View Full Version : Shards of Power [Magic Item]

2007-08-20, 11:07 AM
The shards of power, as they are known by the most learned of scholars, all come from the same source, a falling star. When the star fell down to the earth, the impact caused it to shatter into dozens of pieces. Each piece went flying in different directions, and with their nearly weight-less frame, some ended up hundreds of miles from the impact zone.

Each shard of power is unique in size, shape, and functionality. Often times the shards have been fitted into the hilt of a sword, the tip of a wand, on a necklace, etc. They are very striking in appearance, being of the brightest colors and hues and in such combinations that are literally out of this world.

Each shard grants to its wielder some kind of special attack, special quality, spell-like ability(ies), or special powers. In addition, most shards serve as spell-enhancers, able to absorb the energy of a spellcaster's spell slot and convert it into a spell-effect of some kind.

A Sample Shard
The Crimson Shard
Appearance: The crimson shard is attached at the top of a darkwood staff. During the day it appears as a jagged red crystal, but at night or when placed in darkness it glows a deep red color, but sheds no light.
History: Goyle, a human mercenary captain escorting some minor noble through the plains of Turale was the first to notice the descending object from the sky. Having seen magic at work in the past, he was sure that some wizard or another was casting spells in the area, and called his group to make camp close to a mountain side to try to stay out of the way.

When he heard the impact of the object on the earth, he ordered the group stay still and he rode forth to investigate. He was quite a distance from the impact site when he noticed a burning tree. Embedded in the tree's trunk was a red crystal of some sorts, which he touched to see if it was hot. Much to his suprise, the crystal was not hot at all. He removed the crystal, examined it shortly, and then tossed it into his bag.

He wanted to move closer to the impact site to see more, but from the sound, the object had attracted some nearby creatures, and he didn't mean to see his life end that day. He went back to his camp and ordered that they all move out.

Several days later when his entourage arrived at the port town of Casoul, he took the item to the magic store, and asked to have it identified. The store owner was amazed by the very appearance of the crystal shard, but his spells revealed nothing of the shard's obvious magical nature.

The store owner, overeager, asked to purchase it from Goyle for 50,000 gold. Sensing that he might have something of incredible value to the right buyer, he declined the offer and resumed his duties.

The store owner, a member of a secret cult dedicated to Aoria, informed his masters, who promptly had Goyle hunted down and killed. The sect's High Priest, Vagar Thoe, took the shard for himself, placing it on a darkwood staff in order to be able to display it for the flock to see.

When Vagar's superiors heard of the crystal, they sent for it, but he refused to give it up. He left the cult and fled the city, traveling far away to a barbaric tribe near Dago's Realm. There he set himself up as a sort of god to the uncivilized people, and continued building his power base for when the cult inevitably tracked him down.

Crimson Shard
Holding the shard or wielding the object it is attached to grants the following:
Immunity to Fire, spell-like abilities (caster level 20th): at will - Burning Hands, Flaming Sphere, 3/day - Fireball, Wall of Fire, 1/day - Delayed Blast Fireball.

In addition to granting spell-like abilities to its wielder, the crimson shard can also grant certain powers at the cost of spell slots. The spell slots are absorbed by the shard and produce the listed effect.
Powers{table=head] Slot Required |Powers

0| Share Fire Immunity with Ally

1| +1 damage/die Fire Spells

2| +1 DC for Fire Spells

3| Assume Form (Fire Wisp)

Share Fire Immunity with Ally: The wielder of the shard can grant Fire Immunity to any target within 30 feet. The Immunity to fire can be ended by the wielder of the crystal as a free action, it otherwise lasts for 20 minutes.
+1 damage per die from Fire Spells: When a caster uses one of the shard's spell-like abilities, they can expend a 1st level spell slot to add 1 damage per die to the spell. Doing so is considered part of using the spell-like ability, it does not require an action of its own. This ability does not stack, but can be used in conjunction with +1 DC for Fire Spells.
+1 DC for Fire Spells: When a caster uses one of the shard's spell-like abilities, they can expend a 2nd level spell slot to add 1 to the DC of the spell. Doing so is considered part of using the spell-like ability, it does not require an action of its own. This ability does not stack, but can be used in conjunction with +1 damage per die from Fire Spells.
Assume Form (Fire Wisp): By expending a 3rd level spell slot, the wielder of the crimson shard can change forms into that of a fire wisp. The shard, the wielder, and all gear that the wielder currently holds transforms into a ball of fire that is a foot wide by three feet long. Assuming the form of the Fire Wisp requires a Full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

In this form the wielder can fly with perfect manuverability at a speed of 120 ft. If the wielder moves through a target's space when in Fire Wisp form, that target must make a Reflex save DC 25. On a successful save the target takes 4d6 Fire damage from the proximity to the fire. On a failed save the target must immediately make a Fortitude save DC 35 or be disintegrated. Even if successful, the target takes 8d6 Fire damage. On any round that a target or targets are struck, the wielder returns to his normal form at the end of his turn.

While in Fire Wisp form the wielder's type changes to elemental (Fire), gains DR 15/magic, retains immunity to fire, but cannot use any of the spell-like abilities or powers.

Designer's Note:

The shards are meant to be incredibly powerful items that can be used by anybody. This of course can lead to very strange occurences and plot hooks. I wouldn't reccommend putting them in the hands of the PCs, at least not for any length of time, but they can be used as quest objectives as many organizations both good and evil would try to get their hands on as many shards as possible. The sample shard above is what I would consider a medium to low powered shard.