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2017-12-07, 09:11 AM
You step out into the light, blinking as the sun hits your eyes. It's been a long time-possibly the first time-you've seen light this bright. As your eyes adjust, you see King Asgore standing outside, facing in towards the mountain. Isn't it beautiful? he says, gesturing out to the vast expanse beyond him. There are green fields and leafy trees, dotted with flowers, all expanding out below the mountain.

Take your time. I want you to appreciate what we've been blessed with today, he adds. Let me know when you're ready.

2017-12-07, 11:53 AM
RG-03 stands behind everyone, leaving the coven that separated both worlds long enough behind him. His eyes almost blinded by the light, he focussed the familiar sight of King Asgore. Staring at the scene, the king and his fellow guardsman Justin. He always had a thing for furry monsters, but it was never more apparent than now. He stares at both enjoying the sunlight.Uuuuuuh, yeah. Beautiful world, great....muscles. Umph, I mean meadows.

Brad blushes through his black armor.

2017-12-07, 11:56 AM
Asgore lets out a laugh, a booming, hearty sound, full of mirth and joy. I suppose the overworld isn't everyone's idea of beauty, but to each their own. I, for one, am gladdened by this sight.

2017-12-07, 12:07 PM
One post in and we already have potential for a romantic subplot between two party members.

This is going to be fun, I can tell :smallbiggrin:

Justin moves forward, almost next to Asgore, but staying respectfully behind him. He stretches and takes a deep breath, tilting his head until a nigh-inaudible pop is followed by a deep sigh. The grey-furred minotaur rolls his neck and grins, eyes closed as he continues to take in the smell of the outside world. His nostrils flare slightly, and he snorts gently as he feels the prickling of a sneeze coming on, fortunately able to catch it before it forced him to disturb the serenity of the moment. "It smells nice too. I mean, the air at home is nice too but this is ..." He pauses for several moments as he tries to find an appropriate word to describe the idea. He eventually shrugs casually and simply says, "Different." His arms cross over his chest as he continues to survey the expanse, drinking in all the unusual sights and sounds. "A bit warm, innit?" he asks, unused to having the sun warming his fur. It wasn't uncomfortable, or even any warmer than what he had experienced underground, but the distinction was enough that his mind insisted that something was up.

2017-12-07, 02:42 PM
Trusting in his armor to hide his emotions, Brad steps closer. He even smells nice. he thinks by himself. Yes, though not as fierce as Hotland. Nice even... Brad sighs. Will you think the humans will accept us this time?

He stands side by side with Asgore and Justin. Enamored and enarmored he wished this moment would never cease. The warmth of the sun, the Minotaur's fur brushing against his armor, the king, his idol and ruler finally at peace with himself. The air filled with birds and butterflies. Or is this that Pixie again? He could go for a spider donut right now but Parker was nowhere to be found. This might sound weird but maybe we have time for a picnic?

2017-12-07, 04:14 PM

The group could have heard Eladriel approaching from a mile away. She shot between Brad and the king, narrowly missing his head. She continued by in a series of increasingly dizzying loops before returning to Brad. Zipping around his head a few times, she finally alights on his forehead, legs dangling between his eyes.

"Oh come ON, Brad! Enjoy yourself! It's sunny! There's grass! There's trees! There's blue sky! And I can FLY!"

She twirls around in the air once more before diving into the grass and weaving between the minotaur's legs.

"It's been AGES since I've flown through a meadow! YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

2017-12-07, 04:55 PM
Brad follows the Pixie's flight and watches careless demeanor. You know the humans imprisoned us because they think we want to kill them, right? Maybe be careful? He tries to catch the small thing, being entirely too slow. They might catch you and He slams both iron gauntlets together and creates a clanking sound *squish* you're mush.

2017-12-07, 06:20 PM
"No one's around. Let El have her fun."

The green-tinted spider-person isn't far behind the manic pixie, despite coming on foot and wearing an old winter coat. It would be way too much for this weather were it not for the big holes in the seams that accommodate most of Parker's arms.

Parker squints up at the big orb in the sky for a moment, then recoils and opens two eyes to make up for the ones that were just blinded. "Uh. I don't know if my vision's adjusting right."

2017-12-07, 11:44 PM
She should be careful, Parker. the dragon says without looking at the spider. You do not know who lurks out there. Remember this kid with the pistol that went *pop* and the cowboy hat? Killed several good guardsmen before going down. Brad visibly shudders at the thought. They are merciless killers. We have to be careful. They killed the prin... Brad pauses and looks at the king. I am sorry. How do you think we should proceed?

While I feel a bit of RP couldn't hurt to learn more about the characters I want the option to start. =)

2017-12-08, 12:44 AM
Parker blinks a few times trying to focus on Brad. "Geez. I don't remember any of that. It must've been before I joined. Sorry."

Despite the apology, the spider seems to remain with Eladriel on Team Goofing Around and runs two hands through some of the local flora. Some of them even have inviting red berries. Interesting. They're probably poisonous. Eh. I'll pick some anyway.

2017-12-08, 07:34 AM
She twirls around in the air once more before diving into the grass and weaving between the minotaur's legs.

"It's been AGES since I've flown through a meadow! YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Justin keeps still as the pixie flits between his legs, snorting in amusement as Eladriel's wings make just enough wind to create a gentle breeze against the fur on his legs.

He stays quiet as Brad and Eladriel discuss the humans and how dangerous they were. He'd heard the same stories as everyone else, how the humans had driven the monsters all the way to the Underground only to seal them in with the magic seal which had recently been broken. Asgore figgered a way out after all, he mused, causing a smile to spread on his face. He offers as much advice as he can muster, feeling his heart swell slightly, just as it did every time when he thought about what it meant to be part of the Royal Guard. "If they try to stop us by force, and they're really that powerful, then it's our job to make sure we're the ones who get stopped, and not King Flu-" He nearly chokes on his words as he realizes Asgore is still among them, having nearly defaulted to the nickname Asgore had earned himself after one particularly embarassing speech. "And not the King." For Justin, sacrifice was the ultimate form of duty he could display for his king and fellow monsters. Time in this new world would only tell if he would be able to hold onto that belief, however.

He adjusts the simple belt holding up his cargo shorts and exhales another long breath. He took one last look over the scenery ahead of them before stepping back and grabbing his shield from where he had left it on the ground only a few moments before, sensing that the picturesque moment wasn't the only thing on their itinerary today.

2017-12-08, 10:10 AM
As King Fluffybuns, Asgore says, chuckling, I decree that we do indeed have time for a picnic. Come on-let's go down the mountain and sit in the meadows for it.

As you all walk down the mountain, Asgore in the front, he motions Justin forward a bit. Justin, you should know I don't mind that name. If everything can be peaceful enough that the ruler of a grand and lovely people can be known as Fluffybuns? The world is in a good place, I think. That being said, he says a bit louder, addressing everyone, I expect you to NOT use any of my nicknames while we're meeting with the surface people. Respect is a valuable commodity, and easily lost sometimes.

Do you guys want to roleplay out the picnic, or are we good to move ahead?

2017-12-08, 12:33 PM
Justin relaxes slightly at hearing the wise king chuckle and using the title himself, feeling the blood in his cheeks flow away back to other places now that nervous blushing didn't need to occur. At Asgore's request to use his formal titles when meeting with the others, Justin gives a quick salute without breaking stride and answers, "As you command, King Asgore."

I'm comfortable either way. The picnic scene could serve as more exposition as to what our first objective might be, but I wouldn't be against moving on either.

2017-12-08, 02:05 PM
Eladriel continues whirling about while the dragonborn drones on about safety and caution.

"It's a shame humans can't fly. They might have more fun. But like Parker says: No one's here. Besides, who could catch ME?"

She pauses midflight as the king speaks.

"A picnic? That's a GREAT idea! Let's goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

I'm for moving ahead, but I won't mind the picnic.

For El's background, I'll play her as a ~250 year old ageless creature, if that's good with everybody. That is to say, she doesn't get older, and doesn't get wiser, but she remembers the surface.

2017-12-08, 04:06 PM
Are you sure? The meadow is a tactical disadvantage. I would not feel at ease removing my armor there. Conflicted between his thoughts of servitude and his rampant emotions Brad walks silently after Asgore's lead. Only the clanking of his armor is audible. Then, finally he confesses: Maybe a short one. I am sure we haven't come for sightseeing but for diplomatic reasons. Brad removes his helmet and smiles. Your fluffyness? After you.

Is Justin topless? I need to know this for ... reasons. :redface:

Also I feel a short picnic could add to the tranquil atmosphere. Maybe JNA makes a post about the location, then everyone gets a single post on how they interact in said timeframe, then we are off.

2017-12-08, 08:45 PM
So it's decided! Asgore says.

You all descend to the fields and meadows. A small copse of trees stands in the distance, a few bearing round, bright red apples. In the meadow, as you lay on the grass and share a meal, flowers sway gently too and fro. The sun shines brightly, steadily moving its way past the midday mark and descending. It's maybe four o' clock, though admittedly, telling time based on the sun is not a skill any of you have much practice in.

As you eat, Asgore does take to talking more serious matters. I've had some of my magicians do divining rituals since the barrier has been down. Our home seems to comprise a border between three separate city-states. The one we're currently heading for is called Indos, and is ruled by a king. Unfortunately, that's about all we know at the moment.

2017-12-08, 10:48 PM
Parker agrees to the picnic plan with a simple nod and raises an arm as an eye-shade before treading onward. The grass and dirt are amazing, and the gentle breeze is nice, but that bright light is going to take some getting used to. Once Asgore points out the picnic location, Parker quickly claims a spot in the shade before sitting down.

As everyone gets settled, a dozen spider donuts are added to the center of the scene for sharing purposes. They taste like spiders, which are obviously delicious and only a liar could possibly say otherwise.

"So. Once we get to Indos I guess the plan is to find someone and hope they take us to their leader. Let Asgore do the talking while we stand around looking mostly competent and hopefully no one wants to fight us. Right? Sounds easy enough."

2017-12-09, 12:57 AM
As the group settles, Eladriel eagerly claims an apple. It's an odd sight to see the pixie wrestling with and taking bites out of a fruit the size of her torso, but she manages. Between mouthfuls, she asks about the surrounding area.

"I guess we should go find out about it, then. What about the other kingdoms?"

She flits into the center to snag a spider donut, then returns to her apple, resuming the questioning.

"And what about - *mm, erm, cough* - these are - these are interesting..."

2017-12-09, 04:34 AM
After checking the perimeter for traps, scouts and the sort, Brad removes his chestpiece with the help of Justin. The dragon chooses a spot in direct sunlight on a stone. If any where familiar with surface biology you would be reminded of cold-blooded lizards in the summer, using the sun's warmth to raise their body temperature.

For the time he is happy, smiling at Justin and laughing all the more.

After a longer than expected break enjoying the sun alone, Brad adds in a droning timbre: Parker if I may suggest a bit more strategic advantage. The people have forgotten what monsters look like. Maybe you can sneak in and keep and eye out for traps or danger. We are the elite guard of the king and we are not to be toyed with. But I have heard of legends of old where a small band of kobolds has warded of a similar group of powerful humans with just traps and crossbows and the sort. Tactical advantage is nothing to be laughed at. They could butcher us. Having somewhat ruined the mood with eventualities, RG-03 picks up his torso piece and asks Justin to help him into it, intentionally fumbling around to feel Justin's warm hands on his backscales a bit longer.

2017-12-09, 09:53 AM
It has been quite a while since I've been asked about a character's specific wardrobe.

After helping Brad out of his armor, Justin sits back and grabs one of the spider donuts. Their bake sales were often heralded by the phrase, 'by spiders, for spiders, of spiders', but Justin was far from a picky eater. He takes polite bites from the donut, listening to the others until he finds a moment to speak. "Indos... You know, if you move the letters around and change a couple, you get Snowdin. Think it'll be anything like that?" He wipes a few stray crumbs from the blue t-shirt he often wore, which he had found while sifting through Waterfall. Whoever it had belonged to before must have had an impressive physique, because it actually fit Justin, albeit a bit tightly around the shoulders. It was decorated with a simple patch, a physically impressive looking humanoid flexing one arm, with the words 'No Pain, No Gain' underneath the design (http://cdn.paintcollar.com/5696729959ae133aa6a935d4/575587019ca945122f3d58b9/tshirt-1465223412512_big.png). Justin had modified the design slightly, adding several monster-features to the posing figure, finding the simple mantra something he could easily relate to.

When Brad asks him to help him back into his armor, Justin initially only snorts, amused. "This is why I don't wear armor," he teases, standing up slowly to move towards his draconic companion. "All this putting it on, taking it off again, putting it on again. Such a hassle." Nevertheless, he offers his assistance, moving to sit behind Brad. His fingers are a bit clumsy with the straps, not really accustomed to donning and doffing armor.

2017-12-09, 12:46 PM
One can only hope, Asgore says in response to Justin's comments about Indos and Snowdin.

The picnic continues, with conversations drifting away from more serious matters. Jokes are made, laughs are shared, and you're all feeling quite optimistic by the end of it. A few minutes of prep and clean-up occur, and you set off for Indos, which Asgore informs you is some three days away.

Near the end of the day, with the sun a glorious mixture of reds and yellows, purples and blues, you begin to set up camp for the night. However, the ground rumbles slightly-something seems amiss.


The rumbles seem centered east of you, and are coming closer.

2017-12-09, 01:16 PM
Justin turns his head away from the mess of strings and lashings that kept his bedroll secured on his backpack as the rumblings start to get closer. He reaches for his shield and his flail and asks simply, "We expecting visitors, your Highness? Seems like we're about to get some."

2017-12-09, 01:50 PM
With the sudden stress of combat Brad's nature completely changes. He isn't the shy and modest guy but bossy to the point where he starts to even see Asgore as his equal, giving him orders.

It's coming from the east. We go into the gkg defense formation, Justin. Parker? Check the noise. Silently. Eladriel? Take the skies and tell me what you see. He picks up his glaive and adjusts his armor. He then offers the king a small platinum ring. I have a ward spell prepared. If you want?

If Asgore accepts I'll cast Warding Bond onto him. He has +1 AC then, and I take half of his damage.

2017-12-09, 01:53 PM
I feel it too... he says. Have your weapons at the ready, but do your best to appear non-hostile as well. I won't stand for any of my subjects being hurt, but on the off-chance this isn't a threat, I don't want to scare it.

You obey, holding yourselves ready without undue threatening nature. The rumbles approach, until they're almost right beneath you. You can see small divets and furrows in the ground where it cracks and opens. Then, suddenly, you feel a rush upwards, the ground splitting beneath you, as something charges from below!

Everyone, roll initiative. (Actually, I'll roll for you, to save time.) The enemy's init is [roll0].

If you beat it, you can ready an action to attack or something the moment it clears the ground. If you don't you'll have to wait.

Init for:
Eladriel: [roll1]
Parker: [roll2]
Justin: [roll3]
Brad: [roll4]

2017-12-09, 03:18 PM
Justin braces for impact, placing his flail back in its holster and eyeing the spot the earth seems to be parting. When whatever it is surfaces, he will attempt to catch it and force it as gently as he can to the ground. That counts as non-hostile, right?

Let's ready a shove for when the thing appears, with the intent to knock it prone if Eladriel or Parker haven't already restrained it somehow.

Athletics: [roll0]

2017-12-09, 05:26 PM
Parker has a good time just sitting on the soft ground and asking Eladriel how the Surface Apple tasting is going. Tart and Juicy. Huh. I wonder what you could make if you baked something like that. Maybe some kind of quiche.

The spider listens calmly as rumbling earth-creature approaches from below. "Huh. I've never heard of a burrowing human before. Is that a thing?"

Knowing that they can draw a weapon at any time in a pinch, the only action Parker readies is to withdraw from the creature without getting tackled. Monsters start accidental fights like this all the time, but it's obviously more dangerous when a human's involved.

2017-12-10, 12:19 PM

From the ground, a massive, heavily armored beast, shaped like a bullet, rises up. It has a snapping jaw, that it focuses on Justin.

Justin's weak attempt to knock the beast prone fails, and it bites into him!


Justin, somehow, manages to knock the beast over as it comes up from the ground. It still tries snapping at him, but from its bad position, it does so much less effectively.

[roll3] Disadvantage-use the earlier roll for damage and initial attack roll.

2017-12-10, 01:38 PM
YOU WILL NOT HURT MY FRIEND! Brad growls in a lower tone with a determined face. Soon a flurry of stabs, turns and blunt hits lands upon the enemy. The dragonborn moves so quickly and each hit leaves a small glowing bruise or cut.

Casting Divine Favor
Attack 1 (slash): [roll0]
Damage 1 (slash):[roll1]
Divine Favor 1 (radiant):[roll2]
Attack 2 (slash): [roll3]
Damage 2 (slash):[roll4]
Divine Favor 2 (radiant):[roll5]

After the onslaught Brad retreats behind the tip of his glaive, waiting for any attacks or other movement.

2017-12-10, 05:50 PM
All four of Parker's eyes open up in surprise. "Jegus. Okay then."

The spider zips around to flank the wild humanbeast or whatever it's called. One hand quickly yanks the rapier from its scabbard and passes it to Parker's main hand, which in turn jabs the weapon right at one of the land-shark's gross watery eye-sockets.

Move: get back into melee with the bulette

Cunning Action: Draw the rapier

Attack: Sneak attack.

[roll0]+7 vs. AC

[roll1]+4 damage on a hit

2017-12-10, 06:12 PM
Justin finds himself trying to stick his hand straight into some raging beast's snapping jaws. Too slow to pull back, he gives the beast a bash on the snout with his shield in order to free his injured arm. He shakes his stinging hand for a moment before drawing his flail. "Well then, if you're not gonna play nice," he growls, whirling the flail to prepare for a strike. His body seems to crackle with an otherworldly intensity as he embraces the challenge placed before him. "Then neither will I!" he exclaims, bringing down the bludgeoning ball towards the attacking creature.

Bonus action to Rage; Activating Divine Fury
Attack; [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning
Attack; [roll2] for [roll3] bludgeoning
Divine Fury; [roll4] radiant

EDIT; ... Three 3s in a row. Apparently I should have bought lottery tickets.

2017-12-10, 06:19 PM
The beast whips and snarls, teeth gnashing. It seems rather hurt, though, and in no way inclined to stick around for more punishment. It carefully makes its way back down underground, keeping its well-armored skull presented and avoiding any real openings for you to strike at it.

