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View Full Version : Pathfinder Homebrew / stat help: Help me stat the Skitarii from Warhammer 40K, more to come.

2017-12-02, 04:45 AM
Hello everyone! So I don't post in the forums very often but always find it helpful when researching homebrew stuff. Hopefully I can get the help I need here. I just began today on DMing for two small groups over here in S. Korea. I've also been playing Warhammer 40K and just love the Adeptus Mechanicus. Turns out they make TERRIFYING baddies in the world I've crafted and happened to be the first enemies the PCs encountered. Now I need to start jamming out stats and, quite frankly, I need help refining and correcting. Can I get some help putting this stuff together and stat it right?

(Now) Ranger: Ranger (Skirmisher) X, Gunslinger (Techslinger) X
Ranger Troop
Ranger Alpha 2-3 lvls higher
Vanguard Fighter x, Gunslinger x
Vanguard Alpha 2-3 lvls higher
Vanguard Troop
Techpriest Enginseer: Fighter 4, Alchemist 2+pathfinder power armor (yes I found a set that fits)

(Later) Servitors: Augmented (humanoid) Commoner 1;

Cybernetica Datasmith: Rogue X, Wizard X, Technomancer X;
Sicarian Infiltrator: Ranger X, Rogue X, Assassin X;
Sicarian Ruststalker: Fighter X Rogue X, Assassin X;
Inquisitor: Inquisitor x or Investigator X, Sleepless Detective X, Purity Legion Enforcer X;
Corpuscarii Electro-Priests: Cleric X;
Fulgurite Electro-Priests: Paladin X;
Techpriest Dominus: Alchemist X, Cleric X or Warpriest X;
Belesarius Cawl: Alchemist X, Wizard X, Technomancer X;
The Omnissiah (Brigh): Corrupted divine entity

Vehicles and robots will have to be re-skinned from constructs later but I'm open to suggested stats for the Dunecrawler right now.

POSTED HERE is what I've been able to put together for the Skitarii Ranger. There are some portions that I know will be incorrect like skills but that's why I'm reaching out. I am open to all criticism and suggestions.

Its going to be obvious that some of this is copy paste. Please ignore that since it will be formatted and corrected later.

XP 2,400
Augmented Ranger (Skirmisher) 5, Gunslinger (Techslinger) 1
LE Medium Augmented humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception +2

Acid, cold, fire, sonic resistance 5
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 armor, +1 nat armor, +2 Dex)
hp 40 (6d10-12) DR 6 (bypassed by adamantine)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
**+4 competence bonus on saving throws against disease and poison. In addition, when the user attempts such a saving throw, she rolls twice and takes the higher result.
**+5 bonus to CMD against trip attempts and a +5 circumstance bonus on Acrobatics checks.
**Can lift and carry double the normal maximum weight for that creature’s Strength and size, and it gains a +5 circumstance bonus on Climb checks. A character who wields a one-handed or light weapon with a cybernetic arm gains a +5 bonus to CMD against disarm attempts; two cybernetic arms do not increase this bonus, but do allow the bonus to apply to two-handed weapons.

Speed 30 ft.(+10 ft cybernetic legs)
Melee Slam +7/+2 (1d6+1 X2)
Melee TaserGoad +7/+2 (1d8 electric + 1d6 Bludgeoning/nonlethal +1 X2)
Ranged Galvanic Rifle +6/+1+7/+2w/in 30 ft (3d6 +1 w/in 30 ft X4) 80 ft range
Ranged Transuranic Arquebus +6/+1 +7/+2w/in 30 ft (3D10 X4 +1 w/in 30 ft) 200 ft range. Shots fired from a rail gun bypass an object’s first 10 points of hardness, and can completely penetrate targets without hardness.When making an attack with a rail gun, make a single attack roll and compare that result to the ACs of all creatures in a line extending out to the weapon’s maximum range. This weapon damages all targets with an AC equal to or lower than the attack roll. However, if the attack’s damage fails to penetrate any target’s hardness or damage reduction, this shot is blocked and cannot damage targets that are farther away.
Ranged Frag Grenade +6/+1 +7/+2w/in 30 ft, 15 ft radius)15 Ref Save ½ dmg
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with Tasergoad)

Str 12, Dex 14, Con 7, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk: +6/+1; CMB +17; CMD 18
Feats: Track, Endurance, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Firearms, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Point Blank Shot, Technologist, Long Shot
SQ: Favored Enemy (______) + (______), Combat style: Firearms, Hunter’s Bond, Favored Terrain (______), Deeds, Gunsmith, Grit X3, Skirmisher Tricks X5, Electricity Vulnerability (Ex), Of Two Worlds (Ex), Augmentation Psychosis (Ex), Repairs (Ex)
Skills Craft (weapons) +3, Profession (soldier) +4, Survival +1
Languages Common, Bineric and Bineric Hymnal

Combat Gear:
Galvanic Rifle
Transuranic Arquebus (optional)
Frag Grenade
Other Gear:
Skitarii Ranger's cloak (armored coat)
Battery X5 (10 charges per battery
Filter Mask: While the mask has power, the wearer is completely immune to inhaled toxins or diseases. Even when the mask has no power, it grants the wearer a +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws made to resist airborne toxins and diseases
Comm Set
Cybernetic Eye
Spiderbot Companion
Cybernetic Arms X2
Cybernetic Legs X2
Wirejack Tendons Mk I
Dermal Plating Mk I
Cyberfiber Muscles Mk I

Limb Defense (Ex)
Against damage directed specifically at a limbjack’s replaced limb (for example, attempts to sunder a limb, or attacks from foes that deal damage to the limbjack touching or attacking it), the limbjack gains DR 20/adamantine, and resist acid, cold, and fire 30.

Metal Body (Ex)
Though only some of a limbjack is replaced with metal, it’s enough to make it vulnerable to effects that target metals. It counts as a ferrous creature for the purposes of rusting grasp and other spells that have special effects on metal.

Electricity Vulnerability (Ex)
Electricity damage stuns an augmented creature for 1d4 rounds and bypasses its regeneration but not its spell resistance. A Fortitude save vs. a DC equal to half the damage taken negates the stunning effect.

Tireless (Ex)
The limbjack does not have a limit to how long it can run, nor does it risk fatigue or exhaustion from forced marching.
Of Two Worlds (Ex)

An augmented creature counts as both a creature of its type and a construct against effects specific to type. Any healing effects or repairs to an augmented only heal half damage, as they each only apply to the flesh or machine part of the creature. Spells only affecting objects can affect an augmented as well. Damaging magical effects must still overcome an augmented’s spell resistance.

Augmentation Psychosis (Ex)
An augmented creature that has a Wisdom score of 2 or less (including no score), is overcome with rage and gains the ferocity universal monster ability. This rage is identical to the barbarian’s rage ability, but it is permanent. When in a state of rage, effects that remove rage or calm rage make the augmented creature staggered for one round. Effects that raise the augmented creature’s Wisdom above 2 cure the rage and ferocity.
If an augmented creature’s Wisdom score ever reaches 0, it becomes insane. The insanity, but not the rage, can be cured with appropriate healing magic.

Repairs (Ex)
An augmented creature can be healed by making an appropriate Craft check against a DC of 15 and paying a cost for materials of 10 gp per hit point to be healed. The repairs can heal no more than half of the creature’s total damage taken, and repairing the creature requires a full day.


This dog-sized, spider-like robot has a plasma torch mounted on a stinger-like limb and gripping claws on its forelegs.

Arachnid Robot CR 1
XP 200
N Small construct (robot)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size, )
hp 20 (3d10)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1
Immune construct traits; Resist fire 5,
Weaknesses fragile, vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity

Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee 2 claws +4 (1d3+0)
Special Attacks explode, plasma torch

Str 9, Dex 13, Con —, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 1
Base Atk +2; CMB –1; CMD 10 (18 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse, Stealthy
Skills Climb +7, Disable Device +10, Perception +5, Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers +5 Disable Device, +5 Stealth, +3 Survival
Languages Common, +1 additional


Sneak (DC 15): The animal can be ordered to make Stealth checks in order to stay hidden and to continue using Stealth even when circumstances or its natural instincts would normally cause it to abandon secrecy.
Seek (DC 15): The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate.

Link (Ex): A Ranger can handle their animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The ranger gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.

Share Spells (Ex): The Ranger may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A ranger may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion’s type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

Evasion (Ex): If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.

Explode (Ex): If an arachnid robot is destroyed or takes damage while below half its maximum hit points, it must attempt a Fortitude saving throw with a DC equal to the amount of damage taken. If it fails, the robot explodes, dealing 2d4 points of plasma damage to all targets in a 10-foot-radius burst (Reflex DC 10 half). Half the damage dealt by plasma is fire damage, and half is electricity damage. This destroys the robot if it was still animate. The save DC is Dexterity-based.

Fragile (Ex): When badly damaged, arachnid robots function poorly. An arachnid robot reduced to fewer than half its maximum hit points is staggered and moves at half speed. Further damage may cause the robot to explode.

Plasma Torch (Ex): An arachnid robot can use its arm-mounted plasma torch in two ways. First, it can use the torch to make a ranged touch attack against a target within 15 feet, dealing 1d6 points of plasma damage on a successful hit. Alternatively, the robot can emit a 15-foot cone from its torch, dealing 1d4 points of plasma damage to all targets in the area of effect (Reflex DC 10 half). The robot’s plasma torch requires 1 full round to recharge between uses. Half the damage dealt by plasma is fire damage, and half is electricity damage.

Ubiquitous pets of technologists, arachnid robots also serve as sentinels and spies. Arachnid robots come equipped with a plasma welding torch that resembles a scorpion’s tail stinger and doubles as a weapon. Under stress, an arachnid robot’s plasma core can overload, destroying the robot in a fiery blast. This tendency inspired the practice of using the robots as suicide drones. An arachnid robot is intelligent enough to have a sense of self-preservation, however, and one can be made to undertake such a mission only through trickery.

Despite their scorpion-like appearance, arachnid robots’ ability to use their claws as an additional pair of legs when climbing or moving quickly has earned the robots the name “spiderbots”.

2017-12-02, 06:48 AM
I would point out that each individual skitarius is probably not actually that strong - to give you some ideas, d20 40k (which is based on the d20 modern system and therefore uses similar CRs to pathfinder) puts:

- Arbites at CR 2
- Marine scouts at CR 5
- Tactical marines at CR 11 (bear in mind they're stronger in the fluff than they are in the 40K wargame)
- Techpriest Enginseers at CR 6
- A Necromundan ganger at CR 1
- A guardsman at CR 2
- An inquisitor at CR 10
- All assassins at CR 19

Skitarii aren't really much scarier than guardsmen, and certainly no scarier than arbites. Another thing to look at is D&D - calibrating your expectations (http://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/587/roleplaying-games/dd-calibrating-your-expectations-2). If your character is higher than 5th level, they're generally pushing out of the standard human competence level in multiple areas. That means that a CR 6 skitarius isn't just a bit better than a trained human (which a CR 3 skitarius, or a skitarius in actual 40k, might be): they're actually verging on superhuman, and actually able to go toe-to-toe with an inexperienced superhuman (namely a scout) expecting to come out on top.

Anyone with multiple levels in a prestige class should be the kind of person who can take on a whole scout squad and must be forcibly kept awake when a guardsman appears. It also implies, incidentally, that a few squads of the things (32 CR 6 skitarii are about encounter level 16, though EL breaks down slightly at that point) will be able to provide a meaningful challenge for the kind of person who literally gets sent on a mission to murder a demigod (a single CR 19 creature should consider an EL 16 encounter more challenging than a standard one).

So I guess it's not necessarily surprising that your players are terrified of them if you're expecting them to be as powerful as skitarii are and they're actually coming out stronger than space marine scouts.

2017-12-02, 07:12 AM
Do not forget trench fighter gets dex to damage two levels earlier than gunslinger which means that you can replace a 5 level dip in gunslinger for dex to damage by a three level dip in trench fighter.

2017-12-02, 07:28 AM
Terrified for a good reason. My homebrew world and DM style require them to understand that they will lose. A lot. And the world will simply not care about them either way. :smallbiggrin:

I would point out that each individual skitarius is probably not actually that strong - to give you some ideas, d20 40k (which is based on the d20 modern system and therefore uses similar CRs to pathfinder) puts:

I've been looking for material that was already statted. Can you link me toward your material? I'd MUCH rather use stuff that's already been looked over and reviewed then do all of this from scratch.

Do not forget trench fighter gets dex to damage two levels earlier than gunslinger which means that you can replace a 5 level dip in gunslinger for dex to damage by a three level dip in trench fighter.

I considered that. I think that will be for the Vanguard as they are the ones that concentrate on getting into the trenches the most. Rangers, as the name implies for me, are the ones hunting their targets in the wilderness and getting info back to the Tech Priest Dominus for dissemination.

I love this! I'm open to all suggestions.

2017-12-02, 07:44 AM
I've been looking for material that was already statted. Can you link me toward your material? I'd MUCH rather use stuff that's already been looked over and reviewed then do all of this from scratch.

So, the d20 40k rules are over here (http://www.geocities.ws/skrittiblak/), with the statblocks in the PDF, but they don't use standard Pathfinder rules or even standard d20 Modern rules (though they're nearer the latter). So for example, the vindicare statblock has some stats you'll recognise and some you won't:

"Vindicare Assassin (Fast Ord. 10)
CR 19; Medium Sized human; HD 10d8+50; hp 95; Mas 20; Init +13; Spd 30ft; Defense 41, touch 31,
flat-footed 28 (+9 dex, +8 class, +4 dodge, +10 stealth suit); BAB +7/+2; Grap +12; Atk +19 ranged
(1d12, 19-20/x4 [drp 1d6] exitus pistol) or +12 melee (1d8+5, 18-20/x3 [drp 5] powerblade); Full Atk +19
ranged (3d12, 19-20/x4 [drp 1d6] exitus rifle); Reach 5ft; AL: Officio Assasinorum; Fort +10, Ref +14,
Will +8; Ld +3; Str 20, Dex 28, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 16.
Background:Cardinal World (class skills: Bluff and Sense Motive)
Skills: Balance +22, Bluff +10, Drive +15, Escape Artist +22, Hide +22, Move Silently +22, Sense
Motive +10, Tumble +15.
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Personal Firearms, Longarms, Quick Draw.
Posessions: Powerblade, exitus pistol (10 rounds of each type), exitus rifle (10 rounds of each type), scope
and rangefinder (x2 range), stealth suit and spymask, comm sensor, wide-spectrum scanner."

...and it would take a while to re-stat that into Pathfinder. In the second instance, they should probably have PC levels rather than NPC levels, but the main point is that the stats aren't an easy transfer.

Oh, and there aren't skitarii stats, because the d20 40k game was made before skitarii existed, at least as a playable faction. So there's that.

2017-12-02, 07:58 AM
Oh, and there aren't skitarii stats, because the d20 40k game was made before skitarii existed, at least as a playable faction. So there's that.

Well then I'm back to square one.

I don't have an issue with pathfinder just being more overpowered in pathfinder assuming all the little bits and pieces are included, as long as they are done correctly.

For session one we already had one PC's leg get blown off at the knee. They understand this is going to be a force that will probably kill them quite easily. They really like that because its provided them a way to actually NEED to sneak around and do things they haven't done before.

That being the case, would the stats for the ranger feel accurate to you coming from a DM standpoint, or would you change things around? Should they be around CR 2-3 instead? Is anything I've done for the build just blatantly out of place or missing something?

You guys have already given me more help today then I've had all week with this project XD.

2017-12-02, 11:38 AM
The question, ultimately, is one of whether you want skitarii, or you want something that vaguely resembles a skitarius but is closer in actual power to a tabletop marine, if not a fluff marine. In the former case, you really ought to have a skitarius be no more than a CR 2 character, whether they're a vanguard or a ranger (alphas might push into 3). Sicarians can be maybe more like CR 5, whether infiltrators or ruststalkers. Fulgurites and Corpuscarii both seem like a great excuse for third-level monks. Domini are maybe the highest out of any standard mechanicum, maybe making it into the lofty ranks of CR 10, and Cawl might be CR 13 or 14.

Techpriest Enginseers and servitors do have rules, due to being available before d20 40k was released:

Techpriest enginseers are:

(Intelligent Hero 3/Techie 3)
CR 6; Medium Sized human; HD 3d6+6 and 3d6+6; hp 33; Mas 14; Init +1; Spd 30ft; Defense 14, touch
14, flat-footed 13 (+1 dex, +3 class); BAB +2; Grap +1; Atk +3 ranged (2d6 [drp 1] laspistol); Full Atk
+3 ranged (2d6 [drp 1] laspistol); Reach 5ft; AL: Priesthood of Mars, Adeptus Mechanicus; Fort +4, Ref
+3, Will +7; Ld +0; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Background: Forge World (class skills: Craft (mechanical) and Craft (electronic))
Skills: Computer Use +12, Craft (electronic and mechanical) +15, Craft (chemical and structural) +12,
Demolitions +12, Disable Device +12, Forgery +12, Knowledge (technology) +12, Repair +14, Research
+14, Search +12.
Feats: Pistol Weapons Proficiency, Builder, Light Armour Proficiency, Gear Head, Studious, Iron Will.
Talents: Savant (Computer Use), Savant (Knowledge technologu), Jury Rig, Extreme Machine (without
Action Points this skill saps 1d3 temporary points of Constitution.)
Posessions: Mesh Armour, Laspistol, various professional gear.

And servitors are:

CR 1; Medium-Sized Construct; HD 1d10+13; hp 18; Mas – ; Init: +1; Spd 30ft; Defense 11, Touch 11,
Flat-footed 10 (+1 dex); BAB: +0; Grap -1; Atk +1 ranged (1d4+1 electrical [drp 2] taser – see d20
Modern rulebook for more rules). Reach 5 ft; SQ: construct, psychic immunity, damage reduction 2/+1;
AL: owner; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3; Ld +0; Str 8, Dex 13, Con – , Int – , Wis 14, Cha 1.
• Skills: Any 3 (according to programmes installed) +10.
• Feats: Toughness.
• Species Traits: Construct (Ex): Servitors have Construct traits (see page 218 d20 Modern rules). Psychic
Immunity (Ex): A servitor is immune to all psychic powers, psychic abilities and supernatural effects
except as follows. Attacks that deal fire or cold damage slow it for for 2d6 rounds. A slowed servitor can
take only one move or attack action each round. Additionally he takes a -2 penalty on defense, melee
attack rolls, melee damage rolls and Reflex saves. Any amount of electricity psychic damage (like lightning
bolt) repairs it for 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage it would deal otherwise.

