View Full Version : Making Tarzan Help

2017-12-04, 07:17 PM
We'll be starting the new Chult adventure, Tomb of Annihilation, soon and the DM insisted everyone make back-up characters as he's fairly certain we'll all die at least once and he doesn't want to wait for us to gen new ones when we could just have one ready. I'm fairly certain he's too much a pessimist but I want my back-up character to basically be Disney's Tarzan- can anyone help suggest how to pull that off either through straight classes or multiclassing? My stats are high enough to multiclass anything so anything should be possible.
Currently my party companions are a Wild Magic Dwarf Sorcerer and two Warlocks, one using Fiend and one using Fey (they're half-brothers, one's half-devil and one's half-celestial, their mother had a phase).

Things I'm looking for:
Decent ability to frontline as the rest of the party is not likely to do well in melee.
Fight with hands/grappling/clawing.
Knowledge of the Jungle and creatures around them.
Ways to get around quickly and possibly while getting past enemies unnoticed.

Can anyone help me make the Son of Man? (Race isn't decided but I'm leaning Wood Elf or Drow- depending on the DM getting back to me about how he would rule on Direct Sunlight)

2017-12-04, 07:24 PM
Well, what do we know about Tarzan (specifically, the Disney version):

- he is very strong (high STR), AND very nimble (high DEX)
- he doesn't wear much in the way of clothes
- he is extremely good at climbing and jumping (Athletics like whoah)
- he talks with animals, and they talk with him
- he is clever and observant, but has no education (decent WIS, low INT)

Basically, it looks like you want to take a Totem Barbarian, with a background that gives you Acrobatics. No armor, high strength, they even get the speak with animals ability. See if you can scrounge up a magic item that gives you a Climb speed, or, failing that, take the Athlete feat so you can be really good at climbing and jumping. Variant Human is your best bet for that feat right away.

Puh Laden
2017-12-04, 07:34 PM
I'd go monk with either open palm or drunken master style. Take magic initiate (druid) for speak with animals, thorn whip, and maybe primal savagery -- IDK what it is, but it's apparently in Xanathar's and it's a druid cantrip.

2017-12-04, 07:51 PM
Classic Barbarian/Monk combo comes to mind. A few levels of totem barbarian then the rest drunken master or open palm monk. Focus on spear since this is often his go to weapon. recommend first level in barbarian for better unarmored defense.

On another note I would highly suggest to your warlock friends that one should use the Celestial Patron in Xanathars Guide to Everything instead of Fey, considering it be more in line with the characters fluff as well as give your team a needed healer.

2017-12-04, 10:01 PM
We'll be starting the new Chult adventure, Tomb of Annihilation, soon and the DM insisted everyone make back-up characters as he's fairly certain we'll all die at least once and he doesn't want to wait for us to gen new ones when we could just have one ready. I'm fairly certain he's too much a pessimist but I want my back-up character to basically be Disney's Tarzan- can anyone help suggest how to pull that off either through straight classes or multiclassing? My stats are high enough to multiclass anything so anything should be possible.
Currently my party companions are a Wild Magic Dwarf Sorcerer and two Warlocks, one using Fiend and one using Fey (they're half-brothers, one's half-devil and one's half-celestial, their mother had a phase).

Things I'm looking for:
Decent ability to frontline as the rest of the party is not likely to do well in melee.
Fight with hands/grappling/clawing.
Knowledge of the Jungle and creatures around them.
Ways to get around quickly and possibly while getting past enemies unnoticed.

Can anyone help me make the Son of Man? (Race isn't decided but I'm leaning Wood Elf or Drow- depending on the DM getting back to me about how he would rule on Direct Sunlight)

I feel he'd be best as a Barbarian. Focus on Dex, Str and Con in that order. Totem is a great thematic fit for a barbarian path as it connects him to the animal kingdom. For skills, I recommend Athletics and either Animal Handling or Survival. For weapons, Tarzan is most known for having a knife, so a dagger would fit the image best, but a shortsword could work too. VariantHuman would be the best race to choose, and take Acrobatics as your extra skill (for all that tree-climbing and vine-swinging).

For your starting feat, Atheltic (Dex) would help you get high dex early as well as to help with your climbing, jumping and getting back on on your feet more easily.

That's my suggestion, at least. And don't forget the loincloth because wearing pants instead is really stupid.

Edit: I typed all that before refreshing the page and seeing other people's answers, but Dex over STR would up your AC better and help you avoid having to focus on 3 stats instead of two. Make STR your third highest stat, imo.

2017-12-04, 10:45 PM
I don't know the cartoon character but do know the book one.

Tarzan carried his father's hunting knife, a short bow and spear stolen from a tribal warrior, a length of rope he braided himself and used as a laso. A favorite tactic of his was grappling from behind and then stabbing with his knife or snapping necks with a full Nelson. The arrows he carried were poisoned, he would raid the nearest tribal village whenever he ran out or kill a tribal warrior and steal his. His clothing and ornaments also came from the same tribal warriors.

He could read and write English, self taught from the books in his parent's cabin.

His upbringing with the great apes would emphasize athletics, acrobatics, stealth, perception, survival, animal handling. Favored stats would then be strength, dex, wisdom. Constitution would probably be his fourth stat. Figure out your preferred order and focus. Barbarian would probably be the right path to go down.

I know it's a different version of your character but the thought struck my fancy and has me thinking now.

Basement Cat
2017-12-04, 11:00 PM
Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote Tarzan to be a perfect human specimen back when fictional characters often were without flaws (at least where contemporary 'flaws' were concerned). Essentially he was a "Noble Savage" of European descent. A generic ubermensch in modern terms, perhaps.

