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2017-12-15, 09:32 PM
Looking around, Hannibal scratch his red beard and stop in thought.

Too much information gathered and needed, maybe he should stop a while and reread those dusty and grim documents again: maybe this time things will be more clearer than it was since last time he had to read them.

House of Knowledge book on SMC

@Originally from IC #1, Post #763


The Skylarios Metalworks Corporation:

From Rags to Robots

Halmathan is a City of Visionaries, let there be no doubt about it.

And amongst them, the Tesla of our time was Lord Bardak Skylarios.

A young noble from one of the finest families in Halmathan, Lord Bardak saw in our fair city the chance to grow. To get us out of the Dark Ages and into a Renaissance of Industry and Enlightenment.

Given his vast wealth and unstoppable vision., Lord Bardak establishes the SMC in 1906, starting in Hope's Caress District. Together, with his beautiful and devoted wife Lenore, both built the blueprints of what would reshape Halmathan into the architectural wonder it is today.

SMC products can be seen all over the City of Power, making life for the Common man a lot easier with all its amazing devices, crafted by Runstone's finest Crafters.

Who knows what the future holds for this City? Lord Bardak is said to have thousands of blueprints for newer and better models to improve our life.

We are truly fortunate to have his Genius in our fair City of Power.

Ludus Magnus' Show-Off

Originally from Cat and Mouse IC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?524026-Cat-amp-Mouse-IC), Post #389


I was reluctant at first to establish a truce with such weaklings, The Roosters. The Society has already shown their true colors by claiming what belongs to me, so why should I lend my formidable strength and training to lowly dishonorable thugs?

It was then that Gram came to see me.

He calls himself a Messiah, a prophet of sorts to a Goddess that lives in this very city. I told him that I bow to no royal, divine or otherwise. Then, he told me of that witch and her machines...

I was the greatest gladiator in Hope's Caress. A warrior lauded by all, and for years, I have been reduced to a mere shadow of my former might. Crippled and bound to a chair...

His offer was too good to pass. I yearn to rise and fight again. To wield my strength and pit myself against worthy enemies in the arena, where true courage is wrought.

Anyone else would have died from the pain that table visited upon me- cold metal hands stripping the stump I had for a leg. Blood washed floors as nerves were stricken by force and yet, I smiled as I looked at the cold metal ceiling, feeling new strength surge through me as that meddlesome floating orb warned me about the risks of the operation.

In the end, I stood once more. Flesh and metal intertwined. A strength to rival even the Kordite Church leader in Halmathan! But of course, everything comes at a price.

Gram says that I shall now use my Ludus Magnus to house the...'faithful' of his flock. He has a funny way of seeing things. These aren't devout that are brought here, but prisoners. Strong men and women, some with military expertise, which her Angels are quick to take into the sewers after a few nights in the Pit.

He says that his Goddess yearns to embrace them into her fold. I have reasons to believe that I may be next, but Gram would be a fool to believe he has a chance against me.

I will give him his pound of flesh, but the truly strong shall remain here, with me. Bharthran and Thernus will train them and then I shall have the greatest spectacle of Power this City has ever seen!

Even now, I hear them: the cheering crowds above, clamoring my name as I walk down the ramparts,

Perhaps, then... it may not be such a bad idea to have a Goddess by my side.

Raikou's Personal Stack of Notes (found on a facility in the sewers that apparently as ran by Dr. Cutter)

Originally from IC #1, Post #770

Observations: Once human subjects to The Las Plagas have died, they are reanimated into Crimson Heads. These creatures are utterly beyond any scope of control close to clerical intervention or utter disposal of the subject.

However, given the arms race that my pupil and I are currently engaged in, I have hypothesized that even a Crimson Head can be further enhanced. Procuring a docile specimen is nearly impossible and as a result, several of my staff were devoured or infected.

Thankfully, a few were herded successfully here. Using the Old Treatises penned by the Grand Archmage himself, I believe I have been able to create a new bioweapon. They are not the desired Adam series I was hoping for, but their increased intelligence and speed makes up for their lack of mass and combat agility.

There is the matter of establishing control over them. As undead, I considered asking Alinda at Runestone to assist me in such matters. Her knowledge of these creatures would be paramount into better understanding and controlling them.

The meeting went poorly. Alinda Falanae is a cynic- she refuses to help me understand the very creatures she preaches upon in her classes!

Commanding them will require a different approach, but if I am given time, I can condition these specimens to obey.

And while she is asleep, I have all the time in the world.

Originally from IC #1, Post #770

Subjects 43-C , codenamed "Alpha" are to be transferred to the main facility, along with the lesser specimens. Procure only one of each. The Queen does not require any more.

Of note, Subject "Stan" is to be restrained in this complex until further methods of controlling it can be achieved.

Subjects are to be taken to Weapon Storage and placed in stasis immediately.

Originally from IC #1, Post #775
Proposal: In order to mass produce viable Bio Weapons, I have deducted that female subjects ought to be procured and inseminated with Mecopterida genes, splicing them with the Old Treatises. I hypothesize that the end result will be a unique life form that can give birth to selective weapons, ready for battle.

The process should not take long, given the large amount of females in the district. An estimated time of one month should be enough to have the first batch.

Observations: The subject's cellular structure has rejected the initial transfusion and as a result, I have lost control over them. They are not the desired Novistadors she has created, which respond at a genetic and mental level.

Instead, these creatures, from now on classified as 'Chimera', due to the amalgam of different creature genes used in the process, has become feral and reverted to a near mindless state.

They lack the aesthetic design I had envisioned initially and so, are unfit to be deployed in broad daylight next to human warriors. Not that such a thing is possible anymore- they will attack on sight and although they were designed to have wings, these have become vestigial, granting the Chimera accelerated climbing speeds, but not flight.

Of note, they reproduce rather quickly and favor underground locales.

Final Thoughts: A failure in the Bio Weapons Arms Race I have with her, Chimeras are to be disposed of immediately before their numbers increase to an uncontrollable degree.

Originally from IC #1, Post #775


September 8th, 1965

Hello, new job! With Hope's Caress abuzz now, I went from a drifter to management sifter! Sure, some would say the job stinks (no pun intended there), but the paycheck sure is good and all I have to do is keep these valves working!

And a good thing too: I still can't figure out the entire sewer complex. It's a freaking maze down here! As long as I stay put and check these valves, I'm golden.

Ok, not the best job, but you know what? It's easy money. And why look down on a good thing?

Originally from IC #1, Post #775


January 10th, 1966

The sewer system here is faulty again! Nobody upstairs is doing anything about this! I have filed probably twenty complaints with City Sanitation! None of my letters have been addressed. So much for Hope's Caress and good clean plumbing!

At least I have a full staff down here, twenty four seven. The money is good, but I sure do miss walking up above. Tending to these machines all day and no play sure makes me dull....

Originally from IC #1, Post #775


March 15, 1966

Another day, another problem! Some pipe burst and half the entire room is under raw sewage! There is no way I am swimming down there to check on the valves. Hell, if any of my team were still here, maybe, but as of late, they have been called in by that egg head, Cutter. Since when is Runestone managing the Sanitation Department? I got a message from some guy in a white lab coat saying that from now on Dr. Cutter will be handling this whole area, that I need not ask the City for my paycheck and that I keep watching over this room, since they will be bringing in more staff.

Well, a clean up crew would sure be nice!

Originally from IC #1, Post #775


It's been... who knows how long. They are bringing people in. Crazy people. Bound and gagged. Sickly looking.

And a bunch have been dumped into the water! Others have been locked in the upper rooms! I tried to stop this, of course, but was warned not to get close to them, since they were sick. Well, genius- if they're sick, call a cleric!

That's when another guy handed me a bigger pouch than usual.

"You keep these patients locked and your mouth shut, and you will get a lot more of these pouches coming your way."

Alright. I'm stuck in a smelly sewer. Crazy men moan and groan in cells above me and I can swear that those dropped in the water aren't dead. I think I saw one pop its head out the cistern the night prior.

Focus on the money, Stan. Eyes on the money. A few more months, then you file your papers, take that sweet lift, and back to Halmathan to live it off in luxury.

Originally from IC #1, Post #775


Goddammit! I went to feed one of the sick in the upper cells. Those guys from Cutter don't even give them food and that incessant moaning!

Should've left that guy starve to death, bit my finger clean off! In my despair, I washed the wound with the sewer water... yeah. Not your brightest moment, Stan. Cutter's men came in, of course. Dumping more 'patients'. I had one look at my wound and he spoke in some strange language to his colleague as they bandaged it and told me to relax, that it would be okay.

Then, they simply left. The pain is unbearable. Not even a potion or something?

Originally from IC #1, Post #775


Bastards! It's been weeks and they haven't come down at all. The lift's fried. Whatever floats down in the sewage must've messed up the valves. There's no way to get out of here now, but I have a plan, oh yeah.

The main gate in the upper level needs two mechanisms to open. I have them, and I am keeping them with me. They HAVE to come down now! Oh yeah, anytime now. And you know what? To show them I'm serious, I'm unlocking the cells, yeah! Let them crazies run around. Cutter's little pet projects.

I'm stashing my money and waiting in my chair. My crossbow loaded. Good thing I only need one hand... my bandage fell off and I can't even lift the other.

Feeling very dizzy... hold it together, Stan. You're gonna live it large up in the surface!

Originally from IC #1, Post #775


Pelor, Kord, Heironeous...anybody!

Why have I been sent to this place? I have done nothing wrong. I stole, maybe once. As a child. Never killed anyone. Never got into a fight...

And then they dragged me here, drowsy and weakened. Several others share my cell, but they are not like me. They mumble to themselves. Rock back and forth. One even tried bashing his head against the stone wall, saying it wanted it out of him...

What did he mean?! What are they doing to us down here?

That... Doctor. He comes in regularly to check on us with his men, all dressed in white with gloves and goggles. we know the drill: stick our hand out the cell and they take a sample. Refuse, and we are dragged like dogs with large spiked leashes out of our cells, god knows where.

One day that mad man brought...his daughter? Yes, it has to be. Sweet looking girl. Why would he bring her down here? I still remember her scent.. like fine spring flowers amidst the filth. I took out my hand and smiled at her, but all I got was a cold stare as the girl completely ignored me and started taking notes, speaking in an odd language to the doctor as she simply walked past me like I didn't even exist!

The days go by... or is it months? I don't know. they have stopped feeding us. I woke up one day to find one of my cell mates chewing on my foot! I nearly killed the son of a bitch with my own bare hands before "Stan the Man" came in and separated us and took him to another cell.

He's like some warden here. Just as crazed as the others...maybe more so. he says he's the Sewage Manager and he's going to make it big up top. Told me he's getting out of this place, but he will need help. A strong man like me.

I can do that. I do feel stronger despite not being fed.

Stan came several days later. handed me some money and asked me to stash it. Says there are eyes everywhere here and he needs to make sure "they" don't steal it.

What is he talking about? I don't want money. I want to get out of here! I peeked through a small hole into my adjacent cell and I swear I saw an inmate eating another, just for that one to open its eyes and look at me! What on Oerth are they doing to us down here!

