View Full Version : DM Help PF Compatible Space Exploration Rules?

2017-12-15, 03:39 PM
We have a long running PF game that evolved from the Iron Gods AP and turned into Star Trek the Mythic PF edition.

Our GM could use some help. When we start the game back up we'll be in command of an interstellar trade network, a planet or two of devout followers, and at least one starship dock from which we'll have produced at least one battleship to go with our research vessel (the ship from the AP).

Our GM could use some sort of charts or lists or rules for space exploration that is d20 compatible.
They add that a random planet generator would be awesome.

Our current and ultimate goal is to eliminate the Dominion of the Black. A tall order to be sure. Esp when whatever tactic we bring to bear they just adapt to, appropriate, and flip back on us.

We have a Mythic Goblin sniper who can shoot anything he can see. A mythic ghoul bard wielding 9th lvl spells. And a Mythic Android Alchemist minionmancer who commands enough Constructs to terraform small planets.

We can have any Construct or magic item we want in about 2 days, and we already have the real actual kaiju Mogaru asleep in a biodome onboard the ship.

We have several tech artifacts including a device that effectively casts 3.x Programmed Amnesia on Robots and AIs. A device that turns organic lifeforms into Androids. A device that makes AI copies of minds.

The ghoul captains an artifact sailing ship that can sail through space. The minionmancer makes clockwork spacewhales and spacewhale lusca. The goblin has been Trompe L'oeil-ed and Alter Ego-ed and Simulacrum-ed.

Will add more as I remember.

2017-12-15, 03:45 PM
Since I don’t know anything about Iron Gods, I have to ask: what’s the travel speed for your research vessel? Do you sleep away the centuries, or do you have some version of FTL or a gateway network?

Also, has your GM set this in a galaxy proper, or is this some sort of alternative cosmos where all the rules of space and time are different?

2017-12-15, 03:57 PM
Well, there's Starjammer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/starjammer/).

2017-12-15, 04:24 PM
Well, there's Starjammer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/starjammer/).

They've been hyping that up on the d20pfsrd for ages now.

2017-12-15, 06:50 PM
Since I don’t know anything about Iron Gods, I have to ask: what’s the travel speed for your research vessel? Do you sleep away the centuries, or do you have some version of FTL or a gateway network?

Also, has your GM set this in a galaxy proper, or is this some sort of alternative cosmos where all the rules of space and time are different?

FTL. PF tech is magic reskinned as tech with its own item creation feats. Tech artifacts are similar. This includes the ship's drive which basically just makes a super Gate to get around.