Soon, you feel it burrowing away-not so fast you couldn't keep up, for the moment, at least.

In addition, you can spot several figures coming from the same direction this creature came from. They appear to be mounted on horseback and riding fast for your location.

Creature is taking the Disengage action, and burrowing again.

2017-12-10, 08:34 PM
Eladriel leaps into the skies, keeping her eyes peeled for other threats. Too late, she notices the figures on horseback approaching

"More coming! Riding something! From the same place! Look out!"

Glancing back at the ground, she realizes that Parker has been critically wounded. She yells at the retreating figure before concentrating on her magic to heal him up.

"HEY! He is NOT a spider donut! Go eat someone else!"

Watching the horsemen approach, the pixie tries to pull up any memory of the strange creatures that are carrying the figures.

I wonder if they get scared...

Flying up diagonally upward 30 ft (towards the horsemen), BA to heal Parker with Healing Word for [roll0] HP, casting Druidcraft to make the scent of wolves to scare the horses. Making the source of the scent appear as close to them as possible.

About how far away are they?

2017-12-10, 08:41 PM
Some 600' right now, so... I don't think Druidcraft has the range to do that.

Hold! Asgore says. Those are humans-what attacked us was not. Those things they are on are called horses.

As your king explains what's happening, the horse-mounted individuals draw steadily nearer. The lead one-resplendent in lavish armor-calls out in a deep bass, a masculine voice. "Are you safe?"

2017-12-10, 08:49 PM
Justin snorts, feeling the electricity in the air around him fade as the battle simmers to an end. He puts his weapon away for the moment and clutches at his arm as the pain from the monstrous bite lights up again. He stays quiet and allows Asgore or Brad to do the talking, keeping an eye out for any more signs of the beast.

Perception: [roll0]
Dismissing Rage, since there's no way for me to keep it going.

2017-12-10, 08:53 PM
Justin can feel the steady vibrations of the beast heading due south. Justin, stay with me. You're hurt, and I won't have anyone put at risk of death. The rest of you, follow the beast-try to avoid killing it, but it seems to be a vicious creature indeed, and stopping it is the right thing to do.

The riders continue to pound closer, horses in a full gallop. Assuming you all listen to your king's orders, he takes Justin and begins to walk at a steady pace towards them while the rest of you follow the creature's vibrations.

2017-12-10, 09:21 PM
Oh cool. Actual Frisk-like humans. Not just random rampaging animals this time. Looks like Asgore's up.

"We're on it Asgore. Be back soon."

Parker loads their signature weapon as they pursue the giant mole-track leading to the, uh... animal.

2017-12-10, 09:23 PM
Eladriel floats back down to the ground. She rubs her eyes and realizes that the bleeding figure was not the spider, but the minotaur. She flits over to him, and places a tiny hand on his back.

"I, uh, I'm sorry."

She closes her eyes and lets the healing magic flow through her touch. Turning to the King, she tilts her head slightly. "Understood. Let's go!"

Glancing at the horsemen, she flies in the direction the beast fled, occasionally dropping to the ground to track it.

Cure Wounds on Justin ([roll0] HP), using Guidance on Perception rolls if able.

Perception in advance: [roll1] + [roll2]

2017-12-10, 09:29 PM
The burrowing beast is getting steadily further away. It seems to be just a touch faster than you are. (40' burrow speed.) Without some way of speeding your movements or impeding its, it will escape.

Where Justin and the king are, the horsemen arrive. Their focus is on the retreating beast, but when the leader looks down at Asgore and Justin, he doubles back. "What the hell? What kind of monster are you?"

2017-12-10, 10:10 PM
"Oh wow. What even digs that fast?"

Not to be outdone, Parker crouches to the ground and springs forward like a proper jumping spider, letting them catch up to the beast in leaps and bounds.

Using Standard and Cunning Actions for Dash, and as such moving 90 ft. per round. I'm guessing that I can't hit it through the ground with a sling or anything, though.

2017-12-11, 04:19 AM
Just follow it a bit to make sure it hurts no one else! Brad shouts at Parker. The dragon then perches down to both not intimidate the horses and humans as well as to touch Justin's arm. Hold still you big oaf. Brad's hand starts to shine in a warm light. The pain dampens and the cuts and mangled flesh outside the wound heal.

Cure Wounds: [roll0]
Then either 5 or 10 points of lay on hands to push his wounds down into the single digits. Okay, 10 points. So you have been healed for 25 points of the 33 damage. Leaving you at 7 wounds, or 48 HP now.

We are fine. Thanks for asking. Brad stands back up when the horses have approached, with the glaive in his right fist, he guards Asgore's right hand side. Justin! he whispers in a sharp manner. This is King Asgore Dreemurr of the Monster Kingdom. We seek the kingdom of Engos to negotiate borders. Severely proud of pronouncing the human nation correctly he grins under his helmet for almost no one to see.

I will shove anyone approaching Asgore in a violent manner with a drawn weapon or a horse trying to ride him down. As this is an edit, I cannot roll for that preemptively. If the humans approach I try to gauge their tactics. Do their ride in loose formation, do they seem to have a spellcaster? Do they have ranged weapons? Does their leader look mean or nice?

2017-12-11, 06:15 AM
Justin feels the soothing feeling of a few different sources of healing magic. To Eladriel, he simply shrugs and says, "S'all good." As she flits off after the beast, part of him wants to join in the chase, but he stays put as ordered. When Brad's healing reaches him, he feels much better, though he grumbles slightly at 'big oaf'. "He started it," is the only response he can bluster, though a sigh of relief follows as the pain mostly fades.

When the strange humans sitting atop their stranger companions approach, Justin keeps his weapon at his hip, but keeps one hand on the handle to grip it in a moment's notice. As Brad posts up to Asgore's right, Justin moves to the left side, where his shield can hopefully catch an incoming attack easier. Answering the man's question a bit simply, he answers, "I am a Minotaur. You can call me Justin though."

2017-12-11, 10:45 AM
"I... I can see that, but-" the leader says, before being interrupted by one of his followers.

"We'll worry about them later. For now, we need to finish the bullette. Do you know where it went?" another male voice says, this one near the back of the group.

Parker is following the creature, Asgore replies. You can see him to the south.

The leader cusses under his breath, and turns his horse to the south. As he does, though, the bullette decides it's gotten far enough away to attack again, and jumps from beneath the ground to bite into Parker!


The Bullette is some 300' away now from the main group.

2017-12-11, 11:00 AM
Justin watches as the rider turns and heads to the south. Seeing the Bulette leap towards Parker, Justin tenses, and prepares to sprint to their aid. "Your orders, sir?" The question is spoken through clenched teeth as it takes a tremendous mental effort to remember that Asgore is in charge.

As soon as Asgore gives permission, Justin flings himself in the direction of the monster, hoping Parker can evade until he arrives.

Dash Action for 80' of movement.

2017-12-11, 11:17 AM
Go, Asgore says simply.

2017-12-11, 03:57 PM
Brad runs as well, though definitely the slowest of the bunch. GUIDE IT HERE PARKER! he shouts.

Dash for 60 ft/rd.

2017-12-11, 05:22 PM

As the non-monster monster turns around and leaps from the earth, a wide-eyed Parker pulls out a stale donut from their ammo stash and hastily flings it into the air between them. The bulette catches the bullet on the nose and snaps its jaw shut in surprise, but this doesn't slow its momentum; it still hits like a truck, just not a truck with a wood chipper strapped to the hood.

Bruised but not beaten, Parker jumps back towards the team as the animal gets back to its feet, but doesn't have enough of a head start to properly outrun it.

Reaction: Use uncanny dodge to cut the incoming damage in half.

Bonus action: Disengage

Move to a tree, then dash upwards using Second-story Work and Parker's Improved Climbing ability. Ideally we'd be going about 40 feet towards the group and 20 feet up.

Athletics?: [roll0]+8 to climb

2017-12-11, 06:41 PM
The open fields offer no nearby trees. I'll take that as just a straight "run back towards the group", if that's okay.

"Fire on it, now! Before it gets back underground!" the leader cries, raising a crossbow and launching a bolt of his own.

His men raise their own crossbows and let loose a small barrage, though hindered by the long distance towards the bullette.

None of the bolts seem to do any good, bouncing off its armored hide or missing entirely.

[roll1] Disadvantage for range

[roll4] Disadvantage for range

[roll7] Disadvantage for range

[roll10] Disadvantage for range

[roll13] Disadvantage for range

2017-12-11, 11:48 PM
Eladriel sprints off, blinking in and out of existence to catch up to the beast. When she comes close enough, she blows a long, high note on her pan-flute, and her eyes glow amber as she assaults the primitive beast's mind.


She visualizes a shocking field surrounding the beast, chaining him to his area, and harshly punishing him if he tries to burrow.

"Now would be a good time to stop him, humans!"

Assuming El started moving at the same time Parker did, she should act on the same turn. Parker covers 270 feet in 3 turns, and acts on the 4th. Eladriel covers 180 feet by dashing for 3 turns, combined with a Misty Step as a bonus action for an additional 30 feet. On her 4th turn, she moves another 30 feet, and casts Phantasmal Force (DC 17 Int save - I'll wager the beast fails on a nat 20, but here's a d20: [roll0]) on the bulette.

The illusion is a cage of electricity that only deals damage ([roll1]) if the bulette tries to move out of it, or actively tries to touch it in any way. I'd like it to appear fiercer (louder, more sparks, more painful, etc.) if the beast tries to burrow than if it simply tries to leave the cage. I'd also like it to appear to deflect or minimize incoming damage, but I'm not sure if I can do that with this spell.

EDIT: Apparently I've been playing far too much PF recently, and didn't realize that spell level isn't added to save DCs. That's a DC 15 Int save. I'm liking my chances much less now.

2017-12-12, 12:09 PM
The bullette, incensed with rage, continues chasing down Parker. It's always on his heels, just barely too slow to get a good attack in.

The horsemen ride closer and continue their assault of crossbow bolts.

The beast takes a few nasty hits, and appears quite seriously wounded. In this time, you've closed to combat range. The beast seems ready to flee again, but you've got one last chance to fell it!

[roll1] Disadvantage

[roll4] Disadvantage

[roll7] Disadvantage

[roll10] Disadvantage

[roll13] Disadvantage

[roll16] Disadvantage

[roll19] Disadvantage

[roll22] Disadvantage









Since circumstances have changed, and the bullette seems more ready to run than fight, I'll let you change Compelled Duel to another action, if you wish.

2017-12-12, 03:08 PM
Eladriel curses under her breath as she realizes the illusion didn't stop the beast. She whips out her crossbow, and floats into the air to get a better shot. Muttering some words of power, she launches a bolt of fire from her crossbow.

I'm assuming Phantasmal Force failed, and I can use my concentration on something else now?

Action to fire crossbow, BA for Fire Bolt.
Crossbow: Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Fire Bolt: Attack: [roll2] Fire Damage: [roll3]

2017-12-12, 03:50 PM
Fight me you stupid ugly...thing Brad shouts with a magical echo insistently. He then pulls a javelin from his quiver and throws it at the creature before closing the distance.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
DC 14 Wisdom save: [roll2]+whatever it got.

2017-12-12, 09:01 PM
Eladriel curses under her breath as she realizes the illusion didn't stop the beast. She whips out her crossbow, and floats into the air to get a better shot. Muttering some words of power, she launches a bolt of fire from her crossbow.

I'm assuming Phantasmal Force failed, and I can use my concentration on something else now?

Action to fire crossbow, BA for Fire Bolt.
Crossbow: Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Fire Bolt: Attack: [roll2] Fire Damage: [roll3]

Yes, it failed. How are you using a bonus action to cast Fire Bolt?

Also, crit damage, since Brad crit! [roll0]

Brad's javelin punctures deep into the beast's eye, and it slumps down, dying.

"Thank the gods," the leader says, a hand on his reigns to control his horse. "That thing is finally done for. Thank you for your help... Um..."

King Asgore and his faithful, wonderful assistants, Asgore says. Though admittedly, they did most of the work here. We are the first diplomats from under the mountain, since the barrier has fallen.

The man gasps, as do some of his associates. "The barrier is down? We-"

I assure you, we mean you and your people no harm. Please-give us a chance.

The leader sighs, and removes his helmet. He has dark brown skin, with piercing green eyes. "I... I suppose you have been of service. The least we can do is hear you out. I'm afraid I'm not qualified for this, though."

Then we should find someone who is, Asgore says.

He nods, and says "Right-I suppose we should begin traveling to Indos, then. William, Michael, Garret-I'll go ahead and talk to Asgore-did I pronounce that right?"

You did.

"And figure out what to do. You three stay and make sure his companions stay safe, alright?"

"Yes sir," they answer in unison.

One of them, his voice a little younger than the others, asks "Can we take our armor off?"

"Helmets, yes," the leader says, "but not the rest. Danger lurks."

2017-12-12, 09:16 PM
Slowing to a stop as he finally arrives by his companions, Justin gives Brad a congratulatory pat on the shoulder. "Nice throw." After looking to make sure Parker is ok, he comments, "Thing hits hard, don't it? Not sure I've ever encountered anything that strong before."

2017-12-12, 09:28 PM
"We call them land sharks," one of the men says as his leader and Asgore start moving ahead. He takes his helmet off, revealing a man with a crooked nose (likely the result of being broken more than a few times) of the same skin tone as his leader. "They feed on cattle and other herd animals, but aren't beneath grabbing people wandering about. And with their burrowing... It's not something you can ignore."

2017-12-13, 01:44 AM
"Yeah. Thanks Brad." Parker concurs as Justin looks them over. Spiders are hard to read sometimes, but whatever they have that passes for lungs seems to be breathing pretty hard, and Parker is quite grateful for being bailed out.

"It sounds like you've got more of them around too huh. That's rough." Parker winces - in looking up at the soldier, they got another eyeful of direct, unfiltered sky-ball light. "Hey uh. Question. Do you have a good way of keeping the sun out of your eyes. Or is that just something you get used to out here."

2017-12-13, 04:42 AM
That thing nearly ate you, Parker. Let me help a bit. The dragonborn cups the spider with both of his hands. A warm glow shines through between his fingers, then the spider is healed for a bit. Try not to get injured again today. I'm halfway through collapsing from this magic stuff.

Using 10 HP of Lay on Hands to reduce your wounds.

After ripping out the javelin from the landshark's eye and cleaning it in the grass, the almost 7 foot tall dragon approaches the human soldiers with his claw extended for a hand shake. He learned that humans show their hands as a sign of trust and non aggression. He smiles a toothy grin showing his impressively sharp predator teeth but his warm and welcoming voice and his non aggressive posture helps alleviate that a bit:

Hello, comrades. We are the royal guard. Parker the spider and the flier up there is Eladrin. Justin and me are the personal guards of King Asgore. My designation is Royal Guard oh-three, but everyone calls me Brad. I noticed your names before but who is who? Brad laughs a heartily belly laugh at the confused and terrified guardsmen. Come on, don't be afraid. I won't eat you. I am not even hungry.

Persuasion (with disadvantage given the situation?)

2017-12-13, 12:54 PM
The one Brad approaches seems to be the youngest, and he backs up a little bit. "Uh..." he lets out.

"Nice to meet you, Brad," the one who was talking earlier says, stepping forward to shake his hand. He gives a firm squeeze to Brad, but not so hard as to be uncomfortable. "My name is Garret. William is in the back, with his helmet on-"

"I prefer to stay safe," William says.

"-yeah, whatever. And the young one you just spooked is Michael," Garret says. "Our leader-and dad, for that matter-is Garret senior."

2017-12-13, 01:30 PM
Eladriel flutters down to Michael's eye level.

"Hi! I'm Eladriel! Or El - it's a bit shorter. Like me! I, too, won't eat you. I just perform neat magic tricks and fly around!"

She vanishes in a puff of sparks and does a quick loop around his head.

"I can't even remember the last time I saw a human! I think they were a different color back then - pink, or orange, or white?"

2017-12-13, 01:38 PM
Justin allows himself to fall back onto the ground to rest his legs, sitting as he rubs his tingling calves. "So you and your father are all guards? Is that why you were after the land shark?"

2017-12-13, 08:28 PM
You guys are a-fricking-dorable. And great fighters too. Brad goes past the group and towards Garret Junior. The dragonborn kneels down and knocks politely at the helmet. Better safe than sorry, eh? You fought great there. And you ride these hoofed guardspeople pretty well. That reminds me. I would call my friend if we want to travel for a bit before we rest. I assume we still have a bit time before the sun falls down, right?

Brad pulls out an ancient mobile phone from one of his quiver's pockets and starting texting. Shortly after he stops. Or do you want to rest here? We could try to cook that thing. He points at the landshark.

The mobile is my spell component for "Find Steed" and the (refluffed) warhorse will be replaced by a quadrupedal greater dog guardsman that let's me ride it. If they want to rest, I would try to make a fire and cook the bulette.

2017-12-13, 10:24 PM
"We should keep pace behind our dad and your king," Garrett junior says. "But cutting a haunch off the bullette wouldn't go amiss-we've been having trail rations of late, so fresh meat would be appreciated."

Michael still seems a touch on edge, but says "So, um, nice to meet you guys. And people come in a lot of colors-Indos is just predominately brown-skinned, but we've got paler visitors."

As you talk, some of you set to the task of getting some Bullette meat, and soon enough, you start playing catch-up to Asgore and the senior Garrett. As you go, William talks about his family. "We've got a long-standing tradition of being the crown's guard. Our family is big, and almost all of us are part of the military in one way or another. Started some four generations back, though you'd have to ask our dad for a proper history lesson."

2017-12-13, 10:55 PM
Parker waves a couple hands at mention of their name, but really perks up at the mention of cannibalizing the filthy cryptid we all just murdered. "Oh heck yes. I brought extra cooking tools and everything." Before anyone can blink, the spider has a pair of kitchen knives out and is slicing chunks of Bulette into a Halloween-themed mess kit. "Wow. It's really heavy and watery. Kind of like snails I guess. This'll be fun."

Any further food-related shenanigans can wait until it's actually mealtime. Meanwhile, Parker doesn't seem to have much to say with regards to the group's new friends. So. Uh. A hereditary guard thing. Kind of like with the dogs' guard thing or my family's baking thing. Nothing too different there.

