View Full Version : Taunts for a bard

2017-12-04, 01:10 PM
I have an encounter to run tonight where the party will need to fight a debuff bard and a few of his minions. He uses perform comedy to taunt the party. I have a short list of taunts but I’m hoping the playground can help me Expand the list and maybe come up with something personalized for the party

The party he will be taunting consists of a warforged Barbarian, a human gunslinger, an eleven ranged slayer, and an eleven druid with a noble background.

Mike Miller
2017-12-04, 03:40 PM
Are you taking inspiration from Elan in Order of the Stick? If not, that is a great place for bard taunts

2017-12-04, 04:11 PM
Shakespeare had all the best insults. Here's a (not even remotely comprehensive) list


Hiro Quester
2017-12-04, 05:09 PM
Reddit created a list of vicious bard insults a couple of years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/3k7qpl/100_bard_insults_for_vicious_mockery/

Edit: some favorites:

Even evard's black tentacles wouldn't touch something as gross as you!
Quick grab some fire...no wait, it's ok, it's not an actual troll!
OMG. Why don't you give me your weapon so I can hit myself with it, because that'd be more effective than you trying it!
Wait, so you're the manifestation of a divine being of supreme power and malevolence, and you chose that face? Do they even have mirrors on your plane of existence!

2017-12-04, 05:25 PM
Are there any song things we might need to know? Like, are elves (as a random example) the overlords? Are they discriminated against? Do people hate guns? Magic? What about warforged? What's their background in your campaign?

Sorry for asking this of you, but it's hard to help with personalized insults without context...

2017-12-04, 06:32 PM
So this is all amazing so far

Warforged are warmachines given souls and were made in the last war, humans are he dominant species where most of the nonhuman kingdoms have been absorbed over the last few centuries. The party is trying to sack a castle where the current lord has been unable to conceive a child. His men are doing a ritual to make her pregnant with what they think is an angel but is actually a dark young of shub niggurath. The party is trying to stop this

2017-12-04, 11:49 PM
"I hear your mother gives more head than a hydra!"

2017-12-05, 12:11 AM
That's her choice as a consenting adult :smalltongue:

"With how easy this is, they should have called you SNOREforged!"

"You smell terrible! Are you sure you're not a BUMslinger?"

"You two should have stuck with toy-making, since this fight is child's play!"

2017-12-05, 04:43 AM
The party he will be taunting consists of a warforged Barbarian

"Look at Pinocchio over here! Newsflash: you are still NOT a real boy.""

a human gunslinger

"BANG BANG...click click! Stick to water guns- I might actually get sprayed this round.""

an elven ranged slayer

"Death cometh... but certainly not from you and that sorry excuse for a bow.""

an elven druid with a noble background

"You're an elf and a druid? Seriously? That's so original! Where's your drow ranger cohort?""

2017-12-05, 11:07 AM
I love these. Thanks playground!!! Boss battle went great, the party murdered the excrement out of this guy with a fury I havnt seen in years. Little do they know he will be a recurring villain.

I intend to have him resurrected as a satyr by shub niggurath (apparently this is something she does), then in later levels I will have him as a death jester. Looking forward to many taunts