Stan never came...

I think I get it now... we are never leaving this place. I don't think that was the plan. And if we do, i don't want to know where we are taken. But I have a way out. Stan gave me some rope. A plan to break the bars from my cell when the time was right.

If I am lucky, I will break my neck on the first swing...

Originally from IC #1, Post #775


October 2nd.

Captain Wyldon Downfeather has called upon nine of us to explore these gods forsaken sewers. He claims that there are beasts living down here. The sewers have always been home to giant rats, but those are easily dispatched, which was my initial query to him.

The good captain says these aren't rats we are dealing with. Something else. Something sinister and unseen and highly dangerous.

We nearly emptied the armory tonight, arming ourselves to the teeth. No casters with us, but that doesn't mean we cannot deal with unseen enemies- flour. Simple cooking flour, attached to our arrow tips.

May Kord grace us as we delve down those tunnels.

October 3rd.

Gonzalez was the first to go. I cannot erase that image from my mind as his body was brutally split. His entrails slipping down the rusted ladder. Those bastards kept him alive for just a few seconds before tearing out his head, just so that he could see his eviscerated body.

Our squad is highly trained. I devoted most of my life to the Army. Ranged infantry. No matter where the target is, I can pin it, I have no doubt about that.

But these things. Invisible and lightning fast... they began dragging our comrades into the tunnels. Their cries for help still haunt my dreams as we made a run for it. Ramirez, the captain and I.

How many of these things are nesting down here?

As our captain and Ramirez raced towards the exit... it came into being.

This one didn't even bother to be invisible. As tall as a house. Claws as big as a man.

Downfeather and Ramirez would not be able to make it out. They had been hurt through the runway.

But even bugs have a soft spot. All it took was my boot on one of their eggs and that bloated bitch and her children were upon me.

The sound of that lift shutting behind them was good enough.

It took the loss of an eye and a punctured kidney to jump into the festering water- these bastards may fly. They can go invisible...

But they sure don't know how to swim.

As a ranger myself, I have trained in holding my breath below water for a max of two minutes.

Two minutes, dragging my bloody body back through sh** and hazardous chemicals as the beasts focused on the lift.

It is true what Captain Maxil told me once-

"Adrenaline can turn any man- or woman- into a ravaging beast, if the situation accounts for it."

I must've ran for who knows how long as the screeches of those bugs echoed through the dark tunnels and I passed Gonzalez's remains on the rung ladder and bolted for a room, which I immediately barricaded.

The screeches have gone silent for now, but I'm not taking any chances.

October 5

I have rigged the door as much as I can. Blood loss is setting in and the Cleric in a Box kit is all but empty now. I looked at a mirror shard I used for reconnaissance and I look like those damn mummies from the desert, Half my face is bandaged and my eye socket stings. Rations are dwindling. Same for water.

Can't even fathom drinking the water from the sewers, although I must've swallowed some as I swam away.

Did we even mention this trip to anyone on the surface? They have to notice we are missing right?

Any minute now...

October 8

Hello, Diary! I had a lovely chat with Ramirez today. He's taking me to the finest restaurant in Halmathan. I have to look pretty for him. I hope he's not late. Can't leave a girl waiting. It's not classy, mama used to say.

That boom sound outside. Someone stepped on my traps... I don't recall setting up a trap so big, though, but oh gods- the sound of those roaches shrieking in pain does feel good!

And now my foot has gangrene. Lovely. Cut it off, apply the last salve onto the stump. Cauterize it, yeah.

Ramirez won't even notice with my long dress.

October 10

Hey Diary...

Seven days since we came down here. Ramirez is gone. Wyldon is gone. Nobody has knocked on my door... that's rude.

Rations are gone.

Water is gone.

Can't hear those things outside. The explosion probably killed them all. My face is a bloody mess... who am I kidding?

Mama. Papa... I'm sorry. Be all you can be, right? I tried. I really did.

Feeling dizzy and tired. Can't even feel the pain from my foot.

Maybe a little nap will make me feel better.

I'm ready to go home now...

2017-12-15, 09:34 PM
Corwin's notes

Originally from IC #1, Post #1284


Observations: Using a Floralis Naturus as a base genetic start up has brought forth impeccable results. They have retained the ability of their former sylvan selves and are able to recreate a cloaking ability, effectively rendering them invisible. Loss of innate spell casting has been replaced with long range acidic bile, concentrated for maximum results. Increase in size has given the Novistadors an edge by being able to pounce on their targets without any hindrance their former selves had due to size restraints. They have become hermaphroditic in the process, being able to produce more of their own without having to engage in traditional reproductive processes.

Application of the Sylnavus Flora Magnus, or nymph into their genetic composition has rendered them with the ability to use the Dimension Door Conjuration effect. The Sylnavus Flora Magnus as a field weapon is useless, but removal of the frontal lobe has rendered adequate results by giving the Novistadors an extra combat capability.

Use in combat field is a high possibility.

Final Thoughts: A decided improvement over their pixie self, the Novistador is not only a perfect unseen scout, but also an able combatant, able to formulate basic combat tactics when deployed in groups. Maturation process from larvae to adult ranges between one and two weeks, at which point they are fully capable to fend for themselves. The conditioning process has made them utterly loyal to me, creating a Hive Mind that merges with my own.

Once again, Science perseveres over Nature's fickleness.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1284


Subject Name: Melody Barthelby

Serial No.: M0-1

Code Name: Kinetically Armed Reconnaissance Assassin (K.A.R.A)

Observations: Following the appearance of the Las Plagas Parasite, it has been suggested that key subjects should be taken from the highest and most pure blooded families in the city. She believes that a pure genetic sample, undiluted and merged with the sample found in Karyllyn's Mine will produce a formidable subject for field testing.

Results have been… exceptional.

A new type of magic. She has been reluctant to name it yet, but I have decided to classify it as Incarnum. As a result of the process, the subject has lost her memories. It can be hypothesized that only the most powerful magic may be able to revert the process, something she has stated will not be necessary. As a result, I am sending K.A.R.A. to her facility.

Her decendancy makes her an even better candidate than Godefroy, but I have already too much work here.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1284


Subject Name: Lisa Godefroy

Code Name: Experiment 005-A

Observations: My attempts to create a perfect specimen have failed thus far. The closest I have come to that was test subject 005-A: Lisa Godefroy. Initial observations were positive. Her body is virtually indestructible. Muscular acceleration. Cellular recomposition. Immune to any and all magic- much like golems, but alive. Very much so. Sadly, her mind became fractured and she has escaped the facility. She has proposed an alternate solution to this malady: Given her actual appearance and semblance of mind, to allow her to wander the district. She can barely speak and magical communication with her would be...hazardous to the user.

She has proven to be good- too good, in fact. She has spoken about a process she wishes to do on herself. She claims it will be her biggest achievement, but for that, she must enter hibernation.

As long as she is asleep, might as well advance my own research.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1284


I rue the day I decided to follow that madman to do his research! He promised me not only a good pay, but that he would embellish the city. There is no embellishment here. No. His experiments prowl this house, having made it their own. Whether this is what Cutter had intended, I do not know. One of them has proven to be particularly clever, having used a common thief to experiment on. The creature has retained some of its former skills and is the reason many of us have died. I have secluded myself in this room in hopes it does not find me. However, I believe Cutter has already taken a grip on me. My dear Lisa, I am so sorry, for everything. I have taken a vial of hemlock in hopes that it will, in a way, amend for my mistakes.

Good Bye, may the gods forgive me.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1284


As much as it shames me to admit, she is a genius. Like a true goddess of Creation, she has managed to create sentient life from the smallest and most insignificant of organisms- the Hirudo Medicinalis, or in layman's terms, the leech.

This new organism, dubbed by her as Progenitor has been able to spawn countless creatures resembling a mass of leeches but that can, at her command, assume the form they once had before being treated.

Needless to say, the process isn't for the faint of heart.

The creature's abilities are extraordinary. Able to assume a passive and active form. Once in active form, the progenitors are relentless. Their sense of echolocation puts my own experiments at fault. Even at near death in combat, the Progenitor Series can enable a self destruct sequence, whereas they can not only damage those around them, but infect them with the strain. I have been able to replicate some of the characteristics, but the tremendous mental command she has is one of those secrets that elude me still.

The teacher however, cannot be outsmarted. Further research shall vindicate me.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


Regarding the Properties of Gems

It is widely known that gems serve as a key economic measure throughout Oerth. Businesses revolve around the trading of rare and precious stones which are later exchanged for currency. There is of course, another application to gems. An arcane application.

Any well versed practitioner of the arcane arts should be well aware of the wondrous properties many gems have as catalysts for spell preparation. But what happens when this material component is subject to manipulation?

Namely, the appearance of Wild Magic Zones has spurned much debate and interest among the scholar community. It has been recorded that areas around Oerth with vast mineral deposits have been subjected to a lash or surge of power that has transmuted the properties of gems with amazing effects. For example, we have Karyllyn's Mine, located in the outskirts of the City of Power. It is known that the quartz mined there produces effects related to…

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


The V - Acts: An Observation

Reading extensively on the treatises penned centuries ago by the wrongfully accused Grand Archmage of Runestone Academy, I have managed to develop some of his formulas on subject implementation with a near a hundred percent accuracy.

The V- Acts, named after their original creator. They are symbiotic parasites that can coexist invisibly with a host. The process of creating just one is arduous and expensive, requiring extensive care and research in order to follow the complicated algorithms involved in the weaving of such wondrous creature.

Once the V-Act is hatched, it must immediately be placed in a liquid environment. Failure to do so, risks months of crafting and weaving the being to existence. By borrowing the raw materials from the Far realms and incorporating various alchemical and transmutation properties, the V-Act becomes effectively the perfect spy. It is virtually immune to all detection spells. Of course, the original creations- if any exist, must be absolutely undetectable. The V-Act resembles a tentacled inhabitant from the Far Realms, but at a much smaller scale. It lays dormant in the host, attaching itself to either the central nervous system or the heart. Then, when the command word is activated, the V-Act responds to its programming, imposing its will on the host. I have yet to craft one, but if the treatises here are accurate, I should be able to create one, maybe two specimens. Of course, such work must not be wasted idly on anyone. V-Acts are to be used only with key subjects.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


The Las Plagas Parasite are a revolutionary breakthrough. To think they have lied fossilized in that mine for so long. The ability to give a man extraordinary strength, agility and an unnatural resistance to pain is noteworthy.

Once research is completed, I will present my proposal to King Airdan himself.

