View Full Version : Need idea

2017-12-01, 10:49 PM
So we are in a low level game right now and if this goes like every other game this GM run it could be a long one. We are set in forgotten realms and the char I have right now is a marshal using diplomacy handle animal cheese but the GM is being a bit of a rooster and not letting the full cheese work the way it should. Plus there is a good chance this char will fall and a replacement char will be required. This is where this thread comes in, I found a Prc called heart weaver it is a very interesting class that gives full caster levels. I have found a build that uses bard and sublime chord but it also is a VOP build and this not the way I'm looking to go. I have however decided to convince the GM to let me use Human half nymph. I think I can do this even with being -2 class levels. If I can do the buy out for th LA 2 for the half nymph, I will be looking at the follow.

Cleric 5 heart weaver 9 (10th levels turns you fey) 4 holy liberator (maybe)
The char is a whip user and at Lv 1 cleric is really bad but I'm sure will get better as time goes on.
What I would like somehow some way to get Cha to AC that fits this kind of build.

Stats right now with racial
14 16 16 16 18 22 In that order I have taken 2 flaws both -2 combat flaws to ranged and Melee attacks
Feat: dodge, mobility, spell focus (enchantment) iron will
Once at level 3 will take EWP for the whip. That gives me all the feats for al the PRC I'm looking at.

Thanks for any help on this. If you have a better idea then this build more then happy to take advice.

2017-12-02, 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Hunterx
...I found a Prc called heart weaver....

Where is this from? I can't find any mention of it.

2017-12-02, 12:21 AM
Where is this from? I can't find any mention of it.
It is in the forgotten realms faiths and pantheon book

Sir Chuckles
2017-12-02, 12:38 AM
It is in the forgotten realms faiths and pantheon book

Do you mean Heartwarder? That's on pg196 of that book. The main draw is giving +5 Charisma as an Enhancement bonus over the 9 levels. Or being able to kiss people to give a +2 to-hit. Whatever floats your boat.

2017-12-02, 12:57 AM
Do you mean Heartwarder? That's on pg196 of that book. The main draw is giving +5 Charisma as an Enhancement bonus over the 9 levels. Or being able to kiss people to give a +2 to-hit. Whatever floats your boat.

Yes that one and it in an inherent increase to Cha but that is the one.

Captain Kablam
2017-12-02, 02:12 AM
Okay, so what are your specific concerns? What are you looking to accomplish and pull off with this build?

2017-12-02, 08:46 AM
Okay, so what are your specific concerns? What are you looking to accomplish and pull off with this build?

The concern is the whip part. How to make it better exactly? This is a new concept with sub damage. I was thinking spell storeing whips with vampire touch along with quicken spell so I can channel it into the whip over and over again. Then I though tripping would be good. This however is going to make me feat starved.

2017-12-02, 10:19 AM
Grab a whipdagger, and add stunning to it.

2017-12-02, 08:57 PM
So from what I seen from your guys cleric 5 heartwerer 9 divine liberator 4 is no issue and a sound build