View Full Version : can't remember the class

Alteisen Reise
2017-12-14, 05:24 PM
There was a class that I remember that had a magical storage tattoo that inncreased in size with player level. Cant remember its name or if it was 3.5 or pathfinder. Might have been a homebrew.

2017-12-14, 05:30 PM
Heir of Siberys? Child of Khyber?

Tbh, it sounds like you're describing dragonmarks, but those are feats, not classes.

2017-12-14, 07:36 PM
Dragonmarks were my first thoughts too. Possibly Tattooed Monk though, depending. You keep getting more tattoos as you go up in level.

2017-12-14, 07:42 PM
There was a class that I remember that had a magical storage tattoo that inncreased in size with player level. Cant remember its name or if it was 3.5 or pathfinder. Might have been a homebrew.

what did you store in it? spells? if so, you're thinking of the spell spell haven which lets you store spells in your dragonmark.

if you're talking about just jamming your stuff in there like a bag of holding, I know of no such class that imparts this ability.

are you perhaps remembering hoardstealer? they have a magic hidey hole, but no tattoos.

sounds like homebrew (or pf)

Alteisen Reise
2017-12-14, 08:12 PM
If i recall correctly it stored weapons. I've looked at the tattoo monk that wasn't it. Ill check the others, pretty sure it's pathfinder or homebrew now.

Alteisen Reise
2017-12-14, 08:16 PM
Found it, it it was a homebrew. Weapon summoner. Gets a tattoo at 54th level that let's you store weapons, gets a blade that kinda works like the soulknifes. Tattoo scales badly but is a fun concept.

2017-12-14, 08:23 PM
Found it, it it was a homebrew. Weapon summoner. Gets a tattoo at 54th level that let's you store weapons, gets a blade that kinda works like the soulknifes. Tattoo scales badly but is a fun concept.

54th... wha...

Semi-related to the concept you describe is the Personal Space class feature from the Expanded Classes part of the WotC Mind's Eye (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070314a) article series.

2017-12-14, 08:47 PM
54th... wha...
Did a quick look for it. Its 5th level so we don't have to worry that some idiot out there made a 54+level long class.

2017-12-14, 08:49 PM
Did a quick look for it. Its 5th level so we don't have to worry that some idiot out there made a 54+level long class.

Nothing you'd find on D&D Wiki would surprise me. :smalltongue: (Assuming this is where it's from).

2017-12-14, 08:51 PM
Sounds like the tatoo chamber vigilante talent, I think it only for warlocks and cabalists I believe.

Alteisen Reise
2017-12-14, 10:26 PM
yea it's 5th sorry did that on my phone and it auto-corrected. Did not know about the psionic feat, that is very similar and somewhat better. At 20th level the tattoo weights 90 lbs, even if just a long sword is stored. I find that part to be ridiculous. Thank you you wonderful people. The pathfinder tattoo chamber seems a lot more reasonable. Kinda want to port that ability onto it's own class or feat. mostly cause i do not like the base class that it is a variant of.

2017-12-15, 12:32 PM
Note: Hoardstealer PrC (Draconomicon) at 3rd level gets Deep Pockets class feature, which allow to turn his pocket (or, really, any random container) into temporary bag of holding; it lasts 1 hour/level, and can contain 10 ft3 (or 100 lbs.)/level

Also, Absorb Weapon spell (Spell Compendium):


2017-12-16, 05:59 AM
Also, Absorb Weapon spell (Spell Compendium):


Absorb Weapon is also really neat for feint-based builds: only a few other things in the game allow you to feint as a move action, and none of these can be accessed with a one-level dip.