For example, if I want a Corpuscarius, I grab a level 3 monk NPC, like the monk of untwisting iron (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/npc-s/npc-2/human-monk-3-1/), and then make up some additional stuff to get him to CR 3 while also having the stuff that corpuscarii have. For example, I'll give him some gauntlets which increase his unarmed damage by a size and let him make shooting attacks, add on deflection to AC, and give them the equivalent of fanatical devotion, and we get:

Corpuscarius Electro-Priest CR 3, XP 800
Human monk 3
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +7


AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +1 Wis, +2 Deflect)
hp 28 (3d8+15)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantment
Defensive Abilities evasion, fanatical devotion


Speed 40 ft.
Melee electrostatic gauntlets +5 (1d8+2) or flurry of blows +4/+4 (1d8+2)
Ranged electrostatic gauntlets +4 (1d8+2) or flurry of blows +3/+3 (1d8+2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows, Stunning Fist (3/day, DC 12)


Str 14, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Scorpion Style, Stand Still, Step Up, Stunning Fist, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +8, Craft (Poetry) +6, Knowledge (history) +6, Perception +7
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
SQ fast movement, maneuver training
Gear electrostatic gauntlets, voltagheist field

Electrostatic Gauntlets
These masterwork weapons are treated as a type of unarmed strike. The wielder's unarmed strike damage increases as though the unarmed strike were one size category larger, and the wielder can make ranged attacks with the gauntlets as though they were thrown weapons with a range increment of 10 feet except that the gauntlets need not actually be thrown. They are built into the corpuscarius' body.

Voltagheist Field
This forcefield is built into the electro-priest's body. It provides a +2 deflection bonus to AC and when the electro-priest charges, the creature charged must take a reflex save (DC 14) or take 1d6 points of electricity damage, even if none of the electro-priest's attacks actually hits. The save DC is constitution-based.

Fanatical Devotion
Electro-priests have the ability to survive damage which most creatures would not. Any damage the electro-priest takes is reduced to two thirds of the normal damage.

You may have noticed the last two abilities say "Electro-priest" because the fulgurite has the exact same two abilities. All you need to do for that is to give it a special quarterstaff with neat critical effects, and then the siphoned vigour which should be intuitive enough: double the deflection bonus when it drops an enemy.

If you want "Crazy powerful not!skitarii who could totally wreck marines" then we just grab a different monk (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/npc-s/npc-6/harrying-brute-human-monk-7/), change the bonuses it gets from gear into innate bonuses, and then graft the same kinds of abilities onto it:

Corpuscarius Electro-Priest CR 7, XP 3,200
Human Monk 7
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +11


AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 16 (+2 deflect, +1 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 monk, +3 Wis)
hp 45 (7d8+10)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +9; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune disease; fanatical devotion


Speed 50 ft.
Melee electro-gauntlet +10 (3d6+4) or flurry of blows +10/+10/+5 (3d6+4)
Ranged electro-gauntlet +7 (3d6+4) or flurry of blows +7/+7/+2 (3d6+4)
Special Attacks flurry of blows, stunning fist (7/day, DC 16)


Str 18, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CMD 25
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Scorpion Style, Step Up, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+25 when jumping), Climb +9, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +11, Perform (percussion) +6, Sense Motive +13, Swim +10
Languages Common
SQ fast movement, high jump, ki pool (6 points, magic), maneuver training, purity of body, slow fall 30 ft., wholeness of body
Combat Gear electro-gauntlet, voltagheist field

Electrostatic Gauntlets
These masterwork weapons are treated as a type of unarmed strike. The wielder's unarmed strike damage increases as though the unarmed strike were two size categories larger, and the wielder can make ranged attacks with the gauntlets as though they were thrown weapons with a range increment of 10 feet except that the gauntlets need not actually be thrown. They are built into the corpuscarius' body.

Voltagheist Field
This forcefield is built into the electro-priest's body. It provides a +2 deflection bonus to AC and when the electro-priest charges, the creature charged must take a reflex save (DC 14) or take 3d6 points of electricity damage, even if none of the electro-priest's attacks actually hits. The save DC is constitution-based.

Fanatical Devotion
Electro-priests have the ability to survive damage which most creatures would not. Any damage the electro-priest takes is reduced to two thirds of the normal damage.

...and again you can do similar with the Fulgurite.

Of course, there's no real limit to how much you can power up the same basic concepts, so the only real question is one of what power level you want them to be - do you want them to actually be proper skitarii who are only dangerous to mid-level PCs if they show up en masse (as skitarii actually do) or do you want to keep the concepts but not actually adhere to the frankly unheroic atmosphere that characterises most of the 40K setting?

2017-12-02, 01:30 PM
- do you want them to actually be proper skitarii who are only dangerous to mid-level PCs if they show up en masse (as skitarii actually do) or do you want to keep the concepts but not actually adhere to the frankly unheroic atmosphere that characterises most of the 40K setting?

For the world I've created the Mechanicum is using reverse engineered ancient tech. They are quite possibly the most powerful faction on the planet. The Rangers and Vanguard need to stay a consistent challenge until the PC's get comfortable within their 5+ level range. Life in this world means little so there will be plenty of that attitude reflected in war atrocities committed by multiple factions.

When the PC's feel brave enough to take on a set of Skitarii, its automatically time to introduce a more powerful foe to keep their bravery in check. These need to be enemies that the PC's automatically think running from ain't such a bad idea, even if there are no other heroes to take up the mission. If I can inspire a little cowardice in their characters then I've done my job right. :smalltongue:

I believe i have three problems.

1. Level inflation. As a casual DM its hard to gauge what is TOO much. I believe I can scale the Skitarii troops back to lvl 4 and still see them be effective to my needs. Getting the feedback is important since I have no one else over here in S. Korea that can really do it. Advancing them to keep them scary would be putting in higher level cybernetics gear and maybe an extra level in ranger or fighter.

2. The Skitarii aren't "human". The entire race focuses on technological and cybernetic enhancement. That makes it a tad difficult because there are several templates out there that allow for me to mimic this, most notably are the "augmented creature" and "limbjack" (which i cannot post links to atm)

3. Stats generation. The pathfinder monster creation rules make my head hurt. My normal fallback is grabbing a character sheet and statting everything as it they were PC's. That won't always keep things in line with a proper stat block.

On a seperate note, am I crazy for thinking that gunslinger isn't actually helping them out for statting? Seems Rangers would be more effective simply as pure rangers, while the Vanguard might have more use of it...but even then I'm not sure.

2017-12-02, 01:59 PM
Well, in order to tackle your problems:

1) At 5th level, a couple of CR 4 skitarii will still be challenging. At 8th level, 4 skitarii will still be a pain and a CR 11 Dominus will be a dangerous boss monster. There's no reason why Kastellans wouldn't be around CR 13 by this slightly-higher-than-realistic scale, either.

2nd) There's nothing stopping you from making (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/creating-new-races/) a skitarius race and just replacing the human abilities with the skitarius ones. For example, you could have them be half-constructs, who are generally medium (make a separate sicarian race), +2 to any ability like a human has, with the xenophobic language array (Low Gothic as their standard language, with Common, High Gothic, Tau or Eldar as the optional langauges - though they're unlikely to speak either of the xeno languages) and the craftsman (+2 to craft checks related to metal or stone) and master tinker (+1 DD and K (Eng), proficient with anything they created personally) traits.

This gives you:
Type and Subtype: Humanoid (Half-construct, human). Skitarii get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue. They cannot be raised or resurrected, and they need not breathe, eat or sleep but can if they wish.
Size: Medium. A skitarius gets no bonuses or penalties due to its size.
Ability Scores: +2 to any one.
Languages: Low Gothic. A skitarius with a high intelligence score can pick Common, High Gothic, Tau or Eldar as a bonus language.
Craftsman: Skitarii get a +2 bonus on craft checks related to metal or stone.
Master Tinker: Skitarii get a +1 bonus on disable device and knowledge (engineering) checks. They are proficient with any weapon they created personally.
Race Points: 10

Type and Subtype: Humanoid (Half-construct, human). Sicarians get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue. They cannot be raised or resurrected, and they need not breathe, eat or sleep but can if they wish.
Size: Large. Sicarians gain a +2 size bonus to Strength and a –2 size penalty to Dexterity. Sicarians take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A Large creature takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet.
Ability Scores: +2 to any one.
Languages: Low Gothic. A sicarian with a high intelligence score can pick Common, High Gothic, Tau or Eldar as a bonus language.
Race Points: 14

3) I generally just wing it when creating monsters. That said, for humanoids (the body shape, not the type) like the skitarii, you can usually just give them class levels and be done with it.

2017-12-03, 06:35 AM
Excellent reply. I had no idea about the RP system and will look into it. The work you did is very promising. I think I'll pursue that path and then cherry pick the best traits and drawbacks to go with them. I'm doing some more research and the Warhammer wiki on Skitarii has some reaaaally juicy stuff. Even pictures of units and weapons!

I'll post again once I'm not exausted with the race/faction fluff I want to translate in crunch.

2017-12-03, 02:21 PM
You know what? I'm bored and I don't have anything better to do.

Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl, Prime Conduit of the Omnissiah CR 13, XP 25,600
Augmented Tech-Priest Construct 3 Techpriest* 10
LN Huge Humanoid Construct (Human, Giant, Living Construct) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +8, Senses Blindsight 30 feet, darkvision infinite, low-light vision, Perception +19
AC 33, touch 19, flat-footed 29 (+14 armour, -2 size, +4 dex, +2 deflect, +5 techpriest)
HP 3d10+10d6+65 (116 HP)
Fort +9 Ref +12 Will +9
Defensive Abilities: Living Construct Traits (Immune: poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain), Artificer Self-Repair Mechanisms
Speed: 40 feet
Melee: Arc Scourge +13/+8 (3d6+6 18-20) and Mechadendrite Hive see text (1d6) or Omnissian Axe +13/+8 (4d6+6 *3) and Mechadendrite Hive see text (1d6)
Ranged: Solar Atomiser +13/+8 (6d6 *4)
Special Attacks: Canticles of the Omnissiah, Master of Machines
Str 18 Dex 18 Con 20 Int 30 Wis 16 Cha 16
Base Atk 10; CMB +35; CMD 48
Feats Armour Proficiency (Light)(B), Armour Proficiency (Medium)(B), Armour Proficiency (Heavy), Armour Proficiency (Powered)(B)*, Charge of the Righteous, Hammer the Gap, Heroic Surge*, Improved Initiative, Oathbound*, Power Attack, Salvage(B)*
Skills Acrobatics +15, Craft (Armoursmithing) +23, Craft (Mechanical) +26, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +23, Disable Device +26, Diplomacy +14, Heal +16 (+20 related to cybernetics), Knowledge (Engineering) +26 (+31 identify unfamiliar technology), Knowledge (Geography) +26, Knowledge (History) +23, Knowledge (Local) +26, Knowledge (Religion) +23, Perception +19, Profession (Driver) +19, Profession (Pilot) +19, Use Magic Device +19
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic, Lingua Technis, Infernal, Necron, Eldar, Common
SQ: Robomancer, Cybermancer, Skilled Salvager, Robo-expert, Exotic Weapon Adept, Expeditious Scavenger, Necron Archeotech, Lord of Mars

*Class and feats from D20 40K modified for use in Pathfinder

Artificer Self-Repair Mechanisms
Belisarius Cawl regains 1d3*15 hit points at the start of each round.

Arc Scourge
An arc scourge ignores the hardness of vehicles and deals double damage to them.

Mechadendrite Hive
An attack with the mechadendrite hive can only be made as part of a full attack action, in which case 2d6 attacks are made at full base attack bonus but with no strength or dexterity bonus added (a +13 bonus).

Solar Atomiser
This weapon has a range increment of 5 feet. A creature within 5 range increments (25 feet) takes double damage from the solar atomiser.

Canticles of the Omnissiah
Belissarius Cawl can recite the Canticles of the Omnissiah (see Tech-Priest Enginseer). When he does, you may add or subtract 1 from the roll on the table.

Master of Machines
At the end of Belisarius Cawl's turn, he can choose a friendly [Adeptus Mechanicus] creature or vehicle within 15 feet, not including himself. The target regains 1d3*15 hit points. A single creature or vehicle can only benefit from this effect once per round, regardless of source.

Heroic Surge
Up to four times per day, but no more than once per round, Belisarius Cawl can take an additional move or standard action.

Belisarius Cawl's aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. Cawl gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

Belisarius Cawl can salvage a damaged or destroyed vehicle, mecha, starship, robot or cybernetic enhancement. Refer to the table on page 131 of the Warhammer 40,000 d20 rulebook for more information.

A techpriest of at least second level takes half the normal time to build or repair robots and robotic components.

A techpriest of at least fourth level takes half the normal time to build or repair cybernetic attachments.

A techpriest of at least eighth level deals 2d6 extra points of damage with all attacks against robots, and gets a +8 grapple bonus against them.

Exotic Weapon Adept
A techpriest of at least fifth level only takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls with an exotic weapon with which he isn't proficient.

Expeditious Salvager
A techpriest of eighth level or higher can use the Salvage feat to salvage a wrecked vehicle, mecha, starship, robot, or cybernetic attachment in half the usual time (see the Salvage feat description for details).

Necron Archeotech
A techpriest of tenth level can craft archeotech gear, like c'tan phaseblades.

Lord of Mars
Any friendly [Adeptus Mechanicus] creatures within 30 feet of Belisarius Cawl can re-roll failed rolls to hit with ranged attacks, including Cawl himself.

Techpriest Dominus, CR 10, XP 9,600
Tech-Priest Expert 3/Techpriest* 7
LN Medium Humanoid (Human, Half-Construct, Techpriest) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +5, Senses Darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, perception +14
AC 25, touch 17, FF 24 (+8 armour, +1 dex, +2 deflect, +4 techpriest)
HP 3d8+7d6+20 (58 hp)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +8
Defensive Abilities Masterwork Bionics
Speed 30 feet
Melee Omnissian Axe +9/+4 (2d6+3) and Macrostubber +8/+8/+3/+3 (2d8)
Ranged Macrostubber +8/+8/+3/+3 (2d8) or Phosphor Serpenta +8/+3 (2d12); Volkite Blaster +8/+3 (3d12 *4) or Eradication Ray +8/+3 ranged touch (3d12)
Special Attacks Canticles of the Omnissiah, Master of Machines
Str 14 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 10
Base Atk +7 CMB +9 CMD 20
Feats Armour Proficiency (Medium)(B), Exotic Firearms Proficiency(B)*, Heroic Surge, Improved Initiative, Oathbound, Point Blank Shot, Salvage (B)*
Skills Acrobatics +14, Craft (Mechanical) +13, Knowledge (Engineering) +16 (+19 identify unfamiliar technology), Knowledge (Geography) +16, Knowledge (Local) +16, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Perception +14 (+17 salvage), Profession (Driver) +14, Profession (Pilot) +14, Use Magic Device +13,
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic, Lingua Technis, Eldar, Tau
SQ Robomancer, Cybermancer, Skilled Salvager, Robo-expert, Exotic Weapon Adept, Lord of the Machine Cult

A techpriest dominus is usually equipped with an Omnissian axe, volkite blaster and macrostubber. A volkite blaster is sometimes swapped for an eradication ray. A macrostubber is sometimes swapped for a phosphor serpenta. The macrostubber can be used as part of the same full attack as the Omnissian axe without penalty, and the phosphor serpenta can be used with the volkite blaster or eradication ray without penalty.

The macrostubber's range increment is 15 feet, the phosphor serpenta's is 20 feet, and the volkite blaster's and the eradication ray's are 30 feet. The phosphor serpenta ignores cover, but still requires line of effect to the target. A creature within 1 range increment (30 feet) of the eradication ray takes double damage, but the dominus takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls with the eradication ray if he moves in the same turn (if he doesn't accept the penalty, he cannot move later in the turn).

Masterwork Bionics
At the start of the dominus' turn, he regains 1d3*15 hit points.

Canticles of the Omnissiah
A techpriest dominus can recite the Canticles of the Omnissiah (see Tech-Priest Enginseer).

Master of Machines
At the end of the techpriest dominus' turn, he can choose a friendly [Adeptus Mechanicus] creature or vehicle within 15 feet, not including himself. The target regains 1d3*15 hit points. A single creature or vehicle can only benefit from this effect once per round, regardless of source.

Heroic Surge
Up to three times per day, but no more than once per round, a techpriest dominus can take an additional move or standard action.

A techpriest dominus' aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The dominus gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

A techpriest dominus can salvage a damaged or destroyed vehicle, mecha, starship, robot or cybernetic enhancement. Refer to the table on page 131 of the Warhammer 40,000 d20 rulebook for more information.

A techpriest of at least second level takes half the normal time to build or repair robots and robotic components.

A techpriest of at least fourth level takes half the normal time to build or repair cybernetic attachments.

A techpriest of at least fourth level deals 1d6 extra points of damage with all attacks against robots, and gets a +4 grapple bonus against them.

Exotic Weapon Adept
A techpriest of at least fifth level only takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls with an exotic weapon with which he isn't proficient.

Lord of the Machine Cult
Any friendly [Adeptus Mechanicus] creatures within 30 feet of the techpriest dominus can re-roll failed attack rolls of 1, 2, or 3 to hit with ranged attacks, including the dominus.

Techpriest Enginseer CR 6, XP 2,400
Tech-priest Expert 3/Techpriest 3
LN Medium Humanoid (Human) [Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +1, Senses perception +9
AC 20, touch 14, FF 19 (+6 armour, +1 deflect, +1 dex, +2 techpriest)
HP 3d8+3d6+6 (30 HP)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5
Defensive Abilities -
Speed 30 feet
Melee Omnissian Axe +6 (2d6+3) and Servo-Arm +2 (2d20) and laspistol +5 (2d8)
Ranged Laspistol +5 (2d6)
Special Attacks Canticles of the Omnissiah
Str 14 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 10
Base Atk +4 CMB +6 CMD +17
Feats Builder (Mechanical and Structural)(B)*, Heroic Surge, Oathbound, Personal Firearm Proficiency*, Scavenge(B)*
Skills Craft (Mechanical) +13, Craft (Structural) +13, Knowledge (Engineering) +13 (+14 identify alien technology), Knowledge (Local) +6, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Perception +9, Profession (Driver) +9, Profession (Pilot) +9, Use Magic Device +9
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic, Lingua Technis, Eldar
SQ Robomancer

An enginseer has all three of the weapons listed and can use all three in the same full attack with no penalty. The laspistol has a range increment of 15 feet.

Canticles of the Omnissiah
A techpriest enginseer can recite the Canticles of the Omnissiah.

Reciting the canticles is a swift action, and affects all [Adeptus Mechanicus] creatures and vehicles in the same combat for the rest of the round. Roll 1d6 to determine the effect at random:

(1) Incantation of the Iron Soul: Affected creatures and vehicles re-roll all failed will saves.
(2) Litany of the Electromancer: When you recite the canticles, each enemy within 5 feet of a creature affected must take a reflex save (DC 10 + half affected creature's hit dice + affected creature's intelligence modifier) or take 1d6 points of damage per hit die of the affected creature. Use the highest hit dice and highest intelligence modifier (separately) of affected creatures within 5 feet of the enemy. If a vehicle is affected, treat it as a creature with its pilot's hit dice and intelligence for this purpose.
(3) Chant of the Remorseless Fist: Affected creatures and vehicles re-roll any failed melee attack rolls of 1, 2, or 3.
(4) Shroudpsalm: Affected creatures and vehicles have concealment (20% miss chance)
(5) Invocation of Machine Might: Affected creatures have a +2 bonus to melee attack and damage rolls.
(6) Benediction of the Omnissiah: Affected creatures and vehicles re-roll any failed ranged attack rolls of 1, 2, or 3.