Who knows, he might even replace the City and Royal Guards with these new soldiers…

Food for thought.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


Success! I have managed to unravel the properties of Halmathan's Park. It would seem that the ancient battle was initially waged there. The residual magical properties lie dormant now, but after years of careful research, I have managed to create a catalyst to uncover its properties. It siphons energy from any and all sources of magic. To think that I used only a handful of dirt. It is a living organism. Of this, I have no doubt. Dormant, but hungry. Hungry for magic. By now, Crowell and the rest must be privy to my work. I have taken a subject by the name of Stanley- an abjurer under Griswold's care. It was difficult to lure him all the way here, but it was well worth it! When under the catalyst, the organism awakens and is quick to devour all magic from the subject. This renders the target extremely weak. Once all power has been drained, it begins to consume body tissue. It took about an hour for the small patch to take down Stanley. I can only imagine what a larger landmass could do when the catalysts are implemented.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


Another failure! The subject has increased in size exponentially and thus accelerated its strength, agility, and endurance. However, when it comes to basic intellect, it is nothing more than a mere animal. Instinctual, cunning, but otherwise, unable to respond to basic orders. It has escaped confinement and it has taken to the walls. Some of the other subjects have fallen to it. As a side note, it should be noted that it is territorial and able to pass on the virus. As such, I have left some items under its unwilling care.

Now, if only I could have done the same with Lady Godefroy…

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


The incubation period of the virus is phenomenal. It enhances the host's strength, dexterity and endurance to levels never before seen. Sadly, their intellect is reduced. Even worse, in some subjects, the virus eventually kills them, but the process does not end. It continues to mutate. These hapless specimens increase their agility and strength even further, yet regress their mind to a feral mind set. I have classified them as Crimson Heads, due to the blood accumulation on their cranium as a product of the virus. These specimens in particular should be approached with caution. They have developed a strain of the virus that can be passed on to others through injury.

As my previous specimens, they have developed an echolocation of sorts, enabling them to assess their surroundings without visual means. I have left here, for those who would be trapped in the house, the means to heal yourself. I myself have begun experimenting on me and this could well be my last sane letter to you, reader.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


I have found the excess of subjects to be inadequate for proper testing here. As such, my Lady has offered to use her own facility to conduct more research. Thankfully, nobody suspects this. I believe She will be far better off keeping her facility hidden. I do, however, feel some jealousy towards her.

Her new symbiote derived from the same treatises that I have read is far superior. Immune to most forms of damage. In fact, she has managed to create a Hive Mind with her specimens. Something I need to conduct further study on.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


It was through arduous work that I was able to create this new specimen. The subject came from one of the lesser scum in the city. He will certainly not be missed. Its potential for the battlefield is matched only by its untamed ferocity. It would be this prototype that would inspire me to give birth to the Adam series. Sadly, this one has had to be contained. Of course, the researcher in me does not wish to eliminate the subject- not that such a feat is possible, anyway. In a way, as a father, I have confined him to his room. As such, it has become quite useful to store things with him.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


It has been made believe that the Plaga Carrier Alpha 1A Code name: Custodian is invulnerable. To a degree, that is true. The Custodian is certainly a creature resistant to damage from physical and magical attacks. Magic particularly being ineffective against it. However, there is no perfect weapon. Not one that can be crafted by him, at least. The Custodian has a tremendous range for his echolocation, which makes up for his slower pace, however, the Control Plaga parasites in its body that make up its nigh invulnerable make-up, are also its downfall.

The parasites are invisible to the untrained eye. One would need to be able to discern invisible creatures, at the very least. Once such methods can be procured, it is only a matter to locate the parasites moving around the Custodian's body and picking them off.

Off the record, I am terribly disappointed at this new batch of subjects. Further research will have to be done if a more precise and efficient weapon is to be devised. I do hope he serves his purpose well.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


I have found out the truth about her...and me. I am, for lack of a better word, horrified. I believed I was the teacher- I was in control. Yet, it was only a veil- an illusion. I was lead to believe I had free will. That I was doing this of my own accord. I should have known I would be next after what she did to her family.

I have found out too late that I was mistaken.

She has now been awakened and has systematically begun eliminating all those creations that she deems flawed- by any means necessary. I have taken refuge here, in hopes that I can find a better specimen to counter her attempts. I believe I have. I must wonder, however, if she is aware of my intentions...

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


Sarjon, as scheduled, I have arranged for a selection of promising new recruits for your organization.

It goes without saying that even they must not be privy to what may befall them. Direct them at your leisure, but make sure you record anything extraordinary they do during their tenure in The Mercy.

From now on, Camelia will be overseeing their performance and will be reporting directly to me. Once they are ready, herd them to the designated area. Go alone with the subject- you will not be attacked.

And do not worry about your position as Boss, Sarjon- I will make it so that you remain uncontested. I would, however, warn against Rurin- as an ex official and military strategist, he might want to usurp your lofty chair. How you proceed regarding him, I leave it up to you.

Originally from IC #1, Post #1287


I have managed to attain a degree of power and prestige in The Mercy for well over five years. My reputation in this District is uncontested, unrivaled...

Then Hathway walked into the scene.

I have asked around. Inquired in the darkest alleys- this man is a phantom. A ghost. Nobody has heard of him before until now. But how has he become so knowledgeable on the City's Powers that Be? With all my training and Power. My strength...

I must admit that I fear this man. He could have taken on the Mercy and placed himself as the new ruler, but he has allowed me to continue... yet it is now a puppet rulership. He pulls the strings. Calls the shots. Of course, he has given me strong if somewhat loyal henchmen, but most of them answer only to him.

And then there are the disappearances- why does he have me take my own men away into the sewers? Granted, they don't raise any questions from my own crew, which saves me explanations, but is he planning something? A coup? I cannot be caught off guard, but I must play my cards intelligently...

Hathway has mentioned that he wants Pharis sent to the sewers. Coincidental with a new arrival of men to serve me. I have a bad feeling about this- Pharis believes he fools me, but I have kept him in check for a long time. If Hathway desires his skills, he may turn that boy against me...

For once, the great Lord Hathway will have to take his losses like any other folk here- his own envoys will be used to finish off Pharis and none will be the wiser.

After that, I will send Rurin to the sewers. That should keep him happy.

I will never relinquish my rule of The Mercy to anyone.

Originally from IC #2, Post #56


Although their design and purpose is intrinsically flawed, I have decided to procure three original fey for individual testing. They will not be subjected to the Novistador Program. I have decided to indoctrinate these three into the Phobos Program. Fey have a tendency to be curious by nature. This particular element in their genetic make up leads to a high percentage of death when and if they are to be deployed into the field.

This has to be remedied.

Three of these fey have shown to demonstrate a modicum of leadership amongst the other specimens. These will be fit for experimentation over an extended period of time. Fey are known to be immortal unless terminated through conventional means. A way to establish a protein based nutrient vact will have to be devised to keep them alive during my Hibernation.

There is a possibility that their minds are fractured in the process, but their intellectual capacity was already reduced from the beginning, so at any rate, the Phobos Program should provide illuminating data.

I have ordered these three to be sent to Preparation and be placed under the F-103's...supervision.

If I am to test the Phobos Program at a one hundred percent success rate, this is the most logical and efficient method.

Originally from IC #2, Post #56


During my years becoming Enlightened, I have come across the concept of creating the perfect soldier. A Hive needs loyal workers, but more so- it needs loyal and strong soldiers. Subjects that are willing to give their life for their Queen, molded to answer at an instinctual level only to me.

The subjects gathered through the years have proved to be insufficient to meet this criteria- only 1% are able to survive the process, which leads to a disappointing percentage of dead subjects, with the surviving ones fit to be Processed into my older experiments.

I have hypothesized that, if the subject has solid training from the beginning, they can successfully assimilate the Ubesoldstat Program. In essence, creating a new line of bio organic weapons. A perfect soldier that will answer only to me.

So far, only a handful have been able to be labeled as such. Thankfully, Test Site 1 has surprised me over the years- a veritable slew of promising subjects have been born and bred here, and if not, many have been brought here as initially planned. This creates a Testing Scenario from which I can determine who are best suited to be brought to the facility. The idea of them claiming ownership over the Test Site is, for lack of a better word- amusing. Lesser life forms... they still cling to such misguided concepts such as free will. Dreams. Desires. Why? Do they not understand that their purpose is to serve me? Are their minds so fractured, beholden to the shackles of free will?

It is clear now that I must release these promising subjects from such a torturous existence. They will come to accept Reality as it was meant to be. They will suffer no more under the oppression of Choice and Emotion. Utter Obedience and Singularity will be the Future of this City...

And they will adhere to this ideals. They will do so...or they will be disposed.

2017-12-15, 09:51 PM
Hannah Bartell's Diary

Originally from IC #1, Post #1412


My name is Hannah Bartell and of still sound mind, I hereby write down my confession, for any who would find this by sneaking into my office or... after I am gone.

I was born in The Mercy, like so many others here. It was my dream to one day bring people together, away from the ever churning conflict that has plagued our home since that accursed Fire fifteen years ago.

As an orphan myself after such a catastrophe, I vowed and pledged never to leave anyone out in the ashen streets, bereft of a home and an education. I am aware of the many factions that walk our streets. All of good intent on the surface, but in the end, they train our people in the arts of mugging and murder.

That is not the way I was raised. And I have taken it upon myself to teach the good people here how to be honest, hardworking citizens so that our district might flourish once more.


The advent of the Merciful Father and most importantly, her Serenity Lady Keéra, have brought my dream that much closer to fruition. A kind and noble soul, the mermaid princess left a most gracious donation and so, The Mercy Maiden's House of Knowledge came to be. With cruel Sarjon deposed, now we could broaden the people's minds- leave the blades and shivs. Pick up a pencil and a book.

Things were coming up well...

But in the end, The Mercy has been cast by the shadow of Corruption for too long. What can a single school do for everyone? They come here. barely listen to the lessons taught by myself, Michael, Will and Travis and then...

Then they use the house to sleep and bolt out the next morning. Out to the streets of the Mercy to mug and steal. They think I don't know, but what am I supposed to do? Close the door on them? Faith in my people keeps these doors open and the beds made every evening for them.

And yet, I find my faith wavering...waning.


A few weeks ago that I was contacted by a woman- Kara. She said that a bounty of books, kept in mint condition, were stored further in The Mercy. Her benefactor had watched my plight and wished to help educate the good people here. I was reluctant at first, but she allowed me to keep one of the books- a History of Nature in Halmathan and the Wondrous Beings that watch over it.

Limited edition print! She wasn't bluffing! And so, I followed her directions and set out at night with three kind Hawks, who swore Kyle had no idea about this mission. Good people all of them.

But when we got to the designated area, I realized all too soon that I should have gone alone.

Unseen hands took their lives in a most gruesome manner. Their cries for help still echo faintly in the back of my mind before that woman, Kara, appeared from the shadows and scolded me for coming escorted.

And then, she delivered upon her promise- Knowledge. But not the one I sought or ever dreamt about.

That night, I was... blessed. Or is it cursed? I shall defer to the latter. Every morning I struggle against whatever it was that was placed inside me. A constant fight as I keep a facade in front of Michael, Travis and the others, but it is hard. It is getting oh so hard to control it as the days go by.


Hannibal made a lewd comment and I had to rush to my office. The others think it was because I had become bashful, but the truth is...

I was going to kill him.

I can see myself from a distance. Trapped in my own body as strings pull my limbs and speak for me. I scream at the top of my lungs, but all I get out are honeyed words of faux concern for my friends.

What is happening to me?


