey a local law), you must succeed on a Command check—a roll of your Intelligence verses your servant’s Charisma. You are considered Proficient in this check. If you fail, your servant refuses to obey the order, and you cannot repeat it until you’ve completed a short or long rest.

Greater Servant: Beginning at 5th level, you may bind more powerful servants. In addition, your servants may take the Multiattack and Innate Spellcasting actions.

Animated Armor
Faerie Dragon (Red, Orange, Yellow)
Fire Snake
Quadrone (Note: Axiomatic Mind does not apply to Command Checks)
Spined Devil

Servant’s Pact: Beginning at 9th level, your servant has Advantage on all saving throws when it can see you, and you have Advantage on Command checks.

Greatest Servant: Beginning at 11th level, you may bind even more powerful servants.

Faeire Dragon (Green, Blue, Indigo, or Violet)
Bearded Devil
Hell Hound
Phase Spider
Water Weird
Shadow Demon

Willing Servant: Beginning at 17th level, whenever an attacker hits your servant, it may use its reaction to halve the damage being inflicted. In addition, you no longer need to make Command checks to force it to act against its nature.

The Occult

Occult Scholar: At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in Arcana and Religion, if you did not already possess it, and may add twice your Proficiency bonus to such checks.

Book of Mysteries: At 2nd level, you acquire a ritual book holding two 1st-level spells of your choice. Choose two 1st-level spells that have the ritual tag from any class’s spell list (the two needn’t be from the same list).
At each subsequent Scholar level, you may add one spell whose level is equal to or less than half your Scholar level (rounded up). You may also add other ritual spells you find in your adventures, provided they are of the appropriate level as described above. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it. Whatever their original list, you use Intelligence to cast your rituals spells.

In addition, you may learn the following spells as rituals, even though they do not normally have the ritual tag:

Create or Destroy Water

Locate Object
Nystrul’s Magic Aura
Rope Trick
Lesser Restoration

Create Food and Water
Plant Growth (8-hour version only)
Remove Curse
Speak With Dead
Speak With Plants

Arcane Eye
Leomund’s Secret Chest
Locate Creature
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum

Lesser Curse: Beginning at 2nd level, you have learned how to create sympathetic links between a living creature and an inanimate totem. As a bonus action, you may create a link between one creature you can see and a totem you're holding, often a doll or drawing. Once created, the link lasts one minute. So long as you have your totem and can see your target, you may use your action to inflict one of the following curses. The save DC against your curses is 8+Proficiency+Intelligence modifier.

Curse of Binding: The target must make a Strength save or be restrained for 1 round.
Curse of Draining: The target must make a Constitution save or gain a level of exhaustion.
Curse of Pain: The target must make a Wisdom save or take 1d8+Int psychic damage. This damage increases by 1d8 at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.

Greater Curse: Beginning at 5th level, you may inflict more terrible curses on a foe. Unlike Lesser Curses, you may only use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Curse of Creeping Failure: The target must make a Dexterity save. If it fails, for one minute each time it takes an action it provokes an opportunity attack from all surrounding creatures.
Curse of Shadowed Eyes: The target must make an Intelligence save or be affected as though by a Phantasmal Force spell for one minute. You may change the appearance of the phantasm each round as a bonus action, and it deals additional psychic damage equal to your Int modifier.
Curse of Leering Faces: The target must make a Charisma save or regard all creatures it can see as enemies for one minute.

Secret Rituals: At 9th level, you begin to discover new, more powerful rituals beyond the capabilities of lesser intellects. You may learn the following spells as rituals; however, casting a Secret Ritual takes one hour, and you may only cast two Secret Rituals per long rest.


Planar Binding
Legend Lore

Create Homunculus
Find the Path
Guards and Wards
Heroes’ Feast
Move Earth
Planar Ally
Programmed Illusion
Wind Walk

Mirage Arcane
Mordukain’s Magnificent Mansion
Plane Shift
Project Image

Control Weather
Mighty Fortress

Dark Curse: Beginning at 11th level, you have learned the most dire curses imaginable. Twice per long rest, you may cast Disintegrate, Dominate Monster, or Flesh to Stone on a creature you have created a totem of.

