View Full Version : The Strahd/Storm King/Dragon Queen Annihilation Apocalypse Abyss (IC)

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2017-12-10, 07:47 AM
Hi everyone,

Welcome to our mega-campaign, a massive campaign world incorporating Curse of Strahd, Storm King's Thunder, Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Rise of Tiamat, Tomb of Annihilation, Princes of the Apocalypse and Out of the Abyss. This game will feature as many PCs as are interested in playing. Some have formed into parties of their own, while others are going solo. Some will do hack and slash dungeon crawls, while some will focus on roleplaying. Some will be heroes, while some will be villains. The sky's the limit.

Also, if you happen to read this and you aren't currently a part of the campaign - feel free to join! We're always recruiting new players.

Before we begin, I should note a few things. The first is that I'll be using spoiler text to describe what's happening to each person/party. That keeps everyone from having to read through many different paragraphs of text to find my response to them. That said, if you want to keep up with other people's adventures, that's fine with me. Your character might not be aware of what other parties are doing, but there's no harm in reading along.

So the posts would work like this:

Sigrid walks into the Town Hall, and asks to speak with the mayor.

The second thing is that everybody's story will move at their own pace. If you as a player can only post once every four days, that's perfectly fine. However things will be a bit different for parties, particularly when they're in combat. Since combat moves a bit slower in PBP games, I'm going to say that if you're in a party that's in combat, you'll need to take your turn within 48 hours. If you don't, then your turn will be skipped and the next party member can take their turn. I'm only including that rule as a courtesy to other players, and of course I'm happy to make exceptions if necessary.

The final thing to note is that just because you start in a single campaign setting doesn't mean you won't be able to branch out. You can easily start with one campaign and become involved with a different one over time. You can even meet up with other players, joining existing parties or forming new ones.

I've included a list of current players below, sorted by campaign starting point. Players whose characters are still being designed aren't included in the list yet; they'll be added once they're ready to start.

Storm King's Thunder:

Vozen, playing Sigrid the Human Fighter (solo, with option for party later): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1418802
LtPowers, playing Callenna Hornbound the Halfling Paladin (solo, with option for party later): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1423353
thorgrim29, playing Duncan Islington the Human Fighter (solo, with option for party later): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1424087
CircleOfTheRock, playing Helm Galanodel the Wood Elf Monk (solo): http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?543871-The-Strahd-Storm-King-Dragon-Queen-Annihilation-Apocalypse-Abyss-(D-amp-D-5e)/page8
Jrpergande78, playing Sylris the Elf Ranger (solo, but looking for party): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1446219

Curse of Strahd:

aturtledoesbite, playing Katerina the Human Paladin (solo): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1423488

Anoriand, playing Ace the Wood Elf Fighter (party): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1419007

Xihirli, playing Gaakach the Hobgoblin Wizard (party): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1418713
croftstr, playing Rump "The Unicorn" Firmgrip the Half-Orc Paladin/Bard (party): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1420946

Tomb of Annihilation:

Alkerite, playing Vyth Jhank the Lizardfolk Warlock (party): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1418524
Lazyninja, playing Hroan the Half-Elf Barbarian (party): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1421252
TheArcaneCaster, playing Anh'kom the Dark Elf Sorcerer (party): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1423420

Hoard of the Dragon Queen/Rise of Tiamat:
None yet

Out of the Abyss:

souffle_girl, playing Rhea, Maiden of Swords the Half-Drow Paladin (solo): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1427743
Kvard51, playing Darillon Oakwhisper the Wood Elf Monk (solo): https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1427756

Princes of the Apocalypse:
None yet

The link to the OOC thread is below:

And I believe that's everything. Best of luck to all players! I'll be posting the introductions to your campaigns shortly.

2017-12-10, 07:48 AM
This post is reserved in case I need it for something later.

2017-12-10, 07:49 AM
The Yawning Portal has a storied history in Waterdeep. The ancient dungeon existed long before the city itself, in the form of a vast underground labyrinth called the Undermountain. Eventually the city of Waterdeep was built on top of the dungeon, and the dungeon became the home of Waterdeep's most infamous criminals. Things changed when an adventurer named Durnan returned from the Undermountain with vast quantities of riches. He used his newfound wealth to transform the entrance to Undermountain into a tavern... one he named The Yawning Portal.

Due to its unusual location and history, The Yawning Portal is a common meeting point for adventurers in Waterdeep. Now Ace, Gaakach and Rump find themselves wandering through the large bar. Each is here for their own reasons. Whether you're looking for something or running from it, The Yawning Portal is a good place to start anew. Normally a wood elf, a hobgoblin and a half orc would seem out of place, but all sorts can be found at The Yawning Portal. They are far from the only group of adventurers here. The trio spots a lizardfolk, a half elf and a drow over in the corner of the tavern - most likely other new adventurers. They are being eyed by a masked woman, but the three other adventurers don't seem to have noticed yet. Durnan, the owner of The Yawning Portal, is pouring drinks.

As Ace, Gaakach and Rump look around at the busy tavern, a tall, important-looking human looks up from his drink. He stares at you for a moment, and begins walking over.

2017-12-10, 07:51 AM
The Yawning Portal has a storied history in Waterdeep. The ancient dungeon existed long before the city itself, in the form of a vast underground labyrinth called the Undermountain. Eventually the city of Waterdeep was built on top of the dungeon, and the dungeon became the home of Waterdeep's most infamous criminals. Things changed when an adventurer named Durnan returned from the Undermountain with vast quantities of riches. He used his newfound wealth to transform the entrance to Undermountain into a tavern... one he named The Yawning Portal.

Due to its unusual location and history, The Yawning Portal is a common meeting point for adventurers in Waterdeep. Now Vyth, Anh'kom and Hroan find themselves seated at the large bar. Each is here for their own reasons, but for now they're all just enjoying a drink with some strangers and looking at the various figures wandering through the bar. Normally a lizardfolk, a half elf and a drow drinking together would be seen as out of place, but all sorts can be found at The Yawning Portal. Near the front of the bar stand a wood elf, a hobgoblin and a half orc - most likely other new adventurers - being approached by an important looking human. Durnan, the owner of The Yawning Portal, is pouring drinks.

The three of you are so caught up in the various goings-on around you, that it takes you a moment to notice that the masked human a few tables away has been staring at you for quite some time.

2017-12-10, 07:52 AM
Sigrid has been on the road since Daggerford, and she still has quite a bit farther to go.

Though she has worked as a mercenary to earn a living, Sigrid has always had a good heart, and is eager to help those who cannot help themselves. While completing some odd jobs in Daggerford, she heard rumours of some goblins troubling Nightstone, a fortified settlement in the hills between Waterdeep and Daggerford. Sigrid has dealt with goblins before, and so she's off to see what she can do to help. Sigrid has also heard that Lady Velrosa Nandar is offering a reward for anyone who deals with the goblin threat.

Sigrid has been travelling up the High Road for days. As evening approaches, she spots a wooden signpost next to a trail that leads north into the hills. Nailed to the post are three arrow-shaped signs. The two marked "Waterdeep" and "Daggerford" point towards the High Road, but in opposite direction. The sign marked "Nightstone" beckons her to follow the trail.

According to what Sigrid learned in Daggerford, Nightstone should be roughly ten miles up that trail.

2017-12-10, 07:53 AM
After weeks of travel, Callie finally sees the large walls of Goldenfields on the horizon.

A huge, walled temple-farm, Goldenfields is the only reason half the north tastes fruit larger than bush berries. Waterdeep in particular is a large consumer of Goldenfields' produce. Callie has never been to Goldenfields herself, but she's tasted their food on many occasions. However while stopping at The Yawning Portal - a well-known bar in Waterdeep - she heard rumours that Goldenfields was facing some problems with hill giants. That struck a chord with Callie, and so she's venturing north to see what she can do to help.

At this point, Callie is about four hours from Goldenfields, if there's anything she'd like to do to prepare before she gets there.

2017-12-10, 07:54 AM
Katerina is wandering the streets of Daggerford. She got a good night's sleep, and she's ready to hit the road for her next big adventure. She isn't sure what it'll be yet, but she's certain it'll be exciting.

Though not as large as Waterdeep, Daggerford is a respectably sized town in its own right. Early in the morning, there's plenty to do and plenty of adventure to be had. Katerina passes the marketplace, the weaponsmiths, and the churches. She's overcome with excitement. The next stage of her life begins now, and she's ready for it.

A member of the town guard spots Katerina staring out at the town, and she gives Katerina a friendly wave. Then she turns away, and begins to hammer a piece of paper into the wall. The piece of paper looks quite important. In fact, if Katerina isn't mistaken, it seems to bear the insignia of Duchess Morwen Daggerford.

2017-12-10, 09:55 AM
Now Vyth, Callie and Hroan find themselves seated at the large bar. Each is here for their own reasons, but for now they're all just enjoying a drink with some strangers and looking at the various figures wandering through the bar. Normally a lizardfolk, a half elf and a drow drinking together would be seen as out of place, but all sorts can be found at The Yawning Portal. Near the front of the bar stand a wood elf, a hobgoblin and a half orc - most likely other new adventurers - being approached by an important looking human. Durnan, the owner of The Yawning Portal, is pouring drinks.

The three of you are so caught up in the various goings-on around you, that it takes you a moment to notice that the masked human a few tables away has been staring at you for quite some time.

Hroan, a heavily-muscled, shirtless half-elf boasting a thick but well-kept beard, takes a large swig of his ale. He sucks the foam from his moustache and eyes the drow.

"Strange times, these, to find myself seated with one of my dark brethren, and nary a blade in sight." He turns his attention to the lizardfolk. "And you've yet to even try to gnaw our bones. Strange times."

He downs the last of his ale and spies the masked woman nearby. "And it seems they're about to get even stranger."

2017-12-10, 10:06 AM
Sigrid has been on the road since Daggerford, and she still has quite a bit farther to go.

Though she has worked as a mercenary to earn a living, Sigrid has always had a good heart, and is eager to help those who cannot help themselves. While completing some odd jobs in Daggerford, she heard rumours of some goblins troubling Nightstone, a fortified settlement in the hills between Waterdeep and Daggerford. Sigrid has dealt with goblins before, and so she's off to see what she can do to help. Sigrid has also heard that Lady Velrosa Nandar, is offering a reward for anyone who deals with the goblin threat.

Sigrid has been travelling up the High Road for days. As evening approaches, she spots a wooden signpost next to a trail that leads north into the hills. Nailed to the post are three arrow-shaped signs. The two marked "Waterdeep" and "Daggerford" point towards the High Road, but in opposite direction. The sign marked "Nightstone" beckons her to follow the trail.

According to what Sigrid learned in Daggerford, Nightstone should be roughly ten miles up that trail.

Sigrid took a brief swig of her waterskin. While she was well-experienced with physical exertion and toil, and even relished some forms of it, the long monotony of travel was one she did not enjoy. She supposes she could have asked for a horse from the Grey Fangs or a loan from old Bruth, but this was her excursion, and she wasn't quite ready to call in favors yet.

Refreshed, she set out for Nightstone. A paying job that would also help a lot of people, and possibly even save a life or two? That was basically exactly what Sigrid lived for...she wished it wasn't goblins, though. Annoying little bastards were hard to hit.

Though Sigrid's face was as blank and stoic as ever, internally she groaned at the though of dealing with the little pests.

2017-12-10, 10:40 AM
Sigrid took a brief swig of her waterskin. While she was well-experienced with physical exertion and toil, and even relished some forms of it, the long monotony of travel was one she did not enjoy. She supposes she could have asked for a horse from the Grey Fangs or a loan from old Bruth, but this was her excursion, and she wasn't quite ready to call in favors yet.

Refreshed, she set out for Nightstone. A paying job that would also help a lot of people, and possibly even save a life or two? That was basically exactly what Sigrid lived for...she wished it wasn't goblins, though. Annoying little bastards were hard to hit.

Though Sigrid's face was as blank and stoic as ever, internally she groaned at the though of dealing with the little pests.

Sigrid begins her journey northeast, up the road towards Nightstone. At her pace, she expects she'll be there around mid afternoon. The terrain slowly grows more uneven as she travels farther along the road. The sky above her is cloudy and grey. Sigrid hopes it doesn't rain before she reaches Nightstone.

Sigrid's hearing has always been quite good, and around seven miles into her journey, her ears prick up. She can faintly hear what sounds like two voices laughing and chatting to each other in the woods. They are speaking in a language that Sigrid doesn't recognize.

Sigrid looks for the sound of the noise, and peers into the woods. Just behind a large green bush, Sigrid is able to spot two goblins collecting berries. The goblins have their backs to her, and have not yet noticed her.

2017-12-10, 10:46 AM
Hroan, a heavily-muscled, shirtless half-elf boasting a thick but well-kept beard, takes a large swig of his ale. He sucks the foam from his moustache and eyes the drow.

"Strange times, these, to find myself seated with one of my dark brethren, and nary a blade in sight." He turns his attention to the lizardfolk. "And you've yet to even try to gnaw our bones. Strange times."

He downs the last of his ale and spies the masked woman nearby. "And it seems they're about to get even stranger."

The masked woman catches Hroan looking over at her. She stands up, taking a moment to steady herself, and slowly walks over to the three adventurers. A hood covers her head, and a silver mask covers her face. When she speaks, her voice is raspy and dry.

"I don't suppose I could buy the three of you a drink?" she asks.

2017-12-10, 01:06 PM
Gaakach, a robed hobgoblin with gray skin and a healthy but nearly muscle-less body, looked up at the human as he approached and produced her blood-red orb - her Arcane focus. She didn't point it at the human, just set it down in front of her within easy reach.
It rolled a bit on the table. She grabbed it and placed it more carefully.
It rolled anyway. She decided to just hold it as the human approached.
She greeted him with a nod as he came close.

2017-12-10, 01:17 PM
Gaakach, a robed hobgoblin with gray skin and a healthy but nearly muscle-less body, looked up at the human as he approached and produced her blood-red orb - her Arcane focus. She didn't point it at the human, just set it down in front of her within easy reach.
It rolled a bit on the table. She grabbed it and placed it more carefully.
It rolled anyway. She decided to just hold it as the human approached.
She greeted him with a nod as he came close.

The human pauses for a moment to take in Ace, Gaakach and Rump. His clothes are well-made, and he has several expensive looking jewels on his fingers. He looks skeptically at the three of you for a moment. Then he steps forward, and nods curtly in greeting.

"Well, it's not often that we see your sort in Waterdeep. What sort of business brings you to the city?"

2017-12-10, 01:40 PM
Gaakach looked him briefly up and down before offering a simple answer:
"Our own."
Her voice was grizzled, as though she were constantly recovering from a throat injury, but she managed to communicate well enough.

2017-12-10, 02:38 PM
Ace was sitting next to Gaakach, his crossbow on the table in front of him. He had a small metallic tool in hand and was working on the drawstring portion of the contraption as he looked around. He saw the man approach and heard the back and forth between them, deciding to step in and speak.

"Indeed. We're here on the business of business. But then, I'd have to assume you have a reason for approaching armed strangers in a place where they serve alcohol."

He kept his uncovered eye directly on the man, scratching just above his eyepatch, potentially trying to subtly implant the idea that an armed man with an eye patch has probably been in more than one fight and potentially just because he had an itch. After scratching, he sat back some keeping on hand on the table near his crossbow and his other hand in his lap, making it easier to grab his blade if necessary. He wasn't attempting to start a fight, but life had taught him that an ounce of prevention was more valuable than a pound of cure.

2017-12-10, 03:10 PM
Ace was sitting next to Gaakach, his crossbow on the table in front of him. He had a small metallic tool in hand and was working on the drawstring portion of the contraption as he looked around. He saw the man approach and heard the back and forth between them, deciding to step in and speak.

"Indeed. We're here on the business of business. But then, I'd have to assume you have a reason for approaching armed strangers in a place where they serve alcohol."

He kept his uncovered eye directly on the man, scratching just above his eyepatch, potentially trying to subtly implant the idea that an armed man with an eye patch has probably been in more than one fight and potentially just because he had an itch. After scratching, he sat back some keeping on hand on the table near his crossbow and his other hand in his lap, making it easier to grab his blade if necessary. He wasn't attempting to start a fight, but life had taught him that an ounce of prevention was more valuable than a pound of cure.

The dignified looking man gives a quiet laugh.

"You would be right to assume that. I am Lerek Dashlynd, and I have the honour to be a member of the Lord's Alliance. And normally I wouldn't come to such a..."

As Lerek tries to find the right words, a warlock's familiar pseudodragon flies down and ruffles his hair.

"...colourful place such as this. But I'm headed out of the city soon on a mission to Chult, and I have a rather pressing matter to deal with before I leave. Something Lady Laeral Silverhand herself has asked me to look into. Something that fearsome looking travelers such as yourselves might be able to help me with."

He raises an eyebrow.

"Does that sound like something that might interest any of you?"

2017-12-10, 03:41 PM
Sigrid begins her journey northeast, up the road towards Nightstone. At her pace, she expects she'll be there around mid afternoon. The terrain slowly grows more uneven as she travels farther along the road. The sky above her is cloudy and grey. Sigrid hopes it doesn't rain before she reaches Nightstone.

Sigrid's hearing has always been quite good, and around seven miles into her journey, her ears prick up. She can faintly hear what sounds like two voices laughing and chatting to each other in the woods. They are speaking in a language that Sigrid doesn't recognize.

Sigrid looks for the sound of the noise, and peers into the woods. Just behind a large green bush, Sigrid is able to spot two goblins collecting berries. The goblins have their backs to her, and have not yet noticed her.

Sigrid was a little hesitant to target unsuspecting opponents, but she had encountered goblins before and never once found them receptive to diplomacy, only to the tip of her sword. Bruth had even joked that she should have been a paladin with her attitude. Besides, these were likely scouts of the force harassing Nightstone.

Carefully so as not to alert them, she drew a handaxe. With any luck this should take one down, or at least start things off in her favor. She notched it back with careful aim...and let loose at one of the goblins!

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-10, 03:53 PM
The masked woman catches Hroan looking over at her. She stands up, taking a moment to steady herself, and slowly walks over to the three adventurers. A hood covers her head, and a silver mask covers her face. When she speaks, her voice is raspy and dry.

"I don't suppose I could buy the three of you a drink?" she asks.

"Manath's grace be upon you, stranger." Hroan slid his empty mug across the table to her. "Buying a round is a wonderful way to make new friends. And if these two don't wish to drink, I shall empty their mugs for them." He jerked his head in the direction of the lizardfolk and the drow. "I am called Hroan, of the Yuirwood. What of the three of you?" he asked, glancing around the table.

2017-12-10, 04:01 PM
Rump scans the room, appreciating the diversity, the chatter, and the consumption. A performer could make a pretty penny in here. Maybe the Gang could form a band. I wonder if the goblin knows how to sing... As he ponders, he notices the human approach and says, "Looks like the Royals have an admirer. How much are we charging for autographs?

Once the man states his purpose, Rump says, "We just might be your type stranger. Will their be actions fit for song? Damsels in distress? Beasts to slay? Powerful magic to harness?

2017-12-10, 04:04 PM
Sigrid was a little hesitant to target unsuspecting opponents, but she had encountered goblins before and never once found them receptive to diplomacy, only to the tip of her sword. Bruth had even joked that she should have been a paladin with her attitude. Besides, these were likely scouts of the force harassing Nightstone.

Carefully so as not to alert them, she drew a handaxe. With any luck this should take one down, or at least start things off in her favor. She notched it back with careful aim...and let loose at one of the goblins!

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

The goblin picks up a particularly large berry, and shows the berry to his friend. He places the berry into his basket, imagining the delicious berry-themed meals he can cook after this, and continues to survey the bush for more berries.

At around that point, Sigrid's axe crashes into the back of his head.

The goblin's eyes go wide. He falls to the ground, dead. The other goblin screams in shock - this is not at all how he imagined berry picking would go. He turns to Sigrid and snarls at her. He's ready for a fight.

2017-12-10, 04:07 PM
Hroan, a heavily-muscled, shirtless half-elf boasting a thick but well-kept beard, takes a large swig of his ale. He sucks the foam from his moustache and eyes the drow.

"Strange times, these, to find myself seated with one of my dark brethren, and nary a blade in sight." He turns his attention to the lizardfolk. "And you've yet to even try to gnaw our bones. Strange times."

He downs the last of his ale and spies the masked woman nearby. "And it seems they're about to get even stranger."
Vyth would smile at his rather gruff companion, the Lizardfolk actually donned in a coat and clothes typically reserved for scholars, doing his best not to spill his drink as he sipped, while looking over his companion. "Strange times, with strange friends, in strange places, are how legends are made, friend. However, I don't ever recall trying to gnaw on your bones in the first place."

The masked woman catches Hroan looking over at her. She stands up, taking a moment to steady herself, and slowly walks over to the three adventurers. A hood covers her head, and a silver mask covers her face. When she speaks, her voice is raspy and dry.

"I don't suppose I could buy the three of you a drink?" she asks.

Jhank's smile would fade, and his pupils took on a more characteristic narrow slit, as he looked apprehensively over the stranger. I'm not one to turn down charity. But, before so, may I perhaps meet the eyes of the one buying us another round?"

2017-12-10, 04:15 PM
Rump scans the room, appreciating the diversity, the chatter, and the consumption. A performer could make a pretty penny in here. Maybe the Gang could form a band. I wonder if the goblin knows how to sing... As he ponders, he notices the human approach and says, "Looks like the Royals have an admirer. How much are we charging for autographs?

Once the man states his purpose, Rump says, "We just might be your type stranger. Will their be actions fit for song? Damsels in distress? Beasts to slay? Powerful magic to harness?

Lerek gives Rump a small smile.

"Quite right. We have no shortage of beasts to slay, regrettably. The giants are making trouble to the north, and the dragons are causing trouble as well. But that isn't what I was hoping for your help with. A member of the Lord's Alliance - Duchess Morwen of Daggerford - has been having some troubles with werewolves. They've been spotted in the Misty Forest just south of Daggerford attacking travelers. Lady Laeral has asked me to send adventurers south to help Duchess Morwen deal with the matter before I leave for Chult."