2017-12-14, 08:08 AM
Dad seems to be like a military rank or something. Brad finishes up his phone call when a dog in a plate armor similar to Brad's breaks out from the earth. He barks and slobbers and watches intently. The first thing Brad does, to the surprise of the fascinated human onlookers is to lure the dog out of its armor. Then he ruffles the fur left and right, ever slowly moving his claws away from its fur. Slowly the dog expands to get pet more. He tickles the dog on its underside to increase its leg length. This takes a good few minutes of playing after which he takes out the leather straps from the greater dog's armor, making the armor crumble into a heap of metal. A hard leather cover makes for a make-shift saddle, and instead of riding gear he simply gives the large dog now a bone from the landshark to chew.

Whelp I am ready to ride with you. The others are fast enough.

2017-12-14, 08:38 AM
Justin snorts amusedly as Brad summons his mount. "We're fast enough because we don't wear enough metal to build a small boat," he teases. Justin takes long strides to keep up with the speedier mounts, but manages to keep up without too much effort. To the humans he asks, "How much further is it to Indos from here? We were planning to camp for the night before that thing ambushed us."

2017-12-14, 09:03 AM
You'd think my scales were sturdier than your fur, my friend. But that is sadly not the case. Brad ruffles Justin's head from atop his riding doggo. Not as rough as I had hoped....I mean thought. You can hear a muffled sigh from under his helmet. I wonder who will first be promoted to dad from us both.

Innuendos and puns are intended.

2017-12-14, 12:29 PM
"Well," Garrett says, "we won't be going too fast, since we're following behind someone who's not mounted. In fact, guys, we should probably give the horses a rest. We can walk."

Michael complains, saying "Aw come on!"

William snorts. "Always the baby."

Michael grumbles to himself as he dismounts, and you all set off.

Are we good to time-skip ahead to just outside of Indos?

2017-12-14, 01:12 PM
Justin shakes his head to shuffle his slight mane back into place once Brad's hand withdraws, and chuckles at Michael's displeasure at being ordered to dismount.

I'm good to skip ahead.

2017-12-14, 05:27 PM
Yeah. It is time to switch up. Brad claims. He then proceeds to dismount from the Greater Dog and kneels down, carrying the dog for an equal distance as his "mount". So....when are you carrying your horse-guards? the royal knight wonders.

I am okay with skipping ahead. Still, I have much fun just goofing around now. But let's skip to the plot.

2017-12-15, 01:09 AM
"Uh. If I had to guess. I'd say you don't really like being carried. Right?" Parker comments mainly to the horses themselves, but they don't seem much for conversation.

Parker goes on to wonder aloud how humans cook non-magical animal meat, which might get more of a response from the horses' sapient counterparts. Either way, the spider can't think of much else to talk about for the rest of the walk.

Translation: Yeah, I'm okay with moving to the next scene. :smalltongue:

2017-12-15, 10:33 AM
Eladriel flits back and forth within the group, flying ahead to examine the various flora.

I'm good with a time skip.

2017-12-15, 12:20 PM
The family seems a bit taken aback when Brad starts carrying his mount, but they adjust soon enough.

You talk with them while you go, learning little bits (and misunderstanding more) of human culture. Soon enough, night falls, and you prepare the bullette meat. The cooking takes some time to get right, but you all enjoy a meal together. While you eat and rest, you can see the lights of the city not too far off. Garrett junior informs you you're some three hours away, for next day's travel.

A watch is set up, though nothing disturbs any of the watchers, and a few hours into the morning, you've got the gates in sight. Asgore dips back to rejoin you, and says I'm aware I've likely got the most diplomatic experience. But I'd like to ask you all what you think we can all do to make the humans more at ease with our presence.

2017-12-15, 05:43 PM
Maybe ask our friends here? They seem to have the most experience with our company so far. Brad ponders. As for our appearance. Maybe Justin's attire is a bit more fitting for a diplomatic mission. Neither hooded figures nor big armored knights are going to make the civilians feel comfortable. But other than that, mutual respect should be our goal. We should show them our culture and bring gifts. Maybe spider donuts, maybe Eldariel could start describing the world under the mountain in its most vivid colors. She could astound them with the glowing crystals of Waterfall. She could awe them with the imposing volcano of the CORE. She could relax them with stories of Snowdin.

As for me, I think my qualities lie in deescalation. I am not the smartest fella but I can pick up on aggressive behavior and stop it.

2017-12-15, 06:31 PM
A good idea, although I've been talking with Garrett the senior about this for a large portion of our journey, Asgore replies. Speaking of which, it would be for the best if we disarmed. Garrett has given his word that he and his family will keep us safe, but it will help keep the rest of the people at ease.

2017-12-15, 10:51 PM
Parker shrugs and packs their rapier into their backpack. The sling has the advantage of being ludicrously easy to hide in the lining of their coat, so there's not much reason to move it from there.

"I could make something fresh for brunch. Especially if they've never had monster food before. Uh. I might need to scrounge for some ingredients though. Assuming we want it to be any good." Then again, it's hard to say what would appeal to a human palate exactly. Parker could probably just take their spider rations and wing it.

2017-12-15, 10:57 PM
Garrett (the senior one) says "I'm afraid it'd be best if your weapons aren't merely stowed, but not on your person."

In other words, Asgore says, they'll be looking after them, not us. I've already handed my trident to him.

2017-12-15, 11:50 PM
"Oh. Okay. Got it."

Parker hands over the rapier and conveniently forgets about the sling. The doughnut launcher barely qualifies as a weapon anyway.

Being a sleight-of-hand specialist, Parker is just enough of a greedy twerp to think they can get away with smuggling it around.

Sleight of Hand: [roll0]+10 (I think it's +10... I'll look it up and edit this if not)

2017-12-16, 12:23 AM
Assuming it's +10... You still fail, because the family are trained guards and therefore reasonably perceptive.

But eesh! Bad luck there, buddy.

"And whatever you're hiding," Garrett senior says. "You have my word on my life that you will be safe, even disarmed. So don't worry."

2017-12-16, 02:23 AM

Parker caves in and relinquishes the rest of it: the sling, the sack of white bullets, both kitchen knives, a kit full of sharp poking and snipping tools, a length of spidersilk cord that could theoretically be used as a garrote, and a frying pan. At the end of this sequence, Parker notices that Michael's arms are full and just hands over the backpack to make things easier.

2017-12-16, 05:52 AM
Justin hands over his shield, his flail, his javelins, and the small sickle he carried on his person. For a moment he's suprised how many weapons he actually carries on his person, but then again, it was part of a guardsman's duty to be prepared for anything. He apologetically says, "Unfortunately I can't let you have my horns, but you have my word that I will only use them in my king's or my own defense."

2017-12-16, 06:34 PM
You are asking a lot. If it weren't for Asgore right now, I would rather stay out of the city than disarm myself. Brad hands them his quiver of weapons. He reiterates his magic choices for the day.
To aid in learning more about our friends, I have prepared a more investigate set of spells. As the race that brought forward powerful enough wizards to throw a barrier that powerful together should not be bothered by my apprentice spellcasting, right? Just a few spells to check for magic, to throw together a zone of truth and to heal wounds and diseases. Brad straightens his posture out. If it helps, I can always use my magic in a house of the sick and wounded. Just to show we mean no harm. Doctor Brad, ready for duty.

The dragonborn smiles warmly.

2017-12-16, 06:47 PM
"Okay, sure!"

Eladriel hands over her miniature longsword and crossbow. As she swings the quiver off her back, it tilts, and numerous bolts the size of needles spill all over the ground.

"Oh, sorry! Let me help you with that."

She rushes around the ground, collecting the fallen bolts. When she's done, she ties them together with a bit of twine, finishing with an elaborate bow.

"There you go! Try not to prick yourself."

Once she's disarmed, Eladriel thinks over Brad's suggestion.

"I can do better than simply tell you of the wonders of the Underground. I can show you!"

She conjures up a small image of the beauty below the surface of the earth.

Insert whatever location is appropriate. I'd be thinking of a beautiful sunset, or the like, but I imagine there weren't too many of those.

2017-12-16, 06:59 PM
Oh, I like Waterfall, or Snowdin, or the Core one. Show these!


2017-12-16, 08:00 PM
When the image appears, the younger members of the family seem rather awed. Garrett the senior, though, says "Pretty pictures don't matter too much. Come on-let's head in."

You approach the gates, which are wide open, welcoming to travelers. As you come by, one of the guards lazing on watch near the gate steps to Garrett senior. "What are those things with you?"

"Diplomats," he replies. "And they're people, you know."

The guard's eyes widen a little, and he starts whispering to Garrett.

"Look, are you sure? These... things don't seem natural!"

"I'm sure," Garrett says. "They've disarmed themselves, they helped us hunt the bullette, they've been nothing but civil and helpful. And look-if trouble happens, it'll be on my head, not yours, okay?"

"Alright," the guard says. "You can enter."

Garrett smiles, and gestures everyone into the city.

Indos is a bustling city, full of sights and sounds. Humans, mostly, go back and forth, from building to building, with people hawking wares, selling food, calling out to each other... It's a sight. Most of the people are of similar color to Garrett's family, but there are a few lighter-skinned residents. People start to give you a wide berth when they see what exactly the group consists of, with a lot of people outright staring.

2017-12-16, 08:52 PM
Brad is slightly uncomfortable and unsure if removing his helmet would be such a good idea. After all, they could think the dragon head is stylized. Just as the mannequins down in the underworld were used as makeshift humans. After enough staring he decides to remove his helmet, just to declare his allegiance to Asgore.

If Brad meets someone who dislikes him he just pushes out a bit of smoke from his nostrils, as if to show that he is in fact a dragon and can breathe fire. If someone openly antagonizes he has to do his very best to keep in line.

2017-12-16, 09:12 PM
Under the watchful gaze of your friendly guards, no one tries open antagonism. At least for now.

2017-12-16, 11:54 PM
Eladriel notices the whispering at the gates, but doesn't think much of it. After all, unexpected help on the bulette hunt was most likely unexpected. Perhaps they were just discussing their victory. But as soon as the gates open, all those thoughts vanish as the tiny pixie is filled with wonder and awe.

"Wow! So many humans! And carts! And salespeople! And fruit! Are all human cities like this?"

2017-12-16, 11:56 PM
William puts a hand on the pixie, restraining El from going too far. "I wouldn't know-I've never been to another city. That being said, you should stick near us."

2017-12-17, 12:00 AM
"Hmph. I suppose..."

Begrudgingly, El flies up to William's head to enjoy the view, her irritation rapidly disappearing as she takes in the sights.

2017-12-17, 12:02 AM
First, a roll: [roll0].


Second of all, once this event resolves, are we good to go on to diplomacy in the palace?

As El settles on William's head, much to the man's annoyance, a small child manages to wriggle his way out of his mother's grip, and runs up to the group. He pets Justin's fur, saying "Wow... Fuzzy..." as his mother scrambles through the crowd to try to reach him.

2017-12-17, 03:03 AM
Parker just walks through and starts taking in the bustling environs. Humanity aside, it's not much more jarring than it was to move to the capitol. Still, the stares are making them pretty self-conscious. I don't get it. I thought that there were plenty of spiders up here. But. It's like they've never seen one before.

The green spider seems irked at El being held in place, but amused at the kid petting the minotaur. "Yeah. Uh. He is pretty cute. Hi kid."

2017-12-17, 05:03 AM
Justin's head turns down at the child petting him, and he chuckles. He gives Brad a knowing wink before saying,
"Doesn't matter if human or monster, they always want to touch the fur." He stops moving for a moment and looks around the crowd for a parent who might be trying to reach their child. He keeps his hands to himself and squats down to try and get on the kid's eye level. "Hey there bud, I'm Justin. What's your name?" He makes an attempt at a warm smile, unsure of how the child would react to him speaking, but presents himself as nonthreateningly as possible.

2017-12-17, 05:18 AM
The group hears an amused: Wow....fuzzy. from under Brad's helmet. Still, knowing children can often act contrary to any logic, and that a handful of human children has felled a few monsters in the underground, only using their hobby utensils, Royal Guard 03 is wary. Show him your abs. I think boys like those (http://undertale.wikia.com/wiki/Manly_Bandanna). Brad says finally, lifting Justin's shirt up. There, more fuzzy.

2017-12-17, 01:24 PM
Asgore sighs at his companions' antics, but there's a smile under it.

"I'm Barry," the kid says as his mother makes it to your group.

"Barry! Come back this instant!" she says.

"But mom-"

Go to her, child, Asgore says. But if you'd like, Justin can go with.

Garrett senior's head whips towards Asgore as he says that, while Barry says "Yes please! I like fuzzy," and his mother gasps.

2017-12-17, 05:41 PM
Justin gives a pointed look to Brad before pulling his shirt back down, thankful that his fur hides a significant amount of the blood rushing to his face. He stands back up and offers his hand to the child, "Let's get you back to your Momma. " He takes small steps to match the child's pace, slowly bringing him to his undoubtedly worried mother. When he arrives, he gives the mother another gentle smile. "Don't worry ma'am, not a hair out of place."

2017-12-17, 06:40 PM
The kid clings to Justin, snuggling into his warm fur. His mother snatches him back as soon as she's able, and starts scolding him. "Don't you ever run away like that again! These things are dangerous!" is what you hear as she takes him further into the crowd.

Garrett sighs, and continues to bring you towards the center of Indos.

When you're some five minutes out from the palace, a diplomat arrives, dressed in the royal heraldry. She's tall, standing at just over six feet, with long black hair pinned neatly into a bun underneath her cap. "Garrett," she says when he notices her. "You've got a lot of explaining to do."

2017-12-17, 07:26 PM
El lights up as the kid approaches.

"Hi, kid! Oh, uh, bye, kid."

She continues on with the group. On top of William's head, of course. When the tall lady approaches, Eladriel stands up to her full height. Her 9 inches on top of William's head puts her at a little bit over eye level with the woman. She begins eagerly speaking.

"Hi! We're from below the barrier, and we come in peace! We're here with King Asgore to establish diplomatic relations!"

2017-12-17, 07:45 PM
The woman looks to El, then back to Garrett. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"They helped kill the bullette that was terrorizing the countryside. Least we can do is hear them out in return," he says.

She sighs, and looks back to El. "Hello, ma'am. Are you the designated speaker for your group?"

If you're looking for someone officially in charge, that would be myself, Asgore says. But all my people are free to speak their minds.

"Well then, sir, since you appear to have been promised hospitality by our senior guardsmen, I suppose we have no choice but to give it. Please, follow me to the palace-I'll make sure you are provided rooms for the night, and a meal or two. I cannot promise an audience with anyone that important, though-Garrett only has so much sway here," she says.

Asgore nods, saying Lead the way, and you continue your path to the palace. Upon arriving and a quick discussion with the guards, you are allowed inside through a side gate (in the direction you came in from) and pass by various young guardsmen and women sparring in the courtyard.

You can feel their eyes on you, but they do seem wise enough to keep to their practice rather than drop everything and stare.

2017-12-17, 10:58 PM
What our king forgot to say was that if you want technical terms and designations, we are basically his team of guards and advisors and he himself is on a diplomatic endeavor. So we would be happy to stay together. I know Garrett here promised us safety but keeping together is quite literally our job description.

The dragonborn smiles a friendly smile but the human diplomat seems not to care. Apprently she is not swayed by pleasantries.

2017-12-17, 11:24 PM
Brad, their word has been given. That's enough for me, Asgore says.

Your king is not so naive as to be fully trusting of the humans just yet. He does trust them... But he'd feel safer with you around.

Advantage is from knowing Asgore well.

Garrett smiles, hearing that, saying simply "Thanks."

The diplomat also smiles, though hers is a more professional look, and tells you "That can be arranged. We don't have any rooms for guests large enough for all of you, but we can add a cot to your king's room and give the rest a room just by his. In addition,"


"Ah hell," Garrett says as a tall woman dressed in full plate, a maul strapped to her back, comes over.


"A foreign dignitary, love, so do-"

"A GROUP OF MONSTERS WHO-Oh, I'm so sorry, where are my manners? My name is Lilian Ancip, the king's personal bodyguard. It's a pleasure to meet you all. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to yell at my husband some more," she says.

Garrett sighs, quietly, and trudges off with his wife. His children snicker a little, and Michael says "Don't worry-they love each other. She just worries, and misses doing field work herself. They'll work it out by dinnertime tonight."

2017-12-17, 11:36 PM
"You don't know Brad. Maybe the rest of us feel extra diplomatic today."

The spider might be joking about that. Or not. It doesn't really matter. Parker waves at the guards in training with two arms, oblivious to how creepy that would look to a human.

Also Human Undyne is here. That's hilarious. Parker just waves to her, too.

"Still. Miss," says Parker to the diplomat, "I'd think someone would be interested in meeting the king. Especially since. Uh. Most people don't seem to know about the barrier yet. I mean. It probably calls for an emergency meeting or something."

2017-12-18, 06:38 AM
Justin remains quiet, simply observing as they meet the diplomat at the gate to the palace and move through the courtyard. He watches some of the guards sparring as he lumbers by to keep up with the group, making a mental note that he would be interested in sparring against a human at some point. It was a great way to meet someone and learn about them, sparring. He was curious to find out which weapons they favored, and what he could learn from them if they were truly as powerful as Brad liked to remind them. Guarding men or guarding monsters, a guard is a guard is a guard. ... Isn't it?

As a tall woman dressed in plate armor starts berating Garret Sr., he can't help but chuckle. "Heheh.
'Willoughby'." Amused by the heavily armored woman, who reminds him also of Undyne in her intensity, he shares another quiet chuckle with the children as Michael explains that this is apparently normal for their relationship. He comments, "She seems quite courageous. Very honorable to remain in her duty even if it displeases her." Perhaps she is the one I will want to spar with first..., he muses internally.

2017-12-18, 12:11 PM
And your boys and your husband made an extremely good job at hunting it. The thing nearly ripped our Justin ap... Brad pauses as he sees her eyes flare up with anger and fear You see we monsters are weaker when we are not determined enough. Seeing your family fight together inspired us to slay that beast together. When we are courageous enough we can even heal just like your priests Brad cups a warm light in his claw or use that power to protect our loved ones. The warm glow changes into a fierce yellow streak of energy surrounding Brad's fist.

We are not so different, you and I. We both use our convictions to serve our kind, to protect our loved ones. He looks to the group, and directly to Justin.

2017-12-18, 12:30 PM
As Lilian goes, she does pause to smile at the group. "Thank you for helping my family."