Master of Ceremonies: Beginning at 17th level, you may complete normal rituals in one minute, and Secret Rituals in ten minutes.

Curse of the Grave: At 17th level, you have reached the pinnacle of the totemic arts. Once per long rest, you may force a creature you have created a totem of to make a Constitution save. On a success, they take 10d10 necrotic damage. On a failure, they die.

In retrospect, this was always a Rogue subclass (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?564606-Rogue-Subclass-the-Surgeon&p=23242844#post23242844)

School of Medicine: You gain Proficiency in Medicine and Herbalism Kits, if you did not already have it, and may add twice your Proficiency bonus to such checks. In addition, your knowledge of healthy living grants you one additional hit point per level.

Scalpel Mastery: Long hours spent in the operating theater have perfected your skills with a knife, granting you a number of benefits. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with daggers, and while wielding one or more daggers you gain a +1 bonus to armor class. You do not suffer disadvantage when making a ranged attack with a dagger while within 5ft of a hostile creature, and you may draw a dagger as part of the same action or bonus action you use to attack with it.

Battlefield Medicine: You know the secrets of medicine, enabling you to treat wounds in the blink of an eye. As an action, you may expend a charge from a healer’s kit to allow an adjacent creature to expend their own hit dice to regain hit points, as though taking a Short Rest.

In addition, once per Long Rest, you may spend one hour preparing special healing packs. You may create and carry a number of such packs equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). Once prepared, unused packs lose their potency after 24 hours.

Anyone may use one of your packs as though it was a charge from a healing kit, but they have special potential in your hands: if you spend an action to apply one to an adjacent creature (or yourself), that creature regains hit points equal to 1d6+your Int modifier, plus an additional 1d6 for every two Scholar levels you have, rounded up.

Studied Strike: Beginning at 5th level, after striking a target you have successfully studied with your Studied Combat feature, you may inflict an additional 2d6 damage. You may only do so once per round. This damage increases by 1d6 at 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th level.

Anatomical Mastery: Beginning at 9th level, if you damage a foe with your Studied Strike ability, you may pick one ability score. The target makes all checks involving that ability at Disadvantage until it next recovers hit points.

Studied Defense: At 11th level, when using your reaction to gain the AC boost from your Studied Combat feature, you also gain Resistance to the attack if it strikes you anyway.

Calculated Strike: Beginning at 17th level, once per encounter you may use your reaction to make a single attack immediately after successfully studying a target with your Studied Combat ability. This attack is made with Advantage.

2017-12-02, 07:52 AM
On my phone, so I'm typing too slowly to look at stuff in detail and comment on it, but off the top of my head, you could have either a naturalist belief or a naturalist subclass, to add some druidic content.

2017-12-04, 07:51 AM
On my phone, so I'm typing too slowly to look at stuff in detail and comment on it, but off the top of my head, you could have either a naturalist belief or a naturalist subclass, to add some druidic content.
Hmm... I looked at doing so, based on your comment, and I kind of don't think it works conceptually. This class is, at its base, about KNOWLEDGE, about intellect and experimentation. That doesn't really jive with the Druid... In the "no full caster" paradigm this was written for, I let Rangers take the full burden of the "nature expert" thing

2017-12-04, 09:13 AM
My comments.

-A healer would probably also have perception as a trainable skill. This is simply because a healer needs to be able to look at a person and evaluate sickness from a distance. I suppose you could call this insight though. The difference has always been a little fuzzy to me.

-Studied Combat - Is this for a particular creature or species. For example, if I am fighting a group of goblins, do I need to use a bonus action on each one or can I do it on one and get the benefit on all of them?

-Tanglefoot Bag, This is actually incredibly powerful given the condition. 1 minute until a strength save is made and you can throw one of these every round? In a battle against a single opponent, this is going to overwhelm the opponent.
-Thunderstone, don't make the prone automatic. Being able to hit 9 people for 1d6 damage at level 2 is pretty powerful, being able to automatically knock them down, to much. Make a spell attack to do damage, make them make a strength save or be knocked down.
-You didn't increase the level for Greater, Master, and Legendary Brew potions.
-I'm assuming that at the high levels, you can still only make two potions, but you just have more choices?