Today, the Roosters commence their attack. I am to bring all I can inside the school and suggest that we reinforce it and keep it safe from outside intrusions. I attempted to warn Captain Byerek to leave an entrance open, but he kindly pushed me aside and told me he knew better, that this was to keep everyone safe.

These powers I have been given are too strong for me to control. I simply watched as everyone that trusts me contribute to lock themselves here as I asked Byerek to seal me in my office as a last ditch effort, but as I write this, my words to him are different:

Get me out.

And I don't want to come out. Whatever is inside of me is burning my entrails and pushing through. I don't think I can control it much more. I am about to burst and turn into something else.

And that terrifies me... or does it?

No. Why should I be scared? This is a gift. The Queen has chosen me! I shall be her Hand Maiden, along with Anya. Together, we shall honor her Divine Court and bring all under her banner.

And those who would not bow... they will learn the error of their mistake. They will know Horror. They will know Despair.

Hallowed be Her and may that mongrel fish Ke'era rot in the depths of the ocean!

Gorf's Facility (Part 1 of 2)

Originally from IC #2, Post #153


And lo, her Maidens were quick to worship her in all her radiant Beauty and Perfection

Orignally from IC #2, Post #166


Atte: Subject Clawhand

Although authority for this installation have been granted to you, it is imperative to know that the exit door to 'Paradise' is encrypted with a code. The Queen has the code changed every day, so as to dissuade anyone from leaking relevant information or sneaking in.

Today's code has been changed according to something very personal to her. We have already discussed this in our prior meeting. Make sure you do not forget it.

Of note, Subject Felg is to be awakened immediately upon my leave.

That is all.

Originally from IC #2, Post #191

Subject Containment Data

The following subjects have been categorized according to their current status as of the date of this list:

1 Bolt, Frank - Deceased
2 Copp, Charles - Deceased
3 Gregory, Leon - Transferred
4 Coldhammer, Kurgen - Deceased
5 Henry, Forrest - Deceased
6 Bartell, Hannah - Processed/ Transferred
7 Hills, Ralph - Deceased
8 Zeni, Zanthar - Transferred
9 Hood, Adam - Deceased
10 Holme, Frederick - Deceased
11 Janda, Edward - Deceased
12 Utzditch, Seti – Deceased/ Processed
13 Johnson, Luby - Processed
14 Landers, William - Processed
15 Limas, Manuel - Transferred
16 Marud, John - Deceased
17 Nurnvazi, Anya - Transferred
18 Mumma, William - Deceased
19 Nelson, Jack- Processed
20 Paris, Angelo - Deceased
21 Tirrus, Vasla- Transferred
22 Petarson, John - Deceased
23 Prokopf, Leo - Deceased
24 Riley, Joseph - Processed
25 Golzz, Rurin - Deceased
26 Mithmironel, Archaidous - Transferred
27 Dunston, Michael - Processed
28 Grunwald, Heos - Deceased
29 Serk, Cutter- Processed
30 Litvu, Aramian - Deceased
31 Wolfe, Gilbert - Deceased
32 Bannik, Kyle - Transferred
33 White, Cordelia - Processed
34 Moxon, Robert - Deceased
35 Indil, Bharthran - Transferred
36 Gram, James- Processed/ Deceased
37 Souza, Frank - Deceased
38 Orok, Felg- Processed
39 Fernandez, Hal - Deceased
40 Ironfoot, Borazon - Transferred
41 Dean, Harry - Deceased
42 Nix, Pharis - Transferred
43 Downfeather, Wyldon - Transferred
44 Smith, Mack - Processed
45 Sarjon, Maxx - Deceased
46 Stadig, John - Deceased
47 Amitiel, Gabriela - Transferred
48 Amitiel, Michael- Transferred
49 Israfil, Hadriel- Transferred
50 Jamyang, Gyaltsen - Transferred
51 Balthiul, Raquel- Transferred
52 Galizur, Ramiel - Transferred
53 Fontaine, Harold - Diseased
54 Golebrowski, John - Deceased
55 Moten, Frank - Deceased
56 Jax, Ivo - Processed/ Deceased

The following subjects are to be considered top priority for retrieval:

1. Knell, Corwin
2. Kyrich, Githslayer
3. Decaldris, Locke [Processed/Deceased]
4. Underhill, Roscoe
5. Malley, Drakan
6. Mirakyn, Sasha
7. Edglin, Daratra
8. Nurnvazi, Soraya
9. Byerek, Githslayer

Originally from IC #2, Post #239


Orignally from IC #2, Post #265

Almost there!

Originally from IC #2, Post #269


Fate, it would seem, has handed me a most generous hand this time. These sewers, meant to be my tomb, have instead been the cradle of my new life.

And I owe it all to her, my Glorious Queen.

It is in the shadows, when all Hope is Lost, that a bright light bathes you in Divine Radiance. I slogged and I bled and I fought for my life in those sewers, but in the end, I persevered and upon her countenance, was I blessed with Paradise in the bowels of The Mercy.

She said she would bless me. She would transmute my flesh in remembrance of all the sins committed against me and in so doing... grant me power.

I have been reborn. I am something new. Something beyond what any here could ever aspire to.

Death could not hold me. It now cowers in a corner as I rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. A Harbinger of Change to a world swept into turmoil. And so, my blade will be raised in her name and hers alone.

I shall bring down those unfit to be a part of her kingdom. None shall escape the cleansing I bring forth. And now that I have been given these lower runts obsessed with fowl, I will march across The Mercy and bring forth her tenets, weeding out the weak and taking the strong in her name.

And in so doing, I shall claim my revenge on those that abandoned me to die below. I am coming, Isobel. Pray to your goddess far away.

For mine is already here.

Originally from IC #2, Post #269



I know this is sudden, but I'm going to be getting some time off soon.

We've completed most of our work on the new "project" (sorry, you know I can't talk about work), so they're giving us some time off as a reward for all our hard work.

All the staff are leaving tomorrow and we'll finally be getting out of this country.

I'm heading straight back to Ulduran, and I can't wait to get home and see everyone.

More than that, I think I'll just be happy to get away from "the high and mighty" Overseer Gorf.

Gorf's a guy that has been given "Sovereignty" over this facility. I will look past the fact he's a half orc and those guys usually can't even read, but there is something different about that guy. Can't put my finger on it. Never mind that that they gave him one of the advanced MA-39 Cerberus specimens and well...

The important thing as that I finally get to go home! It seems like ages since I left this place. My mind is going crazy down here, I tell you. But can't complain- it was hard work, but I am sure the money should have arrived to Ulduran as promised by our employer. Can't wait to count it together, since there is now ay I am carrying that much cash around on my own.

But forget all that.

What matters is that I should be back home within the next few days. When I get back, I'll give you a call. We gotta go out and get smashed. I could use the break.

Talk to you soon.

Originally from IC #2, Post #269


I still do not understand how in the Nine Hells was I released from that Death Camp called St. Noria's.

That bastard Clavius, he came up to me and Felg with that guy... the guy with the hat. Some big shot here called Hathway. Warden Clavius kept looking at the guy as he told us we were 'rehabilitated' and 'no longer a menace to society'. That we were free to go.

Imbeciles. Killing is in my blood! Never mind my cellmate. Clavius told us that we ought to relocate to The Mercy, where our skills will be better put to use and 'help the downtrodden'.

Right... help. Even Felg didn't buy that one, and he's as smart as a bag of rocks. Well, whatever. That Hathway guy gave us a free ride here and immediately, it became clear we were sent to do business.


Felg and I have been put in contact with some bad mother by the name of Kara.. or Subject Kara, as she corrects me each time I get it wrong. Best not get in her way. I have seen my fair share of cutthroats and this one even gives the half orc pause. Still, this place is rife with low lives to exploit and butcher, but just as we arrived, Kara told us we'd be reporting to a freak by the name of Asgrim. Never heard his name before. Not in Halmathan and not in St. Noria's. Some warlord in this place who seems to know the in and out of things.

It seems The Mercy is ran by a guild of sorts- a Society. Good. It's been awhile since I had a crew of my own. Asgrim has told me that the Society is well organized, and I will get my just rewards in due time, but first, he insists that we get some people in a list. Bunch of names. None I know of.

Why do they want these people, anyways? Extortion? I could put a dozen of them together and probably shake enough coppers out of them to make a single silver! They're going about this the wrong way!

But it's comply or have to deal with Kara, Something I am not looking forward to.

http://st.gde-fon.com/wallpapers_original/373982_art_dver_peshhera_cherep_putnik_fakel_letuc hie_1680x1050_www.Gde-Fon.com.jpg

Felg has been missing for a few days already. He hasn't shown up at our regular meeting spot and without the musclebound fool I am not going out to get these people Asgrim wants.

I let that freak know about this and he simply chuckled beneath that mask he always wears.

"Oh, halfling... you will be seeing him soon enough. He's entertaining royalty right now.""

Royalty here? And they call me insane. This is why you don't drink sewer water, kids. At any rate, Asgrim's 'family' has been helping me get a few vagrants off the streets. They will let me walk with them all the way to the main entry tunnel, but so far, I have been denied access to that door.

What the hell are they keeping beyond it? I swear I heard shrieks. Nothing I have heard from any man or beast before.

Let sleeping dogs lie? I don't think so!


An odd fellow has been brought into our elite circle. A human by the name of Gram. He says that he's seen Divinity in the bowels of The Mercy, amidst the stagnant sewers.

Another nut case, but Asgrim says he is not to be bothered. This zealot has set his eyes on a small gang in The Mercy- The Roosters. He says he will guide them from now on and that any getting in his way will meet a swift end.

Tough talk for a glorified bum. Once I figure out where Felg is, I just might pay this Gram bloke a visit and introduce him to Felg's great axe.


Felg's returned, but what the hell happened to him? Where did he go all this time? He's acting strange- stranger than usual. Mentioned something about a Queen and how we are now to serve her. Calls himself Subject Felg.

I should've have known our parole from St. Noria's was not out of the kindness of the warden and those above him. Something very messed up is going on in the Mercy and I suspect that forces as of yet unseen are guiding these acts.

I got my chance to sneak past that door, using the key, See what's on the other side...

I wish I had not- I kill for a living, but this is sick! What the hell are they doing with all these people? And what's with those flowers? They keep them enshrined, like some idol.

I happened to see one of Asgrim's many lists and started reading the names.

I should have known. Rehabilitation my ass! I'm getting out of here!

Originally from IC #2, Post #279
Subject Name: Grunn'k, Felg

Code: 000-A6F

Race: Half Orc

Gender: Male

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 250 pounds

Blood Type: A

Subject Felg as of this report has undergone the following changes as per the Ubersoldstadt Program

Vitals: Positive

Dominant Plaga Synchronization: 100%

Strength increase: 100%

Stamina increase: 85%

Status: Dormant

Originally from IC #2, Post #286
(Addendum: IC #3, Post #156)

FLAWED was written in blood on this one

The same painting was found in Alexia's Facility on the Specimen Storage floor entrance with the following inscription:

Dr. Aloyshus Cutter, Grand Master Flaw of Transmutation at Runestone Academy

2017-12-15, 10:18 PM
Gorf's Facility (Part 2 of 2)

Originally from IC #2, Post #336


The following report details the execution of your orders.


