View Full Version : 3rd Ed Trying to find some third party content (Unity Domain, Child of the Pantheon Feat)

Von Krieger
2017-12-09, 08:20 AM
I'm trying to find the sourcebooks for some third party content I used on a character in the past, and am wanting to have proper sources for them to reference with a new character.

One is the Unity domain, which I recall being very similar to the Healing domain. I vaguely recall it being in a sidebar in whatever book it comes from.

The domain power is to cast a personal-range spell on a number of allies once per day.

The Child of the Pantheon feat suffers from my tendancy to simplify everything. I have it written down that it grants two domains and my DM might've made me rename it from something else to be generic and not tied to specific deities or something of the like.

Considering how powerful that feat is, it might be homebrew?

But I know the Unity domain is from a book of some sort.

I've used Agent Ransack to run a word search through all my files, but after an hour it's only halfway done and found nothing with Child of the Pantheon, and the Unity domain has not come up in the other search.

2017-12-09, 08:33 AM
Extra domain is epic and gives only one domain.(and yet is considered a not so bad epic feat)
Your feat is probably homebrew.
But take it: you will have an hard time finding a better feat.(unless your gm allows dmm:persist and other overpowered feats like that)
Then pick the two coolest domains.
Also if you gain a domain that gives you a feat you already have then you can chose a general feat so that feat could allow you to gain two more feats which would then allow to get more feats if you can take child of the pantheon multiple times.(due to complete champion and complete divine rules about feats granted by domains)

Von Krieger
2017-12-09, 09:48 AM
Swapping to a different text searching tool I managed to find them in my collection of third party books.

Apparently, my DM made me rename Cleric of the Pantheon to Child of the Pantheon due to my non-cleric status.

It does indeed grant two full-on domains and is from the Skorched Urf Studios Mega-Feats: Revisited book for Pathfinder.

The Unity domain turned up under the more powerful search utility's capacity to look within X number of characters between the words "unity" and "domain," while the other one was giving me every book that had the words Unity and Domain in them.

Turns out to be from Lion's Den Press' Desert Heroes book, in a sidebar on the Tribal Theocrat PrC.

I probably stumbled across it planning for a desert campaign game.