Master of Machines
At the end of the techpriest enginseer's turn, he can choose a friendly [Adeptus Mechanicus] or [Adeptus Astra Militarium] vehicle within 15 feet. The target regains 1d3*15 hit points. A single vehicle can only benefit from this effect once per round, regardless of source.

Heroic Surge
Up to twice per day, but no more than once per round, a techpriest enginseer can take an additional move or standard action.

A techpriest enginseer's aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The enginseer gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

A techpriest enginseer can salvage a damaged or destroyed vehicle, mecha, starship, robot or cybernetic enhancement. Refer to the table on page 131 of the Warhammer 40,000 d20 rulebook for more information.

A techpriest of at least second level takes half the normal time to build or repair robots and robotic components.

Cybernetica Datasmith CR 6, XP 2,400
Tech-priest Expert 3/Techpriest 3
LN Medium Humanoid (Human) [Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +1, Senses perception +9
AC 22, touch 14, FF 21 (+8 armour, +1 dex, +1 deflect, +2 techpriest)
HP 3d8+3d6+6 (30 HP)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5
Defensive Abilities -
Speed 30 feet
Melee Power Fist +2 (2d20) and Gamma Pistol +5 (2d12)
Ranged Gamma Pistol +5 (2d6)
Special Attacks Canticles of the Omnissiah
Str 14 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 10
Base Atk +4 CMB +6 CMD +17
Feats Builder (Mechanical and Structural)(B)*, Heroic Surge, Oathbound, Personal Firearm Proficiency*, Scavenge(B)*
Skills Craft (Mechanical) +13, Craft (Structural) +13, Knowledge (Engineering) +13 (+14 identify alien technology), Knowledge (Local) +6, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Perception +9, Profession (Driver) +9, Profession (Pilot) +9, Use Magic Device +9
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic, Lingua Technis, Eldar
SQ Robomancer

A datasmith has both of the weapons listed and can use both in the same full attack with no penalty. The gamma pistol has a range increment of 15 feet.

Canticles of the Omnissiah
A cybernetica datasmith can recite the Canticles of the Omnissiah (see techpriest enginseer).

Master of Machines
At the end of the cybernetica datasmith's turn, he can choose a friendly kastellan robot within 15 feet. The target regains 1d3*15 hit points. A single robot can only benefit from this effect once per round, regardless of source.

Heroic Surge
Up to twice per day, but no more than once per round, a cybernetica datasmith can take an additional move or standard action.

A cybernetica datasmith's aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The datasmith gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

A cybernetica datasmith can salvage a damaged or destroyed vehicle, mecha, starship, robot or cybernetic enhancement. Refer to the table on page 131 of the Warhammer 40,000 d20 rulebook for more information.

A techpriest of at least second level takes half the normal time to build or repair robots and robotic components.

Corpuscarius Electro-Priest CR 3, XP 800
Human monk 3
LN Medium humanoid (human) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Wis, +2 Deflect)
hp 28 (3d8+15)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantment
Defensive Abilities evasion, fanatical devotion
Speed 40 ft.
Melee electrostatic gauntlets +5 (1d8+2) or flurry of blows +4/+4 (1d8+2)
Ranged electrostatic gauntlets +5 (1d8+2) or flurry of blows +4/+4 (1d8+2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows, Stunning Fist (3/day, DC 12)
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Scorpion Style, Stand Still, Step Up, Stunning Fist, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Craft (Mechanical) +6, Knowledge (history) +6, Perception +7
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
SQ fast movement, maneuver training
Gear electrostatic gauntlets, voltagheist field

Electrostatic Gauntlets
These masterwork weapons are treated as a type of unarmed strike. The wielder's unarmed strike damage increases as though the unarmed strike were one size category larger, and the wielder can make ranged attacks with the gauntlets as though they were thrown weapons with a range increment of 10 feet except that the gauntlets need not actually be thrown. They are built into the corpuscarius' body.

Voltagheist Field
This forcefield is built into the electro-priest's body. It provides a +2 deflection bonus to AC and when the electro-priest charges, the creature charged must take a reflex save (DC 14) or take 1d6 points of electricity damage, even if none of the electro-priest's attacks actually hits. The save DC is constitution-based.

Fanatical Devotion
Electro-priests have the ability to survive damage which most creatures would not. Any damage the electro-priest takes is reduced to two thirds of the normal damage.

Fulgurite Electro-Priest CR 3, XP 800
Human monk 3
LN Medium humanoid (human) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Wis, +2 Deflect)
HP 28 (3d8+15)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantment
Defensive Abilities evasion, fanatical devotion
Speed 40 ft.
Melee electroleech stave +5 (2d6+3 *4) or flurry of blows +4/+4 (2d6+3 *4)
Special Attacks flurry of blows, Stunning Fist (3/day, DC 12)
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Scorpion Style, Stand Still, Step Up, Stunning Fist, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Craft (Mechanical) +6, Knowledge (history) +6, Perception +7
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
SQ fast movement, maneuver training
Gear electrostatic gauntlets, voltagheist field

Siphoned Vigour
If the Fulgurite deals enough damage to a creature to knock that creature unconscious or kill it, his deflection bonus to AC increases to +4 for the rest of the encounter.

Voltagheist Field
This forcefield is built into the electro-priest's body. It provides a +2 deflection bonus to AC and when the electro-priest charges, the creature charged must take a reflex save (DC 14) or take 1d6 points of electricity damage, even if none of the electro-priest's attacks actually hits. The save DC is constitution-based.

Fanatical Devotion
Electro-priests have the ability to survive damage which most creatures would not. Any damage the electro-priest takes is reduced to two thirds of the normal damage.

2017-12-03, 08:28 PM
Whaaaaaaat?? Look at those stats!! This looks really, really good!

I’ll tell ya what since I work in the Air Force and am stationed in S. Korea, this was just the thing I needed during my 14 hour shift to keep me going.

Can’t wait to try and contribute more on my end! If you get bored again I’d love see what else you come up with on the vehicle front. XD

2017-12-04, 07:08 AM
This isn't even my final boredom! :smalltongue:

Servitor, Kataphron CR 7, XP 3,200
TN Large Construct (Servitor) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Large Imperial Droid Construct 7
Init -1, Senses darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, Class IV Sensor System perception +
AC 17, touch 9, FF 17 (+8 armour, -1 size, -1 dex, +1 deflect)
HP 7d10+34 (72 hp)
Fort Immune, Ref +1, Will +2
Defensive Abilities Ceramite Armour, Immune construct traits
Speed 20 feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +12/+7 (1d4+5) or Arc Claw +12/+7 (4d6+5) or Hydraulic Claw +8/+3 (6d6+5)
Ranged Heavy Arc Rifle +12/+7 (4d6) or Torsion Cannon +12 ranged touch (6d10) or Cognis Flamer DC 15 (3d6 fire) or Heavy Grav Cannon +12/+12/+7/+7 ranged touch (4d6+???) or Phosphor Blaster +12/+7 (2d12) or Plasma Culverin +12 ranged splash (4d10) or Overcharged Plasma Culverin +12 ranged splash (6d10)
Special Attacks -
Str 21 Dex 9 Con - Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 5
Base Atk +7 CMB +16 CMD 25
Feats Heroic Surge*, Oathbound*, Point Blank Shot, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics -1 (incapable jumping), Knowledge (Engineering) +10, Perception +12, Swim incapable,
Languages Lingua Technis
SQ Large Imperial Droid Traits, Treads, Skillweb and Featweb, Weapon Mounts, Heavy Battle Servitor

A kataphron is set up in either the breacher pattern or the destroyer pattern. Breachers carry a heavy arc rifle or torsion cannon, and an arc claw or hydraulic claw. A kataphron carries a cognis flamer or a phosphor blaster, alongside a heavy grav-cannon or plasma culverin.

A heavy arc rifle has a range increment of 60 feet. A heavy arc rifle or an arc claw deals double damage to vehicles and ignores their hardness. A torsion cannon only ever fires a single shot at a time (though a heroic surge allows the kataphron to fire it again). Its range increment is 40 feet. Attacks with the torsion cannon are touch attacks. A hydraulic claw is so unwieldy that the kataphron subtracts 4 from attack rolls (taken into account above).

A cognis flamer fires a 20-ft cone of fire; a reflex save halves the damage it deals. If the cognis flamer is readied against a charge, roll the damage twice and take the higher. A heavy grav cannon has a range increment of 50 feet. A heavy grav cannon deals additional damage to the target equal to the target's combined armour and shield bonuses to AC and automatically overcomes hardness. The attacks it makes are ranged touch attacks and twice the normal numbers of attacks are made in a full attack; this is taken into account above.

A phosphor blaster has a range increment of 30 feet. It ignores cover, though you still need line of effect to fire it. A plasma culverin has a range increment of 60 feet and works a little like a standard ranged splash weapon, except that the target, if struck, takes full damage, but so does everyone else within 10 feet unless they pass a reflex save (DC 15) for half damage. If the plasma culverin is overcharged, it deals the increased damage noted and the reflex save DC is 20, but an attack roll of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 destroys the wielder (as well as dealing the standard damage to the targets). In any case, if you miss with the plasma culverin, resolve the miss like a ranged splash attack, and then work out who is within 10 feet of the resulting location. Everyone, even creatures in that square, are entitled to a reflex save.

Class IV Sensor System
A robot with a Class IV sensor system gains a +2 bonus on perception checks. The sensor system has visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory senses.

Ceramite Armour
A robot with ceramite armour has hardness 8, even though it's a creature, not an object. It also has a -10 penalty to speed, but this is already accounted for in the speed given above.

Heroic Surge
Up to twice per day, but no more than once per round, a kataphron can take an additional move or standard action.

A kataphron's aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The kataphron gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

Large Imperial Droid Traits
A large imperial droid has extra hit points equal to 20 + 1/HD, and base ability scores of 20/9/-/10/10/5. Unlike most robots, they are intelligent. They require a perception check, DC 10, to distinguish them from members of the emulated species. They have critical systems and therefore a semblance of a discernable anatomy, making them vulnerable to precision damage and critical hits.

A robot with treads can traverse difficult terrain without penalty, but cannot climb steep slopes or stairs, nor can it jump. It can't swim, but can usually go along the bottom of the water. The treads have been improved to give the kataphron a +10 bonus to speed, which is already accounted for in the speed given above.

Skillweb and Featweb
Unlike other robots, servitors can learn skills and feats at no penalty.

Weapon Mounts
A kataphron's weapons cannot be used as a hand-held weapon - only the kataphron itself can use them.

Heavy Battle Servitor
A kataphron uses its strength modifier in place of its dexterity modifier to make ranged wepaon attacks, unless for whatever reason its dexterity modifier is actually higher.

Servitor CR 2**, XP 600
Medium Imperial Droid Construct 1
TN Medium Construct (Servitor) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +0, Senses Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, perception +4
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armour)
HP 1d10+10 (15 hp)
Fort immune, Ref +0, Will +0
Defensive Abilities Plascrete Armour, Immune construct traits
Speed 30 feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +2 (1d3) or servo-arm -2 (2d20)
Ranged Heavy Bolter +1/+1 (2d12 *3) or Multi-melta +1 ranged touch (3d20) or Plasma Cannon +1 ranged splash (4d10) or Overcharged Plasma Cannon +1 ranged splash (6d10)
Special Attacks
Str 12 Dex 11 Con - Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 5
Base Atk +1 CMB +2 CMD 12
Feats Oathbound*
Skills Perception +6, Knowledge (Engineering) +6
Languages Lingua Technis
SQ Medium Imperial Droid Traits, Legs, Skillweb and Featweb, Weapon Mounts, Mindlock

**A servitor is overly damage-based to the point that it can take out a second-level character in a lucky shot quite easily, or conversely be destroyed before it has a chance to act with no resource expenditure by the party, so it's advisable not to use them unless the encounter level is at least 6.

A servitor can make unarmed strikes, and carries any one of the other listed weapons. A heavy bolter or plasma cannon has a range increment of 60 feet whereas the multi-melta's is 30 feet. A heavy bolter and a multi-melta work normally except as listed above, and a plasma cannon works just like a plasma culverin except that the splash range is only 5 feet.

Class IV Sensor System
A robot with a Class IV sensor system gains a +2 bonus on perception checks. The sensor system has visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory senses.

Plascrete Armour
Plascrete armour provides the robot with hardness 4, even though it's a creature, not an object.

A servitor's aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The servitor gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

Medium Imperial Droid Traits
A medium imperial droid has extra hit points equal to 10, and base ability scores of 12/11/-/10/10/5. Unlike most robots, they are intelligent. They require a perception check, DC 10, to distinguish them from members of the emulated species. They have critical systems and therefore a semblance of a discernable anatomy, making them vulnerable to precision damage and critical hits.

A robot with legs is bipedal, walking on two legs as well as a human.

Skillweb and Featweb
Unlike other robots, servitors can learn skills and feats at no penalty.

Weapon Mounts
A servitor's weapons cannot be used as a hand-held weapon - only the servitor itself can use them.

A servitor takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls unless there is a friendly techpriest (Belisarius Cawl, Techpriest Dominus, Techpriest Enginseer or Cybernetica Datasmith) or Techmarine (Master of the Forge or Techmarine) within 60 feet of it.

Kastellan Robot, CR 13, XP 25,600
Huge Imperial Armature Construct 10
TN Huge Construct (Kastellan) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init -2, Senses Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, Class IV Sensor Suite, perception +2
AC 14, touch 6, FF 14 (armour +8, size -2, dex -2), (16/8/16 vs ranged (+2 deflect))
HP 10d10+60 (115 hp)
Fort immune, Ref +1, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Ceramite Armour, Repulsor Grid,Immune Construct traits, mindless
Speed 40 feet
Melee Kick +21/+16 (4d6+11) or 2 Kastellan Fists +19/+19/+14/+14 (10d6+11)
Ranged Incendine Combustor DC 20 (4d6 fire) and/or 1-3 Heavy Phosphor Blasters +21/+16 (single) or +19/+14 (each while multiweapon fighting) (6d6)
Special Attacks
Str 33 Dex 6 Con - Int - Wis 10 Cha 1
Base Atk +10 CMB +29 CMD 37
Feats Improved Many-Weapon Fighting(B), Many-Weapon Fighting(B)
Skills Perception +2
Languages None
SQ Huge Imperial Armature Traits, Legs, Weapon Mounts, Kastellan Traits, Battle Protocols, Explodes!

Class IV Sensor System
A robot with a Class IV sensor system gains a +2 bonus on perception checks. The sensor system has visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory senses.

Ceramite Armour
A robot with ceramite armour has hardness 8, even though it's a creature, not an object. It also has a -10 penalty to speed, but this is already accounted for in the speed given above.

Repulsor Grid
The repulsor grid is responsible for the +2 deflection bonus to AC against ranged attacks given above. Also, a creature who misses the kastellan with a ranged attack due to the deflection bonus (usually one who rolls a total of 14 or 15 for their attack roll) takes 15 points of damage.

A kastellan has either two kastellan fists or two heavy phosphor blasters. It has an incendine combustor or a heavy phosphor blaster, potentially giving it three heavy phosphor blasters. A kastellan without fists can kick in combat instead.

A heavy phosphor blaster has a range increment of 50 feet, and an incendine combustor deals damage in a 60-foot cone (reflex half). A heavy phosphor blaster ignores cover but not line of effect.

Huge Imperial Armature Traits
A huge imperial armature has extra hit points equal to 40 + 2 per hit die, and base ability scores of 31/6/-/-/10/1. They are mindless.

A robot with legs is bipedal, walking on two legs as well as a human.

Weapon Mounts
A kastellan's weapons cannot be used as a hand-held weapon - only the kastellan itself can use them.

Kastellan Traits
A kastellan is unusually fast, but this is given in its base speed above. It also uses strength instead of dexterity for ranged attack rolls unless its dexterity is actually higher. Finally, it gains many-weapon fighting and improved many-weapon fighting as bonus feats, as given above.

Battle Protocols
A kastellan has three protocols, and it usually starts combat in the aegis protocol. It can switch between protocols as a swift action so long as there is one or more cybernetica datasmiths within 60 feet of it. In the aegis protocol, its armour bonus to AC and deflection bonus to AC against ranged attacks are increased by 2. In the conqueror protocol, it cannot make ranged attacks but any attacks it makes are taken twice, and in the protector protocol it can't move from the square it's in but any ranged attacks it makes are taken twice.

When the kastellan is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is a 6, the kastellan explodes, dealing 3d6 fire, 3d6 slashing and 3d6 force damage to every creature within 15 feet (reflex DC 15 half).

The actual skitarii themselves will probably have to come some other time, along with the sicarians and vehicles.

2017-12-04, 07:52 AM
The Kastellan Robot have a very confusing stat block.
I mean how can it be a
Huge Imperial Armature Construct 10
LN Medium Humanoid (Human) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Does it means that it is Huge And Medium and a construct and an humanoid?

2017-12-04, 08:11 AM
The Kastellan Robot have a very confusing stat block.
I mean how can it be a
Huge Imperial Armature Construct 10
LN Medium Humanoid (Human) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Does it means that it is Huge And Medium and a construct and an humanoid?

That's a copy-paste mistake: it is of course a huge construct.

2017-12-04, 10:13 AM
It also seems the castellan robot is a glass cannon.
It is somehow a reverted tank with the damage of multiple tanks and with as health a little bit more than the damage one tank deals in a turn:
but when compared to http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Animated%20Tank
It is way more similar(except the part where your robot murders stuff in melee or at range in one instant and have less hp and lower cr)
Maybe your castellan robot was undercred or maybe it is low cr because of its low spot(I mean your robot can not spot anything) making it very snipe-able and way easier to flee.
Or it is just that you are not playing the same kind of pathfinder campaigns.
I guess that if the players can at level 10 deal 30 or more damage each then it is fine as a cr 10 monster.
For CR10 the accuracy of that robot seems reasonable(as in: it will not break the game) but in fact it have more than a lot of higher cred monsters.

2017-12-04, 12:36 PM
Much like the kastellan robots of 40K itself, the kastellan gets a lot of shots that can kill standard infantry trivially, but can't stand up to having several meltaguns pointed at it and the triggers pulled. I honestly don't think that a tank should have enough hardness and hit points to survive being dropped from orbit thirty-one times, nor do I think that being shot by a tank's battle cannon is something that a low-level NPC should be able to walk away from a decent amount of the time (a 3rd-level, 12-con warrior with toughness has 22 hit points, giving him a 9% chance to be fine after a direct hit from a tank shell, a 12% chance to stay standing and an 87% chance to live, at least immediately).

At CR 13 (maybe you mixed up its CR and its HD? I dunno), the kastellan is nasty, but it shouldn't be lethal to anyone of that level unless they are devoid of tactics, armour class and hit points. In the second instance, it can't actually change into the modes which give it extra attacks without a datasmith, although this may be cold comfort to anyone facing down six phosphor rounds. Hey, in original 40K it got 9 (and yes, protector protocol doubled that).