There may be stuff here that needs tweaks, but I'm horrible with companions. So, hopefully someone else can help you better here.

-You are missing levels for the abilities
-I feel like they should also get prof in the healers kits when they take this class.
-Calculated Strike - This is an odd way of doing it. I get why, but it seems odd considering once per minute isn't a function used anywhere else in the game? Why not X times/rest? Or even, when you roll initiative you gain one use of this? That similar to the Monk ki ability.

2017-12-04, 02:12 PM
My comments.

-A healer would probably also have perception as a trainable skill. This is simply because a healer needs to be able to look at a person and evaluate sickness from a distance. I suppose you could call this insight though. The difference has always been a little fuzzy to me.
I'd call that Medicine, honestly.

-Studied Combat - Is this for a particular creature or species. For example, if I am fighting a group of goblins, do I need to use a bonus action on each one or can I do it on one and get the benefit on all of them?
Hmm. Probably should be all of the same type, yeah. Though that might get a bit strong with the reaction defense...

-Tanglefoot Bag, This is actually incredibly powerful given the condition. 1 minute until a strength save is made and you can throw one of these every round? In a battle against a single opponent, this is going to overwhelm the opponent.
You're right; for some reason I thought it was a weaker condition. I'll drop it to just immobilizing, with a new check each round?

-Thunderstone, don't make the prone automatic. Being able to hit 9 people for 1d6 damage at level 2 is pretty powerful, being able to automatically knock them down, to much. Make a spell attack to do damage, make them make a strength save or be knocked down.
Yeah, you're probably right... How about if it's just knock the target prone and deafen adjacent?

-You didn't increase the level for Greater, Master, and Legendary Brew potions.
Copypasta is undercooked.

-I'm assuming that at the high levels, you can still only make two potions, but you just have more choices?

There may be stuff here that needs tweaks, but I'm horrible with companions. So, hopefully someone else can help you better here.
This is definitely where I feel least comfortable, too.

-You are missing levels for the abilities
-I feel like they should also get prof in the healers kits when they take this class.
Do you mean Herbalist's kits? I don't think Healer's Kit proficiency is a thing...

-Calculated Strike - This is an odd way of doing it. I get why, but it seems odd considering once per minute isn't a function used anywhere else in the game? Why not X times/rest? Or even, when you roll initiative you gain one use of this? That similar to the Monk ki ability.
I want 1/encounter, is the thing-- I don't want to tie it to rests and allow novas...

2017-12-04, 03:23 PM
Hmm. Probably should be all of the same type, yeah. Though that might get a bit strong with the reaction defense...

I'm really not sure, I just wanted you to think over options.

You're right; for some reason I thought it was a weaker condition. I'll drop it to just immobilizing, with a new check each round?

That seems more fair. Still powerful in a single person combat, but normal powerful, not amazingly overwhelmingly powerful :)

Yeah, you're probably right... How about if it's just knock the target prone and deafen adjacent?

That could work, although it removes the best damage dealer for this class. You could also do damage + deafen. Or make it a save or suck. Each person gets a save. On failure, they take damage and are knocked prone. That mechanism is certainly used elsewhere.

Do you mean Herbalist's kits? I don't think Healer's Kit proficiency is a thing...

Ya maybe.... I don't know, don't worry about the comment. I'm just confusing myself I think.

I want 1/encounter, is the thing-- I don't want to tie it to rests and allow novas...

I completely get this. Maybe just go simple then and say once/encounter. It's not using the standard language, but it's better than having someone have to count the rounds for 1/minute.

2017-12-04, 04:34 PM
I'm really not sure, I just wanted you to think over options.
Fair. I think Perception is a bit beyond the basic class-based archetype; it's easy enough to get them with Backgrounds if necessary.

That could work, although it removes the best damage dealer for this class. You could also do damage + deafen. Or make it a save or suck. Each person gets a save. On failure, they take damage and are knocked prone. That mechanism is certainly used elsewhere.
I wound up pulling the prone, and just having it be 1d6 thunder + 1 round of deafened. It's still your best AoE option, but it's inferior enough against small numbers for Acid Flask/Alchemist's Fire to have roles.

Ya maybe.... I don't know, don't worry about the comment. I'm just confusing myself I think.
Herbalism Kits seem to be the main doctor's bag type proficiency--I added those, and Poisoner's Kits to the Alchemist.