All research personnel boarded the transport vehicle. Luggage was sent onboard prior to boarding so as to create a sense of calm amongst staff.


Left research facility and headed towards the Marina.


Sleep gas was released and targets for elimination and processing all fell into a coma.


Transport vehicle was stopped and targets were brought inside to be dealt with according to psych evaluations.


Disposal of targets finished.


Targets' bodies were collected and brought back to the research facility.


Bodies disposed of in the furnace along with all personal effects.


Completed immolating all bodies and personal effects. Remaining subjects sent to stasis. All orders successfully carried out.

End of report.

Originally from IC #2, Post #336


Regarding the New Combinant Organism

May 6
A fire broke out during the test for loading Las Plagas onto the Dragon's Flight. This required a temporary Level 4 (BL-4) quarantine for the immediate area.

May 11

It's been five days since the area was put under quarantine. There have been reports of an animal undergoing a strange and rapid mutation. Eye-witness accounts indicate the creature possesses a very hard epidermis. No viral cysts related to Las Plagas have been reported, however.

I speculate that we are dealing with something that has been influenced by the Virus and a Spurt of the Far Realm coupled with the latent energies used to power the Dragon's Flight- a surge, not unlike those that awakened Las Plagas years ago.- rare occurrence to be sure. Perhaps tomorrow I will put together an investigation team to procure a sample specimen.

May 12

I sent a lightly armed team to investigate the sightings of this strange creature, making sure to give them as little information as possible so as to observe maximum results on this new organism.

Another team had to be deployed to retrieve the corpses of the first team, which had been dismembered by something extremely sharp. There were also multiple stab wounds that appeared to be made by a giant spear.

Trace amounts of a peculiar chemical substance were detected on the eyes of some of the corpses. What kind of mutant organism we are dealing with is still unknown at this time. According to the initial investigation, we could be dealing with a new type of B.O.W. Based on the creature's style of attack, I have codenamed it "Reaper" for the time being.

Of course, more data on this creature is still required before a thorough analysis can be submitted and brought to my service,

Gorf's voyerism
Originally from IC #2, Post #340
*Watching Vim, Donna and Isobel*

Originally from IC #2, Post #342
*Watching Soraya*

Originally from IC #2, Post #344
*Watching Drakan*

Originally from IC #2, Post #346
*Watching Cordelia*

Originally from IC #2, Post #349
*Watching Ketra*

Originally from IC #2, Post #349
*Watching Calliope*

Gorf's Facility (cont.)
Originally from IC #2, Post #354


A blue ring has been embedded inside the pages, carefully cut around the book for it to make a perfect fit.



February 3rd, 1978

Administrated a Dominant Plaga strain into 4 leeches.

Their will to survive leads them first to parasitism and predation. Then they breed and multiply.

Such a single-minded biology makes them attractive candidates for bio-weapons research.
Afterwards, no major changes observed.

February 10th, 1978

7 days since administration. Rapid growth to double former size, signs of transformation emerging.
Spawning successful.

They double their numbers in one hour, but their ravenous appetites lead them to cannibalism.
Hastened to increase food supply, but lost 2.

March 7th, 1978

Provided them with live feed, but lost half when the live food fought back.
However, the leeches are learning from experience, and are beginning to exhibit group attack behavior.

They are also ceasing cannibalism.
Their evolution is exceeding expectations.

April 22nd, 1978

The leeches no longer exhibit individual behavior, even when not feeding.
They move as collective.

They consume everything I offer with remarkable efficiency.

April 30th, 1978

Father sent someone to check on my experiments.
Can a human be a food source?
How will the leeches respond?

June 3rd, 1978

A day worthy of commemoration.
Today they begin to mimic me!

Surely they recognize their Creator.

Wonderful children.
You shall pave the way to a New Kingdom under my guidance...

End of Gorf's Facility

2017-12-15, 10:33 PM
Alexia's Manor (Part 1 of ?)

Originally from IC #2, Post #391


Young Sir Alfred,

Congratulations on your succession as master of the Ashford family.

I hereby present you with an earthenware vase, according to the Ashford family tradition.

As you may know, this tradition first began when a butler presented a golden teacup as a commemorative to Veronica. As founder of the Ashford family, her intelligence and beauty are legendary, having attained worldwide acclaim as one of Oerth's finest Minds in the Arcane.

The second and third, masters, Stanley and his son Thomas, were also presented with similar teacups. It was their hope to achieve glory as Lady Veronica did before them.

Unfortunately, Sir Stanley suffered a grievous wound. A jousting tournament gone sour, and so, his life was spent in pain, with a never closing wound that would take him to his deathbed.

Sir Thomas would rise immediately after his passing. Yet, rather than elevating the proud Ashford name, Sir Thomas spent his days in leisure and squander, contemplating the finer aspects of art. His position as Master of the family ended abruptly after one fatal meal...

The position as family master then shifted from Sir Thomas to his brother Sir Arthur, an accomplished tactician and Master in the Arts of Warfare both mundane and magical.

Sir Arthur is said to have formed the first regiments of The Royal Guard that protect this fine City.

The title of Master went to Sir Edward, your grandfather. That was when the Ashford family enjoyed its Golden Age.

It was Sir Edward's achievement that established the large enterprise along with Lord Bardak, the Skylarios Metalworks Corporation, appropriated Karyllyn's Mine and began the construction of the Dragon's Flight.

However, when Sir Edward passed away, your father Sir Alexander, dubbed as the Saaviest Man in Halmathan succeeded the position. It is here that the glorious Ashford family gradually began to sink...

I sincerely hope that the Ashford family regains its glory with your guidance, just as this vase continues to shine eternally.

Jarvis Harman

Loyal Butler of the Ashford family

Originally from IC #2, Post #405








The true ruler of the Ashford Family shows herself:


Originally from IC #2, Post #406


Originally from IC #2, Post #421


There is a plaque below:

Sir Alexander Ashford

Originally from IC #2, Post #463


Hello. I am Alexander Ashford. If you are seeing this, it means that either the Progenitors have been disposed of and the device has sensed actual people in the room to communicate my message, or Alexia has taken this device and hid it from the world.

I hope it is the former.

Sir Alexander pauses in thought as he turns his gaze to the left and right. He seems hurried in this message.

I am not a good father. Allow me to get that off my chest. As a royal, I was lauded as one of the finest, maintaining an air of superiority and grandeur to overshadow any other family of lineage in Halmathan. I always procured to show off the best my family had to offer. As such, when Alexia and Alfred where born, I sent both to the best schools not only here, but abroad.

My legacy was the most important thing at the time. A mechanical logic, which estranged me from my children. I am glad that Alfred did not follow my strict mentality and rebelled one too many times, resulting in him running away from home. At the time, I was ashamed of the stain he had left. Today, I wish I had ran off with him.

Alexia, on the other hand, was the family jewel. Some say she was the direct reincarnation of our family's founder. She would be the one to usher in a second Golden Age for the Ashford family. To that point, I sent her off to Runestone Academy to focus her studies while keeping a close eye on her...for bragging rights.

Through the projection, sounds can be heard not too far away from Sir Alexander's position. The man goes off the screen and the sound of furniture can be heard being pushed against the wall. The Ashford noble comes back and continues relaying is message, wary as he keeps looking to the right side, which would be the area you came in.

The money spent on her education paid off...too well. Alexia is, by the very definition of the word, a genius. She was mentored by Doctor Cutter away from the Academy. Something I agreed on to keep her mind solely focused and avoid distraction from her peers. I did not know that Cutter would end up being manipulated by Alexia. Something in her mind... something unnatural. It would seem our family was cursed from the very beginning. Even as a child, she had a superiority complex that was inadvertently pushed forward by me. It would take me some time to realize that Alexia had been hatching a plan all along- She desires to rule the City...and possibly more.

Many of the staff have fallen to her experiments already. Jarvis, our butler, being one of her first subjects, has taken most of the house staff into the labs below. Now, she is coming after me. It is her belief that only the purest blood will produce the finest experiments. I could have gone to his majesty, but I thought, as a father, that I could have stopped her. It dawned upon me too late that I never was a father, only in title.

Please, listen carefully. There is a way to stop Alexia. I know she suffers inside. I want to believe that. There is a way to put her down for good. By the time this information is seen, chances are she will have already gone through her experiment, making her into something...else.

There is a key, a five part key in the shape of a golden dragonfly, our family's emblem. I foolishly left the key in my room and Alexia took it, separating it over the house and the lab below. Access to the lab will require three proofs of our family. I hold one. another was left behind by Alfred...and the last one is with Alexia.

That key will open a vault below this house which should give you access to a weapon to put her down for good...

As a father, this is very difficult to ask for anyone. But please, whether you are on this City's side or not, help her before she unleashes this thing onto the world...

2017-12-15, 10:39 PM
Alexia's Manor (Part 2 of ?)

Originally from IC #2, Post #479
Artwork on the Hallway

Druidic Jubilee at Gleendale Park

Lady Andrea Ashford, Matron of Hope's caress and its idyllic wonders

Originally from IC #2, Post #491

Grant the Fake Star to the Cherub, that he may be Delighted and Fooled

Ashford Residence

Completed on December 8th

Originally from IC #2, Post #557


My father, Edward, discovered the Las Plagas in Karyllyn's Mine. He studied them for the purpose of an alternate solution to conventional Healing methods employed by the Churches.

These creatures- Las Plagas... who knows how long they were fossilized in the bowels of that mine. It took a sizable crew to unearth them.

Eventually their study took shape. The Las Plagas proved to be a source of Power unknown as of yet. Malleable through both magical and alchemical means, this new life form, invisible to the naked eye, has the potential to heal the body at an astounding rate. So far, on par with the curative methods employed by divine means...

Yet something is wrong. The body does heal. In some cases, more so than we had estimated... but the mind, it becomes fractured.

After the few initial trials, I decided to shut down all studies on these Plagas. When my father passed away, I asked his Majesty to have the mine shut down completely.

Yet, unknown to me, Alexia had already procured a sample- the first excavated. One we classified as Queen Plaga.

I am aware of the power my daughter has. And so, I asked Cutter to keep an eye on her. To monitor the experiments, but ultimately, to lead her away from that research. I am convinced they were hidden and sealed for a reason.

However, with my father's death and Cutter's mental decay, Alexia sheltered herself within the Safe Sanctum I built years ago and has begun experimenting on the very staff...

I have attempted to talk Alexia out of this obsession she has. I have warned her, but she is completely driven. The fact that Cutter supports her does not help. Alfred has chosen to leave. Who knows where. Andrea has decided to speak to our daughter, but she has been missing for days now...

I have disgraced the honorable name of the Ashford family that our great ancestor Veronica established, despite what Alexia may claim, that she is her reincarnation on Oerth.

If nothing is done, Alexia will see her plans to fruition. I must act quickly. Cutter devised a way to stop her before he too succumbed to the mad experiments both have become so obsessed with.

