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View Full Version : Planning To Play A "Boss Monster" Character In D&D 3.5 Games

2017-12-13, 07:37 PM
Hey everybody. I'm thinking of playing a "Boss Monster" character in a D&D 3.5 games. Boss Monster happens to be a card game in case if you don't know what is it. The character name is Gandog The Golden. He's a Lawful Good Male Hengeyokai Dog Wizard and he got his own backstory based on the card. I used dices for five ability scores except his Constitution because he got his own Constitution on the card and I want to copied it on the sheet. And any books are fine. Homebrew, non-homebrew, even third party books are also fine by me. This is Gandog The Golden character sheet: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1197130 So tell me what do you think of my character. Positive and negative feedbacks are appreciated. :smile: