View Full Version : Player Help Item Slots and magical enchantments

2017-12-15, 11:11 AM
Hey guys, rather new to the forums so feel free to critique my form as necessary. I'm also new to D&D as well so excuse my ignorance.

I know that in 3rd edition heavy armors like Fullplate and Half-plate come with gauntlets and helmets standard. I am also aware that there are things like "Headbands of Intellect" and "Gloves of Dexterity" and I'm vaguely aware that such stat enhancements seem to be bound to certain body slots. I was wondering if it would be rule legal/reasonable to be able to add those magical enhancements to the helmet and gauntlets that come with fullplate because they occupy the same body slots.

Thanks in advance for your responses.

2017-12-15, 12:28 PM
Hey guys, rather new to the forums so feel free to critique my form as necessary. I'm also new to D&D as well so excuse my ignorance.

I know that in 3rd edition heavy armors like Fullplate and Half-plate come with gauntlets and helmets standard. I am also aware that there are things like "Headbands of Intellect" and "Gloves of Dexterity" and I'm vaguely aware that such stat enhancements seem to be bound to certain body slots. I was wondering if it would be rule legal/reasonable to be able to add those magical enhancements to the helmet and gauntlets that come with fullplate because they occupy the same body slots.

Thanks in advance for your responses.

The helmet/gauntlets that come with Full Plate don't occupy a Magic Item Slot. As they are not, in of themselves, magic items. Even if the armor is magical, it occupies the Armor slot, not the Hands or Head slot. There's also nothing stopping you from either taking off the helmet/gauntlets and putting on a Magical Hat or a fancy pair of Magical gloves. That won't affect your AC at all. Or you could just go have the helmet/gauntlets enchanted. All are valid.

2017-12-15, 12:36 PM
In addition to all that MesiDoomstalker said, adding certain basic abilities (like enhancement bonuses to ability scores) incurs no cost multiplier when added to a preexisting magic item. See the Appendix in the Magic Item Compendium for details.