View Full Version : 3rd Ed 3.x - Worst spawn point in Faerun?

2017-12-10, 05:24 AM
You're suddenly transported to Faerun. What's the worst possible, but still survivable, location to spawn in at?

Assume dragon gullets, lava pools, and sea floors are right out. No place immediately deadly.
Assume you're either level 1 commoner or whatever your favorite 'What kind of D&D character are you!?' quiz says you "really" are.
You spawn in during any point in the 3.x history of Faerun.
All of your metaknowledge is intact and the gamerules function as much as they're able.
You are equipped with whatever you either sleep with to hand or travel with routinely; the portal gives you 1 round to grab some thing.

Bonus round... What's the most 'average' terrain type on Faerun?
Is there just so much Underdark real estate that you're bound to wind up there if the portal dumps you in the most common biome?
What's the fastest way out of the Underdark? (Esp at low levels?)

2017-12-10, 05:33 AM
In the middle of Warlock's Crypt, at exactly the moment Larloch the "ultra-lich" (awesomely powerful lich) and his many very powerful lich minions, are having a talk, might be a good example.

Technically survivable - but only if they all dismiss you as beneath contempt, and ignore you.

2017-12-10, 06:01 AM
In the middle of Warlock's Crypt, at exactly the moment Larloch the "ultra-lich" (awesomely powerful lich) and his many very powerful lich minions, are having a talk, might be a good example.

Technically survivable - but only if they all dismiss you as beneath contempt, and ignore you.
Or if they get curious as to how you got into their (presumably warded) inner sanctum.

2017-12-10, 06:52 AM
Within a locked iron secret chest of a dead wizard who had his focus destroyed.
Really: the likeliness of having a deux ex machina or someone finding you before you die is way lower than if you got in one of the places where gods care.
And the gods do not have much focus on lost secret chests in the astral plane while they have much more focus to places near high level liches or close to a super entity that wants to control the world.

2017-12-10, 10:01 AM
Mmm... I wouldn't call either Larloch's or Szass Tam's sanctums "surviveable..." I think I would rather go to the lava pool, I would be just as dead but my demise would be faster and my soul wouldn't be captured and sold to fiends or turned into an undead mook...

I would say the Underdark lowest levels, the "Lowerdark" would be the worst possible "surviveable" place to be ported to... Total darkness, barely any water or food, even if you knew where to find them (and as a foreigner, you wouldn't know), and you would have to cross miles of lightless tunnels through the territory of horrible evil, powerful creatures to reach anywhere safe... As a matter of fact, I would barely call it "surviveable"... I guess you could survive for a bit if you landed close to a source of water and edible fungi and stayed there, or if some of the less horrible places, like Deep Imaskar, Earth's End or Fluvenilstra were close enough that some Genasi, Deep Imascari or Dwarf could find you before the Mindflayers do...

2017-12-10, 11:54 AM
Anywhere, any time during or after the Spellplague.

2017-12-10, 11:56 AM
Anywhere, any time during or after the Spellplague.

Alternately: anywhere, any time after the Spellplague -- since you know you're doomed to get retconned out of existence.

Darth Ultron
2017-12-10, 01:15 PM
You're suddenly transported to Faerun. What's the worst possible, but still survivable, location to spawn in at?

Any of the harsh environment places: Icewind Dale(way out on the tundra), The High Ice, Annaroch, Chult and so on.

The lair of any dragon, or other meat eating monster.

A slave market in Thay.

Bonus round... What's the most 'average' terrain type on Faerun?

Temperate forest? Or 'open ocean'.

Is there just so much Underdark real estate that you're bound to wind up there if the portal dumps you in the most common biome?
What's the fastest way out of the Underdark? (Esp at low levels?)

The 'Underdark' is quite small compared to the whole world...unless your counting the thousands of miles of solid dirt, rock and water as ''the Underdark".

Climb straight up? Dig? Find a portal?

2017-12-10, 01:27 PM
Bonus round... What's the most 'average' terrain type on Faerun?


Or ancient ruin.

Or a ruined ancient brothel.

Scots Dragon
2017-12-10, 03:31 PM
Bonus round... What's the most 'average' terrain type on Faerun?

Generally a mix of grasslands and hills with occasional lakes, forests, and marshlands. It's basically Europe after all. Albeit with somewhat more lethal fauna...