I completely get this. Maybe just go simple then and say once/encounter. It's not using the standard language, but it's better than having someone have to count the rounds for 1/minute.
I don't think I've ever seen a ten-round encounter, but fair enough. Changed that and Studied Combat.

2017-12-19, 07:41 AM
Tweaked the Surgeon slightly to make it more capable of surviving to use its pseudo-sneak attack. Still not sure about the Binder subclass in particular-- am I missing anything about the pets that will make them substantial more or less valuable than other options?

2017-12-19, 02:25 PM
I think that the binder class works rather nicely. I like that the pets act on their owers' initiative, since it speeds up the game as well as opens up options for thematic double-teaming. I do have a few questions and comments, though.

How does the modron's axiomatic mind feature interact with command checks? As it stands now, it seems as though they are immune to command checks, axiomatic mind being the specific rule and command checks the general rule.

The other thing to note is that any feature that adds to damage dealt per attack (such as the oathbreaker paladin's aura) will be absolutely devastating when combined with a quadrone, since they can make 4 shortbow attacks per round with a reasonable attack bonus. This doesn't seem like a huge problem since it relies on team building synergies or multiclassing to function though.

The rug of smothering is also an exceptionally good companion, since it can redirect damage dealt to itself to grappled enemies as well as restrain and blind enemies. What's more, you can just carry it rolled up on your pack without worrying about anyone seeing it. I'd look at that again as well.

Most optimizers are going to choose a dust or magma mephit as their first companion because of the two creatures' higher hitpoints and damage compared to the others.

2017-12-19, 03:20 PM
What is the purpose of the greater rituals? The first one on the list is find steed which is a 10 minute casting spell with no component cost. Changing that to a 1 hour, 200 gold cost ritual allows you to...what?

2017-12-20, 12:03 AM
Also, polymath should probably also work when you finish a long rest. Otherwise you’re featureless when you wake up in the morning and then continually featured throughout the day, starting after your first short rest, which is a bit weird.

2017-12-20, 07:55 AM
How does the modron's axiomatic mind feature interact with command checks? As it stands now, it seems as though they are immune to command checks, axiomatic mind being the specific rule and command checks the general rule.
Esh. I should fix that.

The other thing to note is that any feature that adds to damage dealt per attack (such as the oathbreaker paladin's aura) will be absolutely devastating when combined with a quadrone, since they can make 4 shortbow attacks per round with a reasonable attack bonus. This doesn't seem like a huge problem since it relies on team building synergies or multiclassing to function though.
Mmm, fair. I can't think of that many effects that give teammates bonus damage/attack... Elemental Weapon is only one weapon; Flame Arrows, maybe?

The rug of smothering is also an exceptionally good companion, since it can redirect damage dealt to itself to grappled enemies as well as restrain and blind enemies. What's more, you can just carry it rolled up on your pack without worrying about anyone seeing it. I'd look at that again as well.
Hmm. That is pretty nasty for CR 2, yeah.

Most optimizers are going to choose a dust or magma mephit as their first companion because of the two creatures' higher hitpoints and damage compared to the others.
You think? The mephits all have similar HP and damage values-- the two you mentioned are middle of the road, and the Dretch should hit harder than any of them...

What is the purpose of the greater rituals? The first one on the list is find steed which is a 10 minute casting spell with no component cost. Changing that to a 1 hour, 200 gold cost ritual allows you to...what?
The class was written originally for low-magic games. Greater Rituals are a way to work in some classic magic effects that are either too high-leveled for rituals, or too open for abuse if spammed. Animate Dead, say-- as a normal ritual, that would be massively overpowered, but it works as a 2/day thing (and 200 gold is chump change at level 11). Find Steed is... maybe not classic enough to have here, I admit, but it's certainly too strong to be a normal ritual.

Also, polymath should probably also work when you finish a long rest. Otherwise you’re featureless when you wake up in the morning and then continually featured throughout the day, starting after your first short rest, which is a bit weird.
Oops, good call.

2017-12-20, 01:44 PM
Also, polymath should probably also work when you finish a long rest. Otherwise you’re featureless when you wake up in the morning and then continually featured throughout the day, starting after your first short rest, which is a bit weird.