He looks the three of you over.

"Do you think you'd be up to the task?"

2017-12-10, 04:16 PM
The goblin picks up a particularly large berry, and shows the berry to his friend. He places the berry into his basket, imagining the delicious berry-themed meals he can cook after this, and continues to survey the bush for more berries.

At around that point, Sigrid's axe crashes into the back of his head.

The goblin's eyes go wide. He falls to the ground, dead. The other goblin screams in shock - this is not at all how he imagined berry picking would go. He turns to Sigrid and snarls at her. He's ready for a fight.

Sigrid had barely finished loosing the handaxe from her hand before drawing the massive greatsword she had on her back, and closing the distance at a run. By the time the goblin turned and snarled, Sigrid was already on top of the goblin, bringing her blade down in an arc to spit the creature in half.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-10, 04:24 PM
Vyth would smile at his rather gruff companion, the Lizardfolk actually donned in a coat and clothes typically reserved for scholars, doing his best not to spill his drink as he sipped, while looking over his companion. "Strange times, with strange friends, in strange places, are how legends are made, friend. However, I don't ever recall trying to gnaw on your bones in the first place."

Jhank's smile would fade, and his pupils took on a more characteristic narrow slit, as he looked apprehensively over the stranger. I'm not one to turn down charity. But, before so, may I perhaps meet the eyes of the one buying us another round?"

The stranger nods.

"Of course. I was an adventurer myself, in another life. A healthy dose of suspicion is what keeps one alive."

The stranger moves so that she is facing only the three of you, and it is only then that she removes her mask. It only takes you a second to realize why she wears it.

Her face is pale and haggard; her skin a faint grey and her teeth yellow. Her eyes are sunken, her skin hangs limply from her bones, and she looks as though she hasn't slept in days. She gives you all a faint smile, and places her mask back upon her face.

"It's not contagious; I promise you that. Now then, perhaps I could buy you that drink?"

2017-12-10, 04:25 PM
Ah werewolves, they can be a nuisance. A real hairy situation. I myself think the Royal Flush Gang could be up for the task.
Ace always has one eye open and no one would want to eat me or Gaakach. Tell me though,
with a name like Silverhand, I expect your lady is quite generous. Is that the case in this endeavor?

2017-12-10, 04:31 PM
Ah werewolves, they can be a nuisance. A real hairy situation. I myself think the Royal Flush Gang could be up for the task.
Ace always has one eye open and no one would want to eat me or Gaakach. Tell me though,
with a name like Silverhand, I expect your lady is quite generous. Is that the case in this endeavor?

Lerek smiles and nods.

"That's very good to hear. As for your payment, Lady Laeral's generosity is well known throughout Waterdeep. After all, one doesn't become a member of the Lord's Alliance without being a person of means. Both she and Duchess Morwen are prepared to offer fifty gold pieces for every werewolf head they receive. If you ever happen to make your way to Chult, I'd be happy to pay you for werewolf heads as well on behalf of the Lord's Alliance. Adventurers have helped the Lord's Alliance many times in the past, and we reward them accordingly."

2017-12-10, 04:32 PM
"Manath's grace be upon you, stranger." Hroan slid his empty mug across the table to her. "Buying a round is a wonderful way to make new friends. And if these two don't wish to drink, I shall empty their mugs for them." He jerked his head in the direction of the lizardfolk and the drow. "I am called Hroan, of the Yuirwood. What of the three of you?" he asked, glancing around the table.

I am Anh’kom, the Redeemed. You may “empty my mug” for me if you wish, although I have not heard that phrase before.

2017-12-10, 04:36 PM
Sigrid had barely finished loosing the handaxe from her hand before drawing the massive greatsword she had on her back, and closing the distance at a run. By the time the goblin turned and snarled, Sigrid was already on top of the goblin, bringing her blade down in an arc to spit the creature in half.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

The goblin drops his basket of berries and reaches for his shield to block Sigrid's oncoming attack. However she's too fast for him. With one swing of her greatsword, Sigrid strikes the goblin and nearly cleaves him in half. He screams a curse, and collapses.

Both goblins lie dead on the ground, surrounded by berries.

2017-12-10, 04:36 PM
The stranger nods.

"Of course. I was an adventurer myself, in another life. A healthy dose of suspicion is what keeps one alive."

The stranger moves so that she is facing only the three of you, and it is only then that she removes her mask. It only takes you a second to realize why she wears it.

Her face is pale and haggard; her skin a faint grey and her teeth yellow. Her eyes are sunken, her skin hangs limply from her bones, and she looks as though she hasn't slept in days. She gives you all a faint smile, and places her mask back upon her face.

"It's not contagious; I promise you that. Now then, perhaps I could buy you that drink?"

Jhank would nod, his eyes returning to their more affable, saucer like state, and the smile creeping back. "Thank you for understanding, friend. I am Vyth Jhank, you may call me either Vyth, or Jhank. It matters little. However... I'm guessing you have a job you need done."

2017-12-10, 04:50 PM
Ace listened as his compatriot and the nobleman spoke, though he winced a bit when he mentioned Gaakach by name.

"How many times do I have to tell him to call her queen. No names for clients unless its necessary. Ahh well, I'll remind him later, too late now." He thought to himself, listening to the offer of the nobleman. He sat silently for a minute after his comrade replied, and then pulled out his blade. He inspected each side of the blade itself, a long and curved sword he learned to use years ago reminiscent of swordsman from the far off plains who fought with little armor emphasizing speed over brute force. It was a potent looking blade, but also rather standard looking in design.

"I am hard pressed to say yes. This blade is reliable in a standard fight, sure, but this blade is also made of steel. It's tough as all hell, and will slice a regular man to ribbon with no issues... but you speak of werewolves, and if there's one thing I know about, it's the occult. Lycanthropy instills great power in someone and leaves few weaknesses, and steel is not among them. My allies have means to do something to them, but I would be dead weight in my present capacities. And I mean that very literally. The pay sounds worthwhile, but no amount of pay is worth guaranteed suicide."

2017-12-10, 04:50 PM
Jhank would nod, his eyes returning to their more affable, saucer like state, and the smile creeping back. "Thank you for understanding, friend. I am Vyth Jhank, you may call me either Vyth, or Jhank. It matters little. However... I'm guessing you have a job you need done."

The stranger's face hardens.

"Unfortunately I do. It's rather a long tale, and one best told over a good drink. You may call me Syndra, by the way."

She disappears to the bar for a moment, and soon returns with three large mugs of ale.

"I mentioned to you that I was an adventurer once, much like yourselves. One day my party got into an altercation with the Cult of the Dragon, and I was killed in the fighting. My friends raised me, but I considered that a sign that my adventuring days were done. I retired here to Waterdeep, where I've made a good living using my magical talents to service the Harpers."

Syndra pauses for a moment to cough, and then continues her story.

"Twenty days ago, the death curse struck me. You may have heard of it - it's a terrible affliction that affects those who have been raised from the dead. I've been growing weaker every day, and I'm not sure how much longer I'll last."

Syndra coughs again, and continues.

"Clerics are at a loss as to what's to be done. My colleagues in the Harpers have learned that the source of the sickness is something called the Soulmonger. They don't know much about it, but they do know that it's located somewhere in Chult. The challenge is that Chult is largely unmapped. I'm looking for some adventurers to explore Chult and destroy the Soulmonger."

Syndra coughs one last time.

"I suppose it goes without saying that time is of the essence."

2017-12-10, 05:00 PM
Ace listened as his compatriot and the nobleman spoke, though he winced a bit when he mentioned Gaakach by name.

"How many times do I have to tell him to call her queen. No names for clients unless its necessary. Ahh well, I'll remind him later, too late now." He thought to himself, listening to the offer of the nobleman. He sat silently for a minute after his comrade replied, and then pulled out his blade. He inspected each side of the blade itself, a long and curved sword he learned to use years ago reminiscent of swordsman from the far off plains who fought with little armor emphasizing speed over brute force. It was a potent looking blade, but also rather standard looking in design.

"I am hard pressed to say yes. This blade is reliable in a standard fight, sure, but this blade is also made of steel. It's tough as all hell, and will slice a regular man to ribbon with no issues... but you speak of werewolves, and if there's one thing I know about, it's the occult. Lycanthropy instills great power in someone and leaves few weaknesses, and steel is not among them. My allies have means to do something to them, but I would be dead weight in my present capacities. And I mean that very literally. The pay sounds worthwhile, but no amount of pay is worth guaranteed suicide."

Lerek nods, and strokes his beard.

"Of course I understand your reluctance. In our experience, these werewolves are particularly susceptible to silver weapons. You might find such weapons for sale in Daggerford, and you certainly could find them in some of the finer markets of Waterdeep. I've also heard rumours of wanderers to the south of Daggerford who sell such items out of their caravans."

2017-12-10, 05:05 PM
The stranger's face hardens.

"Unfortunately I do. It's rather a long tale, and one best told over a good drink. You may call me Syndra, by the way."

She disappears to the bar for a moment, and soon returns with three large mugs of ale.

"I mentioned to you that I was an adventurer once, much like yourselves. One day my party got into an altercation with the Cult of the Dragon, and I was killed in the fighting. My friends raised me, but I considered that a sign that my adventuring days were done. I retired here to Waterdeep, where I've made a good living using my magical talents to service the Harpers."

Syndra pauses for a moment to cough, and then continues her story.

"Twenty days ago, the death curse struck me. You may have heard of it - it's a terrible affliction that affects those who have been raised from the dead. I've been growing weaker every day, and I'm not sure how much longer I'll last."

Syndra coughs again, and continues.

"Clerics are at a loss as to what's to be done. My colleagues in the Harpers have learned that the source of the sickness is something called the Soulmonger. They don't know much about it, but they do know that it's located somewhere in Chult. The challenge is that Chult is largely unmapped. I'm looking for some adventurers to explore Chult and destroy the Soulmonger."

Syndra coughs one last time.

"I suppose it goes without saying that time is of the essence."
Where do we need to go?

2017-12-10, 05:15 PM
Lerek nods, and strokes his beard.

"Of course I understand your reluctance. In our experience, these werewolves are particularly susceptible to silver weapons. You might find such weapons for sale in Daggerford, and you certainly could find them in some of the finer markets of Waterdeep. I've also heard rumours of wanderers to the south of Daggerford who sell such items out of their caravans."

As always, my friend here has his eye on the prize. I don't see finding silvered weapons as a problem, but I can't imagine they are cheap. He then grins wolfishly and says,How about an advance on some of our future coin as a matter of good faith?
After all, we are the Royal Flush Mercenary Company, savy?

Roll for persuasion: [roll0]

2017-12-10, 05:21 PM
The goblin drops his basket of berries and reaches for his shield to block Sigrid's oncoming attack. However she's too fast for him. With one swing of her greatsword, Sigrid strikes the goblin and nearly cleaves him in half. He screams a curse, and collapses.

Both goblins lie dead on the ground, surrounded by berries.

Sigrid reclaimed her handaxe from the skull of the first goblin, and whiped the blood off on the grass, along with the blood on her sword.

Returning the now clean weapons, she picked up the basket of berries for a moment to inspect. Finding no goblin blood had gotten on the berries still in the basket, she popped a handful into her mouth.

While chewing, she briefly checked the goblins. Their crude weapons and armor was of little value, but goblins sometimes had some loose coins or small trinkets of. Finding nothing she was not likely to find in great quantity in the near future, she took the basket and took off back on the road.

“Well, it’s not a total loss.” She said to herself, and took back to the road, eating berries as she went. Hmm, not bad.

2017-12-10, 05:23 PM
Where do we need to go?

"Hold there, friend. I'm all for risk and danger, and Chult is a rather attractive destination, so I must ask, what are you willing to pay, and I'd ask that a portion be presented up front. And to sate my curiosity, why are you asking us, rather than your experienced former comrades."

2017-12-10, 05:34 PM
"Hold there, friend. I'm all for risk and danger, and Chult is a rather attractive destination, so I must ask, what are you willing to pay, and I'd ask that a portion be presented up front. And to sate my curiosity, why are you asking us, rather than your experienced former comrades."

Hroan's eyes widen at Syndra's description of her ailment. Heal the risen. At her mention of Chult, he smiles. "My companions ask excellent questions. I also want to know where can we find this Soulmonger. And how can we destroy it?" He pauses for a moment, looking solemnly at Syndra before inclining his head in her direction. "And how long do we have before it's too late?"

2017-12-10, 05:41 PM
As always, my friend here has his eye on the prize. I don't see finding silvered weapons as a problem, but I can't imagine they are cheap. He then grins wolfishly and says,How about an advance on some of our future coin as a matter of good faith?
After all, we are the Royal Flush Mercenary Company, savy?

Roll for persuasion: [roll0]

Lerek gives Rump a dissatisfied look.

"I admire your gumption, but the generosity of the Lord's Alliance only goes so far. We believe in rewarding good work... not in rewarding work before it is completed. You will be rewarded fifty gold pieces for every werewolf head you present to a member of the Lord's Alliance. Surely obtaining a few werewolf heads would be no challenge for a company of your repute."

2017-12-10, 05:45 PM
Katerina is wandering the streets of Daggerford. She got a good night's sleep, and she's ready to hit the road for her next big adventure. She isn't sure what it'll be yet, but she's certain it'll be exciting.

Though not as large as Waterdeep, Daggerford is a respectably sized town in its own right. Early in the morning, there's plenty to do and plenty of adventure to be had. Katerina passes the marketplace, the weaponsmiths, and the churches. She's overcome with excitement. The next stage of her life begins now, and she's ready for it.

A member of the town guard spots Katerina staring out at the town, and she gives Katerina a friendly wave. Then she turns away, and begins to hammer a piece of paper into the wall. The piece of paper looks quite important. In fact, if Katerina isn't mistaken, it seems to bear the insignia of Duchess Morwen Daggerford.

Katerina waved back at the guard, but what's this? Some kind of ducal missive? Katerina admitted no small amount of curiosity as she got closer, reading what was on the paper.

2017-12-10, 06:02 PM
Syndra waits calmy for all of you to finish asking your questions, and then answers you one at a time. First she turns to Anh'kom.

"Unfortunately I do not know the location of the Soulmonger specifically. Chult is largely unmapped, but I expect some leads may be found in the city of Port Nyanzaru."

Next she turns to Vyth.

"As for your concerns, I'm willing to pay a total of one thousand gold pieces should you accomplish your task. However I cannot agree to partial payment up front. Sad to say, you are not the first group of adventurers I've hired. I've asked a few different parties for help in the past weeks, and paid them handsomely for their services. I never saw them again. I don't mean any offense, but you can understand my reservations. As I said, a good amount of suspicion keeps a person alive. However you would have all my magic powers at your disposal to help you with your journey. Furthermore, I am good friends with a wealthy merchant prince in Port Nyanzaru. I could arrange special discounts for the group of you at his markets as a show of good faith."

Finally, she turns to Hroan. Her voice grows quieter.

"I'm afraid I simply don't know how long I have. The clerics guess a month - possibly two. I'm afraid our diviners have been unable to discern any further information about the Soulmonger, or the nature of the disease."

2017-12-10, 06:08 PM
Sigrid reclaimed her handaxe from the skull of the first goblin, and whiped the blood off on the grass, along with the blood on her sword.

Returning the now clean weapons, she picked up the basket of berries for a moment to inspect. Finding no goblin blood had gotten on the berries still in the basket, she popped a handful into her mouth.

While chewing, she briefly checked the goblins. Their crude weapons and armor was of little value, but goblins sometimes had some loose coins or small trinkets of. Finding nothing she was not likely to find in great quantity in the near future, she took the basket and took off back on the road.

“Well, it’s not a total loss.” She said to herself, and took back to the road, eating berries as she went. Hmm, not bad.

The rest of Sigrid's journey is largely quiet. She spots a few birds flying overhead as she travels, and the woods grow thicker. At around noon, she has some more of the berries for lunch.

Finally a few hours later, Sigrid hears the ringing of a bell. The sound grows louder as Nightstone comes into view. A river flows around the settlement, forming a moat. The village itself is contained within a wooden palisade, beyond which you see a windmill, a tall steeple, and the high-pitched rooftops of several other buildings.

Apart from the ringing of the bell, Sigrid detects no other ac*tivity in the village. The trail ends before a lowered draw*
bridge that spans the moat. Beyond the drawbridge, two stone watchtowers flank an open gap in the palisade.
South of the village and surrounded by the river moat is a cone-shaped, flat-topped hill on which stands a
stone keep enclosed by a wooden wall. The keep, which overlooks the village, has partially collapsed. A wooden
bridge that once connected the keep to the village has also partially collapsed.

2017-12-10, 06:08 PM
Rump leans in closer, with a firm gaze, Ah, but good work requires the right tools. The best blacksmith is good for nothing without a hammer or fire. Rump then relaxes back and waves his hand as if to dismiss the topic. Seeing your limitations, however, I am sure we are still capable of helping you. How do we get there?

2017-12-10, 06:14 PM
Katerina waved back at the guard, but what's this? Some kind of ducal missive? Katerina admitted no small amount of curiosity as she got closer, reading what was on the paper.

The paper has the following message written on it:


A band of unscrupulous travelers in caravans has been spotted just south of Daggerford. These travelers have been suspected of thievery and are best avoided by all citizens. To all those skilled at arms, Duchess Morwen Daggerford promises a hundred gold pieces to the person who can drive them from town... peacefully or otherwise.

The guard sees Katerina reading the poster, and shakes her head.

"A shame what this town's coming to, isn't it?"

2017-12-10, 06:18 PM
Rump leans in closer, with a firm gaze, Ah, but good work requires the right tools. The best blacksmith is good for nothing without a hammer or fire. Rump then relaxes back and waves his hand as if to dismiss the topic. Seeing your limitations, however, I am sure we are still capable of helping you. How do we get there?

Lerek nods in understanding.

"Daggerford itself is ten days southeast of Waterdeep. If you stick to the road, you shouldn't have any trouble. After that, it's less than a day of travel to the Misty Forest. That's where most of the werewolves have been spotted."

2017-12-10, 06:20 PM
The rest of Sigrid's journey is largely quiet. She spots a few birds flying overhead as she travels, and the woods grow thicker. At around noon, she has some more of the berries for lunch.

Finally a few hours later, Sigrid hears the ringing of a bell. The sound grows louder as Nightstone comes into view. A river flows around the settlement, forming a moat. The village itself is contained within a wooden palisade, beyond which you see a windmill, a tall steeple, and the high-pitched rooftops of several other buildings.

Apart from the ringing of the bell, Sigrid detects no other ac*tivity in the village. The trail ends before a lowered draw*
bridge that spans the moat. Beyond the drawbridge, two stone watchtowers flank an open gap in the palisade.
South of the village and surrounded by the river moat is a cone-shaped, flat-topped hill on which stands a
stone keep enclosed by a wooden wall. The keep, which overlooks the village, has partially collapsed. A wooden
bridge that once connected the keep to the village has also partially collapsed.

Feeling that something was wrong Sigrid crept forward to the precipice of the gate, just far enough to get a good look into the town. While doing so she drew her greatsword and held it vertically at the ready.

2017-12-10, 06:25 PM
Syndra waits calmy for all of you to finish asking your questions, and then answers you one at a time. First she turns to Anh'kom.

"Unfortunately I do not know the location of the Soulmonger specifically. Chult is largely unmapped, but I expect some leads may be found in the city of Port Nyanzaru."

Next she turns to Vyth.

"As for your concerns, I'm willing to pay a total of one thousand gold pieces should you accomplish your task. However I cannot agree to partial payment up front. Sad to say, you are not the first group of adventurers I've hired. I've asked a few different parties for help in the past weeks, and paid them handsomely for their services. I never saw them again. I don't mean any offense, but you can understand my reservations. As I said, a good amount of suspicion keeps a person alive. However you would have all my magic powers at your disposal to help you with your journey. Furthermore, I am good friends with a wealthy merchant prince in Port Nyanzaru. I could arrange special discounts for the group of you at his markets as a show of good faith."

Finally, she turns to Hroan. Her voice grows quieter.

"I'm afraid I simply don't know how long I have. The clerics guess a month - possibly two. I'm afraid our diviners have been unable to discern any further information about the Soulmonger, or the nature of the disease."

Hroan slams down his mug. "To Chult, then!" At last. "What can you tell us of this Port Nyanzaru? And what magic powers have you that may be of help to us on what appears to be a most dangerous quest?"

2017-12-10, 06:30 PM
Rump looks to his team members, Well lads... I mean lad and lass,
what say you? Is it time to embark on another fool's errand and to stir up trouble?

2017-12-10, 06:32 PM
The paper has the following message written on it:


A band of unscrupulous travelers in caravans has been spotted just south of Daggerford. These travelers have been suspected of thievery and are best avoided by all citizens. To all those skilled at arms, Duchess Morwen Daggerford promises a hundred gold pieces to the person who can drive them from town... peacefully or otherwise.

The guard sees Katerina reading the poster, and shakes her head.

"A shame what this town's coming to, isn't it?"

"Indeed..." I wonder what could have driven those travelers to thievery...

"Say, if I resolved this problem, where would I bring the news that the thieves were dealt with?"

2017-12-10, 06:59 PM
Hroan slams down his mug. "To Chult, then!" At last. "What can you tell us of this Port Nyanzaru? And what magic powers have you that may be of help to us on what appears to be a most dangerous quest?"

"Well, my interest has been piqued, and given the nature of your request, I'll have to agree with my companion's line of questioning. However, I'm quite ready to head to Port Nyanzaru, whenever you are able to send us off."

2017-12-10, 07:01 PM
Feeling that something was wrong Sigrid crept forward to the precipice of the gate, just far enough to get a good look into the town. While doing so she drew her greatsword and held it vertically at the ready.

