View Full Version : Maxxing out Maneuvers readied/Day

2017-12-11, 05:43 PM
Hello y`all!

For the campaign running atm our DM changed some former limitations (namely any lockage past Level 5 for the freer side, see my other threads for reference if you like), which in turn made me decide to go Master of the 9 for one side of a Gestalt soonish.

Now since I need to go Warblade or a Prestige Classes fitting to it FIXED on one side, I decided to swap levels of Rogue from the other (aiming for Telflammar Shadowlord there, thank the forum for helping me find that one! :D ) to add levels of Swordsage, to get the needed "Maneuvers from 6 Schools" prereq..

(Addendum: Our GM forgoes any prerequesitess mentioning Dodge and its Ilk, as well as unarmed strike for nonmonks/unarmed SSaes or Weapon Focus-line feats, as Quote: "They are so horribly bad that you would look for ways to retrain/switch/sell them later anyway, so just forget it". Maneuver and Skill prerequs (as well as BAB, level etc) remain, so given Master of the Nine requires 10 RANKS in 4 Skills, I can go to it at Level 11 at the earliest.

This gives me some time to further plan out the build (ergo tell me if I have overlooked a not too cheesy/completely place or other DM approval dependent thing^^).Plan at the Moment is as follows:

Rogue Side (atm Level 5 Rogue): Level 6 and 7 Swordsage, Level 8, 9, 10 and 11 Telflammar Shadowlord, 12-16 Rogue, then a Warblade at the last four Levels.
Warblade Side (Level 5 Warblade atm, limited to Warblade and no more than 2 Prestige CLasses that "fit"): Warblade until 11, then master of the Nine from 12-16, then Legacy Champion until 20 (Master of the Nine). THat way I`ll get another 5 Maneuvers and 3 Readied from Mot9.

Should leave me with 4 readied Maneuvers (7 known, and 2 stances) from Swordssage, 5 readied (9 known and 4 stances) from Warblade and another 9 (and 13 known, 4 stances) maneuvers from Master of the 9+Legacy Champion. 14 readied with the Warblade recovery method should get me through any and all long battles with plenty of choices.

Any suggestions? Am I overlooking anything?

Also a Question:Are the additional maneuvers gained through Master of the 9 available for readying for any of the Initator Classes that are a prerequisite/you used to qualify for it (as the fluff would suiggest given its Mastery of everything theme)? Or do you have to choose one (would only marginally worsen the build if so, but one can ask^^).

Thank you in advance for your help!

2017-12-12, 09:00 AM
Maneuver and Skill prerequs (as well as BAB, level etc) remain, so given Master of the Nine requires 10 RANKS in 4 Skills, I can go to it at Level 11 at the earliest.

Huh? Earliest entry for Mo9 is ECL 8. At 7th level, it's not all that difficult to have four skills at 10 ranks. Particularly if you've got Swordsage/Rogue on one side.

Also a Question:Are the additional maneuvers gained through Master of the 9 available for readying for any of the Initator Classes that are a prerequisite/you used to qualify for it (as the fluff would suiggest given its Mastery of everything theme)? Or do you have to choose one (would only marginally worsen the build if so, but one can ask^^).

If you have multiple Martial Adept classes when you take Master of Nine, you choose which class gains new maneuvers/new stances/new readied maneuvers. Assuming your DM lets Mo9 "see" both sides of the gestalt, you could choose either Swordsage or Warblade when you level up. You don't get to advance both, although you're already in "House Rule" territory with Gestalt, so you could just ask your DM to tweak the rules so they work the way you want.

Assuming a new maneuver or readied maneuver only goes to one class, it may be possible to "split" them between either Warblade and Swordsage. It's not clear from the text if you can parcel them out this way. You'll need to ask your DM about that.

2017-12-12, 02:21 PM
I should not have written that as tired as I was yesterday.

10 ranks is doable at level 7, and hence the entry could be level 8, but as Gestalting does not allow a Prestige Class on BOTH sides at the same time, and at that time I need Telflammar Shadowlords abilities more, its still at the said level.

GLad I at least did not make any calculation mistakes.

As for splitting them: that was the intent, too bad there is no rule for it. lets see what my DM says...

2017-12-14, 02:27 PM
So this is it?

No other ways I have overlooked (aside from also adding crusader for another set of readied slots)?

2017-12-16, 04:53 PM
Last Bump.

Seems I got it all, or there would ahve been more answers, but still...who knows, right? ^^