I must be very careful now- my own home is a death trap. My staff wanders the halls of my house...changed. The once lavish palace that was the Ashford manor is now a haven for monsters.

After much thought, I have decided to brave the Inner Sanctum, where Alexia holds her vile experiments and have completed Cutter's design. It is well hidden, but I suspect that my daughter will become privy to my actions very soon.

And Andrea... my beloved Andrea- I am so sorry.

Now, all I can do is conceal my final message. These creatures are nearly mindless monsters. They cannot possibly comprehend how to activate the device with the instructions- only the Ashford Family Crest can activate it. Sadly, in my haste, Jarvis took it from me and I do not know where it is. As for my message, I can only hope it is well hidden in the West Wing Study

For security purposes, this confidential project will be given a code name. It is the same name of the beautiful ancestor of the Ashford family, who now is said to have been "reborn" within Alexia.

This may very well be the last missive I ever write. Where blades and spells have failed, maybe a father's words will sway her....

There was also a broken record, but that was took later by Elizandra (but Hannibal doesnt know it IC).

Originally from IC #2, Post #572

The Return of Neptune

Originally from IC #2, Post #626


May 5th

Jarvis sent me a memo, instructing me to supervise the MA 124's strength and land adaptability by providing live bait. That isn't a problem- we get so many people down here on a daily basis that data has exceeded original expectations.

The Gamma series turned out better than original predictions stipulated. Aesthetics could use some work, however. Although intellectually limited, they are quite efficient, especially in underwater scenarios.

The problem is keeping these creatures docile. I understand they are working on the Control Plaga to make them obedient, but so far, we have lost dozens of our own staff members. These things are getting out of control and the almighty Alexia is nowhere to be found. I have filed a request to Jarvis to have the armory restocked. We can't have another incident like the one last time and my men are researchers, not soldiers.

May 24th

Jarvis sent me a memo- does the guy even speak? He said that soldiers would be sent soon and to transfer all of Cutter's samples to Specimen Storage. Why? Those are outdated models. We can barely control the Gamma series and he wants us to deal with those freaks from Cutter's? The place looks like a freak zoo rather than a research facility now.

June 1st

Had an argument with Mark, one of my fellow colleagues today. He says Jarvis ordered him to hide something of great importance in Specimen Storage. And later, that we were tasked with finding it. I know where it is, but without the key, it's impossible getting to it!

Mark will not say where the key is. And I think he knows. Thought about pulling a knife on him to make him talk, but the man's disappeared.

I was also told that the Gamma program is being scrapped for a superior version. I did not get a memo about this and I am a senior researcher here!

I will scold that idiot Mark later, but not before letting her Highness know that this is not the way we do research, dammit!

June 2nd

I may not have thought this through, in hindsight. I got an audience with her- first time ever. Definitely the last. She mentioned that there would be testing going on- and we are part of it...

That's not what I was told initially. I think it's time for me to pack my things and leave this place. Sir Alexander has been missing for some time now and he was the voice of reason. No way am I sticking around to find out what that crazy girl has in store for me.

Originally from IC #2, Post #636


I cannot believe I got a job working here, for the Ashford family!

Sure, many would scoff or be disturbed at the idea of working who knows how many feet underground, but you know what? It's nice down here. They use some thing- a- ma-bob to keep the air clean and sometimes, it even smells like spring roses! Makes you forget you are all the way down here.

Sir Alexander is quite a catch... but best not flirt with him. Too much. Lady Ashford is said to have quite a temper. I think she saw me "ogling" at her husband the other day and gave me a stare down. I wasn't ogling- my eyes just tend to wander, that's all.

Why was she down here anyways? It's a bunch of egg heads. Shouldn't she be, I don't know, having some garden tea party or something? it's all I hear she hosts in Hope's Caress.

I decided to take a tour of the place. The front desk is nice and all, but what is it with all those big metal things they carry in and out? A night stroll before clocking out shouldn't be a problem, right?

Wrong. I found Sir Alexander's daughter, Alexia. She was... hell, I don't know what she was doing but she had this man in some sort of water tank and he did not look well. What was she doing to him?

I don't think she saw me. I hope not, as I ran to the elevator and took off.

It's gone really quiet here lately. The staff keeps coming in, but they all look a bit sick. Pale even. Alexia showed up and stared at me with that creepy Doctor Cutter, who walked away as she simply smiled and gave me a potted plant, saying that it was a gift.

Who am I to refuse a gift from a little girl, right? I mean, her father does pay my salary... but I have been feeling a little sick lately. Perhaps one of the many doctors here can tell me what I have.

Originally from IC #2, Post #707
And then you look at a metal plaque on its center:

Finney, Howard

T-001 Prototype

Originally from IC #2, Post #712

Biochemistry Lab 2-B


Ten days have passed since the accident and the plant at Point 42 is growing amazingly fast.

It has been affected by the catalysts differently than other flora we have experimented on and shows unique shape in addition to its size. Looking at the way it behaves, it is now difficult to determine what kind of plant it was originally.

It is my hypothesis that we may be dealing with not only a plant as a base for the new form, but also REDACTED. If this is indeed the case, then I must present my resignation papers and leave this installation immediately, before she takes notice.

There are two ways in which Plant 42 gathers nutrition. The first one is through its main root that reaches into the Aqua Ring Chemical Lab.

Immediately after the accident, one of our colleagues went mad and broke the water tank in the basement. Now the Aqua Ring is filled with water. It is easily imaginable that some chemical elements were blended in the water and promoted the incredibly fast growth of Plant 42. It's main body has grown in Cultivation, but entering the main chamber there is not only impossible, but suicidal.

As of the date of this dossier, Plant 42 has been able to siphon magic at an astounding rate in an indiscriminate manner. A few of our test subjects were even taken over after death and turned into a symbiote of the plant, working its will when its roots were not able to access prey.

Once sensing movement, Plant 42 shoots its vines around the prey and holds it. Then it starts sucking up blood and magic, using the suckers located at the back of its vine.

It also has some intelligence. It blocks the door to its pod chamber in Cultivation by twinning its vines around it especially when it captures prey or is sleeping.

Several staff members have already fallen victim to this.

Off the record, it is my belief that the "accident" was orchestrated by an inside job, so as to foster Plant 42's siphoning properties. If this is indeed the case, I may have to work on a solution. Thankfully, none here are yet privy to my suspicions. Much less that child Alexia.

I need to alert the authorities about this, but only once I have completed the formula. Otherwise, it will be impossible to stop its growth.

Howard Finney,

2nd Division Druid and Transmuter

Originally from Help in the Depths IC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?544674-Help-in-the-Depths-IC), Post #12


The Key to the Chamber of Chronos

Lord Alexander had this room built in the mansion as a way to relax from outside interference. This, I cannot blame him for.

Lately, with that child of his running away, I can only imagine he wishes to meditate on the current situation at hand.

With so many missing and sights around the manor of a most grotesque nature, many have attempted to find him in his room of seclusion.

However, even if we know where the Chamber is, the door was built to be inaccessible. There is no doorknob for starters and only he has a way to get in.

It’s something related to Time, an item we all see everyday related to it. I know what it is, but I cannot find that item in particular to gain access to that room. And even if we did, we'd have to use the right sequence.

Oddly enough, the time sequence to open the door matches the date this place was built

But where could that piece be secreted? After Sir Alexander’s disappearance , all relevant items to move around the manor and labs have been purposely moved and hidden. Trying to find them caries its own risk- none here are crafty or strong enough to survive the traps and creatures beset upon us.

It almost seems like she is toying with us! A petulant little child? Impossible!

2017-12-15, 11:49 PM
Alexia's Manor (Part 3 of ?)

Originally from IC #2, Post #873

Pixie infant, twenty springs old

An Analysis on Nightmares

Originally from IC #2, Post #903


Using Dr. Cutter's base schematics, we have been able to reproduce the "Adam" series of Bioweapons. Those created by the doctor were sound physically, but when it came to tactics and enhanced abilities, they were, as Lady Alexia deduced, an evolutionary dead end.

This was not a deterrent for her and us- the Plaga Parasite has been refined by her Ladyship to an uncanny degree. It is able to rewrite the subject's cellular information down to its genetic code, enabling us to create a vastly superior living weapon, conditioned to understand and carry orders with 100% efficiency.

A side effect of the Prototype Line is that, while their strength, endurance and agility are formidable, they are not aesthetically ready to be deployed above ground. The process is extremely dangerous and the Plaga will remake human tissue to better adapt and create a new form. This leads us to an unsightly specimen, but her Ladyship has assured us that this new appearance should not be seen as a flaw, but rather as an improvement.

This would later be revealed during trial battles. A single Prototype was able to take on well armed infantry and SMC attack constructs. A glaring flaw was observed during pincer attack formations against it, which required extensive medical care afterwards. This resulted in several Prototype Series having to be disposed during initial trials.

Still, it's method of incapacitating targets is not the most refined, but it is certainly efficient at what it was designed to do.

Of note, the Prototype works, but it has yet a lot of room for improvement. We shall be producing a few more before moving to the official Ubersoldstadt Program, just to make sure everything goes as planned.

Still, the fact that Lady Alexia was able to create these at the young age of ten is remarkable. I cannot wait to see what the new models will look like in a few years!

These will reshape Halmathan's future in the military industry. Let there be no doubt about it.

Originally from IC#2, Post #976


Patient Name: Cordelia White

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Skills: Martial mastery, stealth, minor spell casting abilities

Blood Type: A

Proposal: The world has been plagued with tales of supernatural creatures. these range from beings dubbed as "vampires" to "werewolves"and everything in between. It is my initial belief that these are not supernatural occurrences, but rather, a viral mutation. The ignorant masses, unable to comprehend this, just call it "magic", but there is always a scientific approach. And I believe such candidates have been found.

Subject Cordelia is a prime candidate for the Inceptum Vespertilio Program. Her abilities as a homo sapiens are already remarkable, but that provides her clout. A way needs to be procured to make her death apparent to everyone. in order for the experiment to be successful.

Once she has been "buried", the Subject is to be transferred to The Facility and put under her Indoctrination Program and later transferred to Control for final preparations.

Final Thoughts: If this specimen is able to survive, her latent abilities will be awakened by a hundred percent, making Subject Cordelia a prime Bio Weapon unlike any seen. Her memories will have been replaced completely and we shall be able to implant whatever belief we want onto her synapse.

This should be the window we need to further the Ubersoldsatdt Initiative.

2018-01-07, 01:21 PM
Alexia's Manor (part 4 of ?)
Originally from IC 2, Post #1125


Update on the Ashford-1562 Submarine Explorer

Lady Alexia,

As per your instructions, the deep sea exploration vehicle you designed years ago has been modified with the latest improvements known to Oerth. It is already a formidable machine, but the fact you asked for defense systems in it is rather puzzling.

Your father wanted this machine for undersea exploration, not combat. Still, after the blueprints you sent me, my team and I have prepped it accordingly. I cannot fathom why you want it assembled this way, but it is done.

I shall be overseeing the finishing touches for the Dragon's Flight. It is a miracle you have it running again after so many years.