Sigrid progresses towards Nightstone, arriving at the precipice of the gate. The bell continues to ring. She peers into the town, and that is when she gets her first look at Nightstone's new inhabitants.

Dozens of goblins are crawling through the half-ruined town, searching it for valuables and fighting among each other. They have spread themselves thin, so as to prevent as much infighting as possible. A large number of human corpses can be seen in the town, stripped of any valuables.

Sigrid cannot see any living humans. She can also make a perception check, to see what else she notices about the town.

2017-12-10, 07:04 PM
"Well, my interest has been piqued, and given the nature of your request, I'll have to agree with my companion's line of questioning. However, I'm quite ready to head to Port Nyanzaru, whenever you are able to send us off."

Syndra nods.

"As it happens, I'll be able to help you out with that. I can teleport us all to Port Nyanzaru whenever you'd like. Obviously time is of the essence, but if any of you have any matters in Waterdeep to attend to first, I'm willing to wait."

2017-12-10, 07:07 PM
"Indeed..." I wonder what could have driven those travelers to thievery...

"Say, if I resolved this problem, where would I bring the news that the thieves were dealt with?"

The guard smiles at Katerina.

"Oh, Duchess Morwen herself would be the person to speak to if you send those thieves on their way. I'm certain she'd reward you handsomely for your efforts. She's always been a friend to adventurers looking to do good deeds."

2017-12-10, 07:49 PM
Syndra nods.

"As it happens, I'll be able to help you out with that. I can teleport us all to Port Nyanzaru whenever you'd like. Obviously time is of the essence, but if any of you have any matters in Waterdeep to attend to first, I'm willing to wait."

"I am also ready to leave. I'm sure your merchant prince can help us prepare for whatever comes next." Hroan shoulders his pack and waits.

2017-12-10, 08:01 PM
The guard smiles at Katerina.

"Oh, Duchess Morwen herself would be the person to speak to if you send those thieves on their way. I'm certain she'd reward you handsomely for your efforts. She's always been a friend to adventurers looking to do good deeds."

"I see, thank you. One last question: do you know what they look like or some other way I could identify them? I'd hate to bother the wrong travelers..."

2017-12-10, 08:13 PM
Rump looks to his team members, Well lads... I mean lad and lass,
what say you? Is it time to embark on another fool's errand and to stir up trouble?

Lerek nods in understanding.

"Daggerford itself is ten days southeast of Waterdeep. If you stick to the road, you shouldn't have any trouble. After that, it's less than a day of travel to the Misty Forest. That's where most of the werewolves have been spotted."

Gaakach ("Queen") pondered for a moment before nodding. She had no need of silver weapons to fight werewolves, her training at the Academy of Devastation would be plenty for that.
"Killing them shouldn't be a problem, not compared to keeping the heads intact. Is it only heads, or can we present tongues and tails as proof if we..." Gaakach briefly brought the fingers of her empty hand to her temples and widened her fingers in a way that indicated that she might explode some of the werewolves' heads.

2017-12-10, 08:16 PM
"I see, thank you. One last question: do you know what they look like or some other way I could identify them? I'd hate to bother the wrong travelers..."

The guard nods.

"They're difficult to miss, from what I've heard. They're a colourful sort, with plenty of horses and carriages. They're all humans, and They travel from one area to another, but in Duchess Morwen's opinion, they've worn out their welcome here. Some guards went down to their camp the other day to ask them to move on, but they were unsuccessful."

2017-12-10, 08:20 PM
The guard nods.

"They're difficult to miss, from what I've heard. They're a colourful sort, with plenty of horses and carriages. They're all humans, and They travel from one area to another, but in Duchess Morwen's opinion, they've worn out their welcome here. Some guards went down to their camp the other day to ask them to move on, but they were unsuccessful."

"I understand. Thank you; I pray that I can return with good news quickly."

Katerina waves goodbye to the town guard, setting out from the southern side of Daggerford.

2017-12-10, 08:21 PM
Gaakach ("Queen") pondered for a moment before nodding. She had no need of silver weapons to fight werewolves, her training at the Academy of Devastation would be plenty for that.
"Killing them shouldn't be a problem, not compared to keeping the heads intact. Is it only heads, or can we present tongues and tails as proof if we..." Gaakach briefly brought the fingers of her empty hand to her temples and widened her fingers in a way that indicated that she might explode some of the werewolves' heads.

Lerek seems to like Gaakach's enthusiasm, and smiles at her.

"Certainly you may bring tails instead, if you'd prefer. If you're killing so many werewolves that you can't carry their heads, the Lord's Alliance would be extremely grateful."

He looks at the entirety of the party.

"If the three of you have no further questions concerning the mission, I really must be on my way to Chult."

2017-12-10, 08:21 PM
Sigrid progresses towards Nightstone, arriving at the precipice of the gate. The bell continues to ring. She peers into the town, and that is when she gets her first look at Nightstone's new inhabitants.

Dozens of goblins are crawling through the half-ruined town, searching it for valuables and fighting among each other. They have spread themselves thin, so as to prevent as much infighting as possible. A large number of human corpses can be seen in the town, stripped of any valuables.

Sigrid cannot see any living humans. She can also make a perception check, to see what else she notices about the town.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-12-10, 08:35 PM
Perception: [roll0]

Sigrid notices a number of goblins travelling through Nightstone, but for the most part each goblin is keeping apart from the others. Just inside the town, roughly thirty feet from where she's standing, Sigrid can see a goblin ransacking a damaged home. The keep to the south also has several goblins searching it.

As Sigrid surveys the town, she starts to suspect that the goblins alone weren't the cause for a great deal of this damage. Among other things, she can't imagine how goblins could have punched holes through rooftops, shattered walls, or buried villagers under piles of rubble.

The goblins have not yet spotted Sigrid.

2017-12-10, 09:06 PM
Lerek seems to like Gaakach's enthusiasm, and smiles at her.

"Certainly you may bring tails instead, if you'd prefer. If you're killing so many werewolves that you can't carry their heads, the Lord's Alliance would be extremely grateful."

He looks at the entirety of the party.

"If the three of you have no further questions concerning the mission, I really must be on my way to Chult."

Gaakach nodded, permitting Lerek to go about his business.

2017-12-10, 09:30 PM
Sigrid notices a number of goblins travelling through Nightstone, but for the most part each goblin is keeping apart from the others. Just inside the town, roughly thirty feet from where she's standing, Sigrid can see a goblin ransacking a damaged home. The keep to the south also has several goblins searching it.

As Sigrid surveys the town, she starts to suspect that the goblins alone weren't the cause for a great deal of this damage. Among other things, she can't imagine how goblins could have punched holes through rooftops, shattered walls, or buried villagers under piles of rubble.

The goblins have not yet spotted Sigrid.

Stealth...Sigrid hated stealth. Privately praying to whatever god or gods were listening, she attempted to close the distance between her and the nearby goblin ransacking the house. She was not trying to get directly behind it, but if she could make it just ten feet or so closer she could her a good throw off with an axe.

Cursing her armor and luck, she moved forward.

Stealth (Disadvantage)


2017-12-10, 09:35 PM
Gaakach nodded, permitting Lerek to go about his business.

The smile Rump wears falters for a second as he considers Gaakach. We might have to keep an eye on this one...she might get carried away. Very well, enjoy your time in Chult...if that's even possible.

After he leaves, Rump rubs his hands together and says Well, this should be a thrill. Should we look for a ride or do we want to stick to our own legs?

2017-12-10, 10:35 PM
"I am also ready to leave. I'm sure your merchant prince can help us prepare for whatever comes next." Hroan shoulders his pack and waits.
I am also ready to leave.

2017-12-10, 11:15 PM
Stealth...Sigrid hated stealth. Privately praying to whatever god or gods were listening, she attempted to close the distance between her and the nearby goblin ransacking the house. She was not trying to get directly behind it, but if she could make it just ten feet or so closer she could her a good throw off with an axe.

Cursing her armor and luck, she moved forward.

Stealth (Disadvantage)


Sigrid is able to close the distance and is now twenty feet from the goblin. However as she nears him, her boot scrapes on the ground. The goblin's ears perk up, and he locks eyes with Sigrid. No other goblins have heard Sigrid as of yet.

"You should have run with all your friends," the goblin says in a raspy voice. He readies his scimitar.

2017-12-10, 11:25 PM
The smile Rump wears falters for a second as he considers Gaakach. We might have to keep an eye on this one...she might get carried away. Very well, enjoy your time in Chult...if that's even possible.

After he leaves, Rump rubs his hands together and says Well, this should be a thrill. Should we look for a ride or do we want to stick to our own legs?

Lerek bids the party goodbye, thanks them on behalf of the Lord's Alliance, and leaves The Yawning Portal. Now the Royal Flush Mercenary Company stands alone in the massive tavern. Elsewhere in the tavern the lizardfolk, half elf and drow are chatting with the masked woman, and Durnan is pouring a drink for a middle aged goliath. As you look back at the other party, they link hands with the masked woman and vanish in a flash of light. No doubt they're off on their own adventure.

2017-12-10, 11:26 PM
Sigrid is able to close the distance and is now twenty feet from the goblin. However as she nears him, her boot scrapes on the ground. The goblin's ears perk up, and he locks eyes with Sigrid. No other goblins have heard Sigrid as of yet.

"You should have run with all your friends," the goblin says in a raspy voice. He readies his scimitar.

Not wasting time with banter, knowing she had to end this fast and clean if she wanted to maintain the element of surprise, Sigrid charged in with sword held horizontally. With a single clean movement, she slashed the large blade intent on bisecting the goblin looter.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-10, 11:33 PM
I am also ready to leave.

"That's good to hear." Syndra stands up and takes a moment to collect her thoughts. "Everybody step towards me and link hands."

Syndra takes Vyth's claw, who takes Hroan's hand, who takes Anh'kom's hand. Syndra shouts a command word.

In a sudden flash, The Yawning Portal has disappeared. You appear in a tropical city under the blazing sun. The familiar sounds of a harbor- creaking ropes, slapping waves, heavy barrels rolling across cobblestones-mingle with voices shouting and cursing in an unfamiliar language filled with clicks, inhalations, and singsongy words that make it sound almost musical. The aroma of unfamiliar spices and tropical fruit mixes with the wharfside smells of fish, tar, and canvas.

Beyond all that, Port Nyanzaru is an explosion of color. Buildings are painted in bright shades of blue, green, orange, and salmon pink, or their walls are adorned with murals portraying giant reptiles and mythical heroes. Every building sports baskets and clay urns of colorful flowers or is draped in leafy, flowering vines. Minstrels in bright clothing adorned with feathers and shells perform on street corners. Multicolored pennants and sun awnings flutter atop the city walls. A crowd of children dressed in feathered hats and capes races past you, squealing in delighted terror as a street performer costumed as a big-toothed lizard stomps and roars behind them. The whole city seems to be bustling, sweating, laughing, swearing, and singing.

2017-12-10, 11:42 PM
Not wasting time with banter, knowing she had to end this fast and clean if she wanted to maintain the element of surprise, Sigrid charged in with sword held horizontally. With a single clean movement, she slashed the large blade intent on bisecting the goblin looter.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Sigrid strikes at the goblin, but he blocks her attack with his shield. He roars, and lashes out at Sigrid with his scimitar. He is successful, slashing Sigrid on her arm.

"You should have fled with the rest of the cowards!" the goblin sneers.

2017-12-10, 11:50 PM
"I understand. Thank you; I pray that I can return with good news quickly."

Katerina waves goodbye to the town guard, setting out from the southern side of Daggerford.

Katerina begins her journey south along the trading road. Eventually the road she's taking will reach Baldur's Gate, but Katerina's journey won't take nearly that long. Late that afternoon, after almost a full day of walking, Katerina finds herself on the outskirts of Misty Woods. The woods seem quiet and desolate at first, and Katerina enters the woods. It is then that she hears the faint sound of music, coming from farther along the path.

2017-12-10, 11:51 PM
"Hmm. We're not alone."

Around what time is it?

2017-12-10, 11:52 PM
Sigrid strikes at the goblin, but he blocks her attack with his shield. He roars, and lashes out at Sigrid with his scimitar. He is successful, slashing Sigrid on her arm.

"You should have fled with the rest of the cowards!" the goblin sneers.

Sigrid winces at the pain as the blade bit into her arm...then, she clenched her teeth and ignored the pain.

BONUS ACTION Second Wind: [roll0] HP Healed

Feeling a bit better, she hissed out "Be silent, vermin."and brought her sword back around for a diagonal slash.

Attack: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]+3

Edit: Damage re-roll results in a 12

2017-12-10, 11:53 PM
Katerina begins her journey south along the trading road. Eventually the road she's taking will reach Baldur's Gate, but Katerina's journey won't take nearly that long. Late that afternoon, after almost a full day of walking, Katerina finds herself on the outskirts of Misty Woods. The woods seem quiet and desolate at first, and Katerina enters the woods. It is then that she hears the faint sound of music, coming from farther along the path.

Katerina had originally assumed that these 'travelers' would be much closer to town, but she supposed it did make a sort of sense for thieves to be in the woods.

She continues onward, heading for the source of the music.

2017-12-11, 12:00 AM
Sigrid winces at the pain as the blade bit into her arm...then, she clenched her teeth and ignored the pain.

BONUS ACTION Second Wind: [roll0] HP Healed

Feeling a bit better, she hissed out "Be silent, vermin."and brought her sword back around for a diagonal slash.

Attack: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]+3

Edit: Damage re-roll results in a 12

The goblin cries out in pain, and falls to the ground, dead. Another victory for Sigrid. Like his fellow goblins in the forest, this unfortunate goblin is carrying a scimitar, shield and a shortbow, and is wearing leather armor.

2017-12-11, 12:02 AM
Katerina had originally assumed that these 'travelers' would be much closer to town, but she supposed it did make a sort of sense for thieves to be in the woods.

She continues onward, heading for the source of the music.

After about ten minutes of traveling through the woods, Katerina comes upon the source of the noise.

She sees a dozen men and women gathered around a crackling bonfire. The folk are in good spirits. A few of them sing and dance around the fire while others find happiness in their flasks and wine*skins. Three barrel-topped wagons are parked at odd angles. Tied to a nearby tree, grazing, are half a dozen draft horses wearing bright coats with bangles and tassels.

2017-12-11, 12:05 AM
As he sees the party disappear, Rump stares at his mug for a moment. Hmm, maybe I should slow down...

Hearing the Queen's comment, he nods before gesturing towards the door and saying The truth is out there.

I think I missed the Royal Flush background. Do I have a codename?

2017-12-11, 12:12 AM
"That's good to hear." Syndra stands up and takes a moment to collect her thoughts. "Everybody step towards me and link hands."

Syndra takes Vyth's claw, who takes Hroan's hand, who takes Anh'kom's hand. Syndra shouts a command word.

In a sudden flash, The Yawning Portal has disappeared. You appear in a tropical city under the blazing sun. The familiar sounds of a harbor- creaking ropes, slapping waves, heavy barrels rolling across cobblestones-mingle with voices shouting and cursing in an unfamiliar language filled with clicks, inhalations, and singsongy words that make it sound almost musical. The aroma of unfamiliar spices and tropical fruit mixes with the wharfside smells of fish, tar, and canvas.

Beyond all that, Port Nyanzaru is an explosion of color. Buildings are painted in bright shades of blue, green, orange, and salmon pink, or their walls are adorned with murals portraying giant reptiles and mythical heroes. Every building sports baskets and clay urns of colorful flowers or is draped in leafy, flowering vines. Minstrels in bright clothing adorned with feathers and shells perform on street corners. Multicolored pennants and sun awnings flutter atop the city walls. A crowd of children dressed in feathered hats and capes races past you, squealing in delighted terror as a street performer costumed as a big-toothed lizard stomps and roars behind them. The whole city seems to be bustling, sweating, laughing, swearing, and singing.

Freeing his hands after adjusting to the overwhelming change in lighting, taking in the sights, and bright colors. Vyth's smile would grow into a toothy display. "So, do you have any direction you can point us in, or are we free to find our own way?"

2017-12-11, 12:14 AM
The goblin cries out in pain, and falls to the ground, dead. Another victory for Sigrid. Like his fellow goblins in the forest, this unfortunate goblin is carrying a scimitar, shield and a shortbow, and is wearing leather armor.

Silently cursing the injury that still bothered her, Sigrid snatched up the shortbow and it's quiver of arrows. The leather armor was useless compared to her own chainmail even if it had been in her size, and the shield would be of little help with the lack of a third arm, the loss in damage would hurt too much to make the added defense worth it. The bow on the other hand may come in handy. If this had shown her anything it was that she would need some range to take care of this on her own, she wasn't part of a squad anymore.

+1 Shortbow Get!

New gear acquired, Sigrid left the house. With the keep on the south end of town, she started heading that direction. With any luck the keep would have some survivors who either could help or needed help, or both. With any luck being that far out on the edge would make spotting her hard, and that ringing bell would make hearing her armored steps difficult at that. The guard towers along the way may have something that could help, and at the very least the goblins there would be the most isolated, so she resolved to check them along the way.

2017-12-11, 12:51 AM
If it's near night, Gaakach will order a room and depart in the morning. If it's midday or before, she'll probably start now and drag the party along behind her.

2017-12-11, 01:05 AM
Ace looked at the other group, then addressed Gaak.

"I'm gonna have to assume they're competition. We'd better get moving. We'll need to see if we can find a blacksmith on the way who needs a favor... or scrounge up some more gold. You may be able to hurt them, but I'm nothing more than a grappled against lycanthropes... And I'm not about to grapple with things that cheat with claws and teeth."

And with that, assuming it was daylight, Ace got up and grabbed his crossbow, slinging it on his back and readying himself for the journey ahead.

2017-12-11, 01:10 AM
After about ten minutes of traveling through the woods, Katerina comes upon the source of the noise.

She sees a dozen men and women gathered around a crackling bonfire. The folk are in good spirits. A few of them sing and dance around the fire while others find happiness in their flasks and wine*skins. Three barrel-topped wagons are parked at odd angles. Tied to a nearby tree, grazing, are half a dozen draft horses wearing bright coats with bangles and tassels.

This is certainly the group in question. Every single identifying feature the guardswoman mentioned was right here.

Katerina would rather things not turn violent. Subduing a whole band of travelers seemed like a bad idea, and besides, there's always the chance that this is just a misunderstanding.

"Hello!" She called out to the group of them, stepping into view. Being upfront like this would help them consider her harmless.

She took a quick glance around the camp. She admittedly didn't expect to find anything that would indicate they were bandits, but perhaps if they were drunk enough to leave something obvious out... (Perception: [roll0])

2017-12-11, 08:31 AM
Ace looked at the other group, then addressed Gaak.

"I'm gonna have to assume they're competition. We'd better get moving. We'll need to see if we can find a blacksmith on the way who needs a favor... or scrounge up some more gold. You may be able to hurt them, but I'm nothing more than a grappled against lycanthropes... And I'm not about to grapple with things that cheat with claws and teeth."

And with that, assuming it was daylight, Ace got up and grabbed his crossbow, slinging it on his back and readying himself for the journey ahead.

It's currently about eleven in the morning. The three of you could make good time if you leave Waterdeep today, but the trip to Daggerford will still take several days.

2017-12-11, 08:37 AM
This is certainly the group in question. Every single identifying feature the guardswoman mentioned was right here.

Katerina would rather things not turn violent. Subduing a whole band of travelers seemed like a bad idea, and besides, there's always the chance that this is just a misunderstanding.

"Hello!" She called out to the group of them, stepping into view. Being upfront like this would help them consider her harmless.

She took a quick glance around the camp. She admittedly didn't expect to find anything that would indicate they were bandits, but perhaps if they were drunk enough to leave something obvious out... (Perception: [roll0])

Though the woods are coating much of the camp in shadows, Katerina's stellar vision allows her to see things clearly.

An old man sits by a fire, excitedly telling a story with animated gestures. A man and a woman are sitting and listening to the story intently. Both heavily resemble the old man - you suspect there is some relation.

Nine other travelers are singing and drinking and dancing. When the old man hears Katerina, he stops telling his story and stands up to greet her.

"Hello, fellow traveler! Pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Stanimir. Come, warm yourself by our fire."

2017-12-11, 08:42 AM
Freeing his hands after adjusting to the overwhelming change in lighting, taking in the sights, and bright colors. Vyth's smile would grow into a toothy display. "So, do you have any direction you can point us in, or are we free to find our own way?"

Syndra turns to Vyth.

"I'd certainly explore the port, to stock up on supplies before heading out. If you're looking for a place to stay the night, the Thundering Lizard is nice if you're looking for a fun time, while Kaya's House of Repose is probably better if you just want a good night's sleep."

Syndra coughs, and adjusts her mask.

"Personally, I'm off to Wakanga's villa. He's that merchant prince I mentioned. He's an old dear friend. With my condition I won't be much use adventuring, so I'll be staying with him."

2017-12-11, 08:58 AM
Duncan has spent the last few weeks on the long, snowy trip to Luskan.

Truthfully, the trip has been quiet so far. He's travelling with three traders, and they're grateful for the protection. A notorious dwarf named Worvil "the Weevil" Forkbeard has been attacking caravans travelling between Mirabar and Luskan. It was while stopping in Mirabar that Duncan heard that the Order of the Gauntlet captured most of the Weevil's gang, but the Weevil himself disappeared into the mountains. He was last seen heading north for Ten-Towns with some of his surviving men. But this hasn't made the merchants any less nervous. They're eager to get to Luskan as quickly as possible.

But there's been no sign of the Weevil or any of his gang members yet. Currently the caravan is traveling along a cold, icy road.

2017-12-11, 10:36 AM
Rump downs his ale and straps on sword, shield, and drum. I am anxious to be on the road as well. Besides, this place is basically a hole. He then makes towards the door, saying If we need to save up some coin, I suppose we are left to our own hooves. No matter, I have stories and songs for all occasions!

