View Full Version : Princes of the Apocalypse (IC)

2017-12-07, 03:10 PM
Red Larch is a little town on the Long Road, a few days' travel north of Waterdeep and south if Yartar. It's an important way station for caravans coming to or from the cities of the North, with only one inn, the Swinging Sword.

Recently, an important delegation from the dwarven city of Mirabar disappeared in the nearby Sumber Hills. The whole town is also abuzz with news and rumors of fierce raiders, roaming monsters, suspicious strangers, and unreasonable weather.

To make matters even more intriguing for the common folk, a group of five adventurers - a dragonborn, a halfling, a human, an elf, and a fifth one who the townsfolk are slightly confused by, who happens to be a genasi - has recently come to town. It seems that they intend to inspect Red Larch's strange happenings. Today, they have met in the Swinging Sword to eat, drink, and most importantly, plan.

This where your characters have convened to discuss this town. Some of them might know each other and some might not. You may want to make introductions and conversation.

2017-12-07, 04:03 PM
Laef looks around the table at the members of his new party. I don't know why Akadi sent me to a place where her own people are not recognized... but if it brings swift end to Yan-C-Bin, I will take their help.

For those that don't know me, I am Laef Gustwind. I am not sure what brings all of you to this... place Laef waves his hand, trying to hide his frustration, but not doing as good a job as he could But these strange happenings in this village must be investigated. Strange raids... it could be the work of... Primordial influence. Will you assist me in this?

Laef looks at the rest of the party with a white eyebrow raised, matching his floating short white hair.

2017-12-07, 10:23 PM
Hunfried sits at the table, pulling his great axe from behind him and placing it beside him, close enough to reach in a tight situation.

A dragon born, halfling, elf, human and a genasi. Sounds like a bad joke they tell each other back in Baldur's Gate. He takes a sip from his canteen. My name is Hunfried.

2017-12-08, 08:00 AM
Lorasira snorts at Hunfried's humourous implication, sending a gently puff of white smoke, like a recently extinguished candle out each of her nostrils. She reaches to pull her hide coat a bit tighter around her shoulders, Red Larch being quite cooler than the camp back home. Even with a few days to attempt to adjust, she still found herself slightly uncomfortable and longing to be in the warmth of the sun again. She speaks up, unsure as to what circumstance may have brought them all here waiting at the same tavern, at the same table, but glad to have allies who can help her with the quest entrusted to her.

"Assistance and support in these matters are consummate to the reason I am here as well. Rumors of unreasonable weather, problems that must be quelled." She pauses, allowing the words a chance to sink into everyone's minds before properly introducing herself. "I am Lorasira."

2017-12-08, 03:03 PM
The sound of chatter in the Swinging Sword increases slightly as more patrons begin to notice the strange group of adventurers at one of the tables. A few heads turn, but nobody makes any more interaction than that. Some people come and go as the minutes roll by.

A door leading to some sort of back room is pushed open, and a human waitress emerges. She strolls quickly past the rest of the tables and zeroes in on the one where the adventurers have chosen to sit at. She puts a couple of small drink menus down on the table. She then hesitates for a moment and speaks.

"Can I get the five of you anything?"

2017-12-08, 03:13 PM
Yes. Bring me a cup of wine please, and whatever basic food you have available. That will be adequate. Kent looks her up and down, not in a demeaning way, but trying to size her up as a person.

We are here because this area seems to be a hotbed for unusual occurrences. Perhaps you can share what you know to be fact from fiction?

Kent rubs his shoulder where the tattoo of a gusting cloud, mark of his deity is displayed proudly. He does this subconsciously, and looks to her again. If half the rumors are true, I believe your town could use some help indeed. I would be happy to offer it to you.

2017-12-09, 07:09 PM
After a very long and awkward silence, the waitress speaks again.

"Um, very well, sir. As for your question . . . I'm afraid that I'm not much of an authority on this town's rumors, but we are expecting a visit today from some old order off in the Sumber Hills. What with that tattoo, you look like you might belong."

She then turns to leave with the menus and order, but she doesn't get very far. The tavern door bursts open, and an elf pokes his head inside. He shouts:

"It's the Feathergales! They've arrived!"

