View Full Version : Monster Adventure Modules

2017-12-04, 09:05 PM
My girlfriend wants to make her first foray into DMing & wants to run a game where we play as monsters in a goblin horde (She loves Volo's) but she isn't confident in creating everything herself. Is there an adventure module that can handle this? She doesnt mind adjusting a few things.

2017-12-04, 09:11 PM
I'm not sure how much it helps, but I have several days planned out from a monster campaign that I was writing that she is welcome to steal from and ask about


My point in this was to be a serious of one shots, but it turned into and overarching story. It got put on hold when one of the guys in my group tools me he didn't like playing as a monster. So, I'm writing actual one shots now for when the regular DM isn't ready.

Falcon X
2017-12-05, 01:56 AM
So, let me clarify: You want to play as monsters that are part of a goblin’s base camp, presumably to wait for adventurers to come kill you?

Both the Starter set and Tales from the Yawning portal have level 1-3 dungeons with goblinoids involved. Not too complex though.

Castle Naerytar from Hoard of the Dragon Queen is defended by Lizardmen and Bullywugs. Level 4-5 I think. Just replace the Bullywugs with goblinoids and you have a really cool fortress and background, especially if you work in the nearby swamp dragon(s).
Sly Flourish had some great ideas of expanding it: http://slyflourish.com/hodq_chapter_6.html

Lastly, I have a scenario I’ve used about 5 times of goblinoids who took over a dwarven mining camp. A “dark man” has taken over the goblinoids base camp with some Drow and has been driving them towards ambition. The mining colony is a key point for other reasons....
Let me know if that intrigues you and I’ll give you the full run down.

2017-12-05, 05:02 PM
No, she wants a normalish adventure game, staring monster races, doing quests for people/monsters. Not a game of "protect the dungeon" I was wondering if there is a good adventure module that could be adapted to fit monsterheroes of a goblinoid horde doing it instead of humanoid heroes.