2017-12-11, 10:43 AM
Rump downs his ale and straps on sword, shield, and drum. I am anxious to be on the road as well. Besides, this place is basically a hole. He then makes towards the door, saying If we need to save up some coin, I suppose we are left to our own hooves. No matter, I have stories and songs for all occasions!

The Royal Flush Mercenary Company steps out of The Yawning Portal, off to begin their adventure. They pass through the crowded markets of Waterdeep, and make their way to the southern gates. Once they pass those, it'll be about a ten day walk to Daggerford.

2017-12-11, 10:48 AM
Syndra turns to Vyth.

"I'd certainly explore the port, to stock up on supplies before heading out. If you're looking for a place to stay the night, the Thundering Lizard is nice if you're looking for a fun time, while Kaya's House of Repose is probably better if you just want a good night's sleep."

Syndra coughs, and adjusts her mask.

"Personally, I'm off to Wakanga's villa. He's that merchant prince I mentioned. He's an old dear friend. With my condition I won't be much use adventuring, so I'll be staying with him."

Hroan takes a deep breath of the sea air. The heat is a welcome change from the frigid climes of the North, but the humidity presses on him, and he is glad to be mostly unclothed. He glances around the harbor, then to the jungle canopy in the distance. "I am well-rested. Surely, we will want to visit the market for supplies before we venture out of the city, but I would like to accompany you to meet this prince first. I would not want to miss the opportunity to make an important ally."

2017-12-11, 11:09 AM
The Royal Flush Mercenary Company steps out of The Yawning Portal, off to begin their adventure. They pass through the crowded markets of Waterdeep, and make their way to the southern gates. Once they pass those, it'll be about a ten day walk to Daggerford.

Gaakach remains in the back, keeping an eye on the flanks of the party as they move forward.


2017-12-11, 11:17 AM
Hroan takes a deep breath of the sea air. The heat is a welcome change from the frigid climes of the North, but the humidity presses on him, and he is glad to be mostly unclothed. He glances around the harbor, then to the jungle canopy in the distance. "I am well-rested. Surely, we will want to visit the market for supplies before we venture out of the city, but I would like to accompany you to meet this prince first. I would not want to miss the opportunity to make an important ally."
I concur. Earlier, I believe, you or the other one were talking about a party name. I propose “The Death Foes”.

2017-12-11, 11:24 AM
Ace looked at his allies, then to the road. He mentally readied himself for the joBurney ahead before he spoke.

"No point in waiting, I guess. I'll take left point, Rump you can take right. Let me know if you see any wildlife that I don't. The more we can save our food, the better."

Ace pulled out his crossbow and loaded it, hoping they could find some game along the way.

Perception roll:[roll0]

2017-12-11, 11:25 AM
I concur. Earlier, I believe, you or the other one were talking about a party name. I propose “The Death Foes”.

Hroan ponders this for a moment. "I like the sentiment. But it might be more accurate to say we are foes of undeath. While that does not make us allies of death, perhaps it does place us on the same side of the battle. What do you think about 'The Deathwatch?'"

2017-12-11, 11:31 AM
The Royal Flush Mercenary Company steps out of The Yawning Portal, off to begin their adventure. They pass through the crowded markets of Waterdeep, and make their way to the southern gates. Once they pass those, it'll be about a ten day walk to Daggerford.

Ace looked at his allies, then to the road. He mentally readied himself for the joBurney ahead before he spoke.

"No point in waiting, I guess. I'll take left point, Rump you can take right. Let me know if you see any wildlife that I don't. The more we can save our food, the better."

Ace pulled out his crossbow and loaded it, hoping they could find some game along the way.

Perception roll:[roll0]

Rump begins some light marching music and says, Will do Acey. And you keep your ears open for any songs you like or want to hear.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-12-11, 12:15 PM
Hroan ponders this for a moment. "I like the sentiment. But it might be more accurate to say we are foes of undeath. While that does not make us allies of death, perhaps it does place us on the same side of the battle. What do you think about 'The Deathwatch?'"
I like that.

2017-12-11, 12:17 PM
After weeks of travel, Callie finally sees the large walls of Goldenfields on the horizon.

A huge, walled temple-farm, Goldenfields is the only reason half the north tastes fruit larger than bush berries. Waterdeep in particular is a large consumer of Goldenfields' produce. Callie has never been to Goldenfields herself, but she's tasted their food on many occasions. However while stopping at The Yawning Portal - a well-known bar in Waterdeep - she heard rumours that Goldenfields was facing some problems with hill giants. That struck a chord with Callie, and so she's venturing north to see what she can do to help.

At this point, Callie is about four hours from Goldenfields, if there's anything she'd like to do to prepare before she gets there.

Callie is glad for the lighter armor she purchased in Waterdeep, as it makes the trip to Goldenfields move much more quickly. She'd thought about signing on with a caravan but there were none headed that way for quite some time, and it didn't seem worth going up the Long Road just to have to go back south again to Goldenfields.

She was looking forward to seeing the Temple, as she knew Chauntea was allied with Yondalla and they shared many ideals. In fact, she'd been told that for a time between the Spellplague and the Sundering, the two goddesses were thought by some scholars to be one and the same.

It was these sorts of thoughts with which she occupied her mind as she traveled, though now with the walls visible she had a new thought to focus on -- and a new nervousness.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-11, 01:26 PM

Duncan was sitting on a wagon, chatting with one of the merchants, a genial older halfling man going by the unlikely name of Finabin while surveying the surrounding landscape.

You know, with all the bad rep this region gets I wasn't expecting the view to be so gorgeous... I know a few painters back in Silverymoon who would pay quite a bit of gold for an escort around here. Might be a business opportunity there.

So, Luskan. I've heard a lot of stories about the place but I've never been yet. What can I expect?

2017-12-11, 02:27 PM
I like that.

"What's with you soft ones and your fascination with death? My lot would be cast in on something less abstract, like Relic Acquisitions and Destruction."

2017-12-11, 04:14 PM
"What's with you humans and your fascination with death? My lot would be cast in on something less abstract, like Relic Acquisitions and Destruction."

"A work in progress, then." Hroan turns to Syndra. "Please, lead the way."

2017-12-11, 10:16 PM
"A work in progress, then." Hroan turns to Syndra. "Please, lead the way."

Syndra nods. She escorts you through the marketplace, travelling past a variety of bright, colourful buildings. Syndra leads you from the marketplace to a quieter part of the city, and one that seems to be much older. As you walk, you notice a large rectangular, stone-lined pit to the left of you. A horde of people are surrounding the pit, laughing and cheering.

Then you hear a roar coming from within the pit. You see a large dinosaur within the pit, snarling up at the crowd. The monstrous overgrown lizard seems agitated by the noise from the crowd. Next you hear a terrified scream. That's when you notice a man in rags, carrying a wooden sword. He is also in the pit... and the dinosaur has taken notice of him.

"That's the Executioner's Run," Syndra says. Her tone of voice indicates she is not pleased by what she sees. "Trust me, it's best to just keep walking."

2017-12-11, 10:23 PM
Rump begins some light marching music and says, Will do Acey. And you keep your ears open for any songs you like or want to hear.

Perception: [roll0]

The Royal Flush Mercenary Company bids Waterdeep behind, and begins their long march southeast to Daggerford. The first day of travel passes largely without incident - the Company travels through various sparsely populated woods and fields. Every now and again, the Company passes other travelers on their way to Waterdeep in search of adventure. Everybody keeps an eye out for a good meal to eat, but most of the day passes without anyone seeing much of anything.

Finally, near the end of the day, Rump and Ace notice a brown bear farther ahead along the path. The bear is walking in the same direction as the Company, and as such has its back to them. It hasn't noticed the Company yet.

There's plenty of meat on it for a meal... but it does look like quite a large bear.

2017-12-11, 10:29 PM

Duncan was sitting on a wagon, chatting with one of the merchants, a genial older halfling man going by the unlikely name of Finabin while surveying the surrounding landscape.

You know, with all the bad rep this region gets I wasn't expecting the view to be so gorgeous... I know a few painters back in Silverymoon who would pay quite a bit of gold for an escort around here. Might be a business opportunity there.

So, Luskan. I've heard a lot of stories about the place but I've never been yet. What can I expect?

Finabin shrugs.

"Luskan's a well-known port city. You'll find all manner of traders, artisans and shipbuilders living there. It's an easy way to access most cities on the Sword Coast. You can even find ships going as far south as Chult, if you want to get away from the cold."

Then one of the merchants directing the wagon cries out, and the wagon comes to an abrupt stop. Duncan is jostled by the sudden stop, and nearly falls to the floor.

Farther ahead along the path and blocking the wagon's passage is a dead elk.

2017-12-11, 10:32 PM
Managing to be quite for once in her heavy armor, Sigrid crept along the wall. She intended to check any guard towers along the wall and keep her eyes open for goblins on her way to the fort.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-12-11, 10:32 PM
Silently cursing the injury that still bothered her, Sigrid snatched up the shortbow and it's quiver of arrows. The leather armor was useless compared to her own chainmail even if it had been in her size, and the shield would be of little help with the lack of a third arm, the loss in damage would hurt too much to make the added defense worth it. The bow on the other hand may come in handy. If this had shown her anything it was that she would need some range to take care of this on her own, she wasn't part of a squad anymore.

+1 Shortbow Get!

New gear acquired, Sigrid left the house. With the keep on the south end of town, she started heading that direction. With any luck the keep would have some survivors who either could help or needed help, or both. With any luck being that far out on the edge would make spotting her hard, and that ringing bell would make hearing her armored steps difficult at that. The guard towers along the way may have something that could help, and at the very least the goblins there would be the most isolated, so she resolved to check them along the way.

Sigrid is able to keep to the shadows and avoid the sight of any goblins as she makes her way south through the occupied village. Soon she comes to the first guard tower. A goblin can be seen inside ransacking the tower. He hasn't yet noticed her. Sigrid could conceivably sneak past him and continue on her way to the keep, but that would mean skipping past this guard tower.

2017-12-11, 10:39 PM
Callie is glad for the lighter armor she purchased in Waterdeep, as it makes the trip to Goldenfields move much more quickly. She'd thought about signing on with a caravan but there were none headed that way for quite some time, and it didn't seem worth going up the Long Road just to have to go back south again to Goldenfields.

She was looking forward to seeing the Temple, as she knew Chauntea was allied with Yondalla and they shared many ideals. In fact, she'd been told that for a time between the Spellplague and the Sundering, the two goddesses were thought by some scholars to be one and the same.

It was these sorts of thoughts with which she occupied her mind as she traveled, though now with the walls visible she had a new thought to focus on -- and a new nervousness.

Callenna Hornbound

Callie continues her journey to Goldenfields, wondering what she might find there. As she continues along the roadway, the woods around her slowly grow thicker. Goldenfields can still be seen on the horizon, but it'll still be a couple hours before she gets there.

That's when Callie hears the sound of hooves coming from the left of her.

She turns, and not thirty feet from her a frightened, panicked horse crashes through the brush. The horse doesn't seem to be injured, but it is clearly shaken. It has a saddle and some traveler's bags, but no rider. Most troubling is the blood Callie can see upon the saddle... blood that does not seem to belong to the horse.

2017-12-11, 10:43 PM

Duncan nimbly jumped down the wagon and then notched an arrow to his longbow and wryly commented as he took a few steps in the direction of the elk, looking around.

Well that's not suspicious at all... trees are more traditional for bandit attacks but I guess there's not many of them around. Does anybody see anything?

Perception roll: [roll0]

2017-12-11, 10:47 PM

Duncan nimbly jumped down the wagon and then notched an arrow to his longbow and wryly commented as he took a few steps in the direction of the elk, looking around.

Well that's not suspicious at all... trees are more traditional for bandit attacks but I guess there's not many of them around. Does anybody see anything?

Perception roll: [roll0]

With his stellar vision, Duncan sees quite a bit that the other merchants don't seem to have picked up on. He can see that this elk was clearly killed by a piercing weapon - not by a predator of the forests. He can also see the two crouching figures in the bushes not ten feet from the elk.

"Give me a hand moving this thing out of our way," one of the merchants calls to Duncan.

2017-12-11, 10:48 PM
Sigrid is able to keep to the shadows and avoid the sight of any goblins as she makes her way south through the occupied village. Soon she comes to the first guard tower. A goblin can be seen inside ransacking the tower. He hasn't yet noticed her. Sigrid could conceivably sneak past him and continue on her way to the keep, but that would mean skipping past this guard tower.

Sigrid did not like the idea of leaving a foe at her back, nor passing up an opportunity like this. She could have used her new bow, but at this range she trusted the heft of her axe more. Carefully cocking the projectile back, she let the handaxe fly.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-11, 11:03 PM
Sigrid did not like the idea of leaving a foe at her back, nor passing up an opportunity like this. She could have used her new bow, but at this range she trusted the heft of her axe more. Carefully cocking the projectile back, she let the handaxe fly.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Sigrid's handaxe strikes the goblin in his left leg. He lets out a scream, and whirls on Sigrid. He's definitely injured, but still ready for a fight. And with that, he's rolling initiative.


2017-12-11, 11:06 PM
Sigrid's handaxe strikes the goblin in his left leg. He lets out a scream, and whirls on Sigrid. He's definitely injured, but still ready for a fight. And with that, he's rolling initiative.


Sigrid brings her greatsword forward and prepares for a fight.

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-12-11, 11:08 PM
The Royal Flush Mercenary Company bids Waterdeep behind, and begins their long march southeast to Daggerford. The first day of travel passes largely without incident - the Company travels through various sparsely populated woods and fields. Every now and again, the Company passes other travelers on their way to Waterdeep in search of adventure. Everybody keeps an eye out for a good meal to eat, but most of the day passes without anyone seeing much of anything.

Finally, near the end of the day, Rump and Ace notice a brown bear farther ahead along the path. The bear is walking in the same direction as the Company, and as such has its back to them. It hasn't noticed the Company yet.

There's plenty of meat on it for a meal... but it does look like quite a large bear.

Useful note: A scholar's pack does not include rations.
Gaakach nods toward the bear to the other members of her group, as though to say, "We're killing that, right? Right? Good."
While "Queen" said none of this, she felt her intentions were suitably conveyed as she remained behind Ace and King while casting Witch Bolt at the bear.


2017-12-11, 11:28 PM
With his stellar vision, Duncan sees quite a bit that the other merchants don't seem to have picked up on. He can see that this elk was clearly killed by a piercing weapon - not by a predator of the forests. He can also see the two crouching figures in the bushes not ten feet from the elk.

"Give me a hand moving this thing out of our way," one of the merchants calls to Duncan.


Duncan shook his head and motioned the merchants back.

No, grab your crossbows and get to cover, I think this is a very clumsy ambush

He then shouted out, ready to shoot

Hey, the two in the bushes! I can see you. It's not too late to just walk away, you don't have to die for a few ingots of iron. Walk out with your hands in the air or I will shoot.

Going to go for intimidation here. And if I can a prepared action to shoot the closest one to Duncan if they make an hostile move.


2017-12-12, 12:16 AM
Syndra nods. She escorts you through the marketplace, travelling past a variety of bright, colourful buildings. Syndra leads you from the marketplace to a quieter part of the city, and one that seems to be much older. As you walk, you notice a large rectangular, stone-lined pit to the left of you. A horde of people are surrounding the pit, laughing and cheering.

Then you hear a roar coming from within the pit. You see a large dinosaur within the pit, snarling up at the crowd. The monstrous overgrown lizard seems agitated by the noise from the crowd. Next you hear a terrified scream. That's when you notice a man in rags, carrying a wooden sword. He is also in the pit... and the dinosaur has taken notice of him.

"That's the Executioner's Run," Syndra says. Her tone of voice indicates she is not pleased by what she sees. "Trust me, it's best to just keep walking."

Hroan peers down into the pit to see the man's fate, but he doesn't linger. Not very sporting. Then he hurries to catch up with Syndra.

"What should we know about Prince Wakanga? How do you think he will be able to aid our quest?" He turns to Vyth. "Perhaps the prince can offer us an advance, since our patron can't."

2017-12-12, 12:41 AM
As the bear came in view, Ace looked back to the others. When he spied Gaak's head motion, he just nodded. The two of them had travelled together long enough that they were generally on the same wavelength. He picked up his crossbow, quietly aiming the weapon at the bear, and attempting to take it down before it became more dangerous.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-12, 12:51 AM
Hroan peers down into the pit to see the man's fate, but he doesn't linger. Not very sporting. Then he hurries to catch up with Syndra.

"What should we know about Prince Wakanga? How do you think he will be able to aid our quest?" He turns to Vyth. "Perhaps the prince can offer us an advance, since our patron can't."

"I should hope. I can only imagine what good gold could buy here. However, I believe the first, hypothetical purchase should be a guide's time, as we're strangers in this strange land."
Vyth would say, meeting the stocky half elf's eyes with a mirthful grin.

2017-12-12, 01:23 AM
Upon first seeing the bear, Rump pauses in the tranquility of nature, admiring the beauty of the bear. How it carries itself so powerfully. It's a majestic sight. His reverie is disrupted by a bolt of energy whizzing past his head, sparking all over the disturbed bear. Just as he asks, Are you sure you want to eat that... Ace fires off a bolt. Rump then shrugs and notches an arrow. A meal is a meal...

Longbow attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-12, 07:32 AM
Callie continues her journey to Goldenfields, wondering what she might find there. As she continues along the roadway, the woods around her slowly grow thicker. Goldenfields can still be seen on the horizon, but it'll still be a couple hours before she gets there.

That's when Callie hears the sound of hooves coming from the left of her.

She turns, and not thirty feet from her a frightened, panicked horse crashes through the brush. The horse doesn't seem to be injured, but it is clearly shaken. It has a saddle and some traveler's bags, but no rider. Most troubling is the blood Callie can see upon the saddle... blood that does not seem to belong to the horse.

Callie tries to calm the huge beast as best she can, taking its reins if she can reach them. Either way, she ventures a short distance into the brush to see if there's a trail she can follow back to the equine's origin.

Wisdom check to try to calm the horse and lead it back into the foliage: [roll0]

Wisdom (survival) check to try to find and follow the horse's trail: [roll1]

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-12, 07:54 AM
Upon first seeing the bear, Rump pauses in the tranquility of nature, admiring the beauty of the bear. How it carries itself so powerfully. It's a majestic sight. His reverie is disrupted by a bolt of energy whizzing past his head, sparking all over the disturbed bear. Just as he asks, Are you sure you want to eat that... Ace fires off a bolt. Rump then shrugs and notches an arrow. A meal is a meal...

Longbow attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Gaakach's bolt strikes the bear's leg, while Rump's arrow strikes it near the shoulder. The bear turns to see who's attacking it, and that's when Ace's crossbow bolt strikes it right in the face. The bear is injured but very angry, and it rounds on the three of you with a roar.

It's time to roll initiative.

2017-12-12, 08:00 AM
"I should hope. I can only imagine what good gold could buy here. However, I believe the first, hypothetical purchase should be a guide's time, as we're strangers in this strange land."
Vyth would say, meeting the stocky half elf's eyes with a mirthful grin.

Syndra turns back to the team.

"I wouldn't worry about that. There are plenty of guides in Port Nyanzaru - it's actually quite the thriving business. I'm certain Wakanga would be able to recommend a good one. He knows almost everyone in the city.

Off in the pit, you hear the man screaming as the dinosaur messily devours him. The crowd cheers.

2017-12-12, 08:06 AM
Sigrid brings her greatsword forward and prepares for a fight.

Initiative: [roll0]

The goblin races forward to attack Sigrid at exactly the same time that she attacks him. The goblin takes a swing with his scimitar, and slashes Sigrid in the arm. Sigrid winces in pain - that blow affected her more than she'd like. She can't take many more hits like that.

2017-12-12, 08:09 AM

Duncan shook his head and motioned the merchants back.

No, grab your crossbows and get to cover, I think this is a very clumsy ambush

He then shouted out, ready to shoot

Hey, the two in the bushes! I can see you. It's not too late to just walk away, you don't have to die for a few ingots of iron. Walk out with your hands in the air or I will shoot.

Going to go for intimidation here. And if I can a prepared action to shoot the closest one to Duncan if they make an hostile move.


The two humans crouched in the shadows turn towards Duncan. He notices that they are holding crossbows only a fraction of a second before they fire them both at him. However Duncan can use his prepared action to shoot one of the strangers a moment before they fire the crossbows.

2017-12-12, 08:13 AM
Callie tries to calm the huge beast as best she can, taking its reins if she can reach them. Either way, she ventures a short distance into the brush to see if there's a trail she can follow back to the equine's origin.

Wisdom check to try to calm the horse and lead it back into the foliage: [roll0]

Wisdom (survival) check to try to find and follow the horse's trail: [roll1]

Callenna Hornbound

The horse still seems quite nervous, but doesn't seem to consider Callie a threat right now. Callie isn't sure if the horse is about to run or not, but for the moment at least the horse is still.

When Callie looks to see where the horse came from, she sees some broken branches and some hoof prints in mud, but very quickly loses the trail. However the horse seems to be well brushed and groomed, and the saddle is of good quality. This horse likely has... or had... an owner.

2017-12-12, 09:27 AM
The horse still seems quite nervous, but doesn't seem to consider Callie a threat right now. Callie isn't sure if the horse is about to run or not, but for the moment at least the horse is still.

When Callie looks to see where the horse came from, she sees some broken branches and some hoof prints in mud, but very quickly loses the trail. However the horse seems to be well brushed and groomed, and the saddle is of good quality. This horse likely has... or had... an owner.

Frustrated at not being able to find the horse's rider, she calls out in Common: "Hello? Is anyone there? I have your horse!"

She closes her eyes and concentrates, both listening for a response and hoping for some flash of insight that might lead her to the injured party.

Wisdom check to listen for a response: [roll0]

Callie will also use her Divine Sense class feature.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-12, 09:41 AM
Frustrated at not being able to find the horse's rider, she calls out in Common: "Hello? Is anyone there? I have your horse!"

She closes her eyes and concentrates, both listening for a response and hoping for some flash of insight that might lead her to the injured party.