She then continues to berate Garrett as she drags him off. Your diplomat sighs, saying "She doesn't have a diplomatic bone in her body, sometimes. My sincerest apologies for-"

None needed, Asgore says with a smile as well.

She lets out a small sound of relief, and adds "Please wait here, for now. I'll see about getting you an audience with someone important," before leaving for the castle proper.

Responding to Justin, William says "Oh yeah. She'll do her job even if it kills her-not that our liege is in any real danger, for now."

Meanwhile, the guards who are practicing seem to be finishing up. A few come over and engage Garrett junior, William, and Michael in conversation, but give the monsters a decent distance.

2017-12-19, 03:42 AM
El stays quiet as Garrett Sr. gets dragged off by his wife. Maybe I shouldn't jump in this time... As soon as he leaves, however, El immediately queries.

"Are all humans like that? That didn't happen while we were flying here..."

With the diplomat leaving to see the king, El quickly begins exploring her surroundings, flying between tables, chairs, cabinets - anything in her immediate area.

"Wasn't that nice of humans? Even though they're all so big, they left SO many places for me to fly! *cough* Even if some of them are a bit dusty..."

2017-12-19, 09:22 AM
Garrett junior replies to El, saying "Some people. Our mother is just a rather forward and strong-minded person."

As El flies around, she runs into a cat, about as tall as she is. It meows ferociously at her, while the various people around keep an eye on the speeding pixie.

2017-12-19, 01:16 PM
Justin looks over the guards as they converse with the junior Ancips, mostly trying to figure out any common colors or heraldry that he can associate with guards, or the kingdom of Indos itself. He also attempts to listen in as well as he can without moving any closer, curious as to anything they might have to say that can help him perhaps get some common footing with them later. He wasn't really sure how long he would be in Indos, but hearing some idle chatter might give him an idea of what to expect dealing with the nobility later on.

Perception to eavesdrop; [roll0]

2017-12-19, 01:53 PM
As everyone darts off in different directions Brad seems to feel a bit lost. He then tries to lure the cat into his lap to have some fur to stroke but the animal seems to be scared by his clanging armor and quickly hides in a hard to reach place. His mind then wanders. If I didn't know they would flee in terror I would now make a surprise attack towards those rookie guards. They fear us, yet they leave their guard completely down. The towering dragon moves towards Michael, bends down and whispers into his ear. Should we spar? I could spar with Justin but I know his tricks in and out, he is all about brute muscles. And the other guards are too anxious to fight me. Not you though. You even removed your helmet in my presence after all.

Brad starts looking for a padded training quarterstaff.

2017-12-19, 05:57 PM
Parker hears a cat in the vicinity. This bears investigation.

"Meow?" Parker creeps up on the Tiny creatures beneath the chair. "Oh. There you are. Let's see."

Parker's off-arms rifle through their pockets for any leftover thread that wasn't taken away with the rest of their stuff. After a moment of searching, one hand starts waving around a thin, fluffy spidersilk string. It could work as a cat toy, assuming of course that El doesn't start chasing it first.

2017-12-19, 06:34 PM
"Oooh, kitty! Here, kitty kitty!"

Hearing Parker come up behind her, El tries to attract the cat as well. Dropping to her tiny feet, she approaches slowly on all fours, maintaining eye contact with the cat.

"Meow. Meow. Hey, there. Come on out! Meow."

She, too, mimics the cat, but her calls seem almost realistic.

2017-12-19, 10:23 PM
Justin looks over the guards as they converse with the junior Ancips, mostly trying to figure out any common colors or heraldry that he can associate with guards, or the kingdom of Indos itself. He also attempts to listen in as well as he can without moving any closer, curious as to anything they might have to say that can help him perhaps get some common footing with them later. He wasn't really sure how long he would be in Indos, but hearing some idle chatter might give him an idea of what to expect dealing with the nobility later on.

Perception to eavesdrop; [roll0]

The kingdom of Indos has bright blue and gold heraldry. The more gold that's on a person, the higher ranked they seem.

Unfortunately, most of the chatter you pick up is simply about you and your group. However, you do hear one possibly important tidbit:

"The vizier is gonna be pissed about this."

As everyone darts off in different directions Brad seems to feel a bit lost. He then tries to lure the cat into his lap to have some fur to stroke but the animal seems to be scared by his clanging armor and quickly hides in a hard to reach place. His mind then wanders. If I didn't know they would flee in terror I would now make a surprise attack towards those rookie guards. They fear us, yet they leave their guard completely down. The towering dragon moves towards Michael, bends down and whispers into his ear. Should we spar? I could spar with Justin but I know his tricks in and out, he is all about brute muscles. And the other guards are too anxious to fight me. Not you though. You even removed your helmet in my presence after all.

Brad starts looking for a padded training quarterstaff.

Michael nods. "Yeah, sure. Just... Don't hit too hard, okay?" he says, a smile ghosting his lips. He then calls over to one of the other guards, saying "Allan, can you get some sparring gear? Our visitors-well, Brad, at least-want some practice."

Allan takes a moment, but nods, and heads to fetch the equipment.

Parker hears a cat in the vicinity. This bears investigation.

"Meow?" Parker creeps up on the Tiny creatures beneath the chair. "Oh. There you are. Let's see."

Parker's off-arms rifle through their pockets for any leftover thread that wasn't taken away with the rest of their stuff. After a moment of searching, one hand starts waving around a thin, fluffy spidersilk string. It could work as a cat toy, assuming of course that El doesn't start chasing it first.

"Oooh, kitty! Here, kitty kitty!"

Hearing Parker come up behind her, El tries to attract the cat as well. Dropping to her tiny feet, she approaches slowly on all fours, maintaining eye contact with the cat.

"Meow. Meow. Hey, there. Come on out! Meow."

She, too, mimics the cat, but her calls seem almost realistic.

Make an opposed Animal Handling check.

2017-12-19, 11:36 PM
Brad weighs the quarterstaff in his hands. It's balance is lopsided but that just makes it more similar to his favorite weapons of choice. As slow and clumsy he seems with everything else, when wielding the quarterstaff he really flourishes. Imagine a real fight instead of a drawn out sparring session. Short. Brutal. Get that determination pumping. he shouts before driving Michael into the defense. As long as the humans do not trust the monsters they should have enough respect to not try to pick fights. But incidentally he tries not to hit Michael. The dragon favors a more brutish style instead of the amount of precision he trained for or was born with.

He is making Michael sweat but wants to impress the group of guardsmen by showing them Michael can in fact withstand his barrage of attacks and dodge it. The big monster takes a few glancing hits from Michael before another shot seemly sweeps him off of his feet. He shouts I yield. lying in the dirt.

I make my attack look brutal enough to force Michael into the Dodge action. After a while I do the dodge action myself just before I leave me defense slightly open to let him sweep me off my feet.

I thought about that but faking a mock combat should not be a Deception but rather an attack roll? Or at least Deception (Strength or Dex?). If it helps swaying the bonus from Dex to Str, I try to make lethal attacks with the stump end of the quarterstaff (1d4, as in the polearm master feat). Here's a d20, add whichever bonus you deem appropriate: [roll0]

e: Actually maybe dealing lethal damage until first blood is drawn is probably right up Brad's mentality of showing Michael to take combat seriously.

2017-12-20, 11:39 AM

Michael seems pretty much entirely oblivious to Brad's deception in the fight, and seems flush with excitement when it's over. He's breathing heavily, but has a smile on his face.

"Phew... Phew..." he lets out, then extends his hand to Brad. "Here, let me help you up. You had me on the ropes for a little there."

The cat decides to go to Parker, scoffing at El's meager attempts to sound feline. It purrs loudly as it plays with the length of silk Parker offers to it.

2017-12-20, 12:08 PM
Well, you are a great fighter. You have to take your advantage with your great speed and your attack strength is not too shabby either. But remember: Skill wins fights. Endurance wins wars. Brad taps Michael's back. Endurance can only come from good food. I have worked up an appetite. When's dinner time?

2017-12-20, 12:21 PM
Michael looks at Brad, then laughs, loud and long. "Oh man, I needed that! Um... I don't think I can officially let you into the main castle yet, but I can probably have some food brought out," he says.

However, as he finishes speaking, the diplomat comes back out. "I have good news. The vizier Kazik has agreed to an audience with you, in about two hours time. For now, please, come in, make yourselves at home. The Ancip family will make sure you stay out of anywhere private."

Excellent. Thank you, ma'am, for your assistance, Asgore replies, doing a slight bow.

2017-12-20, 05:48 PM
I think you really need an outlet, Mike. Do you have a companion? Brad asks in an innocent voice.

When the diplomat finally arrives with good news, Brad is happy but shows a bit of concern: We thank you again on the behalf of our king. Meeting this Kazik will be a good step towards meeting your leader. Just know that we would like to meet your king eventually. We do not expect to waltz in here and you to drop everything; and our king is a very patient goat. Just remember that he also has duties to fulfill to his people.

Persuasion: [roll0] + 6 to to convince the diplomat that meeting the leader of Indos is imperative for our relation.
Insight: [roll1] + 3 to learn how she feels about the vizier and to learn about her stance on monsterkind.

2017-12-20, 07:00 PM
"Um..." Michael says as the diplomat returns.

"I understand. As visiting dignitaries, I'll do my best that you are given access to what you need, but at the same time, there are limits to what I can do."

Persuasion: Nice roll! Probably unneeded, though, because...

You get the feeling she's a true professional. She's a bit nervous about monsters, but at the same time, you've been perfectly polite and responsible so far, so she'll do her job to the utmost of her ability.

As for the vizier and her feelings... You get the idea she might be a little more nervous about the vizier than she is the monsters.

2017-12-20, 11:43 PM
It's a little weird that Brad would decide that Asgore needs someone to speak up for him when he's already right there. Then again, Asgore is known for being kind of a pushover, so it was probably a fair assessment.

Parker resumes swishing around the string for as long as the cat is willing to chase it. This includes leading the cat through the hall as the group is led to the center of the palace... castle... mansion complex. Parker doesn't even know what to call it. Human architecture is almost as weird as human bureaucracy.

"So. I have a question. About how big is Indos. Like. Is it just the one city or do you count the whole Western region."

2017-12-20, 11:55 PM
Asgore seems content to let you speak for him. Knowing the big fuzzy guy, he's probably trying to get you to learn how to be diplomats yourself.

"Indos is the city and the state," your guide answers as she leads you into the palace. "This is the center of the region, with the border to the east being the Arkhios mountain range, and the other borders are... Less distinct. We collect taxes, often in the form of trade goods, from the outlying villages, in exchange for protection and citizenship."

How do the villages fare? Asgore asks.

"It varies, but generally quite well. It's the villages that are right on the mutable borders that have issues," she replies.

Anything you guys need to do before we time-skip to Vizier?

2017-12-21, 01:05 AM
"Hmph." And I used magic and everything!

Eladriel turns away from the distracted cat to continue to explore the vast caves within the human world, more or less oblivious to the intense political games being played around her.

I'm good for the time skip.

2017-12-21, 04:55 AM
Justin wrinkles his nose at the mention of the vizier. Given what he had heard earlier, he was expecting this to be the most unpleasant strajger they had met thus far. The land-shark might be a close second.

Mutable borders... Justin scratches his head, and speaks aloud the question confusing his mind. "The borders are silent? Isn't that what borders are supposed to be?"

2017-12-21, 09:31 AM
Brad hopes for a hearty meal, and tries through subtle questions to get a general idea bout the vizier. Weird questions about size, hair color and favorite meals; but also serious questions about power in the state, whether is a wizard or priest (that could possibly carry the tradition of maintaining the barrier), whether he is emotional or calculating.

One final question: I have read about viziers in the past. Is he the villain here? I have heard viziers are always the villains. They scheme, and manipulate the sultan and cesar and emperor for personal gains.

I am fine with a time skip if you answer my blunt question :smallamused:
For added hilarity Brad will start looking for signs of demonic possession and/or liches during the meet with the vizier. Because it's always liches. If I have the ability to cast Detect Evil and Good before meeting the vizier and more importantly - without insulting him, I will do so.

2017-12-21, 12:06 PM
Brad-this is not a storybook. This is real life, Asgore says firmly.

"No-of course not," your guide responds. "He's an adviser to the king-nothing more, nothing less. Though he can be a bit touchy, so I would advise not saying anything like that in his presence. For now, let's get you all something to eat, and cleaned up a little. You've been in a fight and could use a chance to do that."

The meal is quick, but hearty and filling. Stew, with some bread and cheeses. You're then given a chance to avail yourself of the washrooms, cleaning the dirt and blood out of your fur, hair, and clothes. Before it feels like much time has passed, it's been two hours, and a servant is leading you to where you'll meet the vizier.

As you arrive at the door, the servant stops. "Um... I'm sorry, but the vizier has requested that the king takes only a single guard with him. He's a touch paranoid, see, so..." he says apologetically.

Asgore sighs, but nods. No need to justify yourself-it's not your command. Well, friends, pick one amongst yourselves to come with. As for the rest of you-enjoy yourselves, but do see if you can make some friends amongst the guards or servants. They seem a delightful sort, and diplomacy is more than just kings and queens.

2017-12-21, 01:55 PM
Though I'd love to go myself, I nominate El, she can heal, and she can get help if something bad happens. Brad thinks loudly. Parker could spot danger before it happens. And either Justin or me can be another bodyguard rather than a pair of eyes.

2017-12-21, 03:16 PM
Justin snorts in mild irritation. "I think either Brad or El should go. If this vizier is silly enough to try something, he's unlikely to use brute force when another monster is there. Someone smart with a touch or two of magic should go." He reaches to scratch the back of his neck, admitting awkwardly, "So long as you guys don't pick me."

2017-12-21, 04:56 PM
Brad smiles sincerely. You know yourself I can cast magic but I do not know its ins and outs. It's all just willpower. My spell preparation is an hour of concentrating on my set of cue cards and learning the magic words really hard. The dragon pulls a few worn filing cards from under his cloak. He shows you the things, and in a few scraggly runes - probably draconic - there are a few magic spells written onto. They seem to be created with crayon.

No, I would not expect to win an open fight in the castle of a minister of a country as large as this. You have seen Michael. When he can beat me in a duel, imagine how skilled the elite guards are. No, we need an expert in there. Someone who knows and sees things.

2017-12-21, 05:32 PM
"Uh. Point of order. I'm not the tingling danger sense kind of spider." Parker seems to used to making that kind of correction. It must be the specialty of some other spider clan.

"Anyway. I don't think humans really use magic very much. But. Brad kind of looks the most like a bodyguard if that's what you're going for. El looks more like a magical assistant. I like the idea of her going actually. It's a cool visual contrast."

The spider's hand doesn't stop playing with the cat while Parker talks. They've knelt down to pet the little fuzzball by now.

2017-12-21, 10:34 PM
"Decide soon-the Vizier is ready for you," the servant says.

Eladriel, I think you should come with. Join me, Asgore says.

2017-12-21, 10:41 PM
Eladriel pokes her head out from beneath a dresser.

"Oh! Er ... alright, sure, I'll go with you! I can magic, and diplomacy too, if you need."

She flutters over to Asgore's right shoulder, doing her best to look official and formal.

2017-12-22, 01:09 AM
"Cool. Have fun." The danger aspect doesn't seem like a big deal at this point; the situation hardly seems set up for a big fight. An adviser with a paranoia shtick. Sounds annoying. But. Probably useful in small doses.

Parker stands up to start talking to the humans. Whether the cat loses interest or continues following Parker around is entirely up to the cat.

"It is interesting. The surface world. I heard a lot of rumors about it," Parker says to whoever's around to listen. Probably Garrett Junior. "For instance. Up here. I heard that you're never more than ten feet from a spider. That they hide in pretty much every corner year round. But. I haven't actually seen one yet. So I'm not sure if it's true or not."

2017-12-22, 02:07 PM
The servant says "We try to keep this place free of spiders, and, urm..." he peters out, realizing who he's talking to, as Asgore and El walk inside.

Inside, Vizier Kazik is waiting. He's a tall man, a touch paler than most of the other people here (likely due to lack of sun) but still with a chocolaty skin color. He's dressed in royal blues and golds, with an elaborate hat perched on his head. "Good afternoon, King Asgore. I am adviser to the king of Indos, Vizier Kazik. Who is your companion?"

Asgore bows deeply to Kazik, and says My friend can introduce herself. But thank you, he rises up, for taking the time to see us.

2017-12-22, 02:19 PM
So....what can we do in the mean time? Brad is a good mood. Anyone up for a little game? I need 3 of you guys, 12 simple cups and beer or wine. The dragon tries to describe his favorite game supposedly to be played by 'college students'. A person named Temmie told him about this practice - be it on sorcerer college or elsewhere. He tries to motivate everyone to play 3v3, where everyone on Team Monster takes their drinks appropriate to their size. Basically Parker takes a thimble and the rest of the beer gets split by Brad and Justin.

2017-12-23, 08:12 PM
"I'm not sure I'm allowed to..." the servant says.

You do recall your diplomatic guide saying that the servants are at your disposal (within reason, of course) so you should be allowed to set up the game with them so long as you order them to.

2017-12-23, 10:37 PM
"Uh." Parker's not entirely okay with ordering someone to join a drinking contest when they don't want to. "I'm pretty sure everyone here's supposed to be on duty right now. We could show you after work though. Should be fun."

2017-12-24, 03:46 AM
Duty. Right...well, are we forced to stay here or are we free to explore the city? RG-03 mutters in an almost whiny way. I don't wanna sit here while a whole city needs to be experienced. He pauses for a moment. For diplomacy and connecting to the people of course!

Brad would like to try and leave if he is able and explore - thus explaining his absence. If he is not allowed he will pick a room and study there, but will effectively just be pouting. He will only stop pouting if Justin lightens his mood afterwards.

Happy Holidays!

2017-12-24, 04:48 AM
Justin makes his excuses for not joining in the game, deciding to search for either Mr. or Mrs. Ancip with his free time. He could remember Garret Junior saying that his father had more details about the family's military tradition, which had piqued his interest at the time. Looking around for someone looking appropriately servant-ish, he searches for someone to ask where he might find the Ancip parents, heading in that direction once he's given one.

2017-12-25, 03:55 AM
Eladriel looks up at the Vizier, doing her best to appear formal. Wanting to look the Vizier in the eye, but not wanting to break formation from her place at Asgore's right hand, El vibrates in indecision for a moment before speaking.