Of course, if it does go into protector protocol, you do gain the option of murdering the CR 6 datasmith cowering behind it before getting out of its line of effect. It's not like it's going anywhere.

2017-12-04, 01:44 PM
The Adeptus Mechanicus on the whole can usually be described as glass canons. Quite often they are referred to by enemies as “Tin Soldiers”. Their weapons are old and pack a wallop but they are much weaker against the vast majorly of enemies in the physical sense. Their strengths comes from collecting data and implementing stratagems to most deadly effect.

The things that balance them out are the Titan units. Those are not glass, not at all. Oooh imagine doing a full round attack with a. A Guard Troop and one Titan. Destruction! Oooh or a vs dragon battle!!

2017-12-04, 02:19 PM
The Adeptus Mechanicus on the whole can usually be described as glass canons. Quite often they are referred to by enemies as “Tin Soldiers”. Their weapons are old and pack a wallop but they are much weaker against the vast majorly of enemies in the physical sense. Their strengths comes from collecting data and implementing stratagems to most deadly effect.

The things that balance them out are the Titan units. Those are not glass, not at all. Oooh imagine doing a full round attack with a. A Guard Troop and one Titan. Destruction! Oooh or a vs dragon battle!!

I don't have the stats for a titan, but here's a possible full attack for a Knight Crusader:

Melee: Titanic Feet +40/+40/+40/+35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+30/+25/+25/+25 (8d6+15)
Ranged: Avenger Gatling Gun +25/+25/+25/+20/+20/+20/+15/+15/+15/+10/+10/+10 (6d6) and heavy flamer DC 20 (6d6) and 2 heavy stubbers +25/+25/+20/+20/+15/+15/+10/+10 (3d6) and rapid-fire battle cannon +25/+25/+20/+20/+15/+15/+10/+10 (8d6) and stormspear rocket pod +25/+20/+15/+10 (8d6)

You do NOT want to be standing anywhere near that when it happens. At least it's not a Stormlord, I suppose.

Actually, on second thoughts, I do have access to a titan datasheet, namely the Emperor Titan's datasheet that GW put out free...

Melee: Cathedral +345/+340/+335/+330 (3d100+305)
Ranged: 6 Vulcan Mega-Bolters +40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25 (6d6) and 2 Vengeance Cannons ranged splash +40/+40/+35/+35/+30/+30/+25/+25 (destroyer DC 30 and 3d100)

Yeah, I've just decided that that's not okay and I don't want to go near it.

2017-12-04, 03:14 PM
How is a fighter supposed to live in this setting?
Oh sorry I forgot.
In warhammer40k fighters do not live.

2017-12-04, 11:16 PM

Those are crazy. At least a titan would be much easier to skin into pathfinder. With the flavor world I have I can treat them as full constructs.

2017-12-05, 05:50 AM
Servitor CR 2**, XP 600
Medium Imperial Droid Construct 1
TN Medium Construct (Servitor) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +0, Senses Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, perception +4
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armour)
HP 1d10+10 (15 hp)
Fort immune, Ref +0, Will +0
Defensive Abilities Plascrete Armour, Immune construct traits
Speed 30 feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +2 (1d3) or servo-arm -2 (2d20)
Ranged Heavy Bolter +1/+1 (2d12 *3) or Multi-melta +1 ranged touch (3d20) or Plasma Cannon +1 ranged splash (4d10) or Overcharged Plasma Cannon +1 ranged splash (6d10)
Special Attacks
Str 12 Dex 11 Con - Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 5
Base Atk +1 CMB +2 CMD 12
Feats Oathbound*
Skills Perception +6, Knowledge (Engineering) +6
Languages Lingua Technis
SQ Medium Imperial Droid Traits, Legs, Skillweb and Featweb, Weapon Mounts, Mindlock

**A servitor is overly damage-based to the point that it can take out a second-level character in a lucky shot quite easily, or conversely be destroyed before it has a chance to act with no resource expenditure by the party, so it's advisable not to use them unless the encounter level is at least 6.

A servitor can make unarmed strikes, and carries any one of the other listed weapons. A heavy bolter or plasma cannon has a range increment of 60 feet whereas the multi-melta's is 30 feet. A heavy bolter and a multi-melta work normally except as listed above, and a plasma cannon works just like a plasma culverin except that the splash range is only 5 feet.

Class IV Sensor System
A robot with a Class IV sensor system gains a +2 bonus on perception checks. The sensor system has visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory senses.

Plascrete Armour
Plascrete armour provides the robot with hardness 4, even though it's a creature, not an object.

A servitor's aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The servitor gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

Medium Imperial Droid Traits
A medium imperial droid has extra hit points equal to 10, and base ability scores of 12/11/-/10/10/5. Unlike most robots, they are intelligent. They require a perception check, DC 10, to distinguish them from members of the emulated species. They have critical systems and therefore a semblance of a discernable anatomy, making them vulnerable to precision damage and critical hits.

A robot with legs is bipedal, walking on two legs as well as a human.

Skillweb and Featweb
Unlike other robots, servitors can learn skills and feats at no penalty.

Weapon Mounts
A servitor's weapons cannot be used as a hand-held weapon - only the servitor itself can use them.

A servitor takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls unless there is a friendly techpriest (Belisarius Cawl, Techpriest Dominus, Techpriest Enginseer or Cybernetica Datasmith) or Techmarine (Master of the Forge or Techmarine) within 60 feet of it.

So someone at work today informed me of something that might fit a more ghastly mold for servitors. Lords of Rust created a great monster called the Rust Risen. There is no template to apply this to other races at the moment. What I would love is combining the best elements of both Servitors and a Rust Risen into a template. This way a captured monster race that can't be turned into a Skitarii (vis this device: Rebirthing Chamber) or deemed unfit for service can be turned into a zomborg. It seems a perfectly grisly way to serve the Mechanicum if the Machine Goddess finds your flesh unfit for "elevation".

Slot none; Weight 1,200 lbs.; Capacity —; Usage 200 charges/day

This enclosed pod of metal and plastic contains a thinly padded bed on which to lay, and dozens of small vents along its interior. A rebirthing chamber cannot operate on its own power, and must be attached to an external power source. When a Small or Medium humanoid lies within a rebirthing chamber, the chamber automatically seals. Soporific gas fills the chamber, inducing a deathlike coma (Fortitude DC 30 each round negates; this is a poison effect). One minute after it seals, the chamber floods with nanites that first analyze, then reduce the occupant to its component molecules. The dismantling process deals 6d10 points of damage and 1d4 point of Constitution drain each round (Fortitude DC 30 half), a horrifically painful process should the occupant retain consciousness. Any gear worn by the occupant is dismantled and destroyed, with possibly catastrophic results for explosives and powered devices.

Over the next 1d4 days, the nanites reconstruct and enhance the occupant, in effect optimizing its genetic code.

The occupant wakes up with full memories of its prior existence, but in the body of a young adult of its race, halfway between the minimum and maximum age of its current age category. In the process, all ability scores receive a +2 inherent bonus.

Each time a rebirthing chamber is used, there is a 10% chance its nanite reconstruction fails, leaving the host dead and without remains. Only a miracle, true resurrection, or wish can restore such a hapless victim. The nanite reservoir contains sufficient nanites for five rebirths, assuming it hasn’t been previously used.

A rebirthing chamber only works on humanoids and humanoid corporeal undead. It can even restore life to a long-dead corpse, so long as usable genetic information remains, but with a 25% chance of failure instead of 10%. For each day that passed without preservation such as gentle repose, the revived creature loses roughly 10% of its memories and gains 1 permanent negative level. If the negative levels gained exceed the creature’s level, the revival fails. Intelligent corporeal undead retain their memories after revival, but lose all undead abilities and regain their original statistics and abilities from their time among the living. Effects that restore these negative levels also restore these lost memories.

Attempts to rebirth a creature without a soul invariably fail, as do attempts to rebirth a creature from partial remains while the creature is still alive. A body is created and draws breath, but lacks any intellect and dies 2d6 hours after the process completed.

Miscellaneous bits of rusted machinery are fused to the body of
this shambling corpse.
XP 600
CE Medium undead
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 19 (3d8+6)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4
Defensive Abilities absorb electricity; Immune undead traits
Weaknesses malfunction
Speed 30 ft.
Melee arm drill +5 (1d6+3), metal jaw +5 (1d6+3)
Str 17, Dex 13, Con —, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Skills Intimidate +6, Perception +7, Stealth +5; Racial Modifiers
+2 Perception
Languages Common
SQ augmentations
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or pack (3–12)
Treasure none
Absorb Electricity (Ex) When a rust-risen is damaged by
electricity, it takes no damage (as if immune). Instead, the
rust-risen gains 1 temporary hit point for every 4 points of
damage it would have taken. A rust-risen can only have
a number of temporary hit points equal to 150% of its hit
point total. These temporary hit points disappear 1 hour
later. If a rust-risen takes more than double its normal hit
point total in electricity damage from a single attack, the
creature is destroyed.
Augmentations (Ex) Rust-risen have various pieces of
malfunctioning machinery embedded in their bodies.
Each of these augmentations provides the rust-risen with
different abilities. A rust-risen has one augmentation
plus one additional augmentation for every 3 Hit Dice the
creature possesses (typically 2 for most rust-risen). The
rust-risen presented here has the arm drill and metal jaw
augmentations. See the next page for other augmentations.
Malfunction (Ex) The machinery embedded in a rust-risen
functions unpredictably in stressful situations. When a rustrisen
enters combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each
round that it malfunctions. This chance resets to 0% 1
minute after combat ends. When a rust-risen malfunctions,
it takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill
checks, and ability checks for 1d4 minutes.
Rust-risen lurk n the burned-out husks of
ancient space-faring vessels and among the
grease and blood stained laboratories of mad,
technologist necromancers. These hideous
undead mockeries riddled with the remnants
of ancient technology—rotting creatures,
outfitted with twitching relics of a spacefaring
race, that prey on the living by
tearing their victims to shreds with
gnashing drills, vivisecting scalpels, and
flailing exsanguination tubes.
Necromancers with a twisted affinity for
technology often forgo the usual ghoul or
zombie minions for a rust-risen ally. Far from mindless,
rust-risen possess limited memories of their lives before
undeath, though these recollections are more like misshapen
shadows f lickering on the walls of their minds, and are often
distorted and highly inaccurate.
Habitat & Society
Rust-risen possess the unnatural hunger for the living
shared by other undead, but they also maintain a strange
obsession with technological artifacts. It’s not uncommon
when breaching a rust-risen lair to find it filled with baubles,
gizmos, and other technological oddities—even schematics
which rust-risen cannot make sense of. Rust-risen collect
such items, which appear to give them some semblance
of comfort in their rotting horror of an existence. Rustrisen
also seek sources of electrical power, finding them
comforting in the same way a warm bath soothes living f lesh.
If denied access to an electrical power source, rust-risen
become sluggish and despondent, but spring to activity as
soon as they are exposed to electricity.
Rust-risen are always bonded to their creator, serving
them as loyally as an animal companion does its master.
They rely on their creator to keep their malfunctioning
technology from completely breaking down. Over time
however, their bond grows into obsession; eventually it
becomes an uncontrollable desire for their master to join
them in undeath. Such obsessed rust-risen often overpower
their necromancer overlords, who awaken to find themselves
on an operating table, their machine-studded monstrosities
hovering busily over their extracted viscera.
If a rust-risen’s creator is destroyed, the undead becomes
despondent and lost. It wanders, avoiding civilization
and hovering at the fringes of communities, preying on
stragglers and wallowing in misanthropic misery. At the
same time, it constantly seeks the aid of anyone who can keep
it from breaking down. This duality means that the mood
of an uncontrolled rust-risen is nigh-impossible to predict.
Rust-Risen Augmentations
As rust-risen are cobbled together from dead bodies
augmented with barely-functioning machinery, no two are
exactly alike. Some technologically minded necromancers
with enough raw materials and a consistent design plan try
to make their rust-risen conform to a template, but most
packs of rust-risen are motley and violent amalgamations
of f lesh and steel.
A GM can further modify rust-risen in their games with
augmentations of their own creation, but they should be no
more powerful than those described below.
Additional Appendage: Some rust-risen are augmented
with an additional mechanical limb. A rust-risen with
this augmentation gains a slam attack that deals damage
appropriate for its size (1d4 for most rust-risen). This arm
can manipulate objects as well as a normal arm, but cannot
be used to wield a weapon.
Antifreeze: A rust-risen with this augmentation has an
embedded series of tubes connected to a pump that keeps
a chemical f lowing through its body, preventing ice from
forming inside it. The rust-risen gains resistance 5 to cold.
Arm Drill: A rust-risen with this augmentation has a
deadly, spinning drill grafted onto its forearm. The rustrisen
can use the drill to make a melee attack that deals
1d6 points of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Cling Hooks: A rust-risen with this augmentation has
barbed hooks grafted into its arms and legs. The rust-risen
gains a +4 racial bonus on Climb checks and a +4 racial bonus
on combat maneuvers to grapple opponents.
Cutting Arm: A rust-risen with this augmentation has one
of its forearms replaced with a functional laser torch. The
rust-risen deals 1d10 points of fire damage as a touch attack.
This damage is not modified further by Strength. When
the laser torch is used as a tool or as a weapon to sunder,
damage dealt by it bypasses hardness up to 20 points and
isn’t halved (as is normally the case for energy damage
applied to objects) unless the object is fire resistant. A laser
torch’s cutting beam passes through a force field and force
effect without damaging that field. Invisible objects and
creatures cannot be harmed by a laser torch.
Eviscerator: A rust-risen with the eviscerator augmentation
has a number of twisting blades, reciprocating saws, and
spinning drills built into its chest. The rust-risen deals an
additional 1d8 points of damage when grappling.
Exsanguination Tubes: A rust-risen with exsanguination
tubes can drain blood from creatures it has grappled. If
the rust-risen establishes or maintains a pin, it bleeds the
target, dealing 1 point of Constitution damage.
Metal Jaw: A rust-risen with this augmentation has a
metal jaw replacing its natural one. The rust-risen gains a
bite attack that deals damage appropriate for its size (1d6
points of damage for most rust-risen).
Multi-tool: A rust-risen with this augmentation has at
least one of its hands replaced with a variety of tools. The
rust-risen gains a +4 competence bonus on Disable Device
checks and is considered to be trained in that skill. The
rust-risen also gains a +2 competence bonus on one specific
Craft skill.
Steel Clad: A rust-risen with this augmentation has sheets
of metal riveted to is body. The rust-risen gains a +2 natural
armor bonus.
Tripod: A rust-risen with this augmentation has an
additional mechanical leg. The rust-risen gains a +2 bonus
to CMD against overrun and trip attempts and a +2 bonus
on Acrobatics when moving on narrow surfaces or uneven
ground. The rust-risen isn’t considered f lat-footed nor does
it lose its Dexterity bonus to AC when using Acrobatics in
this way.

Any suggestions on that kind of template?

2017-12-05, 07:20 AM
What happens if someone goes in a rebirthing chamber and survive the damage per round for the whole duration of 1d4 days?
I really wonder.

2017-12-05, 03:18 PM
In my mind (at least for this world's purpose) they aren't genetically compatible. Thus, if they don't make a hasty escape, they get vivisected to understand why and then turned into a servitor zombie by Mechaicum cyber surgeons. That mass +2 inherated bonus will be knocked down to a +1 since this is a BAd outcome more than a good one.

Those who do will come out with no legs and are considered prime material for skitarii conversion. They lose any monstrous traits and become "human" for the purposes of stats, though they may retain things like skin color or small traits that aren't scar material. They will get cut into by the cyber surgeons and turned into the crimson cloaked soldiers of the Mechanicum.

Ooh at some point I wonder if I could run a campaign off that idea alone. Maybe a one shot that follows some captures slaved being liquefied and rebuilt, then being sent into battle.

2017-12-06, 11:59 AM
"Help me stat the skitarii!"
"Okay, here, have a bunch of techpriests!"
"No, no, the skitarii!"
"Okay, how about some servitors? I'll even throw in some kastellans!"
"Okay, okay, here's some skitarii:"

Skitarius, CR 2 or 3, XP 600 or 800
Skitarius Trench Fighter 2
LN Medium Humanoid (Half-Construct, Human, Skitarius) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +3, Senses perception +4**
AC 17, touch 13, FF 17 (+4 armour, +2 dex, +1 deflect)
HP 2d10+4 (15 hp)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +0
Defensive Abilities Bravery +1, Half-Construct Traits
Speed 30 feet
Melee Improvised Greatclub +3 (1d10+1)
Ranged Galvanic Rifle +5 (2d10 *3) or Radium Carbine +5/+5 (2d8 *3) or Arc Rifle +5 (6d6) or Plasma Caliver +5 ranged touch (6d6) or supercharged Plasma Caliver +5 ranged touch (4d10), or Transuranic Arquebus +5 (6d6)
Special Attacks -
Str 12 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 8
Base Atk +2 CMB +3 CMD 16
Feats Catch Off-GuardB, Oathbound*, Point Blank ShotB
Skills Climb +5, Craft (Mechanical) +5 (+7 metal or stone), Knowledge (Engineering) +6, Perception +4**, Survival +4, Swim +5
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
SQ Master Tinker, Omnispex/Enhanced Data-Tether, Rad-Saturation

**Perception isn't a class skill for fighters, but it should be, so the value here is calculated as though Paizo knew what they were doing.

A skitarius is either a Skitarius Ranger, in which case he generally carries a galvanic rifle, or a Skitarius Vanguard, in which case he usually carries a radium carbine. In either case, the weapon can be used as an improvised greatclub (at no penalty due to the Catch Off-Guard feat) without risking its structural integrity. The galvanic rifle has a range increment of 40 feet to the radium carbine's 20.

In a squad of 4 rangers and a ranger alpha, or a squad of 4 vanguards and a vanguard alpha, up to two skitarii may replace their galvanic rifle or radium carbine with an arc rifle, plasma caliver or transuranic arquebus. In a squad of 9 skitarii and a skitarius alpha, 3 skitarii can choose this option. Equipping themselves with these weapons actually increases their challenge rating by 1 due to the weapon's extreme power, and the Adeptus Mechanicus doesn't equip them with these weapons lightly - squadless skitarii aren't found with these weapons in general. A squad of 5 is exactly CR 7 without them, and slightly over CR 7 with them. A squad of 10 is CR 9 with exactly one special weapon. In any case, the divergences are only a comparatively small amount of experience.

An arc rifle has a range increment of 30 feet. It deals double damage to vehicles and ignores the hardness of vehicles. A plasma caliver has a range increment of 20 feet. It can be overcharged to deal extra damage as noted above, but on an attack roll of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, the wielder dies (though the attack is resolved normally if it still somehow hits). A transuranic arquebus cannot be fired if the wielder moved that turn, nor can the wielder move that turn if he fired the transuranic arquebus, but the target cannot claim cover from other creatures. Its range increment is 80 feet.

