View Full Version : Session 1 plan

2017-12-03, 11:16 PM
Hullo all, I've got a rough draft readied for the first part of an estimated 5 session long adventure for my group of 4-5 level 5s. Anyone interested in a bit of critique?

On the road ahead awaits the town of Ix, a small settlement built to support the local mana mines. Nightfall is fast approaching, leaving you with the choice between dealing with the bandits and gremlins that plague the night brush or taking a shortcut through the old mines and hoping there hasn’t been a collapse since last time.

Option 1: The Night Path:
The night provides dim light and the path is rough but clear, with many twists and turns but also plentiful signs and landmarks. Taking a short rest risks a 50% chance of gremlin attack.

Gremlin Attack:
During the night five Gremlins attack the party, lobbing crude thrown weapons until forced into melee.
A Gremlin uses the same statistics as a Goblin Boss, but gains an extra +2 to AC, Attacks and Damage when under direct moonlight.

Bandit Attack:
This is a robbery, your money AND your life!
During the night the party is accosted by a band of 4 Berserkers. The bandits are too desperate and bloodthirsty to reason with, rushing the party at the first opportunity.
One of these bandits holds a Lesser Mana Stone (single use, restores 1st or 2nd level spell slot) taken from a miner in a previous robbery. Proof of the bandits death can also be presented to the mayor of Ix for a 50gp bounty each.

Option 2: The Old Mines:
The abandoned mines are completely dark and littered with debris from partial cave-ins, some passageways have been completely blocked and the rest are exceedingly narrow, treat the mines as difficult terrain. A short rest is not possible within the mines.

Bat Swarm:
The old entrance hall is home to a swarm of 14 Giant Bats. They only attack if subject to light or approached within 10 feet. They otherwise huddle together on the 20 foot high ceiling until darkness has completely fallen and they can fly out in search of food.

Cave in:
Halfway through the mines a rumble collapses a further portion that the party is travelling through. Every party member takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage or half if they succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. This collapse blocks the way back and rouses a pair of angry Gricks.
A nearby passage contains a Lesser Mana Stone (single use, restores 1st or 2nd level spell slot) in the debris left over from the old mine work.

Cave Bear:
An old, maximum HP Owlbear has taken up residence in one section of the abandoned shafts and defends it aggressively from intruders. Besides the patch of litter the creature uses for its den there is a rotten support beam that can be struck to collapse the room as per ‘Cave-in’ above.

The Village of Ix:
The party should reach Ix about halfway through the night or just after nightfall depending on which path they take. The local inn is open and takes them as they would any other travellers, and the party may take a long rest. The locals are excited about the archery competition that starts in the morning. Lesser Mana Stones can be found for sale at 100gp apiece.

The Archery Competition:
The rules are simple for anybody wanting to participate. There are three targets, and you get 6 arrows and 6 rounds to hit them. Finishing early gives you 2 extra points per round spared.
Close Target: AC 12, 1 point (crit 2)
Middle Target: AC 14, 3 points (crit 6)
Far Target: AC 16, 5 points (crit 10)
You win 2gp per point scored and if you beat the current champion (29 points or more) you win the grand prize:
Bracers of the Steady Hand (requires attunement, rolls below 10 on Sleight of Hand and Thievery* checks count as if you rolled a 10)

Greetings, citizens of Ix. I come bearing gifts for the future subjects of my queen, Hecubah!
During the festivities a Necromancer appears in town, proudly pronouncing his message before chain-summoning a series of 1d6+2 Corpse Spiders which cause a panic. The militia (Thugs) bands together to chase off the Necromancer but the spiders are wreaking havoc on the town. The elderly mayor issues a call to fetch Aldwyn from his cottage on the edge of town for assistance.

A Corpse Spider uses the same statistics as a Phase Spider but can Feign Death, appearing to be a humanoid corpse.

Convincing Aldwyn to help is easy (DC 10) and he uses his skills/spells to charm any spiders he comes across. He and the Mayor do ask the party to check the mana mines while they are busy disposing of the spiders in town, as that is the direction that the Necromancer fled. The party can use this as an opportunity to take a short rest if they wish.

The Mana Mines:
Two dead militia members can be found on the way to the mines, a DC 10 medicine check confirms Force and Necrotic attacks. Some miners have managed to scatter or lock themselves in safe locations after the ruckus began, but many have been caught and killed by the Necromancer’s summoned minions.

The mines are well lit using spent mana crystals (blue light) and clear but a little claustrophobic. It is three levels deep, most of which is being overrun by fiends and undead. The party won't have to fight their way through everything, but in total there are:
- Four hordes of 8 Zombies
- Two swarms of 6 Imps
- Two mobs of 5 Ghouls
- One pack of 3 Spined Devils
- Three teams of 4 Militia
Every short rest taken by the party kills off an unfortunate team of militia (unless the party comes across them all first), a long rest dooms them all.
For each encounter there is a 20% chance of finding a minecart that can be looted for 2d4 Lesser Mana Stones and 1d4 Mana Stones (single use, restores one 1st-4th level spell slot)

The Necromancer
Ah, more whelps. You think I fear you? You will make fine food for the spawn!
The Necromancer (Drow Mage) has holed himself up with a Specter lackey at the bottom of the mines trying to find a safe enough place to long rest and get out. If killed he has a Ring of Jumping and two Potions of Healing on his person.
If the party decided to take a long rest he has already gone, leaving behind 3 Wights made from militia for the party to fight.

Necromancer Spells:
1st (2 slots): Magic Missile, Putrid Haze, Witch Bolt
2nd (1 slot): Misty Step, Ray of Enfeeblement*, Web
3rd (1 slot): Counterspell, Fear, Ray of Exhaustion*
4th (1 slot): Black Tentacles, Blight
5th (1 slot): Cloudkill

Note: Milestone levelling, the party reaches level 6.

I'm happy to clear up any questions and fill in any extra info as needed, but no cookies for those that recognize my inspiration!