View Full Version : Imagined dialogue of Dr. Doom vs Joker

2017-12-11, 06:52 PM
I imagine this is how quickly a fight between the joker and Doom would go:

I was watching the episode and couldn't help but think this.

2017-12-11, 07:01 PM
I imagine this is how quickly a fight between the joker and Doom would go:

I was watching the episode and couldn't help but think this.

Well... Yeah. The Joker has no superpowers. Doctor Doom has a lot of powers. Like, an excessive amount.

2017-12-12, 04:37 AM
Well... Yeah. The Joker has no superpowers. Doctor Doom has a lot of powers. Like, an excessive amount.

There was that one time The Joker took over all reality ...

2017-12-12, 04:10 PM
There was that one time The Joker took over all reality ...

Doom did it three times. Surrendered his powers twice because he got bored, and one time when he became a LG God and saw in his infinite wisdon that it was the rightful thing to do.

2017-12-12, 04:38 PM
Doctor Doom is, aside from some revenge issues, a pretty practical villain, and it's paid off. He has his own country, recognized as a legitimate nation. The Joker, with rare exception, is confined to Gothem. I think Doctor Doom would consider the Joker beneath him, his chaos repugnant. I could see the Joker running amok in Latvaria, with Doctor Doom trying to stop him.

2017-12-12, 08:13 PM
Yup that quote pretty much sums it up.

But as a confrontation, this could be interesting actually.

If we take comic Joker at face value anyway. We all know if we actually paired a real-life version of a clown with some really bad gas against a technological supergenius who also has magic and a military on his side, I'd place all my money on the guy with the Doombots.

But running on comic book logic, the Joker's main shtick is that he can run completely amuck when facing a well organized technologically advanced practical minded supergenius with some serious mental issues to prey upon. That's kind of his whole thing. Hell, it's why he usually ends up beating Lex Luthor when the two confront each other.

My money's still on Doom, but man would that be fun to read.

2017-12-15, 10:36 PM
Yup that quote pretty much sums it up.

But as a confrontation, this could be interesting actually.

If we take comic Joker at face value anyway. We all know if we actually paired a real-life version of a clown with some really bad gas against a technological supergenius who also has magic and a military on his side, I'd place all my money on the guy with the Doombots.

But running on comic book logic, the Joker's main shtick is that he can run completely amuck when facing a well organized technologically advanced practical minded supergenius with some serious mental issues to prey upon. That's kind of his whole thing. Hell, it's why he usually ends up beating Lex Luthor when the two confront each other.

My money's still on Doom, but man would that be fun to read.

You basically beat me to it. The Joker is one of the most talented trolls in any media I have ever seen. Doom is EXTREMELY emotional, even if he's fairly trained at not acting on it. Still, he's a PRIME target for trolling.

I'm not saying Joker WOULD piss off Doom so badly that Doom ends up selling his soul or something crazy and screwing himself over, but it sure would be a fun match-up to watch.

2017-12-15, 10:45 PM
For a Doctor Doom vs Joker comic what you would have to effectively do is.

1) Have some other supervillian not Joker, like Vandal Savage, Gorilla Grodd, Lex Luthor, etc create a team.

2) Joker as an agent of chaos is either recruited to the team or he invites himself in with some form of leverage.

3) Joker takes over the team

4) Joker redirects the energies of the team to do something to Dr. Doom or Doom's country of Latvaria.

5) Joker's "muscle" is what prevents Doom from completely stomping Joker such as one of the lackeys having a way to counteract Doom's magic and delaying a confrontation.

6) Then we have a batter of chaos vs order over a period of time before the final confrontation / tipping point.