View Full Version : Calculating expected damage with conditions

2017-12-12, 07:00 PM
I'm getting ready to resurrect my DPR king candidates thread and I'd like to get some discussion on how to handle conditions.
I really love the way that another guy outlined the various weights in this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d-9xDdath8kX_v7Rpts9JFIJwIG3X0-dDUtfax14NT0/edit#gid=2091322934
He was able to simply calculate the expected damage assuming the foe provoked an opportunity, and his damage otherwise and do a weighted sum.
Where this spreadsheet falls flat is how to account for wizards and sorcerers that focus on damage. It doesn't account for how a wizard would get great damage fireballing a horde, and would use a different spell vs a BBEG. You almost need to simulate a day to get a reasonable comparison. This is what I was thinking for the king candidates thread. I'd allow 3 ways to calculate DPR, a simplified way, the way it uses in the spreadsheet for martial focused builds, and finally 4 encounters that simulate resistances, good/bad saves, few but large vs. many small monsters...

The main question I have is if I were to use this sample day, how do I handle conditions like frightened, or blinded..?
One way would be to have pre-rolled d20's and have the candidate randomly pick one of 5 sets to use for the whole day (honor system).

Are there any conditions I can easily ignore to simplify the problem space, or are there some conditions that are common enough and significantly impact DPR that I have to address this problem?

2017-12-12, 07:15 PM
Well, you don't have to account for cover because the Nameless DPR King doesn't care about cover!

His undead DESTROY all of the cover!

2017-12-12, 07:20 PM
Well, you don't have to account for cover because the Nameless DPR King doesn't care about cover!

His undead DESTROY all of the cover!

His name is Threvor.

2017-12-22, 11:27 AM
Well, you don't have to account for cover because the Nameless DPR King doesn't care about cover!

His undead DESTROY all of the cover!

His name is Threvor.

Lucius Threvor, and he didn't jusr have "Undead", he also had "Undeads"!!!
"The birth of the Nameless King was a disaster, his parents were killed by a sudden explosion and snakes covered the baby like a throne. Camponents tried to kill the red-eyed, white-haired baby with an arrow, but a shield of energy blocked the attack (Shield Spell). The development of the orphan baby was a mystery, but he survived without any love and affection alone in the world. His name was Lucius Threvor.
The young red-eyed elf was not in the world around him, he was different from everyone, he felt a hatred ... But he always followed rules strictly, always manipulative and with an intimidating image.

The young elf was taken to necromancy school to understand his power. But, his personality strength and arrogance did not accept the way they learned magic. His inability to learn large numbers of spells and his way of manipulating magic challenged school leaders. Expelled and humiliated by Wizard Balther with 6 powerful undeads around him, he fled the big city and hid in the darkness. Though humiliated, he worshiped the dark and deep eyes of sinister magic.
In the darkness, the chaotic power began to manifest, but he did not surrender, control and mold to his pleasure. After defeating defeating some opponents, he created his first skeleton with his already decomposing body. It was bone-shaped power.The Nameless King and his Simulacrum casts Animate Dead, creating a horde of Undeads..."

And it just went on and on after that (with snazzy pictures!)

Ending with

'....Meta-game is not allowed, you (Player) knows the character's build, but not your character. So your character needs to be able to know about villain information. Otherwise, your tactic will NOT be valiid!"

I bolded parts that really struck me.

"snakes covered the baby like a throne"?


"bone-shaped power"?

"creating a horde of Undeads"?

Just amazing.

I still can't tell if it was sincere, or an incredible put on.

If sincere I'm baffled.

If a parody I'm in awe.