View Full Version : Optimization Living in Chaos build help

2017-12-16, 04:33 AM
So I was thinking what a wild magic sorcerer would look like with all spells that do random effects or have random elements. So spells like prismatic ray and Chaos bolt. Would you go 20 lvls into sorcerer or multi class into something else. Should you add in illusions for even more craziness? Essentially making a true wild mage where you have no idea if they are going to melt the enemy in seconds or if they are going to fireball themselves 4 times in a row but not before turning themselves into a sheep.

2017-12-16, 11:42 PM
Awesome. I see two ways to RP this: one who hates his "curse" that he can't control and regularly does whatever he can to try and minimize random chance (making preparations, planning, etc) taking skills and tools and feats that are focused on longer-term planning (like alchemist tools so he can toss an alchemist's fire instead of using his unreliable powers) including dipping Wizard (Diviner), or one who embraces chaos and believes that those who "weigh their dice" (term used in this case to apply to any kind of stacking the odds in your favor or consciously manipulating fate) are absolute insults to Lady Luck and takes the Lucky feat without the character consciously understanding how it works and pines for a Rod of Wonder above all other magical items while going pure Chaos Sorcerer.

Of course, going Chaos Sorcerer / Archfey Warlock might be interesting as well...

On a different note, does anyone have an opinion on the idea of allowing Chaos Sorcerers to use their Sorcery Points to trigger Wild Magic surges as an action?