Of course your not featured at the start of the day...unless you have the ritual Summon Greater Coffee :)

The class was written originally for low-magic games. Greater Rituals are a way to work in some classic magic effects that are either too high-leveled for rituals, or too open for abuse if spammed. Animate Dead, say-- as a normal ritual, that would be massively overpowered, but it works as a 2/day thing (and 200 gold is chump change at level 11). Find Steed is... maybe not classic enough to have here, I admit, but it's certainly too strong to be a normal ritual.

Makes sense. Stating that the Greater Ritual status overrides the normal costs or something would help avoid confusion.

2017-12-20, 03:58 PM
You think? The mephits all have similar HP and damage values-- the two you mentioned are middle of the road, and the Dretch should hit harder than any of them...

The dretch deals 5 points of damage, with +2 to hit and can’t multi attack because it’s a lesser servant.

The magma mephitic deals 5 damage at +3 to hit and the dust mephit deals 4 damage at +4 to hit. The magma mephit also has rechargeable 2d6 damage fire breath and exceeds the dretch in HP.

They’re not vastly better but they are definitely what I’d pick (also maybe the mud mephit for that juicy restraining breath and high HP), especially because there’s less stigma to using elementals than demons.

The difference really isn’t that significant though.

2018-07-16, 02:24 PM
Having pillaged the Artificer UA and spent far too long pouring though the DMG magic items section, I give you the Gunsmith and Artificer subclasses! The former is largely unchanged from the UA, apart from a few tweaks and a new type of shot, and still focuses on just shooting everything (I've also included a more fantasy-appropriate "wandsmith" alternate fluffing). The later is...pretty much Wondrous Invention, with the ability to switch items around and vastly expanded and rebalanced lists.

2018-07-17, 11:51 AM
15th level is dead-you have a Belief Feature listed, but nothing in the text.

Overall, though... Wowza. I like. I like a lot. Grod, you done did good!

2018-07-17, 01:56 PM
15th level is dead-you have a Belief Feature listed, but nothing in the text.

Overall, though... Wowza. I like. I like a lot. Grod, you done did good!
Thanks! :smallredface: I will replace that. I've got a player looking to run a Humanity/Surgeon in an upcoming game, so we'll see how it works in practice.

2018-07-17, 01:59 PM
Thanks! :smallredface: I will replace that. I've got a player looking to run a Humanity/Surgeon in an upcoming game, so we'll see how it works in practice.

I see what you replaced it with. I do like how it's designed to be very party-friendly.

2018-07-17, 02:50 PM
I see what you replaced it with. I do like how it's designed to be very party-friendly.
Thanks. It started with cutting the Bard in half (the other half became a warlord type).

...I think, if there's one thing still bugging me, it's the Beliefs, which just... never really seem to click, I dunno. I can't help but wonder if, after adding so many new subclasses, it would be better to split into a purely-mundane Scholar (with alchemy, surgery, and guns as its main tracks) and a low-magic "Cultist" (with rituals, binding, and magic item creation as its main tracks), maybe... either that, or maybe rituals should become a thesis (though where the offense would come in...?), and the Belief abilities replaced with generic skillmonkey stuff.

2018-07-17, 03:12 PM
Thanks. It started with cutting the Bard in half (the other half became a warlord type).

...I think, if there's one thing still bugging me, it's the Beliefs, which just... never really seem to click, I dunno. I can't help but wonder if, after adding so many new subclasses, it would be better to split into a purely-mundane Scholar (with alchemy, surgery, and guns as its main tracks) and a low-magic "Cultist" (with rituals, binding, and magic item creation as its main tracks), maybe... either that, or maybe rituals should become a thesis (though where the offense would come in...?), and the Belief abilities replaced with generic skillmonkey stuff.

That could work. I could definitely see Beliefs being updated-they're currently more than a little bland.

2018-07-17, 04:16 PM
That could work. I could definitely see Beliefs being updated-they're currently more than a little bland.
Maybe the ritualist path could acquire some voodoo stuff? Inflict damage and curses on their Studied Combat target?