"Hi! I'm Eladriel. I'm a pixie. I'm King Asgore's, uh..."

She struggles for a moment, trying to come up with a formal title for someone who helps out wherever possible, entertains the king and his court, and flies through the walls for a thrill.

"...friend! I'm his friend! I'm friendly. I help out with whatever needs to be done at the castle. And I study magic. It helps with the helping."

Really sorry about not posting, holiday stuff. Very sorry about dropping this, especially after I was selected delegate. My sincerest apologies.

2017-12-25, 12:51 PM
Duty. Right...well, are we forced to stay here or are we free to explore the city? RG-03 mutters in an almost whiny way. I don't wanna sit here while a whole city needs to be experienced. He pauses for a moment. For diplomacy and connecting to the people of course!

Brad would like to try and leave if he is able and explore - thus explaining his absence. If he is not allowed he will pick a room and study there, but will effectively just be pouting. He will only stop pouting if Justin lightens his mood afterwards.

Happy Holidays!

"I'll ask, but I don't see any reason you couldn't," the servant says. "That being said, it might be best for you to be escorted around-just to make sure the people are at ease, you see."

Justin makes his excuses for not joining in the game, deciding to search for either Mr. or Mrs. Ancip with his free time. He could remember Garret Junior saying that his father had more details about the family's military tradition, which had piqued his interest at the time. Looking around for someone looking appropriately servant-ish, he searches for someone to ask where he might find the Ancip parents, heading in that direction once he's given one.

Justin heads away, and eventually finds one of the Ancips.

It's the matriarch of the family, who he finds just outside the throne room. She's standing at attention, maul on her back and resplendent in her official armor, but smiles when she sees Justin. "Justin, right?" she asks. "Thank you again for helping my family."

1=Mr. Ancip
2=Mrs. Ancip.

Eladriel looks up at the Vizier, doing her best to appear formal. Wanting to look the Vizier in the eye, but not wanting to break formation from her place at Asgore's right hand, El vibrates in indecision for a moment before speaking.

"Hi! I'm Eladriel. I'm a pixie. I'm King Asgore's, uh..."

She struggles for a moment, trying to come up with a formal title for someone who helps out wherever possible, entertains the king and his court, and flies through the walls for a thrill.

"...friend! I'm his friend! I'm friendly. I help out with whatever needs to be done at the castle. And I study magic. It helps with the helping."

Really sorry about not posting, holiday stuff. Very sorry about dropping this, especially after I was selected delegate. My sincerest apologies.

The vizier nods, looking at the more offical-seeming Asgore with a slightly incredulous expression.

Asgore simply says Eladriel is indeed my friend. She's one of the people I trusted to come with me to this grand city, and while she might not be quite the trained diplomat, she has a good heart.

"Right..." the vizier says. "Well, why don't we being by you explaining what your purpose here is?"

Diplomacy, and a touch of exploring. We've been under the mountain for quite a while, and the world has changed from what it used to be. But, even with that in mind, I'm sure we can come to a mutually beneficial alliance between the two of our nations, Asgore says. For now, it may simply be best for us to be educated in the ways of the modern world, so we know how to best help out our neighbors.

I had holiday things too, don't worry. We have lives.

2017-12-25, 04:26 PM
Justin heads away, and eventually finds one of the Ancips.

It's the matriarch of the family, who he finds just outside the throne room. She's standing at attention, maul on her back and resplendent in her official armor, but smiles when she sees Justin. "Justin, right?" she asks. "Thank you again for helping my family."

Justin gives a respectful nod in greeting. "That's right Ma'am. To be honest, I should be the one thanking your family for showing up when they did. That landshark-thing had nearly taken off one of my hands right before they showed up. We all helped each other bring the beast down in the end." He kicks at the ground gently, not accustomed to admitting a battle-mishap like that to someone else. He also notices her standing at attention at what he assumes to be her post, and hopes he isn't interrupting anything too important. "If you have a spare moment though, I wanted to ask you about something one of your sons mentioned on the road. Garret Junior said you and your husband's family has a bit of a history in Indos's guard and military, and I was curious to learn about that history."

2017-12-25, 09:01 PM
"Sure, I can talk about that," she says. "If anyone comes by, I might have to cut off to talk to them, but so long as I'm just on guard duty, nothing stops me from having a conversation. Is there anything in particular you wish to know?"

2017-12-26, 01:43 AM
"We'd definitely like to be a friendly nation with the surrounding states, " Eladriel adds. "That's why I'm here, and not some bulky armed guard to protect the king's every step. We'd just like to be friends."

Persuasion to put the vizier at ease, if that's possible for an elected (?) official: [roll0]

2017-12-26, 04:54 AM
"Sure, I can talk about that," she says. "If anyone comes by, I might have to cut off to talk to them, but so long as I'm just on guard duty, nothing stops me from having a conversation. Is there anything in particular you wish to know?"

Justin nods and grins. "Gotcha. Just like when I'm on guard duty." He scratches his chin to stimulate his memory, and says, "Well ... from what I remember hearing, it started a few generations back. Did something happen that sparked that kind of tradition?"

2017-12-26, 08:09 AM
Yeah, okay. For courtesy's sake I will accept company. How about Michael here? He can best me armed so I think he is more than capable of stopping anything that could happen around me. Brad looks into Michael's eyes. And I think he deserves a bit time away from the family. He is a good warrior but he stands in the shadows of people who are even greater than him.

Brad leaves, not caring if more people other than Michael follow him, heading straight into the busiest parts of town. He feels the attention he gets on every thread. Often fear, sometimes hatred, but the occasional curiosity as well. The guard or guards following him do their best to stabilize the situation. Brad always looks for ways towards a suitable weapon if need be but he follows common sense mostly.

2017-12-26, 09:35 PM
"We'd definitely like to be a friendly nation with the surrounding states, " Eladriel adds. "That's why I'm here, and not some bulky armed guard to protect the king's every step. We'd just like to be friends."

Persuasion to put the vizier at ease, if that's possible for an elected (?) official: [roll0]

That'd be a good roll, if the vizier wasn't a naturally paranoid person. As it is, I would've pegged the DC as somewhere in the 15-17 range, so 13 doesn't quite cut it.

"I see, I see. Have you any proof of this?" he asks.

I came with but a small group of guards, simply enough to keep myself safe. We have helped your royal guards in their hunt for the Bullette, and have disarmed ourselves as per their requests while in your city. In addition, you have my word that we have dealt with you all fairly and honestly.

The vizier hms and hems, looking suspiciously at you two.

Justin nods and grins. "Gotcha. Just like when I'm on guard duty." He scratches his chin to stimulate his memory, and says, "Well ... from what I remember hearing, it started a few generations back. Did something happen that sparked that kind of tradition?"

"Did something start it? The whole 'military tradition' is more from Garrett's family, but I don't think so," she says. "They simply felt it was their duty, something they were good at, and volunteered their services. I think that, a few generations ago, that is, is when they first became the elite cadre. They've been serving in the military for centuries."

Yeah, okay. For courtesy's sake I will accept company. How about Michael here? He can best me armed so I think he is more than capable of stopping anything that could happen around me. Brad looks into Michael's eyes. And I think he deserves a bit time away from the family. He is a good warrior but he stands in the shadows of people who are even greater than him.

Brad leaves, not caring if more people other than Michael follow him, heading straight into the busiest parts of town. He feels the attention he gets on every thread. Often fear, sometimes hatred, but the occasional curiosity as well. The guard or guards following him do their best to stabilize the situation. Brad always looks for ways towards a suitable weapon if need be but he follows common sense mostly.

Michael is fetched, and joins Brad. When asked if he needs more guards to assist him, he says "I can handle the big guy, don't worry," and smiles at Brad.

Out in the city, he asks "Do you really mean what you said? I don't feel like a great warrior, really. I mean, look at that last fight we had-the real one, with the bullette, not the sparring. All I did was shoot a few crossbow bolts..."

2017-12-27, 02:06 AM
Parker continues awkwardly hanging around with the servant staff.

"Well. I guess we have some time. Could we maybe take a tour of the kitchen. I heard human food is really interesting. I could show you guys some monster dishes too. If you want."

2017-12-27, 03:52 AM
The reptilian warrior stops in his tracks and lays his hand onto Michael's shoulder: Yes, you are a great warrior. You are determined but you still have to common sense to listen to your fears. Bravery is fighting despite knowing you fear the dangers. He pauses for a brief moment to think. As for your combat technique, you did really well. Of course I pushed you towards certain movements. I attacked viciously because you need to defend until the time is right to attack. There are larger things than the Bulette out there. And these things can only be brought down by protecting yourself, and tactics of course. Our lot in lif is it to throw us between danger and civilization in a routine manner. You need to learn damage control one way or another. And not everyone is a hunky Minotaur that can shrug off lethal blows like nothing. Brad's eyes wander. He is caught in thoughts, after a full minute, he regains focus And even he uses a shield. Mike...what is your weapon of choice?

2017-12-27, 12:32 PM
Parker continues awkwardly hanging around with the servant staff.

"Well. I guess we have some time. Could we maybe take a tour of the kitchen. I heard human food is really interesting. I could show you guys some monster dishes too. If you want."

"Of course," the servant replies. He leads Parker down into the bowels of the palace, where the passageways grow smaller and less well-adorned. Soon enough, they arrive at the kitchen, where it's calmer than usual (seeing as it's not a mealtime) but still bustling.

The reptilian warrior stops in his tracks and lays his hand onto Michael's shoulder: Yes, you are a great warrior. You are determined but you still have to common sense to listen to your fears. Bravery is fighting despite knowing you fear the dangers. He pauses for a brief moment to think. As for your combat technique, you did really well. Of course I pushed you towards certain movements. I attacked viciously because you need to defend until the time is right to attack. There are larger things than the Bulette out there. And these things can only be brought down by protecting yourself, and tactics of course. Our lot in lif is it to throw us between danger and civilization in a routine manner. You need to learn damage control one way or another. And not everyone is a hunky Minotaur that can shrug off lethal blows like nothing. Brad's eyes wander. He is caught in thoughts, after a full minute, he regains focus And even he uses a shield. Mike...what is your weapon of choice?

"Thank you. I really mean that," he says. "As for my weapon of choice... I don't really have one yet. I've been trained in bows and swords, crossbows and mauls, warpicks and spears... Everything, really. But I haven't really settled on any weapon as my choice. Unlike my mom-she's practically married to that maul of hers," he adds with a chuckle.

2017-12-27, 10:40 PM
Parker skitters around, examining the dangerous cookware in detail. This room feels a lot like home, actually.

"Cool. Now where to start. Who here is chef."

After hunting down Chef and hopefully overcoming everyone's initial shock at seeing a giant humanoid spider in the kitchen, Parker wants to talk shop. "I've always wondered how humans prepare food. We made some bulette steaks earlier. But uh. That's not a great example of cuisine. Obviously."

Parker. Stay on target. Please.

"So. I was thinking. If you want. I can show you some monster baking techniques. I'm not sure if you'd know this. But monster food dissolves when you eat it. And converts directly to energy. It uh. Also doesn't spoil or anything. Like uncooked meat sometimes does."

Parker patiently waits to see whether the cooks agree to the culinary cultural exchange.

2017-12-27, 10:43 PM
The cook, a tall, portly man, looks at Parker with just a hint of shock. A few of his chefs look too, before he barks "Get back to work, louts!" at them, sending them scurrying to their duties.

He shakes his head a moment, then nods. "Sure-we've got the vegetables over there, meats in the ice box, some herbs... WHY THE HELL ARE THEIR HERBS HERE? I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN THESE UP! Eh-hem, anyway, let me give you a bit of a tour. You say you convert food into energy? That might be useful for our men on the field, for the long treks. How do you do that?"

2017-12-28, 12:21 AM
"Uh. It kind of depends on the food. But the general idea is to get rid of most of the physical matter. Which doesn't digest efficiently. Here. I'll show you."

Parker picks up a few ingredients and grabs a human cooking pan not altogether different from the quasi-weapon they confiscated. There's not a single bucket of snails or spiders in the place, but there are plenty of veggies and ice and sugar. Parker can make this work.

Granted, there's a fine line between Monster Food and healing potions, which Parker decidedly shouldn't know how to make. Unless healing food is a thing in 5e for some reason? That would be weird.

Anyway, artisan's tools go! We're going to show these humans how it's done!

[roll0] +2(int) +3(proficiency) +???(circumstance) = Profit!

2017-12-28, 04:53 AM
"Did something start it? The whole 'military tradition' is more from Garrett's family, but I don't think so," she says. "They simply felt it was their duty, something they were good at, and volunteered their services. I think that, a few generations ago, that is, is when they first became the elite cadre. They've been serving in the military for centuries."

"A few generations ago..." Justin's words echoed as he struggled with the significance. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was some detail that was missing. Something had to have happened where they were promoted to the elite. He changes his line of questioning instead, asking "Who was the first elite Ancip? It would have been Mr. Ancip's..." He pauses, counting a few generations back on his fingers. "Great-great Grandfather? Someone around there?"

2017-12-28, 06:49 AM
You basically have three options as I see it. You either get superior reach, like my polearm. Or you use a shield. Or the third most dangerous option is a twohanded weapon without any defenses. I do not recommend that. And I admire your mom for choosing that. Brad clumsily squashes Michael's bizeps and moves his arm around to get a feeling for his reach. Middle 'o the road type are you, right? Strong enough, dexterous but not exceling in a particular area. I'd say sword and a shield would do nicely. Have a crossbow as a backup. If you want to focus on quicker maneuvers, take a shorter sword. Brad thinks again. I got it. Shield and Spear! You can throw the thing, you do not have to get all touchy-feely with your target, and you can use your strength to maximum effect. Our captain uses one too. But she is insane. That's why she does not use a shield.

Mike walks a short distance in silence, looking around. He sees the the human's tendencies to couple up often. They are extremely social. As are monsters but monsters are all individual. Maybe some are made for each other. Or so Brad hopes, thinking about Justin again. Kind, and strong, and collected. A little bit of smoke billows out of Brad's nostrils.

So what about your mate? the dragon bursts out. Or is family and duty enough for you?

2017-12-28, 11:43 AM
"Uh. It kind of depends on the food. But the general idea is to get rid of most of the physical matter. Which doesn't digest efficiently. Here. I'll show you."

Parker picks up a few ingredients and grabs a human cooking pan not altogether different from the quasi-weapon they confiscated. There's not a single bucket of snails or spiders in the place, but there are plenty of veggies and ice and sugar. Parker can make this work.

Granted, there's a fine line between Monster Food and healing potions, which Parker decidedly shouldn't know how to make. Unless healing food is a thing in 5e for some reason? That would be weird.

Anyway, artisan's tools go! We're going to show these humans how it's done!

[roll0] +2(int) +3(proficiency) +???(circumstance) = Profit!

Parker begins his cooking process. The head chef looks on intently, and soon enough, so are some of the other kitchen workers. The head chef absent-mindedly tells them to get back to work, and they do, but he seems engrossed in Parker's techniques. Once Parker is done, he's made an excellent chilled salad, garnished with strawberries and sugar.

"Alright, it looks normal... So how do your people eat it?" the head chef asks.

"A few generations ago..." Justin's words echoed as he struggled with the significance. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was some detail that was missing. Something had to have happened where they were promoted to the elite. He changes his line of questioning instead, asking "Who was the first elite Ancip? It would have been Mr. Ancip's..." He pauses, counting a few generations back on his fingers. "Great-great Grandfather? Someone around there?"

"I think so, yes," Mrs. Ancip replies. "Genealogy is not my strong suit."

As you two talk, three people round the corner and start walking past. They're dressed in long cloaks which covers most of their body.

You spot, underneath the cloaks, pale white skin. Clearly not natives.

You basically have three options as I see it. You either get superior reach, like my polearm. Or you use a shield. Or the third most dangerous option is a twohanded weapon without any defenses. I do not recommend that. And I admire your mom for choosing that. Brad clumsily squashes Michael's bizeps and moves his arm around to get a feeling for his reach. Middle 'o the road type are you, right? Strong enough, dexterous but not exceling in a particular area. I'd say sword and a shield would do nicely. Have a crossbow as a backup. If you want to focus on quicker maneuvers, take a shorter sword. Brad thinks again. I got it. Shield and Spear! You can throw the thing, you do not have to get all touchy-feely with your target, and you can use your strength to maximum effect. Our captain uses one too. But she is insane. That's why she does not use a shield.

Mike walks a short distance in silence, looking around. He sees the the human's tendencies to couple up often. They are extremely social. As are monsters but monsters are all individual. Maybe some are made for each other. Or so Brad hopes, thinking about Justin again. Kind, and strong, and collected. A little bit of smoke billows out of Brad's nostrils.

So what about your mate? the dragon bursts out. Or is family and duty enough for you?

In response to the weaponry analysis, Michael nods, listening intently. "That's some good advice. I'll give it a try," he says, then grows silent for a few moments. "Oh! Thank you," he adds, realizing just a beat late that that would be appropriate.

Michael blushes when relationships are brought up, and stammers out "Um... Well, uh... You see..."

If Brad presses, Michael says "I'm just... Really, really nervous around women. Like, I get along with men really well! I'm not too introverted or anything, and we laugh, and have a good time, but when I'm dealing with a lady? I just clam up and make a fool of myself."

In the spot you're currently at in Indos, you see a few young, pretty women about. There's three groups of them-one group of four, who seem to be together, and two groups of one, one of whom is talking to a merchant in a stall and the other of which is sitting on a bench, head buried in a book.

You may use Passive Perception if you wish, on checks like these.

2017-12-28, 04:13 PM
I am just happy that monster genders are less....restricting. But I take it you are interested in females? Brad looks around and sees the two single women. He then pulls Michael towards the lady next to the merchant. Hail you good people of Indos. My friend here is looking for a weapon's merchant that would sell quality wares for his job as royal guard. Do you know where we can find those? Brad slightly pushes Michael forward, standing next to him as if the monster was a lower ranking guard. A bit off to the side, just close enough to intervene and secure the location. Enough to give the kid some privacy.

He then engages the merchant in a discussion about the general economy of the land.

Passive Perception is indeed my preferred choice for everything perception for me since my character isn't meant to excel at seeing things anyhow.

2017-12-28, 05:21 PM
The merchant complains excessively about the taxes, the economy, the tariffs and tolls, and everything else under the sun. It seems mostly a salesman's bluster, though, meant to give the impression of a poor, hardworking man (who you should totally buy lots of things from to support).