A skitarius gets a +1 bonus to fear-related will saves, for all that that's worth.

A skitarius' aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The skitarius gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

Master Tinker
Skitarii have racial proficiency in any weapon they crafted personally (as well as the skill bonuses listed above).

Omnispex or Enhanced Data-Tether
In a squad of 5 or 10 skitarii (including a skitarius alpha), one of the non-alpha skitarii might carry one of these. If they carry an omnispex, then while they survive the squad's attacks ignore cover (though they must have line of effect to the target). If they have an enhanced data-tether, while they survive the entire squad re-rolls failed will saves.

Enemies get a -2 penalty to constitution while within 5 feet of one or more skitarius vanguards (not skitarius rangers).

Skitarius Alpha CR 3, XP 800
Skitarius Trench Fighter 3
LN Medium Humanoid (Half-Construct, Human, Skitarius) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +2, Senses perception +6**
AC 17, touch 13, FF 17 (+4 armour, +2 dex, +1 deflect)
HP 3d10+3 (19 hp)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Bravery +1, Half-Construct Traits
Speed 30 feet
Melee Improvised Greatclub +2 (1d10+1) or Arc Maul +6 (4d6+3) or Power Sword +6 melee touch (2d6+3) or Taser Goad +6 (4d6+3 *3), plus Arc Pistol +5 (4d6+2) or Phosphor Blast Pistol +5 (3d6+2) or Radium Pistol +5 (2d6+2 *4)
Ranged Galvanic Rifle +5 (2d10+2 *3) or Radium Carbine +5/+5 (2d8+2 *3) or Arc Pistol +5 (4d6+2) or Phosphor Blast Pistol +5 (3d6+2) or Radium Pistol +5 (2d6+2 *4)
Special Attacks -
Str 17 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 8
Base Atk +3 CMB +6 CMD 18
Feats Heroic Surge*, Oathbound*, Point Blank ShotB, Two-Weapon FightingB
Skills Climb +7, Craft (Mechanical) +5 (+7 metal or stone), Knowledge (Engineering) +6, Perception +6**, Survival +5, Swim +7
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
SQ Master Tinker, Trench Warfare, Rad-Saturation

A skitarius alpha is either a skitarius ranger, in which case he is equipped with a galvanic rifle, or is a skitarius vanguard, in which case he is armed with a radium carbine. Either weapon can be used as an improvised greatclub. However, the vast majority of alphas swap this weapon for a pistol, and almost all take an arc maul, power sword or taser goad. Galvanic rifles and radium carbines are described in the Skitarius weapon details.

An arc maul or arc pistol deals double damage to vehicles and ignores the hardness of vehicles. A phosphor blast pistol ignores cover (but not line of effect). All three pistols have a range increment of 20 feet.

If the Skitarius Alpha attacks with the melee weapon and pistol, remember to subtract 2 from the attack roll.

Sidebar: What's a Pistol Anyway?

You'll have noticed that pistols, like the Macrostubber, Laspistol, Gamma Pistol, and the three pistols the Skitarius Alpha can choose, are listed as both melee and ranged weapons, with the exact same attack rolls and damage rolls, even on models with different strength and dexterity scores. Essentially, the pistol is calculated as a ranged weapon, but you can make melee attacks with it just fine. You can even power attack or cleave with it, if you have the feats! The only exception is that you cannot charge and make a pistol attack as your attack at the end of the charge.

In Warhammer 40,000, the rules for pistols in close combat have changed a lot over the editions, from the early rules of treating it as a combat attack at the pistol's strength, to the later rules of treating it as a combat attack with the wielder's primary weapon, to the newest rules where it's just an extra shooting attack. To line up with combat in Pathfinder, the oldest rules were chosen.Bravery
A skitarius gets a +1 bonus to fear-related will saves, for all that that's worth.

Heroic Surge
Once per day, a skitarius alpha can take an extra move or standard action in his turn.

A skitarius' aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The skitarius gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

A skitarius gets a +1 bonus to fear-related will saves, for all that that's worth.

Master Tinker
Skitarii have racial proficiency in any weapon they crafted personally (as well as the skill bonuses listed above).

Trench Warfare
A skitarius alpha trains specifically to use the type of ranged weapon he's equipped with, which is responsible for the +2 damage bonus (the damage bonus is dexterity-based). He also gets an additional +2 bonus to AC from cover, in addition to the normal AC bonus of that cover.

Enemies get a -2 penalty to constitution while within 5 feet of one or more skitarius vanguards (not skitarius rangers). An alpha isn't figured separately - a creature within 5 feet of a vanguard alpha and another vanguard only takes a -2 penalty.

Sicarian Infiltrator, CR 3, XP 800
Sicarian Sneak Attack Thug 3
LN Large Humanoid (Human, Sicarian, Half-Construct, Giant) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +2, Senses perception +6
AC 16, touch 12, FF 14 (+4 armour, +2 dex, +1 deflect, -1 size.)
HP 3d10+6 (22 hp)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Bravery +1
Speed 40 feet
Melee Power Sword +2 melee touch (3d6+3) and Flechette Blaster +2/+2/+2 (2d6) or Taser Goad +2 (4d6+3 *3) and Stubcarbine +2/+2 (2d8)
Ranged Flechette Blaster +4/+4/+4 (2d6) or Stubcarbine +4/+4 (2d8)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +2d6
Str 15 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 8
Base Atk +3 CMB +9 CMD 21
Feats Oathbound*, Two-weapon Fighting
Skills Bluff +5, Climb +8, Craft (Mechanical) +5, Knowledge (Engineering) +7, Knowledge (Local) +5, Perception +6**, Sleight of Hand +6
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
SQ Infiltrators, Neurostatic Aura

A sicarian wields either a stubcarbine and power sword or a flechette blaster and taser goad. The flechette blaster's range increment is 20 feet and the stubcarbine's is 30 feet.

Sneak Attack
If a sicarian infiltrator catches an opponent unable to defend itself effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The infiltrator’s attack deals extra damage anytime his target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the infiltrator flanks his target. This additional damage is 2d6 at 3rd level. Should the sicarian score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this additional damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or unarmed strike), a sicarian infiltrator can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.

The infiltrator must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. An infiltrator cannot use sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Sidebar: Sneak Attack Thugs.

A sneak attack thug is a concept borrowed from Dungeons and Dragons Revised Third Edition: sneak attack fighter and thug are both archetypes. All told, this just changes the bonus feats to sneak attack dice, removes some proficiencies the sicarian wasn't using anyway, and gives it more class skills and skill points per level. All of the effects of the two archetypes are included in the abilities above, so you don't need to worry too much about them.Oathbound
A sicarian' aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The sicarian gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

A sicarian gets a +1 bonus to fear-related will saves, for all that that's worth.

A sicarian infiltrator cannot be detected by an enemy by any means until the sicarian moves within 45 feet of an enemy or attacks, in which case the sicarian can be detected by enemies until it manages to flee the encounter entirely.

Neurostatic Aura
Enemies within 15 feet of one or more sicarian infiltrators take a -2 penalty to wisdom.

Sicarian Ruststalker, CR 3, XP 800
Sicarian Fighter 3
LN Large Humanoid (Human, Sicarian, Half-Construct, Giant) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +1, Senses perception +6
AC 15, touch 11, FF 14 (+4 armour, +1 dex, +1 deflect, -1 size.)
HP 3d10+6 (22 hp)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Bravery +1
Speed 40 feet
Melee Chordclaw +4 (3d6 *4) and Transonic Razor (3d6 *3) or Transonic Blades +4/+4 (4d6+3 *3)
Ranged -
Special Attacks
Str 17 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 8
Base Atk +3 CMB +10 CMD 21
Feats Charge of the Righteous, Oathbound*, Two-Weapon DefenceB, Two-weapon FightingB
Skills Climb +7, Craft (Mechanical) +5, Knowledge (Engineering) +7, Knowledge (Local) +5, Perception +6**
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
SQ -

A sicarian ruststalker wields either a chordclaw and a transonic razor or two transonic blades. A leader of a ruststalker squad, called a princeps, wields a chordclaw and two transonic blades, although given only two hands the princeps can only wield two of the three weapons at once.

A sicarian's aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The sicarian gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

A sicarian gets a +1 bonus to fear-related will saves, for all that that's worth.

The vehicle rules can wait until next time I think.

2017-12-06, 10:47 PM
Firstly you have my immense gratitude. You went above and beyond and gave me a ton of stats, but practically ready to play baddies. This is something I’ll be eagerly waiting to unleash on my players.

Second, with the low levels and easy profile you wrote up, I can tailor these as I explore my homebrew. Being low level means they can expand and becomes scarier AND level with the players. They are already enjoying themselves after one session and I’m about to add two more. Fantastic!

Third, this saved me so much wasted time. I’ve always been a good DM but stats rules are not a strength for me. Reaching out to experts and getting these results will have to be something I do more often. Thank you.

And yes, vehicles can wait. Since there are only a few (dunecrawler chicken walkers, and titan) that will be much easier. I’ll try to put together a dunecrawler and a war hound scout titan. Other vehicles and heavy items on my list:

Triaros APC
Galvanic servohauler

No aircraft plans

Various knights
The warhound
The reaver
(Nothing bigger)

2017-12-07, 07:41 AM
No worries - making stuff for other people is just what I do. I have a donation page (https://liberapay.com/Jormungandr) if you want to support me, but mostly I'm just making this stuff because it's nice to help people.


Their strengths comes from collecting data and implementing stratagems to most deadly effect.

If you really want to overplay this, and if you want something for high levels, you can step outside the AdMech:

Vanus Assassin, CR 20, XP 307,200
Assassin Vanus Assassin 20
LE Medium Humanoid (Human, Assassin) [Clade Vanus, Officio Assassinorum]
Init +7, Senses Scanner systems, perception +31
AC 33, touch 31, FF never (+2 armour, +7 dex, +6 dodge, +8 insight)
HP 20d8+100 (190 hp)
Fort +17, Ref +27, Will +21
Defensive Abilities Insightful Defences, Impossible Reactions, Improved Evasion
Speed 60 feet
Melee Cogitator Gauntlet +19/+14/+9 (2d6+4)
Ranged Electropulse Projector +22/+17/+12 (3d6 electricity)
Special Attacks Incite
Str 18 Dex 24 Con 20 Int 50 Wis 26 Cha 38
Base Atk +15 CMB +19 CMD +34
Feats Associate (Officio Assassinorum), False Trail, Fleet of Foot*, Frightful Presence*, Heroic Surge*, Hide-Out, Oathbound*, Robot's Bane, Run, Sycophant
Skills Acrobatics +30, Bluff +62, Climb +27, Craft (Mechanical) +43, Diplomacy +62, Disable Device +43, Disguise +32, Escape Artist +30, Intimidate +62, Knowledge (All) +43, Perception +31, Perform (Oratory) +32, Profession (Driver) +31, Profession (Pilot) +31, Sense Motive +61, Sleight of Hand +30, Stealth +30, Survival +31, Swim +27
Languages All
SQ Infiltrator, Elite Creature, Pass Without Trace, Never Surprised

Scanner Systems
A vanus assassin has the ability to discern the exact location of objects and creatures in the area around them. The vanus assassin has blindsight 1 mile, except that it ignores line of effect

Electropulse Projector
The range increment of the electropulse projector is 30 feet.

Insightful Defences
A vanus assassin adds their wisdom bonus as an insight bonus to armour class, reflex saves, and combat maneuver defence.

Impossible Reactions
A vanus assassin gets a +6 dodge bonus to AC. In addition, the vanus assassin has a 50% chance to dodge any attack outright, as well as benefitting from whatever miss chance it might already get.

Improved Evasion
A vanus assassin who passes a reflex save against an effect which would normally allow half damage on a successful save takes no damage instead; one who fails the save takes half damage.

Fleet of Foot
When running or charging, the vanus can change direction once during the movement, of 90 degrees or less.

Frightful Presence
Once per round as a free action, the vanus can attempt to frighten enemies. Anyone within 10 feet of the vanus must take a will save (DC 29) or become shaken for 1d6+9 rounds. The save DC and duration are charisma-based. Each creature who passes the save is immune for 24 hours.

Heroic Surge
Up to five times per day, but no more than once per round, a vanus can take an additional move or standard action.

A vanus' aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The assassin gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

"The cleanest kill is one that another performs in your stead with no knowledge of your involvement."
Fon Tariel, Vanus Assassin.

A vanus assassin's skill at inciting and manipulating people is legendary. The vanus gets a +30 competence bonus to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate and sense motive checks. Further, the vanus can incite uprisings or manipulate individuals to their ends - or at least, the Emperor's ends. By making an inspiring speech, the vanus can sow doubt and fear in people, and lead them to rise up against the status quo. The immediate effect of this is up to the DM, but by making a number of checks of each of bluff, diplomacy, intimidate and perform (oratory) over as many days, the vanus may have it culminate in a riot consisting of a number of creatures up to a fifth of the total check result (usually a fifth of 4d20+218 [average 52] per day). Over the days before the riot there is a mood of growing discontent, which subsides with no riot if the vanus is forced to flee. The vanus doesn't need to choose how many checks to make when starting, but needs to choose at the beginning of each day whether or not there will be a riot at the end of it.

In addition, the vanus can manipulate creatures to follow a course of action suggested by the vanus, much like a suggestion spell except that the DC is 29 (charisma-based) and that the ability is extraordinary.

The vanus can quickly gain familiarity with the workings of mechanical or administrative systems, so they can always manipulate them to appear to give a certain order or reading.

A vanus assassin cannot be detected by an enemy by any means until the vanus moves within 45 feet of an enemy or attacks, in which case the vanus can be detected by enemies until they manage to flee the encounter entirely.

Elite Creature
An elite creature has several abilities and immunities which prevent it from being defeated with a single lucky attack. It is immune to any ability which would kill it outright - even if it is not a death effect - and all mind-affecting abilities. It may pay one tenth of its maximum hit points to avoid the effect of an attack or ability, but cannot avoid damage in this way. Any ability which would affect it over any duration longer than a round is limited to a single round instead. Finally, no single attack can deal more than one quarter of the creature's maximum hit points in damage to the creature.

Pass Without Trace
A vanus assassin cannot be tracked by any means.

Never Surprised
A vanus assassin is never surprised or flat-footed. The vanus therefore cannot be sneak attacked and always acts in the surprise round, if there is one.

2017-12-07, 03:15 PM
This assassin is extremely deadly.
But not in a fight.
But will it ever need to fight when it have Knowledge(all),incite,infiltrator and scanner systems?
It is probably a cr 20 encounter to find it.
Since if there is divination spells he probably would get some item of mind blank.

2017-12-08, 07:12 AM
Or perhaps magic is the key. All the techno advances of such a creature should leave it vulnerable to the mystical. Remember, there's always a bigger fish.

2017-12-08, 07:48 AM
Or perhaps magic is the key. All the techno advances of such a creature should leave it vulnerable to the mystical. Remember, there's always a bigger fish.
Sorry but I did reread infiltrator.
It would protect also against divination since he "cannot be detected by an enemy by any means until the vanus moves within 45 feet of an enemy or attacks"
So magic would not find it unless you can somehow force it to come within 45 feet of one of his enemies or make it attack and usually that kind of stuff can only be done on stuff you detected or for people of which you know the existence.
I now imagine an assassin who becomes vecna blooded every day.
That could be epic.

2017-12-13, 07:19 AM
Onagar Dunecrawler
Huge Land vehicle
Squares 10 (25 ft. by 25 ft.; 15 ft. high)


AC 8; Hardness 10
hp 150
Base Save +1


Maximum Speed 30 ft.; Acceleration 15 ft.
Weapons One Cognis Heavy Stubber (___) and
Eradication Beamer (___)OR
Icarus Array: Daedelus Missile Launcher (___), Gatling Rocket Launcher (___), Twin Icarus Autocanon (___) OR
Neutron Laser (___) OR
Twin Heavy Phosphor Blaster (___)
Attack Vicious Trample: 6D6
CMB +2; CMD 12


Propulsion Ion engine (1 square of electrical engine; hardness 8, hp 40; difficult device); engine typically located in the rear squares of the Dune Crawler
Driving Check Knowledge (engineering)
Forward Facing the vehicle’s forward
Driving Device Operated primarily by integrated brain; back up manual steering wheel and two levers
Driving Space a single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that contains the steering wheel and two levers that serve as the Onagar Dunecrawler's driving device; the steering wheel and levers are located in the middle of the tank, in front of the engine
Crew 3 (Two gunners, one brain)


Decks 1 The decks all have small armored slits serving as windows (treat as arrow slits) that provide improved cover to the crew within.

Passengers 1 (tight squeeze with a full crew)

Special Qualities

Ignore Difficult Terrain: Onagar Dunwalker's ignore all difficult terrain due to their dexterous mechanical legs. It can move normally on inclines but cannot climb verically.

Vicious Trample (Ex) An Onagar dunecrawler’s powerful metal legs deal 6d6 points of damage on a successful trample.

Intergrated Driving brain: The brains of fallen Skitarii need not go to waste simply because their cybernatic bodies have been slain. Preserved in reinforced glass vessels, bathed in nutrient fluids, and wired to strange energies and bizarre technologies, these organs are given new life, as their mental talents are preserved and tapped to independently control Onagar Dunecrawlers.

Explosive: When a Onagar Dunecrawler reaches zero hitpoints, it has a 40% chance of exploding, and a 20% chance of a violent explosion. The explosion engulfs the Onagar Dunecrawler and leaves nothing to recover. A regular explosion deals deals 3D6 (Ref for 1/2 dmg) to all creatures within 5 ft, and a violent explosion deals 3D10 for all creatures within 10 ft.

How is this for the Dunecrawler?? Ill figure out the weapons next.

2017-12-14, 11:37 AM
Well, here's my take on the Skitarius vehicles...

Onager Dunecrawler
Huge Land vehicle [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Squares 16 (20 ft. by 20 ft.; 20 feet high)


AC 18 touch 10 FF 18 (-2 size, +8 armour, +2 deflect); Hardness 10
hp 220 (110)
Base Save +3
Special Creatures inside an onager dunecrawler gain either total cover (if in the driver cabin or the gunner's cabin) or improved cover (in the top hatch).


Maximum Speed 30 ft.; Acceleration 30 ft.
Attack (Gunner): Eradication Beamer (6d10) or Neutron Laser ranged touch (30d6) and Cognis Heavy Stubber (3d6), or 2 heavy phosphor blasters (6d6) or Dædalus Missile Launcher ranged touch (4d10) and Gatling Rocket Launcher (6d6) and 2 Icarus Autocannons (4d10)
Attack (Top hatch): Cognis Heavy Stubber (3d6)
Attack (Driver): 2 Claws (6d6)
CMB +2; CMD 12


Propulsion alchemical (1 square of alchemical engine; hardness 8, hp 40)
Driving Check Knowledge (engineering) or Profession (driver)
Forward Facing the vehicle's forward
Driving Device computer array
Driving Space a single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that contains the driving device


Crew 3 (Gunner, driver, top hatch gunner)
Passgeners 0 (Though one medium creature can stand on each of the two free spaces on top of the dunecrawler and one can hang off the ladder on its side)


The onager dunecrawler's driver can operate its claws and still move it. The claws are not really designed for combat, so you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls with the claws.