Could probably strike the first-level Belief feature...at 6th, perhaps, gaining the initial ability of one of the other subclasses might be interesting? That would let you be, oh, a Ritualist/Binder, or an Alchemist/Surgeon, which would be an interesting bit of customization... at 13th, maybe toss in a small boost to Studied Combat-- another attempt if you fail, say, or +1d8 damage against studied targets.

(...I really like the idea of semi-multiclassing, actually)

2018-07-17, 04:33 PM
Maybe the ritualist path could acquire some voodoo stuff? Inflict damage and curses on their Studied Combat target?

Could probably strike the first-level Belief feature...at 6th, perhaps, gaining the initial ability of one of the other subclasses might be interesting? That would let you be, oh, a Ritualist/Binder, or an Alchemist/Surgeon, which would be an interesting bit of customization... at 13th, maybe toss in a small boost to Studied Combat-- another attempt if you fail, say, or +1d8 damage against studied targets.

(...I really like the idea of semi-multiclassing, actually)

That would be VERY interesting. I like it.

2018-07-17, 08:57 PM
I'm actually gonna say this now-Humanity is probably... Well, not too good, per say, but too DIPPABLE. An ASI and a half for a one-level dip, plus bonus action Help, is REALLY nice. Healing Hands isn't the greatest, but even that's nice.

Edit: Humanity suggestion:

The Might Of Man-At level one, your firm belief in humanity empowers you. You may, proficiency modifier times per short rest, gain advantage on a save made against an effect created by something non-humanoid. This should include, but is not limited to, aberrations, outsiders, elementals, undead, dragons, oozes, monstrosities, and their creations. (For instance, a human using an Illithid-made scepter to activate Mind Blast would be a viable target for this ability.)

Racial Empowerment-At level six, each stat that your race improves increases by 1. You are a true paragon of your race. (Finally, a reason to play vanilla human!)

Maximum Human Potential-As you have already.

2018-07-18, 06:54 AM
I'm actually gonna say this now-Humanity is probably... Well, not too good, per say, but too DIPPABLE. An ASI and a half for a one-level dip, plus bonus action Help, is REALLY nice. Healing Hands isn't the greatest, but even that's nice.
That's certainly very true.

If Humanity becomes a thesis as well-- and I think it probably should, if only as a neutral option for the 6th level forced multiclassing-- I've got about this far:

2nd level

Martial weapons, medium armor, upgrade HD to d8s.
Every short rest, pick one skill, tool, or language, and one fighting style to learn until you change it
Expertise? Some other small offensive boost?

5th level: Extra attack; studied combat works with str-based weapons too

9th level: Advantage on saves against magic?

11th level: Studied Combat boost? (Say +1d8 damage to studied targets, with the 13th level feature being an extra attempt if you fail)

17th level: +2 to all stats? +1 proficiency?

And as for the ritualist...
At 2nd level, use an action to make a doll of a particular enemy; thereafter, can do Int mod damage as a bonus action, or as an action curse them for...

Str save or Restrained for 1 round
Dex save or fall prone and provoke AoOs for standing
Con save or gain a level of exhaustion
Int save or be unable to distinguish friends and enemies for 1 round
Wis save or 1d10 damage (+1d10 at 5th/11th/17th)
Cha save or charmed for 1 round/until attacked

And if you take a short rest and have a bit of your target's blood or hair or whatnot, you can hit them with a curse from anywhere on the plane.

At 5th level, more powerful versions of the curses? Bestow Curse option, targeting Con or Wis?

Greater Rituals at 9th

Upgrade curses again at 11th

Reduce the cost of greater rituals at 17th, and speed all rituals up to 1 min/10 min?

2018-07-19, 10:49 AM
Previewing full changes:

1st level
Healing Hands: You may provide long-term medicine to up to six creatures during a Short Rest. At the end of the rest, they regain 1d6 hit points. This healing increases to 2d6at 5th level, 3d6 at 9th level, 4d6 at 13th level, and 5d6 at 18th level.
Reasoning: Losing your Belief makes first level hurt; making Healing Hands a little more useful alleviates that

6th level
Double Major: Over time, your studies have broadened far beyond their initial scope. At 6th level, you may choose a second Thesis, and gain the benefits it normally grants at second level.