Michael, meanwhile, waves hello to the woman, saying "Um... Hi."

The woman looks him dead in the eye, but says nothing.


1-the worst possible choice. She's not a fan of the guard, and will make it known.
20-the best possible choice. She loves the military of Indos, and is ecstatic to see a guard!

Edit: I am so sorry, Michael. :P

2017-12-28, 06:36 PM
"How do we."

Parker suddenly becomes acutely aware of how much space their tongue takes up in their cute little mouth. Eating is one of those things that's hard to do when someone draws attention to it, especially when your charisma is 8. It only gets easier when Parker realizes that this is probably Chef's polite way of making sure it wasn't poisoned somehow.

"I mean. I don't think that part's different. You just. Uh."

The spider grabs a handful of Iceberg Salad out of the bowl and shoves it in their mouth. As is tradition. Apparently.

2017-12-29, 02:46 AM
"I see, I see. Have you any proof of this?" he asks.

I came with but a small group of guards, simply enough to keep myself safe. We have helped your royal guards in their hunt for the Bullette, and have disarmed ourselves as per their requests while in your city. In addition, you have my word that we have dealt with you all fairly and honestly.

The vizier hms and hems, looking suspiciously at you two.

Eladriel shifts nervously from side to side. "We're also willing to show you anything you'd like of our kingdom. With a bit of magic, I can show you the state of affairs below ground as we left it, if that will help persuade you of our good intentions."

2017-12-29, 06:19 AM
Brad tries to profusely convince the man that taxes and tolls are necessary to maintain the country since humans do not look like the type to maintain a proper infrastructure from just helping. Brad would buy a small trinket, more as a souvenir rather than a necessity to support the poor merchant though.

He quickly discovers the cold silence next to him, and before he can manage to buy something he sees the necessity to intervene: Did Mike here do something wrong? Why are you so hostile? Brad stands between the two, with his hand ready to intervene the girl clawing out Mike's eyes if she desires.

1 should be: "the royal guard threw my parents into jail for tax evasion effectively making me an orphan" type of hostility. So I am wary of an attack. I mean I am a guard, I should see these types of situations coming from a bit away.

2017-12-29, 11:23 AM
Eladriel shifts nervously from side to side. "We're also willing to show you anything you'd like of our kingdom. With a bit of magic, I can show you the state of affairs below ground as we left it, if that will help persuade you of our good intentions."

"No-no spells," Kazik says. "If you truly wish yo prove your intentions, you're going to have do more than simply aid a few guardsmen."

Brad tries to profusely convince the man that taxes and tolls are necessary to maintain the country since humans do not look like the type to maintain a proper infrastructure from just helping. Brad would buy a small trinket, more as a souvenir rather than a necessity to support the poor merchant though.

He quickly discovers the cold silence next to him, and before he can manage to buy something he sees the necessity to intervene: Did Mike here do something wrong? Why are you so hostile? Brad stands between the two, with his hand ready to intervene the girl clawing out Mike's eyes if she desires.

1 should be: "the royal guard threw my parents into jail for tax evasion effectively making me an orphan" type of hostility. So I am wary of an attack. I mean I am a guard, I should see these types of situations coming from a bit away.

"You're both nothing but piles of scum! People like you are why... Why... Graagh!" she says, throwing her hands up and stalking off.

Michael looks to Brad, and asks "Did I... Did I do something wrong?"

2017-12-29, 11:36 AM
Yeah, I'll cash in my Passive Perception. But hypothetically, if I were to roll, and roll supremely well, might I have gotten more details about the strangers?

Justin gives the three cloaked strangers a respectful nod as they walk past, unsure of who they are and what exactly they were doing here. He waits for them to round a corner before speaking to Mrs. Anicp again. "Huh, I guess El was right. Humans do come in all kinds of colors and variations. They aren't Indos-" He pauses, brow furrowing as he wonders what the demonym for Indos is. "Indosian? Indosites? ... Indits?" He scratches his head and asks, "What do you call someone who lives here?"

2017-12-29, 12:51 PM
As they walk past, one stumbles and trips. Mrs. Ancip bends down to help him up.

The stumble was on purpose. Something's wrong here...

Nope! You just got the basics-your Insight here is a chance to learn more.

2017-12-29, 02:19 PM
Eyes narrowing as his fur tingled slightly, he attempts to puzzle together what exactly was unfolding here. His instincts insisted that the stumble seemed very practiced and planned, but he couldn't quite figure it out. He casts his eyes over the three figures, trying to determine if one of them is carrying a weapon or preparing to attack, and then looks back towards the door which was Mrs. Ancip's post. Maybe someone's trying to pull a guard away from their post...

Perception; [roll0] or Insight; [roll1] depending on which you deem more appropriate to trying to find out exactly what exactly is triggering Justin's guard instincts.

2017-12-29, 05:31 PM
Huh, weird. She looked like she would attack you at any second. Is she the one? Should we stop her and investigate? She sounded like our kind wronged her in the past. Brad looks at Mike, then at the huffing girl. Our job is to protect the law. But the written law is only second to the law in the hearts of the people. I would like to correct any mistakes. And I need you for that because I have basically no reach here. The Dragon looks deeply concerned. HALT! he issues the small girl. (DC 14 Wisdom save) What is troubling you with the local guard? We would like to help. Invisible magical waves distort the air.

2017-12-29, 08:49 PM
Eladriel's face turns uncharacteristically serious. It's the same face you'd see as she studies spells - one does not become a master of arcane power by joyriding the underground air currents. Well, usually.

"Well, then, how would you have us do that? We could aid you in your duties, but that would require you to trust us first. I can name any number of tasks we could perform to confirm our good faith, and I'm sure you could as well - a relationship between our nations would be very beneficial for both of us, I believe. However, any of these partnerships would first require your trust, and I can think of no simple way to establish that. Honestly, I can think of no greater act of good faith than the very king of the underground appearing before you unarmed and unguarded, seeking diplomacy himself rather than sending an underling. But values in the aboveground are different, it would seem."

2017-12-29, 09:21 PM
Parker takes a moment to evaluate Chef's skeptical look as the monster-style Iceberg Salad literally melts in their mouth. "Ohf." *glp* "You uh. Try to swallow it before it dissolves completely. Otherwise you get excess energy in your sinuses. Which is like. Not harmful or anything but it feels like you have bugs in your brain."

2018-01-06, 04:33 PM
Eyes narrowing as his fur tingled slightly, he attempts to puzzle together what exactly was unfolding here. His instincts insisted that the stumble seemed very practiced and planned, but he couldn't quite figure it out. He casts his eyes over the three figures, trying to determine if one of them is carrying a weapon or preparing to attack, and then looks back towards the door which was Mrs. Ancip's post. Maybe someone's trying to pull a guard away from their post...

Perception; [roll0] or Insight; [roll1] depending on which you deem more appropriate to trying to find out exactly what exactly is triggering Justin's guard instincts.

One of them is in the process of drawing a wickedly sharp, slightly green knife. I'd do something, and fast.

Huh, weird. She looked like she would attack you at any second. Is she the one? Should we stop her and investigate? She sounded like our kind wronged her in the past. Brad looks at Mike, then at the huffing girl. Our job is to protect the law. But the written law is only second to the law in the hearts of the people. I would like to correct any mistakes. And I need you for that because I have basically no reach here. The Dragon looks deeply concerned. HALT! he issues the small girl. (DC 14 Wisdom save) What is troubling you with the local guard? We would like to help. Invisible magical waves distort the air.


The woman freezes in her steps. Michael looks at Brad, asking "Did you just... Did you just cast a spell on her?"

Eladriel's face turns uncharacteristically serious. It's the same face you'd see as she studies spells - one does not become a master of arcane power by joyriding the underground air currents. Well, usually.

"Well, then, how would you have us do that? We could aid you in your duties, but that would require you to trust us first. I can name any number of tasks we could perform to confirm our good faith, and I'm sure you could as well - a relationship between our nations would be very beneficial for both of us, I believe. However, any of these partnerships would first require your trust, and I can think of no simple way to establish that. Honestly, I can think of no greater act of good faith than the very king of the underground appearing before you unarmed and unguarded, seeking diplomacy himself rather than sending an underling. But values in the aboveground are different, it would seem."

"I... What proof have you that he is your king?" the vizier snaps.

Asgore sighs quietly, and asks What proof would you believe?

Parker takes a moment to evaluate Chef's skeptical look as the monster-style Iceberg Salad literally melts in their mouth. "Ohf." *glp* "You uh. Try to swallow it before it dissolves completely. Otherwise you get excess energy in your sinuses. Which is like. Not harmful or anything but it feels like you have bugs in your brain."

"Oh. When you said... Well, erm, nevermind. Here, let me try a little," the chef says, taking a fork from a table and grabbing a bite. He chews, thoughtfully, and swallows, then says "Not bad... Nothing extraordinary, mind you, but very serviceable. I won't be fearing for my job anytime with your cooking, but with some practice, you could really whip up a good dish."

2018-01-06, 05:30 PM
Seeing the shape of the blade being drawn from its scabbard, Justin has only one thought. Stop the attack. He rushes forward, bellowing, PUT THAT KNIFE AWAY!" Determined to pin the attacker to the ground, he charges horns first towards the attacker as he shouts.

Shove attempt on the robed figure pulling the knife to knock prone; the higher of [roll0] or [roll1]

2018-01-06, 05:37 PM

Probably gonna fail this. Yay!

The man goes to the ground, knife clattering out of his hands. Mrs. Ancip, stunned momentarily, has her hands dart to her maul as the other two draw knives of their own.

2018-01-06, 05:38 PM
Mrs. Ancip: [roll0]
Assassin 1: [roll1]
Assassin 2: [roll2]
Assassin 3: [roll3]

2018-01-06, 05:47 PM
It's fine, Mike. I just want a chance to talk to you. We just want to know what your problem with guards is? Brad looks really apologetic. He holds up a claw, counting down the fingers from 4 to zero. If you'd rather like to leave you can do so....now. But I do not think you can run away from unresolved problems like these.

People left and right stop to investigate the sudden usage of magic. Brad's thoughts are racing. If that were the underground where magic forces you into battle, you could take your turn and babble on about a topic while barraging your enemy with fun attacks, heal them or even nothing at all. But these humans are far more resilient. Even this average peasant can shrug off magic in a matter of a few seconds. It's just the border between mundane and magical is far more casual for monsters than humans. Half of him didn't even want to cast a spell. It was just his determination that lashed out on the girl.

Michael is certain Brad is blushing. I'm sorry for the magic.

Persuasion to convince them he is truly sorry for the magic: [roll0]
Deception to hide he is ashamed of his behaviour: [roll1]

2018-01-06, 05:59 PM
The woman, when the magic loses its grip on her, turns to face you two. "You... You bastard!" she yells, and launches herself at Brad. Michael grabs Brad and pulls him back, causing her first attack to miss.

"We should be gone. Now!" he tells Brad, and, assuming Brad doesn't object, hightails it out of there.

The two assassins who remained on their feet take a moment to look at their prone companion, with one barking out something short in an unfamiliar language. They then launch an assault against Mrs. Ancip with their daggers.

Each land a single blow on the woman, causing her to cry out in pain. The daggers seem magically envenomed, never losing their green pallor.





19 damage dealt.

2018-01-06, 06:56 PM
You're the law, my friend. But I do not think we should leave this situation unresolved. Brad doesn't budge, and if the woman tries to attack further, he tries to grab her arms to stop the onslaught. Stop it, will you?

Athletics to grapple her hands [roll0]

2018-01-06, 07:00 PM
The woman struggles, but is stopped by Brad. Michael says, though "You're on a mission of diplomacy. I don't think causing a scene in public is a good idea-I'll help you look into this later, I promise, but for now, we should go."

2018-01-07, 12:46 AM
"I... What proof have you that he is your king?" the vizier snaps.

Asgore sighs quietly, and asks What proof would you believe?

El places a hand on her forehead, apparently muttering a prayer or a curse. She opens her eyes and continues, still serious. A closer look reveals something startling - she's having fun being buried in banter.

"Well, Vizier Kazik. What is it that makes a king? You are a mighty Vizier, are you not? Can you not read the actions and reactions of those around you? Or are you telling me that you yourself could not tell apart the king were he hidden among the rabble? A king is a king is a king - be he a king of men or a king of beasts or a king of monsters. A lion is indisputably king of the jungle, dressed in scraps or robes - would you disagree? And I think that should the king appear here, even in a miner's suit, we would know him as your majesty - a king is a king is a king."

She reaches to pull out a royal insignia.

"We, of course, have such royal identification, should you like to see it. Though I think it should hardly be necessary. I remember little from the surface, but I doubt the kings have become common men."

Guidance, because spell slots are overrated. Adding [roll0] to my check.

I'm not sure what to roll, although it's obviously Cha based. Persuasion is +7, all else is +4.

Persuasion? [roll1]

EDIT: Sorry, should say what I want to do with this. Trying to convince the Vizier that Asgore is king, that we are trustworthy, and that we are not to be brushed off lightly. We aren't threats, but neither are we fools.

2018-01-07, 01:09 AM
"Glad you like it," Parker replies with no sense of urgency. The commotion outside is impossible to perceive from the kitchen. "It'd be better if we had some spiders to spice it up a bit. But I'm told that the people upstairs try to keep them out for some reason."

This way of asking questions without an upward inflection doesn't always provoke much of a response. Parker tries again. "You guys. Humans I mean. You're not like. Allergic. Are you. To spiders."

2018-01-07, 04:36 AM
Breathing hard as he can only helplessly watch Mrs. Ancip be attacked, he feels his blood start to boil. Embracing his inner rage, he shouts to anyone who might be nearby, "Get some guards, we're being attacked!" He swings his horns at one of the attackers, grateful that even when he surrenders his weapons he is never truly unarmed.

Bonus action to Rage, no Divine Fury
Attack one of the assasins twice, for non-lethal damage if relevant
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

2018-01-07, 05:40 AM
Brad looks her in the fearful eyes. My friend will return here tomorrow. Alone. And then you can deal with your problem. Stay safe. He loosens his grip and follows Michael.

Sorry, Mike. But it is just a scene if you make trouble for no reason. This human clearly has reason to distrust the guard. And it should never be this way. he says while keeping up with the quicker human. Did you do something unpopular recently?

2018-01-07, 12:16 PM
El places a hand on her forehead, apparently muttering a prayer or a curse. She opens her eyes and continues, still serious. A closer look reveals something startling - she's having fun being buried in banter.

"Well, Vizier Kazik. What is it that makes a king? You are a mighty Vizier, are you not? Can you not read the actions and reactions of those around you? Or are you telling me that you yourself could not tell apart the king were he hidden among the rabble? A king is a king is a king - be he a king of men or a king of beasts or a king of monsters. A lion is indisputably king of the jungle, dressed in scraps or robes - would you disagree? And I think that should the king appear here, even in a miner's suit, we would know him as your majesty - a king is a king is a king."

She reaches to pull out a royal insignia.

"We, of course, have such royal identification, should you like to see it. Though I think it should hardly be necessary. I remember little from the surface, but I doubt the kings have become common men."

Guidance, because spell slots are overrated. Adding [roll0] to my check.

I'm not sure what to roll, although it's obviously Cha based. Persuasion is +7, all else is +4.

Persuasion? [roll1]

EDIT: Sorry, should say what I want to do with this. Trying to convince the Vizier that Asgore is king, that we are trustworthy, and that we are not to be brushed off lightly. We aren't threats, but neither are we fools.

"Perhaps, perhaps... But monsters are cunning and canny foes. Wait here," he says, and stands to leave the room.

"Glad you like it," Parker replies with no sense of urgency. The commotion outside is impossible to perceive from the kitchen. "It'd be better if we had some spiders to spice it up a bit. But I'm told that the people upstairs try to keep them out for some reason."

This way of asking questions without an upward inflection doesn't always provoke much of a response. Parker tries again. "You guys. Humans I mean. You're not like. Allergic. Are you. To spiders."

"Spiders can be poisonous, so we tend not to eat them," the chef responds. "But you say they taste good?"

Breathing hard as he can only helplessly watch Mrs. Ancip be attacked, he feels his blood start to boil. Embracing his inner rage, he shouts to anyone who might be nearby, "Get some guards, we're being attacked!" He swings his horns at one of the attackers, grateful that even when he surrenders his weapons he is never truly unarmed.

Bonus action to Rage, no Divine Fury
Attack one of the assasins twice, for non-lethal damage if relevant
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

His first blow, taking the assassin by slight surprise, deals a heft blow. The second one misses, though, as the assassin twists out of the way.

The prone assassin leaps to his feet and swings at Justin, once, twice!

[roll2] poison damage

[roll5] poison damage

But Mrs. Ancip, fire in her eyes, swings recklessly at the wounded assassin.




The wounded assassin looks to be on his last legs.

48 damage taken.

Brad looks her in the fearful eyes. My friend will return here tomorrow. Alone. And then you can deal with your problem. Stay safe. He loosens his grip and follows Michael.

Sorry, Mike. But it is just a scene if you make trouble for no reason. This human clearly has reason to distrust the guard. And it should never be this way. he says while keeping up with the quicker human. Did you do something unpopular recently?

"No! All I did recently was hunt the bullette," he says. "And look-once we get to the palace, I'll ask some of the clerics to see if we have any criminal records involving her-maybe some guards failed to rescue her in time or something, I don't know."

2018-01-07, 12:50 PM
Seeing Mrs. Ancip throwing herself into the fray despite her injuries fills Justin with determination. He lowers his head and swings his horns with reckless abandon as well into the fray of the three assassins ahead of him. Once, twice, before giving a mighty headbutt to one of the assassins in hopes to send him stumbling back, giving him and his ally a moment's reprieve to focus on whoever is left standing.

Using Reckless Attacks this round. Here's how I pictured the attacks happening. One swing at the injured assassin, and then another if he's still standing. Otherwise, swing at the second assassin.

Attacks; [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3] or [roll4] for [roll5]

Bonus action to use Hammering Horns to shove the third assassin away, regardless of the Attacks' outcomes; [roll6] or [roll7]

2018-01-07, 01:28 PM
The first assailant goes down, but in a flurry of blade, the second one knocks Justin's horns aside.

The third one, though, is knocked back, stumbling slightly.