The onager dunecrawler's primary weapon is either an eradication beamer, or a neutron laser and cognis heavy stubber, or two heavy phosphor blasters, or a dædalus missile launcher, gatling rocket launcher and two icarus autocannons. In the case that there are two or more weapons, they can be fired together at no penalty.

The onager either has a cognis heavy stubber on top, which can be operated from the top hatch, or it doesn't.

The cognis heavy stubber, eradication beamer, and heavy phosphor blaster have a range increment of 50 feet; the rest of the weapons have an increment of 60 feet.

An eradication beamer fires twice if it's not within the first range increment. If it is, it does double damage and makes ranged touch attacks. Each damage die rolled in an attack with a neutron laser is treated as a 3 if it is less than 3. Phosphor blasters ignore cover but not line of effect. Dædalus missiles, gatling rockets and Icarus autocannons get a +4 bonus to attack rolls against flying creatures and a -4 penalty against other creatures. Gatling rockets fire three times.

Emanatus Force Field
This force field is responsible for the deflection bonus to armour class. Opponents must re-roll successful attack rolls against a dunecrawler if it is within 30 feet of another onager dunecrawler, unless the original attack roll was a critical threat.

Smoke Launchers or Broad-Spectrum Data-Tether
An onager dunecrawler may carry one or the other of these. Smoke launchers allow the gunner to grant the dunecrawler concealment as a full-round action for one round, but they take long enough to reload that it cannot reasonably be done in combat (so they can be fired once per combat, usually). A broad-spectrum data-tether gives the dunecrawler and other [Adeptus Mechanicus] creatures and vehicles within 15 feet of the dunecrawler a +3 bonus to will saves.

When the dunecrawler is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is 6, the dunecrawler explodes, dealing 3d6 fire, 3d6 slashing and 3d6 force damage to each creature within 15 feet (reflex half). The crew get no reflex save to reduce the damage; a creature standing on top of the dunecrawler or hanging off the ladder does.

I think that an ironstrider should really be a mount, rather than a vehicle.

Ironstrider, CR 4, XP 1,200
Large Cyberbeast Construct 6
TN Large Construct (Ironstrider) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init -1, Senses Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, class I sensor suite, perception -2
AC 13, touch 9, FF 13 (armour +4, size -1, dex -1, deflect +1)
HP 6d10+26 (59 hp)
Fort immune, Ref +1, Will +2
Defensive Abilities Plascrete Armour, Immune Construct traits, mindless
Speed 50 feet
Melee Desperate Kicking +12/+7 (6d6)
Special Attacks None
Str 22 Dex 8 Con - Int - Wis 10 Cha 1
Base Atk +6 CMB +16 CMD 25
Feats RunB
Skills None
Languages None
SQ Large Cyberbeast Traits, Legs, Broad-Spectrum Data-Tether, Explodes!

Class I Sensor Suite
A creature with a class I sensor suite gets a -4 penalty on Craft checks to repair and on Disable Device and Forgery checks and a -2 penalty on all other skill checks. The sensor suite includes auditory and visual sensors

Plascrete Armour
A robot with plascrete armour has hardness 4, even though it's a creature, not an object.

Large Cyberbeast Traits
A large cyberbeast has extra hit points equal to 20 + 1 per hit die, and base ability scores of 22/8/-/-/10/1. They are mindless.

A robot with legs is bipedal, walking on two legs as well as a human.

Broad-Spectrum Data-Tether
A broad-spectrum data-tether gives the ironstrider and other [Adeptus Mechanicus] creatures and vehicles within 15 feet of the dunecrawler a +3 bonus to will saves.

When the ironstrider is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is a 6, the ironstrider explodes, dealing 1d6 fire, 1d6 slashing and 1d6 force damage to every creature within 15 feet (reflex DC 15 half). The rider is still entitled to this reflex save.

Sydonian Ballistarius CR 4, XP 1,200
Skitarius Trench Fighter 3
LN Medium Humanoid (Half-Construct, Human, Skitarius) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +2, Senses perception +6**
AC 17, touch 13, FF 17 (+4 armour, +2 dex, +1 deflect)
HP 3d10+6 (22 hp)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Bravery +1, Half-Construct Traits
Speed 30 feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+1)
Ranged Two Cognis Autocannons +4/+4 (4d10+3) or Two Cognis Lascannons +4 (20d6+3)
Special Attacks -
Str 12 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 8
Base Atk +3 CMB +6 CMD 18
Feats Heroic Surge*, Oathbound*, Point Blank ShotB, Two-Weapon FightingB
Skills Climb +5, Craft (Mechanical) +5 (+7 metal or stone), Knowledge (Engineering) +5, Perception +6**, Ride +9, Survival +4
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
SQ Master Tinker, Trench Warfare

A sydonian gets a +1 bonus to fear-related will saves, for all that that's worth.

The range increment of either weapon is 60 feet. Both of them are too heavy for the ballistarius to fire them without the ironstrider, unless he sets them up as a full-round action somewhere new. Cognis weapons are great for firing from the back of the ironstrider though: the penalty for doing so if the ironstrider moves is halved.

Heroic Surge
Once per day, a sydonian ballistarius can take an extra move or standard action in his turn.

A sydonian's aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The balistarius gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

Master Tinker
Skitarii have racial proficiency in any weapon they crafted personally (as well as the skill bonuses listed above).

Trench Warfare
A sydonian ballistarius trains specifically to use the type of ranged weapon he's equipped with, which is responsible for the +3 damage bonus (the damage bonus is dexterity-based). He also gets an additional +2 bonus to AC from cover, in addition to the normal AC bonus of that cover.

Sydonian Dragoon CR 3, XP 800
Skitarius Dragoon 3
LN Medium Humanoid (Half-Construct, Human, Skitarius) [Adeptus Mechanicus]
Init +2, Senses perception +6**
AC 17, touch 13, FF 17 (+4 armour, +2 dex, +1 deflect)
HP 3d10+3 (19 hp)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +0
Defensive Abilities Bravery +1, Incense Cloud, Half-Construct Traits
Speed 30 feet
Melee Taser Lance +6 (6d10+4 *4)
Ranged Radium Jezzail +5 (4d6 *3) or Phosphor Serpenta +5 (2d12)
Special Attacks -
Str 17 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 8
Base Atk +3 CMB +6 CMD 18
Feats Heroic Surge*, (Mounted ArcheryB OR Ride-by AttackB) Mounted CombatB, Oathbound*, Skill Focus (Ride)B
Skills Climb +7, Craft (Mechanical) +5 (+7 metal or stone), Knowledge (Engineering) +6, Perception +6**, Ride +9, Survival +5
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
SQ Master Tinker, Armour Training

A sydonian gets a +1 bonus to fear-related will saves, for all that that's worth.

Incense Cloud
A sydonian dragoon and his mount have concealment against ranged attacks.

A sydonian dragoon either carries a taser lance (in which case they take the ride-by attack feat) or a radium jezzail (in which case they take the mounted archery feat). The taser lance follows all the rules for lances except as noted above, while the radium jezzail has a range increment of 40 feet. Some sydonian dragoons also carry phosphor serpentae, which have a range increment of 20 feet and ignore cover (though they still need line of effect to the target).

Heroic Surge
Once per day, a sydonian dragoon can take an extra move or standard action in his turn.

A sydonian's aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The dragoon gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

Master Tinker
Skitarii have racial proficiency in any weapon they crafted personally (as well as the skill bonuses listed above).

2017-12-15, 04:48 AM
Well I like yours better I have to say.

The Krios Pattern tank does not use layers of physical armour plating for protection and instead relies on a series of interlocking defensive energy fields, lending it a deceptively skeletal appearance. The Krios and its variants also make use of a galvanic traction drive that allows the vehicle to traverse dangerous terrain with relative ease. The most important feature of the Krios Pattern Battle Tank is its extremely potent on-board fusion reactor. This powerful reactor not only powers the vehicle's protective energy fields but its powerful directed energy weapon systems as well.

The Krios Battle Tank is armed with a hull-mounted, forwards-firing Lightning Cannon. The Lightning Cannon uses the Krios' powerful on-board reactor's vast capacity to create a laser-guided electromagnetic beam. The weapon is capable of vaporising flesh and rupturing heavy armour with sustained blasts. While the Lightning Cannon has a relatively short range, its advantage over conventional ballistic weapons is that its reactor-fed firepower has the capacity to fire at full effect for extended periods, far eclipsing the amount of solid shells that other vehicles would ever be able to carry. The Krios Battle Tank can be outfitted with several upgrades and attachments, including Extra Armour Plating, Smoke Launchers, an Anbaric Claw, and up to two Volkite Sentinels.
The Triaros was designed for use in hostile environments, incorporating multiple galvanic traction drives for increased maneuverability in rough terrain. The Triaros' capacious storage bay can be hermetically sealed if needed, which allows the vehicle to be used in toxic environments and even in hard vacuum and on the surfaces of lifeless worlds. The internal bay is outfitted with numerous specialized couplings for the recharging and cold-sleep of various Skitarii forces. The vehicle is capable of transporting up to twenty Tech-medium sized creatures. The vehicle's defenses are comprised not only of thick brutish armour, but layered techno-cant warding and interlocking energy shields, particularly around its seemingly-exposed control dais, as well as its independently animated weapon Servitors. The Triaros' chassis design and powerful on-board reactor system is very similar to that of the Krios Battle Tank.


Launched from a mobile surface transporter, the Termite is used to transport troops through the earth, safely hidden from incoming enemy fire. In addition to providing greater protection for its passengers, the Termite's tunnelling ability means they are often used for launching surprise attacks, appearing behind enemy lines and causing chaos amongst their unsuspecting foes. The Termite has a transport capacity of ten [medium] individuals and is often armed with heavy weapons such as Lascannon and Heavy Bolters which it can fire as it breaches the surface. Once a Termite has surfaced and dispatched its payload it is essentially immobolised. The Termite's surface transport vehicle is un-armed.

Same as termite except it holds 20 M soldiers.
Same as Termite except holding 30 medium sized soldiers.
Too much info to copy paste. See link. (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tarantula)
Galvanic servohauler]http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/4/48/Servohauler.jpg/220px-Servohauler.jpg

Galvanic Servohaulers are a type of construction and logistical vehicle used by the Adeptus Mechanicus

These are next! Lets hold off on the Knight and Reaver till last.

I've already had the bad realization that the Dark Mechanicum may exist in this world as well due to a dedicated diabolic enemy. I'll need to start brainstorming those forces as well for needed forces.

2017-12-16, 11:15 PM
Honestly, I'm going to have a bad time trying to stat forge world models that I'm not familiar with and don't have the stats for either, notwithstanding the fact that I don't like going nearer the Pathfinder vehicle rules than I have to (although Tarantulas can probably just be 1HD constructs with the relevant weaponry). This kind of stuff is above my pay grade (yes I know pretty much everything is technically above my pay grade but you know what I mean).

As for dark mechanicum, they can probably just use the same stuff as standard AdMech. Swap the [Adeptus Mechanicus] descriptor for [Dark Mechanicum] each time it appears (including in the text) and swap the [Astra Militarium] keyword in the techpriest for the [Traitor Guard] keyword (if you're using the Vanus Assassin too, swap [Officio Assassinorum] for [Renegade Assassin]), and swap the Oathbound feat for:

Mark of Chaos (Su)
The forces of chaos have access to a mark of chaos in place of one of their feats. Choose below which chaos god or gods the bearer of the mark worships:

Mark of Chaos Undivided: The forces of chaos undivided get a +1 bonus to initiative checks, a +1 bonus to damage rolls, DR 1/- and the ability to re-roll failed saving throw results of 1.
Mark of Khorne: The forces of Khorne get a +2 bonus to damage rolls and a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells and psychic powers.
Mark of Malice: At the start of each of a follower of Malice's turns, each enemy within 30 feet loses 1 hit point and the follower of Malice gains 1 hit point for each hit point lost in this way.
Mark of Nurgle: The followers of Nurgle are immune to poison and disease and have DR 2/-.
Mark of Slaanesh: The followers of Slaanesh get a +2 bonus to initiative checks and a 10 foot bonus to movement speed.
Mark of the Gods of Spikes: The followers of Ans'l, Mo'rcck and Phraz-Etar deal 1d6 points of damage to each creature who attacks them with a melee weapon.
Mark of Tzeentch: The followers of Tzeentch re-roll failed saving throw results of 1, 2, or 3 and get a +1 bonus to their caster level if any.

2017-12-17, 12:35 AM
That's fair. I'll do some brainstorming and look around for similar vehicles AND get into the vehicle stat blocks. If you can refine them for me it would be a great help.

2017-12-20, 11:53 PM
I hear that knights are in order. For renegade knights, again you can give them a mark of chaos and swap [Questor Imperialis] for [Questor Traitoris] each time it appears. For renegade titans, change adeptus mechanicus for dark mechanicum and Collegia Titanica for Chaos Titan Legions

Princeps CR See Text, XP See Text
Human Princeps 16
LN Medium Humanoid (Human) [Adeptus Mechanicus, Collegia Titanica] OR [Questor Imperialis]
Init +6, Senses perception +24
AC 12, touch 12, FF 10 (+2 dex)
HP 16d10+16 (104 hp)
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +15
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 feet
Melee Laspistol +18/+13/+8/+3 (2d6)
Ranged Laspistol +18/+13/+8/+3 (2d6)
Special Attacks None
Str 10 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 20 Cha 8
Base Atk +16 CMB +16, CMD 28
Feats Big Game Hunter, CleaveB, Death or Glory, Drive-By Attack*, Great CleaveB, Heroic Surge*, Improved Initiative, Oathbound*, Opening Volley, Power Attack, Tank ShockB
Skills Craft (Mechanical) +21, Diplomacy +18, Knowledge (Nobility) +21, Perception +24, Profession (Pilot) +24
Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic, Lingua Technis
SQ Human traits, Vehicular Combat +4, Rallying Presence, Champion, Unshakable

Challenge Rating
A princeps is never seen without a Knight or Titan unless caught off-guard. This is a very unusal circumstance and in this case you should think about what the appropriate experience reward is rather than assigning it off a table. In the case of a Knight or Titan, the princeps' CR is included in the vehicle's.

This class is a modified version of Adamant Entertainment's knight designed to allow the princeps to use a titan or knight suit instead of a traditional mount.

Drive-By Attack
The princeps can attack with a vehicle's weapons at any point during that vehicle's movement.

Heroic Surge
Up to four times per day, but no more than once per round, a princeps can take an additional move or standard action.

The princeps' aid another attempts in favour of another creature allied to the Imperium of Man (Such as the Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Militarium, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Divisio Investigates (Sisters of Silence), Questors Imperialis (Imperial Knights), Officio Assassinorum, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, Ordo Sicarius and Ordo Xenos) grant a +3 bonus instead of a +2. The princeps gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures who do not have this allegiance.

Tank Shock
This feat is a variant feat of trample designed for use with vehicles.

A princeps who uses a vehicle to overrun an enemy cannot be avoided. In addition, the vehicle can make one attack with its locomotion if that locomotion is also a weapon - this usually means a stomp, kick or track attack - against any target knocked down in this way.

Vehicular Combat
The princeps gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls and armour class while operating a vehicle.

Rallying Presence
Creatures within 10 feet of the princeps' vehicle get a +3 morale bonus on saves against fear spells and effects, for all that's worth.

The princeps can grant up to half the AC bonus granted by vehicular combat to an ally within the princeps' threatened area, usually the vehicle the princeps is piloting.

A princeps cannot be shaken.

Questor Imperialis, CR Varies, XP Varies
Gargantuan Land vehicle [Questor Imperialis]
Squares 25 (25 ft. by 25 ft.; 30 feet high)


AC 23, touch 15, FF 18 (-4 size, +12 armour, +2 deflect, +5 wis); Hardness 20
hp 570 (285)
Base Save +6
Special The pilot of a knight has total cover.

Maximum Speed 60 ft.; Acceleration 60 ft.
Attack (Melee weapons): Reaper Chainsword touch +25/+20/+15/+10 (30d6+5) or Thunderstrike Gauntlet touch +21/+16/+11/+6 (40d6+5) or Titanic Feet +25/+25/+25/+20/+20/+20/+15/+15/+15/+10/+10/+10 (3d20+5)
Attack (Primary Ranged Weapons): Avenger Gatling Gun +25/+25/+25/+20/+20/+20/+15/+15/+15/+10/+10/+10 (3d12) and/or Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon ranged splash +25/+20/+15/+10 (3d20) and/or Thermal Cannon +25 ranged splash/ranged touch (15d6)
Attack (Secondary Weapons): Heavy Stubber +25/+20/+15/+10 (2d8) and/or Meltagun +25 ranged touch (2d20) and/or heavy flamer DC 20 (6d6)
Attack (Carapace Weapons): Two Icarus Autocannons +25/+20/+15/+10 (4d10) or Ironstorm Missile Pod +25/+25/+20/+20/+15/+15/+10/+10 (3d8) or Stormspear Rocket Pod +25/+20/+15/+10 (3d20)
CMB +25; CMD 40


Propulsion Alchemical (8 squares of alchemical engine; hardness 8, hp 40)
Driving Check Profession (driver)
Forward Facing The knight's forward
Driving Device Throne Mechanicum
Driving Space A single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that is the Throne Mechanicum


Crew 1 (Pilot)
Passengers 0 (However, a knight's foot takes up 5 squares in a plus-shaped pattern; the four outer squares can be stood on by anyone who is so bold or so foolish but they must hold on with at least one hand and require a DC 15 reflex save to avoid being thrown outwards one square if the knight stomps. Further, two creatures can stay on each shoulder in relative comfort, but must take a reflex save of fall off if the knight makes a melee weapon attack with that arm. No matter how many attacks are made, only one save is needed per round.)


Knight Variants
A Knight Errant (CR 23) wields a reaper chainsword or thunderstrike gauntlet, a thermal cannon and a heavy stubber or melta gun. A Knight Paladin (CR 24) uses the same except that it has an extra heavy stubber and uses a rapid-fire battle cannon instead of a thermal cannon. A Knight Warden (CR 25) is like the Errant except that it has an avenger gatling gun and a heavy flamer but not a thermal cannon. A Knight Gallant (CR 21) has a reaper chainsword and a thunderstrike gauntlet as well as a heavy stubber or melta gun. A Knight Crusader (CR 27) has an avenger gatling gun, a heavy stubber or meltagun, and either a thermal cannon or a rapid-fire battle cannon and heavy stubber. All knights can use their titanic feet to attack as well, and can add two icarus autocannons, a stormspear rocket pod or ironstorm missile pod to their weaponry.

The range increments are 100 feet for the ironstorm rocket pod and rapid-fire battle cannon, 60 feet for the stormspear rocket pod and Icarus autocannon, 50 for the avenger gatling cannon, heavy stubber and thermal cannon, and 20 for the meltagun. The heavy flamer spits out a cone of fire in a 60 foot cone.

