View Full Version : I need advice with a one shot.

2017-12-16, 06:36 AM
My old dnd group is getting back together over winter break and we are each taking turns dming one shots. Mine in particular is meant to be a 2 day long session (not atypical for us) where the party has 1 in game day to find a way to over throw a kingdom (the reason for this is as of yet undecided). It is meant to be a pretty sandboxy ordeal, and I want them to pursue anything that fancies them, whether it be a political coup or finding an ancient relic that declares royal right, or a straight up murderpalooza. Still I am one guy and I only have a week or two at best to make all my prepped material for this.

What should I focus on? NPCs, maps, items? Encounters traps and puzzles? I get that I should make modular stuff I can throw in anywhere but a tavern is gonna have a very different layout to a dungeon and the NPCs and items therein would be equally different.

Any ideas of things I can throw in? perhaps old folktales I can throw at them as bread crumbs or a reason for them to be trying to overthrow the king.

2017-12-16, 05:34 PM
Stat out a the easy stuff for the guard and king and what not should they go the murder route. As far as finding the item, make it all random, random enemies, random loot aside from the quest item. If they do the role play politics just take it as it comes, I plan only small aspects of a lot of my games, especially if it's meant to be sandbox oriented, because if you plan for several hours and they group does something completely off what you planned, well then you're out all that planning.

2017-12-16, 09:33 PM
You might be able to nick some things from this: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?245994-City-State-of-the-Enigmatic-Overgnome-Recap