2018-01-07, 02:36 PM
Thanks. Sorry for making a scene. Not pleased with his experience but still content with his reaction he hurries to leave the area where it happened. Let's see what the others have been up to. I bet Parker has made food already.

He doesn't look the type but he enjoys a hearty meal though Brad is not picky when it comes to eating.

2018-01-07, 03:17 PM
Thanks. Sorry for making a scene. Not pleased with his experience but still content with his reaction he hurries to leave the area where it happened. Let's see what the others have been up to. I bet Parker has made food already.

He doesn't look the type but he enjoys a hearty meal though Brad is not picky when it comes to eating.

You two head back for the castle, Michael leading the way down a slightly obscure entrance and into the kitchen area, where the servants are starting to ramp up in preparation for dinner.

2018-01-07, 09:34 PM
"Perhaps, perhaps... But monsters are cunning and canny foes. Wait here," he says, and stands to leave the room.

El watches as the vizier leaves the room, maintaining her stony demeanor. As soon as he exits, she explodes in bubbly laughter. Turning to Asgore, she remarks: "Did you see that! That was fun! Is all diplomatic relation-building like this?"

With the vizier gone, she flies a brief circle around the room, looking for anything of note. Mostly interesting and shiny human baubles, but she wouldn't mind looking at noteworthy paperwork.

Perception roll: [roll0] with Guidance [roll1]

2018-01-07, 10:05 PM
Asgore steeples his hands. Something's not quite right here... El, do you think you could follow him? he asks.

Nothing of note, really. There's a few lanterns attached to the walls, all lit brightly, and a El finds a discarded note. It reads, in sloppy writing:

"I luv love lov yu so much!

2018-01-07, 10:26 PM
"Poisonous. Huh." Parker is surprised to learn that surface spiders could be so toxic! Then again, Muffet likes to keep a lot of toxic purple stuff around, so maybe it isn't so surprising. "I'll have to be careful with the ones I find up here then. But anyway yeah. We usually make them into cider and donuts. But they're good in anything really."

Brad and Mike sneak in through the back entrance as some other cooks start firing up the meat oven.

"Hey guys. What's up. I think it's chef's turn to show me some Human cooking techniques."

2018-01-07, 10:29 PM
"Yes-I'm afraid that, with dinner coming within the hour, you'll simply have to watch and learn," the chef says. "Feel free to observe, just don't touch WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT MEAT!" he shouts across the room to Michael, who has laid hands on a slice of beef.

2018-01-07, 10:37 PM
Asgore steeples his hands. Something's not quite right here... El, do you think you could follow him? he asks.

Nothing of note, really. There's a few lanterns attached to the walls, all lit brightly, and a El finds a discarded note. It reads, in sloppy writing:

"I luv love lov yu so much!

Eladriel glances at the note, memorizing the handwriting. Hm - a family man? He doesn't quite seem the type. The note was on the floor...

She perks up when Asgore speaks. "Yes, of course!" Of course something's not right - who would throw out a note from their child?

She flies down the hallway, staying near the ceiling. Humans so rarely watched the skies.

Stealth: [roll0] and Guidance [roll1]

In my first 3-second glance at the email, my mind immediately jumped to 'poorly hidden affair'. I'm not sure what that says about me.

2018-01-07, 10:51 PM
Has several spell components. You get one cast before you start sneaking, but casting it furthermore will give your sport away as you cast the spell.

El jets out, nearly getting spotted by a few passing servants. You'll have to be more careful if you want to avoid being noticed by the vizier, who is just ahead, rounding a corner.

2018-01-07, 11:37 PM
How noisy/crowded is the hallway? Would a passing servant be distracted by a noise (e.g. a mouse squeaking at their feet, someone whispers "Hey, look here" near their ear) or would said noise be drowned out by the background? If so, El will make a Minor Illusion(S and M components) of such a noise against any servants that might notice her. I shouldn't need to take the Hide action every turn, right? I'm good with one roll until I'm noticed? DC 15 Investigation check to realize it's an illusion, but it's a one-time noise - I'm hoping the servants think they're just hearing things. It's a rough job, being a royal servant, and after a while of being at the beck and call of the rich, it just takes a toll, y'know?

Also, can El tell where they are going? Obviously, she's not familiar with the castle layout, but are the hallways getting more or less crowded? Is it getting louder or quieter? Are we in drab servant's quarters or the richly decorated rooms of the nobles?

If I do need to reroll Stealth: [roll0]. If not, a 14 should beat all of the servants' passive perception, and who would be wandering the castle looking for fairies? Cue the vizier's daughter.

"Eep!" El stumbles over a passing servant - in her rush to catch up to the vizier, her foot caught in his hair! Luckily, the servants were largely oblivious, absorbed into their work. Hmph ... gotta be more careful, El. She takes a moment to adjust her mad flight closer to the ceiling, but realizes the she's about to lose the vizier. Wait - I'm supposed to be following you!

2018-01-07, 11:42 PM
It's more a CHANCE to reroll it, since that was pretty crap. Good enough for servants, not as good for a vizier.

The halls, as she follows the vizier through the air, grow steadily less crowded, and less ornate. El notices the vizier is going down a lot of stairs, heading steadily deeper into the bowels of the castle.


The vizier knows he's being followed. He's leading you somewhere.

2018-01-08, 12:13 AM
Wait a second - he's going into the dungeons!

El's first realization quickly leads to another, far more startling than the first.

Wait a second - he's leading ME into the dungeons!

Steeling her nerves, she mutters a quick prayer - stealth hardly mattered anymore - before confronting the royal official.

"Erm, excuse me, Vizier Kazik. I don't mean to intrude or bother you, but I was wondering if perhaps you could tell me where you were taking me. That is, if it's not too much trouble for you - I know you're a busy man, with much to attend to."

She smiles sweetly, almost sickeningly so, fluttering down to head height.

Cha check: [roll0] with Guidance [roll1]

Intimidation/Performance to remind (or convince, as the case may be) the vizier that El is not a fool. She will not simply be led into a trap; she and the rest of the monsters are equals with the humans. This may not be the case exactly (the trap bit, that is), but he better believe it!

2018-01-08, 12:35 AM
The vizier turns to face her. "I should be asking you why you're following me."

Make a Perception check or rely on passive perception.

2018-01-08, 04:43 AM
Just checking on everyone. But how could I ignore the aroma of this fi... Brad almost gets tackled in the hectic and busy kitchen. I suppose I am in the way? Mike, Parker? We should leave as I can imagine the Vizier gets cranky when food is not ready on the point.

He looks around. Have you seen the others? I would like to exchange impressions before dinner, starting with my fluffy coworker and your family.

2018-01-08, 04:46 AM
Justin swings his horns wildly at the assasin still in front of him, determined to get past the flashy bladed dance with brute force.

Recklessly Attacking the Assassin.

or [1d20+6 for
[roll2] or [1d20+6 for [roll3]

2018-01-08, 08:56 PM
The vizier turns to face her. "I should be asking you why you're following me."

Make a Perception check or rely on passive perception.

Someone's coming quickly from behind.

Justin swings his horns wildly at the assasin still in front of him, determined to get past the flashy bladed dance with brute force.

Recklessly Attacking the Assassin.

[roll0] or [1d20+6 for
[roll2] or [1d20+6 for [roll3]

The assassin takes some nasty hits, and you start to hear footsteps approaching. The two remaining look to each other, and each grab their companion, quickly dragging him away. In the confusion, and with each of them leaving a hand free to hold their knives, you aren't able to get a good blow in against them, but the dropped assassin has left a knife behind.

2018-01-09, 01:04 AM
Someone's coming quickly from behind.

"Well, I --" Eladriel begins to explain her stalking before being cut off by the sounds of quick footsteps behind her. She, too, was being followed! She whirls around, flying back into the air. Perhaps all those years of flying about in the underground were about to pay off - an about-face in the air is no simple task.

"It seems I could ask you the same question, Vizier. And you, you thought you could sneak up on a Pixie? You'd have had better luck flying!"

Her words drip with sarcasm and power.

Turning around to see who's approaching. If a friend (one of the monsters or guards that we met with) or neutral and obviously not a threat (panicked servant, chef with hands full),then simply insulting them. Otherwise, using Vicious Mockery on them. DC 15 Will save [roll0] or [roll1] damage and disadv on next attack.

2018-01-09, 05:15 AM
Not willing to let them get away, Justin barrels off after the assassins, hoping he caught sight of the corner they disappeared behind.

Hot on their tails, Justin attempts to finish the fight. He swings wildly at the injured assassin twice with his horns, once to hopefully fell him, again to shove him away from his companion if able. Wheeling with the momentum of his swings, he turns to grab at the last assassin with both hands, hoping to prevent his escape.

Move up to 40' to catch up to the assassins
Reckless Attack on the injured assassin; [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
Bonus Action to Hammering Horns shove him away if he's still standing; [roll3] or [roll4]
Extra Attack to Grapple the uninjured assassin [roll5] or [roll6]

2018-01-09, 07:04 AM
Brad looks at Parker intently watching, muttering a Sure, whatevs. I go look on my own. and marches out into the hallway. He looks for the others in the quarters where he first left.

If I hear fighting I will of course starting rushing down the hallway, given the fight is not over yet.

2018-01-09, 08:44 AM
"Well, I --" Eladriel begins to explain her stalking before being cut off by the sounds of quick footsteps behind her. She, too, was being followed! She whirls around, flying back into the air. Perhaps all those years of flying about in the underground were about to pay off - an about-face in the air is no simple task.

"It seems I could ask you the same question, Vizier. And you, you thought you could sneak up on a Pixie? You'd have had better luck flying!"

Her words drip with sarcasm and power.

Turning around to see who's approaching. If a friend (one of the monsters or guards that we met with) or neutral and obviously not a threat (panicked servant, chef with hands full),then simply insulting them. Otherwise, using Vicious Mockery on them. DC 15 Will save [roll0] or [roll1] damage and disadv on next attack.

Eladriel turns and laces her words with magic, but the oncoming person, bearing a wicked-looking scimitar, seems unfazed. They reach up with their blade, preparing to attack as the vizier says one word:


His own word layered with magic of his own.

DC 17 Wisdom save, or Commanded to Freeze.

Not willing to let them get away, Justin barrels off after the assassins, hoping he caught sight of the corner they disappeared behind.

Hot on their tails, Justin attempts to finish the fight. He swings wildly at the injured assassin twice with his horns, once to hopefully fell him, again to shove him away from his companion if able. Wheeling with the momentum of his swings, he turns to grab at the last assassin with both hands, hoping to prevent his escape.

Move up to 40' to catch up to the assassins
Reckless Attack on the injured assassin; [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
Bonus Action to Hammering Horns shove him away if he's still standing; [roll3] or [roll4]
Extra Attack to Grapple the uninjured assassin [roll5] or [roll6]

As Justin speeds off, he sees Mrs. Ancip rushing into the throne room, heedless of her own injuries, to check on the king.

Around the corner...

The wall is off, just slightly. It's extended out maybe a quarter of an inch-but no wall was like that before. A hidden passageway, almost certainly.

Brad looks at Parker intently watching, muttering a Sure, whatevs. I go look on my own. and marches out into the hallway. He looks for the others in the quarters where he first left.

If I hear fighting I will of course starting rushing down the hallway, given the fight is not over yet.

Michael sticks with Brad, sheepish after being caught red-handed.

The fight's winding down already, so I doubt you'll get there in time. Unless Justin manages to catch the would-be assassins.

2018-01-09, 09:25 AM
Justin turns the corner, but something about the wall just looks wrong. He pauses, catching his breath as the rush of battle subsides. He narrows his eyes at the strange portion of wall and starts probing it for a way to gain access to the not-so-secret passageway that he expected to find behind it.

Rage goes away. One more before the tank is empty.

2018-01-09, 09:36 AM
El watches as her words fail to take effect. She starts cursing, but is quickly cut off, left floating motionless near the ceiling.

Hopefully he can't reach me up here...

Failed Will save on Freeze Command

2018-01-09, 09:53 AM
Justin turns the corner, but something about the wall just looks wrong. He pauses, catching his breath as the rush of battle subsides. He narrows his eyes at the strange portion of wall and starts probing it for a way to gain access to the not-so-secret passageway that he expected to find behind it.

Rage goes away. One more before the tank is empty.

There's a chink in the wall that seems to have a switch in it.

Huh. Was sorta expecting you to try bashing it down. Ah well, investigation check it is!

El watches as her words fail to take effect. She starts cursing, but is quickly cut off, left floating motionless near the ceiling.

Hopefully he can't reach me up here...

Failed Will save on Freeze Command

Two things: One, you aren't flapping your wings. So you drop.

And two, the halls aren't that tall, excepting the main halls, which this is definitely not.

The man's blade goes snicker-snack as he slices into El. The vizier, though, says "Don't kill her! We might need hostages."

[roll1] Advantage

[roll4] Advantage

Nonlethal if it takes you below 0.

2018-01-09, 10:02 AM
El whimpers and falls limp on the ground.

I'm sorry, Asgore...

2018-01-09, 10:09 AM
El's vision fades to black as her attacker reaches down to grab her...

2018-01-09, 10:09 AM
Justin frowns and gives the wall a frustrated punch. The only thing keeping him from just tearing down the wall was the thought that it would be difficult to explain the damage later. He was pretty sure Asgore wanted them to stay out of trouble as much as possible. On the other hand, having stumbled upon a band of cloaked assassins seemed like a lot of trouble already. he sighs, and takes a few steps back from the wall. Pawing at the the ground with his left hoof, he charges into the wall with his shoulder, hoping that the assassins hadn't gotten too far away already.

Strength Check? [roll0] +3 from the result if Athletics is more appropriate

2018-01-09, 10:12 AM
The wall cracks slightly-a normal wall wouldn't (being a sturdy castle), but this false one is apparently thinner. A few more charges should do it in.

As Justin is realizing this, though, several guards round the corner. "What's going on-" they start, as Mrs. Ancip whirls around the corner, fire in her eyes and maul in hands.

"Justin-where'd they go?" she asks.

"Ma'am, what's going-" one of the guards starts, before being shut down by a glare.

2018-01-09, 10:20 AM
Justin snorts and rolls his head as the laws of physics force him back a few steps after crashing into the wall. When the guards turn the corner, he tenses, momentarily fearing that he would be catching some of the blame for what was going on. Fortunately, Mrs. Ancip's presence clears any thoughts on the subject. After she barks her question, he points towards the now partially cracked portion of wall, and answers simply, "Cracked wall is a secret passage Ma'am." His speech is cut a bit shorter, Mrs. Ancip momentarily assuming command in his mind, given her position and Asgore's absence from the scene. "Couldn't find a way in, but I think if we all give a few swings we can bust through." He takes another deep breath, preparing to slam into the wall again, pending Mrs. Ancip's permission.

Another strength check, perhaps? [roll0]

2018-01-09, 10:24 AM
Mrs. Ancip nods, and as Justin readies his charge, she slams her maul into the wall.

She cracks it wide open, and barks out a few orders. "You two-with me. We're going in. You two," she says to the remaining two, "stay with Justin. And give him one of your back-up weapons."

"Ma'am, are you sure?"

"Am I unclear? Arm him, keep him safe, and let everyone know what happened," she says as she steps into the cracked wall. "Justin, stay with your king. I won't have a diplomat risk his life for our country-not when we've done nothing for you."

[roll0] Strength check
[roll1] with advantage, for having a good tool for busting walls.

2018-01-09, 10:37 AM
Justin exhales, a bit impatiently. It felt wrong to let her go after the assassins when he was partially responsible for not being able to get to them sooner. However, orders were orders, and he gives a curt nod and a salute. "Yes'm." Once Mrs. Ancip leaves, he turns to one of the guards that's supposed to stay with him, and says, "You can hand me a weapon while we walk. I want to check something nearby first, and then I ask that you take me to your vizier. As far as I know, King Asgore has a meeting with him, along with one of my other friends, so I assume that is where I can find him."

He turns to go back to the initial scene where the fight had broken out, hoping the assassin's weapon might still be there. Whether he finds it or not, he allows the guards assigned to him to guide him to the vizier and hopefully to Asgore.

Perception; [roll0] to find the knife quickly, if the guards let Justin go looking real quick. If not, he allows them to help him join back up with the others.

2018-01-09, 12:33 PM
Justin quickly grabs the knife, and when he turns back to the guards, one has a short sword held out for him, pommel facing Justin. "Here-arm yourself."

The guards lead you through a brief journey along the palace, leading to a small but well-appointed meeting chamber. Along the way, you run into Michael, Brad, and Parker, and bring them up to speed.

In the room, Asgore is standing, arms behind his back. What's the matter?

"There was an attack," one of the guards says. "Your companion-Justin, right?-has more information."

As Justin explains what happens, Asgore begins to frown. Eladriel went off by herself, following the vizier. We need to find her-now!

2018-01-09, 04:14 PM
Brad stares silently at a wall to calm his nerves. He just grumbles in a dark voice. Glaive. Now! while holding out his right hand. I suppose we ARE in a storybook, my king. Brad looks around, when finally asking Mrs Ancip for directions. Do you have a dungeon or similar? And where is the Vizier stationed during his duty?

2018-01-09, 06:02 PM
Brad looks at Parker intently watching, muttering a Sure, whatevs. I go look on my own. and marches out into the hallway.

"What. Oh yeah sorry. I'm coming." Parker waves goodbye to the kitchen staff before turning to follow the more traditional guard-diplomats out. "I'll have to take a raincheck Chef. See you later."

The guards lead you through a brief journey along the palace, leading to a small but well-appointed meeting chamber. Along the way, you run into Michael, Brad, and Parker, and bring them up to speed.

Asgore begins to frown. Eladriel went off by herself, following the vizier. We need to find her-now!

"Well crap. Which way did they go." Parker doesn't wait long for an answer before making the obvious connection. "Oh right. Secret passage probably. Let's go Justin."

2018-01-09, 10:15 PM
The group heads back to where Justin found the passageway. They find Mrs. Ancip coming out of it. She spots them and their escorts, and says "It splits off-too many directions for one person to follow, and hell if I'm going to send anyone in alone. Gerald, get the guards-all of them. We're scouring the palace, and we're doing it now!"

As Gerald, one of your guards, rushes to obey her orders, she turns to your group. "Do any of you have any way of tracking your friend? Time is of the essence."