Wisdom check to listen for a response: [roll0]

Callie will also use her Divine Sense class feature.

Callenna Hornbound

Callie listens intently, but she does not hear a reply. Aside from the traditional forest noises, all Callie hears is a faint clinking noise that seems to be coming from the bag tied to the horse's saddle.

2017-12-12, 09:46 AM
The goblin races forward to attack Sigrid at exactly the same time that she attacks him. The goblin takes a swing with his scimitar, and slashes Sigrid in the arm. Sigrid winces in pain - that blow affected her more than she'd like. She can't take many more hits like that.

She was going to bleed out at this rate. What an undignified way to go.

Deciding to go down fighting, she thrust the massive blade right at her foe.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] = 11

2017-12-12, 10:02 AM
Rump poises himself for the bear brawl.

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-12-12, 10:04 AM

Oh crap

Duncan let loose and then ran behind the wagon, hoping against hope he would outrun the quarrels

to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Also initiative I guess: [roll2]

edit: What a waste of a good damage roll

2017-12-12, 10:04 AM
We got the same result and our DEX is the same. I think you should go first and meat shield this, so you go ahead of me.

2017-12-12, 10:14 AM
She was going to bleed out at this rate. What an undignified way to go.

Deciding to go down fighting, she thrust the massive blade right at her foe.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] = 11

Sigrid slashes the goblin right in the neck. His eyes go wide with shock, and he falls to the floor dead. His scimitar and shield go clattering to the floor.

Sigrid now stands alone in the guard tower. For the time at least, it is hers. The tower itself is roughly 30 feet by 30 feet in size, with a stone staircase leading upstairs. A table has been overturned, and several storage containers can be found in the corner.

2017-12-12, 10:17 AM

Oh crap

Duncan let loose and then ran behind the wagon, hoping against hope he would outrun the quarrels

to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Also initiative I guess: [roll2]

edit: What a waste of a good damage roll

As Duncan runs, the two would-be robbers fire their crossbows at him.



Potential damage:



Edit: A crossbow bolt strikes Duncan square in the shoulders. He's still moving, but he can't take another hit like that. He races behind the wagon.

"Give up now!" one of the humans shouts. "All your property now belongs to the Weevil!"

2017-12-12, 10:30 AM

Momentarily stunned by the pain, Duncan barely heard the comment about the Weevil

Ahhhh! Balls that hurts

He shouted to the merchants as he stepped out then back into cover to take another shot at the bandit he figured had hit him.

(so would the wagon be full cover?)

Do something!

to hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-12, 10:57 AM
Callie listens intently, but she does not hear a reply. Aside from the traditional forest noises, all Callie hears is a faint clinking noise that seems to be coming from the bag tied to the horse's saddle.

Callie frowns in frustration but checks out the saddlebags for clues.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-12, 11:11 AM
Syndra turns back to the team.

"I wouldn't worry about that. There are plenty of guides in Port Nyanzaru - it's actually quite the thriving business. I'm certain Wakanga would be able to recommend a good one. He knows almost everyone in the city.

Off in the pit, you hear the man screaming as the dinosaur messily devours him. The crowd cheers.

"An allosaur is a formidable foe, and there are even larger ones in the jungle. A guide is an excellent idea. Syndra, please speed us to the prince. We have much to do."

2017-12-12, 11:50 AM
Ace slung his crossbow on his back again and unsheathed his blade and grabbed his targe, quickly speaking to his allies as he started to get into a half-crouched battle position.

"Alright Rump, I go left you go right. If it gets you, pull back and use your bow. Just don't let it break through."

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-12-12, 03:10 PM
Sigrid slashes the goblin right in the neck. His eyes go wide with shock, and he falls to the floor dead. His scimitar and shield go clattering to the floor.

Sigrid now stands alone in the guard tower. For the time at least, it is hers. The tower itself is roughly 30 feet by 30 feet in size, with a stone staircase leading upstairs. A table has been overturned, and several storage containers can be found in the corner.

Sigrid closed the door behind her and pushes the overturned table against it, now she would have some breathing room. She sets about to check the room for points of interest. A small part of her prayed for a healing potion, but she would have settled for some bandages.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-12-12, 04:45 PM
"An allosaur is a formidable foe, and there are even larger ones in the jungle. A guide is an excellent idea. Syndra, please speed us to the prince. We have much to do."

"And much to discuss." Vyth declared, nodding along with his companion, averting his eyes from the damnatio ad bestias.

2017-12-12, 10:20 PM

Momentarily stunned by the pain, Duncan barely heard the comment about the Weevil

Ahhhh! Balls that hurts

He shouted to the merchants as he stepped out then back into cover to take another shot at the bandit he figured had hit him.

(so would the wagon be full cover?)

Do something!

to hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

The bandits and the other merchants should roll initiative first, but we can count that roll as Duncan's attack roll for this turn.

Bandits' initiative:


Merchants' initiative:


Edit: Duncan shoots one of the bandits in the stomach, and he doubles over in pain. The bandit manages to recover though, and readies himself to attack again.

It's now the merchants' turn. They look frightened, and turn to Duncan. He's the adventurer here after all, not them.

"Can we fight them off or should we run for it?" a merchant asks.

2017-12-12, 10:31 PM
Sigrid closed the door behind her and pushes the overturned table against it, now she would have some breathing room. She sets about to check the room for points of interest. A small part of her prayed for a healing potion, but she would have settled for some bandages.

Perception: [roll0]

Sigrid opens the chests in the room and searches them thoroughly. While searching, she finds a small bag wrapped in cloth at the bottom of a chest. It seems the goblins either missed this bag while searching, or died before they had the chance to search. Sigrid carefully opens the bag.

Her luck may very well have turned around. Inside, Sigrid finds two potions, a red and a brown one, along with ten gold pieces.

Sigrid also gets another 50xp for killing that goblin.

2017-12-12, 10:43 PM
"And much to discuss." Vyth declared, nodding along with his companion, averting his eyes from the damnatio ad bestias.

As the team continues to travel through Port Nyanzaru, they pass into the western half of the city. This area of the city is clearly upper class; the team passes opulent villas that are at least five times the size of The Yawning Portal. Syndra passes a dozen of these villas before finally stopping at a particularly lavish and well-decorated one. This villa has the largest and most beautiful garden you've ever seen. Topiaries of dinosaurs have been sculpted out of shrubbery, and various rare flowers bloom in carefully maintained gardens.

"Wait here," Syndra says to the three of you. "I'll go let Wakanga know I've brought company."

Syndra disappears inside the massive garden. Around five minutes later, she reappears with a middle aged man in a bright blue and green robe.

"Welcome to Chult!" The man claps his hands together. "I am Wakanga O'tamu!"

2017-12-12, 10:49 PM
Callie frowns in frustration but checks out the saddlebags for clues.

Callenna Hornbound

Inside the saddlebag, Callie finds fifteen gold pieces. She also finds a silk handkerchief, with a name embroidered on it with fine red thread.

Ellardin Darovik.

2017-12-12, 11:16 PM
As the team continues to travel through Port Nyanzaru, they pass into the western half of the city. This area of the city is clearly upper class; the team passes opulent villas that are at least five times the size of The Yawning Portal. Syndra passes a dozen of these villas before finally stopping at a particularly lavish and well-decorated one. This villa has the largest and most beautiful garden you've ever seen. Topiaries of dinosaurs have been sculpted out of shrubbery, and various rare flowers bloom in carefully maintained gardens.

"Wait here," Syndra says to the three of you. "I'll go let Wakanga know I've brought company."

Syndra disappears inside the massive garden. Around five minutes later, she reappears with a middle aged man in a bright blue and green robe.

"Welcome to Chult!" The man claps his hands together. "I am Wakanga O'tamu!"

"A pleasure, Sir, I am Vyth Jhank, and these two elvish kin are my associates." Vyth stated, smiling at the bombastic man, as he gestured to the stocky half elf, and silent drow behind him.

2017-12-12, 11:22 PM
Edit: Duncan shoots one of the bandits in the stomach, and he doubles over in pain. The bandit manages to recover though, and readies himself to attack again.

It's now the merchants' turn. They look frightened, and turn to Duncan. He's the adventurer here after all, not them.

"Can we fight them off or should we run for it?" a merchant asks.


Duncan, leaning against the wagon to catch his breath before taking another shot, spares time for a withering glare

Either fight or give them all your crap, we can't outrun crossbow bolts, so decide now!

before reaching back and snapping off the haft of the bolt stuck in his back with a grunt of pain and improbably looking slightly better for having done it.

((just to be clear, does that mean that the second shot I took was on the same turn the merchants and bandits are now acting on? If that's the case I forgot second wind was a thing, can I tack it on to the end of that turn? Either way I'll roll for it now))


2017-12-13, 12:05 AM
Ace, at the ready, burst forward at the bear. As he ran, he did a bit of weaving to each side, bringing up his blade as he came near the bear. With a quick motion, he drew back his blade, dashing forth and to the side and attempting to slash at the bear toward it's left as he drew it's attention.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-13, 12:33 AM
Sigrid opens the chests in the room and searches them thoroughly. While searching, she finds a small bag wrapped in cloth at the bottom of a chest. It seems the goblins either missed this bag while searching, or died before they had the chance to search. Sigrid carefully opens the bag.

Her luck may very well have turned around. Inside, Sigrid finds two potions, a red and a brown one, along with ten gold pieces.

Sigrid also gets another 50xp for killing that goblin.

Sigrid was pretty sure she knew what at least one of these potions did. But not wanting to make a mistake, so she carefully took a few drops of each. It was the smallest amount she could down and still pick up flavor. Bruth had taught her this trick years ago.

2017-12-13, 12:33 AM
Ace, at the ready, burst forward at the bear. As he ran, he did a bit of weaving to each side, bringing up his blade as he came near the bear. With a quick motion, he drew back his blade, dashing forth and to the side and attempting to slash at the bear toward it's left as he drew it's attention.c

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Rump follows suit, dropping his bow and advancing to the bear. As he takes out sword and shield, he yells out, This beast will rue the day it ever crossed us!

Attack: [roll0]
Warhammer damage: [roll1]

2017-12-13, 11:01 AM
Inside the saddlebag, Callie finds fifteen gold pieces. She also finds a silk handkerchief, with a name embroidered on it with fine red thread.

Ellardin Darovik.

((OOC: Safe to assume the clicking sound was the coins hitting against each other as the horse moved?))

Huh, thinks Callie. Saddlebags are an odd place to keep this stuff. And no rations or anything else a traveler would need. She transfers the items to her own pack, keeping the coins separate from her own, just in case the horse runs off.

She looks around; if there are any trees nearby, she moves to climb one to get a better vantage point. Otherwise, she begins a semi-methodical search of the general area from which the horse came, moving outward from the road in a rough fan shape. She'll lead the horse with her if she can.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-13, 11:10 AM
Ace, at the ready, burst forward at the bear. As he ran, he did a bit of weaving to each side, bringing up his blade as he came near the bear. With a quick motion, he drew back his blade, dashing forth and to the side and attempting to slash at the bear toward it's left as he drew it's attention.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Rump follows suit, dropping his bow and advancing to the bear. As he takes out sword and shield, he yells out, This beast will rue the day it ever crossed us!

Attack: [roll0]
Warhammer damage: [roll1]

Last in the lineup, Gaakach "Queen" remained in place, 30 feet away from the bear, and continued a relentless assault from her witchbolt.

Already hit
Damage: [roll0]

2017-12-13, 11:28 AM
"A pleasure, Sir, I am Vyth Jhank, and these two elvish kin are my associates." Vyth stated, smiling at the bombastic man, as he gestured to the stocky half elf, and silent drow behind him.

"I am Hroan of the Yuirwood. Your hospitality is most welcome." The haf-elf offers a deep bow to Wakanga. "We seek information and assistance in our quest to end the death curse that is afflicting your friend Syndra and many others. She has told us we are not the first adventurers she has hired to help her, and we are hoping you may be able to improve our chances."

2017-12-13, 12:21 PM

Momentarily stunned by the pain, Duncan barely heard the comment about the Weevil

Ahhhh! Balls that hurts

He shouted to the merchants as he stepped out then back into cover to take another shot at the bandit he figured had hit him.

(so would the wagon be full cover?)

Do something!

to hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

The merchants opt to cower behind the wagon as best they can - they simply don't have the bravery of adventurers. Duncan however takes charge of the situation, and fires at the injured bandit. Duncan's shot strikes the injured bandit right in the eye, and the bandit falls to the ground. The other bandit shouts out in surprise - he certainly didn't expect that in what was supposed to be a routine ambush. He hesitates for a moment, before turning and running off into the woods.

He's still in Duncan's line of sight, if Duncan wants to shoot at him once again.

2017-12-13, 12:47 PM
Last in the lineup, Gaakach "Queen" remained in place, 30 feet away from the bear, and continued a relentless assault from her witchbolt.

Already hit
Damage: [roll0]

Ace slashes at the bear, and the great creature roars. Before the bear can recover, it is bludgeoned by Rump's warhammer and roasted by a bolt from Gaakach. The bear gives another furious roar, and attempts to bite and claw at Rump.

Bite attack:


Claw attack:


Bite damage:


Claw damage:


Edit: Rump is raked by the bear's claws. He's still standing, but he's definitely seen better days.

2017-12-13, 12:55 PM
((OOC: Safe to assume the clicking sound was the coins hitting against each other as the horse moved?))

Huh, thinks Callie. Saddlebags are an odd place to keep this stuff. And no rations or anything else a traveler would need. She transfers the items to her own pack, keeping the coins separate from her own, just in case the horse runs off.

She looks around; if there are any trees nearby, she moves to climb one to get a better vantage point. Otherwise, she begins a semi-methodical search of the general area from which the horse came, moving outward from the road in a rough fan shape. She'll lead the horse with her if she can.

Callenna Hornbound

The horse is reasonably happy to be led by Callie. As Callie travels, the horse begins nudging her with its nose - perhaps it wants attention, or maybe it's just hungry. When Callie isn't directing the horse, the horse seems to trot in the general direction of Goldenfields.

OOC: Yeah, the clinking sound was definitely the coins in the bag.

2017-12-13, 12:56 PM
Sigrid was pretty sure she knew what at least one of these potions did. But not wanting to make a mistake, so she carefully took a few drops of each. It was the smallest amount she could down and still pick up flavor. Bruth had taught her this trick years ago.

A quick taste is enough to identify the potions. One is a potion of healing - Sigrid has tasted plenty of those in her adventuring career. The other is slightly more uncommon and has a slightly bitter taste - it's a potion of climbing.

2017-12-13, 01:03 PM
"I am Hroan of the Yuirwood. Your hospitality is most welcome." The haf-elf offers a deep bow to Wakanga. "We seek information and assistance in our quest to end the death curse that is afflicting your friend Syndra and many others. She has told us we are not the first adventurers she has hired to help her, and we are hoping you may be able to improve our chances."

"Ah, adventurers!" Wakanga claps his hands together. "I remember that life well - one grand adventure after another! I remember one time facing off against the Cult of the Dragon with Syndra here... those curses they cast on us took weeks to remove!" He laughs and shakes his head. "Of course I'm too old for that sort of thing now. Better to leave it to the younger generation. And the three of you look like a capable lot."

Then Wakanga's expression turns serious.

"So you're really going to help my friend here? You really want to help put an end to this death curse?"

2017-12-13, 01:14 PM
Ace slashes at the bear, and the great creature roars. Before the bear can recover, it is bludgeoned by Rump's warhammer and roasted by a bolt from Gaakach. The bear gives another furious roar, and attempts to bite and claw at Rump.

Bite attack:


Claw attack:


Bite damage:


Claw damage:


Edit: Rump is raked by the bear's claws. He's still standing, but he's definitely seen better days.

Arrrgh, my innards! Have at you beast. You are our dinner - not the other way around! Rump strikes again.

Ouch, I really need moneys for a chain shirt.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-13, 02:07 PM
Arrrgh, my innards! Have at you beast. You are our dinner - not the other way around! Rump strikes again.

Ouch, I really need moneys for a chain shirt.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Technically Ace goes next in the initiative order, but we can certainly count that as Rump's attack once it's his turn again (which is right after Ace.)

2017-12-13, 02:16 PM
Ace saw the bear rake at his ally and gritted his teeth, growling out as he continued his assault.

"Damnit, attack me! Keep your attention this way!"

As he shouted, he got a bit more aggressive with his attack with a forward stab instead of a slash. He was hoping a deeper strike would draw the beasts attention his way while keeping mobile.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-13, 02:23 PM
Gaakach aimed her orb at the bear, pretty sure that this blast would finish the fight.


2017-12-13, 02:24 PM
The horse is reasonably happy to be led by Callie. As Callie travels, the horse begins nudging her with its nose - perhaps it wants attention, or maybe it's just hungry. When Callie isn't directing the horse, the horse seems to trot in the general direction of Goldenfields.

OOC: Yeah, the clinking sound was definitely the coins in the bag.

Taking a cue from the animal, Callie starts heading off toward Goldenfields again, but moving at a quickened pace. At least if she doesn't find the horse's rider, she may be able to rouse a party to help her look.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-13, 02:41 PM
"Ah, adventurers!" Wakanga claps his hands together. "I remember that life well - one grand adventure after another! I remember one time facing off against the Cult of the Dragon with Syndra here... those curses they cast on us took weeks to remove!" He laughs and shakes his head. "Of course I'm too old for that sort of thing now. Better to leave it to the younger generation. And the three of you look like a capable lot."

Then Wakanga's expression turns serious.

"So you're really going to help my friend here? You really want to help put an end to this death curse?"

"If you have fought the Cult of the Dragon, then you know of some of the dangers we face out in the jungle. But, yes, we will brave them, and end this unnatural curse. It is a noble quest, the hunt for this...Soulmonger. Do you know of it? Its destruction will save many lives across the Realms, not least your friend's."

2017-12-13, 03:24 PM
"If you have fought the Cult of the Dragon, then you know of some of the dangers we face out in the jungle. But, yes, we will brave them, and end this unnatural curse. It is a noble quest, the hunt for this...Soulmonger. Do you know of it? Its destruction will save many lives across the Realms, not least your friend's."

Wakanga briefly looks saddened when you mention Syndra's condition, but he recovers and smiles at you.

"I'm afraid I don't know much about it. I've combed through Port Nyanzaru's best libraries and consulted all manner of diviners, but all I've learned is that the Soulmonger's been active for twenty days, and traps and devours the souls of those who die."

He pauses and thinks for a moment. "Though I do have something that might help with your expedition." He reaches into his robes and produces a tattered, water-damaged journal. "This was found in the jungle fifteen years ago, and I won it at an auction between us merchant princes. It's a record of someone's journey into the jungles of Chult. The writer is unknown, but they do make reference to their travel companion - a shield guardian they named Vorn. Apparently Vorn was controlled by an amulet with a large emerald in the centre of it. There's a sketch of the amulet later in the book. I tried to find Vorn myself years ago, but was unsuccessful. The journal itself was found about eight days southwest of the city. The explorer mentioned finding it past the goblin territories. Syndra, would you hand me your map for a moment?"

Syndra hands him a half-filled in map of the island of Chult. Wakanga snaps his fingers, and a servant appears with quill and ink a few moments later. Wakanga makes a small dot on the map.

"That's where the journal was found, if it's any help. I don't know if there's any connection between Vorn, the unknown writer and the death curse, but that's the only record of high level magic in the jungles of Chult that I'm aware of. It's a thin lead, but it's all I've got."

"Go ahead and keep the map if it's any help," Syndra adds.

2017-12-13, 03:28 PM
Taking a cue from the animal, Callie starts heading off toward Goldenfields again, but moving at a quickened pace. At least if she doesn't find the horse's rider, she may be able to rouse a party to help her look.

Callenna Hornbound

The horse seems cheered at having company to travel the rest of the way with. The rest of Callie's journey to Goldenfields passes without incident. After another couple hours of walking, Callie arrives at the gates of Goldenfields.

The town is defended by tall walls, with guards patrolling them diligently. The guards all seem to be well fed - if what Callie heard is true, nobody goes hungry in Goldenfields. The walls however have been partially eroded by time and weather in some spaces - Callie suspects that she could climb them in some places, with a little luck. Callie can also hear voices inside, and can faintly smell some farm animals.

2017-12-13, 03:32 PM
Gaakach aimed her orb at the bear, pretty sure that this blast would finish the fight.


Ace, Rump and Gaakach unload everything they've got on the bear one last time. Overwhelmed, the bear roars in pain and collapses to the ground. The great beast is dead... and partially cooked by Gaakach's bolts, which is quite convenient for the Company.

The three of you will eat well tonight... and based on the size of the bear, probably for several nights to come. You all gain 67xp.

2017-12-13, 03:38 PM
The horse seems cheered at having company to travel the rest of the way with. The rest of Callie's journey to Goldenfields passes without incident. After another couple hours of walking, Callie arrives at the gates of Goldenfields.

The town is defended by tall walls, with guards patrolling them diligently. The guards all seem to be well fed - if what Callie heard is true, nobody goes hungry in Goldenfields. The walls however have been partially eroded by time and weather in some spaces - Callie suspects that she could climb them in some places, with a little luck. Callie can also hear voices inside, and can faintly smell some farm animals.

Callie attempts to gain entrance, displaying her shield (emblazoned with her holy symbol) and trying to get a guard's attention. "I've found this horse on the road here; it came at me in a panic and has blood on its saddle. I need help finding its rider," she explains as soon as she gets a chance.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-13, 04:04 PM

Not really thinking about it, Duncan kept taking shots at the fleeing bandit until he either dropped or managed to get out of range

((I figure that at 60 feet of running per turn Ican take 2 shots at close range and then at least 5 at disadvantage so I'm going to roll for 7 attacks, if he makes it he deserves to live :) )

attack 1:

attack 2:

attack 3:
[roll4] [roll5]

attack 4:
[roll7] [roll8]

attack 5:
[roll10] [roll11]

attack 6:
[roll13] [roll14]

attack 7:
[roll16] [roll17]

2017-12-13, 04:17 PM
A quick taste is enough to identify the potions. One is a potion of healing - Sigrid has tasted plenty of those in her adventuring career. The other is slightly more uncommon and has a slightly bitter taste - it's a potion of climbing.