13th level
Practiced Study: Beginning at 13th level, when using your Studied Combat ability you no longer have Disadvantage on attempts to identify Aberrations and any creatures not native to the material plane. In addition, if you fail to identify a creature, you may make a second attempt in the same encounter.

Historical Scholar: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in History and Investigation, if you did not already have it, and may add twice your Proficiency bonus to such checks.

Vigorous Health: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in medium armor, all simple weapons, and with hand crossbows, longbows, longswords, shortswords, rapiers, and whips. In addition, you gain +1 hit point per Scholar level.

Gentleman Adventurer: Beginning at 2nd level, you gain a set of abilities that are fueled by special dice called superiority dice. You have four superiority dice, which are d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short of long rest. You gain another superiority die at 7th level and one more at 15th. You also learn two of the following Battle Master maneuvers, and learn one more at 7th and 15th level: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Evasive Footwork, Feinting Attack, Goading Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Riposte, Trip Attack.

Whip Trick: Beginning at 2nd level, when wielding a whip, you may use an action to manipulate or move an object within 10ft of you. The object can't weight more than 10 pounds, and you can't affect an object being worn or carried by another creature. If the object is loose, you can move it up to 30ft in any direction. This ability lets you pull levers, open doors, and so on. In addition, you may use your whip as a makeshift grappling hook, potentially granting you Advantage on Athletics checks to swing across a chasm, climb a wall, and so on.

Extra Attack: Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Whip Master: Beginning at 5th level, while wielding a whip, once per round while wielding a whip, you may use a maneuver without expending a superiority die. For the purposes of the effect, you are considered to have rolled a "zero" one the die.

Improved Superiority: At 9th level, your superiority dice turn into d10s. At 17th level, they become d12s. In addition, once per Short Rest as an action you may gain the effects of the Legend Lore spell.

Lethal Study: Beginning at 13th level, you do an additional 1d8 damage when attacking your studied target.

Inspired Combatant: Beginning at 17th level, you when you roll initiative and have no superiority dice remaining, you regain 1 superiority die.

Yes, it's Indiana Jones. No, I have no shame. I wanted another strictly-mundane option, and possibly a more martial one, and what says "adventurer-scholar" like Indiana Jones?

Occult Scholar: At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in Arcana and Religion, if you did not already possess it, and may add twice your Proficiency bonus to such checks.

Book of Mysteries: At 2nd level, you acquire a ritual book holding two 1st-level spells of your choice. Choose two 1st-level spells that have the ritual tag from any class’s spell list (the two needn’t be from the same list).
At each subsequent Scholar level, you may add one spell whose level is equal to or less than half your Scholar level (rounded up). You may also add other ritual spells you find in your adventures, provided they are of the appropriate level as described above. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it. Whatever their original list, you use Intelligence to cast your rituals spells.

In addition, you may learn the following spells as rituals, even though they do not normally have the ritual tag:

Create or Destroy Water

Locate Object
Nystrul’s Magic Aura
Rope Trick
Lesser Restoration

Create Food and Water
Plant Growth (8-hour version only)
Remove Curse
Speak With Dead
Speak With Plants

Arcane Eye
Leomund’s Secret Chest
Locate Creature
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum

Lesser Curse: Beginning at 2nd level, you have learned how to create sympathetic links between a living creature and an inanimate totem. As a bonus action, you may create a link between one creature you can see and a totem you're holding, often a doll or drawing. Once created, the link lasts one minute. So long as you have your totem and can see your target, you may use your action to inflict one of the following curses. The save DC against your curses is 8+Proficiency+Intelligence modifier.

Curse of Binding: The target must make a Strength save or be restrained for 1 round.
Curse of Draining: The target must make a Constitution save or gain a level of exhaustion.
Curse of Pain: The target must make a Wisdom save or take 1d8+Int psychic damage. This damage increases by 1d8 at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.

Greater Curse: Beginning at 5th level, you may inflict more terrible curses on a foe. Unlike Lesser Curses, you may only use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Curse of Creeping Failure: The target must make a Dexterity save. If it fails, for one minute each time it takes an action it provokes an opportunity attack from all surrounding creatures.
Curse of Shadowed Eyes: The target must make an Intelligence save or be affected as though by a Phantasmal Force spell for one minute. You may change the appearance of the phantasm each round as a bonus action, and it deals additional psychic damage equal to your Int modifier.
Curse of Leering Faces: The target must make a Charisma save or regard all creatures it can see as enemies for one minute.