2018-01-10, 06:14 AM
I hope she is not hurt but if we are we all leave a small trail of monster dust behind. Maybe Parker can find it. Brad thinks extremely hard. Otherwise my creator Alphys taught how to check for magic. We are made of magic, they say. So maybe this could work. Or at least if she used some of her magic. We got a few minutes for finding her once I cast my magic. But tell me, Madam. If the vizier is responsible and threatens Eladriel I cannot guarantee for not using force against your superior. I will try to catch him alive however. If I kill him while he resists, I will stand before your jury. My king and associates however should be free. I have learned about your society. People do not know each other and blame responsible groups. Michael was blamed for a mistake of the guard down in the marketplace. Injuring your vizier could ruin our diplomatic relation for a long time but I will not sacrifice El for the greater good.

I cast Detect Magic and try to follow a magical trail down the tunnel.

2018-01-10, 09:18 AM
Justin shrugs. "I can try and track her the normal way. I'm no slouch at finding tracks." He pauses, as a thought occurs. "Well, except El can fly and doesn't really walk anywhere, so she doesn't leave tracks..." Nonetheless, he moves next to Brad and tries to assist him with following whatever trail he picks up. Two sets of eyes have to be better than one, after all.

I guess I'll help, since I don't know how much a survival roll would bring to the situation.

2018-01-10, 09:25 AM
Brad concentrates on his spell, and sees a faint trail. It's indistinct and murky, but he's able to follow it, with only a few interruptions of the path. As you go, Mrs. Ancip orders three guards to stay with you and keep your group safe, but then goes to direct the scouring of the castle and protect her liege.

Eventually, the trail ends in an out of the way corridor near the bottom of the castle. There's a greater confluence of El's magical residue, probably indicating a fight, but then it's gone.

The most likely explanation is that she was stuffed into a bag or something-that would prevent you from following her trail.

2018-01-10, 11:12 PM
"Welp. We know they didn't go back up. So there's only one way to go."

Parker continues down the stairs ahead of the others, keeping an eye out for traps and puzzles but not so much as to slow down progress. This place feels a lot like home, too.

2018-01-10, 11:15 PM
The halls wind ever deeper. One of the guards says "We're getting near the dungeons. Doesn't go much deeper than that."

2018-01-10, 11:45 PM
"That's fine. Dungeons are my element."

I thought the kitchen was our element.

Kitchens and dungeons. Kitchen-dungeons. Both.

Parker also keeps a lookout for spiders. Even in the underground, spiders have something of an affinity for basements. Maybe they'll have some answers for us.

2018-01-11, 05:22 AM
There was a fight going on here. The magic trail ends here. Perhaps El was stuffed away, into a bag or a similar. But magic was used in the fight. So our enemy could be able to cast spells as well.

The dragon looks around. Parker, Brad. This is your part now.

2018-01-11, 05:53 AM
There was a fight going on here. The magic trail ends here. Perhaps El was stuffed away, into a bag or a similar. But magic was used in the fight. So our enemy could be able to cast spells as well.

The dragon looks around. Parker, Brad. This is your part now.

Justin can't help but give an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow to his companion. "Talking in the third person now are we?" He takes a moment to gently poke an elbow into the Brad's side, chuckling for at what was probably just a momentary lapse in concentration. He too keeps his eyes peeled, wondering aloud to one of the guards with them; "Are the dungeons used at all? Doesn't seem like a popular part of the castle if there's secret tunnels leading to it."

2018-01-11, 04:12 PM
"They're not in much use, no. We have less... Brutal prisons for offenders. These dungeons are only for traitors and other high crimes," one of the guards says. "Although because of that, they've got a lot of extra precautions in place. Magic wardings, thick bars, all sorts of things."

2018-01-11, 05:39 PM
Brad stares blankly at Justin then starts to blush heavily. Ehrm...well, go on then. Find her.

2018-01-11, 05:49 PM
Brad stares blankly at Justin then starts to blush heavily. Ehrm...well, go on then. Find her.

Justin shakes his head and chuckles, but lays off the dragonborn. "I'm on it." He begins to search for any clues as to anyone recently passing through, examining the floor for any signs of disturbance.

Perception to find tracks; [roll0]
Survival to pick up the trail and start following it; [roll1]

2018-01-11, 05:56 PM
As Justin begins his searching, one of the guards stops for a moment and ***** his head. He takes the other guard to the side and whispers to him.

"What? What's the matter?" the second guard asks.

"You know how the vizier is a mage, right? Well, he just sent me a message-tellpically... Telepeportily... Mentally."

"What'd he say?"

"He was followed by the pixie, right? And so he had her attacked by one of the other guards, and he's starting interrogating her. They're not here peacefully-they're trying to kill us!"

"But Master Ancip..."

"I know what she said! Which is why... I don't know. I mean, I know Kazik is ranked higher, but I just don't trust him as much as that family."

Unfortunately, the cleanly kept castle bears no tracks. The cold stone has no information for you.

2018-01-12, 12:39 AM

Truthfully, it doesn't matter what the guards said. Parker proceeds down into the dungeon to continue the search.

2018-01-12, 06:42 AM
Completely focussed on finding Eladriel, Brad begins to become annoyed at Justin. Can you find the tracks or not? Hurry up. The dragon bottles up his rage for now. The only thing showing his agitated state is the small amount of smoke exiting his nostrils with every other step, like a 7 foot scaley locomotive.

2018-01-12, 06:54 AM
Justin stands back up and shrugs to Brad. "No signs of nothin'. Castle's too clean to find tracks or anything."

Ah yes, the guard roosters his head. The bane of writing-focused forums everywhere :smallbiggrin:


Justin's ears flick for a moment as he catches the guard's conversation. He taps Brad's armored shoulder before pointing towards the guards. "They seem to know something though. Seems you were right, the vizier has something to do with this. Got a guard to attack El and everythin'." He turns his head to address the conspiratorial guards, a look of utter unamusement on his face. "Ain't that right boys?"

2018-01-12, 07:55 AM
They did WHAT? the dragon almost shouts. RG-03 approaches the two human guards with a big step, standing at a comfortable distance, tucking away his weapon for diplomatic reasons - perhaps to protect the guards from poor impulse control too. Brad concentrates hard on not raging out and asks slowly, with a low growl under his voice: You two wouldn't do anything to hinder our advances, would you? I trust you would aid us and show us the way if you can, would you? And seeing as we haven't done anything to deserve this kind of hostility, if you know where our friend is, I will promise we will go openly towards your vizier and negotiate with him. Fear can be a mind killer, and maybe he acted without a cool head.

You WILL TELL ME THE TRUTH, RIGHT? Brad utters, his voice swinging with magical gravitas. Do you know where the vizier is? As he utters the words, he folds his hands in a prayer-like fashion, as if to plead the guards to speak the truth.

Casting zone of truth here.
DC 14 Charisma save, 15 ft centered on me, 10 minutes. guards know they cannot speak lies but they can evade the subject. I know if someone has passed their save.
Also Persuasion to convince them of my honesty: [roll0] [roll1]
Twice for if you want advantage or disadvantage; if not, pick the first roll.
Also Sense Motive to gauge their general attitude towards us: [roll2] [roll3]

2018-01-12, 10:55 AM

The guards instinctively go for their weapons, but when Brad sheathes his, they take a deep breath and, while their hands never leave their hilts, they don't draw their weapons. One of them says "No-we don't. We just... Look, we don't really like Kazik! We trust the Ancip family a lot more, but he's technically their superior, and ours! I don't want to go into the dungeon for treason."

"Just..." the other guard says, "I don't know. We'll-" he starts, before being cut off by a high-pitched, tiny scream from deeper in the dungeon.

Where El is, she finally awakens.

You've gotten a short rest, so spend some hit dice!

She finds herself hanging from chains in a dungeon cell, with magical wards swirling around her. Before she really has a chance to fully register her situation, though, the wards spark, and an agonizing jolt of pain shoots through her, causing her to scream.

Taking minor liberties with El here, since she's still not fully awake yet. I'll let you determine what she does from here on out, but the first scream... Nothing you can really do about it.

If you REALLY feel that's not in character for El, let me know and we can retcon it.

2018-01-12, 05:01 PM
Justin frowns as he hears the scream, and can only internally hope that they aren't moving too slowly. He speaks curtly to Brad, "No time, come on," and immediately rushes off in the direction of the scream, gripping the shortsword he had been offered tightly in one hand.

2018-01-12, 05:13 PM
Let us handle the situation. Now come on. Brad turns around and draws his polearm again, rushing in towards the scream.

2018-01-12, 05:34 PM
It takes only a few minutes to find the source, the guards coming along behind, still unsure of themselves.

In a cell, behind thick bars, is Eladriel, suspended in chains, at the center of a circle of arcane power. Glyphs float in the air around her, and more shield the bars.

2018-01-12, 09:45 PM
Without even thinking to say anything, the spider zips up to investigate the metal prison and pokes the floating sigils with one of many fingers.

"Pff. Wards. Hang on."

Parker reaches into the lining of their coat and retrieves a small set of hairpins, among the very few things in their inventory that couldn't possibly count as weapons. Anti-magic measures aside, the fundamental workings of the common lock haven't changed in a long time.

Thieves' tools! [roll0]

While Parker is in the technical mindset of undoing the lock, an interesting fact jumps out at them. Did they just like. Snap a human manacle around her waist. Or do they seriously have pixie-sized chains around for some reason.

2018-01-12, 10:06 PM
El's actions are fine.


El screams as the sudden jolt of magic startles her awake. Her wings flap furiously as her thoughts race just as quickly.

Where am I? What happened? Where's the Vizier? Large man with a large knife! Oh no, where's Asgore? The magic didn't work! Wait - the vizier's magic! I wonder if he can fly? If the Vizier is magic, then the prison is too. Can I still escape with magic?

She flails about, wings flapping rapidly as she struggles for every bit of spare room in her bindings, trying to find the wiggle room to cast a spell. She runs through her repertoire, attempting everything from sundering it with her bare hands to mocking it into dust.

"Stupid manacles of inferior human make! Why, I've seen pixie bindings twice as strong in the Underground!" Surely they can't have been *expecting* to house a pixie down here...

Attempting to cast every cantrip El knows. Notably, Vicious Mockery has only V components, and El doesn't seem to be gagged.

Then, attempting Sleight of Hand to escape the bindings. [roll0]

2018-01-12, 11:15 PM
Time is not necessarily of the essence at the moment, but it is urgent enough that I won't let you just take 20 on this.

How does taking 15 sound? It'll take five times as long as just a single attempt.

Parker's initial attempt to get through the locks fails, though the spider gleans enough info that he knows it's certainly not beyond his capabilities. El, meanwhile, struggles quite fruitlessly-it's unlikely she'll be able to get out without any outside assistance. While any individual manacle would be improperly sized for her slight form, there's a lot of them.

The guards seem... Perhaps not aghast, but certainly not happy about the situation. "I never knew the dungeons were that bad..." one says.

There's something wrong with the wards. Well, perhaps not WRONG, but... Unexpected. They seem to let someone who knows how they work tap into them and assume the form of whoever's trapped within, at the cost of making it much easier to escape from.

2018-01-13, 01:45 AM
Parker tries a few more hairpins of different sizes on the hefty human lock. It's not even that complicated, but the internal tumbler seems weirdly heavy.

"Hang on El. I've just about. Uh."

I really have no idea how long picking a lock normally takes. Isn't this technically something that Parker can do as a bonus action? That's a weird thought.



"Got it."

2018-01-15, 03:15 PM
El wriggles as the skilled spider picks the many locks holding her captive.

"Thanks! But you still need to work with the wards ... It's like a physical lock, but magic - you just need to manipulate the right arcane tumblers, and it should click like any other. Imagine picking an electrified lock - this is much the same. Be careful!

Arcana DC 15 (going to give you a few rolls):

BA to inspire Parker - +1d6 on a d20 roll in the next 10 minutes.

Also, spending HD, because that's a thing I didn't do yet.

May spend more, depending on rolls. Will roll in the OOC if so.

2018-01-15, 09:55 PM
"Oh. OK. Uh."

After seeing the shock that the letter-shaped magic bullets gave Eladriel a second ago, Parker knows to be extra-careful with them. "So. I guess these ones're matching up with the little etched marks on the metal. Do you think it's alphabetical. Or maybe color coded. Or both."

It doesn't take long for El to identify what the actual sigils mean and what they're supposed to do. Like most locks, it's really just a puzzle in disguise. And Parker does like their puzzles.


After a moment's pause to parse the colors, shapes, and patterns in the air, Parker finds their corresponding mechanisms on the lock itself and carefully reaches through to pinch and twist them in the correct order. Soon enough, the lights all change color in recognition and the chains unlock themselves.

Dex Save: [roll1]
Ow: [roll2]
Picklock: [roll3]

Dex Save: [roll4]
OW: [roll5]
Picklock #3: [roll6]

Dex Save: [roll7]
OW OW OW: [roll8]
Picklock #4: [roll9]

Dex Save: [roll10]
OW OW OW OW OW: [roll11]
Picklock #5: [roll12]

Dex Save: [roll13]
Picklock #6: [roll15]

2018-01-15, 10:24 PM
In a surprisingly short period of time, the wards are down. The manacles, while impossible for El to take off on her own, are a relatively simple matter to remove from the outside, and soon enough, the pixie is free.

"So, erm..." one of the guards says. "Is there any chance we can place you under arrest? I mean, we've kind of been ordered to, and... Well..." he trails off as he notices your looks.

2018-01-16, 04:48 AM
Justin looks around, slightly confused. "Us? You want to arrest us? On what charges?"

2018-01-16, 10:29 AM
Brad hands them his polearm and holds his arms together to be bound. Intrusion on an area with restricted access. An undeserved arrest but you are just doing your job, right? Brad winks as he gauges the reaction fo the guardsmen.

2018-01-16, 01:01 PM
"Um... Yeah, sure," the guard says.

The other guard starts taking some of El's manacles and puts them on Brad first. Asgore sighs, but acquiesces, though he does say Eladriel has spent enough time in chains. She'll give her word that she'll behave-right, El?-but I don't think she needs to be bound again.

2018-01-16, 01:31 PM
Justin sighs as Brad mentions that they are simply obeying orders, knowing full well that he would probably do the same thing in their position. Not that Asgore would ever do something like this in the first place... Once he sees Asgore relent, he follows his king's example, turning over the shortsword the guard had given to him earlier before offering his wrists to be manacled as well.

2018-01-16, 01:56 PM
The guards, after binding the group's wrists (with the exception of El) leads them up out of the dungeon.

As you reach a less cold and deep part of the castle, you see several other guards at watch. "Earl-you've caught them?"

"Yes?" one of the guards escorting you answers.

"Good," the first guard who spoke says. "The pixie nearly killed the queen with a poisoned dagger. But why are you bringing them out of the dungeons?"

2018-01-16, 05:04 PM
I highly doubt Eladriel would do such a thing. But I trust in you giving us a fair trial to reveal the truth. Brad smiles sincerely although he somewhat doubts that the higher-ups are not plotting something sinister. These hapless minions cannot do anything other than playing along the charade.

He stops at the mere thought of correcting the guards to correctly gauge Eladriel's combat style who if really a traitor would rather have used enchantments and spells rather than a poison dagger.

2018-01-16, 08:41 PM
"Yeah. Also. Ancip checked us for weapons before we got here. He'd've found it if she had it."


"Wait. El. You said the wards were keeping a copy of your physical form for some reason. Do you think they could have used it for an illusion or something."

(El certainly rolled high enough to beat the Arcana spoiler from earlier, so I'm assuming she mentioned it as part of her explanation.)

2018-01-16, 10:17 PM
El follows the group back up, firmly seated on Justin's shoulder to show that she has no intentions of running off or causing trouble. "You guys aren't going to throw me back down there, are you? I don't think I've been arrested before..."

When confronted with the accusation, El stands abruptly.

"I did no such thing! I've spent the last gods-know-how-long being crushed to death in your human-sized manacles in that torture chamber down there! Wait ... a poisoned dagger? Do you have the dagger? Is it, like, human sized like all the other things around here? Because I don't think I could even lift a human sized dagger - it's bigger than I am!"

Her anger disappears as she muses, perhaps unwisely, on the subject of assassination with oversized weapons.

"I'd probably cut myself on it no matter how I held it... Maybe if I balanced it between my feet, tied it there, hung on to a bird that flew over the castle, and cut the rope? No, I'd have to hold on to the bird... Maybe if I tied my hands to the bird! No, I'd still have to cut the rope..."

Realizing her situation, she flushes briefly before returning to the matter at hand. "Erm, no, sorry. You have the wrong pixie - absurd bird antics aside, not only would such an act be disastrous for my King, I could not have possibly physically committed the act."

"It's definitely possible for them to have a copy of me, even without the torture chamber - to create an illusion of someone, all you need is to see them. And I don't think we were exactly unnoticed here..."

The assassins were using human-sized weaponry, I hope? Otherwise, that's one hell of a cover-up. They specifically crafted useless weaponry for the purpose of framing the foreign dignitaries from a country no one has seen for centuries. Kudos to whoever the hell planned that far in advance - he deserves to rule the country.

Ooh, but if there are pixie-sized poisoned daggers, El wants one. For magic! Probably better to pick it up on the way back to the Underground, though, after all the diplomacy rather than during.

2018-01-17, 12:03 AM
I am hoping I am wrong here but I think they have found either your "longsword" near their empress or they just found the queen with a tiny stabbing wound. In any case, I hope she is alright? If not I can always remove the poison though I think you have more capable healers than me, I suppose. The dragon looks positively crushed by his findings. Or in another case of magical tampering with the mind, maybe they just 'remember' having seen you? Illusions can often be as simple as convincing the few guards the queen has around her that El was absolutely and positively there.

2018-01-17, 01:24 PM
Justin chips in as well. "Mrs. Ancip and I were there when the first assassins struck, and El wasn't with them.
Even if my word doesn't count for anything, hers should."

2018-01-17, 08:17 PM
"Both of the elder Ancips were there when she attacked-and believe me, they aren't happy to have their trust betrayed like that. So, if I were you," the guard says, "I'd shut the hell up before you get yourselves in worse trouble."

The guards who were escorting you seem confused now, with the quieter one saying "We found her down there..."

But, as he speaks, Garrett Ancip Senior comes in. "You-" he begins, before letting out a short but brutal stream of expletives. "We gave you a chance, and this is how you repay us? How long have you been planning this? Was the bullette yours too?"