Placing both in her pouch, she removed the table from the door and slipped out. Though very tempted to down the healing potion right then and there, Sigrid felt that reaching the fort and recovering there would be an easy way to stretch her reasources, letting her have it later when she really needed it. She was almost there, if she could just reach the fort and get the help she prayed was there she could plan her next move and recover.

Already most of the way there, Sigrid was back along the wall and slipping off to the fort. Already having dealt with the goblins in her way, she would hopefully get there unimpeded. Just to be sure, her hand was at her pouch, ready to down the healing potion at the first sign of an attack.

2017-12-13, 04:17 PM

Not really thinking about it, Duncan kept taking shots at the fleeing bandit until he either dropped or managed to get out of range

((I figure that at 60 feet of running per turn Ican take 2 shots at close range and then at least 5 at disadvantage so I'm going to roll for 7 attacks, if he makes it he deserves to live :) )

attack 1:

attack 2:

attack 3:
[roll4] [roll5]

attack 4:
[roll7] [roll8]

attack 5:
[roll10] [roll11]

attack 6:
[roll13] [roll14]

attack 7:
[roll16] [roll17]

It takes a couple of shots, but Duncan is eventually able to down the bandit. The outlaw lies dead in the snow. Both bandits have been defeated... no thanks to the merchants, who are still cowering behind the wagon.

Duncan gets 50xp for his victory.

2017-12-13, 04:20 PM
Callie attempts to gain entrance, displaying her shield (emblazoned with her holy symbol) and trying to get a guard's attention. "I've found this horse on the road here; it came at me in a panic and has blood on its saddle. I need help finding its rider," she explains as soon as she gets a chance.

Callenna Hornbound

The guards peer down at Callie and her new traveling companion. They speak to each other in hushed tones - it almost sounds like they're arguing - and then one looks down at Callie with a tired expression.

"Thank you for your assistance, traveler. I think I have an idea whose horse that is. Please come inside our city."

He gives a signal, and the rusty iron gate slowly creaks open.

2017-12-13, 04:25 PM
Placing both in her pouch, she removed the table from the door and slipped out. Though very tempted to down the healing potion right then and there, Sigrid felt that reaching the fort and recovering there would be an easy way to stretch her reasources, letting her have it later when she really needed it. She was almost there, if she could just reach the fort and get the help she prayed was there she could plan her next move and recover.

Already most of the way there, Sigrid was back along the wall and slipping off to the fort. Already having dealt with the goblins in her way, she would hopefully get there unimpeded. Just to be sure, her hand was at her pouch, ready to down the healing potion at the first sign of an attack.

Sigrid is able to make her way to the edge of the keep without attracting the attention of any goblins. The keep stands before Sigrid atop a constructed, funnel-shaped hill. The rocky slopes are covered with loose shale, and scaling the hill will require a careful bit of climbing.

Encircling the keep is an 8-foot-high stone par*apet with a 15-foot-high outer curtain wall made of thick wooden planks perforated with shuttered archer windows. Sigrid can't see any archers inside... but perhaps that's the point. The outer walls of the keep are made of smooth, tightly fitted stone bricks.

2017-12-13, 04:45 PM
Wakanga briefly looks saddened when you mention Syndra's condition, but he recovers and smiles at you.

"I'm afraid I don't know much about it. I've combed through Port Nyanzaru's best libraries and consulted all manner of diviners, but all I've learned is that the Soulmonger's been active for twenty days, and traps and devours the souls of those who die."

He pauses and thinks for a moment. "Though I do have something that might help with your expedition." He reaches into his robes and produces a tattered, water-damaged journal. "This was found in the jungle fifteen years ago, and I won it at an auction between us merchant princes. It's a record of someone's journey into the jungles of Chult. The writer is unknown, but they do make reference to their travel companion - a shield guardian they named Vorn. Apparently Vorn was controlled by an amulet with a large emerald in the centre of it. There's a sketch of the amulet later in the book. I tried to find Vorn myself years ago, but was unsuccessful. The journal itself was found about eight days southwest of the city. The explorer mentioned finding it past the goblin territories. Syndra, would you hand me your map for a moment?"

Syndra hands him a half-filled in map of the island of Chult. Wakanga snaps his fingers, and a servant appears with quill and ink a few moments later. Wakanga makes a small dot on the map.

"That's where the journal was found, if it's any help. I don't know if there's any connection between Vorn, the unknown writer and the death curse, but that's the only record of high level magic in the jungles of Chult that I'm aware of. It's a thin lead, but it's all I've got."

"Go ahead and keep the map if it's any help," Syndra adds.

Vyth would step forward, to accept the map. "An understandable venture, and a reasonable outcome. Could I perhaps hold onto the journal, or at least the page with Vorn's amulet? Any being named a 'Shield Guardian' must be a useful bodyguard. And worth a hefty sum upon it's retrieval."

2017-12-13, 05:15 PM
Vyth would step forward, to accept the map. "An understandable venture, and a reasonable outcome. Could I perhaps hold onto the journal, or at least the page with Vorn's amulet? Any being named a 'Shield Guardian' must be a useful bodyguard. And worth a hefty sum upon it's retrieval."

Wakanga waves his hand dismissively.

"Oh of course - I don't mind at all if you borrow the journal, so long as you return it once you're finished. I'm happy to do what I can to help. In fact..."

Wakanga snaps his fingers again, and another servant runs up with six potions.

"I was brewing these to sell, but if you're going to help a friend of mine then of course I want to maximize your chances of success."

Wakanga hands Kyth a potion of healing and a potion of climbing.

He hands Hroan a potion of healing and a potion of fire breath.

And he hands Anh'kom a potion of healing and a potion of animal friendship.

2017-12-13, 05:20 PM
Wakanga waves his hand dismissively.

"Oh of course - I don't mind at all if you borrow the journal, so long as you return it once you're finished. I'm happy to do what I can to help. In fact..."

Wakanga snaps his fingers again, and another servant runs up with six potions.

"I was brewing these to sell, but if you're going to help a friend of mine then of course I want to maximize your chances of success."

Wakanga hands Kyth a potion of healing and a potion of climbing.

He hands Hroan a potion of healing and a potion of fire breath.

And he hands Anh'kom a potion of healing and a potion of animal friendship.

Thank you for these fine gifts.

2017-12-13, 06:17 PM

Stonefaced, Duncan walked up to the second dead bandit, picking up his spent arrows along the way.

((5 arrows, 50% change right?))


Getting there, he checked if the man was still alive or not

Medecine: [roll5]

If alive, Duncan tried to stabilize him before carrying him to the wagon. Medecine again: [roll6]

If dead he dragged the corpse back to the wagon.

Back near the merchants Duncan called out in a jeering tone

How long have you guys been doing this and you can't even shoot a crossbow at a bandit?

Before sinking to the ground with a nervous laugh near the bandits, pale and a bit wild around the eyes and continuing in a softer, almost haunted tone

I've never killed anyone before today, or been in a fight for my life really. I knew it would happen eventually but I was... expecting it to be less mundane. Seems so wasteful to kill a man for a bit of money.

2017-12-13, 06:32 PM
Ace, Rump and Gaakach unload everything they've got on the bear one last time. Overwhelmed, the bear roars in pain and collapses to the ground. The great beast is dead... and partially cooked by Gaakach's bolts, which is quite convenient for the Company.

The three of you will eat well tonight... and based on the size of the bear, probably for several nights to come. You all gain 67xp.

OOC: Right then. I suppose we eat delicious bear meat, take a long rest, and then get back on the road.
If we're doing watches, I'll take the midnight shift because darkvision.

2017-12-13, 08:00 PM

Stonefaced, Duncan walked up to the second dead bandit, picking up his spent arrows along the way.

((5 arrows, 50% change right?))


Getting there, he checked if the man was still alive or not

Medecine: [roll5]

If alive, Duncan tried to stabilize him before carrying him to the wagon. Medecine again: [roll6]

If dead he dragged the corpse back to the wagon.

Back near the merchants Duncan called out in a jeering tone

How long have you guys been doing this and you can't even shoot a crossbow at a bandit?

Before sinking to the ground with a nervous laugh near the bandits, pale and a bit wild around the eyes and continuing in a softer, almost haunted tone

I've never killed anyone before today, or been in a fight for my life really. I knew it would happen eventually but I was... expecting it to be less mundane. Seems so wasteful to kill a man for a bit of money.

Unfortunately, the bandits are dead by the time Duncan reaches them. Duncan gathers as many arrows as he can find, though a couple are lost in the snow. When he returns to the wagon, one of the merchants pats Duncan on the back.

"Thank you for helping us - that kind of heroics doesn't come so easily to everyone. We might have died there without your help. I suspect those two were abandoned by the Weevil when he and his more competent followers fled north. Hopefully he didn't leave us any other nasty surprises."

The other merchants busy themselves removing the elk from the road.

2017-12-13, 08:09 PM
OOC: Right then. I suppose we eat delicious bear meat, take a long rest, and then get back on the road.
If we're doing watches, I'll take the midnight shift because darkvision.

The Company enjoys their well earned meal over a campfire, swapping stories and making plans for how best to deal with the werewolves. They get a good night's rest, taking turns keeping watch, and resume travelling in the morning.

The next nine days are more of the same. The bear meat lasts the party most of the journey, and they are able to fish in nearby ponds for the rest of their food. News the party learns from other travelers on the road is reasonably interesting - the giants are fighting among themselves, the drow are getting restless, some mysterious disease is spreading out of Chult, the Cult of the Dragon is making some big play... it's certainly an interesting time to be alive.

After nine days of travel, the Company sees the walls and buildings of Daggerford on the horizon.

2017-12-13, 09:13 PM
Thank you for these fine gifts.

"I too, must thank you, Wakanga." Vyth would say, graciously accepting the potions, as he storied the map into his satchel, the vials quickly finding themselves amongst the clutter, and Vyth would reach for the Journal, to start reading the text, flipping quickly to the last written page.

2017-12-13, 10:24 PM

Duncan perked up a bit at the thanks and roused himself up

I suppose so... Plus, this was my parent's life for most of my youth, if they could get used to it... Really wish I had picked up that healing potion that gnome peddler we passed a few days ago had though. Little known fact, crossbow bolts hurt. So, what should we do with the bodies? Is there a reward for dead bandits I could claim somewhere, a temple or a shrine that takes care of such dead around, or do we just leave their corpses for the coyotes and their souls for Kelemvor?

Continuing the conversation he started going through the pockets and equipment of the two dead bandits, trying to figure out what might be worth selling

Investigation: [roll0]

2017-12-13, 10:34 PM
The guards peer down at Callie and her new traveling companion. They speak to each other in hushed tones - it almost sounds like they're arguing - and then one looks down at Callie with a tired expression.

"Thank you for your assistance, traveler. I think I have an idea whose horse that is. Please come inside our city."

He gives a signal, and the rusty iron gate slowly creaks open.

"I thank you," Callie says as she enters. But she is surprised at the guard's reaction.

"I found this in his bag," she says, pulling out the handkerchief. "Do you know ... 'Ellardin Darovik'?"

Wisdom check to determine why the guard was arguing and why he seems so tired: [roll0]

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-13, 11:02 PM
The Company enjoys their well earned meal over a campfire, swapping stories and making plans for how best to deal with the werewolves. They get a good night's rest, taking turns keeping watch, and resume travelling in the morning.

The next nine days are more of the same. The bear meat lasts the party most of the journey, and they are able to fish in nearby ponds for the rest of their food. News the party learns from other travelers on the road is reasonably interesting - the giants are fighting among themselves, the drow are getting restless, some mysterious disease is spreading out of Chult, the Cult of the Dragon is making some big play... it's certainly an interesting time to be alive.

After nine days of travel, the Company sees the walls and buildings of Daggerford on the horizon.

Gaakach approached the first city guard she saw with her palms outstretched so that he could see that she bore no weapons.
"We are the Royal Flush Mercenary Company. We were hired by Lerek Dashlynd, representing Lady Laeral Silverhand to assist this town in dealing with its werewolf problem. We would greatly appreciate any direction in finding silvered weaponry,
and any lesser bounties we could hand in in order to purchase these weapons." She spoke plainly yet humbly, reflective of her rather restrictive and ordered background.

2017-12-13, 11:54 PM
"I too, must thank you, Wakanga." Vyth would say, graciously accepting the potions, as he storied the map into his satchel, the vials quickly finding themselves amongst the clutter, and Vyth would reach for the Journal, to start reading the text, flipping quickly to the last written page.

"Many thanks," Hroan added. "I hope that we, too, may count you as a friend." He stowed the potions in his pack and turned back to Wakanga. "Can you recommend a guide to take us into the jungle? Or perhaps give us advice about supplies we will need, or locations in the interior?"

2017-12-14, 12:42 AM
Rump spent the first few days of the journey deep in thought, shaken up mentally by the damage he received from the bear. Is that what it looks like to defend yourself? Why not run?

The road and his companions eventually cleared his head. As they approached their destination, he was back to cracking jokes. I am ready for something else to eat. Dinner was becoming unBEARable.

He was prepared to do the socializing when Queen surprised him by how articulate and to the point she was.

2017-12-14, 06:51 AM
Gaakach approached the first city guard she saw with her palms outstretched so that he could see that she bore no weapons.
"We are the Royal Flush Mercenary Company. We were hired by Lerek Dashlynd, representing Lady Laeral Silverhand to assist this town in dealing with its werewolf problem. We would greatly appreciate any direction in finding silvered weaponry,
and any lesser bounties we could hand in in order to purchase these weapons." She spoke plainly yet humbly, reflective of her rather restrictive and ordered background.

"Silvered weapons eh?" the guard replies. "You must be one of the adventurers here to collect that werewolf bounty. Well, you happen to be in luck. The Emerald Enclave's set up a shop over in the eastern marketplace. They're selling silver weapons at cost, to help protect travelers and rid the Misty Forest of this unnatural menace."

2017-12-14, 06:55 AM

Duncan perked up a bit at the thanks and roused himself up

I suppose so... Plus, this was my parent's life for most of my youth, if they could get used to it... Really wish I had picked up that healing potion that gnome peddler we passed a few days ago had though. Little known fact, crossbow bolts hurt. So, what should we do with the bodies? Is there a reward for dead bandits I could claim somewhere, a temple or a shrine that takes care of such dead around, or do we just leave their corpses for the coyotes and their souls for Kelemvor?

Continuing the conversation he started going through the pockets and equipment of the two dead bandits, trying to figure out what might be worth selling

Investigation: [roll0]

"I don't know about their souls," one of the merchants replies. "I've heard a rumour that dead souls are being trapped by some terrible curse that came from the south."

As Duncan considers that bit of news, he continues to search the bandits. He finds two suits of leather armor, two scimitars, two light crossbows... and fifty gold pieces hidden in a secret pocket in one of the suits of armor.

2017-12-14, 06:56 AM
What does "at cost" mean? she thought.
Gaakach blinked hard at the guard, then nodded.
"At what cost?"

2017-12-14, 06:59 AM
"I thank you," Callie says as she enters. But she is surprised at the guard's reaction.

"I found this in his bag," she says, pulling out the handkerchief. "Do you know ... 'Ellardin Darovik'?"

Wisdom check to determine why the guard was arguing and why he seems so tired: [roll0]

Callenna Hornbound

Callie suspects that these guards are simply stressed about their work - she can't imagine standing around on a wall all day watching for enemies would be much fun. One of the guards climbs down from the wall to speak with Callie.

"I'm afraid I do," the guard replies. "Abbot Ellardin Darovik is in charge of the city. I suspect that's his horse you've found."

2017-12-14, 07:34 AM
"Many thanks," Hroan added. "I hope that we, too, may count you as a friend." He stowed the potions in his pack and turned back to Wakanga. "Can you recommend a guide to take us into the jungle? Or perhaps give us advice about supplies we will need, or locations in the interior?"

"Oh, certainly!" Wakanga replies. "A guide is crucial to surviving the jungle. The best person to talk to about hiring a guide would be Jobal. Jobal adventured in the jungles of Chult for years, and made his fortune there. Now he's made a business out of funding the various guides operating in the city. I've no doubt that Jobal would be able to recommend the best guide for you depending on your situation. His villa isn't far - I could write out some directions for you if you'd like."

Meanwhile, Vyth turns to the final page of the journal and begins to read. The handwriting is shaky and difficult to make out.

The stranger's advice has proved helpful so far. I'll begin setting out for the tomb in the morning.

2017-12-14, 09:02 AM
What does "at cost" mean? she thought.
Gaakach blinked hard at the guard, then nodded.
"At what cost?"

"Oh, it just means that the Emerald Enclave isn't making any profit off the sale of silver weapons - they sell the weapons for however much it cost to make them. They're doing their part to put an end to the werewolves. You won't find cheaper silver weapons anyplace along the Sword Coast."

2017-12-14, 10:26 AM
Callie suspects that these guards are simply stressed about their work - she can't imagine standing around on a wall all day watching for enemies would be much fun. One of the guards climbs down from the wall to speak with Callie.

"I'm afraid I do," the guard replies. "Abbot Ellardin Darovik is in charge of the city. I suspect that's his horse you've found."

"By the Blessed One! I promise you I looked for him as best I could, but I found no sign, and no one answered my calls. The horse only wanted to return here. I was a couple of hours out by foot; if we hurry, a search party should be able to reach the spot before it gets dark."

Callie is searching the guard's face for some acknowledgement of the urgency of the situation.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-14, 10:47 AM
"Oh, it just means that the Emerald Enclave isn't making any profit off the sale of silver weapons - they sell the weapons for however much it cost to make them. They're doing their part to put an end to the werewolves. You won't find cheaper silver weapons anyplace along the Sword Coast."

Let's see... Rumb has 15 gp from Gladiator Background, I have 10, and Ace has 10. According to PHB, we can pay for silvering 35% of a weapon. So... let's go see what the prices are.

Gaakach thanked the guard and moved on into the city, seeking out the Eastern Marketplace. She approached the first merchant that advertises themself as an Emerald Merchant.
"We've been hired to deal with the werewolf crisis here, and my associates require silvered weapons. What is your charge for a silvered warhammer and rapier?"

((Ace and Rump have pretty good persuasion, so after the list price is given Gaakach will step aside in case they want to haggle.))

2017-12-14, 11:23 AM
Let's see... Rumb has 15 gp from Gladiator Background, I have 10, and Ace has 10. According to PHB, we can pay for silvering 35% of a weapon. So... let's go see what the prices are.

Gaakach thanked the guard and moved on into the city, seeking out the Eastern Marketplace. She approached the first merchant that advertises themself as an Emerald Merchant.
"We've been hired to deal with the werewolf crisis here, and my associates require silvered weapons. What is your charge for a silvered warhammer and rapier?"

((Ace and Rump have pretty good persuasion, so after the list price is given Gaakach will step aside in case they want to haggle.))

"So you're hunting those werewolves?" the merchant replies. "Well, good for you. Those things are a menace, and they're upsetting the natural order. I could sell you a silvered warhammer for 58 gold, and I could sell you a silvered rapier for 63 gold. Or I could add silver into your existing weapons for 50 gold, but that'd take a couple days to do properly."

2017-12-14, 11:29 AM
"By the Blessed One! I promise you I looked for him as best I could, but I found no sign, and no one answered my calls. The horse only wanted to return here. I was a couple of hours out by foot; if we hurry, a search party should be able to reach the spot before it gets dark."

Callie is searching the guard's face for some acknowledgement of the urgency of the situation.

Callenna Hornbound

The guard shakes his head.

"Oh no, it isn't anything like that. Abbot Darovik is perfectly safe - he returned to Goldenfields several hours ago. He'd taken some wounds, and was missing his horse, but seemed in good spirits for all that. Apparently the abbot had an encounter with a bear in the woods. What he was doing out in the wilderness by himself, I've no idea. He's in the abbey now, finishing up the midday prayers. I'm sure he'd appreciate his horse back."

2017-12-14, 11:33 AM
"Oh, certainly!" Wakanga replies. "A guide is crucial to surviving the jungle. The best person to talk to about hiring a guide would be Jobal. Jobal adventured in the jungles of Chult for years, and made his fortune there. Now he's made a business out of funding the various guides operating in the city. I've no doubt that Jobal would be able to recommend the best guide for you depending on your situation. His villa isn't far - I could write out some directions for you if you'd like."

Meanwhile, Vyth turns to the final page of the journal and begins to read. The handwriting is shaky and difficult to make out.

The stranger's advice has proved helpful so far. I'll begin setting out for the tomb in the morning.

While Vyth peruses the journal, Hroan thanks Wakanga. "Please do. This Jobal sounds like a useful contact. Can you tell us anything about the other merchant princes in the city? Or other locations in Port Nyanzaru that we should visit before heading into the jungle? Perhaps somewhere we might be able to make a bit of coin so we can properly outfit ourselves and afford to hire a guide."

2017-12-14, 11:56 AM
"So you're hunting those werewolves?" the merchant replies. "Well, good for you. Those things are a menace, and they're upsetting the natural order. I could sell you a silvered warhammer for 58 gold, and I could sell you a silvered rapier for 63 gold. Or I could add silver into your existing weapons for 50 gold, but that'd take a couple days to do properly."

Well, we don't have that by a pretty big margin. Do you guys want to haggle or look for a smaller bounty to take first?

2017-12-14, 01:48 PM

Duncan sighed

Thanks, that makes me feel much better about what I just did...

He gathered the gear into a bundle, put it in one of the wagons, pocketed the coin and dragged the corpses out of sight of the road before jumping in

Alright let's go then. I can teach a couple of you how to use those crossbows at our next stop if you want. I figure I can get maybe 30 to 40 gold for the pair, so call it 20 each for the crossbows, the quivers and the lessons. In the meantime, I have an arrowhead in my back I need to take care of.