All the folk in the Swinging Sword seem excited. With a loud and collective murmur, a mass of people begins to shuffle toward the door. This includes the waitress and a couple of other people from the back room. As they push out the door, you are swept along in the miniature stampede. As you are pushed out the door, you see a strange sight. A few armored human knights stand in the middle of the street, along with a giant vulture for each of them. Their armor contains the colors and symbols of elemental air. They are unpacking saddlebags from the vultures and greeting the townspeople, when one of them holds up a hand.

"Wait," the knight says. His voice seems amplified by the crowded street. "I sense that there is a person of elemental air in our midst."

This proclamation seems to excite the citizens even further. You can't hear what they are saying over the other people, but it's clear this doesn't happen often. The knight continues.

"Yes. I sense someone with a deep connection to the forces of elemental air." He then turns. The crowd parts to reveal where he is looking. Many eyes widen - including your own. The knight seems to be staring straight at Laef. The knight speaks again.

"Hello, genasi."

2017-12-09, 08:47 PM
Hunfried inspects the newcomers, but doesn't say or give anything away.

Can I try an insight check on the patrons to see if they are nervous about the newcomers?

2017-12-09, 10:32 PM
Ho Laef says in a cautious tone. not many know my kind in this region. I see you serve the Element of Air as I do.


With eyebrow raised towards them with skepticism he says In my vision quest I was led here, only to find other servants of the wind. What can I do for you?

2017-12-10, 09:25 AM
As the townspeople stare, Hunfried and Laef are both inspecting the citizens or the knights. Hunfried sees that the townsfolk are excited to have the knights here. One notices his apparent suspicion. The human comes a little closer and talks. "It's alright. They come here every few months. They're traders, for some holy order in the Sumber Hills."

Laef, on the other hand, sees something much more suspicious. Looking at the symbols the knights wear, they bear a non-negligible resemblance to a symbol of Yan-C-Bin. They are different aesthetically, though, which is why Laef did not notice anything immediately. The knight who called Laef out steps closer. He looks him up and down, seemingly sizing him up. He lingers on Laef's tattoo for a few seconds, but then speaks. "Ah. I see you are a paladin. Do you serve Akadi, as we do?"

2017-12-10, 09:53 AM
Lorasira stumbles as the crowd washes her off of and away from her stool, grumbling mild profanities in Draconic as she stands back up, curious nonetheless to know what could possibly raise the seemingly quiet town into such a feverous charge. Fortunately, her stature meant she could stay a bit further back from the air genasi and the forefront of the attention without impairing her line of sight. While the dressings of the two 'Feathergales' intrigued her, the giant vultures they were apparently riding intrigued her more. Her thoughts drifted to the other large predatory bird she held in fond memory for a moment, before she refocuses on the scene at hand, observing while she reaches for her totem. Given the genasi ... was it Laef?... Given his rather zealous questioning of the barmaiden, she expected a fight to break out rather soon.

2017-12-10, 10:21 AM
i was hoping I would roll badly Incase they were baddies. My character is somewhat single minded when it comes to Yan-c-bin lol. Because of the townsfolk respect, and the symbol is not identical, I am not going all out and divine smiting them already lol.

Eyes flashing with divine power, Laef rests his hand on his pommel of his warhammer and approaches the newcomers. “You say you serve Akadi, and these townsfolk seem to respect you, but the symbols you sport tell a different story. A story of an ancient evil in the Primoridial Plane. An ancient evil that seeks to gain a foothold in the material plane. One that seeks to attain godhood and destroy all those in its path that do not follow him.”

The tattoo of Akadi on Laefs shoulder also starts to glow. “You say you serve Akadi. Perhaps with your lack of knowledge, not being part of the Air as fully as I, you do not realize you carry the mark of her ancient enemy, Yan-C-Bin! I give you one opportunity to convince me you serve Akadi, before I offer you to her as my vision quest has told me to!”

Laef finishes this last statement as a shout, allowing the passion of his people flow through him.