As per your instructions, the Ashford-1562 Submarine Explorer is docked in Bay 02 in the Aqua Ring, ready for deployment. I am still concerned as to why you asked specifically for such an odd device to be used as an ignition key, but i am sure you have your reasons.

As always, a pleasure making business with you, Please send Sir Alexander my kindest regards.

Chief Engineer,

Tanking Greasesprocket

Originally from IC 2, Post #1125
Then you look at other screens, which show different... creatures? But they are all in some sort of stasis. The text above them reads "Aqua Ring"on the top right corner:


Subject Name: Clementia

Race: Sirine

Status: Stasis induced Sleep. Phobos Program running at 100% rate


Subject Name: Eldin

Race: Thorn

Status: Stasis induced Sleep. Phobos Program running at 100% rate


Subject Name: Maraphas

Race: Dryad

Status: Stasis induced Sleep. Phobos Program running at 100% rate

Originally posted at IC #2, Post #1294

There is no door knob and the hands of time are missing.

Originally posted at IC #2, Post #1294

Place upon me the Messenger of Heaven, that I may be blinded by its Holy Light

Originally posted at IC #2, Post #1303


Grant me Peace of Everlasting Darkness to survive this Ennui

2018-01-24, 08:16 PM
Alexia's Manor - Aqua Ring floor (part 5 of ?)


Subject: M1-03 Delta

Code name: Scarmiglione

Observations: In order to achieve true Rulership over the City of Halmathan, it is necessary to control not only the City itself, but the areas surrounding it.

The City of Power has boasted a Marina for centuries, exchanging goods not only with far away continents, but also with species that inhabit the deep trenches of the ocean. Some of these, like the Homo Aventis, is an offshoot of the Homo sapiens, adapted to live on land and water without any hindrance, however as test subjects go, there is little that can be done to improve upon them. Human subjects abound in the City, so procuring Aventi for experimentation is an exercise in futility and wasted resources.

Not too long ago, an Icthyo Sapiens with considerable sorcerous powers demonstrated her might in my facility. Naturally, her powers are limited, befitting a flawed race such as hers, however, this did provide valuable data- I had Jarvis purchase several Ichtyo Sapien eggs years ago for research into deep sea exploration and combat. The F-103 is already a formidable specimen, but its size can be a deterrent when deployed into small areas that cannot accommodate its mass.

As such, embryonic tampering was initiated using a Control Plaga in the cultivation tanks. It matters not how Brilliant a Mind as mine can be, if the host is flawed from a genetic level, no amount of clinical expertise can achieve favorable results.

Only a few were disposed of. It was not a wasted purchase after all. Those that survived the assimilation process were redesigned using an added Xenacanthus DNA to produce a more resilient specimen. Additionally, grafted weaponry was included in their design, which assimilated into their bone structure.

Final Observations: The Scarmiglione Units are a triumphant achievement of Science over Nature. A downside is that they are born sterile, but that can be mitigated by acquiring more Icthyo Sapien embryos. More importantly, the M1-03 Delta can be as effective on land as they are under water, not requiring the transmutation Fins to Feet, used by those few in their species that can muster such a spell.

Boogeyman's Interview
Originally posted at IC #3, Post #111

The head reeks and more so when it speaks, carrying the smell of the grave which inundates the room as Ross covers his nose and the questions are asked.

1. Will you answer the truth if we use your answers to kill Alexia for good?

What do you think...?

2. What Alexia did to herself that required her to hibernate?

The Grand Archmage's Treatises

3. Does Alexia have any vulnerability or flaw that you know of?

... yes.

4. What does the ring you possessed (the one with a green gem) open?

Hell's Door

5. How can we stop the Crimson Head menace?


6. Does Alexia control Connor's actions somehow?

Many strings pull here....

And having said that, Cutter's head ceases to speak and closes its eyes. The spell is done and Ross bids you to bag it and take it out of his sight.

Alexia's Facility - Specimen Storage
Originally from IC #2, Post #1360


I cannot believe I was assigned to see over this place!

In the City, I was considered a master animal handler. The great and peerless Jamendithas Tarmikos! The man that can tame any game . I dare say that there are none that can match up to me when it came to domesticating any and I mean ANY animal. You can take that statement to the bank!

But of course, damn druids took my job away before I could rise to fame. Can't compete in animal training when you can't speak their damn bloody language! Suddenly, all those hippie bastards covered in furs, chirping and neighing and barking... they are the ones who ought to be put in a zoo, dammit!

And when all seemed lost and debts accrued and none would give me a job, that's when that guy Jarvis approached me. Saying that they were handling some special game in Hope's Caress. Some rich weirdo by the name of Ashford. Never heard of the guy before, but that pouch Jarvis carried sure was heavy and well...

I do need money if I am to rebuild my reputation.



So it turns out that this is some sort of pen? Or a zoo? The place is designed like a many tiered dungeon, narrowing down the more your descend.

They say the "animals" here belonged to some guy named Cutter. Is it THE Cutter? Nah! That's impossible. They killed all those things. They say the King himself ordered the Guard to wipe them all out and yet... here we are.

The things kept inside are like nothing I have ever seen before. They got people... or so I thought at first, when I got closer to one of the cages. Nearly got my face slashed clean off! What the hell are these things?! They aren't animals. Some look like animals, but a trained eye like myself can tell they aren't the ones I have met up with in my many world famous travels across the globe.

None I have seen... except maybe the boa, but even that thing's huge. I've hunted a bunch of animals the world over. Never seen one that big. What are they feeding them anyway?


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Die_eiserne_Jungfrau_in_Feistritz%2C_von_Au%C3%9Fe n.jpg/585px-Die_eiserne_Jungfrau_in_Feistritz%2C_von_Au%C3%9Fe n.jpg

They started bringing more weird crap today. As if the creatures here are freakish already, they brought these down in pairs, hoping to mate. It's like some twisted Noah's Ark down here, with feathered freaks and furred creeps and with me as...Noah? I guess I'll take that as compliment.

Some metal containers are chained to the ceiling of the cages in the lower levels. The egg heads advised EXTREME caution when and if handling whatever's inside. I don't need to be told twice. I'm not a moron. Fine by me! In fact, I suggested the other beasts to be fed some of my own feed, which I am soon to market in the City. But noooo:

"These specimens require live feed.""

I have seen animals feed before. Many times. An animal eats out of necessity, but these creatures... they don't feed like any animal topside. They toy with their prey, tearing their limbs apart and leaving it alive for a minute or two before disemboweling. And those are the smaller ones. I asked for extra security down here when opening the cages, but was told that it wouldn't be necessary- as long as they 'hear the lullaby'- some music that goes into the fine piano on the second level. I can't play an instrument to save my life, but whenever I place that tune on, it relaxes them. This way, I should be able to open the cages and drop the poor sons of bitches that are to become a happy meal.

I almost feel sorry for the people thrown in. Blindfolded and hog tied. They never see it coming, but they sure can hear it. I mentioned I almost feel sorry. It's funny how money washes away any moral qualms.

However, that damn piano piece has gone missing! Now how the hell do I calm these freaks? Well, I am an animal handler after all. Best in the whole City of Power!



Heard a story the other day. About some idiot named Stan. The guy used to work in some older facility and tried feeding some of the weirdos I have here. Got himself bit and I think he turned. They brought the guy that bit him...I am going to have to ask for twice my weekly pay. No way am I getting close to that cage, even if docile.

During one of my nightly rounds, I spotted one of the egg heads from Control snooping around my domain. Shot him in the leg for good measure and because it does get damn lonely here and talking to someone is far better than stuffing my ears with wax to avoid going insane. The guy says his name is Mark and that there is something in the basement that "we need to get out".

Mark... you are a fool. This is not your jurisdiction and I was told by Jarvis I could and should kill anyone found snooping around. Orders is orders. The freaks had an extra serving that night. I'm asking for an extra pay for that. Ammo costs, after all.



There is one of these creatures that is rather hard to keep in a cell. I call him Squiggly, because it just moves around with long arms that lack any bones and likes to steal things. Brings them back to his cell and hoards them.

I've seen a few trinkets brought in and whenever he leaves to stalk elsewhere in the mansion, I secure a few pieces for myself... and then I saw it.

What a damn fine piece of weaponry. Crafted by a master forger, no doubt. Too bad I am more of a bow and arrow type. That's one fine piece if I ever saw it. Too heavy for me to drag all the way up here, so I have it in my private stash room in the lower levels. Even Squiggly wouldn't dare go after it.



They brought some guy, Subject Barrin. Ugliest son of a bitch I have ever seen in my entire life. Makes everything else here look like a Miss Halmathan Pageant Contestant by comparison. Of course they had heavy armed men next to it all times. They have him in the lowest level, behind that door Mark was babbling about. A bunch of oil canisters have been placed around the area. I was told not to light a fire around the place, but they don't need to tell me that:

Getting into that door is impossible, even for me. Even if I disable the canisters, they have that damn device down there and like hell if I'm gonna try and solve it. The rich sure are weird.



Some bastard snuck in while I slept and messed up the cages and lift controls. Damn place is crawling with these creatures and I nearly got caught by surprise a few times. Of course, I am the world's finest hunter. I managed to put a few down, which were replaced by sedated replacements and back into the cages. I can only hope the cages and pulleys are working now. I was told an engineer came to fix them, but it must've been a quick fix- never saw the guy. Maybe a mage.

So it would seem that the guys upstairs have seen how well I perform my duties down here. One of them came with a snazzy looking briefcase filled with a bunch of bottles and vials and syringes. Says it's a new vitamin, to make me stronger in case the monkeys down here get wild again and run off. I don't need it, but hell, the money next to the briefcase did it for me. Now I feel really REALLY strong. Damn! I could probably take on all of these bastards solo if they choose to revolt...

But I have been having a headache since that visit. Best get one of those nerds down here and give me some pain pills ASAP!

Originally from IC #2, Post #1360


Notes on Series B-102A

Code name: Bandersnatch

Notes: In an attempt to begin designing my masterpiece, the Adam, I have come across a few technical and unexpected difficulties. Mainly, the host is unable to respond 100% to the Reanimation and Rebirth process. This usually leaves me with dead subjects or Crimson Heads. However, Transmutation has a way of being somewhat fickle in nature.

And so, after a few trials and tampering with the host's DNA, I have come across a brand new life form. It isn't the Adam series I had envisioned. If anything, it would be classified as a gap between what they were and what they ought to become.

Nevertheless, these new B.O.W.s, from now on called Bandersnatch, after Lewis Carol's book have very little to envy from its superior kin. A lack of an arm is compensated by extreme strength and reach from its one claw, able to reach distances close to twenty feet, making up for its reduced speed.

Their epidermis is quite durable, vulnerable only to the mightiest blows. A few elemental immunities, but not as many as I would have desired. Still, as combat weapons, they are quite reliable and easy to mass produce.

They can instill fear, but that isn't their true power. Theirs is brute strength and I can equal it with some of my earlier projects. Yes, I believe the Bandersnatch Series should be able to stand against anything she can create.