Secret Rituals: At 9th level, you begin to discover new, more powerful rituals beyond the capabilities of lesser intellects. You may learn the following spells as rituals; however, casting a Secret Ritual takes one hour, and you may only cast two Secret Rituals per long rest.


Planar Binding
Legend Lore

Create Homunculus
Find the Path
Guards and Wards
Heroes’ Feast
Move Earth
Planar Ally
Programmed Illusion
Wind Walk

Mirage Arcane
Mordukain’s Magnificent Mansion
Plane Shift
Project Image

Control Weather
Mighty Fortress

Dark Curse: Beginning at 11th level, you have learned the most dire curses imaginable. Twice per long rest, you may cast Disintegrate, Dominate Monster, or Flesh to Stone on a creature you have created a totem of.

Master of Ceremonies: Beginning at 17th level, you may complete normal rituals in one minute, and Secret Rituals in ten minutes.

Curse of the Grave: At 17th level, you have reached the pinnacle of the totemic arts. Once per long rest, you may force a creature you have created a totem of to make a Constitution save. On a success, they take 10d10 necrotic damage. On a failure, they die.

2018-07-19, 10:52 AM
Archaeology gives four features at level 2. It might not even be unbalanced-it just feels like a lot.

Lesser Curse feels far too good. Mostly Draining-Exhaustion is POWERFUL.

2018-07-19, 12:10 PM
Archaeology gives four features at level 2. It might not even be unbalanced-it just feels like a lot.
Hmm, yeah. Not sure what to cut. Probably whip trick?

Lesser Curse feels far too good. Mostly Draining-Exhaustion is POWERFUL.
Hmm. And in my Dragonfire Adept thread, I've been getting feedback that it's not strong enough, since it takes three hits to be really nasty...

2018-07-19, 12:17 PM
Hmm. And in my Dragonfire Adept thread, I've been getting feedback that it's not strong enough, since it takes three hits to be really nasty...

I view things for "How would I feel if it's used against me?", among other ways.

And I would freaking HATE that.

Also, it seems like the action to use a curse does NOT require line of sight/effect, once a connection is established. So, let's say you have an audience with the king, or just flipping see him on a balcony, and you establish a connection. He now only has to fail six saves (that you can just use again and again) to die.

2018-07-19, 12:42 PM
I view things for "How would I feel if it's used against me?", among other ways.

And I would freaking HATE that.

Also, it seems like the action to use a curse does NOT require line of sight/effect, once a connection is established. So, let's say you have an audience with the king, or just flipping see him on a balcony, and you establish a connection. He now only has to fail six saves (that you can just use again and again) to die.
Crap, you're right. It should be require line-of-sight to use the curse, and it shouldn't last indefinitely--fixed that. Exhaustion is kind of a weird one, though; it's not that nasty against an NPC who's going to be around for just one fight, but awful on a PC who'll be stuck in several. I guess I could move the damage to Con and make Wis a save-or-frighten?

EDIT: I'm also still considering dropping Gunsmithing (was an easy write-up, but not a very good one) and breaking this up into a Scholar (with access to, say, Alchemy, Surgery, Artificing, and Archeology) and a Cultist (with access to, oh, Alchemy, Binding, Artificing, and Rituals), to spread the love a bit. Would swap Aid for a Vicious Mockery style curse, maybe, Empirical Reasoning for some sort of aura of fear... and that's about as far as I've gotten; not sure what Healing Hands, Studied Combat, and the late-game Aid upgrades should be swapped for...
Dropped guns

2018-07-23, 03:59 PM
New update: After running a Surgeon Scholar through the Death House, a few tweaks: the Surgeon class is now a Rogue subclass again, like it probably always should have been; the Archeologist is removed (might surface again as a Fighter subclass), everyone gets a hit die bump, the Alchemist gets potions per short rest instead, and the Artificer gets a version of extra attack as the most martial surviving subclass.

...Binder probably still needs something to do with its action while its pet does the fighting.