[roll0] Intimidation

2017-12-10, 12:27 PM
Inside the inn, the unarmored elf with a sword oh his hip looks at each of the others in turn. "Yes, you'll do, I suppose," he murmurs to himself. "I am Ivellios of the ancient and noble House of Cassiltennira, Bladesinger of the glorious nation of Evermeet. Perhaps you've heard of it?" He pauses, then shrugs, making a motion for more fine wine.

"At any rate, I too am here to investigate the strange problems in this area. My fair companions disappeared abruptly from Waterdeep, but the transportation spell we used left me merely outside the gates, instead of far off as intended. I have no idea as to their circumstances and would find them, or at least discern their fates. I have a suspicion that the problems in the area and my mentor's spell failure are somehow related. The elves do not believe in coincidences like this - they are surely tidings of a disruption in the natural order of things, though I know not yet of what."

Before much else in the way of conversation can occur, the tidings of the vulture riders reaches the inn and everyone rushes out. The elf sighs, hoping to glean a bit more information from the other outlanders before anything truly exciting happened. He gets up as well, loosening his sword in its scabbard just in case, and murmurs a quick invocation, fingers gesturing with his free hand, to encase himself in mage armor. Better safe than sorry. He takes his wine cup outside in his off hand, continuing to sip.

Once outside, he stands a bit back while watching the exchange. "Well, this is already getting interesting. I should have asked more about this whole Akadi and Yan-C-Bin thing, I suppose," Ivellios murmurs. "Tethrin Veraldé guide me, if such is needed so soon, though I have no idea who exactly is in the wrong of this exchange. Certainly professing the service of one god while wearing the heraldry of another might be reason for...something." He takes another sip of wine.

2017-12-10, 07:19 PM
The knight steps back a bit, seemingly surprised by Laef's outburst. He then smiles. "I'm afraid you are mistaken, my friend. We Feathergale Knights do not, nor have we ever, served Yan-C-Bin. We simply come from a different place, and use different symbols of Akadi's power. But if you need proof, I will be glad to give it to you." He steps a bit closer to Laef, bends down slightly, and whispers under his breath.

"Listen, paladin. You're all flashy with your "holy justice," but we've got all the real power here. Think about it this way. I'm a member of a respected religious order. You're a foreigner in a town where most people don't know your race. I'll allow you to do the math. You can't do anything to me."

He then steps back from Laef and smiles warmly. "You see?" The knight turns back to his compatriots and continues unpacking the vultures' saddlebags.

2017-12-10, 09:56 PM
So sorry guys... This is happening now lol... Howling Hatred killed my family and town with Yan-C-Bin. His mocking is proof enough for a hot-headed Paladin.

Bonus Action Vow of Enmity on the smug one.

[roll0] Attack 1
[roll1] Attack 1 Advantage

[roll2] Hammer Damage

[roll3] Smite Damage if I hit.

Divine symbol and eyes flashing as one, Laef moves with the speed divine bestowed upon him. In a split second, he channels Akadi's Enmity upon the smug leader of the band, and with his hammer glowing with the same skyblue light as his mark and eyes, brings the hammer down upon his opponent.

2017-12-10, 10:41 PM
Divine symbol and eyes flashing as one, Laef moves with the speed divine bestowed upon him. In a split second, he channels Akadi's Enmity upon the smug leader of the band, and with his hammer glowing with the same skyblue light as his mark and eyes, brings the hammer down upon his opponent.

Seeing his newfound companion burst into action, Hunfried picks his axe from beside him and calls to Laef. Don't be a fool, genasi!

2017-12-10, 10:45 PM
As Laef's hammer comes down upon the Feathergale Knight, the townsfolk look on in horror. At least a few run. The knight steps back, blood falling from his nose as he draws his longsword. He mutters something under his breath. "You're going to regret that, paladin. I get to call self-defense now." He points a finger at Laef and shouts, "Ventus!" Suddenly, Laef feels himself assaulted by a strong gust of wind. He is knocked back a few feet and stumbles next to the rest of the party. The knight turns to his two associates and speaks again. "What are you waiting for? Defend the honor of the Feathergale Knights!"

EDIT: Wilyas & Laef rolled equally. Wilyas will go before Laef because his Dex bonus is greater.