2017-12-10, 08:35 PM
I'm by no means familiar with Faerun at all, but 1 round to prep?

Assuming I'm not flat-footed staring (say I get some frozen-time exposition before the clock starts), in 6 seconds, I can get to my go-bag from almost anywhere in the house. Which will put me better off than most of the population of Earth. Rifle, ammo, kevlar, shortsword, more pistol ammo, lights, first aid, water, etc.
Plus the handgun(58 rounds), knives, and random pocket stuff already on my person.

Underdark would suck. I've got 5+ days of candle-class light (chemlights) in the bag, but I sure don't want to be bumping into nasties without real lights, which I'd have maybe 1 day worth of. Or better yet, nightvision, which I don't own (it's on the wish-list...)

So what can a Ranger2/Expert2 (with stats of 10,13,10,17,11,8 - and about to take his second age penalty) and an AR-15 with 200 rounds survive in Faerun? Obviously I don't want anything with high DR, or high touch AC. Land of big clumsy giants or something sounds good. I'm terrible at diplomacy, so that is out. I'm a coward at heart, so trying to Red Fel my way to a position of power in an evil empire is out as well, too dangerous.

I could handle owlbears in the open. Just need a good roll for starting distance.

And yes, I'm headed straight for civilization. And Wizard or Psion school. With a detour to invent something (the bicycle probably) if I need cash.

2017-12-10, 08:42 PM
Mmm... I wouldn't call either Larloch's or Szass Tam's sanctums "surviveable..." I think I would rather go to the lava pool, I would be just as dead but my demise would be faster and my soul wouldn't be captured and sold to fiends or turned into an undead mook...

I would say the Underdark lowest levels, the "Lowerdark" would be the worst possible "surviveable" place to be ported to... Total darkness, barely any water or food, even if you knew where to find them (and as a foreigner, you wouldn't know), and you would have to cross miles of lightless tunnels through the territory of horrible evil, powerful creatures to reach anywhere safe... As a matter of fact, I would barely call it "surviveable"... I guess you could survive for a bit if you landed close to a source of water and edible fungi and stayed there, or if some of the less horrible places, like Deep Imaskar, Earth's End or Fluvenilstra were close enough that some Genasi, Deep Imascari or Dwarf could find you before the Mindflayers do...

Technically, slavery is surviving. You'd most likely be picked up by illithid, drow or duerger and become a slave. Slavery IS surviving... though hardly pleasant.

2017-12-11, 12:23 AM
Technically, slavery is surviving. You'd most likely be picked up by illithid, drow or duerger and become a slave. Slavery IS surviving... though hardly pleasant.

My IRL GM pointed this out tonight. A slave with an alien language and outlook makes for an amusing mind to read too.

2017-12-11, 08:49 AM
Innkeeper's pantry. All innkeepers in Faerun are retired adventurers with 30+ levels of wizard casting, and tend to react badly to adventurers raiding their larder.

2017-12-11, 12:30 PM
Innkeeper's pantry. All innkeepers in Faerun are retired adventurers with 30+ levels of wizard casting, and tend to react badly to adventurers raiding their larder.

Made my Day. :)

Now assuming I get the round to actually PREPARE; not to dumbly ask are you serious?!", and that my D&D Test Result of Cleric/Wizard 2 each applies (Human they say, I am not so sure^^), and all rules do apply, I`ll grab my rulebooks (the most important ones anyway), and choose ... somewhere where casters of all kind are feared (the areas to pick from are stillv ery dangerous, say the Spine of the World, or the less instantly fatal barbarian camps,e tc).

Ideally a few years before the ToT, just in case I get....ambitious.

THere I would hope to survive the first few seconds, use my better than real life chances of diplomancing and give them my service until I get enough time to exploit some rules and/or elvel up high enough to get a decent travel spell. At which point I`d opt for non dangerous areas like Neverwinter, or BG or.....

And hope the Spellplague nonsense can be avoided (if only by getting some God(dess) who is not blatantly moronic to take over Mystras Job (no, I dont hink I could, if Karsus failed^^).

And enjoy being a Theurge that knows so mucha bout the things bound to happen he can live and study to his hearts content.

But knowing my luck, one or more of these stupid brbarians will charge and kill me, sigh....

2017-12-11, 06:01 PM
Not including stuff like the Underdark or whatever, I'd say Thay would be a crappy place to wind up depending on your race/class/alignment. Those red wizards are *******s.