Originally from IC #2, Post #1360


Regarding the New Dual Organism

Subject: X-808A

Code name: Drain Deimos

Observations: After failing to create a counter to the Novistadors with Project Chimera, I returned to performing research on human beings spliced with Chiroptera DNA. The results were not as initially desired- these new specimens lack the cloaking abilities created by her. Human stock only goes so far. Still, I was able to bring forth a magnificent new creature.

The Drain Deimos, as my staff have nicknamed them, have decent stealth capabilities. Efficient enough against unwary prey. Like the Novistadors, they can expel acid, but it isn't as potent. As a counter measure, I installed a poison gland to make sure the acid is the least of their targets problems.

The real triumph here is their ability to latch onto prey. It is here that a Drain Deimos excels, able to bore into their victim's cranium and extract neural synapses from its victims, rendering them in some cases, comatose.

These specimens shall be looked into and perfected in years to come.

Originally from IC #2, Post #1360


Subject Name: Epsilon 307

Code Name: Eliminator

Observations: Before human testing began using the las Plagas, I decided to focus on animal testing. The closest thing that comes to a Homo sapiens is the Theropithecus gelada, a subspecies of the ape. Commonly known as a baboon.

Predictably, these specimens did not survive past the first week after administration of the Las Plagas, but their bodies did not remain inert for long. They rose from their cages seconds before being cremated and attacked my staff.

These would be the precursor to the Crimson Heads. Undead mammals that have retained a semblance of intelligence, are extremely fast and agile and can transmit infection through their bite.

No way known to control them outside of divine means have been researched as to the date of this dossier. Of note, they aren't much of a threat to a well armed and trained individual- never mind a group, but they are rarely found alone and are quite good ambushers.

Still...another failed product. Eliminators are to be disposed of on sight.

Originally from IC #3, Post #79


Regarding Project Putridmirage

Observations: In order to initiate Project Lepotitsa, several preliminary test trials have been performed on key subjects in Test Site 1. The results have been rather enlightening.

The subjects follow the Sleeper Agent program I have devised, notably in Subject "HB". In all respects, they respond to a nemonic scenario, usually a phrase. This initiates the Program fully and asserts my command over them. So far, side effects have been memory loss, but this has been circumvented by implanting false synapses into their memory receptors until their time has arrived to serve me.

The end result is a formidable new B.O.W that has proven to be very effective in the field of battle- particularly against his flawed creations. It should be noted that they fear Project Putridmirage. However, as formidable as it is- something that should come as no surprise since I created them- they are merely prototypes.

The Lepotitsa Program shall be the one to be deployed and asserted as a true handmaiden in my Kingdom.

2018-04-15, 12:38 PM
Alexia's Manor - Testing

Originally from IC #2, Post #1236 and again at IC #3, Post #718

Upon her Awakening, we shall be given the Fruit of Life.

Originally from IC #2, Post #1239

September 1968

At long last, the Testing Facility is complete! I had my doubts when I saw the blueprints. A design of such scale would take several lifetimes to build, but under Lady Alexia's brilliant guidance and keen use of resources have finally brought this place to be.

And she has appointed me head researcher! I must strive to show her how dedicated I am to her lofty cause.

October 1970

With Dr. Cutter operating in his own facility and sending us an abundance of test subjects, my job could not be any sweeter. They have to go through Indoctrination first... at least the less tame ones, but that just means that I get to savor the moment while they are treated over there.

And by the gods... is this incredible! The prowess the Human body can do under extreme mental duress is noteworthy. Never mind the obstacles placed in front of them. And all I have to do is sit back and push a few buttons. I have truly become master of my own domain!

Of course, I must not allow the other researchers to become aware that I enjoy this a little too much, lest they call in some meeting to evaluate us. But I doubt Lady alexia will allow them to remove me from office. She chose ME after all.

May 1998

Word around the workplace is that Dr. Cutter has been arrested... bummer. Now where are we going to get test subjects? Without any, I will lose all funding and credibility! We have advanced research by a hundred years in just over two decades. I sent Jarvis a memo, suggesting that we use some of Cutter's own experiments. The great Alexia has vanished. And without her, only Jarvis is competent enough around here.

It would seem that the old coot Cutter had a facility in the sewers. One of many. We had the samples brought in and expanded Specimen Storage. I get to work again!

January 2001

It is as initially predicted- Cutter's designs were born flawed and they die the same way. The Janus Models, the mammalian derived weapons... even the Custodian models were no match for our superior Bio Weaponry and tech. They are hardy- at least one.

But when you have the MA-101's fully prepped and synchronized, well... there isn't really much room for competition, is there? And I heard they are working on a fully finished Ubersoldstadt- The Adam. I heard some idiot botanist Finney over in Control was used as a template. Incomplete and definitely flawed, but what came after wards...

Well, she is called Halmathan's Brightest Mind for a reason, after all.

March 2015

Ever since "Ranger Rick" was assigned to Specimen Storage, I am not getting any subjects! The Novistadors in the sewers are eating any prey they catch and as a result, I am just expecting Jarvis to send me a memo, telling me this place is going to be closed. That I will be fired...

Can't have that. Won't have that. She chose ME to lead, not the other fools here!

Hmmm... one of them is celebrating a birthday soon. Frank Stuart, one of my fellow researchers. I offered to bake the cake for the surprise party. And I already have the ingredients with me:

2 cups sugar

1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour

3/4 cup Ulduran Cocoa

1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

2 eggs

1 cup milk

1/2 cup vegetable oil

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 cup boiling water

2 doses of Tetrodotoxin

2 doses of Bufotoxin

Happy birthday, Frank...

It was beautiful. They all ate that cake, oblivious to what would happen. The poison reduces heart rate to an almost death like nature. With enough time for me to place them in the testing Grounds. Their look over the monitors was exquisite, as they ran around and cursed my name..

Ah, the joys of human testing. Can't beat that. Too bad they didn't last that long.

May 2015

It has come to my attention that the MA-101's have escaped confinement. My staff is now, sadly, dead. I have requested Jarvis that more are sent here, but to my surprise, the one key needed to operate the Test is missing! Who took it and why? Without it, I cannot use it to control the Lady's wondrous design!

I have also been told that I am being... replaced? Some "Overseer" is to show up any time.

This bodes ill for my position as lead researcher. I will not allow this newcomer to usurp my hard earned position!

Originally from IC #2, Post #1249


Originally from IC #3, Post #739 and #746

1. What has hands but cannot clap?

2. A soul can only be seen through me. What am I?

3. A seven letter word containing thousands of letters. What is it?

4. What has 88 keys but can’t open a single door?

5. Feed me, I grow. Give me water, I die. What am I?

Followed by 6 paintings:



https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Another_Year_by_the_Old_Clock_%28Harper%27s_Bazar% 2C_Vol._III%29_MET_DP875262.jpg




Originally posted on IC #3, Post #796


Test Trial Results Number 136

Test Overseer: Subject 001- Sigma

Notes: These are the current subjects brought in in a span of a 30 days. All testing went with 100% efficiency rate as per your design, my Queen. Eagerly awaiting a new batch for further testing.

Aarons, Leon: Deceased after 10 minutes

Abadi, Richard: Deceased after 01 minute

Abbas, Madeline: Deceased after 01 day

Abbot, Carolyn: Deceased after 25 minutes

Abdulaal, Wesam: Deceased after 02 minutes

Abel, Kathryn: Deceased after 09 minutes

Abel, Stefanie: Deceased after 02 days

Abell, Catharine: Deceased after 0.5 seconds

Abendstern, Michele: Deceased after 01 minute

Abeykoon, Chamil: Deceased after 45 minutes

Babaei, Masoud: Deceased after 15 minutes

Babur, Muhammed: Deceased after 18 seconds

Roceran, Celaena: Successful Testing Trial. Transfered to Indoctrination

Backen, Alison: Deceased after 02 days

Backus, Peter: Deceased after 06 minutes

Blach, Senerain: Successful Testing Trial. Transfered to Indoctrination

Blach, Rothen: Deceased after 05 days

Badee, Justine: Deceased after 06 seconds

Tarmikos, Jamendithas: Successful Testing Trial.

Badri, Huda: Deceased after 16 minutes

Badrick, Ellena: Successful Testing Trial. Transferred to Indoctrination

Badrock, Andrew: Deceased after 16 minutes

Baeyens, Nicolas: Deceased after 16 minutes

Baffelli, Erica: Deceased after 10 minutes

Bagley, Jonathan: Deceased after 01 seconds

Asclepius Unit 1948: Testing still in Progress

Originally posted on IC #3, Post #796


Regarding the MA 101

Code Name: Hunter

Observations: Having acquired a surplus of Terra Sapiens or Dwarves as they are typically referred to by the mundane masses, I found myself with a vast genetic resource clamoring for true evolutionary potential.

The Sons of Stone as they have been known all over Oerth are indeed remarkable... in certain areas. Their resilience towards threats both physical and metaphysical makes them excellent candidates for the Rebirth process using Las Plagas.

From an evolutionary perspective, it is my duty as Halmathan's Brightest Mind to perfect them.

Using a Terra Sapiens as a base host, the viral strain, coupled with reptilian DNA and with the catalysts have brought forth a truly exemplary subject. The "Hunters", as my personnel have named them, live up to their name. High reflexes. Pack tactics. An advanced echolocation system and the ability to blend in any surrounding using chameleon blood in the Rebirth Process and the slight addition of a fragment of the legendary Vorpal Sword, makes for the MA 101 the perfect ambush predator, able to decapitate any prey.

The MA 101 are for more efficient when dispatched in pairs or more. It is then that their pack tactics programmed into their brain create the perfect ambush predator. Against living and non living targets, the Hunter has demonstrated to be peerless and deadly efficient. Alone, a Hunter is still a dangerous threat to ill prepared targets, but it defeats the purpose of its creation.

I also modified them to counteract any threat that would not fall under regular physical attacks. Certain life forms on Oerth can boast that they are far more resilient towards attacks that would neutralize a human or humanoid with ease. The MA 101 circumvents such defenses and overpowers targets like these with exceptional ease. Initial trials had them go against well seasoned transmuters using the Heart of X spells provided by me in advance...

Disposal time of Test Subjects was measured in a record six seconds.

Final Observations: A success as battle field subjects, the Hunters are to be deployed above ground and set loose in the districts to separate those unworthy at a genetic level from those deserving to be a part of my New Kingdom.

Posted originally on IC #3, Post #811

The iamge is no longer available, but it was a 3x3 panel with several childish buttons: a elf being striped of its clothes, a sun, a moon, a ladybug, a hunter, among others. each activated a trap on the Testing site.

Posted originally on IC #3, Post #1075



2018-06-27, 11:11 AM
Originally posted at IC #3, Post #1148

Then your eyes wander to another screen as a figure appears in stasis:


Information is displayed beside her:

Subject Name: Ketra

Race: Raptoran

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Blood Type: O+

Project Name: Starless Wings

Plaga Assimilation: 98%

Mental Psyncronization: 90%

Current Location: Inner Sanctum, Delta Hive