2017-12-11, 06:30 AM
This will not end well, Lorasira muses as she prepares to hamper the knight's offensive. She was hesitant to justify striking out against a group the town obviously trusted, but something about the exchange seemed to push her intuition in the genasi's favor. She speaks the incantations to call upon the cold of the desert nights, chilling the air around their newly found opponent.

Casting Frostbite on the Knight; forces a DC 12 Con save, [roll0] cold damage and disadvantage on their next weapon attack roll on a failure.

2017-12-11, 04:14 PM
Hit by the wave of cold energy, the knight falters for a second, trying to fend off the chill that has taken over his body. Unfortunately for him, he fails, and his teeth and body chatter with the cold. His face goes purple with cold, and rage. He steps forward and slashes at Laef. "Such is the punishment for affronting the Feathergale Knights!"



The knights' two associates seem stunned, as if they were not expecting a fight. They draw daggers, but they do nothing else. The knight shouts, "Traitors!" But he is too consumed with the battle at hand to do much more than shout.

2017-12-11, 04:16 PM
EDITED: NVM I'm bad.

2017-12-11, 08:17 PM
Hunfried stands and shoulders his great axe, feeling that familiar cold sensation of rage pour over him. He takes a swing at the leader of the knights, deathly silent.

I would like to rage as a bonus action.

Attack the leader: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-12, 04:04 PM
Hunfried's axe buries itself in the knight's arm, and he drops his longsword. Bleeding heavily, the knight falters, then falls. Slumping to one side, his breath comes loud and heavy. He's clearly close to passing out. The knight mutters something. "Heh. Even if you don't do it, after this, there's no way they'll believe you over me." He smiles.

With a shout of rage and a gust of wind, one of the knight's initiates decides to act. He begins running to the fallen form of the Feathergale Knight. He pulls back his arm and throws his dagger at Hunfried, accompanied by a loud gust of wind.

The advantage is due to the initiate's Guiding Wind ability.

2017-12-13, 03:05 PM
Having already been drinking before the rest of the part meandered into the tavern, Wilyas had excused himself shortly after introductions to visit the little Hin's room. As the door to the outhouse behind the tavern swings shut, the sound of shouts of pain, threats, magical energies, and cries of terror perks up his sense of danger and the ears of his wolf companion Dax. With a whistle, his friend and steed comes to him, and with a practiced step he swings up onto her back. With a battle sense born of experience, Wilyas's right hand finds his crossbow as the other guides his mount.

Bursting out from the alley next to the tavern, the canine and its rider describe a wide arc around the fighting, both to provide space between the strange knights and their stranger mounts as well as to observe the combat situation.

Being late to the party, all he sees is the few men and women of talent and skill brave enough to answer the generalized call for help he'd spread to the four wind under attack. Knowing magic-users to generally be the most dangerous combatants, he asks the spirits of the wind to guide his bolts as Dax trots around the perimeter of the action.

Side note, Wilyas has Advantage on Initiative if you're gonna roll him, which is fine. Just an FYI.

Not 100% clear whose turn it is. But on my turn, Wilyas is casting Hunter's Mark on the knight who just threw the magically enhanced dagger.

2017-12-13, 05:52 PM
Ivellios is still unsure about this whole battle thing and even more unsure about actively aiding someone he just met who escalated the situation in an extremely casual manner. Sure, the vulture knights have responded, but that is to be expected when, from an outside perspective, this genasi hit one with a hammer after merely exchanging a few words.

It's undeniable that the situation is tense, but he delays in committing himself to the violence quite yet, at least until he himself is targeted. He draws his rapier and settles into a retributive stance, prepared to defend himself but not moving to attack the remaining vulture riders.

I'm just going to delay, Ready an action to attack with my rapier if someone comes up and attacks me

2017-12-13, 10:20 PM
With a roar of divine justice, Laef throws himself at the leader he already marked. Your false god and your people murdered my family! My friends! My people.
Justice will be done this day. Confess your sins and falsehoods to these people and your life will be spared! Laef yells this, not to the leader, who he has already judged by Akadis divine right of vengeance, but to the underlings that surround their leader.

Bring down his hammer again, he attacks the man he marked.