Over the next half hour he took off his armor, pulled off the arrowhead and applied rudimentary bandages.

(Assuming I get a short rest before the next encounter I'll use a hit die for healing)


2017-12-14, 02:23 PM
The guard shakes his head.

"Oh no, it isn't anything like that. Abbot Darovik is perfectly safe - he returned to Goldenfields several hours ago. He'd taken some wounds, and was missing his horse, but seemed in good spirits for all that. Apparently the abbot had an encounter with a bear in the woods. What he was doing out in the wilderness by himself, I've no idea. He's in the abbey now, finishing up the midday prayers. I'm sure he'd appreciate his horse back."

"Oh, thank the Protector! I guess I jumped to a conclusion back there... I'll, um, I'll just take the horse over to the Abbey, then. Sorry for the trouble!"

Callie turns to lead the horse up the hill toward center of the fortress. She didn't need directions to clearly see where the abbey would be located. It was the largest building in the settlement -- indeed, the largest building for many, many miles around.

But just as she was leaving, she remembered something. "Oh, good sentry? If the Abbot is alive and well, then why did you seem sad to say that you knew the horse's owner?"

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-14, 02:35 PM
"So you're hunting those werewolves?" the merchant replies. "Well, good for you. Those things are a menace, and they're upsetting the natural order. I could sell you a silvered warhammer for 58 gold, and I could sell you a silvered rapier for 63 gold. Or I could add silver into your existing weapons for 50 gold, but that'd take a couple days to do properly."

We are indeed and would like to get down to business as quickly as possible. You see, we were sent here by lady Silverhand herself and feel as if we must act tremendously to honor her. We have little coin, however, to begin with. Seeing as these werewolves are such a pest, would you consider giving us a loan until we can pay in full? I could trade you this warhammer here and put down say 10gp and when we collect our first bounty, we come straight to you. Rump says this wearing his best smile.

Persuasion: [roll0]

2017-12-14, 05:58 PM
Sigrid is able to make her way to the edge of the keep without attracting the attention of any goblins. The keep stands before Sigrid atop a constructed, funnel-shaped hill. The rocky slopes are covered with loose shale, and scaling the hill will require a careful bit of climbing.

Encircling the keep is an 8-foot-high stone par*apet with a 15-foot-high outer curtain wall made of thick wooden planks perforated with shuttered archer windows. Sigrid can't see any archers inside... but perhaps that's the point. The outer walls of the keep are made of smooth, tightly fitted stone bricks.

Realizing there was nothing for it, Sigrid downed the climbing potion and got to work. The climb was something she could handle without help if she pushed herself, but time and risk of being spotted urged her to take the advantage. Plus her armor and gear would have made it a tedious affair even if she had long since gotten use to the weight. She was careful to make sure she climbed in between the archer windows, less she be spotted from within.

If there was one place where the town's people might still stand, it was here...and if not, then it would be the heart of the problem by now.

2017-12-14, 06:00 PM
While Vyth peruses the journal, Hroan thanks Wakanga. "Please do. This Jobal sounds like a useful contact. Can you tell us anything about the other merchant princes in the city? Or other locations in Port Nyanzaru that we should visit before heading into the jungle? Perhaps somewhere we might be able to make a bit of coin so we can properly outfit ourselves and afford to hire a guide."

Vyth would nod along to the conversation, turning back to the first page of the journal, reading intently. The exploits of trailblazers are oft overlooked, but Vyth knows to walk in the steps of those who came before you, and you're far less likely to become entrapped.

2017-12-14, 10:13 PM
"Oh, thank the Protector! I guess I jumped to a conclusion back there... I'll, um, I'll just take the horse over to the Abbey, then. Sorry for the trouble!"

Callie turns to lead the horse up the hill toward center of the fortress. She didn't need directions to clearly see where the abbey would be located. It was the largest building in the settlement -- indeed, the largest building for many, many miles around.

But just as she was leaving, she remembered something. "Oh, good sentry? If the Abbot is alive and well, then why did you seem sad to say that you knew the horse's owner?"

Callenna Hornbound

The guard looks dismayed for a moment.

"I suppose I was just a little stressed. Abbot Darovik is a good man, but he doesn't seem to grasp the danger our city is in. He could have died today rather than simply losing his horse, and that would have left Goldenfields leaderless. Things are already hard enough, we certainly don't want to add our Abbot's death to our list of troubles."

2017-12-14, 10:18 PM
We are indeed and would like to get down to business as quickly as possible. You see, we were sent here by lady Silverhand herself and feel as if we must act tremendously to honor her. We have little coin, however, to begin with. Seeing as these werewolves are such a pest, would you consider giving us a loan until we can pay in full? I could trade you this warhammer here and put down say 10gp and when we collect our first bounty, we come straight to you. Rump says this wearing his best smile.

Persuasion: [roll0]

The merchant considers your proposal for a moment.

"I'm afraid I simply can't give loans out to people I just met - it's nothing personal. But your quest to defeat those werewolves is certainly a noble calling, and it's the kind of work the Emerald Enclave wants to support. Maybe we could arrange a trade - you could trade me that warhammer and some items worth around fifty gold in total, and I could give you this silvered warhammer. Do the three of you have anything else to trade?"

2017-12-14, 10:28 PM
Gaakach had a bag of sand.
"I have a bag of sand," she told the other two.
"Do you know of any less... resource-heavy bounties that this city has out?" she asked the merchant.
We might be able to purchase some of your weapons after we hand that in."

2017-12-14, 10:32 PM

Duncan sighed

Thanks, that makes me feel much better about what I just did...

He gathered the gear into a bundle, put it in one of the wagons, pocketed the coin and dragged the corpses out of sight of the road before jumping in

Alright let's go then. I can teach a couple of you how to use those crossbows at our next stop if you want. I figure I can get maybe 30 to 40 gold for the pair, so call it 20 each for the crossbows, the quivers and the lessons. In the meantime, I have an arrowhead in my back I need to take care of.

Over the next half hour he took off his armor, pulled off the arrowhead and applied rudimentary bandages.

(Assuming I get a short rest before the next encounter I'll use a hit die for healing)


Duncan rests in the wagon throughout the next hour. He is aware of the merchants looking at him with a newfound sense of respect. As the group travels for the rest of the afternoon, the merchants take turns asking him questions about combat and fighting.

Finally the sky begins to darken after a long day of travel, and one of the merchants turns to the sky.

"We should make camp for the night."

2017-12-14, 10:40 PM
Gaakach had a bag of sand.
"I have a bag of sand," she told the other two.
"Do you know of any less... resource-heavy bounties that this city has out?" she asked the merchant.
We might be able to purchase some of your weapons after we hand that in."

"Aside from the werewolves, I'm not aware of any bounties - but there are probably some I don't know about. You'd be better off asking in the town square." The merchant points to the east. "Lady Daggerford has her guards post missions and bounties for adventurers there. Pity we couldn't work out a trade."

Then he notices Ace's longbow, and his expression changes.

"That's a fine bow you have there," the merchant says. "If you throw in either your old rapier or eight gold, I'd be willing to trade you a silver rapier for that longbow."

2017-12-14, 10:49 PM
That trade was left to Ace.
"I'll be back. Can't hurt to at least see what else we should look out for before we disembark." With that, Gaakach followed the merchant's directions over to search for more bounty postings.

2017-12-14, 10:57 PM
While Vyth peruses the journal, Hroan thanks Wakanga. "Please do. This Jobal sounds like a useful contact. Can you tell us anything about the other merchant princes in the city? Or other locations in Port Nyanzaru that we should visit before heading into the jungle? Perhaps somewhere we might be able to make a bit of coin so we can properly outfit ourselves and afford to hire a guide."

Wakanga thinks for a moment.

"Oh, there are plenty of things to do in the city. You can buy any sort of gear to travel in the jungle anywhere in the city. There are also some unique items you could find on the black market, but I don't involve myself with such things. If you want to make some quick money you could always bet on some dinosaur races, though of course that's a bit risky. I also know our harbormaster Zintar was posting a reward for anyone who could dispose of some pirates who've been causing trouble."

"As for the other merchant princes, there's Ekene-Afa, who sells weapons. There's Ifan Talro'a, who sells exotic beasts. He's a real piece of work - I'd avoid him if possible. Jessamine sells plants and poisons, and is suffering from the death curse as well. Jobal of course I've already mentioned. And Kwayothe sells fruit and wine."

Meanwhile, Vyth turns to the front page of the journal. The handwriting on this page is much neater.

My son has given me this journal as an early birthday gift, to take with me on the upcoming expedition to Chult. I've promised him that I'll write in it every day, and let him read the journal upon my return. It's a promise I intend to keep.

2017-12-14, 11:04 PM
Realizing there was nothing for it, Sigrid downed the climbing potion and got to work. The climb was something she could handle without help if she pushed herself, but time and risk of being spotted urged her to take the advantage. Plus her armor and gear would have made it a tedious affair even if she had long since gotten use to the weight. She was careful to make sure she climbed in between the archer windows, less she be spotted from within.

If there was one place where the town's people might still stand, it was here...and if not, then it would be the heart of the problem by now.

From up here next to the keep, Sigrid is higher than almost anywhere else in Nightstone. She has a pretty good view of the town, and can make a perception check if she likes.

As for the keep itself, set into the keep's curtain wall are two windowless stone gatehouses with wood-shingled, high-pitched roof*tops. Between them stands a set of oak doors with iron hinges. Sigrid cannot tell from here if it's locked or not.

2017-12-14, 11:25 PM
Ace looks back at his bow, then down to his blade, then back to the merchant. He ponders for a moment, nodding to Gaak as she announced her departure. He then looked to Rump and spoke.

"King, why don't you accompany Queen and see if there's anything we can find to do to get you a new hammer. I'm gonna get set up here and I'll meet you two shortly." Ace then looked back to the merchant and took his longbow off from being slung on his back and unsheathed his blade, setting them down as he looked at the merchant and spoke.

"I'm willing to trade for the good of my team. At days end, I consider their lives my responsibility. Lord knows I won't let myself be caught off guard by something my blade won't hurt. I just ask to haggle one more thing, though I get I may be pushing my luck, but..." Ace pulled out his quiver and placed it down before the merchant.

"These will do me no good. I propose we add to the barter: 20 of my arrows for 20 crossbow bolts that I can actually use. Is that negotiable to you?"

2017-12-14, 11:25 PM
Rump frowns for a moment. I used to be good at this kind of thing... Perhaps you could use some advertising? I could sing some jingles to draw a crowd. Plus, when we kill more werewolves than anyone else we can tell them it was all thanks to you!

Perform drum check to impress: [roll0]

2017-12-14, 11:51 PM
Wakanga thinks for a moment.

"Oh, there are plenty of things to do in the city. You can buy any sort of gear to travel in the jungle anywhere in the city. There are also some unique items you could find on the black market, but I don't involve myself with such things. If you want to make some quick money you could always bet on some dinosaur races, though of course that's a bit risky. I also know our harbormaster Zintar was posting a reward for anyone who could dispose of some pirates who've been causing trouble."

"As for the other merchant princes, there's Ekene-Afa, who sells weapons. There's Ifan Talro'a, who sells exotic beasts. He's a real piece of work - I'd avoid him if possible. Jessamine sells plants and poisons, and is suffering from the death curse as well. Jobal of course I've already mentioned. And Kwayothe sells fruit and wine."

Meanwhile, Vyth turns to the front page of the journal. The handwriting on this page is much neater.

My son has given me this journal as an early birthday gift, to take with me on the upcoming expedition to Chult. I've promised him that I'll write in it every day, and let him read the journal upon my return. It's a promise I intend to keep.

"We thank you for the aid, Wakanga. Bharrai's blessings be upon you and your house." Hroan turns to Syndra. "Please take care of yourself as best you can while we search for a way to end the curse. We shall make all haste."

Hroan is ready to leave the villa once the others are done with their business. Once the party takes its leave, he begins planning. "My coffers are nearly empty after my long journey from the east. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to sell the potions Wakanga gave us in order that we may purchase supplies. I suggest we talk to this Zintar to see if there is an easy reward to collect. And visiting Jobal should be high on our list. A guide should be able to tell us what we need before entering the jungle—and perhaps we can find one within our price range."

2017-12-15, 02:01 AM
From up here next to the keep, Sigrid is higher than almost anywhere else in Nightstone. She has a pretty good view of the town, and can make a perception check if she likes.

As for the keep itself, set into the keep's curtain wall are two windowless stone gatehouses with wood-shingled, high-pitched roof*tops. Between them stands a set of oak doors with iron hinges. Sigrid cannot tell from here if it's locked or not.

Sigrid takes the opportunity before continuing on to sweep her eyes over the entire town. Getting a lay of the land would be very helpful. Since she had never been to this town before and didn't have any kind of map, this would be invaluable of at least figuring where everything is.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-12-15, 07:13 AM
"We thank you for the aid, Wakanga. Bharrai's blessings be upon you and your house." Hroan turns to Syndra. "Please take care of yourself as best you can while we search for a way to end the curse. We shall make all haste."

Hroan is ready to leave the villa once the others are done with their business. Once the party takes its leave, he begins planning. "My coffers are nearly empty after my long journey from the east. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to sell the potions Wakanga gave us in order that we may purchase supplies. I suggest we talk to this Zintar to see if there is an easy reward to collect. And visiting Jobal should be high on our list. A guide should be able to tell us what we need before entering the jungle—and perhaps we can find one within our price range."
I agree. It would, I think, be best to keep our potions of healing, but the others can be sold.

2017-12-15, 07:30 AM
The guard looks dismayed for a moment.

"I suppose I was just a little stressed. Abbot Darovik is a good man, but he doesn't seem to grasp the danger our city is in. He could have died today rather than simply losing his horse, and that would have left Goldenfields leaderless. Things are already hard enough, we certainly don't want to add our Abbot's death to our list of troubles."

Callie turned to fully face the guard, with a look of sympathy on her face. "I understand. That sounds really difficult. Can I ask what sort of danger you're talking about? These walls look as if they've stood for a century or more." She already had an inkling, of course, based on the information she got in Waterdeep, but she'd kind of been hoping the reports were exaggerated.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-15, 07:36 AM
"We thank you for the aid, Wakanga. Bharrai's blessings be upon you and your house." Hroan turns to Syndra. "Please take care of yourself as best you can while we search for a way to end the curse. We shall make all haste."

Hroan is ready to leave the villa once the others are done with their business. Once the party takes its leave, he begins planning. "My coffers are nearly empty after my long journey from the east. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to sell the potions Wakanga gave us in order that we may purchase supplies. I suggest we talk to this Zintar to see if there is an easy reward to collect. And visiting Jobal should be high on our list. A guide should be able to tell us what we need before entering the jungle—and perhaps we can find one within our price range."

Wakanga shakes your hand. "Thank you for doing all you can to help my friend. Stop by anytime you need anything."

Syndra coughs, and turns to the three of you. "Thank you for what you're doing. I wish you the best of luck."

2017-12-15, 07:44 AM
Sigrid takes the opportunity before continuing on to sweep her eyes over the entire town. Getting a lay of the land would be very helpful. Since she had never been to this town before and didn't have any kind of map, this would be invaluable of at least figuring where everything is.

Perception: [roll0]

Sigrid is able to see the entirety of Nightstone from here. Half the residences in the village have been badly damaged, with their roofs partially collapsed. The bell is still ringing in the temple, though Sigrid supposes that helps to keep the goblins from overhearing her. The stable house has had a large rock lodged in the roof. The inn has an even larger rock lodged in the roof; this one has taken out a significant part of the building. And it's as Sigrid's eyes turn to the inn that she notices a humanoid figure standing in the window, looking out at her.

2017-12-15, 07:48 AM
That trade was left to Ace.
"I'll be back. Can't hurt to at least see what else we should look out for before we disembark." With that, Gaakach followed the merchant's directions over to search for more bounty postings.

Gaakach makes her way over to the town square, and begins looking around. It isn't long before she spots the friendly guard from before. The guard is now hammering a piece of paper into the wall. The piece of paper looks quite important. In fact, if Gaakach isn't mistaken, it seems to bear the insignia of Duchess Morwen Daggerford.

2017-12-15, 07:57 AM
Ace looks back at his bow, then down to his blade, then back to the merchant. He ponders for a moment, nodding to Gaak as she announced her departure. He then looked to Rump and spoke.

"King, why don't you accompany Queen and see if there's anything we can find to do to get you a new hammer. I'm gonna get set up here and I'll meet you two shortly." Ace then looked back to the merchant and took his longbow off from being slung on his back and unsheathed his blade, setting them down as he looked at the merchant and spoke.

"I'm willing to trade for the good of my team. At days end, I consider their lives my responsibility. Lord knows I won't let myself be caught off guard by something my blade won't hurt. I just ask to haggle one more thing, though I get I may be pushing my luck, but..." Ace pulled out his quiver and placed it down before the merchant.

"These will do me no good. I propose we add to the barter: 20 of my arrows for 20 crossbow bolts that I can actually use. Is that negotiable to you?"

The merchant nods.

"That works for me. A pleasure doing business with you."

Ace hands the merchant his rapier, longbow, eight gold pieces and 20 arrows. The merchant hands Ace 20 crossbow bolts, and a finely crafted silver rapier. The rapier feels light in Ace's hands.

The merchant then turns to Rump.

"Advertising, you say? Well, you're clearly quite the talented performer. Would you be willing to play in some taverns in Daggerford to advertise the Emerald Enclave's work? We could pay you five gold per night for your services."

2017-12-15, 08:04 AM
Callie turned to fully face the guard, with a look of sympathy on her face. "I understand. That sounds really difficult. Can I ask what sort of danger you're talking about? These walls look as if they've stood for a century or more." She already had an inkling, of course, based on the information she got in Waterdeep, but she'd kind of been hoping the reports were exaggerated.

Callenna Hornbound

The guard nods. "The walls have held for years, luckily for us. Just over a month ago, we were attacked by a horde of hill giants and goblinoids. The town awoke to the sound of giants pounding on the walls. Our archers fended them off, but nobody really believes they're gone for good. Except Abbot Darovik, apparently."

2017-12-15, 08:12 AM
Captured by the drowl You wouldn't wish this fate upon anyone, yet here you are - locked in a dark cave, the cold, heavy weight of metal tight around your throat and wrists. You are not alone. Other prisoners are trapped in here with you, in an underground outpost far from the light of the sun.

Your captors include a cruel drow priestess who calls herself Mistress llvara of House Mlz'zrym. Over the past several days, you've met her several times, robed in silken garments and flanked by two male drow, one of whom has a mass of scars along one side of his face and neck.

Mistress llvara likes to impress her will with scourge in hand, reminding prisoners that their lives now belong to her. ''Accept your fate, learn to obey, and you may survive.'' Her words echo in your memory, even as you plot your escape.

2017-12-15, 08:31 AM
Rhea was relaxing in her bedroom, polishing her armor when she heard the knock on her door.

Rhea goes to the door to open it, and finds herself facing none other than Krowen Valharrow. The elderly human is her immediate superior in the Harpers, but Rhea sees him only rarely. Krowen spends much of his time travelling around the Sword Coast and the Savage Frontier, on missions for the Harpers. He only stops by to check in on his agents in Waterdeep when something important is happening.

"Good morning Rhea," Krowen smiles. "I was wondering if you were up for a mission."

2017-12-15, 08:43 AM
Wakanga shakes your hand. "Thank you for doing all you can to help my friend. Stop by anytime you need anything."

Syndra coughs, and turns to the three of you. "Thank you for what you're doing. I wish you the best of luck."

OOC: I agree about keeping the healing potions. Since two of us have uncommon potions and one of us has a common, shall we sell all three and split the cash?

Unless someone objects, Hroan begins walking in the direction of the harbor to find Zintar. "The reward sounds most interesting, and perhaps he knows where we can sell our potions. I did not wish to ask Wakanga and seem ungrateful."

2017-12-15, 09:22 AM
The merchant nods.

"That works for me. A pleasure doing business with you."

Ace hands the merchant his rapier, longbow, eight gold pieces and 20 arrows. The merchant hands Ace 20 crossbow bolts, and a finely crafted silver rapier. The rapier feels light in Ace's hands.

The merchant then turns to Rump.

"Advertising, you say? Well, you're clearly quite the talented performer. Would you be willing to play in some taverns in Daggerford to advertise the Emerald Enclave's work? We could pay you five gold per night for your services."

Rump gives the merchant a tooth grin. That sounds fair to me.
Glad to be of service. Rump hashes out the details and then gives a slight bow, fanning his cloak as he does so. He then heads to the town center to look at the postings.

2017-12-15, 09:31 AM

((so there's no interest for the crossbows+lessons?))

Duncan, not having seen any real action before that afternoon, did not have any first-hand accounts of combat to share. But he had been raised by soldiers and so he told the story of the first drow attack on Mythral Hall as recounted to him by the elven man who had thought him how to shoot a bow, who had been there as part of Alustriel's honor guard. After a few hours of this he took first watch then went to sleep, waking up the next morning with bags under his eyes since he had not gotten much rest.

2017-12-15, 09:44 AM
The guard nods. "The walls have held for years, luckily for us. Just over a month ago, we were attacked by a horde of hill giants and goblinoids. The town awoke to the sound of giants pounding on the walls. Our archers fended them off, but nobody really believes they're gone for good. Except Abbot Darovik, apparently."

Callie pondered. So the rumor was true. "I guess it depends on why they attacked... Thank you, good sentry. I'd better be getting this horse back to the Abbot. I'm looking forward to my time here!"

With that, she turned and started up the hill to the abbey, leading the horse with her. It looked to be a couple of miles away yet; there was still a lot of farmland between the gate and the town.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-15, 12:21 PM
Gaakach makes her way over to the town square, and begins looking around. It isn't long before she spots the friendly guard from before. The guard is now hammering a piece of paper into the wall. The piece of paper looks quite important. In fact, if Gaakach isn't mistaken, it seems to bear the insignia of Duchess Morwen Daggerford.