The avenger gatling cannon and titanic feet have triple the normal attacks and the ironstorm missile pod has double; this is listed above. If a creature is within the first range increment of a meltagun or thermal cannon, roll damage twice and take the higher result. An icarus autocannon gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls against flying enemies and a -4 penalty otherwise.

A thermal cannon and rapid-fire battle cannon work a little like standard ranged splash weapons, except that the target, if struck, takes full damage, but so does everyone else within 20 feet unless they pass a reflex save (DC 20) for half damage. If you miss with one of these weapons, resolve the miss like a ranged splash attack, and then work out who is within 20 feet of the resulting location. Everyone, even creatures in that square, are entitled to a reflex save.

A thunderstrike gauntlet has a -4 penalty to attack rolls as shown above. It can also be used to grapple a creature or vehicle as though the knight had improved grab, though it can attempt a grapple against even huge or gargantuan creatures or vehicles. If the grab is successful, the target takes thunderstrike gauntlet damage immediately and each round until they escape. If a large, huge or gargantuan creature or vehicle is slain in this way, the knight can immediately throw it as a free action, with a range increment of 10 feet and a damage die of 2d6 if large, 4d6 if huge and 6d6 if gargantuan.

Throne Mechanicum
The throne mechanicum allows the princeps to use his own base attack bonus and wisdom modifier in place of a base attack bonus and strength or dexterity modifier that the knight might have for determining its attack rolls, damage rolls, armour class, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence. Futher, if the knight charges, it can make an attack with all its ranged weapons before resolving the charge; if it makes a full attack, it can attack with any number of secondary and carapace weapons and either a melee weapon or any number of ranged primary weapons.

The challenge rating, armour class, attacks, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence given above assume that the creature in the throne mechanicum is indeed a princeps.

Ion Shield
The knight's deflection bonus to AC becomes +4 against shooting attacks.

When a knight is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is a 6, the knight explodes, dealing 6d6 slashing, 6d6 fire and 6d6 force damage to each creature within 30 feet (reflex DC 25 half). The princeps gets no save against this, but creatures on the feet or back of the knight do.

Superheavy Walker
Only an idiot or another creature of similar stature would stand in the way of a knight. It can run straight over large or smaller creatures as part of its movement, though they are assumed to be able to get out of the way of its feet if it's not actually using the overrun action or kicking them. Further, it doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity for shooting in close combat, nor for leaving a large or smaller creature's threatened square.

2017-12-21, 01:20 AM
Niiiiiiiice. This is the perfect reason the dragons of my world lost so heavily in their war with the Mechanicum. I think I may just stick with these knights and hold off on the larger reavers and such.

2017-12-21, 03:15 AM
Is a lot of firepower and hp sufficient for being cr 27?
I mean in practice tons of firepower and hp is only going to allow the vehicle to kill stuff that is vulnerable to damage.
While a gibbering orb(cr27) have not just high firepower: it also got to inflict a whole lot of conditions and to disjunct its targets and to cast spells of creatures it killed.

2017-12-21, 03:53 AM
Is a lot of firepower and hp sufficient for being cr 27?
I mean in practice tons of firepower and hp is only going to allow the vehicle to kill stuff that is vulnerable to damage.
While a gibbering orb(cr27) have not just high firepower: it also got to inflict a whole lot of conditions and to disjunct its targets and to cast spells of creatures it killed.

It depends.

It's very difficult to balance "This thing will kill you if you're not immune to damage" with "This thing has no real options apart from damage." It's also, incidentally, really difficult to balance special weapon guardsmen or skitarii or such, because you have to reconcile "This thing is a low-level human and dies like a low-level human" with "This thing has a weapon designed to punch through tanks."

That said, the knight has a few tricks up its sleeve - for a start, it's immune to practically everything. It's not even a construct, it's an object. You can't, for example, fire magic missiles at it if you wanted to, because those only target creatures, not objects. You want to target it with control construct? No dice. You can, if you figure out its deal, use teleport object, but really, who learns or prepares that without a specific target in mind to use it on?

Plus, if someone's pulling out the kind of magical nonsense that can stop a knight, you could always throw the Divisio Investigates or even Clade Culexus at them and see how they like it when the magic comes off.

2017-12-21, 04:22 AM
It depends.

It's very difficult to balance "This thing will kill you if you're not immune to damage" with "This thing has no real options apart from damage." It's also, incidentally, really difficult to balance special weapon guardsmen or skitarii or such, because you have to reconcile "This thing is a low-level human and dies like a low-level human" with "This thing has a weapon designed to punch through tanks."

That said, the knight has a few tricks up its sleeve - for a start, it's immune to practically everything. It's not even a construct, it's an object. You can't, for example, fire magic missiles at it if you wanted to, because those only target creatures, not objects. You want to target it with control construct? No dice. You can, if you figure out its deal, use teleport object, but really, who learns or prepares that without a specific target in mind to use it on?

Plus, if someone's pulling out the kind of magical nonsense that can stop a knight, you could always throw the Divisio Investigates or even Clade Culexus at them and see how they like it when the magic comes off.
Being an object makes it very vulnerable to stuff like cone of disintegrate(which I believe you can access through shapechange shenanigans and which is "totally different from disintegrate") since it will use the fort save of the princeps(which is not very high(only +11))

2017-12-21, 04:32 AM
Being an object makes it very vulnerable to stuff like cone of disintegrate(which I believe you can access through shapechange shenanigans and which is "totally different from disintegrate") since it will use the fort save of the princeps(which is not very high(only +11))

The only "Cone of disintegrate" I can find is the third-party Breath of Oblivion, which has the disadvantage that you have to put yourself within 30 feet of a 30-foot-tall abomination made of adamantine and pain. It uses its or the princeps' fortitude save, whichever is better (and the princeps' drive check can increase the knight's saves), and if you want to disintegrate more than one of its arms, you're going to have to get all up in its threatened area and cast the spell, which is a great way to get a reaper chainsword to the face (or at least kicked three times if it's a crusader).

2018-01-03, 09:20 AM
The only "Cone of disintegrate" I can find is the third-party Breath of Oblivion, which has the disadvantage that you have to put yourself within 30 feet of a 30-foot-tall abomination made of adamantine and pain. It uses its or the princeps' fortitude save, whichever is better (and the princeps' drive check can increase the knight's saves), and if you want to disintegrate more than one of its arms, you're going to have to get all up in its threatened area and cast the spell, which is a great way to get a reaper chainsword to the face (or at least kicked three times if it's a crusader).



2018-01-03, 10:27 PM
For when a Knight positively, definitely won't cut it:

Warhound Scout Titan, CR 30, XP 9,830,400
Colossal Land vehicle [Adeptus Mechanicus, Titan Legions]
Squares 56 (35 ft. by 40 ft.; 45 feet high)


AC 29, touch 13, FF 24 (-8 size, +16 armour, +6 deflect, +5 wis); Hardness 20
hp 1000 (500)
Base Save +8
Special The crew of a warhound have total cover.


Maximum Speed 60 ft.; Acceleration 60 ft.
Attack (Melee weapon): Titanic Feet +25/+25/+25/+20/+20/+20/+15/+15/+15/+10/+10/+10 (5d20+5)
Attack (Ranged Weapons): Dual turbo-laser destructor +25/+20/+15/+10 ranged touch (30d6 and Destroyer DC 35) and/or plasma blastgun ranged splash/touch +25/+20/+15/+10 (10d6) or ranged splash/touch +25 (30d6) or inferno gun DC 35 (2d20) or vulcan mega-bolter ranged touch +25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+20/+20/+20/+20/+20/+15/+15/+15/+15/+15/+10/+10/+10/+10/+10 (6d6)
CMB: +29; CMD 44


Propulsion Alchemical (8 squares of alchemical engine; hardness 8, hp 40)
Driving Check Profession (driver)
Forward Facing The titan's forward
Driving Device Mind Impulse Unit or electronic controls
Driving Space A single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that contains the Mind Impulse Unit, and a pair of 5-ft.-by-5-ft. squares containing driving controls and weapon controls.


Crew 3 (Princeps and two moderati. However, the moderati are there as backups and are not needed for the titan to function.)
Passengers One techpriest enginseer, who repairs the titan from within. (However, a titan's foot takes up 3 squares in a claw-shaped pattern; the square on each of the three claws can be stood on by anyone who is so bold or so foolish but they must hold on with at least one hand and require a DC 20 reflex save to avoid being thrown outwards one square if the titan stomps. No matter how many attacks are made, only one save is needed per round. The titan's flat back allows two creatures to stand on each shoulder, six to stand on the middle of its back, four to stand in its cowl, and one can even stand on its head but must hold on with one hand in combat.)

The warhound titan has any two of the listed ranged weapons (including duplicates) and also attacks with its titanic feet.

The range increment of the dual turbo-laser destructor is 120 feet, and for the plasma blastgun and vulcan mega-bolter it is 100 feet.

The titanic feet can be used to attack three times for each attack that they would normally get, and the vulcan mega-bolter five times. This is included in the profile given above.

A creature or object struck by a dual turbo-laser destructor must take a DC 35 fortitude save. Failure indicates that they are destroyed utterly if they are large or smaller (this isn't a death effect so much as a "Reduced to a fine mist" effect), or take true damage equal to half of their remaining hit points if huge, a quarter if gargantuan or an eighth if colossal (before resolving damage from the weapon itself). True damage cannot be prevented, resisted or mitigated by any means. For example, an undamaged warhound titan struck by a dual turbo-laser destructor that fails the fortitude save takes 125 points of true damage, bypassing hardness, resistances, and any other clever way it can think of to reduce the damage. It then takes 30d6 points of regular damage.

The plasma blastgun can either be fired four times, dealing 10d6 points of damage over a 35-ft-radius area, or fired once, dealing 30d6 points of damage over a 50-ft-radius area. Either way, treat it as a ranged splash weapon attack to see if it hits, ignoring armour and shield bonuses to armour class. Each creature in the area takes the whole damage but unless struck directly they can take a reflex save for half damage (DC 35)

The inferno gun produces a 60-ft cone of flame which damages anything in the area (Reflex DC 35 half), but the cone needn't originate from the Warhound: it can originate from anywhere within 100 feet that the Warhound has line of effect to.

Mind Impluse Unit
The mind impulse unit allows the princeps to use his own base attack bonus and wisdom modifier in place of a base attack bonus and strength or dexterity modifier that the knight might have for determining its attack rolls, damage rolls, armour class, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence. Futher, if the titan charges, it can make an attack with all its ranged weapons before resolving the charge; if it makes a full attack, it can attack with any number of secondary and carapace weapons (though the warhound has none) and either a melee weapon or any number of ranged primary weapons.

The challenge rating, armour class, attacks, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence given above assume that the creature using the mind impulse unit is indeed a princeps.

If the princeps is somehow knocked out, the two sets of electronic controls can be used for driving the warhound and attacking with its feet, or using its weapons. The moderati are considered to have a profession (driver) check of +9; they can't use their base attack bonus or wisdom modifier for the knight's attacks and must rely on their driving skills.

When a warhound titan is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is a 5 or a 6, the titan explodes, dealing 10d6 slashing, 10d6 fire and 10d6 force damage to each creature within 30 feet (reflex DC 30 half). The princeps and moderati get no save against this, but creatures on the feet or back of the titan do.

Superheavy Walker
Only an idiot or another creature of similar stature would stand in the way of a titan. It can run straight over huge or smaller creatures as part of its movement, though they are assumed to be able to get out of the way of its feet if it's not actually using the overrun action or kicking them. Further, it doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity for shooting in close combat, nor for leaving a large or smaller creature's threatened square.

2018-01-04, 08:45 PM
THIS is a very good reason why the dragons suffered such a massive defeat in their war against the Mechanicus. This is such a powerful tool that I believe it would DEFINITELY have seen use back in the age where the precursors were fighting The Old Ones.

Well done!

Now I actually have to do my part and get those other vehicles partially statted. Then you can rip them up and make 'em better! XD

2018-01-05, 04:02 AM
For when you really need to get rid of something:

Reaver Battle Titan, CR 35, XP 52,428,800
Colossal Land vehicle [Adeptus Mechanicus, Titan Legions]
Squares 120 (50 ft. by 60 ft.; 75 feet high)


AC 41, touch 25, FF 36 (-8 size, +16 armour, +12 deflect, +5 wis); Hardness 20
hp 3000 (1500)
Base Save +12
Special The crew of a reaver have total cover.


Maximum Speed 40 ft.; Acceleration 40 ft.
Attack (Melee weapons): Titanic feet +30/+30/+30/+25/+25/+25/+20/+20/+20/+15/+15/+15 (6d20+5) or titan-grade power fist melee touch +30/+25/+20/+15 (40d6+5 and Destroyer DC 40)
Attack (Ranged Arm Weapons): Gatling Blaster ranged splash +30/+30/+25/+25/+20/+20/+15/+15 (3d20) or melta cannon +30 ranged splash (2d%) or volcano cannon +30 ranged splash (2d% and Destroyer DC 40) or laser blaster ranged splash +30/+25/+20/+15 (30d6 and Destroyer DC 40)
Attack (Carapace Weapons): Dual turbo-laser destructor +30/+25/+20/+15 ranged touch (30d6 and Destroyer DC 40) or plasma blastgun ranged splash/touch +30/+25/+20/+15 (10d6) or ranged splash/touch +30 (30d6) or inferno gun DC 40 (2d20) or vulcan mega-bolter ranged touch +30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+20/+20/+20/+20/+20/+15/+15/+15/+15/+15 (6d6) or apocalypse missile launcher ranged splash +30/+30/+25/+25/+20/+20/+15/+15 or vortex missile +30 ranged splash (Destroyer automatic)
CMB: +34; CMD 49


Propulsion Alchemical (12 squares of alchemical engine; hardness 12, hp 120)
Driving Check Profession (driver)
Forward Facing The titan's forward
Driving Device Mind Impulse Unit or electronic controls
Driving Space A single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that contains the Mind Impulse Unit, and a pair of 5-ft.-by-5-ft. squares containing driving controls and weapon controls.


Crew 3 (Princeps and two moderati. However, the moderati are there as backups and are not needed for the titan to function.)
Passengers One techpriest enginseer, who repairs the titan from within. (A Reaver titan is slanted, and the only spaces in which a creature can safely stay on top of the titan are prone directly under the carapace weapon on each side. Two creatures can do this safely if the weapon is a missile launcher or mega-bolter, but if it is some kind of energy weapon the weapon gets so hot that they take 2d6 points of damage each round in which the weapon fires.)

The reaver has titanic feet, one carapace weapon and two other weapons.

The weapons appearing on the warhound titan work exactly the same as on the warhound except that the save DCs are higher (see Battle Titan).

The range increments are 100 feet for the gatling blaster and melta cannon, 120 for the laser blaster, 200 for the volcano cannon, 400 for the apocalypse missile launcher and 550 for the vortex missile launcher.

Every single ranged weapon the reaver has that the warhound doesn't is a blast weapon like the plasma blastgun. The radius is 25 feet for the gatling blaster and laser blaster, 35 for the apocalypse missile launcher and volcano cannon, and 50 feet for the melta cannon and vortex missile. The DC for half damage is 40.

The titan-grade power fist, volcano cannon and laser blaster destroy enemies just like the dual turbo-laser destructor. The vortex missile launcher destroys them automatically, without recourse or saves (though big enough creatures and objects are still not destroyed outright).

The melta cannon does double damage against objects, and double damage against anything struck directly, therefore triple damage against objects struck directly (see the general multiplication rules).

Battle Titan
Any titan larger than a warhound has systems to ensure that the princeps' human fallibility is not responsible for a failure in combat. The titan gets a bonus to attack rolls, CMB and CMD, and the DCs of save DCs against flame, splash and destroyer attacks. For a reaver, the bonus is +5.

Mind Impluse Unit
The mind impulse unit allows the princeps to use his own base attack bonus and wisdom modifier in place of a base attack bonus and strength or dexterity modifier that the titan might have for determining its attack rolls, damage rolls, armour class, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence. Futher, if the titan charges, it can make an attack with all its ranged weapons before resolving the charge; if it makes a full attack, it can attack with any number of secondary and carapace weapons (though the warhound has none) and either a melee weapon or any number of ranged primary weapons.

The challenge rating, armour class, attacks, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence given above assume that the creature using the mind impulse unit is indeed a princeps.

If the princeps is somehow knocked out, the two sets of electronic controls can be used for driving the warhound and attacking with its feet, or using its weapons. The moderati are considered to have a profession (driver) check of +9; they can't use their base attack bonus or wisdom modifier for the knight's attacks and must rely on their driving skills.

When a reaver titan is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is a 5 or a 6, the titan explodes, dealing 12d6 slashing, 12d6 fire and 12d6 force damage to each creature within 60 feet and destroying them as a destroyer weapon does (reflex DC 35 half, fortitude DC 35 vs Destroyer). The princeps and moderati get no save against this, but creatures on the feet or back of the titan do.

Superheavy Walker
Only an idiot or another creature of similar stature would stand in the way of a titan. It can run straight over huge or smaller creatures as part of its movement, though they are assumed to be able to get out of the way of its feet if it's not actually using the overrun action or kicking them. Further, it doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity for shooting in close combat, nor for leaving a large or smaller creature's threatened square.

For when the emperor of mankind is not happy:

Warlord Battle Titan, CR 40, XP 314,572,800
Colossal Land vehicle [Adeptus Mechanicus, Titan Legions]
Squares 168 (60 ft. by 70 ft.; 105 feet high)


AC 47, touch 27, FF 42 (-8 size, +30 armour, +20 deflect, +5 wis); Hardness 30
hp 4500 (2250)
Base Save +15
Special The crew of a warlord have total cover.


Maximum Speed 40 ft.; Acceleration 40 ft.
Attack (Melee weapons): Titanic feet +35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+30/+25/+25/+25/+20/+20/+20 (6d20+5) or arioch power claw melee touch +35/+30/+25/+20 (40d6+5 and Destroyer DC 40)
Attack (Ranged Arm Weapons): Gatling blaster ranged splash +35/+35/+30/+30/+25/+25/+20/+20 (3d20) or melta cannon +35 ranged splash (2d%) or volcano cannon +35 ranged splash (2d% and Destroyer DC 45) or laser blaster ranged splash +35/+30/+25/+20 (30d6 and Destroyer DC 45) or plasma destructor ranged splash/touch +35/+35/+30/+30/+25/+25/+20/+20 (10d6) or ranged splash/touch +35/+30 (30d6) or quake cannon ranged splash +35/+30 (20d6)
Attack (Carapace Weapons): Dual turbo-laser destructor +35/+30/+25/+20 ranged touch (30d6 and Destroyer DC 45) or plasma blastgun ranged splash/touch +35/+30/+25/+20 (10d6) or ranged splash/touch +35 (30d6) or inferno gun DC 45 (2d20) or vulcan mega-bolter ranged touch +35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/+25/+25/+25/+25/+25/+20/+20/+20/+20/+20/ (6d6) or apocalypse missile launcher ranged splash +35/+35/+30/+30/+25/+25/+20/+20 (2d20) or vortex missile +35 ranged splash (Destroyer automatic)
CMB: +39; CMD 54


Propulsion Alchemical (20 squares of alchemical engine; hardness 15, hp 200)
Driving Check Profession (driver)
Forward Facing The titan's forward
Driving Device Mind Impulse Unit or electronic controls
Driving Space A single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that contains the Mind Impulse Unit, and a pair of 5-ft.-by-5-ft. squares containing driving controls and weapon controls.