[roll1] adv.

2017-12-13, 10:32 PM
As Wilyas watches the exchange, he furrows his eyebrows in unease at Laef's words. This sounds a lot more like some sort of personal dispute than something that's a threat to the town, area, or others.

2017-12-16, 07:32 PM
The initiate finally reaches the downed Feathergale Knight, and pulls him up to his feet with a glare at Laef. The knight smiles and falls back, raising his blade to defend himself against his attackers (OOC: Disengage). Through the crowd of onlookers, the knight and his workers back up to their vultures. Still bleeding, they climb on and take to the skies with a gust of wind. The knight calls down to the party.

"I do not know what problems you may have, genasi. But know this: it is not we who serve a false god!" The vultures flap their wings again, taking the band higher into the sky and farther from the town. A stunned silence falls over the street as the citizens wonder what to do next. Suddenly, though, the silence is broken by the sound of a horse's hooves on cobblestone. From down the street, a man on a horse emerges. He is wearing a constable's uniform and carries a sword, and is riding purposefully towards the party.

2017-12-16, 07:42 PM
At the sound of a horse's hooves, Lorasira turns to look at the approaching rider. Well, this was not unexpected... She puts away her shield and pockets her totem, hopefully making it obvious that she's not looking for any more fighting.

2017-12-16, 08:02 PM
Still riding his wolf, Wilyas stows his hand crossbow and trots over to Laef. Consternation creasing his forehead, he asks in a clipped tone, "What in the Nine Hells was THAT all about?"Tossing a look towards the town constable, he lets out an exasperated sigh. "Talk fast."

2017-12-16, 10:38 PM
Hunfried's eyes are filled with rage as he roars Where is the next challenger?

2017-12-17, 05:40 PM
Laef stows his hammer and shield quickly, and solutes the official with a fist to his heart and bows.
Good sir. You may not be aware, but those men... they are terrorists. They serve a Primordial named Yan C Bin. This Primordial is seeking to find a rift into the prime material plane, in which this unwary world would have no defense against. It is more powerful then an Ancient Dragon! Imagine it... I near god made of wind and raging power, landing within your fair town. Imagine it ripping through the town, killing children, women. Kent's eyes flare with divine power as he talks. [roll0]

I am a Paladin of Akadi. Goddess to all Air Genasi! Goddess of the Primordial wind. She has sent me on a divine mission to seek out and destroy Yan C Bin and all his followers. The trail has led me here to your fair town. I am sorry to have involved you in this, but my vision quest holds no room for failure, and those men clearly flaunted the symbols and garb of those that follow Yan C Bin. Let me to my mission, and I will ensure that your fair town does not fall to the same fate that my own people did, 10 years past by the very same group of individuals.

2017-12-17, 05:57 PM
"Let me just preempt what the good constable is surely about to say. 'That's quite the accusation. Do you have any proof?' For those who act first and think second, I'm also surprised you don't just take a swing at him too." Ivellios looks quite annoyed by all this, though his face does soften at the end as the paladin describes the fate of his own people, and he sheathes his rapier.

"It's quite the compelling tale, certainly, don't get me wrong. Could it explain the increased strange occurrences in the area? Maybe. But that's just correlative at this point. What exactly did the knight say to you?"

2017-12-17, 08:50 PM
Laef stops and thinks back, now that the heat of the moment is gone, and feels a bit abashed, but only slightly. His divine mission pointed him in this direction, and with or without help, he knows he will protect this town from the fate Yan C Bin would bring to this town.
Without saying it outright, he basically told me he understood that I knew him for a charlatan, and there was nothing I could do about it. He told me he would allow me to do the math and that I had no power. I did not attack his underlings because they may not know the truth about them. He most certainly did, and I believe he was hoping for a provocation from me once he knew I knew his game.

Looking at the people around him, he calls out. “Tell me good people... when did all of the strange events in your town start occurring. I will wager Around the same time as these supposed good knights? Provide me with a known location of their base, and I will leave this town now to provide the proof that is needed. If you do not know, allow me to solve the issues that have been cropping up within your town. See that my actions are for the greater good. However, if you wish to allow your town to be destroyed by an ancient evil born before your gods took form, stronger then an ancient Dragon... much as my own family... my own people did Laef says choking up on a tear of rememberence. I will leave now.

