View Full Version : Looking for a well fitting Evil God

2017-12-07, 02:01 PM
Hello and Salutations!

At the moment my newest character (I posted questions for him here a few times, Dark tempalted Warforged Rogue/Warblade Gestalt) is actively corrupting the group towards Lawful Evilness.
He is so far relatively subtle, but with a little help from him being half illithid by now (dont ask, we were experimented with, and our halfling is now of cthuloid mouth^^), one has already fallen, the other is weakening.

Ergo I intend to get some benefits from a fitting God and/or his clergy, even while not being a cleric. Compliance should after all be rewarded. ^^

Now as at the moment I do not know on which plane/in which Universe we are, but as the GM stated that "large and important Gods are here, as well as really subtle ones". Maybe also homebrewed ones, but the GM does not tend towards such.

My question is: which Evil God, preferrably Lawful Evil but Neutral Evil would work as a last ditch solution, that fulfills the following requirements is both Important/powerful" enough to likely "be present" in a less important plane as well as subtle enough to actively have an interest in our little group?

Given our speed so far I assume we will be among the top dogs here within a few months at the latest, and we WERE brought here intentionally (which at least I am assuming was not pirmarly the experimenting WIzards idea, as all other experiments but us and a Troll died from said experiemtns), I am assuming someone Godly had the Idea to get this specific group here (our GM tends to like such ideas but usually not do them himself unless inspired).

The God has to be "reasonably" Evil, not bent towards destruction, very much not chaotic, have no problem with ... lets say interestingly modified" beings worshipping him and above all not be a doublecrossing moron.
Style, competence and a certain ... panache woudl be nice too.

So far my only Ideas would be Hextor (too much into the Militarism side of things for us) or Asmodeus (not a God in most Settings).

Thanks for Ideas.

2017-12-07, 03:01 PM
Tiamat might have 5 simultaneous (and contradictory) plots brewing at once. Maybe these PCs are her tertiary fall-back plot.

Kurtulmak might be interested in a minor plane if there are a lot of kobolds -- or a lot of gnomes.

Vecna is always interested in secrets -- does your party know one?

PC Warforged? Eberron's Lord of Blades is LE.

The Viscount
2017-12-07, 03:08 PM
Strongly seconding the Lord of Blades. Because Eberron handles religion a little differently the Lord of Blades is a being in the physical world, the important thing is that he has believers. He's only a CR 12 encounter and he busies himself with building a warforged nation in the Mournland, so he's not likely to get involved with your party himself.

2017-12-07, 05:07 PM
I love the Lord of BLades...sadly he is on Eberron and has neither the Power nor the Intellectual Scope to be respeonsible for our being....somewhere (wherever it is, I dont even know what plane we?re on, only sure thing is its NOT FR, as 3 out of 4 players really dont like it there^^).

Tiamat....huh, didnt think of her. May fit.

Still, keep it coming folks. :)