View Full Version : Building an enemy party to go against the party D&D/Pathfinder

2017-12-13, 04:29 AM
So I've got a party size of 6 people and I'm designing an enemy party to go against them for my campaign. The enemy party so far consists of an artificer (leader), a brawler, a kineticist, a necromancer, and a factotum. I'm looking for the last member (I want 1:1 with party size)

A bit of background, this group is part of a prestigious trading guild and the artificer is the guild's leader. This group is using the guild as a cover while they raid ancient temples for powerful relics. The guild doesn't know the necromancer is actually a necromancer, only the group.

I'm open to suggestions, but not looking for black guard or anti paladin.

2017-12-13, 07:14 AM
A evil Bard would do to buff the necromancers minions and the party.

2017-12-13, 07:29 AM
The necromancer is of which class?(cleric or wizard?)
The strongest necromancers are wizard necromancers: they can get craft construct at level 5(wizard bonus feat) and thus can abuse Trompe L'oeuils to make other wizards to control more undead and make more Trompe L'oeuils.
If your necromancer went that route you can have in the enemy party a sixth member that is a Trompe L'oeuil of an arbitrarily powerful creature(with monstrous lycanthrope stack and amalgams of all the elder gods and of a gibbering orb and of the devil and level 20 casters will all the builds) and you can manage to have that Trompe l'oeuil have a very very very low cr thanks to monstrous lycanthrope stacking.
Also you can have it be an apocalypse swarm and thus have that construct split into two similar constructs each time it takes enough damage(and it gets fast healing).
So the ennemy team have a member that should not be attacked(or you get more opponents) which turns insane stuff near it and which gets tons of incredible powers.

2017-12-13, 07:31 AM
Add in a persistomancer cleric!

2017-12-13, 07:43 AM
Or add in paragon surge abusing oracle for casting any spell?
Or a Theurge Mystic Theurge or a Shair Mystic Theurge for getting double casting progression(for early access to the world breaking spells)?

2017-12-13, 07:47 AM
So I've got a party size of 6 people and I'm designing an enemy party to go against them for my campaign. The enemy party so far consists of an artificer (leader), a brawler, a kineticist, a necromancer, and a factotum. I'm looking for the last member (I want 1:1 with party size)

A bit of background, this group is part of a prestigious trading guild and the artificer is the guild's leader. This group is using the guild as a cover while they raid ancient temples for powerful relics. The guild doesn't know the necromancer is actually a necromancer, only the group.

I'm open to suggestions, but not looking for black guard or anti paladin.

I am not that familiar with Pathfinder, but if you give us the PC’s level and build, I can build a few of these guys so as to evenly match the heroes.

2017-12-13, 09:18 AM
Well the campaign uses D&D and Pathfinder, mostly just classes and feats from D&D. The necromancer is a dread necromancer from heroes of horror. I haven't exactly figured out level or build yet, though the artificer is going to use a golem armor suit (Pathfinder construct modifications), and the factotum is being an archer. The kineticist is a blighted pyrokineticist. And the last guy is basically just a hand to hand brawler.

2017-12-13, 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by AlanBruce
I am not that familiar with Pathfinder, but if you give us the PC’s level and build, I can build a few of these guys so as to evenly match the heroes.

Seconding the call for build details.

What’s the current level of the PCs, and their party composition?

2017-12-13, 10:21 AM
You could add as a last member of the villain team a Psychic Mage Cerebremancer who bans necromancy and evocation and then wonder forever how cerebremancer apply to a single classed Psychic Mage.
Or just take a level in psion too and then manifest high level powers without needing commitment to the psion class and have your level -1 levels of wizard casting.
Yes they are from different systems and so it is weird.

2017-12-13, 05:59 PM
Well the campaign hasn't even started yet, but I'm thinking starting somewhere between 5 and 10 (I haven't worked out much aside from the outline) and I won't know anything about the party composition until literally the day the campaign starts cause my group is annoying like that.

2017-12-13, 08:27 PM
Healing and buffing hasn't been covered.
Vitalist with Intercessor method.

All of the normal vitalist goodness, with Inspire [courage, competence] as a boost.

2017-12-14, 12:40 AM
Well the campaign hasn't even started yet, but I'm thinking starting somewhere between 5 and 10

That's a nice sweet spot. Hopefully your players know how to handle mid power games. Let's see what we can come up with for your villain team. I will try and present two versions of each, since your campaign may have them between level 5 and 10. These are by no means optimized, but they should give you a head start and chassis to expand upon.

The enemy party so far consists of an artificer (leader)

ECL 5: Strongheart Halfling Artificer 5

ECL 10: Strongheart Halfling Artificer 5/Alchemist Savant 5

a necromancer

ECL 5: Lesser Aasimar Dread Necromancer 5

ECL 10: Lesser Aasimar Dread Necromancer 5/ Dread Witch 5

a factotum

ECL 5: Whisper Gnome Cloistered Cleric 1/ Factotum 4

ECL 10: Whisper Gnome Cloistered Cleric 1/ Factotum 4/ Chameleon 5

That's what I got so far. Not much, definitely, but something to work off from. Of course, as a DM, you can hand waive things like LA and use creatures with RHD and better stat modifiers to fill the roles you want.

2017-12-14, 01:22 AM
Uhh.. their races are a little weirder than those..
The artificer is a human
The necromancer is a centaur like beetle creature
The factotum is a smart reptilian race
The brawler is a human
And the kineticist is a catfolk

I'm not looking for how to build these 5, I'm looking for ideas on what to do for the 6th enemy.
So far I've gotten bard, cerebremancer, oracle, mystic theurge, cleric and vitalist. And a lot of people wanting to build the five I've already gotten in mind.

2017-12-14, 01:35 AM
Maybe an oracle/sorcerer (or arcanist)/mystic theurge? I like the idea of the oracle, and I don't want to delve too deep into the arcane magic so I'm thinking more spontaneous casting. You guys got any better ideas for the arcane side? Or which of the two to go with?

Arcanist memorizes spells for the day like a wizard but can cast any of the prepared spells like a sorcerer.