Gaakach examined the paper, trying not to disturb the friendly guard.

2017-12-15, 12:55 PM
Rump gives the merchant a tooth grin. That sounds fair to me.
Glad to be of service. Rump hashes out the details and then gives a slight bow, fanning his cloak as he does so. He then heads to the town center to look at the postings.

Rump is handed a few pieces of paper that summarize the details of the Emerald Enclave and the work that they do. The merchant bids Rump and Ace farewell, as they head into the centre of town.

When Rump and Ace arrive, they find Gaakach approaching the friendly guard from before. The guard is hammering a piece of paper into the wall.

2017-12-15, 12:57 PM
Gaakach examined the paper, trying not to disturb the friendly guard.

The paper has the following message written on it:


A band of unscrupulous travelers in caravans has been spotted just south of Daggerford. These travelers have been suspected of thievery and are best avoided by all citizens. To all those skilled at arms, Duchess Morwen Daggerford promises a hundred gold pieces to the person who can drive them from town... peacefully or otherwise

2017-12-15, 01:00 PM

((so there's no interest for the crossbows+lessons?))

Duncan, not having seen any real action before that afternoon, did not have any first-hand accounts of combat to share. But he had been raised by soldiers and so he told the story of the first drow attack on Mythral Hall as recounted to him by the elven man who had thought him how to shoot a bow, who had been there as part of Alustriel's honor guard. After a few hours of this he took first watch then went to sleep, waking up the next morning with bags under his eyes since he had not gotten much rest.

The merchants take turns keeping watch. They politely decline Duncan's invitation for crossbow lessons; they seem reluctant to handle weapons themselves. They seem to prefer leaving that to the professionals.

The following morning, Duncan awakens to a light snowfall. It has certainly grown colder in the night. The merchants share their rations with Duncan for breakfast, and soon begin packing up their campsite to continue their travels.

2017-12-15, 01:05 PM
Callie pondered. So the rumor was true. "I guess it depends on why they attacked... Thank you, good sentry. I'd better be getting this horse back to the Abbot. I'm looking forward to my time here!"

With that, she turned and started up the hill to the abbey, leading the horse with her. It looked to be a couple of miles away yet; there was still a lot of farmland between the gate and the town.

Callenna Hornbound

Callie progresses through Goldenfields, passing the apple orchards, several livestock fields, and a large 20 foot tall wooden statue of a woman. Near the statue is a building with a sign that reads "Earth Mother's Bounty." Callie can make a religion check to try to identify the statue.

Deeper in the heart of the town is Harvesthome Abbey. It is easily the largest and most elaborate building in Goldenfields. Harvesthome is a centuries-old stone edifice whose outer walls have statues of Chauntea at every corner, her hands raised to the sky as though casting a spell to summon rain. Well-tended hedges surround the foundation, and a sun-shaped window of stained glass is set above the entrance and the steps leading up to it. Narrow windows of stained glass decorated with images of wheat, fruit, and vegetables light the pillared arcades within. Toward the back of the building, mounted between sturdy roof beams, is a large bronze bell.

2017-12-15, 01:29 PM
Sigrid is able to see the entirety of Nightstone from here. Half the residences in the village have been badly damaged, with their roofs partially collapsed. The bell is still ringing in the temple, though Sigrid supposes that helps to keep the goblins from overhearing her. The stable house has had a large rock lodged in the roof. The inn has an even larger rock lodged in the roof; this one has taken out a significant part of the building. And it's as Sigrid's eyes turn to the inn that she notices a humanoid figure standing in the window, looking out at her.

Sigrid mentally marks the location of the figure to find them later, and gives a brief jaunty wave to them. With a smooth motion she shifted onto the inner side of the wooden walls. Deciding that investigating the fort was still priority one, she found her way down to ground level, then went for the fortress door.

Rather than barge in, she cupped her ear against it right along the divide between the two halves of the door. If she could hear any activity, it may help her know just what she was walking into.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-12-15, 01:44 PM
The paper has the following message written on it:


A band of unscrupulous travelers in caravans has been spotted just south of Daggerford. These travelers have been suspected of thievery and are best avoided by all citizens. To all those skilled at arms, Duchess Morwen Daggerford promises a hundred gold pieces to the person who can drive them from town... peacefully or otherwise

The hobgoblin looked over her shoulder to see her comrades arriving.
"Ordinary, non-werewolf enemies we can collect on by driving away. It would be just about enough to silver both of your weapons-" She halted her speech when she noted Ace's lack of a longbow.
"Or buy you a new bow."
She turned at last to the guard.
"Which trail leads most directly to this caravan?"

2017-12-15, 01:50 PM
Callie progresses through Goldenfields, passing the apple orchards, several livestock fields, and a large 20 foot tall wooden statue of a woman. Near the statue is a building with a sign that reads "Earth Mother's Bounty." Callie can make a religion check to try to identify the statue.

Deeper in the heart of the town is Harvesthome Abbey. It is easily the largest and most elaborate building in Goldenfields. Harvesthome is a centuries-old stone edifice whose outer walls have statues of Chauntea at every corner, her hands raised to the sky as though casting a spell to summon rain. Well-tended hedges surround the foundation, and a sun-shaped window of stained glass is set above the entrance and the steps leading up to it. Narrow windows of stained glass decorated with images of wheat, fruit, and vegetables light the pillared arcades within. Toward the back of the building, mounted between sturdy roof beams, is a large bronze bell.

Intelligence check: Rolled a 19 in the OOC thread after screwing up the tag here.

Callie ties up the horse outside the Abbey and ventures inside to look for the Abbot.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-15, 02:02 PM
Rhea was relaxing in her bedroom, polishing her armor when she heard the knock on her door.

Rhea goes to the door to open it, and finds herself facing none other than Krowen Valharrow. The elderly human is her immediate superior in the Harpers, but Rhea sees him only rarely. Krowen spends much of his time travelling around the Sword Coast and the Savage Frontier, on missions for the Harpers. He only stops by to check in on his agents in Waterdeep when something important is happening.

"Good morning Rhea," Krowen smiles. "I was wondering if you were up for a mission."

The young half elf opened the door of the poorly lit bedroom at the knock and looks at the man with a frown.

"You better have some good reasons to be here, you scoundrel! First," she started to number on her fingers, "it's not even dawn yet, and second, if your mission involves rabbits, formal gowns or a dragonborn partner of yours, it's a no. That guy would have been creepy even if I was into men, and I still jump and draw my blade when one of those little critters sneaks up on me."

2017-12-15, 02:50 PM
The paper has the following message written on it:


A band of unscrupulous travelers in caravans has been spotted just south of Daggerford. These travelers have been suspected of thievery and are best avoided by all citizens. To all those skilled at arms, Duchess Morwen Daggerford promises a hundred gold pieces to the person who can drive them from town... peacefully or otherwise

Rump walks over to Gaakach and reads the message over her shoulder. Ah,
I've dealt with lads like this before. They probably just need pointed towards better prospects. What say you Queen? Are you feeling diplomatic?

2017-12-15, 02:55 PM
Rump walks over to Gaakach and reads the message over her shoulder. Ah,
I've dealt with lads like this before. They probably just need pointed towards better prospects. What say you Queen? Are you feeling diplomatic?

"Exceptionally," Gaakach confirmed, flames flickering on the point of her finger.

The Academy of Devastation had taught one, very specific form of diplomacy.

2017-12-15, 08:25 PM
Sigrid mentally marks the location of the figure to find them later, and gives a brief jaunty wave to them. With a smooth motion she shifted onto the inner side of the wooden walls. Deciding that investigating the fort was still priority one, she found her way down to ground level, then went for the fortress door.

Rather than barge in, she cupped her ear against it right along the divide between the two halves of the door. If she could hear any activity, it may help her know just what she was walking into.

Perception: [roll0]

As Sigrid waves to the figure in the window, the figure waves back, then disappears from view.

Next, Sigrid listens intently at the door. That accursed bell makes it a little hard to hear, but Sigrid can faintly make out voices on the other side. These voices are speaking in Common, and they sound like they belong to humans.

"...well it won't do us much good to stay in here..."

"...going out there now would be suicide..."

"...and what if they come back?"

2017-12-15, 08:30 PM
The hobgoblin looked over her shoulder to see her comrades arriving.
"Ordinary, non-werewolf enemies we can collect on by driving away. It would be just about enough to silver both of your weapons-" She halted her speech when she noted Ace's lack of a longbow.
"Or buy you a new bow."
She turned at last to the guard.
"Which trail leads most directly to this caravan?"

The guard smiles at Gaakach.

"Ah, hello again." She notes Ace's new weapon. "That's a fine blade you've got there - looks freshly forged. If you're asking about those drifters, they're about a half day's travel from Daggerford. They're camped on the outskirts of the Misty Forest. Just follow the road southeast and you're likely to run into them. They're a colourful sort - rather hard to miss, truthfully. We sent some adventurers to clear them out about ten days ago, but the drifters came back just a few days later."

2017-12-15, 08:34 PM
The young half elf opened the door of the poorly lit bedroom at the knock and looks at the man with a frown.

"You better have some good reasons to be here, you scoundrel! First," she started to number on her fingers, "it's not even dawn yet, and second, if your mission involves rabbits, formal gowns or a dragonborn partner of yours, it's a no. That guy would have been creepy even if I was into men, and I still jump and draw my blade when one of those little critters sneaks up on me."

Krowen sighs. "How long are you going to hold that over my head? I already apologized for that mission - I couldn't have very well known the rabbits were rabid, now could I? No, this is a different sort of mission - one directly suited to your talents. Tell me, have you ever happened to visit the Yawning Portal?"

2017-12-15, 08:41 PM
Intelligence check: Rolled a 19 in the OOC thread after screwing up the tag here.

Callie ties up the horse outside the Abbey and ventures inside to look for the Abbot.

Callenna Hornbound

As Callie walks, she remembers that the statue she passed was one of Chauntea, also known as the Grain Goddess. Chauntea is the goddess of life, agriculture, and cultivated plants. Callie supposes that it only makes sense that a farming community would have a temple to her.

At that point, Callie steps inside Harvesthome Abbey. She finds herself inside a sizable entrance hall with rustic decorations. A few other townsfolk are walking through the abbey, likely early arrivals for the next service. Six or seven robed humans go about their business inside the abbey. None of them have paid Callie much attention. It seems that the abbey is used to visitors.

Callie is just thinking what a cozy place the abbey is, when she turns and finds a black bear not twenty feet away, staring directly at her.

2017-12-15, 08:58 PM
OOC: I agree about keeping the healing potions. Since two of us have uncommon potions and one of us has a common, shall we sell all three and split the cash?

Unless someone objects, Hroan begins walking in the direction of the harbor to find Zintar. "The reward sounds most interesting, and perhaps he knows where we can sell our potions. I did not wish to ask Wakanga and seem ungrateful."

The team progresses through the streets of Port Nyanzaru discussing what to do with the potions. They pass the city walls, decorated with ornate murals of dinosaurs, mountains and mythic heroes. Many of the streets they pass have deep rain gutters - Chult clearly deals with rain on a regular basis. As the party travels, they pass a series of dinosaur pens, where dinosaurs used as beasts of burden in the city are being housed. Most of the dinosaurs are quietly resting in their pens.

While chatting among themselves and admiring the city, the team is suddenly distracted by a loud roar. They turn and see the remains of a dinosaur pen that has been broken open... and an ankylosaurus advancing on a small and frightened crowd of onlookers. A wealthy man - possibly the great beast's owner - is staring at it with complete terror.

The party is currently thirty feet from the ankylosaurus.

2017-12-15, 09:13 PM
As Callie walks, she remembers that the statue she passed was one of Chauntea, also known as the Grain Goddess. Chauntea is the goddess of life, agriculture, and cultivated plants. Callie supposes that it only makes sense that a farming community would have a temple to her.

At that point, Callie steps inside Harvesthome Abbey. She finds herself inside a sizable entrance hall with rustic decorations. A few other townsfolk are walking through the abbey, likely early arrivals for the next service. Six or seven robed humans go about their business inside the abbey. None of them have paid Callie much attention. It seems that the abbey is used to visitors.

Callie is just thinking what a cozy place the abbey is, when she turns and finds a black bear not twenty feet away, staring directly at her.

Callie tenses immediately but makes no aggressive moves, though she does prepare to use her shield if needed. She tries to gauge the bear's intentions and mood while keeping an eye out for other people, who will either need her protection, or will model an appropriate reaction to the bear for her.

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-15, 09:20 PM
Callie tenses immediately but makes no aggressive moves, though she does prepare to use her shield if needed. She tries to gauge the bear's intentions and mood while keeping an eye out for other people, who will either need her protection, or will model an appropriate reaction to the bear for her.

Callenna Hornbound

Strangely, the acolytes and the townsfolk all seem to largely ignore the bear. The bear looks at Callie for a moment, as though it's trying to gauge her intentions as well. It then waddles towards Callie, and pokes her with its nose.

2017-12-15, 09:48 PM
Ace acknowledged his allies and the guard in turn relating to his new blade, admiring it himself for a moment before listening to the location of the particular group they were seeking. He pulled out his crossbow, then turned and addressed his team.

"Alright, I know you want to escalate, but lets take a more pragmatic approach to start. We'll approach in 1-2 formation, with me taking a lead and you two hanging behind to prevent being seen. I'll throw up a signal when I see the encampment, and you two can fan out and approach using the inevitable brush and trees that come at the forests edge to make sure you aren't seen. I'll speak to the brigands and let them know their presence is no longer wanted. If they refuse, and lets be honest they will, I'll let them know their position is less favorable than they think. If that still isn't enough, then we can take the... how did you say it?... diplomatic approach. King, I know you like to take point and be heroic... but I trust myself a bit more to not get hit if they attack in surprise, and besides, you'll be better off charging in like a madman with that hammer of yours. Sound good?"

Assuming there were no arguments, Ace would begin in their noted direction with crossbow in hand. He would hold it at the ready, but also be ready to hold it by its midpoint to show he was willing to resolve things peacefully as he approached. That bear the other day reminded him that, for all his talents, Rump was still mortal and it was Ace's responsibility to keep him safe.

2017-12-15, 09:50 PM
As Sigrid waves to the figure in the window, the figure waves back, then disappears from view.

Next, Sigrid listens intently at the door. That accursed bell makes it a little hard to hear, but Sigrid can faintly make out voices on the other side. These voices are speaking in Common, and they sound like they belong to humans.

"...well it won't do us much good to stay in here..."

"...going out there now would be suicide..."

"...and what if they come back?"

Not needing any further encouragement, and full of relief, Sigrid placed her hands on the closed entrance and pushed with her not-inconsiderable strength, swinging the doors inward with one smooth movement.

“Gentlemen, good day. You don’t know how glad I am to find you.” Sigrid said in a steady voice as she faced and took in the hopeful humans, not showing any of the pain or worry she was feeling. The stoic face and dramatic entrance was part because she was naturally steady and stoic, and partly because she had a flare for the dramatic.

(Short Rest starting, maintaining minimal physical activity for the next hour.)

2017-12-15, 09:55 PM
Captured by the drowl You wouldn't wish this fate upon anyone, yet here you are - locked in a dark cave, the cold, heavy weight of metal tight around your throat and wrists. You are not alone. Other prisoners are trapped in here with you, in an underground outpost far from the light of the sun.

Your captors include a cruel drow priestess who calls herself Mistress llvara of House Mlz'zrym. Over the past several days, you've met her several times, robed in silken garments and flanked by two male drow, one of whom has a mass of scars along one side of his face and neck.

Mistress llvara likes to impress her will with scourge in hand, reminding prisoners that their lives now belong to her. ''Accept your fate, learn to obey, and you may survive.'' Her words echo in your memory, even as you plot your escape.
Dar's pride still stung at how easily the drow had surprised him. And by the time he had regained consciousness, he had been bound in iron and deep in the Underdark. When he tried to escape, they beat him until he returned to unconsciousness.

After the third and fourth beatings, it had finally dawned on him that he might need to act cowed if he wanted any chance at actual escape. So he pretended and he observed and he waited for an opportunity...

2017-12-15, 09:59 PM
Ace acknowledged his allies and the guard in turn relating to his new blade, admiring it himself for a moment before listening to the location of the particular group they were seeking. He pulled out his crossbow, then turned and addressed his team.

"Alright, I know you want to escalate, but lets take a more pragmatic approach to start. We'll approach in 1-2 formation, with me taking a lead and you two hanging behind to prevent being seen. I'll throw up a signal when I see the encampment, and you two can fan out and approach using the inevitable brush and trees that come at the forests edge to make sure you aren't seen. I'll speak to the brigands and let them know their presence is no longer wanted. If they refuse, and lets be honest they will, I'll let them know their position is less favorable than they think. If that still isn't enough, then we can take the... how did you say it?... diplomatic approach. King, I know you like to take point and be heroic... but I trust myself a bit more to not get hit if they attack in surprise, and besides, you'll be better off charging in like a madman with that hammer of yours. Sound good?"

Assuming there were no arguments, Ace would begin in their noted direction with crossbow in hand. He would hold it at the ready, but also be ready to hold it by its midpoint to show he was willing to resolve things peacefully as he approached. That bear the other day reminded him that, for all his talents, Rump was still mortal and it was Ace's responsibility to keep him safe.

Rump listened to Ace's plan, admiring how quickly he could take charge. He was worried, however, that the situation could easily turn to violence. He couldn't help but think of his former troupe and how suspicion easily surrounded them. It sounds like a good plan,
but I think we should remember that they are only suspected and even left once. They might just need better options. Maybe we could convince them to hunt with us and we could turn in a large haul of fur! In any case, I will follow your lead and stand back.

2017-12-15, 10:14 PM
Strangely, the acolytes and the townsfolk all seem to largely ignore the bear. The bear looks at Callie for a moment, as though it's trying to gauge her intentions as well. It then waddles towards Callie, and pokes her with its nose.

The Paladin reaches up with her free hand and carefully pats the beast's snout, still confused as to the bear's presence and intentions. Between the horse and the bear she was encountering a lot of animals larger than she today, and it was a little disconcerting. "Hello there," she says quietly. "You seem friendly..."

Callenna Hornbound

2017-12-15, 10:37 PM
Ace nodded to Rump, acknowledging what he saw as a fair point.

"I plan on remembering that. At the end of the day, if we can avoid combat, I'd find that to be the best option."

2017-12-15, 11:44 PM
The team progresses through the streets of Port Nyanzaru discussing what to do with the potions. They pass the city walls, decorated with ornate murals of dinosaurs, mountains and mythic heroes. Many of the streets they pass have deep rain gutters - Chult clearly deals with rain on a regular basis. As the party travels, they pass a series of dinosaur pens, where dinosaurs used as beasts of burden in the city are being housed. Most of the dinosaurs are quietly resting in their pens.

While chatting among themselves and admiring the city, the team is suddenly distracted by a loud roar. They turn and see the remains of a dinosaur pen that has been broken open... and an ankylosaurus advancing on a small and frightened crowd of onlookers. A wealthy man - possibly the great beast's owner - is staring at it with complete terror.

The party is currently thirty feet from the ankylosaurus.

Pulling his nose out of the journal, Vyth would stow it. Before opening his mouth to let out a loud whoop, doing nothing but catching the beast's attention.

2017-12-16, 01:22 AM
Ace acknowledged his allies and the guard in turn relating to his new blade, admiring it himself for a moment before listening to the location of the particular group they were seeking. He pulled out his crossbow, then turned and addressed his team.

"Alright, I know you want to escalate, but lets take a more pragmatic approach to start. We'll approach in 1-2 formation, with me taking a lead and you two hanging behind to prevent being seen. I'll throw up a signal when I see the encampment, and you two can fan out and approach using the inevitable brush and trees that come at the forests edge to make sure you aren't seen. I'll speak to the brigands and let them know their presence is no longer wanted. If they refuse, and lets be honest they will, I'll let them know their position is less favorable than they think. If that still isn't enough, then we can take the... how did you say it?... diplomatic approach. King, I know you like to take point and be heroic... but I trust myself a bit more to not get hit if they attack in surprise, and besides, you'll be better off charging in like a madman with that hammer of yours. Sound good?"

Assuming there were no arguments, Ace would begin in their noted direction with crossbow in hand. He would hold it at the ready, but also be ready to hold it by its midpoint to show he was willing to resolve things peacefully as he approached. That bear the other day reminded him that, for all his talents, Rump was still mortal and it was Ace's responsibility to keep him safe.

Rump listened to Ace's plan, admiring how quickly he could take charge. He was worried, however, that the situation could easily turn to violence. He couldn't help but think of his former troupe and how suspicion easily surrounded them. It sounds like a good plan,
but I think we should remember that they are only suspected and even left once. They might just need better options. Maybe we could convince them to hunt with us and we could turn in a large haul of fur! In any case, I will follow your lead and stand back.

Gaakach allowed her "diplomacy" to stop flickering on her finger to follow Ace. The two melee combatants were the ones that needed silvered weapons, so she would follow their lead on the quest to get them.

2017-12-16, 03:47 AM
Gaakach allowed her "diplomacy" to stop flickering on her finger to follow Ace. The two melee combatants were the ones that needed silvered weapons, so she would follow their lead on the quest to get them.

The Company bids Daggerford goodbye and heads out on the open road, travelling southeast. Eventually the road they are taking will reach Baldur's Gate, but the Company won't travel nearly that far. After almost a full day of walking, the Company finds themselves on the outskirts of the Misty Woods. The woods seem quiet and desolate at first, and the Company enters the woods. Fortunately there are no bears to be seen.

It is then that they hear the faint sound of music, coming from farther along the path.

2017-12-16, 03:48 AM
Pulling his nose out of the journal, Vyth would stow it. Before opening his mouth to let out a loud whoop, doing nothing but catching the beast's attention.

The ankylosaurus turns towards Vyth, and gives a great and terrible roar. A couple of the onlookers scream.

It's time to roll initiative.