Tarzan was highly intelligent (though he lacked formal education).


Burroughs created an elegant version of the wild man figure largely unalloyed with character flaws or faults. Tarzan is described as being tall, athletic, handsome, and tanned, with grey eyes and long black hair. He wears almost no clothes, except for a loincloth.

Emotionally, he is courageous, intelligent, loyal, and steadfast. He is presented as behaving ethically in most situations, except when seeking vengeance under the motivation of grief, as when his ape mother Kala is killed in Tarzan of the Apes, or when he believes Jane has been murdered in Tarzan the Untamed. He is deeply in love with his wife and totally devoted to her; in numerous situations where other women express their attraction to him, Tarzan politely but firmly declines their attentions.

When presented with a situation where a weaker individual or party is being preyed upon by a stronger foe, Tarzan invariably takes the side of the weaker party. In dealing with other men, Tarzan is firm and forceful. With male friends, he is reserved but deeply loyal and generous. As a host, he is, likewise, generous and gracious. As a leader, he commands devoted loyalty.

In keeping with these noble characteristics, Tarzan's philosophy embraces an extreme form of "return to nature". Although he is able to pass within society as a civilized individual, he prefers to "strip off the thin veneer of civilization", as Burroughs often puts it.[7] His preferred dress is a knife and a loincloth of animal hide, his preferred abode is any convenient tree branch when he desires to sleep, and his favored food is raw meat, killed by himself; even better if he is able to bury it a week so that putrefaction has had a chance to tenderize it a bit.

I'm thinking a Monk/Barbarian multiclass would fit the bill, here.

Alignment: Lawful Good (like pretty much all of Burroughs' lead heroic men).

Feats: Lucky!!! Tarzan had more good luck than any dozen people combined! :smallwink:

2017-12-05, 12:09 AM
Disney's Tarzan, eh? Better have proficiency in Perform then, because Disney is obsessed with Dancing and Singing characters! ;)

2017-12-05, 01:26 AM
So currently after consulting with my DM it looks like my starting setup is thus:
Variant Human (+1 str +1 con)
Athletic feat (+1 str)
Barbarian - Outlander background
Scores of 18 / 18 / 19 / 13 / 14 / 13 after mods
(I was due for a lucky set of rolls- my last several characters had a majority of negative scores)
Animal Handling, Athletics, Nature, Perception, Survival skills

Any advice on where to go from here? I can reassign anything (race, class, skills, etc) until the first time we actually play.

2017-12-05, 01:37 AM
A lot of love for Barbarian/Monk going on here, but I'd like to put in a suggestion for Barbarian/Rogue. Expertise in Athletics and Acrobatics might feel a little redundant from a combat PoV, but they do have distinct usages and would make him extremely mobile with regard to what he considers "casual" athleticism. Add Cunning Action, Elk Totem and the Mobile Feat and this guy will be a freight train (if speed/mobility are a focus goal for you).

2017-12-05, 01:58 AM
Barbarian + rogue works very well for grapole builds (i dont know the soecificis but theres guides and discussions around). The scout rogue and totem barbarian both give good ribon abilities to imorove those as well. As for race id suggesr lizardfolk with their survival and bone crafting stylrs

2017-12-05, 07:36 AM
A lot of love for Barbarian/Monk going on here, but I'd like to put in a suggestion for Barbarian/Rogue. Expertise in Athletics and Acrobatics might feel a little redundant from a combat PoV, but they do have distinct usages and would make him extremely mobile with regard to what he considers "casual" athleticism. Add Cunning Action, Elk Totem and the Mobile Feat and this guy will be a freight train (if speed/mobility are a focus goal for you).

Came here to make the same comment, basically. Elk Totem/Thief in equal parts. Basically everything the barbarian and rogue offer fit, hand in glove, with the Tarzan concept. You might even favor constitution early levels for a strong sense of the survivor.

2017-12-05, 03:12 PM
Ape Totem Barbarian.

2017-12-06, 12:52 AM
Ape Totem Barbarian.

I've not heard of that one- what's the Ape Totem do?

2017-12-06, 05:50 AM
I've not heard of that one- what's the Ape Totem do?

He's likely pulling your leg, because there's no such thing in 5e. Pathfinder might have had, but I doubt GlenSmash! really thought this was a Pathfinder thread.

Of course, you might be able to reflavor one or a combination of the existing ones as "Ape" or homebrew it on your own/with your DM.

2017-12-06, 02:23 PM
I've not heard of that one- what's the Ape Totem do?

I don't know. I just made it up.

Lets see... Increased unarmed strike damage at level 3, 30 ft Climbing speed and advantage on climbing related Athletics or Acrobatics check at level 6, at level 14 as a bonus action can yell and beat on your chest to attempt to make a target frightened.

Or you could just mix and match, 3 Tiger, 6 Wolf, 14 Elk might be a work for Tarzan.

2017-12-06, 02:49 PM
Any advice on where to go from here? I can reassign anything (race, class, skills, etc) until the first time we actually play.
Those crazy stats should sure help.

I'd suggest a Rogue level for Athletics and Acrobatics Expertise, and-- if UA is on the table-- a dip in Fighter or Ranger for the Mariner Fighting Style to net a Climb and Swim Speed. Maybe grab Tavern Brawler instead of Athletics if you want to empathize the unarmed fighting?

2017-12-06, 03:26 PM
Prodigy feat for humans from Xanathar's Guide to Everything could also work for expertise in one of those two skills (Athletics›Acrobatics, imho) if you don't want to multiclass.