Crew 3 (Princeps and two moderati. However, the moderati are there as backups and are not needed for the titan to function.)
Passengers One techpriest enginseer, who repairs the titan from within. (However, the warlord has 100 spaces on its back which are safe to stand on, at least as much as any location is safe in combat.)

A warlord has titanic feet, two carapace weapons and two other weapons. The plasma destructor is just like a plasma blastgun except that it fires faster. The quake cannon has a range increment of 400 feet and after resolving its splash attack like any other titan splash weapon damages anything within 50 feet. Other weapons do exactly the same thing they did on the reaver except as noted above.

Battle Titan
Any titan larger than a warhound has systems to ensure that the princeps' human fallibility is not responsible for a failure in combat. The titan gets a bonus to attack rolls, CMB and CMD, and the DCs of save DCs against flame, splash and destroyer attacks. For a warlord, the bonus is +10.

Mind Impluse Unit
The mind impulse unit allows the princeps to use his own base attack bonus and wisdom modifier in place of a base attack bonus and strength or dexterity modifier that the titan might have for determining its attack rolls, damage rolls, armour class, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence. Futher, if the titan charges, it can make an attack with all its ranged weapons before resolving the charge; if it makes a full attack, it can attack with any number of secondary and carapace weapons (though the warhound has none) and either a melee weapon or any number of ranged primary weapons.

The challenge rating, armour class, attacks, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence given above assume that the creature using the mind impulse unit is indeed a princeps.

If the princeps is somehow knocked out, the two sets of electronic controls can be used for driving the warhound and attacking with its feet, or using its weapons. The moderati are considered to have a profession (driver) check of +9; they can't use their base attack bonus or wisdom modifier for the knight's attacks and must rely on their driving skills.

When a warlord titan is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is a 5 or a 6, the titan explodes, dealing 15d6 slashing, 15d6 fire and 15d6 force damage to each creature within 120 feet and destroying them as a destroyer weapon does (reflex DC 40 half, fortitude DC 40 vs Destroyer). The princeps and moderati get no save against this, but creatures on the feet or back of the titan do.

Superheavy Walker
Only an idiot or another creature of similar stature would stand in the way of a titan. It can run straight over huge or smaller creatures as part of its movement, though they are assumed to be able to get out of the way of its feet if it's not actually using the overrun action or kicking them. Further, it doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity for shooting in close combat, nor for leaving a large or smaller creature's threatened square.

For when no-one should be happy any more:

Emperor Battle Titan, CR 50, XP 10,066,329,600
Colossal Land vehicle [Adeptus Mechanicus, Titan Legions]
Squares 480 (100 ft. by 120 ft.; 250 feet high)


AC 92, touch 42, FF 87 (-8 size, +50 armour, +35 deflect, +5 wis); Hardness 40
hp 20,000 (10,000)
Base Save +21
Special The crew and passengers of an emperor have total cover.


Maximum Speed 40 ft.; Acceleration 40 ft.
Attack (Stomp): Cathedral +45/+40/+35/+30 (3d%+5)
Attack (Arm Weapons): Plasma annihilator ranged splash/touch +45/+45/+45/+45/+40/+40/+40/+40/+35/+35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+30/+30 (10d6) or ranged splash/touch +45/+40/+35/+30 (30d6) or hellstorm cannon ranged splash/touch +45/+45/+40/+40/+35/+35/+30/+30 (20d6) or vengeance cannon ranged splash/touch +45/+45/+40/+40/+35/+35/+30/+30 or doomstrike missile launcher +45/+45/+45/+40/+40/+40/+35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+30 (20d6)
Attack (Carapace Weapons): Gatling blaster ranged splash +45/+45/+40/+40/+35/+35/+30/+30 (3d20) or melta cannon +45 ranged splash (2d%) or volcano cannon +45 ranged splash (2d% and Destroyer DC 55) or laser blaster ranged splash +45/+40/+35/+30 (30d6 and Destroyer DC 55) or plasma destructor ranged splash/touch +45/+45/+40/+40/+35/+35/+30/+30 (10d6) or ranged splash/touch +45/+40 (30d6) or quake cannon ranged splash +45/+40 (20d6) or inferno gun DC 55 (2d20) or vulcan mega-bolter ranged touch +45/+45/+45/+45/+45/+40/+40/+40/+40/+40/+35/+35/+35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+30/+30/+30/ (6d6) or apocalypse missile launcher ranged splash +45/+45/+40/+40/+35/+35/+30/+30 (2d20) or vortex missile +45 ranged splash (Destroyer automatic)
CMB: +49; CMD 64


Propulsion Alchemical (40 squares of alchemical engine; hardness 20, hp 400)
Driving Check Profession (driver)
Forward Facing The titan's forward
Driving Device Mind Impulse Unit or electronic controls
Driving Space A single 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square that contains the Mind Impulse Unit, and a pair of 5-ft.-by-5-ft. squares containing driving controls and weapon controls.


Crew 3 (Princeps and two moderati. However, the moderati are there as backups and are not needed for the titan to function.)
Passengers One techpriest enginseer, who repairs the titan from within. The emperor's feet are massive cathedrals to the god-emperor of mankind which hold up to 52 creatures in each; they share just three fire points to fire out of per foot: one forwards, one backwards, and one outwards. (The emperor's back houses another cathedral, and while this one is brimming with weapons there are plenty of places to hang on).

The emperor has two arm weapons and six carapace weapons. It can absolutely take 6 vortex missiles. The emperor titan has no real close combat weapons, but that's cold comfort to anyone stomped underfoot by its massive cathedral-feet. They are so large that they strike a 25-foot area: the emperor makes an attack roll and each creature with the same or lower AC is struck (the rest presumably dodge out of the foot's way just in time, or are protected by powerful magics or a suit of terminator armour).

All of the emperor titan's carapace weapons work like the warlord weapons except as noted above. The plasma annihilator is just a further faster-firing plasma destructor. The rest are blast weapons in the same way: the hellstorm cannon's range increment is 120 feet, the vengeance cannon's is 400 feet and the doomstrike missile launcher's is 750 feet, while their areas of effect are all 35 feet.

Battle Titan
Any titan larger than a warhound has systems to ensure that the princeps' human fallibility is not responsible for a failure in combat. The titan gets a bonus to attack rolls, CMB and CMD, and the DCs of save DCs against flame, splash and destroyer attacks. For an emperor, the bonus is +20.

Mind Impluse Unit
The mind impulse unit allows the princeps to use his own base attack bonus and wisdom modifier in place of a base attack bonus and strength or dexterity modifier that the titan might have for determining its attack rolls, damage rolls, armour class, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence. Futher, if the titan charges, it can make an attack with all its ranged weapons before resolving the charge; if it makes a full attack, it can attack with any number of secondary and carapace weapons (though the warhound has none) and either a melee weapon or any number of ranged primary weapons.

The challenge rating, armour class, attacks, combat maneuver bonus and combat maneuver defence given above assume that the creature using the mind impulse unit is indeed a princeps.

If the princeps is somehow knocked out, the two sets of electronic controls can be used for driving the warhound and attacking with its feet, or using its weapons. The moderati are considered to have a profession (driver) check of +9; they can't use their base attack bonus or wisdom modifier for the knight's attacks and must rely on their driving skills.

When an emperor titan is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is a 5 or a 6, the titan explodes, dealing 25d6 slashing, 25d6 fire and 25d6 force damage to each creature within 240 feet and destroying them as a destroyer weapon does (reflex DC 50 half, fortitude DC 50 vs Destroyer). The princeps and moderati get no save against this, but creatures on the feet or back of the titan do.

Superheavy Walker
Only an idiot or another creature of similar stature would stand in the way of a titan. It can run straight over huge or smaller creatures as part of its movement, though they are assumed to be able to get out of the way of its feet if it's not actually using the overrun action or kicking them. Further, it doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity for shooting in close combat, nor for leaving a large or smaller creature's threatened square.

2018-01-05, 08:18 AM

No wonder Warhammer 40K is so blithe about wasting life by the millions. Those stats are nuts.

2018-01-15, 04:10 AM
Launched from a mobile surface transporter the Termite is used to transport troops through the earth, safely hidden from incoming enemy fire. In addition to providing greater protection for its passengers, the Termite's tunneling ability means they are often used for launching surprise attacks, appearing behind enemy lines and causing chaos amongst their unsuspecting foes. The Termite has a transport capacity of around ten individuals and is often armed with 2 Heavy Bolters which it can fire as it breaches the surface. Once a Termite has surfaced and dispatched its payload it is essentially immobilized. The Termite's surface transport vehicle is un-armed.

Huge Vehicle
Size: 12 squares, plus 4 squares for breaching drill
Special rules/Notes: This requires a surface based transport vehicle platform to launch from.

AC: 3; Hardness: 10
HP: 200
Base Save: +3

Maximum Speed: 0 above land movement, burrow 60' ; Acceleration: 10'
Weapons: Two Automated, Mounted Heavy Bolters +4/+4 (2d10)
CMB: +4 (size); CMD: 14
Ramming Damage: 10d10

Propulsion: Technological
Driving Check: DC 15
Steering: Profession (Pilot) or Knowledge (engineering) at +10 to the DC
Forward Facing: Engine Front
Driving Device: Control panel (break DC 18)
Driving Space: 1 square around the Control panel
Means of Propulsion: Phase Field Generator
Crew: 1 pilot
Decks: 1
Cargo: 5,500 lbs, 10 passengers


Breaching drill: The massive rotating drillhead is tipped with adamantine and used to tunnel through difficult stone and harder material barriers. A creature caught in the path of this special tool takes ramming damage (reflex DC 15 1/2 dmg).

Phase-field generator: This technology mimics the the movements of a caterpillar but instead of extending its metal body back and forth, the phase generator pushes the earth around it with its technological field. This allows it to drag the bulk of its mass through the tunnel created by the breaching drill.

Explodes!: When the Termite is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is 6, the termite explodes, dealing 3d6 fire, 3d6 slashing and 3d6 force damage to each creature within 15 feet (reflex half). The crew and passengers get no reflex save to reduce the damage; a creature standing next to the termite does.

OKAY! I finally got a sit down and looked about the net for useful rules. This is my draft for the Termite, smallest of the underground troop transports of the Mechanicum. Tear it apart and work your magic! I'm sure I butchered a lot of it so change whatever doesn't work.

2018-01-15, 04:15 AM
"The crew get no reflex save to reduce the damage; a creature standing next or within to the mole does not."

That's kinda confusing wording.

"is often armed with heavy weapons such as 1 Lascannons and 2 Heavy Bolters which it can fire as it breaches the surface"
"Laspistol +3 (2d6)"


I can't think of anything else obvious that's a problem though.

2018-01-15, 05:07 AM
Good catch. Fixed those items.

2018-01-15, 05:13 AM
Two Cognis Lascannons +4/+4 (20d6+3)

Trench Warfare
A sydonian ballistarius trains specifically to use the type of ranged weapon he's equipped with, which is responsible for the +3 damage bonus (the damage bonus is dexterity-based). He also gets an additional +2 bonus to AC from cover, in addition to the normal AC bonus of that cover.
Lascannon +3 (2d6)

I think you're maybe missing a 0 somewhere.

2018-01-15, 05:17 AM
Probably right. I'll adjust that. However, these don't have the same room to maneuver as an open air turret. They are tucked away and pop out when the termite breaches. Should they be less powerful versions?

I removed the Lascanons entirely. The transport should not be more powerful than its payload. Just two heavy bolters is enough IMO.

2018-01-15, 06:02 AM
So as far as I know the concept of the Emperor Battle Titan if that you do not survive if you get within its range?
How is it meaningfully different from the lower lever titans?
Also the titans go all rocket tag on each other I mean: initiative is that makes one titan or another win.(unless it is very very different cr titans but for example the reaver and the emperor kills each other with ease(vortex missiles))

2018-01-15, 06:14 AM
Destroyer weapons including vortex missiles aren't enough to destroy very big creatures or objects outright.

2018-01-16, 04:11 AM
So did this meet the quality mark? If it did then I can work on the next two sizes larger pretty easily but I figure you'd have a lot more corrections. I wrote it out as a rough draft to make things easier to rip apart.

2018-01-16, 06:58 AM
I generally recommend giving any weapon that's essentially a machinegun - like a heavy bolter or heavy stubber - multiple shots - I'm not sure if the +4/+4 is meant to be per heavy bolter but I've written the attack routine for the pair where there are two weapons of the same type.

Otherwise it looks fine, yeah.

2018-01-16, 07:08 AM
So with the way its written currently it would be four attacks in a round, 2 per weapon. Do i need to write it out as +4/+4/+4/+4 ?

2018-01-16, 07:14 AM
So with the way its written currently it would be four attacks in a round, 2 per weapon. Do i need to write it out as +4/+4/+4/+4 ?

I wasn't sure, but it seems you've written it out correctly (for example, see the horse (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/horse/heavy-horse/)'s hooves are +0, not +0/+0). I'll go back and change the ones where I've made mistakes.

So your way is correct, sorry.

2018-01-16, 07:16 AM
Pshhhh! Are you kidding? If anything I'm learning how to do this just by seeing your work. :smallbiggrin:

2018-01-16, 07:27 AM
Pshhhh! Are you kidding? If anything I'm learning how to do this just by seeing your work. :smallbiggrin:


Then again, maybe it's not surprising that I'm good at doing my job (well, "Job"), but thanks. I appreciate your faith in my abilities. :smallsmile:

2018-01-16, 07:16 PM
Larger than the Termite but smaller then a Hellbore, the Mole is used to transport troops through the earth, safely hidden from incoming enemy fire. In addition to providing greater protection for its passengers, the Mole's tunneling ability means they are often used for launching surprise attacks, appearing behind enemy lines and causing chaos amongst their unsuspecting foes. The Mole has a transport capacity of around twenty individuals and can be configured to take larger sized creatures and some specialized equipment as well. The Mole is often armed with Heavy Bolters which it can fire as it breaches the surface. Once a Mole has surfaced and dispatched its payload it is essentially immobilized. The Mole's surface transport vehicle is un-armed.

Gargantuan Vehicle
Size: 22 squares long X 2 squares wide X 3 squares tall, plus 4x2x2 squares for breaching drill
Special rules/Notes: This requires a surface based transport vehicle platform to launch from.

AC: 5; Hardness: 10
HP: 350
Base Save: +5

Maximum Speed: 0 above land movement, burrow 60' ; Acceleration: 10'
Weapons: Three Mounted Heavy Bolters +4/+4/+4 (2d10)
CMB: +4 (size); CMD: 14
Ramming Damage: 15d10

Propulsion: Technological
Driving Check: DC 15
Steering: Profession (Pilot) or Knowledge (engineering) at +12 to the DC
Forward Facing: Engine Front
Driving Device: Control panel (break DC 18)
Driving Space: 1 square around the Control panel
Means of Propulsion: Phase Field Generator
Crew: 1 pilot
Decks: 1
Cargo: 10,500 lbs, 20 passengers


Breaching drill: The massive rotating drillhead is tipped with adamantine and used to tunnel through difficult stone and harder material barriers. A creature caught in the path of this special tool takes ramming damage (reflex DC 15 1/2 dmg).

Phase-field generator: This technology mimics the the movements of a caterpillar but instead of extending its metal body back and forth, the phase generator pushes the earth around it with its technological field. This allows it to drag the bulk of its mass through the tunnel created by the breaching drill.

Explodes!: When the Mole is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is 6, the Mole explodes, dealing 5d6 fire, 5d6 slashing and 5d6 force damage to each creature within 15 feet (reflex half). The crew and passengers get no reflex save to reduce the damage; a creature standing next to the termite does.

Largest of the tunneling vehicles, the Hellbore accomplished the same task as its smaller brethren. The Hellbore has a transport capacity of around thirty to forty individuals and can transport the largest specialized troops and equipment, and can be further modified by removing the ceiling of its second deck for even larger transport needs. Unlike the Termite and Mole, the Hellbore is armed with two Cognis Lascannons for protection. From time to time the Hellbore's powerful drill is used as an above ground breaching device against fortified positions. Such a task is often effective but puts the crew in danger as it is very easy to attack and damage. Once a Hellbore has surfaced and dispatched its payload it is essentially immobilized. The Hellbore's surface transport vehicle is un-armed.

Gargantuan Vehicle
Size: 22 squares long X 4 squares wide X 4 squares tall, plus 6x4x4 squares for breaching drill
Special rules/Notes: This requires a surface based transport vehicle platform to launch from.

AC: 6; Hardness: 10
HP: 500
Base Save: +5

Maximum Speed: 0 above land movement, burrow 60' ; Acceleration: 10'
Weapons: Two Cognis Lascannons +4/+4 (20d6)
CMB: +4 (size); CMD: 14
Ramming Damage: 20d10

Propulsion: Technological
Driving Check: DC 15
Steering: Profession (Pilot) or Knowledge (engineering) at +12 to the DC
Forward Facing: Engine Front
Driving Device: Control panel (break DC 18)
Driving Space: 2 square around the Control panel
Means of Propulsion: Phase Field Generator
Crew: 2 pilot
Decks: 2
Cargo: 20,500 lbs, 30 passengers


Breaching drill: The massive rotating drillhead is tipped with adamantine and used to tunnel through difficult stone and harder material barriers. A creature caught in the path of this special tool takes ramming damage (reflex DC 15 1/2 dmg).

Phase-field generator: This technology mimics the the movements of a caterpillar but instead of extending its metal body back and forth, the phase generator pushes the earth around it with its technological field. This allows it to drag the bulk of its mass through the tunnel created by the breaching drill.

Explodes!: When the Hellbore is destroyed, roll a d6. If the result is 6, the Hellbore explodes, dealing 8d6 fire, 8d6 slashing and 8d6 force damage to each creature within 15 feet (reflex half). The crew and passengers get no reflex save to reduce the damage; a creature standing next to the Hellbore does.

This felt like a pretty easy upgrade but I'm iffy on the size differences between the three vehicles.

2018-01-17, 05:03 AM
Of course, now I'm not sure what the heavy bolter and lascannon attack routines are meant to mean any more. :smalltongue:

2018-01-17, 05:23 AM
Of course, now I'm not sure what the heavy bolter and lascannon attack routines are meant to mean any more. :smalltongue:

Usually they mean "the target is dead and you killed it"
How about saving on the description of the creatures attacks and replacing them by"the target die of being killed by overwhelming dakka"

2018-01-17, 08:15 AM
Don't overthink it! If I need to adjust something when it comes to my homebrew I will. Right now I need the CORE stuff written out.

I think the tank is next...