2017-12-17, 10:13 PM
Having dropped from his horse and drawn his sword, the constable takes a few steps closer to the party. He takes a few seconds to survey the situation, and to check over his shoulder. A few more officers are riding down the street, probably backup. The constable then speaks to Laef.

"That is quite a story you have, holy warrior. Despite the fact that you are very convincing, I must speak to the witnesses. Please do not go anywhere, or I may be forced to arrest you." He then turns to a few of the citizens and talks for a few minutes, quietly. He nods and turns back to the party. "I would also like to hear your version of the events." The constable looks at Lorisira and asks, "What exactly happened here?"

2017-12-18, 06:21 AM
LORASIRA. One I, Two As. :smallwink:

Lorasira thinks a moment, carefully choosing her words. "We were sitting in the Swinging Sword. I believe most of us are here to search for the causes of calamitations and natural unbalance. At least, this is why I am here." She keeps almost unnaturally still as she speaks, her meditation habits keeping her body completely still as a gentle breeze rustles the furs around her. She continues, "Apparently the knights landed, as the entire tavern swept everyone off their seats and into the square here. Most seemed quite ambivalent or at least amnestiable to the knights, save for him." A clawed hand rises to point at Laef. "He claimed, as you just heard, that the knights were not who they claimed to be. The knights seemed uninterested in refuting his claims, though one did whisper something to the genasi. This is when he attacked, and many of us followed suit. The knights retreated, we stopped our hostilities, you arrived,
and I began to tell you what happened." She blinks a few times, confident that she hadn't missed any details.

2017-12-19, 07:54 PM
The constable thinks on Lorasira's statement for a second, then replies.

"I believe you, dragon's child. The Feathergales likely cannot be trusted. Unfortunately, there are many in this village who will be very quick to call for your prosecution. This town is not exactly all-inclusive. I will not arrest you today, but I may be forced to if you return to Red Larch. You might say that I am letting you off with a warning." He turns to the crowd and speaks louder. "Citizens, you have it on the honor of Constable Harburk that this was all a misunderstanding. Since no lasting harm occurred, I am going to withhold arrest. You may return to your homes now."

Constable Harburk looks back at the party, and with a stern look and a nod, points down the road that leads out of town. "Go now. Maybe you can find the Feathergales.
Please do not come back to Red Larch."

2017-12-19, 08:12 PM
Ivellios blinks, and then balks. "Wait. You, ah, do realize that some of us didn't actually do anything to those vulture-riders, right? There were maybe three people out of this, I cannot even call it a 'group' yet, that did violence on them. What kind of a place is this, imposing collective punishment in such a manner? Is this what you easterners call justice?"

He turns to look at the other members of the group who didn't fight to see if they will back him up on this, then turns to Laef with a sour look on his face. "I hope you're a solid chef, genasi."Ivellios heads back to the inn to get a wine refill at the very least before being run out of town.

2017-12-21, 05:27 AM
Lorasira sighs, but doesn't otherwise object to the rendered verdict of the constable. "Should this village be embroidered in the matters we were determined to resolve, this ... development will make it more difficult to discern." She looks out down the road the constable pointed, noticing the absence of town. It didn't disturb her to be away from the comforts of a town would offer. As worry crossed her face for a moment as she hears Ivellios's tirade in the background, it was quickly replaced by a quiet chuckle as the elf makes his 'chef' comment about Laef. She didn't know about the others and their cooking capabilities, but Lorasira was always aware of the cooking utensils that rattled along with the rest of her possessions in her pack. Having a larger group to cook for again might not be the worst thing to come of the day's events.

2017-12-21, 10:58 AM
I do humbly apologize for my rash actions. Laef says to everyone. Akadi directs me as she wills, and I am a humble servant of the Wind. It leads me to be... Hasty at times. Constable... Thank you. Do you know of a location that these... Knights frequent? Or perhaps a direction that the delegation went before they disappeared? Even if we are barred from your village, allow us to help secure it while being away from it... View it as a punishment or penance if you will.